Does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects as to the technological capabilities to find the aspects of the individuals as to "The Modern Day Book (written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" in reference to the Montana trip in the first part of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip in the year of 2017 as to the miles of traffic that were backed up due to the red Huyndai as to the California plates of the White Dodge Grand Caravan as to the needless problems as to the situations caused because of such factors, including should it take a head injury as to figuring out if those people in that vehicle were who contacted the local law enforcement as to because of my getting away from such individuals as to the proven portion as to the needless stalking and harassment as to myself as well as my son and the individuals as to the miles of backed up traffic as to that situation as well as whatever other situations as to what has been capable to be found in such references?
Should it take a head injury to figure out in reference to my second Medal of Honor Art Project trip in the year of 2017 as to the needless situations as to the aspects of the similarity of the backed up traffic for miles as to the aspects of the similarity regarding then as to such even though the solar eclipse was not fully over yet as to the aspects of which having to pull over to the side of the road because of such needless drama as to what would constitute as needless harassment as well as stalking as well as the same aspects as to the trip earlier in the year as to the additional aspectds as to the sexual harassment because of the having to urinate because of the aspects of such needless problems as to those types of people as well as the aspects of the connected portions thereof as to any such accusations because of those people who actually caused the traffic in comparison to me, as should it take a head injury to figure out as to the reasons why such is considered as against my Constitutional Rights as to my Freedom of Religion as to each and every individual who decided to invite themselves without my ever having invited such officially because of the minimum requirements as to such aspects of the factors thereof to any such lining up of vehicles as to the aspects of such needless harassment across state lines which would not take a head injury to figure out if having been arranged by those from the earlier trip as to Montana 2017 as to blaming the wrong person for those situations as would it take a head injury to figure out the hypocrisy as to those types of people as to arranging such aspects especially when not my fault to begin with?
Would it take a head injury to figure out just because of the ease to figure out the area of travel of to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the aspects because of the map of the United States of America as to the facts of which does not give any rights to the aspects as to my Constitutional Rights and Amendments as to the aspects thereof, as should it take a head injury to figure out the problems as to such factors as to the needless problems in reference to the YOLO aspects of those types of needless problems in reference to clout aspects as would it take a head injury to figure out the same as to the aspects of such hypocrisy aspects as to any complaints about any aspects of anything I brought forward as to "Finding A Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to the aspects of exit 180 as to the aspects of the traffic on 35 Southbound as to the difference as to age to be capable to figure out as to the reality of the situation in comparison as would it take a head injury to figure out the intellectual failure of such individual(s) involved as to what other prior needless problems those types would have caused as to such factors to begin with as should it take a head injury to figure out such hypotheticals should have reviewed themselves as to making sure their own proverbial closets were actually clean and clear as to such aspects of the hypotheticals thereof whether or not the knew about the merger of all such technological meta data in the timeframe of 6 June 2022 as to the aspects of pouring such aspects out for the combined factors as to the knowledge from what has been capable to be seen in the timeframe leading up to this point as should it take a head injury to figure out the problems as to those types of who caused needless problems for decades as to taking responsibility for such choices in the hypotheticals as to my ex-in-laws and/or my biological mother/father/sister and such connections thereof to the needless problems as to such hypothetical temper tantrums as to the bringing such information combined forward as to the aspects of the proven facts as to others' intentions in truth as to "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as well as "Finding A Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" including "Finding The Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" in conjunction of my journal blog "The Ornery PSA" as well as my three volume book series as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as be careful what you hope for as to why that saying is considered as important to remember as to the truth as to such hypotheticals as to the comparisons as to such individuals who already have had issues as to what I personally have brought forward in truth as to handling the actualities thereof to the reality of such situations in fullness thereof as would it take a head injury to figure out the saying of the truth hurts as to others egos as to such hypothetical factors as to the actual measurements as to the aspects of thee capability to figure out if capable to review such information as to the modesty of such references as to others' egos for such regards to consider?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to the responsibility each will be taking for their actual choices as to their ac tual intentions as to the proven patterns of behaviour in such lengths of time as to such hypotheticals as to when such completion occurs as to the merger portions as does it take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of what has been capable to be seen in the smaller factors as to each individual's personal lives as to such combined situations as to the aspects of since the timeframes of having brought such forward in a more official capacity, as would it take a head injury to figure out how to end all types of stolen valor which includes ending all types of stolen intellectual property as such combinations thereof as well as to ending all types of the found bigoted aspects as per such as to how the reality of such aspects as to the comparisons as to perceptions of the reviewal of information as to the comparisons as to assumptions in the references as to others as to such hypotheticals?
Would it take a head injury to figure out that the oceanic waters only pay attention to the actualities as to the factors of the biologically born female as to such references, as there is not ever going to be any transferrable aspects as to the reality of my work as to the situations referencing my work as to the proof thereof to the aspects which to proving the work as to the control of the oceanic waves at the shoreline of the beaches as per such years which all SCUBA Divers should and must actually acknowledge the truth in all such factors as to each and every aspect in truth as to my work as well as the aspects of such situations which occurred as to from the timeframe of 2009 onward as to all such factors in full immediately as why would the beings within the oceanic waters ever care as to the opinions of others as to who actually did all of the genuine work as to the aspects as to such factors as to having worked to such situations which as to the reality of my creation of the Underwater Travel System back in the years as to my meeting with Governor Chrstine Todd Whitman back in the middle 1990s as to the facts thereof which all such aspects should be immediately are brought forward in truth as to the actualities of all such situations in each and every way as to all SCUIBA Divers' backgrounds as to the fullest aspects in all such ways as would it take a head injury to figure out as to any hypocrisy as to the situations I have dealt with as to such situations as to the leading by example?
Should it take a head injury to figure out such comments as to from the timeframes throughout the ironic portions as to the situations of what would be considered by others' free will as to the self-fulfilling prophecy as to what I pointed out as to needless games as to how I have known which of my books as to the aspects of genres as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such situations of the lengths of times as to such hypotheticals, as would it take a head injury to figure out with the timeframe as to the updating to my journal blog The Ornery PSA from the year of 2019 through now in the year of 2022 as to the proven factors as to such hypotheticals as to such situations as to the references thereof?
Would it take a head injury to figure out to each and every individual as to ever complaining about my physical as to the aspects thereof to bigotry as to the additional factors as to the situations as to choices of words as well as actions in the regards thereof as to the combination of further proof as to Edward Snowden as to such references as to the hypotheticals as to those who may have wished otherwise as to such factors as why would it take a head injury to figure out the social distancing factors as to the aspects of COVID as to such hypotheticals as to the proof thereof additionally as to the situations of the combinations if as to such aspects as to the merger portions in other media aspects are capable to be proven as to such merger aspects through such lengths of time, as would it take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of such regarding the including factors of Twitter as to E=MC2 in reference to the Freedom of Speech aspects?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if other specifics began only because of when I brought up SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement/SCUBA Diving Police after my SCUBA Diving trip to Florida state as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S Vandenberg as to the proof of such aspects brought forward within my journal blog since the updates as to such proven factors found as to the reasons well before my updates as to my journal blog in the hypotheticals thereof as to other reasons additionally as to the reasons for such aspects as to those types of civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as to such temper tantrums as to the aspects of what would be capable to be found above sea level as to such patterns of behaviour as to being capable to review as to the patterns of behaviour of such individuals below the sea level areas of the waters in such references as to the hypotheticals, as would it take a head injury to figure out the responsibility levels as to the differences of such types of individuals as to the actual levels of responsibility for such aspects as to the differences of SCUBA Diving styles as to the (20)19 aspects as to the facts of being 20 years old biologically as to when I gave birth to my daughter as to the 19 years old biologically as to giving birth to my son as to the references as to the aspects of the situations as to the reality as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the references as to the difference to the aspects of biological minor aged children as to technological usage as to such factors of difference as to such review aspects of the ways as to would it take a head injury to figure out as to such situations as to the usage thereof as to the various program developments from the timeframe thereof to such years of 2002 onward as to the technological development programs to protect children and minors as to such aspects as well as to special needs as to patterns of behaviour?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to the comparisons as to words of others as well as actions combined of others as to the patterns of behaviour of any complaints about my work and/or my words as to the actualities as to the amount of effort as to such comparisons as to the aspects of actual work as to should it take a head injury to figure out as to the work ethics as to such comparisons, as would it take a head injury to figure out as to the individuals who had infiltrated the technology companies as to such hypotheticals as to the proof of intention as to the patterns of behaviour as would it take a head injury to figure out the situations as to Twitter as to the comparisons as to the aspects of simply actually having genuinely truthful discussions in comparisons as to the aspects of such additional proof of patterns of behaviour as to such situations as well as others' prior and since patterns of behaviour as to such situations as to the lengths of time proven by the free will thereof in addition as to should it take a head injury as to the aspects of my website as to my work as to others being capable to start their own website in comparison as to such aspects as to my right to use my website how I choose for my work as others have had the capability to do so for decades as to the comparisons thereof to wishful thinking as to try to push themselves into aspects that are not theirs to do so as to the proven factors of the if situations as to technological companies as to the aspects of the algorithms as to the proof thereof as to the situations as to the timeframes as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to what actualities of Freedom of Speech as would it take a head injury to figure out the difference between a blog as to my journal blog as to the comparisons as to others' opinions as to the aspects of which could it take a head injury to figure out I am not the only one who has personal experiences which can corelate to the timeframes of various news aspects or would it take a head injury to figure out as to commentators around the United States of America and the globe who have been capable to do so as to such factors as well as to the timeframes of such aspects as would it take a head injury to figure out the broken 10 Commandments as to bearing false witness as to the situations as to the Twitter and other companies algorithms proven as to such additional aspects as to thou shalt not lie in conjunction as well as other such aspects as to thou shalt not covet what is not thou's as well as other such aspects as to the situations of the seven deadly sins as to the references thereof found?
Does it take a head injury to figure out to my right to produce my work as to the timely manner as to posting such without any hesitation as to my right to choose for myself as to my payments as to my work for my website in the comparisons as to others' needless involvement as to such aspects thereof to the reality of which as to how such similarities as to the needless problems as to the Twitter type of algorithms as to such harassment aspects proven as to the official capacities as to across state lines as well as to the trampling of Constitutional Rights as to the aspects of which the only way to support such Freedoms as to the actual work on other websites in the comparisons as to such needless problems as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such types of individuals as to the references thereof to the proof of patterns of behaviour as well as the payment factors as to the if situations as to my work as to such aspects of such usage without my permissions as to such references as to the reality of nothing different as to the situations of the proven factors of what I have already dealt with, as why would it take a head injury to figure out the situations of the Modern Day American Civil War as to such hypotheticals thereof as to wishing the aspects of my VA portions as to ever being considered the same as why would it take a head injury to figure out such would not be the same as to actual payments thereof as well as why would it take a head injury to figure out such aspects as to the feminazism as well as sexism as to such types as to those factors as to the starting point of such aspects of time as to the reality thereof as why would it take a head injury to figure out the actualities of what would be considered correct and genuine care in comparison to the lack of humanity as to such types of individuals as to the proven aspects as to such hypotheticals thereof as to such lengths of time as to the proven patterns of behaviour as to such hypothetical types of those situations combined?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the needless problems to those types of trust fund babies as to those aspects as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to the lack of humanity as to such individuals as would it take a head injury to figure out as to Iowa 2018 onward as to such proven aspects as to the prior information as to such points in time of such individuals as to the aspects of why would it take a head injury to figure out those needless problems as to those situations of those types of individuals as to the sexism as well as to such hypotheticals thereof, as should it take ahead injury to figure out the reasons as to such a right to choose of mine as to not ever want nor need to ever have anything to do with such types of people as to my right to choose to keep myself away from those types of abusive patterns of behaviours as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof to such proven aspects as to what would be important about actually asking me in genuine truth as to such comparisons as to the assumptions of those types of needless people within the world as to my opinions such as to the needless types as to the phasing out as to the aspects of the difference of Nine Lives Books as to such factors of the known facts as to the combined factors of the ironic portions as to the legality requirements as to the Democratic policies as to the voting habits thereof as should it take a head injury to figure out as to the proof as to such patterns of behaviour as to those needless obsolete types of situations as to those individuals paying attention to which details as to the facts of such references or should it take a head injury to figure out as to the proverbial reference as to the closet aspects as to such clarity in such references thereof as why would it take a head injury to figure out such would not ever be seen as to those types as to ever being concerned about my son and/or my daughter and/or my best interests as to any such situations as to the proof of such hypothetical patterns of behaviour as to the combinations thereof to the aspects of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain at the timeframe thereof in the conjunction of other such aspects proven as to the capabilities thereof as only the reality of actually speaking with me in truth in comparisons as to such needless problems as to the disassociation as to the individual aspects of the discussions as to the in person face to face in person compared to such non-fan types as to the reality of such needless problems as to the lack of such humanity of those individuals as to the proven facts of such individuals as to ever wish to think of any such situations which stemmed from the cat sanctuary as to the comparisons as to the care about human beings as to the proof thereof to such patterns of behaviour as to those types of those people as to the length of time as to such references as why would such individuals ever think of themselves more highly as to the comparisons as to such actions and choices as to the proof of such patterns of behaviour as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to the needless problems before hand as to the knowledge thereof as to the aspects of how such aspects of the psychological problems as to those types of situations as to which was not dealt with does not translate as to taking out on others needlessly as to such own internal problems to resolve of themselves as to the comparisons thereof to the projection aspects as to finding the actual root as to the cat sanctuary as to such other individuals as to that timeframe as to the other bookstore individuals as to the comparisons as to the wishful thinking as to such other hypotheticals thereof as to "Your Dad Is Not A Captain" as to such references as why would it take a head injury to figure out such situations as to the needless problems as to those types as to such aspects capable to be proven as to the aspects of the merger as well as the proof of such individuals from Jim's Restaurant having specifically told me they were bringing in books that were just for me and if such aspects as to the proof as to my involvement as to volunteering as to such aspects as to the books brought in only during such points in time as to the proof as to the lack of appreciation to my time as to those types of individuals as to the known factors as to the problems as to the specifics thereof to the American Civil War as to the election policy choices as well as to the location below the Mason Dixon Line as why would it take a head injury to figure out my right to choose to get myself away from those types of people as to those situations as what would be capable to be noticed in the references thereof to such hypotheticals across city lines as well as across state lines as to those aspects as why would it be considered important as to my warning about how not all publicity is considered as good publicity when back in the year of 2006 and 2007 as to such references to those individuals as to the aspects those people tried to claim otherwise in comparison to my statement in truth?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to the property of the apartment complex in the Buda area company owner change as to the timeframe as to the technological references as to any such prior connection as well as such needless problems as to the aspects of such hypotheticals as to the aspects of the American Civil War in conjunction as to the aspects of which would be considered as harassment as well as stalking in conjunction as to other proven factors as to the length of time in such hypothetical references as should it take a head injury to figure out as to such factors as to any such connections above the Mason Dixon Line as well as to such aspects before as well as after the year of 2000 as to such individuals as to any such needless involvements as to my right to choose for myself as to the comparisons thereof to the wishful thinking of others, as should it take a head injury to figure out the needless problems associated as to those pop culture types as what would the similarities be as to the MadMax Alamo Drafthouse as to such 151 Road Warriors types as to the aspects as to the individual from the movie character as to the Alamo Drafthouse as to any such culminations thereof as to my work outside of the official base as to Fort Sam Houston as to the aspects of my choice as to my writings as to the proof of my Ordained Reverend timeframe as to such aspects of having brought forward as gto my writing/authoring as gto having the right of mine and mine only to choose as to my creation of my religion as to such factors as to the comparisons as to such wishful thoughts of others involvement as to the aspects thereof to the legal portions as to my personal experiences as to my rights as to such Constitutional Rights and Amendments as well as my Sponsor aspects as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as unlike some people as to how I have not ever fought against paying taxes as to unlike some people as to the proof as to the patterns of behaviour as to their deductions as well as other such factors in the references capable to be proven as to such regards as to the proof thereof as would it take a head injury to figure out just because my website is the online portion as there is not any difference as to the antislavery laws as to such regards as to the proof thereof to my name aspects in such regards as to my legal first name and my legal middle name as to the technological version of the American Civil War aspects of those types of needless problems as to those types of individuals as to such factors in conjunction as to my Freedom of Religion as to the aspects of "The Modern Day Book (Written By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" in the conjunction of as to how the Old Testament and the New Testament was written as to such comparisons as to the aspects of truth mixed with parables as to the facts as to the knowledge of mine as to the fiction or parables as to the why would it take a head injury to figure out such common sense from before as well as after the timeframe as to my updates as to the year of 2019 as to my journal blog entries?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if individuals outed themselves as to such non-named individuals as to the aspects thereof to "Finding The Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" by discussing such amongst themselves as to my right to not include their names as to my right to choose as well as to their right to choose to out themselves as to such factors as to the comparfisons thereof as should it take a head injury to figure out the responsibilities as to such points in time thereof as to such factors as to once knowing how one cannot unknow as to such references as to the should it take a head injury to figure out the lack of want/need/desire of mine as to ever playing a game as to the comparisons as to such aspects of those types as to the proven patterns of behaviour to the lengths of time, as would it take a head injury to figure out both my son and my daughter were still considered as biological minors as to such timeframes until the years of 2018 and 2019 as to such references to consider as to such hypotheticals of those types of those people as to such situations as to the comparisons as to such factors as to the proof of patterns of behaviours as well as to the sexism and feminazism as to such aspects capable to be proven as to the comparisons as to other such aspects as to the patterns of behaviour as to the definitions thereof as would it take a head injury to figure out such differences as what individuals would be capable to be compared to the radicalized aspects of which religious belief system which would not fall within the Judeo Christian aspects as to the philosophy as capable to be proven as to the aspects of the patterns of behaviour to such philosophy of mistrteatments as to such aspects thereof as found as to the patterns of behaviour?
Should it take a head injury tp figure out that words can speak just as loud as actions as should it take a head injury to figure out when actions speak louder than words typed as to the aspects of the words having the volume as to such references, as should it take a head injury to figure out any who would wish to stifle such of my words as to the aspects of hypocricy as to those types as to their own words online as to such factors of such patterns of behaviour in such comparisons as well as to such references as to the proverbial aspects as to the additional feminzism as to the aspects of which those types as to those needless situations of which my right to choose as which philosophy would such fall into as to the aspects contrary to the rights of females as to the hypotheticals thereof to such election aspects as to the proof of patterns of behaviour as well as would it take a head injury to figure out as to such regards as to the if factors of my being a single unattached female as to which philosophy as to such aspects thereof as to the antifeminism such would be considered as to the fullest extents thereof to the hypotheticals as to the proven patterns of behaviour as to those types of those needless individuals patterns of behaviour as to the length of time as to such aspects thereof as would it take a head injury to figure out if the wishful aspects as to protection of me as to the opposite viewpoint in full as to such aspects as to my viewpoint because of my rights as well as to my right to choose for myself in the comparisons thereof as to such needless problems as to my having clarified and verified fully as to those aspects of which as to my separation from such locations as well as individuals as to my right to disassociate myself as to my right to choose to step away as well as stay away from those types as would it take a head injury to figure out as to my clarifications and verifications thereof as to official restraining order filings of those types of those individuals to remove themselves from each and every aspect of involvement as to their interjections without such invitations ass to the aspects thereof which my Constitutional Rights and Amendments to write about and discuss just as equally as to such individuals as to their freedom of speech as such would not be within the Constitutional Rights to Expression as to the aspects of which there would be the opposite aspects as to any such needless problems as to my right to my Freedom of Expression of which my freedom to choose as to my publications of my journal blog as to such lengths of time as to the needless stirring of drama as to any individual choosing anything out of order as to the comparisons as to the publications I choose and have the right to my Constitutional Rights to choose as to my order for my work as to my website as to my videos as to my work in comparisons thereof as to such wishful thoughts of others as to the proof of patterns of behaviour as to such uninvited aspects of those individuals as to my website and my official YouTube as well as my social media accounts as to the aspects of what needless problems occurred because of those types of their involvements as to such lengths of time as what would have been capable to actually be assistive in the comparisons as to what occurred as to such lengths of time as to what endangerment proof from such individuals' needless involvement has been capable to be proven as to such lengths of time as to such factors in the comparisons thereof as to the amount of individuals as what would ever be considered as humane as to such individuals as to any such portions thereof in genuinely as well as in truth?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out when being informed officially as to the official request as to not ever being involved with certain individuals in genuinity as to the aspects thereof in comparison as gto pushing away as to the lack of a spine as to actualities thereof as to other such proof as to the comparisons thereof as to the individuals hypothetically involved as to such lengths of time as to the technological aspects of which as to my rights as to my work as to my life experiences as to such aspects thereof to my Constitutional Rights to review as to the obvious aspects as brought forward as to the situations in "Finding A Silver Lining (written By: ) (reverend) Susan MeeLing" in reference to psychologists, counselors, spiritual advisors, and etcetera as to any such stifling of my Constitutional Rights as to the needless problems as to such types as to any hypocritical individuals as to ever thinking they know better as to the comparisons of taking care of myself as to the opposite aspects as to others involvement as to such needless portions as to the length of patterns of behaviours as to the differences of which knowing what is best for me as to the comparisons thereof as what would be considered as hypocritical as to such hypothetical individuals involvement as to such references as to the lengths of time as to what was and what was not done as to the intention as well as the length of time as to such factors of other surrounding situations as to the comparisons of the proverbial saying of follow the little red bobber as to the designated decoy as to such references as to such hypothetical aspects as to others' failures to pay attention to the surroundings of others within their circles as to the actualities thereof to the comparisons as to such wishful thinking as to a reference to the female in the red dress as to the movie the Matrix as to such comparisons as what needless problems as to such aspects as to the length of time as to from my childhood as to those needless types as to my biological sister as to my right to choose to not ever need or want or desire to ev er be involved as to that individual as just because of thinking in whatever aspects as to such aspects as to the comparisons as to such references as to the proof of pattern of behaviour as to such lengths of time as to the combined factors as to Asher Holmes Elementary School as well as Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as the extra curricular activities as to the differences as to such timeframes as to the proof of pattern of behaviours as to that type of nonsense as to such needless aspects of the proof of patterns of behaviour as to the biological parent aspects in conjunction as does it take a head injury to figure out that it was and is not my responsibility to fix and repair her problems as to such aspects as to the comparisons as to such aspects of such needless involvement as to the length of time as to such needless situations repeatedly as to the proof of pattern of behaviours as to that individual since officially within the year of 1990 as to such aspects as to the patterns of behaviour of that individual and my right to get myself away from that individual as much as possible as to my right to choose as how feminazi would such proof of patterns of behaviour be as to that individual as to my biological sister as to the Democratic party as to the bigotry as well as such facts of proof as to the length of time as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to my being put as the legal guardian as to such point in time of 2003 as to the differences of treatments between the two aspects as to the patterns of behaviour as well as to the actualities of what is considered as responsible in the references of taking care of responsibilities as to the comparisons of wishful thinking as what needless problems has my biological sister caused my son and/or my daughter and/or myself as well as others as to the comparisons as to the direct involvement in which per capacity thereof as to the aspects of proof of patterns of behaviour as why would it take a head injury to figure those aspects out as to such lengths of time as how many times have I specifically had to tell her "NO" repeatedly as to what proof of patterns of behaviour as to such aspects of my right to push her away as should it take a head injury to figure out the patterns of behaviour as to my biological mother/father as to such aspects additionally as to such reasons why I have my stances as such as should it take a head injury to prove such patterns of behaviour as to the technological aspects as to the years of 1980s into the 1990s as to the tristate area based in New Jersey as should it take a head injury to figure out the truth of such provable facts as to the lengths of time as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to my right to choose as to what I do and do not allow in my life as well as my website as well as my books as well as my work as to such aspects as what patterns of behaviour should not take a head injury to figure out as to my biological mother/father/sister as to such references as why would that be considered important, as to the length of time?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if my biological mother forged documents as to my actually having been hypothetically accepted to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the aspects of which the federal paperwork my biological mother/father signed as to my emancipation as to whatever legal terminology as to such aspects as to the portions of which all such needless problems as to those factors of wishing to cover up those aspects would as to the second time as to having fought to be capable to get to my life as to my work away from them in all such references as to the hypotheticals as to such other proven patterns of behaviour as to the 10 year minimum per offense as to lying on official documentation as to the government of the United States of America as per proof as to such discussions as well as to such patterns of behaviour as to such references as to the aspects as to 1992 additionally as to their patterns of behaviour from such points in time, as why would it take a head injury to figure out my right to choose my life path as to for what is best for myself as to such wishful comparisons as to the aspects of what work I had dealt with as to such aspects of antislavery as well as children's rights as to such aspects of the endangerment of a minor as to the proof of patterns of behaviour as to the aspects of if wishing to use the Freedom of Religion as to such timeframes thereof as my biological mother/father as to the aspects thereof as to my right in equal and opposite aspects as to the actual proof in such comparisons as to the actualities of patterns of behaviour aspects as well as to the conjunctive portions thereof to such proof as my Constitutional Rights and Amendments as to the factors thereof or would it take a head injury to figure those additional aspects as well as to those types of those people?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to such patterns of behaviour in reference as to how my biological mother/father/sister socially distanced themselves from me decades before as to my right to remain as to such aspects as to my right to choose to keep a boundary of which those individuals as to staying out of my work as to staying out of my website as to staying out of my social media as to staying out of my YouTube Channel as to staying out of my books as to staying out of my finances as to such aspects of my right to express myself as to how hypocritical would such be as to ever thinking to push me towards as psychologist as to such failures of which those individuals would be as to such references thereof as to the aspects of which the hypocritical aspects of the capabilities to find such patterns of behaviour as to such social distancing as to such needless yoyo issues as to those types, as would it take a head injury to figure out my right to take my stand and express how enough of those types of people is enough as to ending such a cycle of patterns of behaviour to actually progress forward as to the reality thereof capable to be proven as to the more away from those people I am as to how much more productive my work as to such references thereof as to such comparisons of any such needless involvement of those individuals as to the connections of their cohorts of such hypotheticals thereof to the proof as would it take a head injury to figure out the same as to each and every individual who chose to socially distance themselves from me as to the aspects of which such Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 as to the situations as to the prior points in time as to such aspects of my rights as well as to such a choice thereof thereafter as to such aspects as to the patterns ovf behaviour as to maturity level as to making sure I took care of my own responsibilities of which as to such choices as to such references as to the patterns of behaviour of which shown to me as to those individuals' preferences as to the comparisons as to the thereof as to my aspects in comparisons as to communication differences as to actually making attempt to work with as to the comparisons of pushing against the aspects of my right to set my own baoundarieds in comparison afterwards of such situations as to my right to choose as would it take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of which such refeerences as to the proof of patterns of behaviour of any such involvement as to any needless problems caused as to such individuals as to whatever situations and connections thereof as to the facts of which to my right to choose for myself as to such individuals having chosen to push me away as to the comparisons as to having mature discussions as to the aspects thereof and thus as to my right to choose to keep such a boundary as to the only way which I would ever find as acceptable as to discussions as to in genuinity as to such comparisons as to the needless problems as to those types as to why would it take a head injury to figure out the differences as to humanity as to the patterns of behaviour as to the comparisons of such needless problems as to the aspects proven as to such needless and unwanted involvement as to the situations as to the aspects thereof as to my right to choose as to such situations after the 1980s through 2012 as to such references as to having the common sense as to actually asking me as to the comparisons of involving themselves without ever taking into consideration how I would view such interjections without my permission as to such factors as to the comparisons thereof as what would be important about etiquette as to such aspects of actually approaching in comparison as to the aspects of interjecting without permission as to my work as to the comparisons thereof?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out the proverbial aspects of the story of David as to the multitude of situations as to the one and only measure of an outlet for me as to such aspects as to the reality of which such needless involvement as to others aspects as to without my permission as to such combinations of such comparisons as to those types of individuals as to such proverbial aspects as to the proof thereof as why would such individuals as to my ex-in-laws ever think that as to such aspects of the timeframes thereof as to my choice of ever wanting or needing those individuals as to the aspects of if those individuals had not caused needless problems to begin with as to su ch timeframes as to the length of time as to what my son and my daughter and I would not have had to deal with as well as whatever other combined factors thereof to such needless involvement as to my right to choose as to such comparisons as to such needless involvements as to the wishful thoughts that such would be considered as help to me as to the comparisons as to what I actually see as to the fullnesses thereof as to the aspects of such proof of patterns of behaviour, as why would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of such needless involvement as to my life as to the wishful aspects of social media as to a connection in the same capacities thereof to such comparisons as to the lines I drew officially as to those individuals as to such needless involvement of such individuals as to the lack of my best interests at all such points in time proven as to such factors as to the length of time as for the if factor of thinking that I needed them as to the comparisons as to the proof of patterns of behaviour as to how much needless stalking and harassment as to such hypotheticals as to such proof as to the situations of which my right to choose to not be involved after such patterns of behaviour came to a boiling point in July and August 2009 as to those individuals as to their needless involvement as to such fullness of view as to the lack of common sense as to all such aspects as to ever wishing I was ever anything akin to those types of those people in comparison as why would it take a head injury to figure out such aspects as to those people as to Mary Evongelina (maiden last name Nichols) Osteen as to her then husband David Osteen as to when last officially knowing them in person face to face in person the daughters Sondra Marie Osteen and Ariel Nicole Osteen as to such references as to why would it take a head injury to figure such aspects out as to the difference between the measurements as to the United States of America's Air Force as to pilots compared to the aspects of the United States of America's Navy as to my invitation to MAST with the Navy attachment as how many needless problems to other branches have stemmed from those types of dependents as well as individuals as to the aspects of those types if Sponsors as to the aspects of those situations as to the other branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if I do not ask another's opinion of me though someone else does, does it take a head injury to figure out the difference as to someone else asking someone else's opinion of me as to the comparisons as to me asking others their opinion of me as would it take a head injury to figure out that when I have not asked others' opinions of me that translates to my lack of concern about others' opinions of me as to my work as should it take a head injury to figure out if others ask opinions about me as that does not translate to my concern about others opinions of me and that translates to those who may have asked the opinions as to the comparisons as what patterns of behaviour as to my not having asked others' opinion about or of me and/or my work as to what that reality would be considered as because does it take a head injury to figure out if others do opinion polls that does not necessarily translate as to the individual's asking as to themselves as to others opinion as has there been times when others who have taken multiple opinion polls as to the ways of which such individuals actually believe others prefer their opinions as to the comparisons of the individual(s) themselves as to such hypotheticals?
Would it take a head injury to figure out individuals in the state of Georgia as to compared to the state of Texas as to such needless problems as to such connected factors as to the aspects of such hypothetical wishes of involvement as to the situations which I did not consent to and would not consent to as to the facts of the proof of patterns of behaviour as to such references, or would it take a head injury to figure out as to my being a smidgen independent as to such aspects?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the difference between where learning how to swim as to the length of time as well as the specifics of the work in such references, or would it take a head injury to figure out that any such further delay as to my recognition in the correct aspects as to my work as to only proving all such situations as to my emails in reference to McCoy Elementary School as to Carrollton Texas as to the area which both International SCUBA as well as SCUBA Toys as to such bigotry and femniazism as to the lengths of time as well as proof thereof to all such situations as to the hypothetical proof as to all such technological aspects as well as the Americans with Disabilities protections as to all such factors as to the known portions of my VA as well as such disabilities as per having officially informed about automatically from the beginning as to the references to my paperwork as well as brought forward as to the knowledge of my original Facebook account as well as other discussions as to the points in time as what would be important about the truth about and for space aspects as what would be officially more important as to such aspects as to the truth in all such references as should it take a head injury to figure out as to my Cavern SCUBA diving certification as to the flight path as well as the individuals who were a part of that class schedule as to whose name is actually within the instructor area as to the aspects thereof to the proof of such sexism as to the machismo portions in reference to Allie's work as to such comparisons as to the situations of problems as to the needless aspects of Richard Thomas as to the failure of all such aspects as to the hypocrisy of being a technical SCUBA Diver as was there anything in reference to technology that had informed him officially as to what truth as to such factors in reference to why it is important to always tell the truth as would it take a head injury to figure out such details as to the aspects thereof which what would be considered as important about such factors as to the distinguishing differences as to the aspects of the Constitutional Rights and Amendments are as to the 10 Commandments as to the formation of the United States of America as to the Judeo-Christian background automatically as would such take a head injury to figure out if there are individuals as to the International SCUBA as to problems with the fact of the Jewish Medical Journal article and the British Medical Journal articles I read as did it take a head injury to figure out who actually was and is known as to the technological aspects as to the accesses to the medical journals as to the capabilities as to such factors as what would be considered as important as to such references regarding SCUBA Diving as to such aspects in the comparisons as to such wishful thinking as to the civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as to International SCUBA as how hypocritical would such be as to the Playa del Mexico location as to Allie regarding the aspects of my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification as well as the aspects of machismo problems as to those types of individuals as to the situations as to what is capable to be found in such references especially as the aspects of the merging portions move closer as to the warp speed factors as what would space ever have to do with SCUBA Diving to begin with or does that take a head injury to figure that out as well?
It should not take a head injury to figure out thankfully I did not give birth to those individuals as to the shame and embarrassment that each and every one of those individuals would officially be as to such factors in the comparisons thereof to such aspects, as the illegal hazing as to colleges as should be as to such findings as to the civilian recreational SCUBA Diving sector as to such needless types withing the human race in my opinion as there is nothing I have found of worth as to such aspects as to the review as to such lengths of time as to those needless situations as to such types of needless involvement as to such hypotheticals as to in any such capacity thereof as that is not any actual way to ever show any sign of actual respect as to my work in any such etiquette standards as to the wishful thoughts as to such aspects to the hypotheticals thereof to any such references regarding the if factors as it should not take a head injury to figure that out. For example if such individuals had stolen my keys as to having made a copy of such while I was in the water at any such point in time because of the facts of my having been an unattached SCUBA Diver as to the wishful aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof would only show the sexism and feminazism to such individuals as to each and every level as to such needless problems as to such types of so-called human beings as there would not ever be anything of any value or worth in such references as to such types of individuals in my opinion as to such needless drama and needless problems as to all such types thereof to such problematic choices as to those factors as why would it take a head injury to figure out that such types of individuals as to the situations to ever make any tries as to forcing such a relationship situation as to ever thinking that would be anything other than such radicalized portions as to from the initial aspects of the updating to my journal blog in all such references as would it take a head injury to figure out how much harder I would begin to push against each and every individual that would ever think such would ever be considered as acceptable as to such feminazism as well as machismo aspects as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to such civilian recreational SCUBA divers as to such needless aspects in all such capacities thereof?
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the if factors as to my regulator as to before getting on the airplane as to the risk as to life as well as such premeditated portions thereof as well as such shameful types as to such needless behaviour as well as to the facts thereof capable to be found in which I would officially hope as to the fullest extent of the law as to each and every individual as to such prosecutorial portions as to each individuals' involvement as to such findings, as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to each and every legal aspect that would be as to any such involvement as well as endangerment as to the on land above sea level aspects as well as discrimination factors as well as each portion I have already brought forward in such measures throughout as to the aspects of the McCoy Elementary School and CFBISD references thereof as would it take a head injury to figure out the energetic portions I picked up as to the day of 28 April 2010 as to such references of not being willing to sue CFBISD as to such references to get to the actual truth as to all such factors in each and every capacity thereof or would it take a head injury to figure that out as to such civilian recreational SCUBA Divers needing to officially be put into their place as to such references as why would there ever be anything of value or worth to such types of civilian recreational SCUBA Divers as to such hypotheticals as what would ever be of actual worth and value in truth as to such types of choices as to the aspects of genuinity regarding where would they ever think they would be capable to show actual appreciation of life as to such portions of which what would such ever actually show by my personal standards as to the aspects of such actual appreciation of life by the aspects as to what I have seen as well as others in such regards as what standards as even to the minimalistic aspects have ever actually been met as to such aspects of what would officially constitute as to what would be considered as?
The answer thus far, is nothing those individuals have done would show as to such aspects as to what would actually be considered as actual appreciation of life in the genuine aspects thereof to this point in time by the least of the minimum standards in any such capacity thus far.

As you can see Richard Thomas in the blue shirt thinking about the situations as to after having been to Cavern Excursions as to the aspects of where the Cartographer and I spoke as to the situations during the timeframe after the aspects of the regulator portions, while Allie who as to if on the SCUBA Diving certification cards as to such individuals during that particular trip as to the only aspect of who should be on my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification card as to the obvious portions of which to her actually teaching me as to the comparisons as this picture actually shows how the entire 4 day and three night trip was as to the entirety of the class as to such points in time as to the references thereof as additionally she was the only professional SCUBA Diver who actually asked about some health aspects as to other than being officially informed as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as what is an ironic aspect as to which group that stems from around the area as to where she works as to Playa del Carmen for individuals to think about as what would be considered as important as to from such a point in time as to my mile run for a numerical portion as to the consideration thereof as to what would be important about such technological portions of those types of needless problems within the areas thereof to other civilian recreational SCUBA divers as what would be important as to actually appreciation to life as to the comparisons as to the aspects of what would such civilian recreational SCUBA Divers have done when having been in other countries as to the aspects of such laws as to the aspects thereof that would be considered as important to take into consideration as to the informed consent as to above the age of 18-21 years old as to the minimum standards as to the biological references with the mandatory portions additionally as to informed consent as to the comparisons as to the wishful thoughts as what radicalized viewpoint would ever consider otherwise as to such needless problems as to those types of those people as to the disgrace and disgust of such factors as to both in reference to the oceanic and fresh waters as well as to the space portions of such references as what would be of importance to such considerations?
If Russia is as to Richard Thomas as to Ukraine as to me, I 100% refuse to ever give as to my work as to my creations and the proof as to the aspects thereof as to the ways which the geology as well as geography as to Clear Springs SCUBA park for the references thereof to such agreements as to the beings of the water as to such references for the hypotheticals as to such lengths of time for the hypothetical portions. If the needless problems began because of my choice and my right to not date individuals as to the civilian recreational SCUBA Divers because of the energetic portions as to what I picked up as to the lack of common sense amongst such as to the comparisons as to the aspects of other areas of life as to the proof as to the Polar Bear SCUBA dive as to the aspects in such regards, the reality as to actual care and concern on land as to the proof as to the reasons why in such comparisons as to the proof as to such patterns of behaviour in such antibullying choices as to all such references thereof. If as to such aspects of those particulars as to the immaturity to actually ever actually speak with me in person face to face in person as to thinking as to such levels as to the comparisons thereof to such work, then I have nothing to ever speak of or write about as to my work as to my swimming as well as my SCUBA Diving ever again as to any such portion thereof until such regards are corrected as well as fixed and repaired in each and every capacity thereof as to unlike some people as to actually caring about life as to the proof thereof as to my personal work without causing needless problems in any such capacity thereof as to the situations as to there not ever being a need for such in my opinion ever as to such references as to the aspects of what is actually considered as genuine respect and etiquette standards as to what aspects of what is not earned is not deserved and since such individuals have not ever actually earned my respect in the minimalistic ways thereof as to the situations which have occurred as to how the information of such referencing my work as to the protections as to the on land above sea level as to the aspects of which the only way as to ever needing to divulge such aspects as to the aspects thereof as to etiquette and respect to my work in the regards thereof to the ways of which SCUBA Diving actually occurs which translates to in person face to face in person as to the asking with etiquette and respect as to such appointments scheduled in such references as to only with my being officially informed correctly in such comparisons as to the hypotheticals of such wishful thinking. Remember as to the facts I remained quiet for over 2.5 decades as to my childhood and my teenager years as to other aspects as to the minimum portions as to such connected situations of which as to 10 years before bringing such forward of the least amount of such factors in the regards thereof, and thus in such references as to how much longer I can actually remain silent as to the length of times as to such regards as to what would be considered as important as to any such details would only be as to the proof as to such aspects of which I would be capable to see as to such references as to the comparisons thereof as to the wishful thoughts as to he lack of my concern as to the regards of those types.
If such individuals as to wishing that the 26 SCUBA Diving certification cards as to my earning such on my own as to the wishful thoughts as to marriage as to such failures of ever thinking as to the reality otherwise as tyo such aspects of my rights, the situations of which the full refusal as to the reality of by my choice as to the aspects of such references because of the ways which as to the points in time as to such situations and needless problems as to such aspects. Though I suppose as to how LGBTQP friendly such individuals would actually be if the viewpoint thereof were to ever be as to such aspects as to how many males have been certified by other males as to such references, correct? Since I have been a beard before I ever woke up in the state of Texas and as to in the state of Texas as to having earned each of my 26 SCUBA diving certifications as to the class formation of such scheduling the aspects thereof, I suppose because of my support of the LGBTQP community as to the possibility as to such references as to the factors thereof as what would such translate to in the references thereof if as to such individuals were to ever wish to think that would be as to such factors as then how many husbands would those individuals have as to such factors as to the combinations thereof to consider such? If as to my involvement as to what is supposed to be the consenting adult lifestyle I would guesstimate as to such factors then as to those as to such hypothetical viewpoints, then as to the numerical portions of the amount of males each has certified ass to the aspects of how many females as to such references as well as to the viewpoints thereof to the aspects in such hypotheticals if those people view such in the ways thereof to the comparisons of myself as to not ever having allowed such nor seen such as to that way ever as to the references thereof as to the aspects of what informed consent as to the comparisons as to the wishful portions in such hypotheticals. If as to such references as to my house as to such invasions from those civilian recreational SCUBA divers as to breaking and entering as to such references of the illegal poritons thereof as well as to such factors of whatever additional capacities as to the fqactors thereof capable to be found, what needless feminazism as to the machismo portions as to the factors of what aspects as to those types thorughout society in my opinion as to such aspects of those situations needlessly throughout all of the aspects as would officially be against my Constitutiobnal Rights and Amendments as well as to the aspects of my Sponsorship as to my Blue Identificaiton Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as then what was anything I achieved ever worthwhile in such a viewpoint as to the hypotheticals thereof to those types of situations in my viewpoint as to my personal standards?
Again as to thus as to a point in time, I have yet to actually see where such would be considered as worth my time as well as worth my efforsts as to such comparisons as to what my standards are though it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects thereof as to what requirements as to the starting points as to the discussions as to finding out what my actual standards are as to the poritons beyond what I have already brought forward in the non-fiction portions as to the comparisons as to the knowledge I personally have had as to the difference as to the fictional portions in such references.
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