I was born in the year of 1982 which is of importance for the arithmetic which I am going to go into in reference to the oddities which few have believed me about for a multitude of aspects well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, though the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury only made things more complex needlessly especially with the situations referencing the problems from my biological mother and my biological father as well as my biological sister. The situations are important for the timeline to pay attention to along with the facts as to the coding portions, the #WorldTradeCenter #WTU World Trade Center and several other aspects of which the numerical importance is to pay attention to though also the details in such references. I remind you are to the fact my biological father went to the #SchoolofBulova #Bulova School of Bulova and also my biological mother did coding for #Prudential Prudential, as well as the fact of my Grandpa Gavett having problems with the family members in such references with the exception of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu who were my Great Grandparents from #China Cina who escaped Mao Ze Doong which my Bok Gung was #Cantonese Cantonese and my Bok Pu was half Cantonese and half #Mandarin Mandarin.
Remember additionally as to the fact my both of my biological parents knew people who had moved into an office area within the World Trade Center of which all had escaped the World Trade Center on the day as reported to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001, though the information is of importance to take into consideration once again to the numerical portions as well as the connection points. If I am correct as to such hypotheticals combined, there are several additional factors of which others can pay attention to such details as to the fact of my biological mother being a Deacon and my biological father being a Trustee at #OTC #OTPC #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #Presbyterian Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as my childhood best friend and Big Blood Brother literally named Damien which he had lived in the house next to my babysitter’s house, and I was the first living Baby Jesus Christ for the nativity in the housing area which when adding the facts as to my biological mother proudly having been a part of the #TRF #Texas #TX #TXstate #Texasstate #TexasRenaissanceFaire #TexasRenaissanceFair #RenaissanceFaire #RenaissanceFair Texas Renaissance Faire in the area near #Houston #HoutsonTX #HoustonTexas Houston Texas from what I was told as to the location nearby for such which additionally to the trapper keeper which had an insert with a rainbow on the piece of paper with something about underground something another to the weather. In the reference to the color coated tabs as to the ways which that folder had been in the nightstand area next to my biological mother’s side of the bed as to such, I think there is a combination of situations which the events might make a bit more sense additionally as to how do females who have been treated as outcasts because of their intelligence levels get back at the mean girls in school who only care about their physical aspects as to such comparisons?
You go after what they value the most in their existences which is in reference to the aging process, from what I recall if accurate as to such portions. Thus how do you go after such females with their own when a female who is of a more pleasant looking to the eyes as to being considered as appealing to such individuals who have the intelligence though are also considered as physically different to such viewpoints thereof as to getting back in such viewpoints for lack of a better set of wording, is the ways of which to mess with time as well as clocks would one not think as to such portions? Thus who would pay the lease amount of attention to the correct time in comparisons for the aspects as to the sexism found over such years as to the ways thereof other than males, when taking such into consideration? Additionally who would ever be able to put such together who would come along who would ever be taken seriously enough, and would they ever be able to prove it? By the way has anyone from #NASA NASA ever met anyone from the northeast coast area and been a bit taken aback by certain aspects of the northeast coast in comparison to where NASA is located originally, which may have some connection points as to the origins thereof?
I was born in the year of 1982, and I have brought forward multiple aspects for such to take into consideration though remember software aspects as to coding portions as to the digitalization of images as well as documentation while also remembering the #Disney Disney remastering of videos and movies for such considerations.
I had been in kindergarten in the year when I was still 4 or four years old which was the same year my biological sister was born, which is the year of 1986. By all accounts I should have been in sixth grade during the year of 1992 to graduate sixth grade in the year of 1993, however as there are those who can look online and take such into consideration for that aspect as to having known the year of the attacks on the World Trade Center as known through reports as to the year of 1993 however that year I was in fifth grade according to documents which in turn was actually the year of 1991 as to the actualities when looking at such factors of time. Remember the time portions as to the numerical aspects of importance, please. Though also look at he numerical symbolism for such aspects, as well.
Thus when starting kindergarten in the year of 1986 to graduate kindergarten in 1987 to then go into first grade in the year of 1987 as a 5 year old to graduate first grade in 1988 and in 1988 as a 6 year old to begin second grade when I had my nightmare begin though additionally in the year of 1988 was when first getting #Apple #AppleMac #Mac computer desktops was when the children at #AsherHolmesElementarySchool #Asher #AsherHolmes #AsherHolmesElemenary #Elementary #Marlboro #MalboroNJ #MarlboroNewJersey #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate Asher Holmes Elementary School though I graduated second grade in the year of 1989 as a 7 year old to begin third grade in the year of 1989 to graduate third grade in the year of 1990 which in 1990 as an 8 year old I began fourth grade which I graduated fourth grade in the year of 1991. In the year of 1991 as a 9 year old I began fourth grade though my biological sister began kindergarten as to the school age cutoff age to begin kindergarten in the area which she and I had been in school was 31 December for the year of to be able to turn the age of 5 or five years old and hence why I began one year early as to the years because additionally of school testings as to the ways of which the east coast is known for early childhood assessment tests, of which when I was in fourth grade I began dealing with males who were asking me oddly about how they were wondering about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as most people with Chinese backgrounds only had one or the other though I had both a Bok Gung and a Bok Pu. When I asked why they were asking me about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu the other students had told me that my biological sister was telling other people about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu which I had gotten in trouble for being mad at the facts of, as my knowledge as to having been raised a certain way as to such times as to always be quiet unless it was mandatory to bring the information forward as to my having both a Bok Gung and a Bok Pu which despite the fact I do not look as Chinese in comparison to my biological connections thereof especially in reference to my biological sister; the facts of the mixture to such was destined to where my biological sister would no longer look as Chinese as she once had and over time she would look more similar to what area she would be more close to in such comparisons which if my Grandma Gavett was correct as to her connections to the #Rosicrucians Rosicrucians as to the ways which over time certain aspects go, then my biological sister should look with her hairstyle as to being far more of a Hispanic background than a Chinese background and then as to the ways which the aspects of how the Chinese and the Asians see Asians as to the ways which over time as my Grandma Gavett as well as my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu promised me as to looking far more as to what Chinese and Asians view as to what Chinese and Asians would look as physically in such time comparisons as they promised me I would look more as what would be physically viewed as to Chinese in comparison to what I had been told over such years as to when growing up in New Jersey though going to #NYC #NY #NYstate #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NewYorkCity New York City in #Manhattan #Chinatown Chinatown area district of Manhattan New York.
I am uncertain if I physically look as what more view physically as Asian or Chinese as I do not see it due to how my view of such as to how I had seen as to where I was raised on the east coast, though I also do not pay attention the same way in various regards.
Nonetheless in the year of 1991 as a 9 year old when I was in fourth grade and my biological sister was in kindergarten when she was 5 years old she began complaining because I was a year younger than she was when I began kindergarten because of my school tests which she refused to pay attention to the fact that my school tests had proven that I was smarter than she was at the time, and even though she wanted to try to be more of a smarter intelligence in such technological aspects as to her being the second generation in comparison to the first original generation. I suppose there are some jokes which can sarcastically be made in reference to then President of the United States of America before he was #POTUS40 in the year of 1967 at the #RepublicanNationalConvention A Time for Choosing which you can refer to such symbolism in the references as to how to review such a speech at the #RNC #Republican Republican National Convention when Ronald Reagan #RonaldReagan can be referred to as “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
Before I continue I am going to dissect the words from Ronald Reagan:
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” : What would hat mean upon the entrance of the amount of technological recordings, for such reviews?
“We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream.” : What would that mean for the situations as to the realities as to the Constitutional Rights and Amendments of the United States of America, for such reviews and comparisons?
“It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” : What can be seen as to such a review regarding the current times after the attacks as reported in reference to the day on 11 September 2001, and what are other seen symbols in the numerical portions thereof?
In the year of 1991 as a 9 year old when I was in fourth grade already having had my nightmare and telling others as to such a vision as to having done so for two years, in the year of 1992 would be when I graduates fourth grade and my biological sister graduated kindergarten. In the year of 1992 as a 10 year old I began fifth grade and my biological sister began first grade which was the first year the Asher Holmes Elementary School began teaching children how to use desktops in the year of first grade and if in reference to how much my biological sister ran her mouth repeatedly about information she needed to be quiet about instead as to her pride, what can be seen as to what aspects as to the online portions of that situation to review as to her possibly hypothetically either writing about online and/or typing a report for class and/or speaking about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu in the hearing range as to the computers in the school? Remember while she had seen my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu, I was raised and taught by them.
In the reference to when I was in fifth grade with Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lyme’s Disease, and the Flu all at the same time as well as the combination of my biological mother working at Prudential in #Holmdel #HolmdelNJ #HolmdelNewJersey Holmdel New Jersey as well as the other aspects thereof; what would set off all insurance aspects while setting off all technological aspects as to the coding portions for when I had been out of school for such amount of time while additionally the reality of the medical care which should have occurred correctly, as to what connections to that trapper keeper as to the rainbow I had told others about who had refused to believe me in my opinion incorrectly as to the timeframe within my childhood and teenager years and after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such correlations as to my biological mother being proudly a part of the Texas Renaissance Faire reenactment aspects as well as my biological father’s connections as to such Bulova and other such portions as to the ways which some view Americans? Was it the clocks being coded correctly, or was it the calculators which were being tweaked?
I had graduated fifth grade in the year of as I saw after a news report while I was at the house in New Jersey instead of in a hospital when I had Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lyme’s Disease, and the Flu all at the same time which no one believed me about in reference to a printing error glitch as to the calendars for the year of 1993 which were sent out in shipments early in comparison to what was supposed to be for the year though the government was unaware as to what to do to fix such a calendar glitch printing error on such a massive scale just after the attacks on the World Trade Center which few believed me as to what I had heard on the news as well as saw within the newspapers of which few noticed other aspects when in the year of 1991 when I was 9 years old had been the report I had heard about and read about within the newspaper though it was in the year of 1992 when I was 10 years old as to when I had gotten sick and in the year reported as to 1993 as to the aspects of the World Trade Center attack which everyone who was a congregant of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church was able to make it out safely as well as all of those who were in the World Trade Center building had been in the other tower than the one which was struck in the 1993 World Trade Center attack and shortly thereafter those people began drills as to prepare for the just in case an airplane had stuck the towers and the ways to get out of the building as safe as possible of which as I was told as to my biological mother telling me on the McHenry County Government phone line as to her knowing all such people had gotten out of the Twin Towers within the first day or two of the initial terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as reported though remember the #Y2K Y2K clock situation which was it truly about that time in such reviews now in the year of 2021 as known? If a day was added here or there on a calendar and which calendar type, would anyone notice?
The warping of perception might be a bit to take in, though might make a bit of sense in such larger comparisons thereof. Just as military and law enforcement have specific wording for signaling through code words, are there such in reference to the civilian sector in various locations and which as such?
When looking at I had been in fifth grade from 1992 as a 10 year old into 1993 and in sixth grade in the year of 1993 as a 11 year old to the graduation in the year of 1994 from sixth grade as to my birth month in August, I began seventh grade as a 12 year old in the year of 1994 to graduate in the year of 1995 and in the in between of seventh grade into eighth grade was the Baptist Camp Lebanon Camp situation on my 13th birthday on 29 August 1995 as per the Friday of 28 August 1995 to the Saturday of 29 August 1995 as to the day of pick up from the camp as to the director’s office regarding such time. However when looking up the calendar day and date of such the timeframe is not correlating with the timeframe as to the known factor as to the time of when the co-ed sleepover occurred which was specifically on a Friday as I remember due to the fact of it being the second week I had attended as to such a camp year as per the timeframe of which when looking in the google searches online as to the day of the date to the year when I turned 12 years old to 13 years old as to the situations in reference to the #Nature Nature Cabin at #Baptist #BaptistCampLebanon Baptist Camp Lebanon being the second year I had attended the camp because of the timing as to the fact of the ways which #MarlboroRecreationCamp #Marlboro #MalrboroNJ #MarlboroNewJersey #MRC in the year of which I could only become a Camp Counselor In Training once I was in high school and thus the years of the summer camp in 1994, 1995, and 1996 had been the timeframes which I would have attended Baptist Camp Lebanon though because of what occurred in reference to when I turned 13 years old had been why I did not go to Baptist Camp Lebanon the third year for summer camp time.
In between the school years and I had been involved with the #International #InternationalTaeWkando #TaeKwando International Tae Kwando competition as a greed belt as my competition had been against the brown belts with black strips and tape with the ranks above to earn 2nd place in sparring and 3rd place in form which despite how some may have thought of such in the United States of America comparatively in reference to the in my opinion of the needless participation trophies in such aspects I actually earned 2nd place in sparring as it was actually the opposite ways as to the dumbing down as to the ranks above me because of the fact of others’ feelings regarding the fact I was in Middle School and had been as good as I had been at the time which in the side area I had been informed by the officials that if I were a higher ranking belt and those who were higher ranking had not thrown a temper tantrum as to I earned officially though unofficially though officially the first place in the sparring and the second place in form. I remember the males asking me what I thought of such as to my opinions which I told them I had room to improve my skills and I would make sure I would earn first place for both categories as best as I could in ways I could, in whatever situations I was able to achieve such through my determination and self-discipline as to my diligent work which they were taken aback by my choice of words at the time. However in reference to the year aspects for the timeframes as to the days as well as the months for the reviewal as to the #Y2K Y2K coding situation which I refused to be a part of because of having an odd feeling about situations, the ways for such review additionally to the solar and lunar portions for the reviews thereof as to the logistical linear timeframes for such calculations as to the time linearly more correctly portions.
Thus in the year of 1994 summer time I went to Baptist Camp Lebanon for one week which I was 12 years old, in the year of the summer time I went to two different weeks of summer camp at Baptist Camp Lebanon in the year of 1995, and in the summer time I went to the International Tae Kwando competition for the overall aspects. Thus from the year of 1994 to graduate seventh grade in the year of 1995 I turned 13 years old, from the year of school from the year of 1995 into 1996 during the summer of my International Tae Kwando competition I was 13 year old or 14 years old depending when the actual competition was in the months of the summer as to having been born in August 1982. In reference to the summer time after having been in Marlboro High School to transfer to Saint John Vianney High School in the year of 1996 into 1997 to graduate and thus being old enough biologically to be a camp counselor in training because of the regulations in New Jersey as to working as well as to such times as to the situations thereof my biological mother and my biological father making fun of me for asking how to pay the IRS because of the newspapers at the time and the personal fear I had at such times because of the overall areas of New Jersey, I know I was made fun of in the kitchen during the time as to such because of the ways which my biological mother and my biological father had been towards their opinions of varying aspects and degrees as to the situations as to what has already been explained as to such situations.
In the year of 1996 was when I met then #GovernorofNJ #NJGovernor #GovernorChristineToddWhitman #ChristineToddWhitman then Governor Christine Todd Whitman the first female and a Republican Governor in the state of New Jersey which then what is the question to ask when looking at the #Wiki #Wikipedia Wikipedia article as to the question mark about what year she had been married to her then husband John Whitman, as why would she have a question mark for such detailed records of which the state of New Jersey and such regulations upon the east coast as to the ways thereof be of a question to ponder as to what year did she get married and when did they meet as well as where and how did their relationship come about as to such times? I remember when I had met her in the office after walking through with my eighth grade class group which had earned/won getting the chance to meet the Governor as to the ocean poster project and asking about the mental health situation as to my friend Kelly’s Mom having worked in the only mental health hospital at the time of as to her response to leaning backwards for the males in the business suits who had whispered in her ears “peas and carrots” which I knew from when being in Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to when in such acting roles as to the word combinations of peas and carrots meant the ways the lips moved it would look as though there was a discussion of details to those who were not able to hear or read lips though to me as to my hearing levels as well as seeing such, and then the ways which people in the eighth grade group which had been from Marlboro Middle School had complained on the bus ride as to because I asked a difficult question was why the meeting ended sooner in comparison as those individuals only wanted to ask what it was like for her to be a Governor in comparison to ever caring about the actual situations of the general public in such comparisons as they only wanted the picture in comparison to the details to better assist.
In the reference aspects to in the year of 1996 into the year of 1997 for my Freshman year of high school into the summer portion of the year as to being a Camp Counselor in Training at the age of 14 years old turning 15 years old for one year, as my biological parents would not allow me to be a Camp Counselor or a Camp Counselor in Training because of the problems from my biological sister complaining as to people in camp recognizing the fact that we were related and as she wanted to be the only child without paying attention she would have to deal with all of the repercussions of when she was found out for what she was doing she would be the only one to blame for her choices and her decisions as she had proudly boasted as to my situations as to how I could have gotten into #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment though because she wanted all of the attention on her as to her New Jerseyness as to what television shows and moves she was allowed to watch in comparison to what I was allowed to watch, I warned her when I learned of such what would come around to her if she did not learn to keep herself in her own business instead of stepping into my business as she needed to learn the lesson of what occurs when real New Jerseyians are messed with by fake New Jerseyian wannabes as to how such has been known to go for such individuals. That whole summer I had to stay at the house because of my biological sister’s temper tantrums of which I stayed with Sony/Sonja and Joe/Jose Castro of which Joe/Jose Castro was more than excited to have me help and assist with finding better ways to keep people safe in reference to him having been a Security Director as to the Towers in the World Trade Center as he had been the overall Director of Security for the World Trade Center Plaza at the time of the summer in between 1997 into 1998, as he was the only one who believed me in full and had been the only one who did not question me about my nightmare portions as I helped work on such other security areas.
As the move from New Jersey to #IL #Illinois #ILstate #Illinoisstate Illinois occurred in the timeframe of being from the year which I had completed half of my Junior year of Latin as I was almost ready to graduate a full year early as to the Junior year starting in 1997 to go into 1998, the transfer out to #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois #CLS #CLSHS Crystal Lake South High School as per the cheerleading I did not want to do or be a part of as to the situations of additionally the Maiden Marion portions; though few paid attention to the fact of the news reports as to the calendar printing glitches as to the levels with Joe/Jose Castro and I had mainly paid attention to the situations of concern, at the time before the move. I was just about ready to graduate far earlier than the normal as per knowing the cost of my high school at Saint John Vianney High School and not needing or wanting to further be blamed for the cost of what it had been per semester of school during that year of which my biological sister then complained as to her not being able to go to Broadway shows anymore after my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had died as they were the only time when such occurred as to the Broadway and shopping thereof at the time as to keep her away and out of what was not her business to begin with, which then I was blamed wrongly and incorrectly as to the death of my Bok Gung because of my biological sister’s selfishness as to not seeing anything beyond just the superficial aspects of life.
In turn because of her childish temper tantrums and how she had been working on technology from the year of 1991 through to that year as well as assisted in the coding aspects as to the Y2K as she had gotten our biological mother riled up because of the coding situation my biological sister had needlessly caused as to her problems in reference to trying to be good enough to work in the ways thereof as to the amount of times of my being called a prodigy, her problems had always been her problems and she had preferred everyone else to be dumbed down in comparison to everyone else being built upward stronger and better. The timeframes in Illinois when I refused to assist the coding aspects as to not being willing to use Netzero as well as the lack of anything worthwhile as to seeing other such connections which were not a problem which was of any importance for me to work on comparatively, my biological sister whined and complained in #CrystalLakeMiddleSchool #CLMS Crystal Lake Middle School as to their view of her physical as to being the only Chinese female in the school and the ways thereof to the exotic view in such comparisons to what I dealt with in Crystal Lake High School as to such portions thereof already explained as to such portions including the details in reference to the cheerleading squad issues of such portions as to falsely and wrongly being called a racist against Asians because of the fact of not looking Chinese for only being a half mixture as the ways which the biological portions in the genetics on my biological mother’s side of the family as to only certain children having the similar physical looks and genetic attributes which in such references to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to the ways they promised me later on in my life I would physically look more similar to what Chinese and Asians would be able to see as my Cantonese and my Mandarin combined background of upbringing in such full comparisons to the other smaller and quicker aspects as to what my biological sister would only have for as long as she was in an area which her blending would not be able to be seen as much which in turn if accurate her being in Texas she probably after a certain point looks more Hispanic than Chinese or Asian in such references as to my biological father being mad at the fact of being asked about being a Mexican whereas I told him I thought he looked more Samoan than Mexican which he did not appreciate as to such aspects as he picked up and threw a smaller table on my patio in comparison to the cafeteria table I threw when in Crystal Lake South High School.
In such references as to summer school in the year of what was at such time known as 1998 for the ability to catch up and not have to stay longer because of the differences in the school requirements as well as additionally going to McHenry Community College at the time to speed up the process for myself in conjunction with taking additional college courses later until I could get my biological parents to fully let me go as to the emancipation process for me to be able to get away from those people and get away from my biological sister’s annoyances, I went to Basic Training officially in March 2000 which the paperwork aspects while my biological mother worked at McHenry County Government Center in #Woodstock #WoodstockIL #WoodstockIllinois Woodstock Illinois as to the paperwork for my life insurance policy I had handwritten as to the ways which paperwork documentation was at those times was to put my maternal Uncle Leonard as to the primary and his wife Sharon as to the secondary in comparison to the paperwork which had been sent to me through #SenatorPattyMurray #PattyMurray Senator Patty Murray’s office in #Seattle #SeaTac #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington my going to the Tacoma office of hers or #SenatorMariaCantwell #MariaCantwell Senator Maria Cantwell’s office in the same building at the time in the year of 2015 which I brought my two books with me and left at the office with the male I spoke with in the larger open area “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” of which there was a soldier in BDUs sitting with an elder male who had walked into the office area as I was speaking with the male who looked skin tone similarly to Colonel #AllenWest Allen West of the #Republican Republican Party as to who I handed the two books over to at the time before Mrs. Catherine Caramel at #TempleBethHatfiloh #TempleBethHatfilohOlympia #TempleBethHatfilohOlympiaWA #TempleBethHatfilohOlympiaWashington #Olympia #OlympiaWA #OlympiaWashington Temple Beth Hatfiloh in Olympia Washington.

In the reference of being in Basic Training I remember signing the paperwork at the #Chicago #ChicagoIL #ChicagoIllinois Chicago #MEPS MEPS station on 6 March 2000 though from November 1999 through to March 2000 I went through the Delayed Entry Program #DEP while dealing with my biological father yelling at me and doing similar aspects as he had been a #MerchantMarine in the 1970s, of which in the basement area of the Crystal Lake house by the bar stool locations was where the majority of such occurred as the what is known as smoking went from the tannish colored carpet area over to the washer and dryer areas as to such type of military smoking sessions as to those months as their wishes to try to break me from my need to knowing what I needed to do to actually help and assist in comparison to what I had known they were up to and as many as I had worked to make every attempt to get the truth to for such aspects to save as many as I could at such times. Those within the state of Texas would know as to how I had been after I woke up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such explanations as to being able to see additionally in reference to my website journal blog entry as to how many warnings in a different way of such attempts of mine to help and assist, of which such aspects were ignored wrongly simply because of my biological sister looking more physically as an Asian compared to the facts of my looking far more Cantonese than the Mandarin view of which most people see Asians as.
Though I had told people at the MEPS station as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to my reasons for looking at going over to the South Korea stationing to be able to get information to be able to help and assist while also being able to see where my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had lived in the areas when getting such information for the Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces, after signing my paperwork on 6 March 2000 to be able to ship out on 21 March 2000 for my ability to go to Basic Training and begin on 22 March 2000 at #FtSill #FortSill #FtSillOK #FortSillOklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma which then the zero week portion as it was called to the explanations thereof for such details in which the aspects thereof to what I remember had been the Psalm Sunday church service in the year of 2000 in April. However such aspects as to the situations of my paperwork for my coma as well as other such aspects as to sometimes I have read were it had been calculated as to 6-9 weeks as some paperwork said the time of my coma had been 6-9 months though uncertain as I remember the problems I had when I was in Brooke Army Medical Center as to the medical staff making a joke as to the 4th of July celebrations being what woke me up from my coma.
However because of taking into consideration as to how few were paying attention to the situations as to the calendar printing glitch in 1992 for the 1993 aspects of the calendar, I am uncertain what the calculations there are of due to the facts of which certain situations are known to be in reference to those who know what they are doing when they genuinely want to assist and be a part of helping the Armed Forces of the United States of America. Thus in reference to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as reported I know for a fact as to how my personal responses were as to such times, though admittedly I had not paid attention to any of the day aspects until the news reports as well as it was a while before I began to get newspapers to be able to read in print as to what the actual day had been for such times in those years.
In reference to construction aspects I learned about in reference to New Jersey as to the neighborhood which was built near the property of the house I grew up in which is now different as to there having been a fire at the house and a different looking house is on the property for such an aspect as to the knowledge between the Martial Law aspects as to what would have occurred in reference to the 1993 attacks working with the local and state and federal law enforcement aspects in New York City as to Joe/Jose Castro as to the hypotheticals for the overall guessed timeframe of what should have been for the ability to assist with the linear time calculations if hypothetically as to such portions of which the calendar glitch had additionally been problematic because of such types of children as my biological sister to such aspects as to the north east coast area and such west coast situations thereof to the technological coding with the portions of however many are a part of because of their parents involvement with those types of Renaissance Faire situations of which my biological mother’s side of the room had the trapper with the rainbow paper whereas my biological father’s side of the room did not have that trapper keeper with those colored tabs and paperwork thereof I had informed my Grandpa Gavett about which he had wanted as much detail as I could provide regarding such as he knew I did not have a camera to take pictures of until he gave me a disposable camera to take pictures of the documents as best as I could to hand the disposable camera over to him for him to take to his guys to get developed herein are two different lists to review. The first as to the trapper keeper and the second to the construction memories as to the times when the Carlton (?spelling?) Home development behind the house as I have written about after speaking about, for clarifications.
The trapper keeper:
: white plastic with the ability for the paper insert in the front cover area of the trapper keeper if I guess correctly as to a 4 or a 6 inch thick binder with metal rings inside that were not the normal three ring though had extra holes though I do not know what those type of binders are called though they look as trapper keepers which the additional holes had the metal rings go through as well
: the paper had a rainbow in the main portion of the paper which went almost all the way from the bottom out to the top with a puff of cloud at the base of the rainbow which went in an angled way as to how rainbows look
: black lettering for the title area with rainbow colored words in other areas as per one word in red, one word in medium orange, one word in bright yellow, one word in dark green, one word in a deeper blue, and one word in purple with a follow up word in red though I cannot remember the words other than the title area in the black letters being something about an underground area and something about weather
: there were several tab sections with rainbow colored tabs of 8 per section with a plastic divider between several 8 color sections of tabs and if I remember there were 3 or 4 plastic dividers with a minimum of 2 or 3 sections of the full 8 tab sections of dividers of the manilla colored paper type as seen in the stores during school supplies time
: The tabs had printed information and not the insertable pieces of rectangle paper and the ink was a black colored printing
: The beginning portions before the tab sections though before as well as after the plastic dividers had a cover type of sheet as to a breakdown of the information as per the ways of
: There were two or three of these types of binders arranged as to the same top cover page section though similarly to those who have seen the Equinox volume series as to how the colors are as to the ways which the front covers of the trapper keepers were for the dust cover jackets to the trapper keepers insertable page on the front and the back insertable page was different with a bullet pointed list of information as to the specific topics as though the chapter page within a book for the viewpoint comparison
: Both the front insertable and the back insertable pages were thicker than the paper within the interior of the trapper keeper
The Construction which regulations in New York City would be more strict than those within the state of New Jersey as well as more strict than throughout the state of New York as per the ways some currently would know in other such references to their locations and their states to review the portions in reference to the Martial Law aspects compared to the local/state/federal law enforcement aspects as to such times as well as remember as to my having been inside of the World Trade Center buildings and plaza and connection areas thereof though admittedly as to the memory portions of which I acknowledge for the clarifications as to the room for which I know others could have such additional details for such assistances
: The allowed timeframe to begin working construction in New Jersey compared to the regulations within the city of New York were beginning at the timeframe of 7:30am from the months of April through September and 8:30am from the months of October through March
: The end timeframe allowed to work as per the construction regulations was around one or two hours just before the sun began to set for the areas
: The size of the taller World Trade Center building was between 10 to 15 floors taller than the shorter of the two though possibly could be 20 to 25 floors as I rarely had gone all the way up to the top levels of the floors because of the ways of the different areas of stairwells as well as elevators
: There were 5 main different entrances to the underground train station and subway area which I can recall from the two larger towers compared to the smaller towers in the plaza area, though I cannot remember how many entrance points there were for the smaller building areas as well as I cannot remember which subways compared to which trains compared to the electrical engineering locations and the like such portions for the underground portions of the World Trade Center plaza areas in totality as I know the plaza was several New York City blocks in several directions for the overall viewpoint
: The #StatueofLiberty Statue of Liberty sight from when at the #LibertyScienceCenter is not the same as it should be from when I was a child and going to the Liberty Science Center location as I know I always looked forward to seeing the crown on top of the Statue of Liberty’s head when driving over a certain portion of the bridge as well as when pulling into the parking lot area which admittedly I am upset about from when going back to New Jersey and driving around in the end of the year of 2020 as well as in different times so far in the year of 2021 as there additionally was a ferry system from the Liberty Science Center because there was a tour which I wanted to go on each time going to the Liberty Science Center though no one would ever agree with me about the importance as to seeing the Statue of Liberty when going from the Liberty Science Center to the area where the State of Liberty was once standing as there were ways to additionally see the Statue of Liberty when crossing over the bridge from New York City to go into New Jersey which I did not see when more recently having driven in the area
: The construction from the 1993 attacks took from the year when I was in fifth grade as to my graduation as they were not able to actually begin the work initially which was complained about at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for months because of the required paperwork documentations which were needed for the regulations to be followed through the building code operators, as to such times as that was another complaint for the one area for just the parking garage in that time. As the first time there was any celebration of the people who worked at the World Trade Center who usually parked in that parking garage had been around the month of either September or October that year because of the amount of paperwork to be filed and the legal back and forths to such as there are those who know of the legal portions more-so in their areas now as can be seen for example as to #MackenzieKelly Makenzie Kelly in the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas area, as to working across such lines in the smaller version of a way of a view point for a personal having met her a few times before though to her ability to explain as to the length of the process for certain aspects just as the #AustinYR #YoungRepublican Austin Young Republicans.
There are those who are able to for the ones who can explain such details to work upon as to the underwriting of regulations which I had met with Mackenzie Kelly as well as the individuals with #JustinBerry #Sherriff #SherriffJustinBerry Sherriff Justin Berry, as well as #CongressmanMichaelMcCaul #MichaelMcCaul, as well as #ChipRoy #CongressmanChipRoy Congressman Chip Roy and their staff would know as well regarding such legalities as to the paperwork; of which the possibilities if such movement forward as to the construction which then #SecretaryofState #SecretaryofStateHillaryClinton #SenatorHillaryClinton #DepartmentofDefenseHillaryClinton #HillaryClinton #Clinton #SenatorNYHillaryClinton #SenatorNewYorkHillaryClinton Senator of New York at the time in that situation, on 11 September 2001 Hillary Clinton as to her recent announcement as to running for #GovernorNewYork #GovernorNY #NYGovernor #NewYorkGovernor #NYGovernorHillaryClinton #NewYorkGovernorHillaryClinton Governor of New York.
There are many others have the ability to know and explain as to such legal documentation portions thereof for such reviews as to the timeframe of such portions regarding the either the construction building permits were already in place and ready to go in order to be completed before the end of the year as explained as to what was said had been the year of 2001 or there was a system portion of which that calendar glitch aspect as to the timeframe regarding the attacks on the World Trade Center as to the timeframe within the year I was in fifth grade, as it is only one or the other as far as I could see for such of which if it was only halfway done then the possibility of a mass underground graveyard underneath the areas of where the World Trade Center Plaza once had been as to the making of the September 11th Memorial site was completed extremely rapidly as per the following year was when the wreath laying ceremony had been if I recall correctly. Thus either the halfway completed or the length of extended timeframe or the paperwork was already filed and as the mystery behind the #GG #GeogriaGuidestones #GA #GAstate #Georgia #Georgiastate Georgia Guidestones in #DewyRose #DewyRoseGA #DewyRoseGeorgia Dewy Rose Georgia as to the time capsule as to the opening date if which a mass grave which would look like an American version of the #Pompei #PompeiEruption Pompei, of which looking at a #mapquest Mapquest directions is a diagonal straight line when looking at such as to the ways of a reverse SCUBA Diving flag, which additionally take a look at the names of the specific streets as to the additional correlating factors of finding Dey and Church among Court and West as well as a few other oddities as to what can be seen in reference to my life experiences connecting lines thereof for such additional symbolism to review as I do not remember the names in New York City having street names such a Church as to the road name of the street I grew up on as well as the factors as to court system situations in certain areas of which a set of questions.
What is the reversed American Flag mean when taking such into consideration as to the fear from some people such as myself about what I brought forward as to a multitude of factors to take into consideration, referencing SCUBA Diving? RC Christianson was able to work with whomever to the aspects of the #EBG EBG gravestone markers of which the artistry work of certain designs as to the markers I had brought up in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project of which is the one location which artwork is walked over and passed by the most often for certain individuals who have not been able to understand certain aspects and have preferred other such portions for such a review, as to the situation of such a hypothetical magnitude of proportions? What would people from the state of Georgia know about the ways of which such amounts of time in the rural farmland areas as to certain aspects as to meeting people from the New York City specifically area, and what would be the largest way to make a public statement as to such aspects for the review of a permanent memory as to how those who work on artwork are specific as to such aspects thereof? What type of finances would it take to put such into place regarding the Georgia Guidestones and the length of time as to being quiet about such aspects, which would mean what for other such connected portions thereof to the area and the business thereof unless paying attention?
Similarly to in reference to certain SCUBA Diving certification aspects as to certain individuals being more ready to meet with me for my SCUBA Diving certifications despite the situations thereof to the certifications of such SCUBA diving Instructors themselves, what would be the correlating aspects as to such portions in reference to what my biological father had brought up in reference to SCUBA Diving when he had been a part of such during the J and the K valve situations as to other SCUBA Divers who look at such only recreationally in the civilian sector and in reference to #RCC #RCChristianson RCC or RC Christianson as to the letters for #SSI #SCUBASchoolsInternational SSI or SCUBA Schools International have any such connections thereof? What would the viewpoint of such SCUBA Divers who knew certain portions back in the year of 2009 think as to the timeframe when I went through my Confirmation Class as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church have to say in the possible thoughts as to when my elective choice had been to learn the final portions of how to complete grave stone rubbings of markers to the portions in reference to my historical and spiritual rubbings of markers for my Medal of Honor Art Project, while adding the contemplation for others as to such thoughts in such references to the combined aspects of my childhood and my teenager years into what would have been able to be seen by those who paid attention to such times as to the ways thereof?
Who else would be able to put such together if there is any hypothetical accuracy as to such aspects of the situations as well as who would be able to deal with the realities of such in ways which others could be able to have a different viewpoint in such regards, if when such a reference to the time capsule portions of the areas underground where the World Trade Center once stood which the mapping of the flattened stonework has similarities to the ways of which the larger layout of the World Trade Center Plaza had been as to those who had been in the areas might additionally remember if they are able to have had a certain amount of years in the larger aspects compared to the smaller aspects of as to the blueprints of the building areas should have been able to be found in the records system though if they were not found in the records system as to such aspects of filing paperwork as to the review of such portions as to how such can be reviewed in the ways of such details in a different journal blog posting than this one.
: The construction to fully clean and clear up all of the debris with getting the paperwork required for an overhaul down to the basement areas and the underground parking garage areas would have had the combinations for the mixture as to markers as to the ways thereof, for the excavation processes to review of such materials though only if water had not been added to solidify such which if there are not records as to construction work for the machinery to go on certain streets as to the ways which have been known for the tonnage weight of semi-trucks would be known; the knowledge of some as to if there are enough possibilities of enough evidence as to the ways which the law enforcement would be I would guess as to such times in reference to would the SSI group individuals know of someone in the year of 1970 as to the year of completion as to the Georgia Guidestones in the year of 1980 as to the situations of the time to choose situations as to Ronal Regan as a response when someone or a group had seen such as back in the 1950s into the 1980s more people had received newspapers and could notice such more easily as to the year portions in such comparisons as to now in the year of 2021; as what would be a win-win situation on either side as to such an individual in any such ways, in reference to the mental health aspects as to such situations for review as to such times as to the wars thereof regarding the correct taking care of in such regards as to what I have brought forward in reference to the various individuals in the civilian sector first officially before officially in reference to the individuals of law enforcement and fire department and medical services and the Armed Forces of the United States of America’s military branches? What has yet to be taken care of in reference to my being acknowledged as to my SCUBA Diving, and what could the mapquest portion show as to other such aspects to the combined portions thereof?

Remember when taking a look a the link to Ronald Regan’s speech as to the timeframe he spoke was in the year of 1967 and the discussion points as to the facts of which he was speaking as though the #Vietnam #VietnamWar Vietnam War had ended as to the wording of which in the history of if the Vietnam War was from the total timeframe of 14 years total which the reports are from the years of 1961 through to 1975 of which then the timeframe would actually be if in reference to if hypothetically the year as to Ronal Regan’s speech in the year of 1967 is actually the correct year to the point of which then subtracting 14 years from the year of 1967 for the actual time of such as to the war periods thereof previously for such time differences, the algebra for such equations as to the actual calendar year for such terrorist attacks as per the reported day of 11 September 2001 to which then the calculations of such years as to the construction periods as to getting such situations taken care of within the area of New York City as well as the Virginia area of the United States of America regarding such a time warping situation of the back then time to the future time to be able to calculate the correct linear number as to the actual days thereof for which to fix and repair the coding situations as to the calendar printing situation among other such portions thereof to take into consideration. Governors of California - Ronald Reagan. First Inaugural Address.
While I dealt with the forced needless aspects as to the garage situation as well as such similar intimidation tactics as to my now dead-ex-husband as to the check for college situation as to the week of which the CID interrogation occurred in reference to Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr also known as Cactus Jack as to the known use of such regarding the firearms and the firearm safes, had not yet been picked up by my ex-brother-in-law Tony Walker Nichols from his drive from #OK #Oklahoma #OKstate #Oklahomastate Oklahoma to pick such firearm safes up as I needed them out of my house before the check was written as to the timing of the CID would know of such as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as the E7 to E8 ranking situation. What I was personally dealing with at such times as both in reference to that garage situation as to the force situation regarding Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr and that stepping on the platform to be reviewed as to all such situations which I literally had felt as though back in the Civil War times as to my now dead-ex-husband was proud to learn of the deed found regarding slave ownership of such illegalities in the references to the 13th Amendment though as those who knew/know of that individual Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr problems, which he was actually jealous of such records which disgusted every aspect of what personally had been known to me as to such aspects.
Thankfully my ex-brother-in-law fully removed the remaining portions to get rid of that problem to then be able to get rid of that individual from my life after getting away and out of San Antonio Texas as to those situations of which needlessly occurred to begin with, of which those types of needless problems regarding the additional factors of such times as to the mandatory protection of which that forced situation as to the forced writing of the check means Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr would always have been responsible for paying back his own college tuition as there would not ever be the acceptance of any such needless bills especially as to the facts of at the time I had only been 7.5 years awake from my Psalm Sunday 2000 coma. The realities of such force in such Prisoner of War situations as to my immunity from such situations when reviewing the realities as to now as all such problems from those aspects as well as any such others are for each individual on their own to repay to the government as to the #IRS IRS themselves as it is not nor will it ever be anyone else’s job but each individual who goes to college to pay their own student debt loans as no one forced them to ever do anything they did not want to do in the capacities thereof, and their debts are their debts just as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr also known as Cactus Jack’s debts are his debts for each to pay for themselves.
However I suppose just with the last two sets of colons regarding the situations in reference to the construction area, there is your payment in full and there is no need nor any requirement as all such fines have been paid in full as per Virginia courtroom as to Dinwiddie combined court as well as the factors of such amounts of abilities for such educational aspects more correctly to such situations though think about that cost to me now when others have complained about the aspects as to what the various individuals on veteran and military benefits are concerned regarding the situations as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America when looking over such portions thereof as to the ways of which what once was called shell shock later was called a head injury and now in the year of 2021 is more known as to a Traumatic Brain Injury or a TBI of which what could such aspects have been needing for such reviews thereof? Or if such references to as the ways thereof, if everyone is in the ways of which as per how my biological mother and my biological father had liked Mao Ze Doong so much as to the ways of which other aspects as to the formation of the ways which Democratic policies prefer the more communist views even though some try to call is socialism now as to such portions in the comparisons thereof for such aspects as to the varying boxes being proverbially checked in such ways which China having had more technology back in the earlier days compared to the aspects of such times as to the United States of America, what would such a viewpoint be as to the long term aspects after China had learned as to how their own people were responding during such times as well?
Mao Ze Doong had been put through a multitude of aspects to which for several decades few had paid attention to Mao as well as few had seen any such aspects until the situations involving technology of which at such times just before #TiananmenSquare Tiananmen Square the levels of which such situations as to the combined aspects such as the rioting and other such situations as to the timeframes leading up to the 1980s, what could such aspects be seen as to the ways thereof as while others were as they were; Mao had been of the ways which were of the peaceful warrior to which only getting involved with any such battles or wars only when absolutely mandatory of which by the timeframe of when Mao Ze Doong had been pulled into the arena by the larger political class system as to having learned of the levels of which Mao had been through and seeing the value as to what assistances were possible only through, the beginning portions of which when the Tiananmen Square situation was not officially known to the general public until a minimum of 8 to 10 years afterwards because of what had not been reported by anyone was what length of time it took for that British Photographer to be able to get out of China to be able to inform others as to what was seen. I would guesstimate the British Photographer of the most infamous picture from the beginning of with the one individual wearing the white shirt and the black pants similar to what uniform is at #IHOP IHOP as to the times when I was working at IHOP in Crystal Lake briefly as well as my hairstyle back then, what could be reviewed as to such oddities as to the possibilities?
How do you ensure the prevention of stolen valor #EndStolenValor #EndStolenValorNow as to the timeframes back before the Georgia Guidestones as to the Ronald Regan speech, as to the ways of other such aspects additionally?
Legalities to such protection rights are fully in my favor as to such aspects as to all which has been written and explained and spoken of in truth under the first oath as to the timeframe as to the court case in reference to Brian Cantrell as to Baptist Camp Lebanon and the explanations thereof the oath remains the oath despite walking out of the courtroom area of which the second revamping I suppose of such oath of to tell the truth and the whole truth with the help of the technological aspects thereof to the best of my abilities as to all such times, as I already explained and wrote about as well as registered such regarding my life experiences and the supporting documentations thereof through #LegalZoom LegalZoom as to the #LibraryofCongress #LoC to which I had hoped the ways of which would help assist the clarifications thereof to help others though especially help myself as to figure the ways of such intricacies for admittedly as to being tired of reexplaining myself multiple times over as to if the aspects as to just acknowledging knowing I could simply continue forward in such more productive ways in comparison to rediscussing each portion as to such to then be able to actually speak with people who were/are in the know of who I am with the clarifications thereof to be able to speak with in honesty in such comparisons as to also clearing out to fully remove all of the needless drama in other such situations for people to actually work and live and be in ways which are far more in the harmonious ways as to progressing forward in the more positive directions while working together for the safety aspects thereof as to other such situations as to what other portions I have gone into details about. However since such aspects have yet to occur up to this point in time in the year as known as 2021, the situations are as the situations are.
