#SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving experiences are exactly the same depending upon who you are as to the specific experiences as to the timeframe in reference to the attacks on 11 September 2001 in a different capacity, once again depending upon who you are.
In reference to myself as to the attacks on 11 September 2001, I have already detailed various aspects as to while having been in the state of Texas as to such a location during the timeframe of; because of my background as well as the aspects of my personal knowledge from where I was born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey and having grown up going to the various areas in #NYC #NewYorkCity #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NYstate New York state as well as within New York City in conjunction as to the various areas throughout #PA #PAstate #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate #Pennsylvaniastate Pennsylvania as to such specific knowledge thereof, which in turn while I was not specifically within New York City at the timeframe thereof to the attacks on 11 September 2001 thankfully though my personal capability to assist the various Armed Forces of the United States of America through such knowledge thereof despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. While the aspects of such factors as to the clarifications and verifications of what has been capable to eb proven as to such factors since my first two books which I made the choice on my own rightfully so as to “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to such factors of such background aspects in conjunction as to the updates through my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA for whatever that has been assistive to as to the reality of which none has brought forward to me as to such factors as to the in truthful capacities thereof to such knowledge of my personal work in such aspects.
However in the references as to how my SCUBA Diving just as others SCUBA Diving is to one’s own personal experiences as to the truth and validity thereof as to the aspects of which I fully hope all such clarifications are clarified in all capacities thereof, just as I hope each and every individual as to such choices are fully shown in truth as to such aspects thereof regarding the situations during as well as after such a point in time as to each and every individual aspect similarly as to such factors as to how ending all stolen valor as to such similarities regarding the military aspects have been brought forward; as I hope such in reference to each and every capacity thereof as to my SCUBA Diving, in the comparisons as to the aspects of each individual SCUBA Diver as to whether within the recreational SCUBA Diving as to the comparisons of the military SCUBA Diving as to the comparisons as to the differences as to my personal SCUBA Diving. I fully hope all such factors of the barbaric mistreatments which I have dealt with as to such factors are fully brought forward as well as all such connected portions thereof, as to the fullest clarifications in all such ways fully in all transparency in the most open and honest ways as to each such connection choices and actions thereof. Thankfully as to the reality of which SCUBA Diving just as in the modern aspects of life as to how much technology is required as to the factors thereof to such aspects of SCUBA Diving as well as to the aspects of life on earth similarly as to the requirements as to space aspects; the situations of the fullest clarifications immediately as to the clarifications as to such factors as in my opinion the sooner the better as to such factors.
In such references as to the aspects of which the situations regarding the capacities as to the SCUBA Diving just as experiences on land as to such personal experiences as to the aspects of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such factors thereof, the aspects of which in each individual perspective additionally to the truth in such capacities thereof to such factors. Thus in reference as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the locations as well as the information as to where learned from as the reality of the impacts from the sights on the news as to such complaints over a certain point in time of the news aspects, does not and did not change the fact of what occurred as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 and the reality of which in truth as to the only way of being capable to learn from history is to actually learn from the truth as to all such aspects from each portion as to history. There is only such a capacity to learn from history as to such factors through the truthful measures thereof, in the comparisons as to the reasons why the repetition of history thus far has been due top the problems of which has been hidden in comparison to what should have and must be brought forward in truth as to such factors thereof as that is the one and only way as to ever actually learning from history to be capable to progress forward in the correct manners and aspects thereof.
In such references as to the situations of the differences as to the experiences as to the proverbial comparisons as to SCUBA Diving is the following:
In reference as to those who were not specifically connected to individuals and/or the area of the east coast as to the specific lengths of time thereof who only learned of the attacks on 11 September 2001 whenever as to such a point in time thereof, is the location of wherever they learned of such factors and such choices as to the specific point in time as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 is wherever they were as to such aspects as well as whatever their specific choices were as to such a point in time. In reference to those who had no direct connection thereof to such an overall area which includes as to the airports of which the flights and such aspects, those individuals who chose to only read or watch such news aspects were and remain as to such factors thereof. There are no actual experiences beyond such capacities thereof as to such situations other than whatever they later were informed of and while they might think there is more of an emotional connection or connection to the aspects thereof, realistically the requirement as to such acceptance as to the only truthful impacts as to would be in reference to whatever was learned thereof afterwards as well as whatever policies impacted because of such aspects thereof to the comparison of what occurrences to such points in time. Thus those in the proverbial aspect as to my SCUBA Diving as well as to any SCUBA Diving portions thereof, such aspects are to such individual experiences and only learning from as to such factors as to from the specific individual(s) as to such locations and situations per individual SCUBA Diving certification/class/SCUBA Diving experience itself. Luckily for those who specifically did not have to deal with the immediate after effects thereof as to the same as to individuals specifically having had a TBI as to the direct aspects only to such individuals as to the comparisons as to individuals who have complained as to the aspects of what the individual specifically deals with on their own as well as then has had to deal with as to such individuals similarly as to such factors regarding how individuals outside of the aspects thereof think they have been impacted in the comparisons as to what the individual who has survived such aspects actually has to deal with, is another comparable aspect of which the metaphor in such references can be noticed as to such factors.
What is to be done in reference to such aspects, as what would the common sense factor actually be in such references?
Starting off with the #10Commandments 10 Commandments is the most ideal aspect for each of those circumstances as to the first aspect thereof, as to the reality of which in those 10 Commandments is the only truthful way as to actually assisting in the ways of benefits to such factors in truth as to such individuals. There is no way to assist an individual as to such factors if such 10 Commandments are ignored as there is not in such lyrics from the #KMFDM KMFDM song as “there is no romantic ideal involved” as to accept the fact as to such individuals who wish to be more connected in such comparisons as to being humane and actually having compassion as to such factors of which those “same thugs and hoodlums” as to such aspects in the comparisons thereof, as to the situations of which the individuals who have dealt with such realities in the comparisons thereof to those who have wished to have more of a connection in my opinion because of the attention required for such factors as the aspects of which in such comparisons. In turn as to such factors in which the taking advantage of the liberties of such Constitutional Rights does not include the aspects as to any such breaking of the 10 Commandments because of the facts of which can be seen in various legalities thereof as to the situations, which in turn as to the factors of which the laws have been written to punish such perpetrators.
Is it not ironic the word perpetrators as to such factors of which when in such hypothetical aspects as to the traitor aspects in reference to breaking the 10 Commandments especially in reference as to such aspects as to individuals who survived specifically the aspects in the direct areas thereof as well as from such areas thereof to the attacks on 11 September 2001 and/or such aspects of the situations as to a TBI and/or such factors in reference to SCUBA Diving, as where would there ever be the capability to see such situations in reference to being aligned as to the best interests of the individual as well as their direct connections in conjunction to the state(s) thereof and the country as to the United States of America in the world as to such factors?
The answer is in reference to the initial aspects as to the timeframe of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such individuals who have thought such aspects of seeing such on the news and such individuals which they may have known later on as to such aspects, are not the individuals who specifically dealt with such aspects of concern as to the aspects at the initial timeframes in the specific locations thereof. In the same aspect as to such individuals who ran directly to such areas of individuals as to wherever capable to in such references as to the aspects in my situation of which I ran to the Air Force as to the aspects of the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America as to being capable to give the assistance as best to my capability as to what I could offer as to such a point in time, which was not much in the larger aspects as to the comparisons as to individuals on the ground in such locations; however in such references of running directly to as to being capable to give what memories I had as to the situations in reference to the attacks which occurred in the year of 1993, as while I could not assist as to the timeframes as to the #Washington #WashingtonDC #DC #VA #VAstate #Virginia #Virginiastate #Pentagon DC and Virginia areas as to that location in the ways of, what I could offer at such points in time from the initial day of as well as the weeks and months went onward as to where I could assist as to such knowledge despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
The small aspects of such bits of information as to the initial days before my son #Letters4James had a temperature which lead to his hospitalization though as to such factors of which while in the hospital with my nine day old son at the times, as to such discussions with the individuals where I could offer the assistances where I could. Those aspects as to the factors thereof were admittedly unhelpful to the areas of DC and Virginia because of acknowledging the little time I had in such areas, just as to the aspects as to the field in Pennsylvania. However as to the situations as to the area of New York City as to the population of such aspects as to the fact of my babysitter’s husband as to the work he had done within the aspects of being the Security Director of the World Trade Center as well as Director of Security of the World Trade Center Plaza as to what as a child I had helped with as to the security runs as to checking the areas as to where as a child I could get to as to the aspects which individuals who would have a similar understanding as to the Canine Units, though in a different capacity obviously as to being a human being despite having been born in the Chinese Year of the Dog as to such references as well as the nightmare I had beginning when I was in second grade. My babysitter’s husband as well as my babysitter took my nightmare seriously as the assistances where I could as to such as a child while additionally thinking about other capacities thereof to the security aspects thereof, were only the ways of what I could do to assist as to such times before the attack in 1993. Later as to the timeframe as to going to find what individuals I could as to the after timeframes as to the list of names which I was capable to remember as to that point in time as well as searching for individuals who could have such knowledge thereof, I gave my notebook to my babysitter’s husband at the timeframe as to his work as to being capable to accomplish more with such details from the aspects thereof. Not much in the comparisons to other such work I know, though it was a starting point for the timeframe within the year of 1993 as to by the month of September in 1993 as to my babysitter’s husband being capable to connect with individuals who were capable to get into the further details thereof to such individuals as well as the numerical portions as to such aspects.
Similarly as to the situations in reference to the solace as to such factors in the references thereof as to the aspects of #NoChildLeftBehind No Child Left Behind in a different capacity as to the aspects of 11 September 2001 as to such aspects as to SCUBA Diving, as to the ways which the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such factors in the references to the capacities thereof to such references. In turn such current workings thereof as to such a transfer location aspect, however as to the aspects in reference to the capacities thereof in such references regarding the factors thereof as to the situations as to the factors in reference of which the situations as to the timeframe of the initial aspects as to whether in regards of the 1993 attacks and/or the aspects of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the reality of such distinctive differences as to watching such on a screen and/or reading about such in whichever capacity thereof to the paper or a book as to such differences as to the aspects of such situations. The reality of such connections directly as to such points in time as to the difference for me as to the attack in 1993 compared to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the differences being minimal as to in 1993 as to the aspects of when I was in fifth grade, compared to the situations of when in regards as to the aspects of having my infant son though running directly towards the individuals which I knew would be capable to handle the information as to what little I could offer as to such comparisons.
The aspects of which after a few days as to such situations as to the timeframe of which there having been the comment as to there being such a larger number of individuals who needed to ask such questions as to the aspects of when my son was hospitalized as to the aspects of which such smaller numbers of individuals asking me as to such aspects to then later on as to my own hospitalization from the aspects of what remanence of the infection portions of when I gave birth to my son as to that hospitalization, and the work thereof to which such recommendations when approached as to such factors. I was promised that would not be a problem again as to such points in time towards the end of that hospitalization as I was promised the aspects of which if in such references to those particular points in time, as to the direct discussions in such comparisons of ever having to go through such problems again as to my personal disapproval as to how such situations were handled as to my clarifications during the end of the month of October in 2001 as to such aspects. In turn that promise was and is meant to be kept as to such factors, as the aspects of what agreements there were had been promised to me as to such factors of which my freedom would always be as to such factors.
In turn as to the aspects in such references as to such experiences regarding my SCUBA Diving as to such equal comparisons thereof, in turn as to such realities as to the only ways which SCUBA Diving occurs as to such factors obviously as to such comparisons as to the advice and suggestions in such references as to the capacities thereof as to how SCUBA Diving is in all such references to actually go through such works and aspects thereof. Thus in the similar and yet different aspects thereof from the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such aspects as to the situations in reference to my SCUBA Diving work, in the aspects thereof as to the situations which I was promised as to such factors in the comparisons as to the occurrences thereof to such situations since such a point in time as to the current year of 2022. In such regards however as to the facts of which in such aspects as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 to my SCUBA Diving, the individual experiences are only as to such factors of exactly as such. The individual as to who had such experiences, as that is the only reality in such references as to the facts thereof and thus any such similarities as to what was read and/or seen later on as to such similar metaphors to the proverbial aspects as to that point in time as to the initial timeframe of the attacks on 11 September 2001 compared to the aspects of my personal work as to my SCUBA Diving.
Thus any individual who complains about the amount of such factors of situations to the details thereof such as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 and/or the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving in this category of NUMER 1 SILVER LEVEL in such references; I guesstimate only watched such and/or looked at such pictures in the comparisons as to being in person face to face in person, as to such reality. Additionally I guesstimate as to such individuals thinking the impacts of regulations being the equivalent to actually going through the specifics thereof, to which obviously that clarification as to such massive differences as to the what might be conceived as the inconvenient truth of such aspects in the references upon reviewing when looking back to what could have been chosen in the comparisons as to the truth of what actually possibly hurts the most as to such factors as to the reality of what could have been done in regards to individuals who had the capacities to assist as to whatever factors thereof to the 11 September 2001 aspects as to such whining and complaining about the individuals who actually have the right to be upset as to such factors as to who they themselves lost during that particular point in time in comparisons as to those who have been lucky enough to have whoever they have known who survived as well as worked therein such locations thereafter in the comparisons thereof to such a specific point in time as to 11 September 2001.
As a side notation as to a point of a full fledge argument with an individual who actually tried to claim as to such a connection through an ex-in-law as to the aspects of such comparisons as to such factors of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as well as had the nerve to think of being more important to such aspects than actualities in all such comparisons, as to those types of people being those types of problems needlessly to individuals who have the actualities thereof to such factors which is nothing different as to what I personally dealt with regarding the civilian sector as to the state of Texas through the years of 2001 through 2012 as to certain situations and individuals thereof who thought that just because of my being in the state of Texas as well as the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of their ignorance as to the actualities thereof in which such needless problems as to those types of individuals who thought what they saw on a screen or in the paper as to ever compare to my personal connections as well as my personal experiences as to such aspects thereof. In turn as to how I know I am not the only one who has dealt with such needless problems as to those types of individuals as to however they saw the areas of the attacks n 11 September 2001 in regards of before as well as during and the aftermath of such factors, as to the realistic differences which individuals who did not and do not have the direct aspects as well as the length of time as to such factors of which the importance of which the give the specific levels of such clarifications as to the tier system in such references. Thus in the NUMBER 1 SILVER LEVEL aspects as to the bottom lowest level tier as to the individuals who do not have the direct aspects of such direct connections as to only the involvement as to the months and years afterwards as to such factors in my opinion. Of course the individuals as to such law enforcement, fire department, EMS, and especially the military aspects are not within this particular category as to such factors even if the beginning portions were in this category because of the facts of having made the choice as to signing such dotted lines as to if not already within the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such situations of which the reality of ending stolen valor as to such understandings and comprehensions as to such factors of reality in my opinion.
The second tier as to such factors in my opinion do go within the prior and final statement within the NUMBER 1 SILVER LEVEL aspects of to such tiers as to the aspects in reference of the situations regarding the attacks on 11 September 2001 similarly to the attack in 1993 as to the aspects of similarity as to my SCUBA Diving, of which in such references as to learning what could actually be accomplished and/or done as to such factors in the references thereof. The reality of which the #RedCross Red Cross as to such capacities of which in the combinations of the law enforcement/fire department/EMS factors as to the humanitarian aide in such regards as to the workings thereof, as to a different reference though capable for such review similarly as to what is the difference between people who watched the news about the weather as to Hurricane Katrina as to the comparisons as to the individuals within such locations as to during the specific timeframe thereof; as what would the differences be as to such individuals as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to SCUBA Diving, for such aspects as what would there be as to such a specific review in the differences fully in all such capacities thereof? What is the difference between the weather, and the airplanes being flown directly into locations as to the differences of points of view?
In reference as to the aspects of which the National Guard and Reservists which were called in as to such aspects of which the situations went as to such points in time as to the 11 September 2001 aspects, what is the important review as to the work thereof as to the nastiness as to such factors of the actualities of such workings as to such points in time as to 2001?
In the references as to individuals who went to donate blood and/or food and/or supplies as to such factors in reference to the comparisons though realistically different as to individuals who went to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to going overseas as to such factors and serving during the timeframe as to such factors, as to the assistances thereof in my opinion as to such factors. In turn as to the aspects of while not the exact same as to the hallway portions as to the timeframe of such contracts to the comparisons as for my opinion to such a review as to the factors thereof, in my opinion the situations as to the NUMBER 2 GOLD LEVEL or the Tier 2 aspects as to the comparisons as to the aspects of which the direct impacts as to the additional factors of the legalities depending upon the situations as to such involvements as to the aspects thereof. In such reference as to the Rules of Engagement regarding the overseas portions as to the aspects of which the civilian population wonders why certain types of individuals as to their particular employment aspects as to such aftermath as to such situations, as to the realistic portions as to in my opinion why so many individuals as to the times after such work as to the ways of such civilian sector aspects as to the choices thereof within various situations as to the reality of such factors to the comparisons.
Such individuals as to finding what works best for them as to the realities those individuals faced when in the direct aspects as to the dangers thereof as to the aspects of which while certain prescription medications might work for some individuals, the reality of which homeopathy and ayurvedic medicines/methods as to such factors of what might not be as beneficial for some thought might work ideally best for others as to depending as to such factors thereof as to the situations. In my opinion as to the homeopathy and ayurvedic aspects because there is the realistic portions of which the #FDA FDA cannot specifically regulate such because of the facts of what level works for one individual may not always be the ideal proverbial statement of a prescription as to the comparisons of another point in time for the exact same individual, which in turn as to such factors of the portions thereof to which as long as the honesty in such references about such factors as to the capabilities thereof as to the reality of such brought forward for others having the right to see whether such levels work in which capacities thereof. In such references as to the ayurvedic and homeopathy whether as to the energetic portions of healing as to different capacities of which Chiropractic aspects once were in such factors just as psychology were once within such aspects as to the medical portions thereof to the homeopathy and ayurvedic portions though the wording choices to the comparisons as to the definitions thereof which similarly to how alchemy of the Renaissance times is now considered as modern science in many factors.
The ways as to such aspects similarly as to personally not having wanted to deal with prescriptions at any point in time of the after portions of waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury unless for infection aspects as to the reality of which in my opinion as to what I was prescribed as to how such was not helping the pain levels in any capacity, as to such comparisons. I could see for others how such might assist in the comparisons as to what I was dealing with especially as to such a review from the timeframes thereof, though I had argued with the medical doctors as to such points in time as to while I told them I did not want anymore prescriptions of those types as to the ways which my tubal ligation situation occurred as to the years of such aspects to taking a stand of what actually was for my best interests as to such capacities thereof. In turn as to while there have been prescriptions which have assisted in the comparisons to what other portions thereof, the reality of such factors as to what homeopathy and ayurvedic aspects have worked better for me in most situations as to the comparisons as to the other factors thereof. I knew it was an extremely high risk as to acknowledging the aspects of MMJ assisting my headaches and migraines as to such factors as to my first book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (reverend) Susan MeeLing”, however I had the sensation it was worth it to take such a risk for individuals who especially as to such factors of the after effects from a head injury/multiple head injuries also known as TBI situations as to the factors of which I personally noticed within myself as to such aspects in my opinion. The aspects of what I have been capable to take care of as to such comparisons as to when on the prescriptions in my opinion have been capable to prove such aspects of such differences, in which the timeframe of 2013 through 2018 as to mainly relying on the ayurvedic as well as homeopathy aspects in the comparisons as to the situations referencing the prescriptions during the years of 2000 through 2013.
As such a side notation of which the after points in time of my personal SCUBA Diving work of which my personal aspects of what I personally dealt with on my own by myself as to such situations thereof not only in the year of 2009 though such factors as to the water portions in regards of from the years of 1984 onward in the conjunction aspects of the specifics to the year of 2009 as to such factors, in such references of my personal work as to what I was capable to go into such details as to what levels thereof as to such situations. The comparisons as to those within the NUMBER 1 SILVER LEVEL aspects as to the comparisons as to this particular portion as to the NUMBER 2 GOLD LEVEL aspects which is obviously different than the symbol # as to such comparisons for the clarifications; the realistic aspects of which the portions of what I personally handled on my own as to such lengths of time as well as the capacities thereof to other such situations, the aspects of which are the exact aspects as to how SCUBA Diving is as to the aspects of the locations of the east coast as to the timeframe as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 however such references as to the aspects of the having already been within the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the direct aspects of signing the dotted line oneself as to the Sponsor portions thereof as to such comparisons as while dependents have dealt with certain factors the aspects of what the individual directly dealt with is much different though the aspects of such realistic acknowledgements as to such factors of the after points in time as to such situations.
In a secondary side note as to the factors as to an example for the reference of the 151 Roadwarrior situation as to the #MadMax MadMax movie at the #Alamo #AlamoDrafthouse #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA Alamo Drafthouse in whichever year that was as to before the timeframe of the year of 2006 though after the timeframe of the year of 2000 from what I can remember from what I had been informed of as to the after timeframe to such a situation; individuals within the city of San Antonio as to the reminders of which the city of San Antonio also being mainly known as Military City USA as to such factors as to the loop of 1604 as well as the loop of 410 of which most of the 5 bases are directly attached to the loops thereof and/or directly capable to be accessed by no more than 2 different roads from such loops as to the facts thereof; in turn as to the visual equivalent in the references as to the NUMBER 1 SILVER LEVEL reference to this particular journal blog entry of such factors to pay attention to in my opinion. Whereas the situations combined as to my thoughts in regards as to the signs of Military City USA as to the ending of stolen valor as well as the aspects of such as a possibility of the reminder to the situations as to the occurrences regarding what I warned about in such regards as to the MadMax situation as to the 151 Road Warriors from what I was informed of, as to the aspects of which the legal portions it took to put such signs throughout the city of San Antonio as to the marking of such territory as to Military City USA as to combating the psychological problems from the military complex of which civilians think as to the disrespect to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such factors in the references of which then not paying attention as to the impacts of such choices as to the usage of such situations to then impact as to such factors as to the way thereof in such regards beyond just the aspects of a parade license as to the differences regarding the aspects thereof as to the informing of such portions as to because of the gear as to the pictures I saw in such references to the 151 Road Warrior situation as to not having seen the movie before such a point in time because of how I personally grew up.
In a third side note as to though as to the aspects thereof, as to my website in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to making sure the aspects of such as to my personal work in such references to being courteous as to giving the aspects in clear view honestly as to the respect to each and every area and location thereof as well as the individuals in the areas in between such locations as to making sure such individual knew that my respect is in the open as to such factors to ensure such reality of the knowledge of taking such work seriously despite the aspects of the wording portions because of the aspects thereof to such involvement. The aspects of which in such references to my choice of not having informed specifically per state/city area before going outward as because of the pain levels from which I deal with as to the respect as to ensuring I was capable to inform as to the ease of though additionally as to the timeframe as to the aspects of which depending upon the pain levels as to what I can handle, as I have not ever wanted to disappoint or let down as to ensuring that the aspects are known as to such situations as to the best of my capability for the knowledge and understanding thereof as well as the reasons as best as possible in conjunction as to taking care of correctly. Having been honest as to such just as the homeopathy/ayurvedic portions as to the conjunction of the aspects of my artwork as to being capable as best as possible with the conjunction aspects of “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to as best as possible being honest as to the clarity as best of wording as I could put forward as to the clarifications. Knowing I personally have not been awarded the Medal of Honor though giving such respect as to such individuals while additionally taking care of what possible in conjunction as to the factors of hoping to uplift in such regards especially as to such individuals regarding overall military aspects though in specific sectors of employment as to such aspects as to, as the hopes thereof having explained previously in such references while maintaining the valor aspects thereof in as best possibilities as possible. While the aspects to the energetic portions thereof being the most difficult aspects as to the quantum energetic portions as to the spiritual aspects of such references in the additional capacities as to what portions of the only reference I can give of “What the Bleep do we Know” as to such factors as to the energetic in a much different way though the shortest possibility of a small factor as to the larger comparisons thereof for such references, as to the difficulties especially to the pain levels of which the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain in such references as to such aspects as well. While the clarifications hopefully have brought forward the easier aspects as to the knowledge, the aspects of what situations as to whether such has actually assisted is something of which I personally have not been officially been informed of as to such aspects as to whether such has been worth such portions in the references to such factors.
Though that does go in reference to situations of which the honesty in such references, as to the aspects of discussions with me as to such situations and/or the aspects of which to the contact form as to if reading directly through my website as to such comparisons as to the reality of seeing such portions as to through my website. In turn as to the reality of such factors of which the aspects of keeping my website as clear and concise as possible at all times in full truth as to such factors, as to the reasons of which my additional work as to such aspects thereof. While the situations of what actual worth as to my work as to being informed as to what actual assistances as to the ways which as to such prior times as to the aspects thereof to the year of 2000 in such comparisons, the aspects of the viewpoints thereof to how such as I see in such regards as to the factors thereof to the comparisons of others interpretations as to the comparisons as to such factors.
The Official YouTube video of mine discusses some points though, other additional aspects as well for such as share with others and subscribe to my official channel!
Thank you!