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The Ornery P.S.A.
a philosophical-ish


It should not take a head injury
*after personally sustaining a head injury & coma*
to figure this out...


After a Drill Sergeant threw Me into the metal part of the bunk when I was in Basic Training for the United States of America's Army branch at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #Oklahoma in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday, I have dealt with the situations as best as I have been capable to do so while taking care of the situations and asking for assistance as per the required explanations of the information to such facts first.  While making the attempts to get assistance for the aspects thereof as to the reality, the aspects of where and when as to the multiple attempts to ask for assistance for me.  As my journal blog for when I was ready to bring such as to my other works forward since as to the lengths of time as to where my modeling was as to the modeling page information, just as the other pages have the information as to such specifics, and just as this journal blog of mine is as to such facts.

If I had real friends (if as to having met in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of this particular reference such as from the state of Texas as to the state of Washington as to the years of 2000 through 2013 if I met within the state of Texas for such references), real (the areas of the tristate region as before the year of 2000) family, and real relationships in real life that recognized me as to the aspects of if as to the face to face in person who started in truth as I had started such in truth as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate; then I guesstimate there would be the easier factors as to being capable for me to speak with others in truth in person face to face in person and/or through online measures as to such factors I suppose.  Though would such as to the knowledge of the ways as to how they began such discussions with me as to would there be such a situation, for them to consider as to such if factors as to such discussions with me in truth?

As to some suggestions and commentary within "Finding A Silver Lining" one of several of my bo0ks I personally authored/wrote/compiled as I can only speak and write in truth as per such clarifications as to the reality as to the specifics of such discussions/writings/videos as per my Official You Tube where I have satirical commentary where I comment about the factors as to having dealt with others' opinions about their pop culture references of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, though as to for the most part I have actually preferred to be asked with politeness if as to having read my books and/or seen my website as just the same in reference to the timeframes when I was modeling as to having respect as to what I consider as respect, referencing if as to such polite manners as to discussions if as to such having been noticed because of the factors in my opinion as to having real discussions as communication would be if my website was seen before the year of 2023 as I first began my website in 2015; as in my journal blog posts as to the reality of the years of 2010 through 2013, as to the aspects of introductions as to those timeframes when as to various factors as I did not take selfies as I was actually working with photographers as to my creations of my outfits as per the description on the link to my modeling page(s) as to the references regarding my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 as the timeframe onward as to the year of 2023 as to the factors as to how such journal blog entries will be as to such factors as to the aspects of the various topic points.

Go read through the multiple journal blogs on my website after finishing scrolling to get to the journal blog area, now!

Share the links of my journal blog, too!

 I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going throughout the tristate northeast areas mainly, and as to how the reality of when the importance of the situations as to the aspects of reviewing as to such facts regarding the logistics for several factors as to the considerations; the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the review process as to the aspects of the timeframe, prior to the timeframe of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as well as before the 30 year memorial of February 1993, as to the northeast areas mostly known as to New York City #NYC #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NYU though also as to the #Pentagon Pentagon, as well as Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate as to the reality of how many New Jersey-ians commute in either direction, depending upon what location for the commute. 

The factors though I have said at times, I re-re-re-re-re-re-grew up in the state of  #Texas #TX #Texasstate Texas as to such factors as to the timeframes, as well as all 26 of my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving  Diving certifications I earned were through one school within the state of Texas as I also earned winning first place in a Texas Chili cookoff with more than 20 entries as well as my chili recipe as I am adamant about my recipes as to such aspects just as I am specific as to what it actually takes for me to cook in a BBQ as to the required preparations for when I have BBQed.   

I can sarcastically write, those who know of the Rules of the BBQ as to where I grew up as to the Rules of the BBQ as to such factors to the considerations of such preparations.  However that is to cooking food as to the differences of my journal blog entries, as to the factors as to proverbial aspects of food for thought as the difference of real food in real life as to the facts of the situations to such attention to the details as well as attention to the information.

Such facts as to the metaphors in some of such factors that only after reviewing such information as to the aspects of the fiction book series that were as to for My personal life as to such dreamland sorts of factors as to the differences of such hypotheticals, the references thereof as to such regards as to the logistical emotional with the real situations as per the names I was informed of at the timeframes referenced review as to My journal blog as to the situations overall.  

If as to my journal blog being found and read as to where what I consider as common sense, as to the aspects of my satirical saying   how it should not take a head injury to figure out. 

*(sometimes utilizing articles discussing facts)*
By:  (Reverend) Susan MeeLing
also known as

The One & Only

(YouTube)   Lady Dori Belle


Business Card.jpg


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?

What about the 7...

With the portions regarding the reality of which those who need to keep themselves within their own proverbial lanes within life the regards as to the importance of such safety aspects are required for the best interests regarding such existence within the various areas of life, due to the fact as to what is of extreme importance in such areas throughout existence. While some might have wished or envied to be able to crossover into other aspects of which the capabilities are only thought of to be as per the requirements, the reality as to why certain individuals earn such capabilities upon their own in comparison to wishing due to greed have been a requirement to stop such problems immediately; as while there are certain aspects of human behaviour which seek out more, there is the balancing to which of what is considered as healthy compared to what is considered as greed. The greed to which is driven by ego to the slothful portions to not earn oneself as to then additionally lusting after what is not another’s/anothers’ property/person/etcetera has been problematic due to the prideful aspects which have needed to be humbled regarding various individuals in a multitude of aspects within various areas of life, which the gluttony of which has manifested needlessly and have caused problems among various arenas to which has been required to bring such realities forward as per the facts of what unnecessary harm has been caused by such individuals to stop completely regarding such types of people. While it is one positive aspect to want to work towards earning such it is not considered as earning when theft is involved in the slightest among various spectrums of existence as while some might consider such acceptable, there is and there are the realistic portions to which others which are not considered as human beings do not ever respect what has not been earned by those who have earned such portions; which in turn those types of situations have had requirements for such clarifications and betterments thereof, as the problems from such have needlessly caused wreckage throughout more than just one or two areas and situations. While wrath depends upon how slow to anger one is regarding whether such is considered as problematic in truth compared to those who are quick to which are the problematic portions and have needed such clearing, the portions as to what is considered as such truly does depend upon the length of time which it takes to raise the anger levels and to which point as to which paths thereof regarding such portions regarding such aspects.

While some might say one way and others might say another way as to what it actually takes to begin to get my anger to rise, the portions to which the situations referencing as to the aspects of what I had been planning upon working on regarding paintings had depended upon the pieces to which I had already begun to which I guesstimate the assumptions as to what the actual process was or would be was assumed regarding other individuals' assumptions to which the lack of anyone else's assumptions to what is not their process is of importance to pay attention to. When in regards of how I personally create the individual pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project are unknown to others because of the lack of instruction regarding any such processes in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project's historical and spiritual rubbings, the absolute same is exact in reference to the processes regarding any such paintings I have created. For example in reference to the pieces of the different paintings I had only alphabetized regarding the painting I had listed on my website in comparison to what else can be seen in reference to my personal CDO-ness regarding alphabetizing, the guesstimation I have at this point is the assumption of others thinking that was the ways as to which the individual pieces of my paintings were to be when in realistic portions was not ever the process for such pieces ever. The fact as to which the afrter effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury have been under review over the past 21 years only proves such portions as to the fact there is not the way as to which any can actually fully predict such patterns of behaviour with the exception of the fact I can only tell the truth, the fact of my thoughts do not run linearly in any such ways, and the fact as to more portions regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; to which while there was the portion regarding such pieces upon which I was going to work upon such aspects, upon the driving to get to where I have needed to be the portions of such pieces going 'missing' regarding such have only furthered delayed such regards as to what I had already been working on as per the beginning aspects as to the paintings I was working on within my apartment to the prior portions regarding to when I was in Lakewood Washington. The fact some have needlessly intervened thinking there was a process to which they had not ever thought to ask previously, had as I guesstimate assumed as per the lack of anyone ever getting such information before as to how I can paint, as well as the lack of knowledge as to where to actually begin in reference to seeing how I paint the way I do in regards as to the process of visions regarding such; again I guesstimate in comparison to the factual knowledge as to the alphabetizing my bookshelves, my books on such bookshelves, my paintings artwork which the names are alphabetized as per what my plans for such an actual reveal had been in comparison, my Medal of Honor Art Project individual states as well as individuals regarding such being alphabetized; the assumptions as to ever thinking the portions on my website ever had to do with anything other than the alphabetizing is another annoyance regarding the lack of ability in regards to anyone who would ever be so arrogant to ever think of any such knowledge beyond the fact of the alphabetizing. That is another aspect to which my dead-ex-husband had not ever opened his eyes to until it was too late and he began his confessions as per the reality of not ever having the human decency to simply ask the questions in truth, to which only upon the last few months of his life did he ever realize as to the facts of which he did not ever know me at all.

Why did he not ever know me, despite the legal and forced marriage thereof?

Quite simply put he did not ever actually take the time with me to ever actually get to know me and only assumed the portions as to which ways he could try to control the situation to which he was too ignorant and too arrogant to ever accept the facts until those last few months, as to I have always been the one in control regarding how I am and who I am. While I have not been able to express the words correctly in all such ways because of not having the time nor the request to ever delve into such details at such times, I suppose the same can be in reference to those who wish it was only semantics when the reality as to the importance of such details are not actually semantics; the details have always been important and the Mandarin views as to which the laziness regarding wishing to only piece together a puzzle without the full amount of information, only has lead to multiple needless problems regarding many. Though realistically, my dead-ex-husband did not ever actually care about me to begin with anyways as the fact as to the amount of problems and dangers thereof he put my son and my daughter and I into needlessly because of his reckless and careless behaviours only has the proof to which the past has brought forward into clear view. Once again someone who actually cares about another would not ever publicly or otherwise steal valor from those who earned valor in pictures to which the knowledge of others having the ability to see such pictures was a problem he did not care about regarding the safety and sanctity of my son, my daughter, and/or I; to which only proved/proves the factual lack of care, lack of concern, and lack of humanity regarding such portions thereof. The fact of which if hypothetically I am accurate regarding such portions of such paintings and the lack of knowledge, lack of understanding, and definitely lack of comprehension as to what my personal plans had been for such pieces were and are the problem regarding the additional point in time regarding such pieces I was going to be working on referencing such aspects. The fact there is not another who has such capabilities in the exact same ways and as I would guesstimate the portions regarding the red dots on my website were not taken into consideration as to what those red dots actually meant in a fuller context, for the fact is those red dots were in place because of knowing where they were going to be put in reference to my overall portion of the locations regarding the gallery once I was done and once I was completed with the other pieces and the naming thereof regarding such paintings. However since the arrogances as per my hypothesis regarding such paintings both in reference to Lakewood as well as the travels only repeats the fact as to which none should ever assume they know anything regarding how my processes work regarding how I see, nor is there any requirement for me to actually explain such portions beyond the fact of which the way I see is the way I see and while some might wish to have a piece of which; they are in my opinion only being selfish in such regards with their envy and lust for what is not theirs to begin with regarding what I had not put into the wording because of the work I was completing, which if I needed help regarding my paintings I would have asked about such help as per the prior patterns of behaviour.

I have not ever asked for help regarding my paintings, because there was not ever any need or requirement for my paintings to ever have assistance from those who knew/know nothing about such portions as to the ways of what my artwork paintings were intended for and the assumptions as to what was considered regarding me as the only artist regarding such has as per what would be the only portion considered as normal for such; enraging the actual artist for the assumptions as to what was not ever asked about, thus not ever explained. In turn any artist can know, understand, and comprehend when others who have no actual need to be involved with such a process causes the infuriations as to the lack of ability to ever see or know or comprehend. Only those with linear minds would not be able to see such portions as to the actual knowledge for such, and thus would wish that which would/could be called semantics would be considered as justifiable; when in reality the lack of justifications in all such ways is seen by those who are the ones though in my case the only one who would know of such, to which if hypothetically there were any from my past who would wish they could ever have the slightest idea when not ever having taken the truthful time when in person with me to ever actually know of such portions would only cause needless additional problems and hypothetically would only lie claiming they ever knew me in the beginning to start off with. While I would not doubt some more specifically regarding any male or female I had ever dated and/or been involved with any relationship would automatically lie claiming they knew of such portions, then of which I also would not be surprised regarding the amount of lies they would spew regarding to those who once were friends of mine and/or family regarding such aspects as per the lack of ability to accept the fact as to the ending of whatever relationship there once had been. Thus if for one example the male who had held a loaded shotgun in my face which I disarmed and was rightfully infuriated he put my son and my daughter and I in jeopardy because of his immaturity regarding such a loaded shotgun and throwing a temper tantrum because I had been upset as well as laughed at his ignorance to think to try to do a rifle drill with a loaded shotgun, thus just the loaded portion was and is enough to show such lack of maturity as well as the lack of intelligence as military guys of the United States of America's Armed Forces do not use a shotgun and especially a loaded shotgun for Rifle Drills. They are called Rifle Drills because it should not take a head injury to figure out the term Rifle Drill means a Rifle firearm is utilized for such, and is why it is not called a Shotgun Drill. I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out back in 2011/2012, just as I do not think it took or takes a head injury to figure out it is called a Rifle Drill for the specific type of firearm regarding such a drill.

Then again while I have not hidden such aspects as to not having graduated Basic Training for the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces the particular individual I refer to regarding such aspects additionally threw a temper tantrum because of the knowledge and the clarification from my biological mother and my biological father as to how much I fought to be emancipated to be able to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces, just as they had clarified regarding my attempts to join the Marine and Science Technology School with the Naval attachment regarding when I was in 8th grade knowing I was looking at the Armed Forces of the United States of America even back then in 1996 because of the nightmare I was having back in my childhood before my teenager years. That particular male threw a temper tantrum claiming I was bragging to him about having been able to fight to be emancipated to join the Army branch when in comparison there was not any such bragging as the realistic portion for which not having graduated Basic Training was not ever a thought in his mind, as to what that is actually viewed as for such times especially after the timing of 11 September 2001 though also before such. Only a civilian without the knowledge as to what those who have graduated Basic Training and AIT as to how most have been treated because of not being able to graduate Basic Training and/or AIT would know nothing as to such treatments regarding those who have graduated, and while some have begun to realize there is still the honor regarding not taking credit for something which was not graduated from though the respect as to not steal valor in reference to such; only a civilian who idolized the work done by such individuals in comparison to being proud of the fact such individuals have been able to graduate Basic Training and AIT to assist with the situations for the safer and betterment of the national security of the homeland of the United States of America along with the treaties thereof around the world, would ever be so arrogant to ever think such a way. That had been an additional problem regarding that particular male as he was incapable to ever see or know as to what I had actually dealt with regarding those who had graduated Basic Training and AIT, well before though especially obviously after in reference to my dead-ex-husband who had chosen to steal valor and not care about the consequences thereof.

The ironic portion as to such realities of that particular male having not been able to know of such to ever try to understand the truth of such comes forward regarding the lack of awareness regarding the Director of Security in the Bank of America location in downtown Dallas as per knowing I had not been the only person who had ever been taken into different areas around that tower, and having been made fun of because of being more concerned than he was about the security regarding the building and those within the downtown Bank of America tower in comparison to him having been a Director of Security for such. The regards as to the phone call long distance bills referencing to the landline which was supposed to only be used for emergency purposes which I had asked him if he was certain he should do such when calling me which his complaint had been the lack of cellphone service in the area, which of course there would be a lack of cellphone service in what would be considered as a bunker as per the safety requirements for if there ever was a problem which the building needed assistance regarding if there was an attack and the building collapsed as per the information within such a location as well as other portions thereof. There are many reasons why a basement does not have the capability to have cellphone service go through the same way, similarly regarding on a military installation, just the same in reference to what occurred on the day of as well as the first few days and weeks after the 11 September 2001 attacks because of the requirement for the open communication aspects for the individuals within the law enforcement/fire department/EMS/military of the United States of America's Armed Forces to be able to communicate clearly with one another and the channels being open for such to be able to get the emergency services to the locations thereof required; though it apparently took a head injury to explain such to that male to which it enraged him because I knew more than he did and though the ironic complaints regarding his claim as to bragging about the fact I had fought to be emancipated which again I was not bragging and I was only accepting and acknowledging the facts thereof for the clear understanding to those who would need such clarifications regarding Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans as well as Law Enforcement/Fire Department/EMS in case there was ever the need for assistance though also for the ability for them to know of the realities as to them being able to know and understand when I comprehend the requirement to proverbially stay in my own lane if ever such were a requirement, which is a reality because of the situations regarding the attacks on 11 September 2001.

In such a reference regarding such the realities of which those I knew in person who had the direct connection in the Active Duty portion of the Air Force of the United States of America that male Tech Sergeant knew I could not tell a lie as well as knew my background enough to know of the relevant portions of my suggestions to be able to move forward and assist those where the information I had given would be able to help in regards of clearing the way for what was needed at such times, for the safety and security of the United States of America's citizens as well as around the world regarding such military installations associated with and thereof while also the assistances to those in regards of the other males I spoke with during that timeframe for the other branches and divisions of the governmental aspects in conjunction with the civilian aspects regarding such to be able to help where I personally could. The fact of my blue identification card is a twisted ironic portion I suppose I can joke about regarding certain portions as to the Democratic Party and the ways to which the information to be taken to whomever needed such in an open way, though maintaining my Republican Party views regarding the safety and security of those in uniform as well as the civilian sector where as best as possible; only the joke in reference to the blue color in reference to my identification card for the Armed Forces of the United States of America more well known to the Democratic Party of course, while making the additional joke in reference to my red hair color. Yet at the same time I suppose I can joke in reference to an older YouTube video I had posted which I explained in a joking way though quite seriously as to the fact that each individuals' blood when in their veins is blue and only when exposed to oxygen does the blood turn red, as each individual is also born with white surrounding their eye color regarding my personal symbolic view additionally to the colors of the American Flag as to other representations thereof for such.

Admittedly while I have always appreciated the American Flag and the symbolisms known as well as some not as well known I must give credit to the individual I had emailed with years ago referencing the Leather Flag for such furthered wonderings and ponderings about such representations within the American Flag, as while I asked if it would be considered as acceptable to use the picture from the Leather Flag for the group I was creating at the time W.H.I.P.s regarding a Leather based Female Dominant group which my intention for such was for those not only in regards of the portions about the Leather based aspects for those who were in such a Female Dominant portion, the ideas as to such for those in regards of any type of Female Dominant in such ways as per certain discrepancies I had in reference to the ways of certain portions regarding the Dominant Program referencing the ways of the Professional Dominant Females as well as the ability for such times to speak about such portions though in a non-Professional setting as per knowing the requirement for the time between individuals within a relationship setting with one another; even if the Professional aspects thereof are valid in some relationships, the reality of the need for the time away from such aspects just as any who work together though also have a relationship need the time for themselves in such ways to set aside such time for the relationship itself comparatively to only being in one particular mode thereof. The timing for such aspects admittedly was not as ideal for such though in comparison while at this point it still has been something I have been working through in reference to the particular group idea though a different name in such references regarding such aspects possibly as per differences thereof regarding the timing, I can also see such portions in a different aspect now for such combinations thereof regarding such portions because of a different level as to other such aspects which can be considered as useful referencing several aspects in other such ways for security measures. While some had a different view regarding the Professional portions regarding such in reference to the Dominant Mentor Program and locations thereof in additional reference aspects to health and wellbeing in such differences, I did grow up where I grew up and had been exposed to different lifestyles of various individuals throughout such times when growing up in New Jersey as per the proverbial metaphorical melting pot of the United States of America because of the amount of different people throughout the area as it is more well-known in latter years regarding such portions despite other prior comments regarding the tristate area of the United States of America.

While the male in the reference regarding such had continued to wish I would or could be more like one of his ex girlfriends in particular or similar to other females he had been involved with regarding times over such years, the fact as to which he complained about regarding the claim of bragging about such associated portions to the United States of America's Armed Forces made little sense as to how he could not simply see as such regarding what his complaints were in the combinationary aspects thereof. However the ironic portion as to if he had remembered and paid attention regarding when I had posted online regarding a lifestyle posting which if he was honest he would have explained to those I once knew in the Dallas/Fort Worth area among others in a specific group as to not the lack of care or concern regarding such groups of people though more-so in reference even in regards of his own portions as to trying to push me towards that direction and my refusal, though more importantly as to how the scene was in regards of the San Antonio Texas region towards Female Dominants in general as well as in reference towards male submissives; whether or not in the arrangements thereof regarding such aspects, as per his own experiences regarding when at the Exotic Easter event which even though he was unaware as to what I personally dealt with as he was more upset as to what I had warned him not to do though if he had ever thought honestly as to why I had been as such aside from the public aspects thereof he would have known if he thought about such as to what I had dealt with while he went to get his hooded mask regarding that particular event after what he had complained about regarding the treatment after he did what I warned him not to do. While others may have had an idea more-so in certain regards from their own prior experiences, the fact of the matter as to how many times I had dealt with such situations well before ever being involved with the Dallas/Fort Worth areas and the Austin areas regarding the Leatheratti article was more of what was not known as much or possibly understood as to the levels which I had dealt with well before ever being involved. If you of those areas can envision from such times remember, I realized who I was in such aspects back in 2004 in comparison to when I had the article published in Leatheratti in 2012/2013 and that was initially posted on fetlife; though I had thought a larger amount of people might be interested in from such a perspective as I knew I was not the only Female Dominant who was not a Professional. It was simply after all that had combined in full from the aspects after the Fort Worth Zoo situation and McCoy Elementary School combined with such other aspects of their law firm and the CFBISD school district which boiled over after having to make the final decision no parent who cares about their child(ren) regarding such, in regards of the legal aspects thereof.

If those were to envision as to how such times had always been for me since 2004 in comparison to only the known times of when the article was written then to think about how such times were including the formation of W.H.I.P.s in conjunction as to how I had dealt with far more than most ever had the slightest inclinations of, which mainly had to do with either males who did not want to accept certain aspects about themselves and preferred the anonymous aspects of Professionals or in the simple aspects of male Dominants who had refused wrongly to accept no for an answer because of the perceived machismo needlessly. Not forgetting the situations which certain male Dominants wished to change such as they saw such as a challenge in comparison to simply accepting the fact even they who had in certain regards gotten some females to get into such a situation, their relationships did not ever work out because neither were ever truly themselves as well as neither actually were happy in such a situation. In my opinion the males Dominants who knew they were in the wrong even if subconsiously could not ever be happy with such because even if only subconsciously they were unable to satisfy themselves with someone who was known to be anything other than what they had wished for as in my opinion it was more of the physical view of such in comparison to the actuality of who the individual had been regarding what I had noticed before, while additionally the Female Dominant was simply wanting a relationship in a more stable aspect though subconsciously unable to admit because of the portions as to the feelings thereof as to the ways of which the relationship had lead to become as such; thus inevitably neither would ever be happy in the relationship in the long term or the longer terms or the longest terms possible, as once the so-called unaccepted challenge on the others' side was over then what is perceived as the so-called thrill of the hunt was officially over regarding such and the eyes wandered whichever ways the eyes wandered. In turn the problems for such relationships in my opinion were always destined to fail simply because of the lack of truth on either side, even if only in a few minor ways though such leads to the longer and longest terms of being more comfortable with lying wrongly. In such situations regarding such aspects especially within intimate relationships of such the absolute requirement for truth in comparison for the lasting relationship aspects in such ways is mandatory if truthfully seeking such situations for such a consensual adult relationship, though such has been considered as taboo for too long especially when taking into consideration the acceptance of the adult film industry; though they themselves also know of varied ramifications regarding how some view certain portions to which those who act in such videos in comparison to who they actually are I would guesstimate, would need to agree as to the perception and the misconception thereof regarding such portions.

Jewelry for modeling in comparison to actually being in such a situation has also been problematic in my opinion as per depending upon the clothing worn for the modeling session in comparison to ever actually being a part of such a view due to how some wish to hide such aspects in a different way, personally has been why despite liking certain jewelry had become problematic for me to ever model such thereafter because of the failure among males mainly to realize there is a difference between modeling clothing and jewelry in comparison to being a part of such; which in my opinion has required clarification regarding such arrogances for such to wish the jewelry modeling meant more in comparison to what it actually had always been regarding my own modeling. While I have liked certain jewelry for decades, I learned the problems regarding certain ignorances of such and simply because of those types of males mainly I have denied myself the jewelry choices I have preferred not only because of the cost monetarily of the preference of such jewelry as per who I was raised by and what I grew up around in reference to such aspects; however also because of the simple ignorances regarding those who wished the jewelry meant something more than it actually had meant from the get go, though again because of how I was raised and more specifically what I had been raised around regarding such jewelry pieces the requirement for my taste regarding jewelry as I have explained is an extremely high number in the value thereof as per the requirement for the jewelry to be of a specific caliber. I have warned plenty not in ways to be rude though simply to be honest, my biological father went to the School of Bulova and was certified to not only work on those watches among other higher end watches; though he also was able to certify gemstones in specific ratings, and because of his amount of specialties and expertise regarding such the inability for him to ever be hired on beyond a contractor because of also the amount of individuals with the higher end ability to pay for such jewelry pieces to be worked on and/or repaired and/or set and/or molded and/or etcetera regarding such specialized pieces. In the 1980s and 1990s, those particular pieces which the envelopes had the amount for the cost of the repair only for the pieces if I recall correctly while not forgetting the pieces themselves and the standards thereof; if I recall correctly, one of the lower numbers for the parts cost only was around $500.00 which did not include the cost of the labor time for such portions. Granted he gave certain people a deal if they were an in person sort of aspect because of the length of time and he assisted the children in the neighborhood with their watches as children and teenagers as a small battery for a watch that was $50.00 was not a big deal to help out with, though it was as it was regarding those times. In turn the portions regarding the jewelry modeling later as well as in reference to relationships I had warned others as to what I had been raised around, which was taken more lightly as per some not knowing to the levels of what specifics there are regarding those particular pieces at such times. I suppose, pun intended regarding watches and clocks. Nonetheless the aspects to such time pieces as well as jewelry to model with required me to make the choice to not wear such, despite having liked the physical view.

However if there are those particular companies who are interested in a different looking model regarding such time pieces, I am open for such aspects as I do have a few ideas regarding several types of differences regarding the ways as to which such has been advertised in a different way. That would definitely be a different view regarding such aspects, and the ways of which may bring a different upward mobility regarding such aspects in the current (pun intended) timeframe.

While the aspects as to what ironically that particular male in regards of the disarming situation had also known in regards as to how the law firm for the school district had been at the timing of when he and I were together, those portions as to how the treatment had been towards me; he had returned to the apartment in Irving with a perspective of them being much kinder to him than he expected from what I explained I was dealing with when he showed them his identification card with his legal name, which in that regard if there are those who only pay attention to last names whether or not he is related to the Presidential family of the Kennedys in truth I was not informed of such connections. However if so regarding the last name and aside from such portions, then there is the reality of simply the physical view of how he looked in comparison to the physical view of how I look; which was a different portion all together as I had already explained by such points in time regarding such. A different disagreement regarding such times as he truly thought he was treated better and he truly thought his connection to me was not going to be an impact, which I had warned him the only reason why the law firm wanted to have him go to pick up the paperwork was not because of the false claim of fear as to me showing up as the lawyer Nona Matthews had claimed on the phone with the Judge Lynn Rubinett; though had only been because the law firm and the school district had wanted to know who I was involved with, after who I had already been engaged to twice by that point in time and how such situations went. Again as per multiple times before as well as afterwards, my physical view was not considered as acceptable to those people while the ironic portions as to their own family members and/or friends having had tattoos as well as different hairstyles and hair colorations. Realistically as I pointed out as well as they had proven, it was because of my association regarding the Armed Forces of the United States of America; as the Iraq and the Afghanistan War was treated similarly though differently though similarly regarding certain people's view points in reference to the Vietnam War regarding soldiers. Now it can be seen more often regarding the problems towards Police Officers which I warned was the first portions which even during the Vietnam War for those who were alive during such times in Law Enforcement I would guesstimate could agree as to who was went after first, during the time of 2008-2013 especially the initial going after was against the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans in comparison to back in the time of Vietnam when the civilians initially went after law enforcement first. I warned it was going to be a reverse portion in reference to civilians and how such would go as even though some law enforcement officers already dealt with certain aspects in the personal life sort of way if the civilian population could not get enough Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans to stop being themselves which was always going to be impossible for the civilians despite their prior tries in some times, I warned the civilian population would then focus more upon the treatment of law enforcement officers and do everything they could to get them out of the way; unaware that if the civilian population achieved such and/or enough police officers were not willing to deal with the civilian population, then the realistic portions as to the Martial Law aspects which had already been done though sparingly because of wanting to maintain the Constitutional Rights for the general population.

However the portions regarding how more has become more prevalent regarding what I had warned of more-so well known in the general population as per the Mike Brown situation in Missouri though added over the times regarding such despite plenty including that police officer in the Mike Brown situation, such more often than not of police officers being in the correct stance and their own innocence. However it is known as to how police officers in prison systems are treated regarding those locations in comparison as in a different way as to what I have dealt with in a multitude of aspects when in such situations law enforcement officers are treated differently because of what was done in reference to the badge, while also in other such portion in reference to the treatment from others within the prison system themselves. In a different way which the claim regarding bragging in comparison to what it was, the clarifications could possibly be seen a bit more clearly depending upon which stance one looks at such in reference to being medically retired from the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces; however at such times additionally, I had not brought up the realities regarding my maternal side of the family Grandpa Gavett and his connections thereof. Not in shame regarding such, more along the lines of not wanting or needing to name drop in such references as per the facts of not knowing which specific groups/agencies/organizations he had been a part of forming in his years of time within the United States of America's governing branches and divisions thereof; though knowing it was important, as per history as well as a few other aspects only if the timing required it without hesitation as per those who know and understand as well as comprehend the requirement for safety in other such ways. Additionally in such though more along the lines of in the MEPS station only bringing up my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu in reference to being willing and able to help where I could in other aspects for the United States of America as per knowing how certain aspects regarding how my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had escaped Mao Ze Doong with their son who is my biological Grandpa, it was explained to me as to what certain portions as to the female population regarding the Mandarins were concerned thereof.

With a limited number of females the males of the area would seek out a female who could fall within certain accepted viewpoints however along the lines of the females being extremely limited, the exotic view of such a female would be considered as more coveted and would be considered as more likely to be preferred; while not knowing as to where the loyalties were always going to remain as per the ways of such upbringing, especially as many females who returned before the time of Tiananmen Square situations as it was the females who mainly began such situations and after they spoke with the males they too were involved as to such aspects of what occurred regarding such times. The government was not willing to tolerate such behaviour regarding how the situations went and when the rioting became more than was tolerable for such times in comparison to what has been allowed regarding the situations more recently between 2014 through to current times in certain locations, there was only one chance regarding that situation in China compared to what has been allowed as per the length of time not only from the Vietnam War era though also in reference to the portions regarding the way law enforcement has dealt with quite a bit more in comparison as well. I had warned many in person as best as I could prior to publishing my initial books in 2014, however in addition to such one piece of paper when paying attention to the fact of not only SCUBA Diving as well as Irving 2011; despite not having to want to go to the levels of that IRS paper, I knew what I was going to be writing about in more details. I knew what I had read as well as what I had seen regarding The Big Blue Book also known more commonly as The Blue Book Project, which in such combinations thereof there was only so much I could warn about before having to get to the point which I needed to actually give such explanations.

In turn while I have taken many pictures over the years both in the film aspects as well as in the digital aspects, there have been many times as to which I have taken various pictures as to the different portions regarding the aspects of what is reported in The Blue Book Project in some ways. In the reality as to few having believed me about my nightmare as a child throughout such years in addition to other portions thereof in whichever timeframe you want to look into, the reality of how few believed me at such times was why the requirement I made of myself to be silent regarding far more than I could have been has been why many I once knew had not an inclination as to such portions thereof. I have made the choice to have distinguished the portions of differences regarding Zippy and Zippy's Friends in comparison to their enemies, which as I guess some might know more-so in reference to the traveling capabilities regarding such as to the varied names of the UFO/UAP/UAF extraterrestrial/alien life forms; it would not be a surprise at this point in time if in such regards in reference to my childhood and the coding aspects if there have been those in the human being portion who could recognize the ways I type as pre-millennium coding as per the fact my biological mother worked for Prudential in the software information technology aspects in the 1980s and the 1990s, I had already been visited over the years in person regarding such beings in person as well as having seen spirits as per not only Old Tennent Presbyterian Church's square mile cemetery and had been able to distinguish the differences thereof back then. It also would not be a surprise at minimum more-so now regarding such if in the back coding room areas as to certain discussions when I was younger if the reality of such types of beings more along the lines of Zippy and Zippy's friends' enemies were paying attention to me at such times, as I have already explained in person as well as in writing as to my VW Beetle which looked like a Bumble Bee and the salesman not knowing the car was ever on the lot before I had arrived to look at such at the Gunn dealership in San Antonio in 2008.

Those who had been around my car Zippy would be able to discuss the attitude my car had especially in reference to if you had an attitude around her, though in such a reference the possible of distinguishing thereof regarding such situations pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and a challenge I had received regarding proving the worthwhile aspects of the human population as well as the earth remaining as itself in such ways. For those who have known me more-so after the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury regarding how protective I can be and those who wanted to see how I was pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, one female explained it the best regarding her perception as to there were parts of my personality which were amplified and other parts which seemed to have been erased from my personality; which the parts which were ironically what she referred to would most likely be along the lines of the overall protective portions in comparison to only in certain select cases post-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, to which if you can envision how much of an attitude when being protective though as a child and a teenager compared to when being a biological adult I suppose you can guess as to how protective I had always been despite the circumstances thereof though a few reference points which would possibly make a bit more sense regarding such aspects despite my choice as to my level of involvement thereof. While I admittedly had not known about the movie Bumblebee and the irony of it beginning with a VW Beetle in the same colorations as to the VW Beetle I had and how I said my car looked like a Bumblebee until the year of 2020 when seeing such online, I also did not know there was a comic book about such as per the way I grew up as a child; to which that portion of irony regarding the amount of people who made fun of me to my face about not knowing Pop Culture references, and yet some of the same individuals who had refused to acknowledge as to the existence of such life forms whether in regards of spirits and/or in reference to extra terrestrials/alien life forms.

However such has been as such has been over the years regarding such, as quite frankly similarly to several other aspects the situations to which I have not been asked about despite having put such available in discussions as well as writing thereafter regarding a multitude of portions has been overlooked for such a length of time which I simply closed down and stopped speaking about many aspects with people I had been in person speaking with at times due to the situations which occurred over time. Realistically one can only be falsely accused and called whichever names thereof for so long before simply realizing the portions as to which when it is time to walk away from such aspects, as per such portions regarding to requiring the transfer processes to go through as per recognizing such over time in other ways with such other memories which had resurfaced over such times in a combination thereof. While there have been those which had been informed in person at various points in time well before ever writing of such later on, the aspects to which for the example regarding Zippy there were those who thought I was joking with them about the name of my car as well as thought I was joking about how I thought the VW Beetle looked like a Bumble Bee. Just as similarly as to other situations to which others thought I was joking about situations regarding what I had dealt with as a child, as a teenager, and after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which does include the details in reference to both the rave and Brackenridge as well as situations regarding my now dead-ex-husband in conjunction with other such portions in reference to the McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District; by the time later of which the Irving situation occurred which was shortly after my SCUBA Diving, I simply gave up believing there was any reason to ever go into the multitude of details in a larger way referencing various discussions in whichever aspects. When other recreational SCUBA Divers do not care regarding the situations thereof at the times within the year of 2009 the portions to which when what occurred regarding my daughter, my son, and I simply were seemingly worthless to discuss with anyone I once knew as per the ways as to which my SCUBA Diving situation had occurred. Thus when the situations afterwards within the various groups of people I once knew over such points in time and as the situations continued onward which does include the regards as to having dealt with being a Female Dominant in the adult lifestyle, when none had realized I was speaking the truth because I could only tell the truth; it became quite clear to me as to when in Washington state after how I wound up there shortly after what occurred at Mike and Patty's in reference to Allen and the situation of being pushed and left on the concrete no differently than another time regarding my dead-ex-husband with the exception of not being left unconscious on the ground for hours in the summer early afternoon timeframe, when it came to the situations as to such it seemed pointless to bother any further at the years of such portions.

Just as similarly in reference to other aspects as to how few believed me when I had posted about such on fetlife about the incident and none told me as to who I could have spoken with which the situations additionally regarding the 4th of July just prior to in 2012, when the situations as to how it was explained in reference to Erika also known as Discordia having had the support and concern regarding her choice to steal garden gnomes and her jail time regarding such the reality when in the San Antonio Family Courtroom fully sank in as to the amount of individuals who literally told me they did not care about such. Not only in reference to the online portions, though while some in other areas in the state of Texas did not speak of such in person; there were those within the San Antonio and Austin communities to which those words were said to my face in person, among a few other such aspects. While there were those in various areas which simply refused to accept the reality when in regards of my daughter, my son, and I as well as other such situations; by the time Irving occurred despite other discussions about such other aspects regarding some real experiences, there seemed the lack of a need to go into detail any further regarding such. Similarly regarding in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project in conjunction with my paintings the reference aspects thereof just have compounded to where the portions of which to ponder why the aspects to ever continue on further whether in regards of when in person to speak about as per such aspects to the truth being spoken with me in comparison to just when is felt as to speak of the truth from me, about quite a few topics thereof. However I suppose the irony regarding the painting called No Answers as such can be viewed both ways in such regards as there were no answers over the years referencing the amount of reaching out I had personally made regarding such, though also when in reference to others who have not spoken the truth in person as to because of such the no answers in such regards in response as to the details required for such actualities thereof. Communication is a two way street proverbially to which while the ability to type about quite a bit, that is not a discussion and is not considered the same in my opinion regarding communication as per a discussion.

The way I have viewed discussions regarding any topic point is a discussion between a minimum of two people in comparison to what has occurred and while some feel more comfortable online in such regards, I am not one of those who has felt more comfortable in such ways as per how I personally am and have been. While some prefer socializing in such aspects online, that has not been the ways which I personally have felt comfortable regarding the portions thereof when in an area which there are people. While the aspects as to the current situation regarding COVID and the portions thereof have been the larger discussion more recently regarding the complexities thereof in reference to the varied portions which includes the aspects as to the healthcare portions I had warned plenty of people about referencing the ACA and the medical treatment regarding how some thought the Armed forces of the United States of America has had it easier for the healthcare portions, the reality of which regarding the COVID aspects and quarantine has realistically been a larger version of what squads and/or units and/or brigades and/or installations of military bases have dealt with in reference to various medical procedures as well as training exercises. When there have been the guinea pig aspects as to the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists when in whichever branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces, there was not the available option to go anywhere except where was allowed on post if allowed to leave the area to begin with. While the point as to which I did not graduate Basic Training, I have explained as to how the Article 15 and the restrictions thereof I dealt with regarding who I was and who I was not allowed to speak with as per the situations referencing to a multitude of factors because of being 17 years old after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. The Criminal Investigation Division or CID had obviously spoken with my Company Commander(s) as well as the Brigade Commander about such situations, which in such portions despite several other factors; I guesstimate there are those who are Veterans who would easily be able to review how the situations have gone regarding the quarantines, the lockdowns, as well as the spacing and the allowances and such to which the portions could be reviewed by such individuals as to their time when in the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists of whichever branch and/or division of the United States of America's Armed Forces to such similarities though in a much larger aspect thereof. I guesstimate there are those within the medical profession and/or who have experience regarding the medical research as to the levels thereof regarding such procedures to which while I had warned people in 2010 especially though also further down the line of time as to their hoping for the military medical portions compared to what they had in reference to the civilian sector during such years, if they were honest with themselves would be able to see such realities I warned them to look into before actually hoping for such aspects as much as they had regarding such. However after a certain point in time those who had repeatedly said they hoped for the military healthcare treatments for all civilians and the military to be able to get the civilian choice of treatments in comparison, I did explain they would be responsible for the switch in comparison for such aspects as per the constant berating as to hoping for such for all civilians while hoping the other portions for all military of the United States of America's Armed Forces. Such individuals who hoped for such also had refused to acknowledge other health situations in such communities to which then the other aspects as to the general health and wellbeing has been important and their choice to spread communicable diseases without giving the proper information regarding their health, is another aspect as well to pay attention to.

While the reality of some having reactions to the immunizations over the years because of some whose parents had refused to get the vaccines for such which has been a reason why elders have had to get booster shots to keep their immune systems better because of such portions thereof, the individuals who have refused to get vaccinated and many I would guesstimate who have had such communicable diseases to spread would be able to see the reasons for the boosters have been due to the larger bacterial portions being needlessly spread because of such choices regarding immunizations as well as other proper medical care. While there is the reality certain generations which have had one or two generations of children who have not been immunized and the reactions to such points in their system have caused flare ups in other such medical conditions, the reality of the importance as to the immunization is for life to go forward in comparison to regressing as per the multitude of protections such brings forward. As I warned people specifically more-so in the Austin Texas area as to their hoping for the medical treatments the way the military gets such, I had warned about the ways as to which the lines are formed and the ways in Basic Training more-so as to how such lines go for those immunizations; to which while some had laughed at me thinking I was joking, again I would guesstimate there are plenty of those who are/have been Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans who would be able to clearly in detail go into such aspects of the lining up of the individuals to walk through the line which has administers of immunizations on each side as the line walks through to get immunizations in each arm prior to the final immunization against the wall regarding the larger penicillin shot which does feel as though peanut butter consistency in such; however the aspects as to which the newer variant of the DELTA COVID aspects, does bring forward the additional portions as to the immunization aspects regarding such. With the additional aspects to the election integrity and the requirement for proper identification regarding such in addition to the proper identification about immunizations, the twisted irony as to this point of 10-11 years ago bringing such realities to the surface to discuss such realities. While I knew there were those who had wished for different discussions when I had been out and about during such years I made the choice to discuss such as I thought it was important for the truth to be more well known for what they were hoping for to make an actual choice in comparison to blindly following, which I suppose at this point I can make a joke-ish about it simply being kind of similar to the ways as to the missionaries of the Jehovah Witnesses and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in a different way regarding the realities about the Armed forces of the United States of America as well as bringing up various realities as to technology aspects which I had warned about referencing such as well.

In so much as to bring up the Prudential aspects as to the challenge in the coding backroom areas I suppose the possibility of there not having been a human being I was communicating with at the times thereof, when I was a child as I had not thought about the possibilities until much later as in more recently within the year of 2021; of any such beings really getting involved with the portions of such coding aspects, to which while I have had problems with technology after waking up from my coma and GeekSquad as well as Best Buy knowing of such situations though having discussed such well before I wound up in Washington state regarding the situations I was having beyond just the fire which occurred to one of the laptops back around 2004 from the energetic healing of people who use technology as well as what I felt regarding such portions in reference to some technological aspects as well. The ecigarette situations while in Washington state additionally to such portions of which only occurred after being in Washington state which though I had problems with such when beginning to work with for smoking in regards of beginning in 2011, GeekSquad and Best Buy would know more about the number of laptop situations regarding the timeframe; though in my thoughts as per such I thought had been due to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and possibly in reference to what occurred when I was SCUBA Diving in certain locations, especially after the Cozumel/Cancun problems as to what I have already gone into such details about that male's confession on phone calls as well as on the Bremerton Navy/Marine shipyard in 2019 regarding him admitting I had told him no several times and his claim it was flirting as well as his confession regarding having messed with my SCUBA Diving gear in those phone calls as well as on the military installation. How such aspects whether in reference to the coding when I was a child into my early teenager years and such random discussions in the backroom areas with and/or without the challenge to prove humanity's worth of continuing existence has any similarity to the swimming when I went to the oceanic waters and such aspects as to the Mer-People regarding concerns thereof in reference to not having my own laptop at the time when in Washington state could possibly be a hypothetical regarding the writing portions online whether on social media platforms or later regarding my website in reference to the additional aspects as to the Irving and other such situations, has not been something I had thought about in a more detailed sort of way regarding such possibilities. I had not thought about anyone other than my son and my daughter missing me because of being a Mom and missing them regarding from such times after what had begun and went as such had gone onward, as per having been told as I had in person as well as what I read online about what others' opinions as to how I explained as well as how I had been/am.

The way I had grown up in a multitude of aspects had been similar in multiple ways as to how things went after I woke up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to which being informed as to how burdensome I had been told being, it had not been a thought in a larger way as to ever being looked at as anything more than such as told. As I can only speak in the ways of full truth before and after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury I had believed what I was told because of not ever thinking anyone would lie or could lie because of only thinking as to how certain people I met had acknowledged such in various ways, to which the portions of believing there were more who simply could only tell the truth comparatively as it did not make sense to me any other way. Maybe such was because of knowing the ramifications in a larger way as to the technological portions though realistically also the way I grew up dealing with certain aspects from my biological sister in such regards, as a child and a teenager I learned how important it had been to tell the truth at all times. When in reference to the situations involving 11 September 2001 the importance was only repeated to me regarding such especially though very much so after initially waking up from my coma and being in Medical Hold Unit which is now the Warrior Transition Unit as per the explanations the doctors required for the ability to help others who had already dealt with head injuries or TBI(s) and/or had the possibilities thereof especially depending upon the field of MOS aspects while not forgetting the portions regarding the situations which civilians could not ever predict such occurring to them at any such point in time, which only the truthful answers could ever help such.

However I suppose the same can be said in reference to the aspects regarding the varied situations regarding what I had repeatedly explained and warned others about referencing McCoy Elementary School and the ways as to which the situations occurred over the time after the Fort Worth Zoo especially, to which the situations thereof regarding the Trump2020 rallies which if such individuals thought to try to think a public rally without ever explaining who they actually were in such prior references already written about regarding the picture and video views thereof as to the realistic aspects as per such portions; can also be taken into consideration for such situations which had obviously impacted my son, my daughter, and myself in the negative needless ways as per such biases as well as needless problems, for which the legal ramifications as to such stalking and harassment regarding the facts thereof to prior such written statements regarding such can be reviewed as to the legitimacy for such additional portions if I am hypothetically accurate regarding such portions. While at the time First Lady of the United States of America Melania Trump has the saying of Be Bold, I doubt that was the intention regarding if such individuals within the state of Texas who had gone to the rallies thereof for the reelection portion of POTUS45 and VPOTUS47 had in mind regarding being bold. However at minimum I suppose the silver lining which can be found would be along the lines of the ability to have already explained and warned about what was going on though the need and the requirement for the betterment regarding raising children, while taking such views into consideration regarding the view of such times if any such individuals connected to the situations thereof were ever to ask for a picture with me and/or video thereof being nearby as to wish that would make a view of ever being accepting of what they did. Obviously the requirement to be truthful and to inform me of such before asking for a picture with me would be the only way to actually do so in such regards as per the requirements as it is a saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, to which if any such images were taken regarding such people connected to that school and/or school district happened to be as such during the time of the Trump and Open America Rallies; such can be reviewed for the portions thereof in addition in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project, among several other situations thereof depending upon the evidence found in such references.

Nonetheless while Phillip Omstead had been in the initial meetings at McCoy Elementary School after the Fort Worth Zoo as well as at the CFBISD Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District initial meeting, Patrick Kennedy had been who was told was required by the lawfirm to the Judge of the Texas Education Agency to pick up the paperwork from the school which I had repeatedly requested to be sent to me as per the legal requirements. However since I had looked online for the apartment to move out of and away from such portions regarding the CFBISD location to get an apartment which later was learned to be a part of as well as learned to be in front of the law firm for the CFBISD office in Irving, the requirement illegally made referencing who I was in a relationship with at the time regarding Patrick Kennedy would have been seen when I was out on the back patio and their illegal surveillance regarding what their staff at McCoy Elementary School and their adult volunteers had been a part of regarding such situations in reference to my daughter and my son and I from their mistakes; hypothetically the charges thereof would and can be the charges thereof, regarding which ever legalities of whichever portions thereof regarding all such situations which occurred because of their stated biases and whatever emails and text messages as well as phone calls and etcetera they had made when speaking with whomever they spoke with during such times.

I found an additional aspect of a hidden portion of something to be thankful and grateful for, in reference to the email dump in regards of yahoo and gmail. All such correspondences would have been a part of those email situations to which all of their individual emails and the like would also have been dumped outward for more to be able to see as well as find, however such would and could be found in such aspects thereof declaring their opinions and biases against my son and my daughter and I; as well as any/all connections thereof regarding how such proceedings went by their own freewill choices typed by their own hands and spoken with their own voices of their own freewill to whomever they were speaking with willingly by calling such individuals or answering such calls in comparison to monitoring and surveillances thereof, to which there are prior situations to which those types of people have been known about and such programs regarding the United States of America have been put into place regarding certain smaller aspects in the knowledge as to also wishing such would not be required in a larger way though the ability for such contingencies to take a look into regarding such types of choices made by whomever had been a willing participant compared to the victim/survivor(s) thereof.

Who of all would be the least inclined as well as the least allowed for ever having anything to do with my paintings and my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces in my personal opinion, would be quite simple for such aspects regarding those in reference to the school as well as the school district. Those who knowingly and willingly partook of such situations regarding the knowledge thereof regarding the problems those people caused needlessly would be the lesser of which to have anything to do with in my opinion, though those who had not known and had not had the inclinations thereof in my opinion would be the most innocent regarding such portions in my opinion. However those within the Carrollton Texas area who had known of my SCUBA Diving and had chosen to stay quiet in comparison to actually having helped when the requirements had been more mandatory for such times which includes my SCUBA Diving gear situation, in my opinion such would be among the lesser inclined portions for any such rights which would be fully denied in my opinion regarding such willing choices needlessly while knowing internally of the connection to the United States of America's Armed Forces I have and had at the time of to which the greed/pride/lust/coveting/sloth/blasphemy/etcetera in my opinion would fit such categories though others can make their own judgements as to the levels thereof seen from such evidentiary portions thereof. To purposefully be willing to put children as well as other SCUBA Divers whether recreational or military associated SCUBA Divers at risk needlessly in my opinion, is something which has been needing to be reviewed and seen for the truthful portions thereof as it was and is known not only from my words though also from my actions as to the reality of how much I have gone to making the choice to help and protect as many as I could without the problems of needless harm to those who are innocent of such problems regarding the reference points thereof. Though the same in reference to those within the adult lifestyle communities in my opinion regarding those who knew from the truthful portions I explained, in regards thereof in what occurred thereafter such times in 2009 and onward in my opinion if hypothetically accurate regarding such additional portions thereof. I have already listed the names as to who I can remember had been around the various technology devices I have had and while I may not remember all of the individuals officially, at minimum there is a starting point for such.

I made the choice to help in truth, not for ego and not for anything other than to genuinely help. If at minimum there have been Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans/dependents of the military and/or law enforcement and/or fire department and/or EMS and/or civilians who have been able to be helped positively for the betterment in larger ways of the general population; I am glad for such aspects, and hopeful for the best possible moves forward regarding such portions thereof.


Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Model Author Susan MeeLing

It should not take a head injury to figure this out because I thought you are supposed, to be smarter.

If there are those who find such interesting enough to research further to bring forward more information in reference to the forefront for more detailed information, as usual I request the courtesy of the same which I do in reference to how I refer to articles for reference points when writing my journal blog entries; for each one used for reference starting points, to research for clearer understanding from such knowledge.


That is common sense, good etiquette, and good karma; whilst lifting others upward, in positive ways.

Quotes which mean a lot to me:

"The ultimate measure of an individual is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at the time of challenge and controversy."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty, rather than the law breaker.  Freedom is never-more than one generation away, from extinction.  We do not pass freedom on through our blood stream because freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  Though best to be able to share in person with who matters, until that time occurs being able to see what is possible through such is a feat to notice.  One must be happy within oneself prior to being happy with another, though such can be enjoyed if living in one's own truth is as such. and then as to the capability to progress forward with another and/or others depending upon the situation(s) and individual(s)."  ~  A Quote From Me, Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle

Me in Black Suit Prepared.JPG

If in anyway I am inaccurate about anything I have written here in this journal blog entry and/or any prior journal blog entry and/or future journal blog entry and/or factual books I wrote and/or videos I have done through my OFFICIAL YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, please only contact me through the contact form for the ability to clarify such details in public view fully to fix and repair to rectify the situation(s) as I do not respond to comments in my journal blogs because there thus far have not been any notifications sent to me about such from my website.

In such references if there are any inaccuracies then I will fix and repair such details on my website, as per such.

Though there are the aspects of which if you would like to speak with me in addition to possibilities of opportunities for me, the welcome aspects as to contacting me through my contact form.

If I have known you in person when in person in positive ways and/or ways which might need clarification(s) as to mature discussions, there has always been the welcome open door policy as to contacting me through my contact form if you were not given my new phone number though such is online regarding my website more recently published online as to my Website Business Phone Line: (360)-713-4937.

Thus far there has been only one who has known the contact form area to speak with me on a phone line was simple and capable to do so through, in truth.

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

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Fetlife as Lady Liberty Belle:

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Welcome to the website of the one and only exclusively through Amazon author
Susan MeeLing, and the one and only overall model
Lady Dori Belle

My Copyrights Reserved

My website is not for sale nor is for purchase intended to assist with correct and truthful information of which as I give the credits to others in such return as to the credits to such which must be given to me (Susan MeeLing) to my work and my website which has been and is to assist to go forward with further aspects as I personally choose, however such mandatory recognition of which such portions of my works is having used such is required as to acknowledgement and proper respectful recognition thereof as to such details in the actualities of the truth as to the 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments matter just as actual truthful life experiences matter. 

No misinterpretations of/from me are permitted, at all.  Realism.

If you would like to use the link to a journal blog of mine, then the subscription fee should be capable per link to the journal blog link for usage with the acknowledgement of the subscription fee for my journal blog for the previous links to such aspects as per what I have made attempts to arrange as I have not ever allowed anyone to remove any information from my website for any personal usage as to in any capacity as the permissions from me are required as to getting personal permission from me as to such aspects.

There is the capacity to purchase a subscription to be capable to contribute financially to my work as to the aspects of my journal blog, as the links for the references regarding my journal blog are allowed to be published as all of the information as per the requirements for others to research as per the truth in full as required as per the information as per my journal blog The Ornery PSA.

All such permissions would be under the copyrights protections, for me for my work officially. 

You can request contact for arranging meetings and speaking arrangements through my contact page on my website, though the link to the right is to my Linked in account for additional verifications.  (6) LD Belle | LinkedIn

™© Copyright®©

Thank you for taking the time to look through this website and please, enjoy your day.

Brightest blessings to me, for my highest good.

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