In reference to those biological females who had ever attended Club Sapphire as to anyone who had ever received a box of lingerie from Michael as to the over 6 foot almost 5 inches tall brunette male with the balding spot on the back of his head as to the aspects of a fancier box with lingerie from whatever location as to the rumors of being from Walmart or wherever as to such lot aspects as to eBay, the aspects where he would purchase the items within the box to then repackage in an expensive store brand name box as to the aspects to such failures to ever actually tell the truth referencing such aspects as though such would ever impress an intelligent individual as to such factors in such differences as to the hypotheticals as to such factors as to what he would tell them as to what he wanted to see them in as if that actually mattered enough to some of the females I had seen regarding how the evening went depending upon the aspects of such factors as to however that went. The aspects of in the year of around 2017 where at a one of the few evenings where because of the security factors as to staying later than what My normalcies were because of the larger event as well, as to when one evening Ray had asked while we were eating the ordered pizzas as to when he asked "Who here, is Michael's friend?"
When everyone else raised their hand except for Myself because of the aspects of what My considerations of a friend are as to the difference between the aspects of the viewpoints I previously explained in My journal blog postings, as to such factors where Ray who as a part of the BDSM Lifestyle to such aspects of differences to the swinger community as to such factors of what he said how he thought I was being mean instead of the aspects of the reality as to the aspects of importance to the aspects of what I consider as to friendship as while the aspects of where I was considering the aspects of Ray, Deb, Steve, Tina, Penny, Allen, Mary, Jeremy, Angel, Andrea, and Rob as to the aspects of from acquaintance to friendship as to the explanation I gave as to how Michael and I had not ever talked much as to the aspects of discussions. While through such time-ish therein later as to such aspects as to having some discussions here and there, as to the aspects of the capacities in regards of the aspects of the discussion topics as to the factors as to the situations from My earlier journal blog updates as to the reference aspects in such situations because of what I personally have dealt with as well as to what I was taking care of at the times thereof as to the situations I noticed.
As per a list for Friday evenings in a shortened condensed list to the aspects of the larger overall assistance with others depending upon the aspects of the volunteers as to who was there in the beginning of the Friday and during the events thereof after My Chiropractor appointment earlier in the day prior to volunteering:
* Santatizing the shower areas fully as well as the energetic clearings as per throughout the club
* Rolling the towels as to the shelves
* Putting the supplies per room area in the back rooms, supplies as to the sink areas, and the refills as to other supplies in the back areas as well as the dance floor areas and the lobby areas as to the aspects of each portion
* Putting the lights from the chargers into the glass containers after cleaning the tables
* Cleaning as well as restocking the front lobby areas as to the paperwork, the coffee section, and the candy
* Putting the signs out as well as the ashtray and the bench areas in the outdoor sections when just prior to opening
* Prior to the catering I assisted with preparing the food trays except for the fruits and vegetable trays because of My allergies to fruits and vegetables as there are only a few fruits and vegetables I can randomly eat as to the mandatory cooked factors as to all fruits and all vegetables because of My food allergies since I was a child as the same aspects though the amounts and levels of as to the aspects as to My biological father as to the same factors in some ways as to My son and My daughter as to the mandatory cooking of fruits and cooking of vegetables as to which ones actually could be eaten without an allergic reaction because of the enzymes as to the eating portion as well as the enzymes as to the aspects of the processing of the fruits and vegetables as to the allergies as to what occurs because of the lack of nutritional value to such aspects because of the enzymes and the ways such are processed as to the aspects of
* However after the catering began around the year of latter in 2016 or beginning of 2017 as to the same factors in a smaller way as to when bringing in the supplies of the juice/soda/snacks/candy/coffee/etcetera food supplies from when Sandy went to Costco and brought such to the club as to bringing the supplies in with arrangement in the refrigerator also
* When the time came to pick up the ice bags to bring to the club if I needed a specific as to My medication regarding the aspects of if I noticed something energetically as to the additional boost for Myself as to what My needs were as to the evening/weekend as to such aspects thereof as to the situations
* After the club was opened as to restocking the towels as well as restocking the ice and/or sodas/juices because of the amount of people at whatever event(s) and if as to the towels then also to packing the bags for pickup as well as arranging the bags as easily as possible for a walkway to the emergency exit
* Sometimes I gave tours though also restocked the lobby area as well as the areas around the back rooms and the sinks
* Checked on the staff in the office area and the DJ booth while also checking on the volunteers as to the if factors of similar factors and/or smoke breaks if they were smokers while also restocking the towels if as to such factors and doing security walks around the back rooms to ensure as to such locations were secured as to who was allowed in the areas without disturbing anyone as best as possible unless the individual(s) who were disturbed were not supposed to be allowed in the backroom areas as to the aspects of unattached males as to the rules of the club as to the information that was explained to Me though also having formerly went through Dungeon Monitor training as per the Dominant Mentor Program as to such factors as to having a different viewpoint as to such aspects as sometimes I sat in the chair in the back corner to watch and ensure because of the vantage point regarding certain types of individuals as to the shower area as to the co-ed bathroom as to how certain types thought they were more slick than they were as per the curtain as once especially as to larger events of opening the curtain as to where My feet were instead as to the aspects of standing as to how many unattached males did not try to walk through the back area as to that pathway because of comprehending such factors, though as to such types as to those aspects of where the reality of My work as to the situations instead of whatever their opinions were as to the day overall as to the combined factors. However I doubt any of those individuals whether as to the males and/or the females ever thought of such aspects as to such differences regarding the aspects of, at those times instead of the possibility of thereafter as to the current time where I have not had the need to be at that location or involved as to such aspects regarding the situations as to My own personal needs.
* The walking of the parking lot areas as well as watching over the doorways as to the walks initially in the front parking lot prior to the walks around the building and as such situations occurred as to the extension to the surrounding buildings because of the aspects of noticing the parking situations as to the larger events as to ensuring the security as best as possible referencing what I noticed overall, though attempts that I made to discuss with others as to the individuals who I saw and spoke with normally
* Although a few emergency medical situations as to the aspects of where I could assist either to get assistance and/or if I had something that would be assistive such as a few charcoal pills because of one situation as to what I had at the time with Me, as well as when I went to the back to get someone who had an inhaler as per the aspects of an emergency situation when EMS arrived, as well as a time when Law Enforcement arrived for a situation as when it was raining and I held an umbrella while staying out of the way as best as I could despite that male who threw the temper tantrum as to the situation as to whatever occurred that I did not see as to the aspects of why the Law Enforcement Officers were there as the female was in the rain area and the two male Law Enforcement Officers stood with the individual male underneath the middle area as to the covering to the doorway as I held the black and white umbrella as it was Mine though I was told Ray went to the courtroom for the case as I had not seen anything except for what I wrote about as to the situation during that though there were situations that occurred after that male was arrested for what he had done as to whatever occurred when I was in the back area of the club as to the security walks
Saturdays overall:
* Similar as to the situations as to Fridays except for the restacking of the bags to be picked up as well as the refilling of such areas as the supplies brought in were usually for the entire weekend except for the picking up of the ice
Thus as to the aspects of those types of hypotheticals as to individuals who either knew of the fact I was dealing with headaches and migraines and/or such aspects as to the aspects of My life as to the reality of the situation at the time, as to the difference of what I consider as to care for and care about Me as to such hypothetical factors thereof as to such if situations as to communication instead of interpretations as to such factors regarding certain types of individuals who had not ever actually taken truthfully to the consideration as to My actual best interests as to instead of such aspects of what I consider as for My best interests as to what makes and keeps Me happy as to the difference of interpretations as to such factors to the differences of what My comprehension about Myself actually is for My life as to what is as to comfort for Me as instead of such interpretations of such hypotheticals. If actually as to such aspects thereof to interest as to how to get to know Me instead of the aspects of such assumptions as to such hypotheticals as to such aspects as to what is not at the club as to the aspects as to such references as to the difference as to interpretations of what is presumed as to what is heard as to what actually is, instead of what hypotheticals as to assumptions in reference to whatever aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof to such factors as to social media issues as to including such aspects of as to any aspects of stalking and/or harassment as to what I consider as that is obviously not in any capacity of any comfort for Me as to the difference of security as the if factors as to the security as to the additional volunteer work I had made sure of obviously as to such factors of the difference as I did not voyeur as to any such individuals and/or groups because of the difference of the type of person I actually am as to such hypotheticals as to such annoyances as to those who possibly are only accustomed to social media aspects and as to such types as to the difference as to those types of individuals as to the difference as to who I am as the requirements as to actually getting to know Me translates to what My comfort levels are as to the in person face to face in person in real life and if such individuals are as to only such factors of through a screen as to such differences as to what it is to be allowed to ever get to know Me as to who I am as per common sense.
Again as to not ever advertising for anyone nor advertising for any business as to such aspects ever officially, as to My journal blog as to such factors as to the aspects of the situations as to what a journal is as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to common sense as to if having read and/or seen as to actual truthful discussions with Me instead of assuming there would ever be any point in time whereas to such factors prior to the timeframe of 2019 referencing My journal blog updates as to such review aspects instead of whatever hypothetical aspects as to what threads of common traits as to the individuals as to such locations as to prior events as to where I had been the exact same though the differences of location(s) and/or overall situations. Since as to such types as to whatever aspects thereof to such individuals, as to the differences as to who I am as to such factors. While during those years as to such being capable to wear the outfits I wanted to wear as to the aspects of My responsibilities in My life at such times, as to the obvious difference to those aspects where I already wore what I wanted to wear regarding the aspects of the reasons for Myself. Thus since as to how there was not ever such aspects of My comfort as to where I would ever have such sensations as to any involvement in such capacities thereof because of such sensations as to what I consider as comfort, there as to such factors of having walked away officially from such aspects regarding the situations I dealt with as to where the lack of appreciation to what I consider as appreciation instead of such interpretations of what others might consider as appreciation as to such possible similarities of the factors thereof as to such aspects of the fancier outside though the aspects of the interior differences as to such hypotheticals referencing such aspects.
Though I had offered to teach classes at the timeframe within the specifics of the year of 2016 through 2018, there was not the aspect of where such was considered as wanted and as to such reality of My own work as to other factors thereof and as to such lack of swift response as to such requirements as to My own requirements as to My own protocols when I asked specifically as to such aspects where My other work took priority as to the aspects thereof officially. Thus while at the time of as to including My books as to such signing as to such having asked, since there was not a response to Me in a timely manner as to such aspects similarly as to such factors as to 2019 in the state if Texas as the requirements of a 30 days maximum as to such aspects when I specifically ask as to such factors regarding the beginning discussions as to My personal needs for such aspects as to My comfort. The aspects of My requirements as per how I am the one and only person to speak with as to My work as I have officially clarified, as to the one and only person to speak with as to such discussions officially before ever arranging as to the reality of My needs as to the reality of My comfort instead of anyone else's interpretations as to such failures previously from other individuals as to such hypotheticals.
Surprises are not an option, as there is nothing I have ever found worthwhile as to such individuals as to those types of situations because of My past as to such aspects of the terminology of triggers.
Common sense would be as to such common sense, as to My journal blog updates as well as the reality of what I spoke as well as wrote about in truth as I always have.
None of the pictures above are from when I was at Club Sapphire, as these images are from when I performed in the year of 2010 in the Dallas area of Texas at an official public event.
However the gowns I am wearing in the two pictures below I had worn to Club Sapphire and while one picture taken prior to the club opening in the back area as to My arrival at the club around 2:30pm/14:30 as to the capability after having assisted to arrange the club as to such capacities to be capable to do so while the other gown as to a picture was taken after the club had opened and was in the hallway area as to where the signage was during most events.
A few collaged images of Me during random times as to the aspects of My volunteer work at Club Sapphire to the SCUBA Diving picture as to the wheelbarrow I moved down the hill as well as back up the hill as to the amount of SCUBA Diving tanks that were in the wheelbarrow, as obviously depending upon the type of camera used as well as the aspects of the filters if as to such depending upon the other individuals as to such factors as to what the overall look is as to such factors as to what I figured was/is common sense as to the years. Though I sent My card to individuals as per the capacity to contact Me as to the if factors, the situations of payments to Me for My usage of such finances as to the money thereof as to such differences as to the possibilities of such hypothetical individuals' opinions as to their interpretations and as to My using My finances for all of the outfits as to each aspect thereof as to such aspects where there was not anyone else who had ever paid for such for Me, as to such aspects of insult regarding the aspects of any hypotheticals regarding those types of individuals who might think of themselves as fans and yet the reality of when having stirred up needless drama as to having caused needless problems as to having been as to the reality of disrespectful as to such aspects as to the reality of such differences regarding those individuals' interpretations of pop culture hypothetically and/or Hollywood as to those types of so-called fans instead of what in My opinion as to such factors thereof instead as to the proof of what My son and/or My daughter and/or Myself have dealt with needlessly as to such types hypothetically within the state of Texas and/or any other location thereof officially.
#10CommandmentsMatterTheMost 10 Commandments matter, much more than some individuals might have thought to Me as to such aspects of hypotheticals in reference especially as to Washington state individuals as to their locations in such hypothetical references. The years of the pictures below are from the years of 2005 through 2013