I did not think it took a head injury to figure out there are three biological genders, as because of the reality of gardening as in both the reference of on land above sea level gardening as well as having earned my #UnderwaterNaturalist #Gardening #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADiver Underwater Naturalist SCUBA Diving certification in a Nature Preserve area as to being capable to identify as well as classify various aspects while being capable to give the descriptions required as in the references of where on land above sea level is a difference to my personal background. In reference to the on land above sea level having learned from my biological father about the plants in the yard when I was growing up as the factors in the 1980s and the 1990s regarding additionally learning from the direct experiences thereof, as well as the areas of different colleges and universities because of the rhyzomes as well as the bulbs referencing the plants at the time. I still remember the #Lily #LilyoftheValley Lily of the Valley plants around the well that was in the side-ish area of the middle of where the house that I grew up in #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #NewJerseystrong #NJ #NJstate #NJStrong #NewJerseyTollway #NewJerseyTurnpike #GardenStateTollway #GardenStateTurnpike #NJTP #NJTW #GSTP #GSTW #GST #NJT New Jersey as to where it was, as well as much about the lands and the grounds for that particular what was around a football sized field of property. If as to the individuals having the property as to such in #Marlboro #MarolboroNJ #MarlboroNewJersey Marlboro as to them being welcome to contact me if they need information and assistance in regards of the lands, because I remember several factors of what I personally dealt with as to the if factors of others in the areas as to the knowledge to being capable to fix and repair certain situations from the factors of a proverbial reference to a property in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioMilitaryCityUSA #MilitaryCityUSA #SAT #TX #TXstate #Texas #TexasState San Antonio Texas as to the amount of #bamboo bamboo because of the location if they have not already found where the well was at the time in the 1990s as seeing it in 1998 for the clarifications.
However as to such the reference to gardening on land as to without much of a written educational background as to being capable to read the words for such as in the reference of how my Underwater Naturalist SCUBA Diving certification, as to learning also about working with the endangered species as well as preservation while preventing other encroaching plants while keeping the waters safer and clearer from the different types of species. For example as the reference of California #CA #CAstate #California #Californiastate and #Washington #Washingtonstate #WA #WAstate Washington state as to certain plants as the species referencing such examples as Washington state as Water Bamboo, as the reference proverbially to the San Antonio/#LeonVallyTexas #LeonVallyTX #LeonValley Leon Vally area as the regards of the situations where others had situations because of the ways of such factors of the plants.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out while the gardening on land above sea level as to the gardening on top of the water as the underwater portions as to the references regarding a proverbial viewpoint of a Japanese Maple tree in the backyard of what was my house in Carrollton Texas #Carrollton #CarrolltonTexas #CarrolltonTexas that had thickened up and became stronger and more healthier as to the timeframe from when I first moved in as to how scraggly and branchy it looked to the difference of the thickness of the leaves as well as the vibrancy of the colorations throughout the months. The references regarding such factors as to the Underwater Naturalist factors in reference to the #Aquarina #AquarinaHotSprings #SMTX #SanMarcos #SanMarcosTX #SanMarcosTexas Aquarina Hot Springs areas, as I saw online there are less endangered species in the area as well as a more flourishing landscape as to such differences regarding such as I read online as from the additional resources of the varying water management factors referencing such situations as to the reasons why Aquarina Hot Springs became a specific location where the requirement to SCUBA Dive was because of the factors as to the species both of fish/salamanders/plants/aquatic plants as to the references regarding as to my own personal confusion as to why I was capable to earn my #NatGeo #National #NationalGeorgraphic #Geographic #NatGeoSCUBA #NationalGeographicSCUBA #NatGeoSCUBADiving #NationalGeographicSCUBADiving #SatGeoSCUBADiver #NationalGeographicSCUBADiver National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification in the earlier part of the year of 2009 at that location.
Nonetheless it should not take a head injury to figure out a few situations in reference to various natural and other such larger waters sources in the regards of the state of Texas as to the years of 2019 through 2021 in my journal blog updates, however it should also not take a head injury to figure out there are three types of trees that produce flowers and some that produce fruits as to such aspects as there are plenty of flower plant groundcovers as well as vines in conjunction to bushes that are similar to the references regarding the type of trees I refer to in this journal blog post on 31 January 2023.
While I am in the process of creating a new group as to an invitation on a specific adult supposed to be consenting platform, however as to such regards as to in this particular reference as to the invitation as to such differences regarding the specifics as to such intentions. Thus as to such notation though also clarification prior to getting to the work of creating the group, as to such if factors in a different capacity such as to such biological adult factors as the references as to such aspects of the portions to the statement in my journal blog title post prior to such additional work.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the factors of where the reference of the most well know biological genders of biological female and biological male as the differences of the ways individuals as to such feminine energetic aspects as to such masculine energetic factors, whereas the references of the personality traits of the individuals as per the various situations as to the viewpoints thereof as well as the responses.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out hermaphrodites born physically as both male biological gender as to the hormonal aspects as well as such factors as the references to the gardening, then as to the additional biological gender of a female as to the hormones as well as the depending upon whereas to the internal organs in reference as to such factors as some may have a reference point to an individual who may have brought such forward before myself as to such aspects of the reality of differences as to the healthcare factors of such considerations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in certain references as to the transgender community of individuals as the references thereof regarding the situations of such healthcare as such differences, though in a certain type of proverbial metaphor as to ssuch other factors as to the maintenace of such aspects regarding the required care for such aspects depending upon such aspects such as the depending upon what gender biologically as to such other gender biologically as the personality traits as to such eahc individual.
With my personal knowledge of several individuals I once knew in the northeast tristate areas as the aspects of in conjunction of the situations during the timeframes of the area of the northeast tristate of the #USA #UnitedStatesofAmerica United States of America in the 1980s and the 1990s, the factors of how heavy I had looked into information about many topic points as such was of minimal information to such timeframes of differences as to the internet availability now though as to the aspects of the locations of libraries as well as depending upon the types of libraries.
Thus as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out there are plants that are self-fertilizing plants such as fruit trees where certain self-fertilizing fruit trees sometimes have the most disease resistant fruits as well as to the depending upon the colorations of as to the flowers as to the fruit, and thus it should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to the regards of the hermaphrodite biological gender being considered as the actual third gender choice as from the timeframe of birth since such amounts of decades as to the first time of such a birth as to whenever such was publicly acknowledged in truth as to discussions about the reality as I would guesstimate such ponderings as to the references and regards thereof as in my opinion the hermaphrodite gender should have been instantly classified within the forms for such from the timeframe of the thirtieth birth of as to being capable to see a pattern by such a point in time.
Personally because of #FortSill #fortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #FtSill #ftSillOK #FtSillOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate #Lawton #LawonOK #LawtonOklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma, I wonder if what my children's biological father's side of the family Uncle's second wife has showed me the area of the Fort Sill Oklahoma as I was told cemetery as to the infant section. It should not take a head injury if as to such aspects thereof as to a real relationship as to actual common sense as to such factors of the facts of the situations as to my children's biological father's side of their family as to such if situations as to the aspects of the prior factors as to the Oklahoma situation, as to the timeframe of the year of 2001 as to the timeframe of the year of 2002 to such considerations as to the if factors as to my children's biological father's side of the family to think as to their own aspects of the timeframe of whom I spoke with and whom was spoken as to the reference thereof as to the timeframe as to such considerations of relationship viewpoints as to such factors referencing what aspects of genuine care as to the regards of such for me personally as to the differences as to such hypotheticals as to my Basic Training as the common sense as that should not take a head injury to figure out regarding Women's Liberty as to such aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out depending upon the era of the years the area of Fort Sill Oklahoma was founded and built upon as to some viewpoints and opinions more localized to the area, as to such timeframes as to depending upon the years as to the markers within the infant section as to the consideration of such individuals as to the if factors as to such viewpoints of the #OBGYM #OB #GYN OB/GYN during the timeframes as to the viewpoints of the infant section as I have seen such a section in locations before especially as to my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArt #MedalofHonorArtwork #MedalofHonorArtProject Medal of Honor Art Project trips because of the real requirement for me to physically drive to the locations of as to physically getting out of the vehicle to then complete the historical and spiritual rubbing as to the references regarding the artwork pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork; as there is much more than such to each and every individual trip, as individuals are capable to look at the information of the Artwork areas as to my website location of the pages for Reverend Susan MeeLing https://www.susanmeeling.com/reverendsusanmeelingmedal-of-honor-
In the aspects of looking up the names as to the areas as to the physical drives as to the preparation for my work to being capable to work upon such, however as to being for living and life far more than might or may be thought of because of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to where I have to physically go to in order to be capable to work on such artwork creations as seen in the pictures below of a different type and yet similar type as the framework as to such explanations referencing since the timeframe back then of the year of 2020 to the difference to the timeframe of the year of 2021 as to the difference of the timeframe of the year of 2022 as now in the year of 2023 in the month of January on the 31st day of the month of January in the year of 2023 as how such timelines can be looked through as to the capacity of accepting in an official documentation of the third correct biological birth gender as to the #USASupremeCourt #USSupremeCourt US Supreme Court only as to the three biological genders as to the streamlining as per the reference to my earlier journal blog about the #CiCPOTUS #ComanderinChiefoftheArmedForcesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericaPOTUS #CommanderinChiefoftheArmedForcesoftheUnitedStatesofAmericaPresidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica Presidency of the United States of America as to the reference of such aspects in the year of 2020.
Thus as to the streamlined factors it should not take a head injury to figure out as how the aspects of the #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQP LGBTQP communities throughout as to such aspects to such considerations as to the flag situations as to the original colors, thus as to such elders being capable to consider the need for streamlining the factors of the biological genders at birth for the birth certifications as to biological male or biological female or biological hermaphrodite only. Though I have described some aspects of being a beard as to such regards for a few individuals who may understand in real life in person face to face in person of such aspects as to the references of when I was a child and a youth in the 1980s and 1990s, the aspects of such factors as being a #Pansexual Pansexual as an intellectual factor as to such considerations of my personal opinion.
Thus as to the aspects whereas the if factors as to the in my opinion it should not takea head injury to figure out such factors of gardening as to the selffertilizing plants as to the hermaphrodite aspects of aspects of while possibly capable to do so though possibly depending upon the situations for the considerations, as thus in my opinion as to the progressive factors as well as the religious Constitutional aspects of a betterment of such a viewpoint as to older aspects of certain aged individuals as to such factors thereof to such considerations such as the Westboro Baptist Church #Baptist #WestboroBaptistChurch #WBC aspects to the factors of if situations of not understanding such as to the LGBTQP communities in a different capacity of a viewpoint.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the checked box form as to the birth certificate also assists as per the reference of the when a biological legal age of 18 years old aspect as to the #USAA #USAAF #USAF #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces Armed Forces of the United States of America, and thus as to the ease of a transitional viewpoint as per the formation of the US Space Force as per the already known and working #NASA NASA factors of such additional Space bound companies as per such as #BlueOrigin Blue Origin as well as #SpaceX Space X in conjunction of #Northrup Northrup and possibly #Boeing Boeing and possibly #Prudential Prudential as to such overall aspects of #insurance insurance as well as in honesty of not knowing much as to the companies from a length of a backwards timeframe as to the references to the current timeframe of the year of 2023.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to the need for the correct medical care procedures as to the possibilities as to space flights whether as to Blue Origin's flight as a video I saw on either #Facebook Facebook or #YouTube #FB #Meta #YT YouTube as to the orbit in a circle around the earth underneath the levels of the Space Stations as to a preface to a version to a degree of a #Jetsons Jetson's-ish sort of starting point, in my personal opinion for a factor where the ways of such mechanism depends upon the ways as to such viewpoints as to the traveling factors. As such it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the references of differences regarding the aspects of Space X as to the #Mars #MarsCandy Mars situations, as to such aspects of the flight pattern references regarding such situations as per the youthful version of a viewpoint regarding the aspects of the starting points as to such companies while such considerations as to the traveling patterns as to the proverbial metaphor as to the #TSA TSA though as to such flight references as to the US Space Force as to in my personal opinion of such aspects and considerations.
It should not take a head injury to figure out when thinking about such aspects of though youthful as to the references thereof, as well as to the rotation of the planet of earth as to such foundational aspects though as to such other factors to the conjunction of biological factors as per known per biological gender whether as to such straight as all three in my opinion would be straight or if as to a sarcasm as to the regards whereas such aspects of straight as a broken arrow as to the reference of the hermaphrodite biological gender because of the aspects how those who know from experience in real life of archery as to still being capable to utilize a broken arrow whether in the quiver and/or as to other such hypotheticals.
Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects, to the considerations of making such a bold statement openly and honestly.
Thus as to my challenge as to the invitation as the aspects where I guesstimate as to such aspects of the reading capabilities as to the words I type as to such factors as to the topic points in conjunction, as to such a challenge to think as to such viewpoints as to the recalibration as to retaining such information to ponder as to such aspects thereof as to the discussion beginning points as to such a proverbial possibility of such importance in my opinion.
Thus where personally I had been a part of the #TTP #TTPM #TexasTeaParty #TexasTeaPartyMovement #TeaParty Texas Tea Party Movement when I was in Carrollton Texas as per prior journal blogs as to the references of the Josey Scott area of #POTUSGeorgeWBush #POTUSGeorgeWBushJr #POTUSGeorgeWBushSr #PGWBT #PGWT President George W. Bush Tollway, as to the references of the Vice Presidential aspects of such a prior journal blog of mine as to the 2016 election cycle of the #RNC RNC debates in the earlier months and end months of the year of 2015 as to the difference of this year of 2023 on the 31st day of the month of January in the year of 2023.
It should not take a head injury to figure out I have referenced a variety of groups as well as timeframes thereof as to such reference of while not having been informed of anything about one club as to until the year of 2012 as per the after time of the Lunch Munch Brunch meeting in Austin Texas at a food location where on the second floor as to the reference of a phone call after I was asked after the meeting had concluded, as to a phone call I made for another individual who had said of having asked in the Houston #Houston #HoustonTX #HoustonTexas area of Texas first in the reference of what he had said as to the timeframe of the year of 2012 to the difference of this year of 2023. The aspects of having learned of the situations thereafter though not having participated in the aspects as only having been involved with one individual who I had been seeing at the time, in the difference of the timeframes of what others would know more of those details and informational aspects as I have already clarified as to not having participated in such aspects as to not having ever made any financial money other than my monthly normalcies as to the timeframe of such an event in the year of 2011 as well as once again only having been with Patrick as to not having been informed of anything else as to any such if factors as per such original timeframe as to such updates in the year of 2019 as personally not having any knowledge of any such if factors as to how the aspects of a discussion with a Female Dominant from Texas as to such regards as to how she was confused as to my participation in the Dominant Mentor Program in the year of 2011 as I was confused as why she was confused. Though we had differening opinions as to the aspects of the Dominant Mentor Program viewpoint, as to such factorws as to the references regarding the situations as to the individual as to #BankofAmerica #BOA #DeLoitte Bank of America as to the reference of DeLoitte for such aspects as to what I was not informed of in the year of 2011. I have acknowledged being asked to participate though declining an evening where afterwards as to a different location as to a club location, though I did not attend as my biological children's babysitter aspects as per such responsibilities as to the overall situations as to the aspects thereof when I would go out during that timeframe through Sitter City.
Thus as to such factors in the references thereof it should not take a head injury to figure out in reference of having been certified to be capable to First Aid responder with Special Needs Assistance Babysitter in the year sometime in the 1990s when I was in the #GirlScounts #GS Girl Scouts, as to such aspects of that timeframe as to the references as to Special Needs as well as the factors of the educational aspects of the healthcare for the references to the space factor as per such US Space Force having been officially signed into the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the year of 2020.
In the reference ot the Texas Tea Party Movement in the year of 2008 when I had been a part of a smaller rally similar in size to Round Rock Texas in the year of 2020 as well as San Marcos Texas in the year of 2020, though as the time now in the reviewing such aspects in the year now of 2023 in the month now of January in the day now of the 31st of January 2023 in Carrollton Texas to the differences of #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas #DTX #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FWTX #WSTX #WhiteSettlement #WhiteSettlementTX #WhiteSettlementTexas #Wetherford #WetherforTX #WetherfordTexas DFW aspects. Thus it should not take a head injury to figure out those who knew me in the year of 2009 such as SCUBA Divers as to how that should not take a head injury for them to figure out how I may have stood out in the crowd a little bit, in the year of 2008 just as individuals who knew me in person face to face in person especially as to such factors of the state of Texas in the areas of San Antonio also known as Military City USA as well as Dallas/Fort Worth/Wetherford/White Settlement areas in the years overall of 2000 through 2013 for those references as to being a Republican though looking as I physically look(ed).
I suppose I can write a sarcastic reference about being born and raised in New Jersey as to the hockey team reference, though as to such viewpoints of considerations as to the regards of the title of the name of the hockey team the #NJDevils #NewJerseyDevils #NJD #Hockey New Jersey Devils as to such considerations as to such times.
In the years of 2013 through 2019 as to being a Republican openly and honestly in person face to face in person as well as online as to various memes as I have posted as well as certain modeling outfits I created while modeling in the years of 2010 through 2013 mainly, the aspects of such factors as to being in the areas of Portland Oregon #Portland #PortlandOR #PortlandOregon #Oregon #OR #ORstate #Oregonstate through to the areas of #Seattle #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Seattle Washington during the years of 2013 through 2019 as to such viewpoints as to the considerations referencing such aspects as #Tukwil #TukwilaWA #TukwilaWashington Tukwila is just a few minutes away from the SeaTac airport as such is inside of the city of Seattle for such clarifications as I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out as to such physical aspects as I am in the physical looks though as to my biological gender of female as to the timeframes of such situations such as #Bremerton #BremertonWA #BremertonWashington Bremerton Washington as to what occurred in reference to being informed there were individuals who had removed items from what was my apartment as to the aspects of where my mural once was as to such aspects of the situations referencing the memorial timeframe next month of February 1993 as the attack on the World Trade Center in New York City #NYC #NewYorkCity #NewYorkCityNewYork #NewYorkCityNY #NYCNY in the year of 1993 in the month of February as this year of 2023 is the 30 year memorial of an entire population size for the census reference to the land size as the distance from San Antonio downtown to north #RoundRock #RockRockTX #RoundRockTexas #RRTX Austin/Round Rock as the peninsula overall aspects of the size of the state of New Jersey and then as to the factors of a difference to New York City of New York state as to the inlets and the River areas to those who would understand such knowledge on sight as to geographical locations of differences as the considerations of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 in the year of 2021 though this year of 2023 now in the month of January now on the 31st day of the month of January in the year of 2023 now. however as to such references as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to such aspects of the considerations as Bremerton Washington as to a proverbial reference of Wetherford Texas type of personality-ish.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as the size of the state of Texas as to the distance between the major cities of the state of Texas, as to the differences of the sizes of the state of New Jersey when looking at a map of the United States of America.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the size of the state of the New Jersey in the United States of America as to the map of the continent of the #NorthAmerican #NorthAmerica Northern American overall lands though as the Northern continent of #Canada #Mexico #Gulf #GulfofMexico #GoM Canada as to the United States of America as to Mexico size differences as to the factors of the Gulf of Mexico as to the factors of the Atlantic area of the Oceanic waters as to the differences of the considerations of to Aquarina Hot Springs to such water depth levels as to the overall sizes to the overall generalized considerations of my work personally when SCUBA diving in the year of 2009 to this year of 2023 and in such references as to the regards of the 2020 Austin Texas rallies as to the references of the viewpoint now in the year of 2023 on the 31st day now of the month of January now to such considerations referencing such physical viewpoints to the considerations of if factors as to my opinion whereas the reference of the biological forms as to the references of the boxes as to the regards proverbially as the underwater naturalist references as to the three biological genders on government forms as the biological male gender and the biological female gender and the third as the biological hermaphrodite gender for the ease of the healthcare professionals in their fields to such aspects of the medical exams and medical betterment as to such factors in my opinion personally.
Thus while having enjoyed seeing the species of in the Corpus Christi Aquarium in the year of 2019 before I went out for a swim in the Gulf of Mexico in the area nearby the Aquarium as well as the #Lexington #USSLexington #USNSLexington #ChorpusChristi #CorpusChristiTexas #CorpusChrisiAquarium #Aquarium USS/USNS Lexington as to such aspects in the state of Texas, though now in the timeframe of the year of 2023 in the time of now in the month of January on the day now of the 31st as for such considerations to the YouTube location for my channel as the timeline of my videos I have posted thus far that thus far I have created as hopefully for and towards betterment as well as clarifications of if factors as to times of prior pictures as the year and the month and the day of the month in the month of the year is of importance in my opinion to considering such situations as the references of such a consideration for the gender factors that seem important to such considerations in both the SCUBA Diving factors as well as the NASA factors.
Thus my self-critical ways as a biological female though as a tomboy as labeling myself as a biological female because of the tomboy aspects of my childhood and my teenager years though possibly still a bit into my biological adult years despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury after effects, and thus as in my opinion as this timeframe as important for such considerations as to the aspects of the energetic factors as well regarding the healthcare aspects in the medical field for such considerations as to the proof found of such if hypotheticals.
Thus in reference to the factors of when the year of the 2016 RNC Republican debates my opinion where Senator Ted Cruz was in my opinion better suited for a lengthier time in the US Senate as in my opinion he needed more time to have a larger amount of proverbial factors as the thickness of the Japanese Maple tree in regards of the factors of the timeframe from the year of 2008 through 2015 as in my opinion the work he has brough forward in the US Supreme Courts has been interesting to listen to at times on the news reports in the years between, and thus my personal opinion at the timeframe though such aspects where in my opinion he would be capable to accomplish more as to how the factors seemed during such points in time whereas in my opinion Jeb Bush was going to be constantly reviewed in the differences of his father and his brother and in my opinion in reference to the Vice Presidential factors as to the timeframes as to a different pathway in my opinion as such seemed as per my description in reference to the timeframe of the election cycle for the President of the United States of America for such aspects of where the #VPOTUS VPOTUS Mike Pence was capable to the aspects thereof to the timeframe of the 2016 through the 2020 year timeframe. However at such a point in time as to the aspects of those particular years, as now in the year of 2023 in the month of January on the 31st day of the month of January in the year of 2023 now as the considerations as to the aspects of various factors with the metaphors as to such proverbial aspects to such considerations as such factors of the forms.
I listened to an interview about #LadyGaga Lady Gaga's career start many years ago as the youth in my life at the timeframe of as the music aspects, and when one is #BornThisWay born as one is born as in my opinion as to the factors of LGBTQP as to the references of the hermaphrodite medical aspects as to such knowledge better in their own words of their own free will as to such aspects whereas the if factors of such viewpoints to the considerations of the length of time in this time now as the medical from the 1980s.and the 1990s of who I once knew in real life during those years as to such factors of the consideration now in the year of 2023 in this post on this day the 31st of January in the year of 2023. When biological males as to the aspects of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the references thereof as to biological female's knowledge as to such factors, the considerations as the viewpoints in my opinion regarding the situations as the factors of the three streamlined biological genders of biological female/biological male/hermaphrodite as to the considerations of the medical treatments at this time as to the progression as to such if considerations as to the differences from individuals I once knew in my real life experiences of locations I went to at events as to the timeframes after the time of after having woken up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury/TBI as to the aspects now in the year of 2023 now in the month of January now on the day of the 31st.
