In the year of 2015 as to the aspects of when who became President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump #POTUS45 POTUS45 as to my having mailed my first few books to the office thereof in the similarity as to the aspects of which in reference to having mailed the books to a multitude of individuals and groups in various locations as to the aspects in most specific to the "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to pondering the aspects in such regards as to recent times as to the situations of which the possibility of utilizing my work in the references thereof to such factors as to the correct recognition as due to such factors in the comparisons as to the possibility of thought as he might have had discussions as to the aspects of as to the second term portions as to with others in such references as to while knowing what would be best could be to tell the actual truth in the references thereof, as to if he and others had verified the information in reference to those books as o such factors which in turn as to the situations as to the hypotheticals thereof as to the recognition portions as to my work. Thus if as to such factors in the regards as to the updates from the year of 2019 as to the situations which in turn as to the references of which I have brought forward as to my correct recognition as to the aspects of my work in such capacities thereof, if as to the situations in reference to how he had said he was only going to run for one term in conjunction as to the aspects of the election integrity matters factor as to the aspects of the hypothetical as to whatever briefing as to the aspects of the timeframe from the year of 2015 into 2016 as well as the aspects as to any point in time during the interim aspects as to such factors similarly as to how the situations went in the year of 2009 as to my SCUBA Diving #SCUBA #SCUBADiving as to the aspects of my correct recognition which has not occurred in the references thereof as to the lengths of time as to the ways thereof as to such factors; in the references as to the year of 2020 election cycle of which as to the if factor as to such situations as to how President of the United States of America Joe Biden was the Vice President of the United States of America in the year of 2012 through 2016 as to the aspects of before his Presidency as to the number 46 #VPOTUS46/#POTUS46 , the aspects in such references as to the situations regarding the various clarifications and verifications as to both in the first time as to the publishing of my first few books as well as to the conjunction of the aspects in reference to the updating portions as to my second grouping of books while additionally as to my work in reference to my #MedalofHonorArtProject Medal of Honor Art Project as well as my #DrMaryEdwardsWalkerCollection Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection attached as well as the updates as to my journal blog, in such references.
Thus to the if factor as to the technological portions as to what has been noticed as to the references thereof which in turn as to the aspects of the situations during such points in time as to the aspects of the situations in which has been capable to be proven of what levels thereof, in such references which as to the aspects thereof as to the timeframes from which if then President of the United States of America Barack Obama #POTUS44 had an odd sensation and/or #FLOTUS44 as to such factors of which I could easily see individuals such as the people at Nine Lives Books as well as the as I first labeled them as to the Crazy Cat People though as to the insanity thereof as to the aspects of such a store as to the ways which the cat sanctuary was run in comparison of ever actually caring in the correct capacities thereof as to the human beings which were working and volunteering at the store. In one particular reference as to how Lisa Williams had not taken her paychecks because of how Suzanne Farnsworth had claimed she was using the finances for the cat sanctuary in such comparisons as to the needless problems as to such factors. In another reference as to how Suzanne Farnsworth did the same to several other employees such as Howard and Jamie Robles, including as to Daniel as to certain references. The aspects as to how she allowed the cat sanctuary people take over the store in comparison as to ever actually running the bookstore correctly to such factors as to the list of problems.
As for my own clarifications as to my not ever being willing to ever allow those types of people or anyone to ever be a part of my work as to my right to choose in such factors of which as to the facts as to those individuals were explained in person face to face in person as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain at the time, my headaches, migraines, memory deficits, cognitive disorders as well as the facts of which to the way which I wound up off of #JBSA Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas as well as to the Justice of the Peace situations. Since Suzanne Farnsworth had given her son to her parents to raise as to how she claimed she had wanted to re-raise a child because she always wanted a girl which I reminded her I am not her child and I did not ever want nor need nor desire nor prefer to ever be associated as to such as per the facts of which as to what I was seeing throughout the aspects thereof. There has not ever been the trust as to those individuals ever especially as to the combination of her sister Cindy Farnsworth as to the additional needless problems as to when the online bookstore began to make money as to such factors, of which the lack of such needs as to how that portions of the bookstore probably fell first as to such aspects as to the fullest failures of such a lazy individual as to ever actually being capable to think on her own as to the levels thereof to the pop culture references thereof. As those people were officially informed that the males I personally knew and met at the Jims Restaurant on I10 and Huebner were going to bring in boxes of books just for me as well as different boxes of books for the store as to the acknowledgement of the differences, the situations of which the clarifications as to such points in time as to the clarifications as to the accuracy levels thereof to such situations.
Since those people had not the slightest care in the actuality of human life as to such points in time as to the various situations which I have brought forward as to my right as to my life experiences as to having not specifically labeled as to the legal names thereof as per the protection portions of which in such references thereof as to "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as I have specified several factors through my official YouTube Channel as well as the aspects as to my website in my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to such aspects throughout such references as to the clarifications and the verifications thereof. While Daniel and I would spend time at the Jims Restaurant as to the aspects after the situations as to the post office similarly as to the situations as to the aspects of which Ken Westmeyr (spelling?) as to the aspects of if he went with me to the post office as to a different set of situations because of my lack of knowledge as to the situations in reference to some comic book doll aspects as to what was given to me as a gift which I had not known anything about the aspects of the doll before which I took the doll out of the package to be capable to look at the doll in the aspects of seeing the details as to such references. When I had done so as to the gasping noises which I did not understand as why would I ever know a doll is supposed to be kept in a package as to such a comic book point of view as to what lack of common sense as to such references of ever having such aspects to only be in the box, as to what levels of such aspects to which why would that take a head injury to figure out that someone who was not allowed to read comic books would ever know anything about the aspects of comic books as to the doll references as to such aspects?
While I was not being rude as to such aspects as to the doll that was given to me, I had not ever seen one that looked that way before as to the comparisons as to what I personally grew up as to my childhood and my teenager years which in turn as to the aspects of some drama portions because of something having to do with a #Batman Batman character of something or another as to such references. It made little sense to me of which individuals at the store had told me as to how such aspects went for the comic book aspects which I shrugged my shoulders as to how little that made sense as to if it was a gift then as to my choice what to do as to such factors with it, because of how it simply just looked as a doll compared to something that would not be considered as a doll. The situations of which as to how that stirred up a bit of controversy as to how many individuals could not believe I according to them as to having the nerve to open the package as to the gift I was given as to how I did not understand why opening the package to a doll meant anything as to the aspects thereof, as to the fact no one told me there was something special about the doll as to the references thereof as what would I personally know about anything as to the aspects of what I was not raised with? In such references as to the aspects of which I had explained if it was important as to keeping in the package that probably should have been said directly from the beginning as to the knowledge as to such factors to each and every individual as to how I was not raised being allowed to watch movies above a G rating as well as how I was only capable to be allowed to read the Sunday comics as to the comparisons as to the situations as to whatever Batman aspects in such references as to my personal childhood and teenager years which at the timeframe was not believed as to the reality of which I actually dealt with as a child. To this day it has made little sense to me as to the aspects of how a doll would ever be considered as to such a big deal as there was not anyone who actually ever explained to me where I would be capable to understand from the knowledge that not one person took the time to actually explain, as to the comparisons as to the raised voices as to such comparisons as to the reality of the fact of having dealt with headaches and migraines in such references. Since as to such needless problems thereafter as to how many individuals knew about such situations as to the after effects thereof as well as to such factors in the conjunction later as to the situations as to the garage portions in the references thereof to such aspects, in reference to the situations regarding Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to the situations to the 151 Road Warriors as well.
It should not take a head injury to figure out what I personally dealt with in other factors as to that doll situation as to the MadMax #MadMax #Alamo #RemebertheAlamo #AlamoDrafthouse #SanAntonioAlamodrafthouse #SATXAlamodrafthouse #SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonio #SanAnotnioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA movie as to the situations as to my now dead-ex-husband as to such references, as to the garage factors as to the situations as to such points in time.
In turn as to the aspects of both in my house as to such references as well as to at the Nine Lives Book Store as to such references as to the varying degrees and levels thereof, then as to the additional factor as to the situations which Suzanne Farnsworth had wanted to have as commercial done as to the situations of only having such on at night as to the lack of attention to details in such references as to each individual female as to such factor as well as the aspects of children as to the other portion thereof as to the knowledge as to the time slot as to such references thereof as to the situations. In turn as to the individuals as to such points in time as to while the influx as to the customers as well so too as to the influx of cats as to the cat sanctuary of which as to the situations in reference to the "Your Dad is Not A Captain" situations of which shortly thereafter as to Michael Roberts having said he claimed he needed to make a copy of my original Blue Identification Card for tax purposes as to despite having clarified as to my Reverend aspects as to being an Ordained Reverend as to how he did not see anything of value as to such references despite such factors additionally as to the explanations as to the individuals I was meeting as to their choices to bring in boxes of books into the bookstore as to for the store and then as to the aspects of specific boxes of books for me as to the knowledge as to my medical aspects as well as the situations as to why I fought to join the Army in conjunction as to the aspects of #USMC #MArines #Marine #MarineCorps #Science #Technology #USN #USAN #USNavy #Navy #MAST #USCG Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment of which several individuals as to the retired males were specifically from the Navy branch of the #USAAF #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces Armed Forces of the United States of America. In turn as to my clarifications as to the references as to the memory deficits as to the acknowledgement thereof previously as to such aspects as to the cognitive disorder portions thereof, though to such references as to the clarifications and verifications as to such percentages. Usually the males wore their Navy covers into the bookstore as to the references thereof, and/or a Navy shirt as to the clarifications as to such references. In turn because of certain aspects as to the discussions as well as the portions thereof to such details as to the understanding thereof, as to the aspects in reference to which books as per the fact Suzanne Farnsworth informed me as to the boxes of which such guys had brought in for me as to the acknowledgement specifically as to when she handed me the boxes of books as to the references thereof as to what was for me as to the comparisons as to what was for the Nine Lives Book store aspects of which when I could remember as to my rights as to the discussions of which possibly Daniel has clarified as to such references as to the amount of military associated individuals as well as to the reference as to "Your Dad Is Not A Captain" as to such other references in addition to the clarifications thereof for such references.
As to the situations as to the in the beginning portions as to the updates as to the fact of proof as to how such situations were as to such points in time as to the references as to the information as to the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in conjunction as to the Justice of the Peace aspects as to the addition as to the situations in reference as to the garage aspects as well as the MadMax movie portions as to the 151 Road Warriors Alamo Drafthouse situations as to the aspects of the if factor of which as to the knowledge thereof as to the aspects of Iowa state as to the hypotheticals thereof to the year of 2018 to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, as to when in the year of 2019 as to having spoken with such individuals as to on the phone as well as to the in person face to face in person aspects after I returned to the state of Texas as to such factors as to the situations of which to such references of which such aspects as to the reality of what was dealt with needlessly as to such references thereof as to both Suzanne Farnsworth as well as her sister Cindy Farnsworth in conjunction as to Michael Roberts and/or other such employees as to such factors thereof for the additional; references as to the situations as to "Your Dad is Not A Captain"'s son as to how those people mistreated military individuals as to such connections as to such factors if not having achieved certain levels. Thus despite the dress blues factors as to such proven portions thereof as to the situations as to what I dealt with as to my not having graduated Basic Training as to the situations as to my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 200 as to such references as well, as to the aspects of such points in time of the year of 2006 into the year of 2007 as to then in the year of 2008 as to when I had informed the individuals in Nine Lives Books as well as the cat sanctuary as to what I dealt with as to Major General Gillman's office.
I had told those people as to the aspects from the point in time as to the starting point thereof similarly as to such aspects as to the combinations thereof to the point of which as the time progressed I told those people about the funeral as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to in addition as to how I told those people about the dress blues problems, then as the time went onward as I told those people as to the CID interrogation which those people claimed that was considered as normal to them as to what military aspects of what they knew in such references as to the pop culture references as well as the books within the bookstore. Then as to such factors as to when inside of Major General Gillman's office as to the name calling of which I was called a 'royal f***ing c**t' as to such aspects as to the timeframe of around April in the year of 2008, as to how those people claimed that was normal as to the references despite as to such aspects of the situations as to legally being a widow despite the factors of the situations of my son and my daughter as to such references as to their biological father's death as to my legal widow aspects of such references. Instead of seeing anything wrong as to such aspects of what I pointed out as to the uniform as well as the office as well as the base as well as the aspects as to the location and the conjunction of the timeframe of less than 6 full months as to such situations, as to the ways of which those people told me they thought that was normal as to how such went in the Army branch and laughed as to the aspects of which included the individuals as to the cat sanctuary for several individuals as to such references instead of ever taking me seriously as to the situations having been a massive problem as to such references instead of what they thought of was a funny joke and yet the truth behind every joke.
Then when as to the situations as to the memorial service as to my children's biological father as to the situations which I brought forward, Suzanne's response was that she thought it was great as to the news article for the business aspects in comparison as to paying attention to the details. When it came to the aspects as to the situations of which as to the aspects of the three firearms in the office as to my backpack as to the situations to the Bronze Star, then as to the exact same response as similar as to the ways of such discussions as to when I returned from the state of Washington as to the state of Texas as to such factors of what I personally dealt with as to such points in time as to the years of 2006 through 2008 which at that point was the end and I was at my breaking point as to such aspects of the additional factors as to the complainants as to the cat sanctuary as to having moved the cats into the online books areas as to the knowledge of my allergy to cats as well as the aspects as to such references as to the situations additionally as to how I did not like cats at all though I could see the value in some references as to the comparisons as to the common sense factors as to the online books having been important and expensive as to such references as to ever taking into consideration of my actual accuracy in all such factors in the comparisons thereof to their opinions.
Though why would it take a head injury to figure out those combined factors of each aspect as to what I was personally dealing with as to the conjunction portions as to all of the employees and volunteers at the Nine Lives Books store were needlessly dealing with such factors as to the employees and volunteers as to the cat sanctuary aspects, as to the common sense aspects as to the three firearms as to such references in the combined additional portions thereof as why would such individuals ever actually pay attention to the correct details as to such comparisons as to the situations in such references?
As to how the absolute lack of concern as several employees and volunteers began to walk away from the Nine Lives Books store because of the cat sanctuary people as there was no one who was willing to stand up to the needless problems as well as the factors as to the situations which inside of Suzanne Farnsworth's condo as to the entire bedroom in one area having been converted to the cats, the cabinet doors having been removed so other cats could be capable to roam around in comparison, as well as one of the bathrooms having been used as a litter box as to such comparisons because of the number of cats throughout that condominium as to such aspects of the ironic portions as to them being Democrats as to their wishes as to such factors of me seeing the light as to such references. Which in turn as to the aspects as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out as to Democratic policies in reference to the city of New York as well as the aspects of the Democratic policies as to the state of New Jersey, as they were warned as to such factors of which as to the situations to "Your Dad Is Not A Captain"'s son as to my truth explaining the situations to the animal control area as to Fort Sam Houston in the conjunction aspects when Fort Sam Houston's animal control center called and as I explained myself to whomever had called from Fort Sam Houston as to the caller id as to the irony as to when I walked towards the back similar as to the situations as to the aspects as to when in the emergency room to whomever "Your Dad Is Not A Captain" is; I obviously had to tell the truth as to such factors as to the reality of the situation of knowing the cat was feral as to such a situation as well as the aspects of what "Your Dad Is Not A Captain"'s son had said he was going to tell the Army in comparison as to actually getting medical care as needed as to the ironic aspects as to the situations in reference to the opposite factors, as to when I went to get medical treatment as to the situations as to the combinations as to Walter Reed as to Bethesda as to such references as to the multitude of civilian and/or veteran and/or active duty/reservists/national guard individuals who had specifically told me that if I ever sensed I needed to get medical care as to other than to Dr. Kerry for the clarifications thereof to which I should get myself to Bethesda as to Walter Reed for myself as to such aspects. However as to what did not occur as to the comparisons as to the medical treatment which I have sensed as to such references as to a combination thereof as to what occurrences as to my drive from Texas to Walter Reed in such comparisons, as to how there was nothing that was actually taken care of for me as to my medical needs as to the similar problems as to the situations as to Fort Sam Houston as to BAMC as well as to the aspects as to the Austin VA Medical Center especially if as to the aspects of others knowledge as to the Iowa situations as to the floor as to the year of 2018 as to the lack of speaking in truth with me as to such references to actually get the medical treatments I actually have need(ed) as to such lengths of time as to the aspects of why would it ever take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of such factors of actual correct medical care as to such hypotheticals thereof as to the truth factors as to the if factors of such knowledge as to those years of 2019 as to the year of 2020 as to the year of 2021 as to such references as what would ever be considered as to the aspects as to what levels of differences as to the actual care as to the comparisons as to animals compared to human beings as to the aspects of what hypotheticals thereof to such references thereof?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out as to the lack of difference as to such hypotheticals as to the aspects of such references as to the combined situations as to such factors as to the American Civil War aspects as to such hypothetical references as to such situations as to the aspects thereof as why would it take a head injury to figure out as to the length of time as to such hypotheticals, as to the combinations as to the years of 2006 through onward as to whatever technological connections which would be capable to be found as to such references as through to the year of 2022 as to such hypotheticals wrongly illegally and needlessly as to such references?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to the if factor as to whatever medication that Suzanne Farnsworth and/or Cindy Farnsworth had been on during such points in time as well as the amount of the cat sanctuary aspects as to such living in the condominium as to such aspects to whatever length of years as to such ammonia as to such hypotheticals as to memory deficits as to such references as to the aspect thereof while to the ironic portions as to the mistreatments as to the hypotheticals thereof, as would it take a head injury to figure out as to such hypotheticals as to the specifics as to the accuracy levels as to the clarifications thereof to what levels of proof in such references as to the percentages as to each individual's accuracy as to such aspects?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if individuals had told Suzanne Farnsworth and/or Michael Roberts as to Jim's Restaurant as to the military individuals as to the aspects of such references of if anyone had specifically asked and/or spoke of me as to the situations as to the books brought in as to such references as to the aspects of the hypotheticals as to the truth of such references, as what levels of accuracy as to such references in the comparisons as to those individuals as to the comparisons as to the update portions of such references as to the aspects thereof to such clarifications since beginning my updates as to the combined factors as to the situations from such updates from the year of 2019 as to the point in time of now in the year of 2022 for such references to the clarifications thereof?
What level of accuracy as to the comparisons as to my recent journal blog entry as to the levels thereof for such references as to the clarifications thereof for such aspects as to the levels and percentages as to the situations in reference to the accuracy aspects as to the clarifications and the verifications of such hypothetical references as to the hypothetical length of time as to such aspects to each level thereof for such situations, as why would it take a head injury to figure out the differences as to the levels of such percentage ratio aspects as to the clarifications of such references as to the on land above sea ;level as to the accuracy levels for such references as what technological proof additionally would be capable to be found as to such aspects?
Thus in turn what would the situations translate to as to the hypotheticals as to what was dealt with as to the point in time where I informed Suzanne Farnsworth I was moving out of the area as to such factors of what she said would be considered as a different gift as to such references as to such a point in time, of which as to the aspects as to the situations shortly before I moved from the city of San Antonio Texas as to the city of Carrollton #Carrollton #CarolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #CTX Texas as to such references as per the aspects of which her sister Cindy Farnsworth as to such aspects of similarities as to the timeframes thereof as to the aspects of such gift aspects as to the clarifications of which to what levels of verifications as to the situations to the considerations as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such aspects?
Thus as to how many individuals as to the hypotheticals thereof to taking responsibility for their choices as to the levels thereof as to taking responsibility as to the comparisons with the references as to the clarifications as to such references as to the comparisons as to myself to the comparisons as to Suzanne Farnsworth as to the comparisons as to Cindy Farnsworth as to the aspects thereof as well as to the truthful portions thereof as to the clarifications to take into consideration, as what patterns of behaviour as to such aspects for such references as to the comparisons thereof as to such hypothetical references as to the possibilities thereof to such regards?
In turn additionally as to such references as to before I officially had quit as to the cat sanctuary individuals as to Cindy Farnsworth as well as to how many individuals from Nine Lives Books as to the aspects of employees and volunteers as to the comparisons as to what was left prior to my move, how many individuals as to such aspects of which such references as to the connections of to Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to the references thereof as to the aspects of the aspects of such points in time of the knowledge of what I was personally dealing with as what individuals had ever actually paid attention correctly as to in truth as to such references as to the comparisons of ever actually making the correct choice as to genuinely making things better for me as to what my actual best interests as to such references to the comparisons thereof as to the aspects of such proof?
For clarifications I have not ever signed any paperwork as to ever allowing anyone to ever run my finances ever as to such aspects for the references thereof, as similarly as to my patterns of behaviour as to my modeling work which I had not signed any paperwork as to the commercial aspects of which as to the similarity as to how I would not ever allow such aspects as to the similarity as to how I personally booked my performances as to the timeframes during my modeling as to the situations of which there was not ever any point in time which I would ever allow such aspects as to the situations in my own free will as to the aspects of which of what I had already dealt with as to the reasons why I hid my finances from my biological mother/father/sister when before having went into the Army as to such aspects thereof as to the situations where I was made fun of for paying the #IRS IRS as to such aspects in the references as to such factors to the lengths of time as to those additional factors as to such references for the clarifications to the references thereof for such financial aspects in all such capacities thereof to always have been in my control as I would not ever allow such aspects in any other capacity thereof as to such regards as to my proof of pattern of behaviour as well as the aspects to such clarifications and verifications thereof to the additional aspects of what I have brought forward as to the references to the American Civil War as to the aspects thereof in addition as to what would ever be considered as for my actual best interests as to the comparisons of such hypotheticals as to such references as to those types of those people as to the length of time as to the years from 2006 through to now in the year of 2022 or does that take a head injury to figure that out as well?
Since I learned that Michael Roberts had a head injury or a TBI as to such references when as to the aspects as to the year of 2019 as to my return from the state of Washington as to how such situations occurred as to the Stoney LaRue concert as to March 2013 as to those factors in addition as to what I already was dealing with as to such situations as to the combined factors as to such situations, what technological messages as to prior to such points in time as to the references as to such aspects would be capable to be found as to such hypothetical references as to the needless problems as well as needless drama as to such wrongful aspects as to the ironic portions of which in the American Civil War as to the political affiliation as to the voting portions as to the side thereof to such references as to the aspects thereof as to the antislavery movement as to such references as to the aspects thereof as to what situations?
As to such factors as to my actual Bok Gung and my actual Bok Pu as to the references to such wishful thoughts as to the comparisons as I specifically told Michael Roberts my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were the only people who were ever allowed to call me MeeLing as to such factors as to the ways which as to unlike Ken Westmeyer as to such references after the doll situation as to the name aspects of such situations, as to how Michael Roberts had asked what the name MeeLing actually meant while rolling his eyes at Ken Westmeyer as to the knowledge of the doll situation by the point in time of which I informed him my middle name translates to Lotus Blossom and Innocent Flower which in addition as to the translation of my first name of Lily and Pale Face as to the references as to the combined factors of the references because of my sensitive skin as well as the dry skin factors as well as the situations as to the problems with the combinations as to eczema as to what I have dealt with since I was a child. In the references as to how such tests were done needlessly to me during the timeframe of when I was volunteering as to such references as to when at Nine Lives Books as I told those people I was not interested in their tests as to how such factors as to those situations needlessly and wrongfully, they tried to convince me otherwise which I refused then as I still refuse as to such aspects as to the aspects thereof to such aspects of which as I was in Washington state and/or on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to those people's claims as to the Lady doth protesteth too much as to their opinions as to the references as to after what I dealt with as to #CID CID in the year of 2008 after the aspects of Fort Worth #FortWorth #FWTX #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas as to the regards of the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to the dress blues as to the aspects thereof to which those people as to the cat sanctuary most specifically as to how such needless drama as to such needless problems as to those types of individuals as to those wrongful portions of what those people laughed at as to the situations as to the aspects in reference as to the situations as to the Excalibur Faire #Excalibur #ExcaliburFaire #Sherwood #SherwoodForrest #SherwoodForrestFaire #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas as well.
Thus I wonder does it take a head injury as to finding such correlations as to the proof thereof as to such connected aspects, or is that simply just common sense as to figuring such out as to the hypotheticals thereof to such connections as to what needless problems as to the publicity portions as to the news aspects of the San Antonio Express News as to the commercial situations as well as the other combined factors as to the situations of what I as well as my son as well as my daughter have needlessly dealt with and what is the legal recourse for myself as well as my son and my daughter against such individuals and groups thereof to such connections as to the hypotheticals thereof as to my financial aspects for my usage as to my choice as to my design as to without any such needless restrictions as well as to end all stolen valor as well as the aspects of what other connected portions thereof to such a location and individuals thereof to such hypotheticals immediately as to such clarifications and verifications thereof to such extents as to the references found in truth?
While it does not take a head injury to figure out as to the ironic message as to the reference as to the last name as to Michael Roberts as to the hypotheticals as to the situations as to my dead-ex-husband as to the situations as to what I was told later as to such factors, the aspects of which the reality of which I personally was in the state of Washington and as to "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to such hypotheticals thereof to such proof in a different capacity when reviewing such now in the year of 2022 compared to the comparisons of such hypothetical aspects as to whatever plausibility of such connected aspects as to the lack of the direct connection to myself as to such references as to whatever levels of proof as to such situations especially in additions s to my SCUBA Diving as well as the situations as to McCoy Elementary School as well as the factors as to Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD as well as to the situations as to the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 at #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall Cowboys Dancehall as to the connections throughout the state of Texas including my modeling as well as the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to such hypothetical comparisons as to such hypotheticals as to such situations as to the aspects of how Irving in the year of 2011 as to the Big Blue Book brought in specifically for me to read through as to the boxes of multiple books just intended for me as to such references as to the clarifications and references thereof to the verifications the #WA #WAState #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state aspects went in conjunction to the hypotheticals as to the situations as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in the conjunctive aspects as to the apartment complex company as to whatever additional connections as to such references as to the hypotheticals of such accuracy to such needless problems across such lengths of time as to the connections thereof to such hypothetical references as why would that take a head injury to figure that out?.
As to the if factor as to the knowledge as to Iowa state as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the year of 2018, what would such officially clarify to the proof thereof to such situations as to the years prior as well as years since to such factors of connections to individuals through the Nine Lives Books and/or the aspects as to the situations as to the cat sanctuary as what as to healthcare as to the situations as to "Your Dad Is Not A Captain"'s son as well as myself in such hypotheticals to such references found?
