I have not hidden the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, literally. I have not denied that I have the tattoos to help assist me as well as assist my memory, of which unless each and every individual within the United States of America and the world does not need one reminder of any portion thereof throughout their entire life; then there has not ever been any excuse nor cause nor reason in my opinion that could or would be considered as acceptable as to various aspects, as to what I personally have dealt with.
Does it take a head injury to figure out the individuals I once knew in the state of Texas and/or the individuals who knew of me online who would easily have recognized me as to my modeling to have correctly used my name that they knew me as, as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that would have been the easiest way to clarify who I am; or does it take a head injury to figure out they had nothing of distinguishing factors as to the physical looks as to the facts of which because of being in Washington state compared to the state of Texas, as to the amount of additional clothing and the barely capable way of seeing their face as to the climate difference between Texas and Washington state or does it also take a head injury to figure out the sun rises and sets at different times in the north compared to the south if there were those who showed up to Washington state from the state of Texas as what time of the year additionally?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the lighting difference as to Club Sapphire to wherever as to such areas as well, or should it take a head injury to point out the most common sense factor thereof; though additionally if it does take a head injury to figure that out as to having thought that was the most common sense portion and not having needed to point out the aspects above, then what does that say about the common sense levels of each and every individual who hypothetically caused any such problems when I was in Washington state who knew of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving and/or Irving as does that truly take a head injury to have to bring those points forward as were the other details simply not enough as to those common sense factors as to what I already explained as how many people within the state of Texas have had a head injury where they had memory deficits and/or cognitive disorders as do those millennial aged individuals then have Alzheimer’s if they did not remember that portion from school?
Should it take a head injury to figure out after I explained repeatedly to people while I was in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state throughout the years of 2013 through 2019 as to how I wound up in Washington state as to the #StoneyLaRue #Concert #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #SATXCowboysDancehall #CowboysDancehallSATX #SanAntonio #SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TX #Texas #Texasstate #TXstate #MilitaryCityUSA after everything I had already explained within the state of Texas to each individual I once knew and/or at one point in time may have considered as a friend and/or may at one point in time have considered as family and/or one point in time considered as to having been involved with as to the capacity thereof and/or had dated, when I spoke of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the truth thereof to which I spoke of at all times as well as wrote in truth as to such specifics additionally as to the genre aspects?
Does it take a head injury to figure out why I would be as infuriated as I have every right to be as to each and every individual as to each and every individual situation as to this point in time as to the combined factors thereof, does it take a head injury to figure out as to the proverbial aspect as to children who attack a dog and then the dog bites back as to it is not the dog’s fault though it is the children who should be held accountable for each and every individual aspect thereof as how would others respond if they were to think about each and every aspect I personally dealt with though them within each one of my situations as what would each individual’s responses have been per situation I have personally dealt with instead of myself having dealt with; as how do people who have constantly been treated in the ways that I have for the length of time that I have normally respond of which if there is not the length of time as to how much I have personally dealt with, then what is the expected response as to the common sense aspects?
Would it have to take a head injury to figure out that when I explained how I wound up in Washington state as well as other such details thereof as to if there were those who recognized me, how easy it would have been as to simply using my name they knew me especially when in person as to the sound of their voice using words I would have heard them speak to/with me in comparison; if it was as to check to verify as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out there was enough details online as to my social media accounts as to the ease of such verification as to who I am, in comparison?
Could it take a head injury to figure out that when only two people at the same time had made a comment about the name Dory in reference to the movie #FindingDory Finding Dory as to how swiftly I responded and honestly answered as to the fact as to my modeling name or is that too simple, as why would that be considered as important that two people I had not known before in the state of Texas when in Washington state as to the length of discussions time as well as the factors thereof as why would Mary and Jeremy as I told their names were have the capability to bring up the name Dory though not need to specifically say Lady Dori Belle in such references compared to people from the state of Texas and/or my biological family as to such aspects as to my legal first and legal middle name as why would those factors be of importance as to proving the levels of responsibility as well as the levels of genuinity as to what I have brought forward as to what I personally dealt with in different ways as a child and teenager?
Would it take a head injury to figure out each and every individual who may have gone from the state of Texas who once knew me in person face to face in person to then choose however they had would have to be held accountable for the choices as to such factors thereof as to the additional proof of such regards as to the technological history aspects, for in such portions thereof for if there was the claim to others that they had said my name to me in person in such hypotheticals as to such having occurred then what did they claim additionally that would be proven how?
Does it take a head injury to figure out how swiftly I responded to the two people I met in Washington state who had used the name in comparison to the aspects as to the factors of my journal blog entries as well as updated writings thereof, or would it take a head injury as to how each aspect would have been revealed in the ways they have been as to such factors as how would anyone else respond if they went through everything I had went through in such factors if they honestly reviewed such of themselves as to thinking about such?
Would it take a head injury to figure out those hypothetical people only lied throughout the state of Texas and would fully be within the capacities thereof to such children references as to the factors thereof to the dog situation, as what would the responses be in such opposite aspects if all such equal situations occurred in such references as what would each person who I once knew have done in each capacity thereof if they were in my situations per each individual timeframe thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of my modeling when I specifically said as well as wrote about only completing a certain level for myself, that meant when I said I was going to do something and only to a certain level as to what I personally meant in such proof as why would that be of importance after what I additionally have dealt with as to such factors as what would the problems I dealt with after such a point in time be as to reasons why I would have said exactly what I meant and did exactly as I said?
Why in reference to the #10Commandments 10 Commandments such be of importance in reference to the technological aspects as why would it be of importance as to transmission aspects as to such additional proof as to why would it be more important as to my choices, in such references as to #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving in the year of 2011 as to what protection points I have already worked on as to such factors; as how important would it be as to the aspects thereof to such portions of keeping my word, in such references or does that take a head injury to figure out as well as to anyone who would wish that I would return to what had lead to needless problems for me to begin with?
Why in reference to #Facebook Facebook as well as other social media sites would it be of importance as to the name aspects when searching for such as to the portions of actually finding individuals I once knew, as what would be of importance as to the ease for such aspects in comparison especially after the timeframe as to the length of time in conjunction to the common name aspects of such possibilities how?
What would be the comparison as to when my son #Letters4James being in high school as to teaching him to be responsible for himself as to chores to the aspects of which because of the situations as to #McCoy #McCoyElementary #Elementary #CFBISD McCoy Elementary School of CFBISD as to the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo #FWTX #Texas #TX #Texasstate #TXstate Fort Worth Zoo as to the times as to the occurrences thereof as to the similarities in reference to the reasons why I had to ensure I did not encroach on my daughter’s recovery as to the responsibilities as to the biological age aspects as to the comparisons of how Washington state occurred in conjunction to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the situations in reference to the movie of #50FirstDates 50 First Dates in reference to being on my own be of importance, as what would be taught to the three of us individually as well as collectively as to the aspects of making sure to maintain and sustain ourselves as to the levels of different situations as to why would such be of importance as to the aspects and realities of life and being comfortable to trust ourselves as to making decisions that we would know is best for the individual aspects if in reference to having to take care of ourselves and our own situations as to such lengths of time as why would that be considered as important compared to the ways of others as to the dependency aspects?
Did anyone think about that factor or did I have to bring that up as to the reality in such references, or does the saying #promisesmadepromiseskept promises made and promises kept have any additional meaning to such a portion as to the prior notation in reference to doing the best I could as my children’s Mom both in the biological sense as well as in the reference to being responsible as to making sure they were and are capable to step forward in the aspects of life as to the best of their ability as a loving parent would do so to ensure that in whatever possible situation each could and would make the best possible decision for themselves in comparison to what aspects which others can take into consideration as to what levels of dependency are there for each to review in such aspects of life?
If in reference to my fiction books having been preferred then why would it be of importance as to my royalty payments as to such factors only for my usage and no one else’s as to the difference between the fiction books compared to the fact books be of importance, to pay attention to the differences as to the genres as would it take a head injury to figure that out as why would I ever give credit to others who were not officially a part of my work as to such factors as to the largest portions thereof to such fiction based books as to simply just being creative; as why would all the combined aspects be of importance to take into consideration, compared to the assumptions thereof as why would patterns of behaviour be of additional importance as to the length of time as to age?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if people I once knew having not been capable to tell or distinguish the difference as to the fiction based books to the fact based books as to the genres, as to the factors of what would that mean as to their intelligence levels thereof in such references and does it take a head injury to figure that out as to the only location as to where to find such details thereof as to the printing portions as to the genres thereof as why are the 10 Commandments important in all such factors thereof to my safety as well as my son’s safety #Letters4James as well as my daughter’s safety #Letters4Lidia in such references after the aspects thereof to such facts?
Did anyone take into consideration to Alzheimer’s regarding the elderly as to the amount of truth comparatively they had the capability to discuss compared to the length of life in such references before this journal blog entry, and what would be of importance depending upon the employment and/or the aspects of however they chose to live their life; as what would be considered as important in such references as to the mental health and well being, as why would additionally as to children when growing up as to the 10 Commandments be of importance in such references to the elder aspects thereof as to such points in time when older as what would a possible situation be in such references as to actual responsibility in such references be as to the factors thereof as to the capability to take care of themselves as to such assumptions hypothetically as to financial planning as well as estate portions as to the ways certain types of individuals have been as to such factors of the 7 deadly sins in such hypotheticals as well as the instant gratification problems associated with the technological portions as what would the influences be of importance additionally to such factors thereof as to morals and ethics as well as etiquette standards?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the mandatory aspects of asking me specifically as to what my preferences would be in such regards as to the aspects in reference to my work and my books and my artwork, in comparison to ever asking anyone else as would it take a head injury to figure out I would know myself best?
Does it take a head injury to figure out monitoring without my permission would be considered as stalking as well as harassment as I have not ever consented to such factors as I would not ever consent to such aspects ever, as does it take a head injury to figure out as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to my viewpoints as well as #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to my journal blog entries as to such aspects thereof as to my opinions as to the hypotheticals thereof?
Why would it be of importance as to the respect in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the aspects to the hypotheticals my son had allowed people that were not allowed to ever be a part of, and what problems would such associated aspects then cause as to such factors as to why would there be the situation of which to take into consideration as what individuals who have had larger finances have made the attempts to teach their children to live within their means compared to flaunting needlessly as to such factors; as why would that be of importance, in such a review?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to why I would write as to such aspects as to my saying which I copyrighted as to such proverbial sight ahead of time, as would it take a head injury to figure out as to what prophetic portions thereof have been proven accurate as to such a need and a requirement as to such aspects thereof as why would that be considered as important in such references and would it take a head injury to figure out as to the intelligence levels as to the comparisons as to the claims in such regards as to others in such references as to being wrongly against me as what would it actually show as to such portions thereof as to each and every individual thereof as to such hypothetical assumptions over what length of time per individual thereof as to who I once knew in person face to face in person as to such hypothetical assumptions as to my personal intelligence levels in comparisons thereof to their assumptions as to what then would their intelligence levels be in such references as to any such proven claims?
Would it take a head injury to figure out what would be needed to fix and repair such aspects in the regards thereof as to each and every individual regarding such hypotheticals as to such claims, as what would it mean in legal definitions as to such hypotheticals of liable and slander in such references thereof to each and every individual if I am accurate in such regards among what other legal definitions in which the shortened words would be found in such references as to the length of descriptions in regards as to what I have detailed as to such portions thereof?
What does guilt by association as to such influences compared to the social status in comparison to guilt by association as to simply accepting people as they are as to knowing there are those in various circumstances as to working towards betterment as why would that be of importance to take into consideration as to the ways of interactions when in person face to face in person compared to the factors thereof be of importance, as why would it be necessary as to such factors of whether or not such choices of involvement as well as what levels thereof in conjunction as to the reasons/causes/excuses in such references be additionally considered as important?
In reference to those who I once knew in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, who of you did I know your legal first name as well as your legal middle and/or legal last name as why would that be of importance as to the factors in comparison as to the updating of my website as to the year of 2019 as well as why would that be of importance in reference to my books publishing in the year of 2020 for such references in the comparisons to what I was informed of as to the year of 2015; as during such times who actually had such names in the comparisons thereof capable to be seen throughout my website as well as “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” compared to what accusations in such references, as what proof would there be to such hypothetical wrongful accusations in all such combinations thereof to such possibilities as what details would and/or could be of importance as to the information available in the references thereof as why would those details be additionally important as to each such aspect as to the technological aspects and/or paperwork and/or locations of which groups as to such events as to the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle portions?
Who of the Dominant Mentor Program and/or the submissive Mentor Program informed others as to the mandatory paperwork to fill out as well as the mandatory government issued identification card as to being involved with the program itself as well as how many went to events at locations which the same sorts of situations were known about as to such factors compared to those who only had to use a credit or debit card for the payment of the event and who paid for such an event if there was not the requirement for the aspects thereof as to the attendance as to what were the reasons/causes/excuses as to why for such aspects, in the references?
For example there was the male who I once was engaged to of which I made sure to pay for the event tickets though why would that be of importance in such references in the aspects thereof, and who many people had I already given details as to such aspects throughout the years as why would that be considered of additional importance to take into consideration as to who he knew he was associated with in comparison to what did I not know of such an individual as to the facts regarding his car when we were out at the bistro after the Men’s Warehouse as to such situations as to the aspects how he expected everyone in the #DFW #DFWTX DFW Texas area to know him because of who was his Mom and Dad in comparison to my aspects as to who I am as to my personal work in all such comparisons as to the aspects thereof?
Why would that be of importance, to each factor as to the 10 Commandments when interacting with others whether in person face to face in person and/or online as why would that additionally be of importance in reference to my SCUBA diving comparatively?
Why would the length of time as to the reviewal process of what I have dealt with be of importance in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to what did I notice in the areas thereof as to what could others have noticed in the areas thereof, as what situations as to justice could be considered as important as to such additional factors of which would and/or could be assisted despite the factors thereof as to the situations of not having invited others to attend though the possibilities thereof as to the assistance factors as why could that be of importance in the variety of areas I had been through throughout the years thereof?
