I have made it clear since the 4 July 2013 email I sent to my biological mother to stay out of my life, stay out of my work, and stay out of my existence as to such factors for when I called in the year of 2018 and the failure on their part to actually want to correctly speak with me as to the chance to work the situation out in such references was the final chance they had in the year of 2019 when I arrived in the state of Texas. While those people which includes my biological mother, biological father, and biological sister as well as what those people consider as more important than I as per such factors as to the ease of how to actually have discussed in truth as to such as to actually inviting me as the way I invited them as to what etiquette standards thereof to common sense as to inviting to discuss such situations in person face to face in person. Since such levels of failures as to the common sense aspects similarly as to the failure of the common sense aspects of anyone who possibly could have arrived in Washington state to see if any such capacities though had not simply spoken with me in truth by the easiest way possible as to just asking me my name by what they knew me as, the facts of how many individuals throughout the rest of society has proven as to the levels of such failures as to the lack of common sense in the massive quantities as to how many could have been intelligent as to simply just asking me in truth if they knew me by another name.
Since I have been in multiple communities where I was known as Susan just as I have been in multiple communities where I have been known as Lady Dori Belle just as I have been in multiple communities where I have been known as Susan MeeLing, the aspects as to what levels of failures as to when reviewing such details as to how much common sense has apparently ;lacked among so many individuals I once had looked up to in the ways of them actually having been more intelligent than I when in such facts if accurate as to such factors as to the least amount of intelligence among all such individuals as to the most simple of ways if there ever was a point in time of which such occurred in reference to ever having known someone who had went to the state of Washington as to such factors as to the lack of games in such references.
The only way to not be viewed as to having played a game or simply being a brat as to such aspects is in reference to have simply asked me in truth upon such a reviwew backwards looking at such situations, as how difficult was it to simply say the words “You look like someone I once knew named … and I knew them …” or was that actually needed to put into writing as to actually approach me in such a way as to reconnecting, as when I saw such in regards of more recently a few months ago as to such aspects at a club where there was alcohol served as to how I thought and murmured to myself as to wondering what that would have actually been as to experience such joy and happiness if there ever actually were individuals who I once knew who actually cared about me. Since I had not thought about such until actually seeing it in person face to face in person in the year of 2021, what does that translate to in reference to each and every possibility as to supposed friends and supposed family in such references as there is not that type of needless problems as to such aspects as to if I am accurate as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as it would have been simple as to showing actual care and concern about me in that way and that way only in such prior references as to those I once knew before in such comparisons as ever thinking as to such factors of just because of where I was at as that ever being anything different than such prior event locations in the comparisons as to such arrogance and egotism as to what could have actually been made easier for me as to the actualities thereof if there actually were individuals who actually cared about my best interests.
If there actually were/are individuals who genuinely care about my best interests, why would such aspects As to what would actually be considered as to such not having occurred as to this point in time as to so-called care and so-called concern if that were to be accurate as to the facts as to how the Stoney La Rue concert in March 2013 Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas is concerned in addition if there was actual care and concern for me as to the after portions of my SCUBA Diving; where would such actually be in such references, as what indivioduals have I ever known in SCUBA diving which would be capable to actually truthfully say as to such in the correct and responsible ways in comparison as to such factors as to how such situations went?
Is SCUBA Diving classes as to such work within the water in person within the water as to in person as to such instruction portions, or is the water time done on their own?
If I remember correctly as that should not take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects, those factors are the easiest and most simple to figure out as to such factors, though that additionally requires SCUBA Divers especially instructors who have wrongly held themselves to a higher standard than they have actually earned in such references to the oceanic waters as to such hypotheticals for those who actually believe there are more intelligent creatures within the deeper areas of the oceanic waters; though if in such memory aspects what such actually takes in the references thereof translates to in person face to face in person in the water, just as the same in reference as to such factors as to actual assistance.
However since I obviously survived such aspects without the assistance as to such factors as to what actually would have been necessary and required from individuals above sea level as to the comparisons thereof from the timeframe from 2009 through even to this point in time, the aspects thereof as to what problems as to humanity in such repeated aspects has only repeatedly proven as to each and every individual who I once knew in person face to face in person as to ever having correctly been a decent human being as to the ease of speaking in truth, as what are the aspects as to ADA or Americans with Disabilities Act as to such?
Did people similarly as to an oath taken on a stand or an oath taken in reference to the Armed Forces of the United States of America fail to realize that oath automatically continues the second you are off of the stand just the same as the oath continues the second you go forward in whichever capacity as to the aspects of employment in such references, as why would it take a head injury to figure out the same in reference to when confirming oneself as to a member of a church in such regards as to the Apostle’s Creed in such references for one example and why would it take a head injury to figure out there are plenty of prior references as to whatever gender of such references to Divinity as to the shortened term of God as to such prior individuals as to this current level of lack of common sense as to why would it require such to be explained as to such factors when obviously individual who completed cave drawings had been of far more intelligence as to such common sense factors in the comparisons thereof as when they recognized their own individuals as to such groups as to pulling them in as to the aspects thereof in comparison as to what I have dealt with as to such lengths of time. Then again since my biological mother/father/sister have not ever considered themselves as with me in such references as only through such factors of what I dealt with as to such lengths of time, as per such proof as only after a certain point as to my choice to go into the Armed Forces of the United States of America had those people begun to cause other needless problems in comparison to actually being assistive in the ways of what would have actually been necessary as to what would be for my best interests.
In reference to the church as to such years of 1980s through the 1990s, what about Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and such aspects would ever be of an influence as to the military compared to those people at the house I grew up with as well as those people I went to school with?
In reference as to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, what part of my poster as to the timeframe of Governor Christine Todd Whitman would ever literally be a sign as to why I was invited as to attending MAST as to such factors and went through the processes thereof as to such factors as where could there ever be any influence as to my life as to the Marines and/or Science and/or Technology and/or the Navy as to the military aspects in 1999/2000 or did that take a head injury to figure out as well?
Since such as to the phone call I had with my biological mother as to when in Washington state in 2018 as to having the common sense as to inviting her and my biological father as to such a discussion in such possibilities as to repairing then as to such factors as to the phone calls after I returned to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 as to the same aspects as to making one final attempt as to reaching out as to making one final attempt to fix and repair to clarify such aspects, their choices as to their lack of interest as to being involved in what I would have allowed for my personal boundaries as a sane individual would automatically do after the levels of such factors of what I have dealt with as to what I have been put through as to such lengths of time as to such aspects as to the combined factors of each and every situation as to what has been proven as to the aspects thereof; what common sense and sanity would be required to figure such out as to the facts of simply speaking respectfully with me in truth, or would it actually take having to go through the additional details as to such references as to what I informed other people of as to what I dealt with throughout my life as to such types of individuals as to what etiquette is as what were their responses when people randomly showed up to the house in New Jersey that would have been an influence as to such aspects as to actually having the common sense and etiquette standards as to actually getting permission to have such meetings?
What problems could those people as to my biological mother/father/sister see as to such factors of what choices those people made in reference to when I lived in San Antonio Texas as to the move and my choice as to such factors of the distance aspects as to my ex-in-laws could such individuals see in such a review as what aspects of having etiquette standards as well as healthy boundaries as to my right to privacy would be as to such situations, in comparison to those types of people as to those types of ways in reference to their obvious mental health disorders as to how many times those people were informed as to what they needed to do as to actually fixing and repairing such correctly within such aspects in comparison to how such situations have hypothetically been in such references.
The Constitutional Rights of my Freedom of Expression as well as all other such capacities for myself as per my rights as to the facts of each aspect which I have written about and explained to above sea level being found to be the truth in accuracy, should fully vindicate me in such references in all capacities and thus any and all restrictions should by all accounts in all ways be fully removed in each and every capacity as to permanently in such references to the hypotheticals as to such situations in which intentions as to such levels of proof having been capable to be found by this point in time as to such lengths and situations thereof as to the reasons as to why I am and was justified as to moving away from such a location in the reasons for my choice. Does it take a head injury to figure out when those people chose not to speak with me as to when they had the chance to go over such details in person face to face in person back in the year of 2006 as to such aspects as well as in 2008 as to such aspects as to their capability to be honest with me, though does it take a head injury to figure out as to if they only paid attention to my social media in comparison as to actually having discussions with me in person face to face in person as to their failures as to paying attention to details as to actually discussing with me as to in person face to face in person about such honestly?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to such factors of honest respectful communication as to such aspects, or should it take a head injury to actually explain such factors to individuals who have claimed to be better than I as to such simply because of my hairstyle and my tattoos as to the ADA aspects of my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury?
Should it take a head injury to figure out when I made the choice to reach out to discuss situations in person face to face in person ONLY as to such factors, the hypotheticals thereof as to their uninvited portions as to my life in such references as to other capacities thereof as to such failures on their part?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if they were actually intelligent enough for once as to such aspects as to how I wound up in Washington state with my son after the occurrences as to my daughter as to such factors, where was the common sense as to such aspects as to speaking with me in truth about such by simply asking me my name as does that actually take a head injury to figure out as well or was the only ounce of intelligence left in such if there was the capacity of figuring out the Stoney LaRue concert as to such factors having been one of a multitude of problems as to such factors?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to my original social media accounts including the aspects as to my website as to my legal right to make choices for myself and if there was actually genuine concern for me the lack of such aspects would be shown if in referen ce to installing programs I did not consent to which caused needless problems in regards as to Geek Squad and Best Buy as to what fees I should not have had to pay in such regards as what levels of immaturity would there be for my biological mother/father/sister to not have the capability to actually speak with their words audibly when actually having been capable to do so in person face to face in person as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to their failures in such references would officially cause the needless problems throughout each and every area of my life which those people were not invited to and should it take a head injury to figure out how to actually ask what was going on in comparison to stalking and harassing needlessly or does that take a head injury to figure out as well?
Since such individuals made the choices on their own as to such aspects of what there was not the difference as to such in the review now in the year of 2022 as to what I dealt with as to from the timeframe of 1996 as to my choice to go to the application aspects thereof after my invitation to MAST as to such types of problems those people have been as to their lack of common sense to simply just ask me in truth compared to what those types of people are accustomed to, I at minimum can be thankful and grateful they forgot how much work I actually had completed as to such technological aspects as to the timeframes of 1980s into the 1990s in such references as to the proverbial do unto others as you would have done unto yourself as since I had respected other individuals’ privacy as I had not bothered wasting time as to ever breaking knowingly the 10 Commandments at the minimum for myself in such references, those do unto others as you would have done unto yourself as to the etiquette standards in such references as to knowing better than to just go somewhere without checking first and asking in regards to locations that are not open to the public such as a living location despite business aspects in such references and regards thereof.
In turn as to the proverbial what is good for the goose is good for the gander as to such factors, the reality of such aspects as to the reality thereof as to such clarifications throughout such points in time as to such fact writing aspects and whatever portions as to the clarifications required in such references as to other such details being capable to verify through the measures thereof; since others had not ever invited me to any such situations and events, why would there ever be such an aspect as to my invitation extended to them as to such common sense aspects?
Thus since my biological mother/father/sister have chosen to not follow their own protocols sas to such aspects as to New Jersey as to such realities as to either having gotten too accustomed to how Illinois and/or Texas were as to such aspects in comparison, the clarifications as to the invitation portions as to such situations should not have been so difficult in reference as to the choices made in regards as to how the choices as to what was my house in San Antonio Texas as to such factors. The situations as to how those types of individuals decided without my permission to show up to my house and without my permission had made the choices as they had as to such failures of boundaries as to the knowledge thereof as to it was my house in my VA Home Loan in such comparisons, as to their feminazi sexist ways as to whatever failures they had as to such points in time as there was not any legal rights to my children’s biological father as to such aspects ever and if they thought such ignorantly as to such aspects of such feminazism in such regards; the realities of such factors are in the records, of which legally there was only one person who was ever allowed to give any aspects as to permissions throughout the entire time of such aspects which that one and only individual was and always remained me as to such factors. The situations as to wishes otherwise as to any other point thereof as to my biological mother/father/sister would be one of the largest failures as to such aspects for if they had not known it was only my VA house loan in such references to my house in San Antonio Texas, what other failures would be capable to be found which would officially need all such fixes and repairs by those individuals and each and every individual they associated themselves with as to such factors?
It should not take a head injury to figure out my VA Home Loan meant my word as law as to such capacities, and since such situations as to their failures to pay attention as to such details as to whatever their wishes have been as to such capacities then they have made such choices as to proving such factors.
Thus in all such other capacities thereof as to making sure my bills were taken care of as to the proof as to such factors as to my capabilities for my responsibilities and the aspects as to what actual assistance in comparison to wishful aspects in other capacities, fully would be capable to be proven as to such lengths of time. Since I proved additional etiquette aspects as to such common sense portions in comparison as to the needless drama those types of individuals stirred up needlessly in comparison as to paying attention to details correctly, such failures as to wishing otherwise have been fully needing to be corrected in all such ways and have been fully required as to all such fixing and repairing all damages those people caused my son #Letters4James my daughter #Letterrs4Lidia and I as to all such additional individuals as to however those people had no rights nor any authority to ever involve themselves without my express permission as to such capacities thereof. In addition as to the facts of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America and where those people could have actually been assistive and beneficial in the comparisons as to what aspects have been dealt with, such factors as to what those people could have done in the correct ways needs to be repaired as to such capacities in all such factors as simply having taken care of my VA Home loan correctly and taken care of my responsibilities in comparison as to what needless problems those individuals caused as to their own mental health needs in comparison additionally proved such factors of what I brought up when living in New Jersey in comparison as to such situations as to what others wished as to the perception capacity in comparison to the actualities of such details.
Thus since those people failed to have common sense when I was in the state of Texas as to my attempts to such as to the last point in time and any such aspects of them wishing to reconcile in such references, would require those people to actually humble themselves before me in such comparisons as to the truthful factors as to the length of distance as to such aspects as well as having common sense as well as etiquette standards as to calling in comparison to just showing up and lying as to the ways those people have always been as to what proof as to the amounts thereof as to such factors as again; should it take a head injury to figure out it does not take a head injury to not remember someone simply because of the backdrop of a location, as what haughtiness would it take for someone to have to think that in any location anywhere they would automatically be recognized if their physical features are not distinguishable in any such capacity thereof?
How much haughtiness would it be within any blond/brunette/natural red haired individual to think that highly of themselves as to just walking up to another individual and automatically thinking their physical look would be something memorable in comparison as to actually having common sense as to such factors, as how many blonds/brunettes/natural red haired individuals are within the world or the United States of America or whichever city/state?
While I did not know about body doubles as to any such capacity those who have been involved with enjoying pop culture, should it take a head injury to figure out if you knew about those factors as to what levels of lacking common sense as to such aspects in the references thereof as why would I ever know about such aspects when how many people made fun of me for not knowing pop culture references?
While I once could distinguish individuals as to in person face to face in person when seeing those individuals in whichever locations I was accustomed to seeing those people in those locations, why would anyone with actual common sense ever think their physical features would be enough as to any other location as to being remembered automatically as why would there ever be such as to whether or not as to the after effects of a Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as how highly of yourself must you have thought of your physical features to think of yourself as to being that beauteous in my eyes in such comparison as to whatever situations that might have been considered as a new viewpoint compared to a sight that changed and might not have been a new view point or a location which was not a new sight for me as am I truly the only person who could figure such out or are there other individuals who might have intelligence to be capable to realize that they can blend into the background as to such factors or they might not be as standout looking as hey might have thought as to what irony as to my thinking I could blend into the background and no one notice me as what would give me that impression in reference to such situations in comparisons?
How simple has it had to be made in reference to being capable to reconnect as well as to be capable to fix and repair prior situations as to how lazy do people have to actually be as to what level of lack of etiquette standards as to respectful discussions in comparison as to such capacities, as what problems can be noticed in such references as to those types of problems in such references as to the length of time in such capacities thereof?
In making sure that despite the situations having taken care of repaying my VA Home loan back as well as making sure the bills were correctly resolved as to my choice to move into the house I had spent the time picking out for myself to share with my son and my daughter as to the amounts of locations I reviewed as to what my personal preferences were as to the distance as to making sure that I had the space I needed for myself as well as keeping my son and my daughter as safe as I could from the other situations as to the factors thereof, the reality in reference as to the situations of the amount of responsibility I made sure was taken care of as to what was necessary as to such factors can obviously be reviewed as to such years and again as to the fact my children’s biological father was legally my dependent as to such factors as to the legalities thereof for the longer amount of time as to such factors as to despite the wishes otherwise as to others’ opinions which were not asked for as by my choice in such regards as to the situations which what problems as to what developed over time as to such capacities as to what has been capable to be found in such references. In such regards as to my biological mother/father/sister in such references as to my right to my borders as to my right to my privacy as to my right to choose as to such aspects as to the ironies of them claiming to be Democrats, the oddities as to such factors as to how such capacities as to the problems as to such situations of what they legally have not ever had any rights to ever despite whatever wishes they might have thought in such references as for if they actually were in the situations of assisting me as they claimed as to what aspects would have actually be considered as assistive as to respecting the facts as to such rights I have had which I actually earned for myself as well as have maintained and sustained in such factors.
There is not any point of which the aspects of ever suppressing any factors of what choices they made of their own free will as to the aspects of whatever wishes as to where they claimed as to such aspects of why they said they moved from Illinois to Texas in comparisons as to what actually has been proven, as the fact my biological mother went and graduated from Rutgers University and my biological father went through LVN/RN school after such portions as to the situations in reference to the School of Bulova as to such aspects of whatever Texas college my biological sister attended in such comparisons as to the east coast levels of college education as to such references; if such aspects of others involving themselves in my life and then complaining to my biological mother/father/sister and/or my ex-in-laws who had been a part of online dating/hookups as to such factors in comparison to my personal preferences in such comparisons as to the aspects as to the mandatory truth factors in each such capacity thereof both in person face to face in person as well as online capacities as to all such truthful portions thereof as to such aspects for the clarifications thereof, what in turn as to the backgrounds as well as the physical attributes would be in consideration as to the aspects of what would actually get me to remember someone as to the amount of locations I have been to as well as how many aspects I have been involved with in conjunction as to the various aspects as to the nature of circumstances as well as other such combinations thereof to such situations as to what would make me remember specifically as to which details if someone were to ever think hinting was going to be something which would work in comparison to simply being truthful from the starting point in such references as I cannot be the only person who has had multiple experiences as to various timeframes and what was the length of time.
However in reference of the combinations of knowing what is best for myself as well as what was best for my son as well as what was best for my daughter as to such as to the best of my capabilities, the realities between my VA Home loan as well as my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as my choice for my best path for my SCUBA Diving certifications have such capacities of proof in reference as to what could be considered as accomplishments in reference to whichever successes as to what could be seen as to such factors of such work of mine in the culmination thereof.
In turn any and all false accusations against me as to with such proof thereof for the clarifications in such connected aspects in reference as to whatever wishful thinking others might have had as to such capacities thereof, the proof as to such work as to the reasons explained thereof officially being forward such a closing argument as to such factors as to my personal rights as well as my personal capabilities which as to the proof as to the problematic situations as to what a collage of individuals have dealt with because of the proof found as to each such factor in reference to whatever accusations which have been proven false as to such aspects with the additional aspects of what additional proof as to additional aspects as to what levels of clarifications to assist such aspects in my opinion bring forward the clarifications as to how my capabilities to make clear and sound decisions for myself as well as my son and my daughter despite such situations that have been proverbial situations as to roadblocks which have needed to be removed as to such factors in reference to the aspects of the truth brought forward as to such aspects regarding such situations. While some might have known of certain factors in comparison to the larger perspective of such situations with the conjoined aspects of the proof thereof, hopefully such situations as to the capabilities to clearly make the best choices as best as possible despite not clarifying initially because of my personal lack of a need to do so because of the knowledge as to the understanding as to the comprehension as to the clarifications as to only when actually necessary as to such underlying factors as to others’ interpretations in comparison as to the situations I have been capable to recognize in such comparisons as to the individuals per situation as to such factors depending thereof as to the aspects in such references.
Acknowledging biases in truth as to such capacities is important, for many reasons.
Despite having needed to clarify my choice for the quick house sale as to the aspects referencing my San Antonio house, it still was my VA Home loan just as it was my choice as to where I chose to move to for my son and my daughter and Grandpa Nichols’ aspects as to such points in time as to being capable to bring family together as to what time was allotted as swiftly and as best as possible in such comparisons as to what biases may not have been clarified as to my biological mother/father/sister as well as my ex-in-laws as to such capacities as to whatever connections thereof in between as to such factors as why would I ever care to recognize one of the two ex-sister-in-law as to such capacities as why would such matter to me in the references thereof as to the situations?
In addition why would Grandpa Nichols warn my ex-in-laws as to not overstepping the line for the lane they were specifically drawn by me in such references when taking into consideration the years of 2000 through 2008, and why would such additional capacities be of importance for such a review now in the year of 2022?
Additionally as to such capacities in reference to other factors in such regards, what would be considered as important as to such factors in reference to other situations which have been brought forward as to such clarifications which have been assistive because of my work in such references?
What is etiquette important for in such regards as to the aspects in reference to what I have dealt with as to what would be considered as such regarding my home choice locations as to the factors of what were once my houses in references, and what would be considered as important in reference to my capabilities to ensure my bills are paid to the best of my capabilities as to my VA Home Loan as to the hypothetical connected circumstances as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America additionally as to my choice to earn each one of my 26 SCUBA Diving Certifications as to the 24 Specialties being considered of what importance to the aspects of my National Geographic Open Water and Advanced Open Water SCUBA Diving certifications to my Ordained Reverend aspects to my Confirmed Member of the Presbyterian Church USA as well as other such capacities as to each small step leads to what aspects in such a proverbial reference as to such capacities thereof in conjunction as to the situations in reference to my Reiki Master and Teacher levels?
What individual has ever met someone who preaches the truth and/or lectures who could see such in typed format as to the ways certain capacities could be taken into consideration, as why would that be an ironic twist as to such individuals in reference to the aspects of how many toted around a college degree in such references as why would that be an oddity in such aspects additionally?
How could my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications be considered as to such as to my after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in such references, as I explained in 2009 to be considered as accurate to such situations?
What would be considered as important as to such awareness for myself and of my personal situations which would co-align as to the responsibilities as to my VA Home Loan having been paid correctly, and why would such factors ever need to be explained to individuals who I was not in a relationship with as to such capacity as what problems could be taken into consideration as to such factors of nosey individuals as to such problematic aspects in reference to such hypothetical situations as throughout my factual books in conjunction with my journal blog as what else could be taken into consideration as verifiable proof as am I the only one who has ever had to deal with such factors or was it there were others in certain situations which were capable to lift themselves upward from such aspects and were capable to achieve more while others had their opinions as to such similar factors as to the proverbial aspects of what certain portions of the lore are to the New Jersey Devil in such references to certain individuals as to their capabilities being more than just the physical attributes thereof as what could be taken in consideration as to such factors beyond the skin tone in such references?
