All games must stop, immediately.
There is only the accepting of reality, at this point in time.
Everyone everywhere must accept such, as the reality of where there is not any allowed aspects as to such life choices.
Personally I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ did not ever give anyone at Amazon or anywhere else permission to distribute all of My books as to any employees or stock share holders at any point in time, as well as there is the reality a Bibliography is not the same as the information within the books because a Bibliography is the equivalent of a CV or a Resume for other works that were not within the capacity of the aspects of "Finding A Silver Lining" or "Finding The Silver Lining". In turn any distribution anywhere as to My works would be theft of intellectual property as well as distribution with malicious intent as to the aspects of anyone I once knew involved as to the proof thereof in any capacity, as the reality of such aspects of the technological proof thereof to such legal ramifications officially as to the knowledge thereof as to the in My opinion as such is permanent as to the facts in reference to My permissions always have to be as to My permissions as to such aspects as that has not ever changed nor will such ever change ever as to My requirements as to My permissions to be given of My free will and thus any I once knew as to any factors thereof especially as to in person face to face in person as to in real life the aspects as to how none would ever be allowed to ever make any decisions for Me as to My work as to My books ever.
Thus the finances that officially would be owed to Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ from each employee thereof from any capacity of such misconceptions as to their interpretations as to such clarifications as to the definition of a Bibliography as to such references thereof, to such hypotheticals in full. The needless problems from immaturity and buearocracy as to such factors when the knowledge of what I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ dealt with as to such points in time, as to such aspects as to the factors of common sense as well as humanity. If as to such hypotheticals as to then where of their own free will where they would be willing to degrade themselves from human beings to homo-sapien-sapiens in My opinion; of course unless they were to want or need to retain such aspects as to being a human being as to such aspects as to such de-ranking they did to themselves in such hypotheticals as to such needless games as to such aspects where then the owed factors as to such hypotheticals to Me as to such finances as to the owed capacities thereof, in such hypotheticals per individual involved as to such aspects of any such hypotheticals of trying "Fail-Safe" book aspects as to bringing forward such as to the real life as to any such tries as to such aspects of the in person face to face in person in real life as to such tries as to the aspects thereof to such factors or they themselves can acknowledge their own mental health disorders as to well as their need to be instituttionalized for such aspects as to such hypotheticals of if factors as to such aspects as to one or the or the other in My opinion as to such situations as to those who I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ once knew in person in real life in person or online as to such aspects.
If they had ever told others and/or influenced others as to such aspects then as to the aspects where the confession aspects would be as o after the timeframe of the year of 2021 as to any such hypotheticals, as to the factors where such aspects as to My clarifications as to such verifications as to the proven aspects. Such unwanted attention in My opinion as to the aspects of what would hypothetically have been as to the years thereof from the timeframe of 2014 through 2021 as to such if factors as to the aspects thereof to the difference as to what I would consider as to what I would consider as wanted attention, as I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ comprehend the difference of such for Myself.
Thus since I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ have not ever played any games as to in real life nor online as to such aspects as to how I have been capable to distinguish between such aspects as to the comprehension of reality as to such, then as to those who would make such a mistake hypothetically ass to in any timeframe thereof as to such online portions as there has not ever been any point in time where I have ever played any online games ever. From the 1980s to the 1990s to the 2000s to the 2010s to the 2020s, there has not ever been any point in time where I have ever knowingly ever played any games as to such facts as to the comprehension as to the reality of how such was not ever anything I was ever interested in as games in My opinion are not important to Me as they have not ever been of importance to Me as to the reality. There is no aspect where such has ever been allowed in My life as per the choices I have made of My own free will, and I do not consent to any aspects thereof nor have I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ ever because of the facts.
If others I once knew had known about My work and instead of speaking with Me as to using their words as to how discussions actually occur as to the common sense aspects as to how I have clarified throughout My updates to My journal blog, I repeat how no one had any permission from Me to ever speak or do on My behalf whatsoever.
The only new modeling I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ would work on is where I am actually genuinely happy in all such factors as to what actually keeps Me happy, as that is the only type of modeling that I am interested in.
In My opinion because of the timeframe as to the situations as to the aspects thereof as to the factors of My modeling and performances as to how the facts as to such timeframes as to the considerations of everything that I was dealing with, as to My many attempts as to actually taking care of what I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ comprehended I needed. My pictures when with My children as to My genuine smile as to such aspects of when I was the happiest in My personal life, as being a Mom to My children was what at those times only as to having kept Me happy and having a positive outlook as to life overall as best as I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ could despite how I look and what I deal with as to the after effects from My Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury and the after effects from My subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of My brain as to the 8.5 years that took referencing the MRI and CAT scans.
Now in the year of 2022 as it turns to the year of 2023 and onward as what I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ have repeatedly worked on for Myself as well as others as to genuine truthful happiness and real comfort and joy, as to such factors.
Thus as to being capable to make Myself happy though keeping Me happy as to such aspects as to what I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ consider as to keeping Me happy as to what actually does so consistently as to such facts, as to what I personally consider as to what keeps Me happy or in the minimum as to keeping Me in a good mood consistently.
As to multiple attempts as to getting to such a point where I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ could actually be truthfully happy with My life as to My work as to the aspects also as to My personal in real life aspects as to how My social media just as anyone else's reflects what they themselves are going through as to the points in time, in My opinion.
What makes Me happy will only be as to what makes Me happy, as what keeps Me happy is only what keeps Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ happy. Thus as to how much as to the reality of the facts as to the reality of in person in real life in person and/or words as to face to face in person as to the common sense, as to such aspects of what is best for Me as to such aspects thereof as to the genuine aspects where I have comprehended what is best for Me ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ as well as others in certain factors.
In the year of 2001 I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ dealt with a group of college students at the Chili's on DeZavala who had a flyer from what I remembered in the year of 2020 who were a part of Temple of Flesh and while I repeatedly told those college students to stop annoying Me as well as to leave My family and I to live our lives as we needed, those college students from UTSA were as they were.
It was not until the year of 2020 as to when the memory of such though prior discussions with those as to Temple of Flesh as to such aspects, as well as the situations as to what I told a male named Master Charles as to how such aspects referencing the lifestyle in the year of 2004 as to such aspects where I was not interested in several aspects as to such factors as to what the considerations were as similarly as to a male who went by the name then as Raven Marsden who needed to accept the facts that I was not interested in him or his needless games as I considered as needless to Me as well as needless to My life as well as needless to My children as well as needless to either side of My children's biologicals as to his needless involvements as what I considered as needless in all such factors.
When he yelled at My children in My apartment on USAA Boulevard as to how I snapped at him for all of his childish antics as to how he threw a temper tantrum and as to having to defend My children and I, he threw a temper tantrum because he wanted Me to be more like his Mom instead of actually comprehending that I was not his Mom and did not want nor need to be his Mom. When the aspects of him with the group from Selma and Adeliene Texas as to the Jade Wolf(e) Coven as to needing to accept the aspects as to how life was not a game, the factors as to such bratty and immature aspects as while they had family and assistance as to such differences as they knew of such aspects as to how they needed to accept they were not wanted in My life as to how they tried to complain to Me about the aspects of 11 September 2001 as they wanted to try to claim as to Michael Moore as to their inspiration as to Fahrenheit 11 though I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ repeatedly informed them as to the truth as well as to February 1993.
My situations as to such aspects as to the multiple areas and groups of people throughout the various sectors if they would have actually paid attention correctly as to My actual truth, then as to such aspects as to where others from where I was born and raised as to the state of New Jersey as well as the tristate northeast areas as to such aspects as to My journal blog updates referencing such as to the length of time. Then adding the situations as to what was known as Excalibur Faire as in the year of 2005 to the difference of in the year of 2020 to the name of Sherwood Forest Faire in the area of Bastrop County in Smithville Texas, as to such factors as to those needless situations as to the aspects of the factors thereof while I made attempts to find My way around as to being born and raised above the Mason-Dixon Line in the United States of America as to the facts of the difference of the weather in the month of April as well as throughout the entire year as I had not ever heard of SCA or TRF until those people spoke with My biological mother as a group of individuals spoke of those aspects that I still do not know nor care to know about as to such situations I dealt with additionally needlessly as My repeated attempts to get back to where IU comprehended I needed to get to for the people I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ actually knew in person face to face in person in real life outside of the names as to such lists of directories as well as what I remembered as to some names of some towns.
I am more Mennonite as to such aspects as to the ways thereof to My personal real life with a mixture of Mountaineer and a small dash of Amish as to the aspects of a more modern viewpoint as while having been baptized Methodist then having been baptized Presbyterian as then as to My Confirmation year long classes as to My Graduation as well as attending a parochial Catholic high school as to also having been taught from all of the individuals I once knew as to various religions history as well as other aspects, the references thereof as to the length of time and the amount of work put into such aspects as to the facts to the conjunction of the Rabbis that came to the church repeatedly for Passover and Yom Kippur as well as Rosh Hashanah as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church being a church that was used during the Revolutionary War as per General George Washington's command.
I grew up spending much time with the spirit of General George Washington, as I have clarified repeatedly as to the office behind the church on the hill as well as knowing the grounds as to other work as to the overall aspects where My biological mother was a Deacon and My biological father was a Trustee from the 1980s into the 1990s and the amount of volunteer work as to what I had to take care of as to the amount of work as to such overall aspects. At the time of the first schism in the church overall in the 1980s was as to such aspects to the registration against what was best, the same as to such aspects as to the references thereof as to the 1990s as to another schism as to the year of 1993, before the aspects as to where because of the needless drama from My biological little sister as to where the Bon Voyage occurred for her officially as per the church elders requirements; as in the full difference as to where the aspects as to for the aspects for My party, was My Sweet 16.
I have needed the type of real in person face to face in person in real life relationship as to what I have comprehended is best for Me, officially for more than the timeframe of the year of 2000 since waking up from My Psalm Sunday in Basic Training in the year of 2000 head injury/TBI and the aspects thereof as to My attempts to tell others exactly what actually was/is required for My best interests as I have repeatedly done so for many years. My journal blog The Ornery PSA as to such updates as to the aspects as to from the year of 2019 through 2022 as to such aspects, as to the difference of what would actually make Me happy as well as keep Me happy as to those years.
As a Judeo-Christian Eclectic Futurist as to My overall religious title for My personal religious belief system, as to such aspects where I comprehend and have comprehended a bit more than some may have thought of what My having attempted to bring forward as to making attempts for such assistance in the correct ways as swiftly as possible as to as correctly as possible. Thus as to while some may have thought their interpretations to the difference of My comprehension of Myself, the aspects as to the reality of such facts as such may have been noticed as to such more recent aspects of time.
Eclectic is not electric, for the clarification.
Eclectic is the taking of such aspects as to the fulness of My studies as to My work, as to such overall factors as to the differences where others' interpretations of Eclectic is hypothetically different than as to My specific aspects for the fullness of the title as to the aspects of My religious belief system as to Judeo-Christian Eclectic Futurist as the distinctive difference is important to the aspects of the shortened factors as to just one word as to Eclectic or the acronym of JDEF #JDEF.
Thus as to the references regarding such attempts repeatedly for the best possibilities for life as while Fetlife is one aspect of many factors, such can be seen and noticed as to the facts referencing the forums as well as the post possibilities.
However such importance as to such facts, might have been needed for some to think about the timeframes as to such aspects as to the references thereof as to My knowledge as to such understanding and comprehension thereof to such factors. While having acknowledged as to making the attempts as to the aspects of acceptance as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the knowledge My children would become biological adults, as to the aspects of such factors where the references as to what occurs as to consenting biological adults as to the difference of seeing such aspects as to how My modeling as well as My performances as to such aspects whereas to such references to the aspects of such levels regarding as to such clarifications as to modesty as to the of free will choices.
The situations as to the online aspects as to such factors as to the conjunction of other websites whereas to what My considerations as to such aspects as to My multiple attempts to keep My son and My daughter safe as best as I could from such aspects, as to such references as to the hypotheticals as to such clarifications as to such updates to My journal blog as to such factors regarding "The Modern Day Book". If as to others I once knew in person in real life as to any such aspects as to My children when they were biological minors as to such images in My opinion as to such aspects that were not consensual as to such aspects of the repeated aspects of clarifications as to such proven in My opinion predatory types of behaviour, as to whatever proof would be capable to be found as to such hypotheticals as well as to the conjunction of My Religious Freedoms as to such aspects.
Thus as to such aspects as to what supposedly as to those individuals as to whether they were truly friends of Mine despite such time lengths as to such factors as to such emotional aspects, as to the proof of maturity as to whether such aspects would be proven when reflecting upon such specific time as to the aspects of specific time of the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the specific time of such reviews as to such aspects as to the references thereof as to the proof of such aspects as to the specific times prior as to such aspects as to whether such proof would be as to the aspects of such differences as to the proof of actual typed aspects as well as discussions as to such hypotheticals.
Due to having been born and raised where I was in the 1980s and the 1990s as to where such seriousness as to the aspects thereof to such factors as to health and wellbeing, as to such aspects thereof; though as to My biological age as to such aspects as to My actual background as to the proof as to such aspects of maturity as to the references as to such who had children as to minor aged as to the comparison of such without children, as to such aspects of choice of free will in My opinion as well as the levels thereof to such choices as to the difference as to such hypotheticals regarding the situations in the years of 2010 through 2013 as well as other years.
Though the facts as to the JC Penny pictures as to My lack of knowledge in the year of 2007 as to such while still having made the best attempts as to My children's biological father and family as to the proof as to the years thereof from 2000 through 2010 despite the situations as to such aspects as to such facts as while I made attempts for the actual best interests as to such comprehension, as to such factors as to the differences in reference to My actual needs as to the proof as to the year of 2006 regarding the garage after the backyard aspects as to San Antonio Texas for those who know of those reference times. While it would be great to be capable to write as well as say as to the aspects whereas for My actual best interests as to My actual needs, the aspects of the reality of especially from February 2022 to such aspects as to the references throughout the time to December 2022 as to such actual real and genuine in truth aspects as to such differences as to such aspects as to the years of 2000 through 2010 as to My attempts as to such aspects as to the requirements and the proof of such aspects as to what My considerations of real care actually is as to the real difference as to such aspects thereof as to such facts.
Thus as to how such factors as to ending stolen valor as to the aspects where that JC Penny picture from the year of 2007 was not informed to Me as to the reality until the year of 2008, as to the references as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 having taken the time to inform Me officially.
Blame the others as to their choices as to their responses as to their choices of free will as to the knowledge thereof before such aspects, as to their choices as to how they needlessly chose to do as they chose while such aspects were as to such factors as to the references thereof.
I defended the Chief Warrant Officer 3 in reference to the responses from My children's biological father's side of their family, as to the references as to such aspects where only in February 2008 was I ever informed as to the differences as to such aspects of My children's biological father's sister as to the name and initials as to such aspects to clearly get the information correct everywhere as the aspects of the presentation as to those paintings where I was taking care of My daughter as to Denton Texas as to the difference as to My children's biological father's sister as to her choices with her mother and her children as well as My son.
Personally having clarified I did not graduate Basic Training as to the aspects thereof despite the facts as to how the Army usually is as to their terminology as to My sight as to such future aspects as to My choice to the Marine Corps (and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment) viewpoint, as to My choice as to seeing the needs for such clarifications as I told My Basic Training as well as I told people throughout Fort Sam Houston and JBSA as I told others throughout multiple in person face to face in person in real life as well as online aspects to such facts as to such sight as it seemed as common sense especially as to the ID Card aspects as I told people about as to My Basic Training as well as those others as to My children's biological father's side of the family as to those needless situations as to that Lackland Air Force in the year of 2001 graduation.
I did not ever have the need to be a dependent as to such aspects as to My personal background, though only those who would be supportive of Me as to the aspects as to My background would comprehend such facts as to the reality as to My MOS in conjunction as to such aspects as well as to MAST in conjunction to other factors of My work as to My length of work history as to the aspects of Prudential as well as other such aspects I clearly explained.
Though that requires as to the year of 2006 as to instead of such overemotional types as to those hypotheticals as to the others in such references, instead of ever actually taking My real needs genuinely seriously as well as actually doing what My needs require as to the common sense as to the knowledge of My real needs as to actually doing so for My actual real needs as to the common sense of what care is to Me as to what caring about Me actually translates to as to the common sense if there actually were as to such as to such factors as to the references thereof instead of the situations as to the proof hereof as the common sense as to My clarifications for the years from 2000 as to such aspects especially as to the year of 2006 as to such arguments.
Though as to My actual needs being met for and to Me directly, would actually be a miracle as to such aspects as to such factors as to such situations as to the common sense of all of My journal blog updates as to the aspects as to the references regarding such factors as to what My needs being met on time every time instead of such amounts of hesitations as to the proof of such aspects from the year of 2018 as I have comprehended My real needs the entire time if I were actually believed instead of interpretations and such were actually completed correctly as to My actual needs as I comprehend the difference between My needs as to comprehending the difference to My wants as to comprehending the difference as to such aspects thereof thereafter as to such facts proven throughout the times instead of others' selfishness as to their sloth as to their envy as to their greed as to their vanity as to their lust as to their pride as to their gluttony as to their apathy as the proof as to such aspects per such aspects of their own choices of their own free will.
What a luxury such must be as to actually having the free will as well as the measures to do such aspects of one's own free will, that would be a fantastic luxury to have for Myself as to all such factors as to My choices as to being capable to keep as to such aspects as what a miracle that would be for Me in all such factors as to My considerations in My real life with whom I choose as to such free will choices as to My best interests as I have comprehended for such lengths of time.
Real love as to the fullness of what I consider as to such, that would be a miracle as to such aspects in a real relationship for Myself with whom I choose actually being as to the aspects of what is actually best for Me as well as to such common sense aspects as to what is actually best for Me.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ have stated and written that from the timeframe before My children turn 18 years old as to My lack of a need or want to be married as to such aspects of what I clarified for such timeframes as to My comprehension as to others' interpretations, and thus as to from the point in time as to such aspects thereof thereafter as to My considerations as to such aspects as to when the reference as to the year of 1998 as to the timeframe as to when I would be ready for such for what I personally sought for such aspects as to My common sense.
Thus a long term relationship begins with the understanding that is what I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ personally seek as to the long term relationship monogamous aspects as to what My needs are, and now that I have completed such aspects as to the factors regarding such from the years of 2019 to the now and for such future aspects to My needs as to what is best for Me as to what is best for My life as to what is best for My interests.
Remember the facts of how interpretations are only assumptions, and remember how assume is spelled.
My website is
My Facebook Accounts Now as to the occurrences to My original 2 Facebook accounts as to Susan MeeLing also known as Dark Lily now as to the other aspect of My original Lady Dori Belle Facebook account as I am the One and Only Original and Authentic Lady Dori Belle as to the modeling images on Facebook as well as on this Account in Fetlife as to what was once on Facebook before what occurred as to how I wound up in Washington state after what I informed others as to what I was dealing with in My real life in person face to face in person in My real life as to events as well as in the overall aspects such also as to CafeMom also Model Mayhem as to such aspects as to the if factors of others who did not know I introduced Myself as Susan MeeLing as well as the name of Lady Dori Belle in the years of 2010 through 2012 at fetish events if they would have actually remembered and comprehended I actually comprehended what was best for Me as to such aspects as I made attempts as to the aspects thereof as to what I comprehend(ed) as best for My life as to My actual real needs:
My books to purchase through Amazon for My choice of My use for the profits as to the list on My website is
My modeling from the years of 2010 through 2013 on My website is
Some of My paintings capable to see on My website is
My journal blog The Ornery PSA on my website is
My charity Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces to view on My website is
My Instagram:
My Twitter:
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ had everything I actually needed and everything I actually wanted, I would actually be happy in real life as what I consider as real life as well as online.
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~, I would actually perceive the world in a better way as to the amount of experiences I have had as to the responses as to such would be as to what My actual needs are now in the current timeframe as well as forward for Me in the swiftest cinches of time for what My actual needs are and will be as for My best interests now and in the future in real life as what I consider as real life as to the aspects thereof to such factors as to the situations online as to the differences.
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ was actually cared for and cared about correctly as to My actual needs and My actual wants, then as to how the aspects instead of overemotional responses from others as to the aspects of actually taking into consideration everything as to the combinations in full as to what I have dealt with and the genuine care as to what My actual needs are as to being accomplished as such for Me in real life for Me as to how I have made attempts both in person face to face in person in real life as what I consider as real life as well as online have made attempts as to such amounts of explanations.
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ were actually loved as to what I consider as actual love, then as to how the aspects of such to what I consider as would be as to such facts as to what I consider as actual love as what I consider as to real love in real life as well as online as to what I consider as.
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ actually were taken seriously as to My actual explanations as well as the proof thereof, then as to how My needs would have fully been met and would be met correctly each and every day as to what My actual needs are as to My best interests as to what I consider as My best interests as well as more as to the aspects thereof as to what I consider as important.
When I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ have explained as to how such facts as to the truth thereof individuals who have been capable to submit to online social media aspects as to the capabilities to join a website as to then submitting to the facts as to the after effects from My Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as the facts, as well as would submit to the facts as to the after effects from My subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of My brain as to the length of 8.5 years as from 2000 through 2008 as the facts, as well as would submit as to the facts as to how I have dealt with dealing with headaches daily, as to such facts as to when weekly as to such aspects thereof as to migraines where I have forced Myself to push forward as to such aspects as to such aspects as to the facts to submit to, as well as to submit to the facts as to such memory deficits as to how I have worked to progress Myself from such aspects as to the amount of years since the year of 2000 as to such length of time I worked on such, as to submitting to the facts as to such cognitive disorders I have worked on since the year of 2000 as to such facts, and such aspects where others have needed to accept the facts as to such submission to the facts as to the reality of My SCUBA Diving work as to the facts that what My actual needs have been as well as are as to such facts others have been needing to submit to the facts thereof as to the respect of such.
Thus I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ have clarified repeatedly for others as not for Myself, as I comprehend My own work.
If others have needed to accept or submit to the facts as to such aspects, then as to the reality they must submit to as to the facts as to the amount of proof as well as the amount of clarifications as at this point in time as to the amount thereof as to such aspects of hypotheticals referencing others as to their own delusions as to depending upon the amount of time as well as the amount of resources.
Thus as to such common sense aspects where the if factors as to what I consider as care for Me as well as what I consider as care about Me would be asked to Me if there was any actual confusions from others, as to there would not be any common sense from others as to if they ever discussed such with others instead of speaking with me as to such aspects as to what I consider as per the times as per the situations as to the aspects thereof as to what common sense would be as to the aspects thereof as to such common sense.
Maturity requires the capability to actually speak with using their words as per opening their mouths to speak with as to such discussions as to when in person face to face in person in real life as to any such if factors as to a discussion with Me, if as to any hypotheticals as to one of My books I authored called "The Modern Day Book"; though such is only one book of over 150 pages long as to the aspects as per the amount of books I authored/wrote/compiled as to on My own as to such aspects in the combined factors, as while My books as to the pictures on my website might look as memes as to the reality of the fact they are real books I authored/wrote/compiled on My own.
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ had real friends and real family who were/are actually proud of Me as to My work as to My accomplishments, then as to the aspects as to what I consider as to such aspects of celebrations as to what My considerations as to what I consider as what a celebration or multiple celebrations would actually be as to such aspects as to the hypothetical aspects of instead of what others' misconceptions and/or interpretations and/or perceptions are/have been as to such hypotheticals as to the requirement to actually ask Me as to the aspects as to what My considerations are as to actually asking Me.
Thus if others ever thought I actually had compliments as to what I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ consider as compliments and/or support as to the aspects of the compliments and/or support as what I consider as to such aspects of celebration(s), then as to the difference as to the responses as to My journal blog on My website as to such updates as to the years from 2019 through 2022 as to such aspects as to reviewing the time as to those prior years as to such specifics as to those prior years from the timeframe of the 1980s and the 1990s and the 2000s and the 2010s from people I once knew in person face to face in person in real life as well as online.
Thus for clarifications as to others reading online and/or having the words read to you from a program, the reality as to such aspects as to if you thought while looking as to that not ever in any capacity of ever being a discussion with Me unless as to a private message and/or a forum posting response.
I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~, thought that was common sense as well as common knowledge to others as to the differences of in person face to face in person in real life to the difference as to in your person face to face with whatever your piece of whatever type of technology as to such aspects as to viewing such aspects as to the differences thereof as to such aspects of the situations as to My creations as to My books and/or in more specific references as to the creation of My Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces. As how I appreciate life as to such aspects as to the difference though in conjunction to My appreciation of Fetlife as to such aspects as to the appreciation of life, as to such aspects of living in real life.
Thus as to how others I once knew in person face to face in person as to such aspects of if they thought their reviewing as to such aspects during such prior points in whatever specific year as to whatever specific situations as to such differences as to My review as to such aspects as to the points in time whether as to the specific time and/or as to reviewing in a latter timeframe as to such aspects of the timeframe as to such reviews such as to the years of My first publications of My books in the years of 2014/2015 through 2016 and/or as to My latter publications in the year of 2022 as to My books, as there is a difference as to the aspects of My journal blogs on My website as what I thought was common sense as to such clarifications.
If I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SVUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ work as to such were actually considered as important to others, well as to what the common sense would actually be as to what My considerations as to such aspects of what I consider as important as to the aspects of if a question as to asking Me as to My considerations of such aspects as to such hypotheticals.
Thus as to how I have been open as to such aspects as to as what I consider as a monogamous relationship as to the aspects of what I consider as a monogamous relationship as I clarified as to the year as to when the aspects of what year would be as to the age thereof after the timeframe as to when my children were legally a certain age, then as to such aspects where when that point in time arrived as to the facts I clarified to others as to what I would be doing as to such aspects as to such updates from that year as to My personal life as well as My personal needs as well as My personal wants as well as My personal goals as well as My personal desires as well as My personal ideals for Myself; as any normal human being would do as to what I considered as common sense, as to the aspects of what I would clarify as to the aspects as to what would become My personal needs/wants/ideals/preferences/desires as to such aspects as what a mature individual would do if they were ever capable to appreciate life as to the common sense as to how such time would progress.
Thus as to how My books as to such clarifications as to the genres, as thus as to such aspects to the considerations as to such aspects to the genres. If however somehow as to such aspects of the fiction genre books having somehow become reality as to such aspects in a generalized overall, well then as to such aspects where I suppose the oddity whereas then I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~, would be the character named Maggie and I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ would be the character named Nelumbo as to such differences as to such if factors as to the situations as to the aspects thereof as to the only common sense, and yet as to the differences as to My real life unless such is just prophecy as to the aspects thereof to such future aspects for Myself as I had not written as to such aspects as to marriage for the characters officially as to the aspects as to where I have had the aspects of My work as I should not have to write such aspects as to marriage being the only way as to such aspects of what monogamy would be considered as to Me as to how important the 10 Commandments are to Me as to such overall aspects as to the references as to monogamy as to a romantic relationship as to what I consider as to being a romantic relationship in My considerations.
I did not write any of My fiction books and/or book series with anyone specifically I knew at the timeframe of when I authored such books, as while there are capacities to see some metaphors later as to after the year of 2020 as to such possibilities as to the if factors as to what I was told the reality of just being creative as to such aspects as to the timeframe thereof. I was just creating as I thought it was needed, and since I had no other outlets as to what would be for such amounts of words as to the aspects where such creativity was as to the aspects as to My writings.
Though, I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~, doubt I am the only one as to the considerations of monogamy as well as romance as to the aspects thereof as to believing in the 10 Commandments as to the importance thereof officially.
There is nothing romantic I have seen or had for Myself as I ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ as to posting online as to the difference as to the aspects as to a monogamous relationship as to what My personal considerations are as to romance as to what I consider as romance, just for clarifications as to My personal opinion about such aspects in the hypothetical references thereof as to such aspects where in My opinion such would be the equivalent as to the movie Titanic being considered as a romance where I have not and do not consider the movie Titanic as a romance at all.
The aspects where in Titanic as to such amounts of symbolic factors instead of real life factors as to how I do not consider such as romance, as BioDome seemed more romantic as to the aspects of when the males and females were reunited as to such aspects as to how romance would be as to the aspects of how such should have been immediate in My opinion.
I consider Morticia and Gomez Addams as to what is romance to the best of all romances, as in My opinion the aspects of such is the way I consider real romance if that were to actually be for Me in real life in person face to face in person in real life if having to give a pop culture reference as the only other main aspect as to romance as to the Sailor Moon aspects with Tuxedo Mask as to such situations in a larger long term overall way as to such combinations. While the theme as to the movie of Beauty and the Beast as to how such symbolic factors are important to such considerations, romance is different in My opinion as to though the three combined as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such considerations of romance in what could be though as to such mainly important aspects as to the reality of such pop culture as to the in person proverbially as to the aspects thereof to such pop culture as to how such characters are in person face to face in person in their aspects as to their pop culture factors as to the aspects I suppose as to the reference as to Cool World if I were to create such for Myself as to such a reference for My real life aspects as to My considerations thereof though as to looking as I am as to such aspects as to such differences as to the aspects of what the considerations as to the characters as to such aspects thereof to the considerations as to the male in such references as to what I consider as a romantic monogamous relationship aspects for that male and I as to who Myself ~ Susan MeeLing (legal Maiden/MAST/Army last name as to the legal SCUBA Diving last name ~ also known as ~ Lady Dori Belle ~ also known as Lady Liberty Belle ~ is.
Brightest of Blessings.
###**Possibility as to acceptance to Me to personal and/or business relationship aspects as to a long term relationship with Me as an acquaintance and/or friendship and/or family type and/or romantic relationship = Caregiver, Sensualist, bottom, submissive, Vanilla, and/or Leatherboi, and/or Leatherbottom, and/or Leathergirl, and/or rubberist, and/or Rope bottom, and/or Spankee, and/or pup, and/or kitten, and/or pet, and/or sissy, and/or middle**
### **Soft Limit = Stop to discuss if actually needed as per what I ~Susan MeeLing (legal last name) consider as needed to discuss, also the color of Yellow and/or the color of blue**
### **Possibility of acquaintanceship and/or friendship only as to personal and/or business = Leatherwoman, Leatherman, Dominant Fe/Male either or, Top, handler, Master, Mistress, handler, kajira/kajirus (as My choice is My choice)**
**#### Hard Limit = Red/Magenta/Cherry/Burgundy/any color and/or word of My choice and/or reference thereof as I make the choice as to such references thereof to so choose including the color of black and/or the color of brown and/or the color of grey and/or any color I so choose to name, no, stop, do not continue to be as annoying as such fully, if needed then I ~Susan MeeLing (legal MaidenMAST/Army last name) and/or (legal Blue ID Card/SCUBA Diving last name) and/or Lady Dori Belle and/or Lady Liberty Belle ~ will discuss as per such needs of Mine**
#### **Hard Limit for play and/or romantic of any type relationships including My business as well as aspects of personal sexual relationship(s) (with Me) as such HARD LIMITs as to full fledge no = brats and/or smart ass masochists and/or primal and/or disciplinarian and/or hedonist and/or sadist and/or feminizer and/or spanko and/or predator and/or switch(es) and/or sadomasochist and/or exhibitionist and/or voyeur and/or cuckquean referencing any type of play what so ever = Hard Limit as to the description(s) as the reality of Fetlife is as to the sexual aspects as to turn ons sexually as to the facts and such aspects of My fetish lists are as to such references as well fully**
#### ***Anything not in My fetish list is automatically a limitation where discussions with Me are mandatory, as to My being officially informed as to what is for Me to choose for the aspects of My personal comfort(s) as that includes the hard limit of others' interpretations of Me and/or My choices.
Blame others for their choices as to such aspects as to the reality I brought forward as to their choices, as to such aspects as to how many attempts I made as to the truth and accept that reality because if I was actually taken seriously at all times as to the facts that everything would (have) been better sooner.
Colors of My clothing outfits only translates to My choice of clothing to wear, as to the common sense if there is any at all in the entire world at this point. If I was actually cared about as to how such aspects of My actual ADA would be accepted and followed correctly as to My actual needs, as "Finding A Silver Lining" is of My past as to the aspects of the timeframes. As progressing forward as to such clarifications and updates as I clarified I was going to do in person in real life as well as in my book "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such aspects of where I clarified in real life, as well as then after in writing.***
Thus in reference to how Beauty Pageants if I am accurate as to such aspects where the if factors as to the eggs of a biological female as to the aspects where such would be as to where the biological female as to the aspects thereof to owning if as to the if factors, then as to such aspects where Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the situations as to the year of 1996 would fully predate all such factors as to the situations as to the unwanted aspects of the Miss Crystal Lake Beauty Pageant and thus officially as to any such if factors as to the aspects of any individual as to the aspects thereof as to how in the year of 2018 of learning about reality television as to the references thereof to POTUS45 Donald J Trump as to such aspects whereas to the references to Hollywood as well as to such if factors as to that would be considered as slavery illegally within the United States of America as well as the world and any who would try to perpetuate such would be against the Constitutional authorities within the United States of America as well as to such if factors as to any who may have read such as to the timeframe before the year of 2001 as to the if factors as to the attempts as to Donald J. Trump and his businesses and associates thereof to the if factors as to such aspects of if others read the paperwork and refused to be a part of such aspects as to the factors thereof. Thus if as to POTUS45 Donald J. Trump ever having made a declaration of even a thought to run for President of the United States of America as to the if factors as to trying and/or using the security forces of the United States of America's Armed Forces, then would be as to the proof of such aspects if additionally if there were to ever be anything in writing and/or recording of such aspects as to the references thereof.
I am uncertain if there is any prior President of the United States of America who has ever had such aspects in references to the legal aspects regarding such type of a situation of recording as to such hypotheticals, though as to where My invitation as well as My paperwork to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment would officially predate as well as fully exclude the Beauty Pageant hypotheticals 100% from Myself as well as My son as well as My daughter. The additional factors of if situations whereas to such aspects of if hypotheticals as to the eggs of a biological female, then as to such references to "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such regards thereof to such aspects officially and fully both for Myself as well as My daughter with the conjunction of My son seeds as I clarified in prior journal blog entries of Mine.
In such hypotheticals additionally as to any biological female who would have ever been in any type of Beauty Pageant starting within the United States of America as to wherever to such world aspects as to where they would officially be relinquished from such aspects as to the Women's Liberation Movement that occurred though fully as to such references of if hypotheticals as to any aspects thereof, where such would officially be considered as because of the situations in reference to Myself as to any such aspects of found portions thereof as to the hypothetical aspects. In such a reference of if hypotheticals as to such Hollywood and/or such pop culture references to the references thereof as to such regards, as to the Freedom of Choice for each as to of free will.
If because of such hypotheticals as to the if factors because of such references as to My having been the original Baby Jesus Christ in three locations as to such if factors as to any such connections thereof to such aspects in the conjunction aspects as to the references thereof to being born and raised in New Jersey as to such if factors as to the connections thereof as to whatever point in time as to such Beauty Pageant aspects of whatever type, they officially would be the first ones cleared as to such aspects of such if hypotheticals as to the legal aspects as to such references thereof because of the aspects to the legal clauses as to the references regarding Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the year of 1996 officially 2 or 3 years before the Miss Crystal Lake Beauty Pageant in either 1998 or 1999 and such as to relationships associated to those particulars as well to such if factors because of the physical aspects as to such references thereof as to such bureaucratic aspects as to the hypothetical aspects whereas to the situations as to the physical body as to such references as to such factors similarly as to such pop culture references as to modeling/acting/performances/etcetera.
For example there was not any point in time where I ever signed a contract to performances ever, as I remember what paperwork I personally signed as to such references thereof as to such clarifications as to where such references thereof to such validity as per the proof thereof and thus as to such factors of if situations as to the aspects thereof to the references regarding such freedoms as to such if factors as to modeling and/or performances thereof as to such if factors. Thus as to how such would officially be whereas such if factors as to any Beauty Pageant as to the aspects thereof as to the depending upon portions as to the timeframe as to such aspects, there is the legal requirements as to such times when the contracts would officially end as to the references regarding Beauty Pageants. Thus as to such regards as to the references for Myself as to being before I became a biological adult as to the references thereof as to such end dates for those who would be below the age of 18 years old immediately upon the legal age of when I turned 18 years old as to such references if there was not the aspects for Myself as to My situation for others, as all such biological females as to such aspects would officially be as to the references thereof and thus would include the situations for My son as well as My daughter because of such facts.
The references as to such aspects of biological females as to the if factors as to being a biological adult as to when as to such if situations, there is the requirements as per such legal factors as to the specific point in time as to such contractual obligations of if factors as well. Thus if a reign as to such aspects as to the references of if factors, then as to such references of the aspects where the contractual obligations as I would guess would be dependent upon the aspects as to where such aspects occurred though when within the United States of America as to such aspects thereof for the initial starting point in my opinion of such if situations within the regions thereof. However because within the United States of America as to such aspects as to the references as to the Miss Sapphire contest as to such references similarly in My opinion as to such aspects where the references regarding such aspects as to the depending upon as to such aspects where those factors as to such situations as to the laws regarding such aspects as to the situations where I was informed as to the Miss Sapphire contest as to the aspects of in Washington state as to the references thereof, though as to such aspects as to the if factors as to having had a child and/or having eggs as to the references regarding biological females as to the limitations thereof similarly in My opinion as to such safety from such as to the requirements as to free will choices.
Thus if as to such references thereof to such aspects in another country though had begun in the reference as to Miss Sapphire as to the contest as to what I was informed occurred outside of the United States of America as to this reference of online factors as to the world reference, thus as to such aspects as to such extension factors of protection aspects in the hypotheticals thereof in My opinion as to the Constitutional Liberties #ConstitutionalLiberties #UnitedStatesofAmericaConstitutionalLiberties to such references of if factors in My opinion.
I can see the reasons in certain aspects as to the Holy Roman Catholic Church's references regarding the aspects of conversion as to the situations whereas the references regarding factors thereof as to the child(ren) to such aspects, however while I attended a Catholic Parochial High School; I was baptized Methodist first as to then Presbyterian as then as to Mikvah aspects after My if taking such into consideration as to the references thereof as to the aspects of My earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, as thus as to such references thereof with the conjunction of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to such aspects in the regards of the Apostle's Creed each Sunday as well as such factors as to My confirmation graduation as to the reminder that despite such specific years as to My tattoos as to the differences as to the actualities as to such references outside of such regards officially as per such in the descriptions only as to such aspects as to My first book as only the descriptions were allowed as per the aspects of the ways I explained such in writing, as such protections of Mine officially for Me as to such factors as to such if hypotheticals as to the references thereof as to such facts.
Similarly just because of My modeling as to such aspects whereas the situations as to My protections of Myself as well as thereof to such regards as to the differences as to words as to the differences to pictures, and thus as to such references and regards thereof to such freedoms and liberties of Mine for Myself as to such if factors as to the aspects similarly to the Bibliography definition as to such clarifications as to such factors thereof permanently as to My free will as to My choices of My own free will as to My Constitutional Liberties. Thus as to such aspects whereas to My Freedom of Religion while as to such references as to the factors thereof to such Apostle's Creed references as to the factors thereof as to such acknowledgements, thus as to the factors thereof to such hypotheticals as to such references of if factors. A religion is different than a church, for such clarifications as well.
Since as to the references regarding the work on My and to My mural in regards of Washington state where I was getting the specific colors as to what needs for that mural as to such aspects of hypotheticals as to the energetic factors as to such if situations regarding such, those who were as to such a part of such hypotheticals as to instead of asking Me as to the factors of such requirements to the energetic aspects thereof as to the journal blog updates as to the year of 2021 in reference to the papers as to such hypotheticals as to the work thereof as to such references where such would have been best to do what would have been best as to getting My permission as to such factors thereof to the requirements as to such energetic aspects. Since recently after the 9-1-1 phone call as to a different aspect to a different hand as to a different finger as to such aspects of if factors, where such hypotheticals would be responsible for such aspects of such greed as to such vanity as to such lust as to such impatience as to such hypocrisy to such impatience as to the situations I have dealt with as to the length of time as to such if factors of hypotheticals for the aspects of Me as the artist to being capable to complete such works as to My mural as to such aspects as to Washington state and the northwest and west coast as to such aspects as to how I was born and raised on the east coast in the state of New Jersey and such aspects as to the overall tristate northeast and east coast aspects as to the 1980s as to the 1990s as to the aspects thereof for such considerations.
I remember how whiny the west coast was as to the aspects as to Prudential on the east coast as to such times in regards of how they were given 1.5 to 2.5 days to recover from their flights as to their whining as to such aspects of work and while I did not deal with such aspects on the west coast until the years of 2013 through 2019, I would guesstimate those of the east coast would recall certain factors of certain types as to certain individuals as to certain groups as to getting work accomplished as to such whining thereof as to such factors regarding situations as to the reverse as I guesstimate as to such aspects as to time zones as to what I would consider as bratty behaviour as to such choices of if factors as to the buearocracy situations. Thus in My opinion as to the situations in reference to the state of Texas as to the South By Southwest aspects as to such if situations as to how the South By Southwest did not occur in the year of 2020 in Austin Texas though as to however such aspects occurred thereof thereafter, as to how those of the state of Texas as well as the middle America as well as the east coast can review such for themselves to take such into consideration as to such hypotheticals thereof to such references and viewpoints to consider.
Those on the west coast surely wanted everything to go swifter as to such aspects when as to the areas thereof, though as to such aspects as to when outside of the west coast areas as to how others would be capable to distinguish such factors as to certain types as to the certain types depending upon their choices as to their situations as to the treatments thereof as to how patient depending upon such aspects thereof to such differences regarding the factors to such considerations. If for example as to where I am as to others being antagonized by such others as to the differences of Myself as to the aspects to such considerations as to the factors thereof to the proof of such, in conjunction as to how when there is the hourly rate as to such aspects as to where tips fought for as to only as to the aspects of when waitress pay was as to the differences as to the aspects as to the minimum wage aspects as to such aspects as once the minimum was raised as to the hourly across the board as to how the tips were no longer allowed as to such references officially as to the only if the company allowed if the aspects of such portions were considered as to such factors as to how the rest of the world outside of the United States of America is as to such aspects as I was informed and thus as to how such minimum wage aspects and/or the aspects as to such differences as to the overall paysacale as to such differences regarding the aspects of financial payments as to such aspects.
Thus as to such aspects where others need to accept the fact that once the minimum wage was raised in certain aspects as to the services as to such aspects, then as to what everyone who fought for minimum wage increases as to such aspects as to the relinquishment as to such aspects of tips as to only if the company allowed though as to where the customer would not ever need to ever officially do so in any capacity thereof officially as to the differences as to the commissary where the commissary workers did not get paid hourly rates as to how they only relied on tips of if factors as to such references thereof for the clarifications. There is not any aspect where in My opinion as to when the reality of what others fought for as to such aspects as to the references regarding thereof as to how taxes are not the same as tips as they were not ever intended to such references as to the regards as to the references where the aspects of such factors, and as to those who would have intelligence as to such aspects as to the references thereof to such common sense if there was any.
Thus unlike others as to such hypotheticals, My Ordained Reverend aspects do not apply to others as to their taxes ever as to what they owe as to such references thereof to such individual aspects as per such background factors as to how I personally do not have any employees of My own officially and as to how churches work as to such tax situations as well as to the references thereof as to such aspects of the tax brackets as to their taxes they owe are their taxes they owe as to such aspects of the common sense situations though additionally as to the IRS factors. The IRS situations as to their tax codes as to how such references are to such others as to how the banking institutions calculate such aspects as to the overall as well as the break down to each individual would be such knowledge as to such others, however for the clarifications as to how I created a stock market account as to the aspects whereas to the stock market is different than as to the name of My business registered as I had in Washington state though different as to the name of one of My first two books for such clarifications as to the cognitive I suppose as to such necessary aspects possibly for some others whether as to Amazon and/or others who may have needed to comprehend there is a genuinely real difference to such tax codes as to such factors. Thus as to such stock market aspects are not the aspects as to My books whatsoever officially as the same in reference as to My what My business name is as to Washington state, though since as to such aspects where I comprehended My work as to how I comprehend Myself.
I remember hearing aspects as to the references as to ENRON as to an idiot savant who had situations surrounding themself though as to how each other individual and/or group made attempts as to riding upon the proverbial coattails as to such references and where the IRS began as to such internal reviews and audits as to such aspects because of how many others made attempts as to the regulations as well as the aspects as to such regards, though the details as to the information as to the years of the 1990s would be as to what would be capable to be found as to such references regarding such aspects to those hypotheticals as to any such if factors such as to the aspects of if situations as to how I am not an employee of POTUS45 nor was I ever officially as to such aspects thereof; in conjunction as to such references as to the aspects where the taxes situation would not officially ever be as to such references as to POTUS45 if he had used My work as to My books "Finding A Silver Lining" as whether as to the references regarding metaphors or whether as to the references regarding the timeframe as to such aspects while others’ interpretations are such as to the aspects thereof to the differences as to the translations for My understanding as well as My own personal aspects to the considerations thereof.
While the reality of how much it has taken to just be capable to work on several small factors as to the timeframes since the year of 2000 through to the factors as to 1993, the situations then after the timeframe of the occurrences from the year of 2001 in the month of September on the 11th day of the month and the year as to the amount of additional work that I personally had to take care of because of the amount of situations. In My opinion as to the common sense factors as to getting My work accomplished as to the aspects thereof to the east coast in the northeast area as to the tristate region, if I was capable to accomplish such aspects as needed for the amount of work that was initially required just for the references as to the year of 1993 in the month of February as to how much easier everything would have been for Me to complete such works as to the aspects thereof to the timeframe as to the reality it was not My choice nor My work as to the aspects as to what occurred on 11 September 2001. While I did everything I could to assist mitigating the damages where I possibly could be capable to as to the timeframes whereas I have explained before putting into writing as to such factors, the situations as to how the lengths of time to be capable to focus upon such aspects as to the reality of the situations as to the amount of work it has taken to be capable to focus upon such aspects.
That is not the fault of My son nor the fault of My daughter as to their births as well as their childhoods, however the reality of the situations as to the amounts thereof to the differences as to what I comprehended was the best for My needs at the exact points in time as to such factors are the reality of what I comprehended I needed for the situations as to such factors. Thus as to the reality as to My clarifications as to such lengths of time as to the amounts thereof since such factors as to the first two books in reference as to “Finding A Silver Lining” and “Finding The Silver Lining” both initially published in the references as to The Library of Congress in the year of 2014 as to the aspects where My attempts previously as to such aspects to the amounts of work that only took Me from the year of 2013 through the year of 2014 for the references for each to consider, for such aspects thereof as to the combined situations to consider.
While I am thankful and grateful to the capabilities to do more as to the attempts as to such aspects while working on such factors, the reality of how I did not look through My works as to the timeframes as to only having looked through My paperwork to being capable to get the works completed from the timeframe of the middle of the year around the month of September 2013 to the timeframe of the month of either November or December of the year of 2014 for such references to the regards thereof. The considerations where I am grateful to the capacities of modeling where I was capable to create outfits as well as create makeup designs as to the factors thereof to such regards, as to the situations where what My issues were as to the different factors as referenced as to the Model Mayhem aspects as to the capacities to refer to the situations in reference to the few forum posts as to what I dealt with in real life as to the aspects somewhat differently though somewhat similarly as to in real life as to the Fetlife aspects as to such Leatheratti references for such aspects to the considerations as to such clarifications and verifications as to such lengths of time from the varying degrees of My attempts.
While I have acknowledged as to what I could/can remember as to the initial updates to My journal blog as to the specifics of as to the memory aspects as to the specifics of as to the timeframe of My review process that began in the year of 2019 through such journal blogs; though as to the factors whereas the reality of having allowed Myself to process the emotional aspects throughout such memories as well for the first time, as to My not having such capacities of the luxuries others have had as to the amount of personal friends as to being capable to go through such aspects as to the specific points in time as to such factors as what I guesstimate as to such others to such points in time of the years referenced as to such hypotheticals thereof to those past years as to the specific points in time as to the references to the differences as to such aspects of the specific point in time of My review as to My journal blog in full as I created such; though as to such hypotheticals whereas to what I personally had not needed nor wanted nor desired nor preferred nor had any ideal for as to any such if factors as to My journal blog posts in reference to others’ involvement as that was specifically not asked for as to My request for such regards for the purposes thereof as to what My work has been requiring as to the additional proof as to such hypotheticals as to the timeframe today 28 December 2022.
Today 28 December 2022 is the first day that I have not had to review all of My tattoos as to how I once had for the aspects thereof as to such proof where others’ hypothetical as to such involvements as to the situations as per the exact same aspects as to the timeframe from September 2013 through November/December 2014, as to such as to one full month as to such factors as to whereas the references thereof to February 1993 as well as 11 September 2001 as to such work in reference to the timeframe from the year of 2003 to the situations throughout to the timeframes as to this year of 2022.
Since there is not one of My tattoos that ever was specifically in reference to any relationship aspect to the specific point in time as to the point in time of getting the tattoo itself as to the difference as per such references regarding the facts as to the situations as to this day of 28 December 2022 to such factors in the references thereof as to in the regards as to any relationship specific as to such aspects thereof as the reality of the symbolic factors as to the importance as to the timeframes as to the northeast tristate areas as to the 1980s into the 1990s into the 2000s as to the aspects thereof, as I told people in person face to face in person in truth as to the reality of the facts. There is not one friendship nor one relationship as to aspects thereof as to the specific points in time where the only reference or even a majority of the reference to such aspects ever, as to the reality of the facts as to such aspects as to the references before the timeframe as to such areas throughout the state of Texas as to such common sense references as to the areas as well as the references as to such aspects of situations.
Any individual and/or group that would ever ignorantly think of themselves more highly than individuals and groups that I personally knew in real life in person face to face in person in real life as to the specific references I personally created for Myself as to such reminders as to such aspects thereof as to such prior references, must accept the fact it means nothing if I ever met such individuals before My Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to anyone from the timeframe after the year of 2001 as the facts as to such updates to My journal blog as to the proof from the year of 2019 through now in the year of 2022 as to such aspects of their vanity. If I specifically ever would have done so of My own free will about a relationship as to including the aspects of My children I gave birth to, as to the aspects where such specifics would only be referred to if I actually had real discussions with real people I actually was spoken with in truth as to their speaking with Me in truth as to such aspects thereof to such facts.
Thus as to such factors as to the hypotheticals whereas others would need to accept the facts as to such differences from their hypotheticals as to their tattoos as to the reality I specifically explained in person face to face in person in real life, when those particulars as to such points in time as to the specific years thereof as to the difference as to the years as to when posting online as to the difference to the years from publishing My first two books. The facts as to the truth is to the references of importances regarding such aspects as to the reality similarly as to what I needlessly dealt with as to the Model Mayhem aspects as to the difference in larger capacities of discussions online as to writings as to the differences as to the writings online as to CafeMom as to such references of differences of discussions in person in real life face to face in person whether as to events and/or as to SCUBA Diving discussions, as to the common sense such seems to Me as to the common sense factors as I would not believe that every individual I once knew would always have the exact same discussions with each and every person they met in person face to face in person at the timeframes thereof to one specific day unless as to such aspects where others would be considered as to such homo-sapien-sapien factors as to the reality while possibly reviewing some details as to the differences as to the exact wording as to the exact discussion as to the exactly every factors being exactly the same unless as to how such homo-sapien-sapiens would consider themselves as a piece of technology instead of being a human being.
While the aspects as to how certain eases for the continuation onward in other social media sectors as to the aspects of differences to discussions with real people as to such thoughts in My opinion regarding the aspects thereof to such common sense of if factors, as to the ease where posting a link as to the aspects of such differences as to the reasons why I had not posted a link from My CafeMom account in the areas as to Fetlife though having posted about such aspects as to about Fetlife in the areas as to CafeMom as to the differences regarding what seemed as common sense to Me as to such regards as to the factors thereof in My opinion as to remaining truthful as to such factors while as to such differences as to the ways such discussions went as to the differences of individual responses as per the proof thereof as to such considerations as to what seemed and what seems as common sense to Me. Thus in My opinion as to such if factors as to others’ vanity about themselves as to such possibilities as to the if factors as to such locations as to the groups as to the events as to the situations as to the differences as to what I consider as a personal friend as to such aspects as to the differences as to a lifestyle friend or a business friend or such aspects thereof, as in My opinion as to being capable to distinguish such aspects as to the reality of such importance in My opinion.
Thus as to such aspects as to Fetlife friends or Fetlife acquaintances as to the possible differences as to such connections as to the in person face to face in person as to real life as to while may having connected through Fetlife as to the differences as to the larger conglomerate as to such hypotheticals for such considerations, as the difference of personal acquaintances as to the difference of personal friendships as to such aspects of in My opinion as to the if factors as to individuals who work as to the if factors of in person in real life as to such aspects of in person as to the work spouse of if factors as to the difference of a real aspect as to the factors as to what I consider as to such similar references as to work friends as to such possibilities as with the comprehension of such outside of work aspects as to such considerations. However because of the aspects as to what seems as common sense regarding the aspects as to such aspects as to what is for the best as well as for the comfort thereof to such aspects as to the references thereof to such differences as to such regards as to the common sense aspects as to what I need for My comfort as to such differences as to the other aspects thereof, as to what My needs are as to the aspects of My after effects from My TBI are going to be different than someone else’s and as My aspects are as to such importance for My own healing as to such regards as to how such liberties for Myself as to My liberties for such references fully for Myself as to the aspects as to the proof in reference as to the length of time as to the differences regarding such aspects as to the timeframe from 2000 through 2019-2022 as to such updates as to the initial aspects as to My first two books, as to such factors as to the timeframe as to the common sense for such small arithmetic as to such aspects as to the references as to February 1993 as to the tristate northeast areas as to New York City as to the aspects of February 1993 as to then the other aspects as to 11 September 2001 as to the area as to the tristate areas as to the northeast as to such factors as to the considerations thereof.
While there is the fact as to being thankful and appreciative as to such aspects as to the regards of some experiences as to the factors thereof as to the reality of if situations as to having completed My work first as to actually being capable to actually enjoy fully, as to how I worked on My homework was as to getting all of My homework completed before ever going out to have any enjoyment as to such aspects as to the reality of differences as I guesstimate as to such aspects thereof to such enjoyment factors. I am the type of individual who needs to complete My work first fully before I personally allow Myself as to other such aspects as to the way I personally was raised as I was not allowed to watch any television or go to after school activities if My homework was not completed first, unlike what I guesstimate every other aspect as to such hypotheticals as to why such hypotheticals as to the references thereof to such immaturity levels as to in My opinion. I raised My son the same way as raising My daughter the same way, however as to such situations as to those types as to their choices as to what My differences as to such aspects thereof to other hypotheticals as to their schools as to their requirements for their schools as to such differences as to the intellectual capacities thereof to such hypotheticals.
If such is considered as an insult to those hypotheticals they can consider as to their work levels as to such hypotheticals as to their viewpoints as to their lives as to their factors as to such situations as to the if factors, and thus as to while the aspects as to My modeling as to the same as to My homework as to getting such work accomplished first as to then the after factors thereof as to how such other models can take into consideration as to such differences as to the specific years as to the timeframes of 2010 through 2013 for such references to getting such work accomplished as to the factors thereof for their own modeling as to the aspects of such as to what factors regarding such proof as to the references thereof to the work ethics in My opinion.
Thus while I am thankful and grateful to such modeling aspects there is obviously the capacity to the differences as to My modeling work as to the differences as to the aspects of My selfies as to My Instagram account, in My opinion. Thus if others had mastered their selfies as to such timeframes before I ever began on working on My selfies as to the year beginning around 2020, such hypotheticals as to the references for such aspects as to the considerations as to such aspects of the hypotheticals as to such images as well as videos as to the recent performances as to when I sang the National Anthem the Star Spangled Banner in the years of 2020 more-so as to such public aspects as to such differences of the few performances as to the few times in the years of 2010 and 2011. In the year of 2010 my only performance was the Burlesque performance as to the Denver Mile High Club son as to the Big Band version of the Star Spangled Banner, and I left the area within less than 1.5 or 2.5 hours from the time I was on the stage. The same as to the reference of the time as to when I left the stage as to the Exotic Easter performance as well as to the regards of the Uniform Fetish Ball performance, as to returning to the hotel room to then pack to be capable to leave for Me to be capable to get back to where I was living at the timeframes of such references for such clarifications. Thus as to the Belly Dancing performances where such was two performances with around 20 minutes at most in between the timeframe as to the same aspects where after that set of performances as to how as to around 2 or 3 hours as to once completed as to My performances, as to when I left the stage as to then leaving the location though to return to where I was living as to the timeframe of the aspects for such references to such clarifications officially.
In reference to an older Fetlife message where an image was sent to Me asking Me if a female I guess with tattoos was a picture of Me as to where I clarified that was not an image of Me, as I clarified it was not a vehicle of anyone I knew at the point in time of, and was not in a location that I remembered as to the timeframe from the point in time as to such reference thereof for the clarification as to such aspects thereof for the hypotheticals as to such aspects where others hypothetically would need to consider such same factors as to common sense of comprehending Myself as the comprehension of such timeframes as to My work. While the aspects of My memories as to the references in regards of My work as to the factors of February 1993 and 11 September 2001 only for such aspects as to the regards as to such memory factors as to the references thereof despite having authored/written other books, the facts as to the books are not representative of such aspects of people I once knew in person face to face in real life or online for that matter as to the years thereof as to such if factors as to the same sorts of vanity hypotheticals as to themselves. I suppose the aspects of if factors as to the Ordained Reverend would be as to the individual who would be as to such Ordained Reverend aspects as to the taxes for such regards, though I am uncertain as to the tax codes as to businesses as to such aspects of the employees per individual business as to such. Since I personally do not have employees of My own as to such facts, the aspects of what such would or could translate to as to the if factors as to My religious freedoms as to such registrations as to the work I completed Myself as best as I could.
Thus as I clarified as to the hypotheticals as to individuals as to how they were on social media as to the references of in person face to face in person as to such if factors as to the years more-so of 2015 through 2019 as to “The Modern Day Book” as to such hypotheticals as to their aspects of hypotheticals as to “Fail-Safe” book 1, the hypotheticals as to such if factors of others’ vanity to such aspects of if factors as to the other fiction book series as to the creativity aspects as to “Paroxysm” as to how there was not one person I had known in the timeframe as to the years of 2000 through including 2022 as to such individual experiences as to such aspects officially as I clarified as to such aspects similarly as to the references thereof to the timeframes of My journal blog updates as to the years of 2019 through this year of 2022 as well as to how such where I personally had not ever had such situations as to Myself during such any point in time as to the timeframes before as to the references thereof to authoring as to publishing My books as to the Paroxysm series as to such aspects of similarly to just being creative.
Thus as to My current timeframe as to the references thereof as to My life after publishing the books as to the reality as to such future aspects for Myself personally of if situations as to the if factors as to real relationship aspects as to such possibilities though as to such creativity as to accepting who I am, as to such aspects as to the references of such hypotheticals as to others’ who would need to comprehend of such if factors then would be as to the future timeframes as to the aspects of My creativity of such if factors as to the metaphors I am capable to refer to My own authoring aspects as to the common sense as to such aspects in My opinion. However because of such hypotheticals as to such similar if factors as to the years from 2003 through 2014 as to such hypotheticals as to such situations as to the years of 2015 through 2018, such as to what I personally consider as a fan as to such differences thereof as to My work as to the privacy aspects as to creating such as to such writings as to those types as to such if factors as to such impatience as to such references thereof of such if factors.
When someone such as an author comprehends their best work aspects as to such factors thereof when others who are not needed as to such references regarding such factors, as to then such creativity as to such common sense as to the if factors regarding such hypothetical references as such types of spoiled brats as to such immaturity in My opinion as to such if factors as to those types as to such if factors as to the hypotheticals thereof as to the difference of what I would consider as being a fan of Mine as to such considerations as to what I consider as being a fan of My work as to such hypotheticals as to others’ interpretations as obviously to complete My works as to My creativity would not be where others’ considerations were ever taken into such consideration as to when I was creating My works similarly as to My modeling as to how the facts of when creating My outfits as to how such others were not in the consideration as to My creativity despite their aspects of vanity of themselves as to such differences as to what the considerations as to being a fan of Mine would be considered as in My opinion.
However if there was an underground area of individuals who thought they were going to get the one and only Lady Dori Belle model as to the aspects thereof as to whatever their knowledge of pop culture as to Hollywood, I suppose there is only one person who actually knew despite the situation as to the aspects as to the garage; as he would be the only one who did not see any mirage, as to how the reference as to the reality as to the reference as to the time as to the aspects of the emotional review as to what is Mine. Thus the aspects as to how that particular name in reference to the ROTC Army, the fact of where the reality of the name Cactus Jack would be the least of concerns as to the references thereof as I explained repeatedly.
Thus as to how some individuals as to the college pop culture situation as to learning as to the facts as to how such situations as to the clearing of such details, and yet the reality as because of the situations as to the if factors as to such aspects of such types of those hypothetical renaissance faire historical reenactors. The situations as to where the reality of what I could have completed as to then being capable to actually enjoy because of such amounts of strife as to the aspects as to what was My youth as to My life, thus as to such aspects regarding the work as to February 1993 as well as 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as to such aspects of work as to My first two books “Finding A Silver Lining” and “Finding The Silver Lining” as to My author name Susan MeeLing. Thus as to the references as to how such aspects of the first time out to the northeast in the tristate areas as to the year of 2020 in November/December timeframe as to the work as well as the processings, thus as to February 2022 from that aspects of time as to the amount of work I could have completed as well as actual enjoyment instead as to such emotional factors as to the proof os such hypotheticals as to the references as to the arithmetic as to such lengths thereof. Thus while I am appreciative of the modeling aspects as to the difference of how selfies are, as to such differences as to such a start and thus the attempts I have made as to the situations as to such differences as from modeling to selfies as to such aspects of the differences of others as well as from cameras to see.
Thus as to clarifying as well as being capable to get as I actually need for My actual work, I suppose it depends as to what aspects as to such regarding the factors. Thus while I suppose depending how others had their interpretations as to My modeling as to the differences as to their selfies as to such possibilities as to the time, I have needed to complete the clarifications as to such factors regarding My comprehension of multiple websites as to social media as to such to the fine lines. Thus for the first time ever being capable to awaken without having to stare as to My tattoos as to the aspects thereof, I suppose the color as to My hair would have been best if I actually had exactly as I needed as I comprehend Myself and yet to such hypothetical others as to such pop culture who then would be as to an elf upon a shelf?
Real life in person face to face in person in real life as to always having been capable as I to distinguish, though for others I suppose others would have to be capable to distinguish for themselves as to such a reality instead of whatever they consider now as to streaming movies/shows regarding tv. Thus as to the aspects as to where being an Ordained Reverend as to such facts as I had told others in truth before putting such in writing as to such factors thereof in 2020 and onward, and thus as hopefully such clarifications have been assistive as to the differences for Me as to such aspects as to the hypotheticals in My opinion. My biological Father as I wrote in My book series of facts “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire” as to such aspects regarding such times, the legal requirements as to clarifications as to such verifications as to such facts as well as to My updates to My journal blog in truth as to such aspects as to having authored/written/compiled as much as has needed to be as to such aspects in reference to the years of 1993 and 2001 for those who had visited and/or lived in New York City.
Thus the references to such work as to My writing as to the first 8 books total as to the timeframe of the years of 2013 through 2016, then as to the other books totaling 20 more books as to those particulars as well as My journal blog updates as to where My biological father told Me “When a man grows up from being a boy, he puts away his toys to grow up.”
In Asher Holmes Elementary School when we were in third grade, the only art supplies we had on our required school list were not crayons at all for the references. We had to bring in markers, colored pencils, and watercolor paints for our third grade class requirements and thus while others throughout the JBSA areas as to Military City USA in San Antonio Texas as well as others I once knew as to the timeframes in person face to face in person in real life and/or others who knew of Me online as to the aspects as to the hypotheticals as to the differences of Elementary School education. Thus second grade math for only the reference as to math or arithmetic as to what mathematics would be to such a hypothetical consideration, the after effects from My Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the memory deficits and cognitive disorders as to such hypotheticals fully proven. While the reality of the subarachnoid hemorrhage as to the additional aspects as to My headaches and My migraines, I suppose some might be capable to think about the reality of what such translates and what such means.
Thus what would officially be owed in such hypotheticals if others had not thought about such tax aspects as to the name as to the codes, or would I be the one and only who would have known as well as understood and comprehended such aspects and what finances would be to Me owed as to My usage thereof as to My finances as to such aspects?
Or were there those who did not know of such aspects officially as I have as to such hypotheticals, and thus what would be of importance as to how many attempts I have made in the varying aspects of such factors as where would such references as to the situations of ENRON be capable to be noticed?
I remember being told of an idiot savant back in the early 1990s and middle 1990s as to such aspects, as I was told that idiot savant was capable to escape a few situations as to such aspects though I was told when the idiot savant was found as to how such factors went as to personal relationship aspects to the differences as business relationship aspects as to such overall relationship aspects. I wonder if that guy as to such hypotheticals were still to be around as to what possibilities might just be, as to such factors.