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The Ornery P.S.A.
a philosophical-ish


It should not take a head injury
*after personally sustaining a head injury & coma*
to figure this out...


After a Drill Sergeant threw Me into the metal part of the bunk when I was in Basic Training for the United States of America's Army branch at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #Oklahoma in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday, I have dealt with the situations as best as I have been capable to do so while taking care of the situations and asking for assistance as per the required explanations of the information to such facts first.  While making the attempts to get assistance for the aspects thereof as to the reality, the aspects of where and when as to the multiple attempts to ask for assistance for me.  As my journal blog for when I was ready to bring such as to my other works forward since as to the lengths of time as to where my modeling was as to the modeling page information, just as the other pages have the information as to such specifics, and just as this journal blog of mine is as to such facts.

If I had real friends (if as to having met in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of this particular reference such as from the state of Texas as to the state of Washington as to the years of 2000 through 2013 if I met within the state of Texas for such references), real (the areas of the tristate region as before the year of 2000) family, and real relationships in real life that recognized me as to the aspects of if as to the face to face in person who started in truth as I had started such in truth as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate; then I guesstimate there would be the easier factors as to being capable for me to speak with others in truth in person face to face in person and/or through online measures as to such factors I suppose.  Though would such as to the knowledge of the ways as to how they began such discussions with me as to would there be such a situation, for them to consider as to such if factors as to such discussions with me in truth?

As to some suggestions and commentary within "Finding A Silver Lining" one of several of my bo0ks I personally authored/wrote/compiled as I can only speak and write in truth as per such clarifications as to the reality as to the specifics of such discussions/writings/videos as per my Official You Tube where I have satirical commentary where I comment about the factors as to having dealt with others' opinions about their pop culture references of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, though as to for the most part I have actually preferred to be asked with politeness if as to having read my books and/or seen my website as just the same in reference to the timeframes when I was modeling as to having respect as to what I consider as respect, referencing if as to such polite manners as to discussions if as to such having been noticed because of the factors in my opinion as to having real discussions as communication would be if my website was seen before the year of 2023 as I first began my website in 2015; as in my journal blog posts as to the reality of the years of 2010 through 2013, as to the aspects of introductions as to those timeframes when as to various factors as I did not take selfies as I was actually working with photographers as to my creations of my outfits as per the description on the link to my modeling page(s) as to the references regarding my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 as the timeframe onward as to the year of 2023 as to the factors as to how such journal blog entries will be as to such factors as to the aspects of the various topic points.

Go read through the multiple journal blogs on my website after finishing scrolling to get to the journal blog area, now!

Share the links of my journal blog, too!

 I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going throughout the tristate northeast areas mainly, and as to how the reality of when the importance of the situations as to the aspects of reviewing as to such facts regarding the logistics for several factors as to the considerations; the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the review process as to the aspects of the timeframe, prior to the timeframe of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as well as before the 30 year memorial of February 1993, as to the northeast areas mostly known as to New York City #NYC #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NYU though also as to the #Pentagon Pentagon, as well as Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate as to the reality of how many New Jersey-ians commute in either direction, depending upon what location for the commute. 

The factors though I have said at times, I re-re-re-re-re-re-grew up in the state of  #Texas #TX #Texasstate Texas as to such factors as to the timeframes, as well as all 26 of my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving  Diving certifications I earned were through one school within the state of Texas as I also earned winning first place in a Texas Chili cookoff with more than 20 entries as well as my chili recipe as I am adamant about my recipes as to such aspects just as I am specific as to what it actually takes for me to cook in a BBQ as to the required preparations for when I have BBQed.   

I can sarcastically write, those who know of the Rules of the BBQ as to where I grew up as to the Rules of the BBQ as to such factors to the considerations of such preparations.  However that is to cooking food as to the differences of my journal blog entries, as to the factors as to proverbial aspects of food for thought as the difference of real food in real life as to the facts of the situations to such attention to the details as well as attention to the information.

Such facts as to the metaphors in some of such factors that only after reviewing such information as to the aspects of the fiction book series that were as to for My personal life as to such dreamland sorts of factors as to the differences of such hypotheticals, the references thereof as to such regards as to the logistical emotional with the real situations as per the names I was informed of at the timeframes referenced review as to My journal blog as to the situations overall.  

If as to my journal blog being found and read as to where what I consider as common sense, as to the aspects of my satirical saying   how it should not take a head injury to figure out. 

*(sometimes utilizing articles discussing facts)*
By:  (Reverend) Susan MeeLing
also known as

The One & Only

(YouTube)   Lady Dori Belle


Business Card.jpg


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?

The Reality of to Accept

What is humanity, in truth?

Is humanity when you know of someone’s head injury as to a situation in reference to whether on Psalm Sunday in 2000 as to such after effects to work with, or is humanity when you have seen another head injury occur and actually do something that is actually helpful?

What if it is that humanity is to truth as to actually making such a correct choice at the correct time, instead of wasting time and thinking there is something other than in comparison to waiting and wasting time that could have been to assist the situation while actually making sure the individual is taken care of instead od having such blasted throughout the internet portions as to such lack of humanity in the same references as to such hypotheticals as to individuals having known of the after effects from a Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to showing up to a location which such aspects thereof to then pretend as to not knowing; as which is more humane as to such factors the aspects of speaking with in truth, or waiting around as a lazy individual as to such factors as to such realizations?

In the obvious reference as to the factors of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury those who have read such previous works of mine would be capable to know as to the lack of capability to hide such situations thereof in myself as to such aspects, which as I have already authored the aspects as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing and such updates to my website; the aspects as to which in reference to the individuals as to such hypotheticals in reference to #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire in regards as to the situations of hypotheticals as to individuals who I once knew in the state of #TX #Texas #TXstate #Texasstate showing up to the area in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate #SeaTac #Seattle #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington Washington in reference as to the aspects either after the situations regarding the what was supposed to be called the Guardian Assholes show though renamed as to such situations with Amazon as I was informed though only after the year of 2018, of which in such references as to the aspects as to if there were those who I once knew having seen such and/or those who I once knew who had just been in the area or whatever aspects thereof as to already having been told by the time before the year of 2013 as to what situations were problematic if I were ever above the Mason Dixon Line. I am fairly certain the area of Washington state is above the Mason Dixon Line, though I did not think others needed to have the aspects of my saying to figure that out.

In such references as to the differences between #Swingers Swingers who are not Polyamourous necessarily as to the revolving door aspects in the regards as to the ways which certain individuals have their relationship aspects in the comparisons as to #BDSM BDSM situation, the aspects of those if I had known who had attended Club Sapphire when I was volunteering as to such aspects as to the reality of the aspects as to the quick movements regarding the changing of partners in comparison to the length of time some BDSMers take to build the repour as to the comfort level of any such physical interaction in the fully comparisons thereof as to why most BDSMers look at Swingers the ways as to such factors in the references thereof; that is unless they are looking for a one night stand sort of situation, in comparison as I have seen in certain regards as to the Swinger lifestyle. While some and not all as to such factors regarding the Swinger aspects as to the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle of both sides as to such factors, the ways of such differences as to the layouts as to the club locations on average is where Swingers have the enjoyment of a dance floor area compared to the ways of which BDSMers make attempts to maximize the space areas while additionally not causing problems as to the areas of which scenes could be occurring because of the differences as to the lifestyles in such comparisons as to how Swingers tend to prefer orgy type scenarios whereas BDSMers do not necessarily have such a viewpoint unless under specific circumstances.

A female I knew who attendede Club Sapphire who was more into the BDSM and Polyamourous lifestyle compared to the Swinger lifestyle in such references had said she blamed one of the owners named Ruby for letting in some individuals regarding the situations which had developed within the Club as to the hypotheticals as to such situations in reference as to her boyfriend at the time who was one of the owners, as well as the facts as to why those who do not have DM or Dungeon Monitor training would see as to my walking around the club as to the hypothetical possible raise in BDSMers within the area whose energy as to such factors as to what I updated in reference to my website as well as “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”. Since I did not consent to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury the reality of such factors as to those who may have attended Club Sapphire and/or sent individuals to see what I was doing in comparison to simply asking me in truth as to such factors as to who they were, the aspects as to the reality of such aspects of what is supposed to be a consenting adult lifestyle. In addition as to the fact it has been known as to the multiple types of disabilities throughout the vanilla areas of life in conjunction as to the Special Needs Education aspects throughout the school systems as to the development of such programs more officially wide spread within the decades of the 1980s as to such requirements, the reality of which the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle groups have been needing to have such aspects taken into consideration for far longer than the 1980s in my opinion now in the year of 2022.

However I had brought such up more officially within the year of 2013 as to one of my fetlife journal posts, as the reality of such amounts of children who were in school when I was in school are as to such references in the comparisons as to some who could have assumed in comparisons as to the situations referencing the state of Texas through the years of 2009 through 2013 more specifically; however I also did not hide such aspects as to the situations of having been in school with special needs individuals when speaking with people in person face to face in person, though such a requirement as to such factors for discussions in comparison to writing or just listening to wording in such references as to a lecture in any such capacity because if not involved with whatever words as to the aspects of speech as to the reality in reference as to reading a journal blog as to the reality such would not be considered as the same type of communication as to a discussion as to the reality of which to the back and forth as to such discussions despite whatever agreement factors and/or disagreement factors thereof in such references outside of such a portion of which such actual discussions would be considered as such factors. In turn if the female I refer to had noticed similarly as to the Red Ruby room door having been opened at Club Sapphire and those who have absolutely no background in the aspects of BDSM and/or the knowledge and/or the training as to the Dungeon Monitor or DM role as to the background training I have had as to the Dominant Mentor Program of which I already discussed, then such swinger types and/or those only looking for a one night stand would not have the intellectual background of such situations as well as the aspects as to despite not having graduated Basic Training in the Army; there are the common sense factors, as well as the aspects of what no one ever had the decency in my opinion to ask me about in person face to face in person as to such background training if in reference as to my background clearance at the age of 17 years old. However those with a #USMC #Marine #USN #USNavy #USCG #USCoastGuard #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology Coast Guard and/or Marine and/or Navy background would be more capable to comprehend as to the factors of my clearance at the age of 17 years old in such references, in the comparisons to those who would be associated to the #USA #USAA #USArmy #Army #USAArmy #USAF #USairForce #AirForce Army and/or the Air Force branches and divisions as to the realities as to what type of school to be invited to as to MAST when I was 12 years old as well as the conjunction as to my background aspects in other such references. Those types of people as to such Army and Air Force connections would not be capable to see how a female could ever have a clearance level at the age of 17 years old beginning at the initial phases of enlistment I would guesstimate especially to the year of 2000, unless there was a sign of which such factors thereof to such portions which could be considered thereof to those who understand such symbolism.

However with the background I have explained as to such factors as to not having graduated Basic Training as to the reality of the respect due to those who have been capable to graduate whichever levels up to such training, while acknowledging as to the American pride as to the aspects of the fullest attempts possible as to having fought to be emancipated to be capable to join the Army branch after all such situations as to my childhood and my teenager years in such references. However I am not the only one who has been not any different as to having acknowledged as to not graduating Basic Training though those who have graduated whatever training thinking as to such arrogance aspects as to such factors, in comparison to seeing how the reality of not stealing valor as to such comparisons as to why there are the signs in part as to #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas as to Military City USA.

Those who know about tagging as to such graffiti portions, how much would someone who would be arrogant to think to steal valor rethink such a sign in reference to such a type of tagging in the comparisons thereof to graffiti as to the Military City USA signs throughout different areas of San Antonio Texas as well as certain clubs being closed such as Graham Central Station in reference to what I had discussed as well as wrote about in “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and/or “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the aspects as to the bridal loop being funny though the aspects of the reality of provoking thought in an intellectual capacity for those who would either know of what a bridal loop is and/or go to research for the details thereof to understand as the reference to then progress forward?

In reference as to such aspects as to how there is not one person who joins whichever branch or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America who officially consents to different medical portions such as the disability factors whether as to a head injury/TBI, lost limbs, PTSD, assault, other such aspects of which the situations in such references as to the same regarding individuals born with Special Needs as to the same as to situations referencing each day of life as to such aspects. In such as to the lack of consent as to such aspects the reality of which it is not up to the individual to explain each and every detail as to those who do not have disabilities and/or Special Needs as to such aspects as to the depth levels of which I have had to deal with as to what was supposed to be considered as to HIPPA as to such privacy rights, however since the fact of which I am honest as well as to the realities thereof to my personal situation and knowing I am not and could not be the only one; the aspects of which such individuals who do not have such massive injuries as to TBIs, missing limbs, birth defects, and etcetera as to such aspects as to the amount of explanations in such references.

Since there are as many who have complained about how the mask situations as to the COVID portions as to the immunization card, why would there be any complaints in such references if you know someone with disabilities as to any such factor as why would it be considered acceptable for them to explain such levels though a simple piece of paper being of a situation as to in my opinion the arrogance in such references if there in reference as to the immunization aspects? Despite having the sensation it is a type of chipping in such comparisons because of the aspects as to the zapping sensations I have felt within my arm after the first day of such aspects, the situations as to those who have had such portions as to the immunization aspects which the military have been known as to such situations in the comparisons thereof to the civilian population; realistically if you voted for #POTUS44 #BarackObama #Obamacare #ACA POTUS44 Barack Obama as to the stance on universal healthcare, what did you think that entailed as did I warn people as to how such aspects of the military healthcare as to such portions as to the Obamacare throughout the years of 2009 through 2012 in person face to face in person enough discussions which the situations went as the ways such had in the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas areas more specifically though also within #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas #FortWorth #FortWothTX #FortWorthTexas #FWTX DFW area of Texas as to such situations and how many military whether Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans/dependents have had to go into explanations to the civilian population as to the aspects of the reality of their daily lives in such situations as to the amount of individuals who have had their opinions as to the immunizations within the civilian sector as where were you when the known factors were as to the military portions and what choices did you make over such lengths of time as to such?

If you wonder why most Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veterans are not in such dispute as to such aspects of the COVID immunization and should not be as to the realities as to the immunizations for certain areas of possible transfer depending upon MOS training, the realities such as to the civilian population who had protested and fought for the aspects as to the Obamacare were warned by multiple individuals and groups as to the realities as to such situations as to the ways such goes in my opinion as to those who pay attention to the news. The medical care as to such factors as to the finding a balance as to such situations as to the priority as to such factors as to the realities of the ways which an Emergency Room is supposed to be run as to such situations, the aspects thereof to those who did want the universal healthcare as to the Democrats regarding the voter records of such aspects in comparison to most Republicans who voted against such aspects of which there is the reality of which the complaints of such by those who voted for POTUS44 cannot truly complain as to such as to his words “Elections have consequences” regarding the realities of whether it is considered as good consequence or a bad consequence as to such aspects hypothetically if in reference additionally as to such times as to my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving as to if there were those in the know as to such hypotheticals as to the aspects thereof, to the situations as to the #POTUS40 POTUS40 #RonaldRegan Ronald Regan quote “Freedom is no more than one generation away as it is not a blood given right, though something which we must teach our children to preserve and protect.”

In such references as to the SCUBA Diving factors of whichever voting portions thereof as to the timeframe when I earned my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications within the year of 2009, what possibilities as to the amount of individuals had a problem because of my right to choose who I voted for as well as what other such factors as to my warnings about going SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo if others who had much higher direct connections in such comparisons to my self as to such aspects thereof as to the health and wellness factors regarding the water supply as to the military knowledge of certain medical conditions though due to levels of clearance and/or such portions thereof as to such situations to take into consideration as to the year of 2009 and onward?

What do the SCUBA Divers within whether the recreational sector of such civilians and/or the military aspects as to such situations in reference to SCUBA Diving in regards as to Special Needs children who grow into adults as to such situations, as to what had been dealt with as to such factors thereof in the year of 2009 and such realities as to the amount of oceanic oil rigs as to one example to think about?

Just because you are considered as instructors does not mean you do not influence through your teaching through your shown patterns of behaviour, in my opinion and possibly the opinions of multiple others as to such aspects thereof. While I had made it known as to the aspects of which I made each and every possible attempt to protect myself through various portions of my training and educational aspects as to ensuring the safest descent as to the safest SCUBA Dive as to the safest ascent, what was it as to what I dealt with during such points in time from SCUBA Divers as well as connected individuals to SCUBA Divers from the year of 2009 onward to now in the year of 2022 for each to take into consideration as to such similarities as to the factors regarding the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle as to the Swinger and BDSM aspects to such portions thereof?

In such references as to how the aspects as to how biased and degraded certain types of people have been as to the factors regarding Special Needs children as to the same in reference to how certain types of people have had problems with seeing people who have disabilities in such regards as to the fact of the truth in such references such as to the aspects as to those types of superficial types as to the ways of the physical view as to the ways certain types of individuals are as to their personal status as to such factors in comparison to accepting the truth of the situations as to each individual being themselves in such references, the aspects as to what has been noticed as to those types of SCUBA Divers as well as the supposed to be consenting adult lifestylers as to the ways of such references as to thinking of themselves as the beautiful people as to the exterior portions compared to who they are within has been something of which some others have been capable to notice as to such factors in the various portions in almost each and every area of life with the exception of certain areas such as SCUBA Diving as well as Swingers and/or BDSMers from the situations I personally have experienced though again as to doubting as to being the only one as to the lack of a difference as to the situations in reference to the skintone when individuals who went to work out in the fields then returned to the areas of buildings in regards as to the situations as to the Civil War aspects in such references.

However what an irony as to how many of certain types of individuals in regards as to SCUIBA Diving as well as such supposed to be consenting adult lifestylers as to the tanning sessions and/or such aspects as to the color of such skin tone as to those who do not think about what their skin tone looked as to myself when I had to look at them when they stood in the sunlight, as to the aspects of my headaches as had been explained as certain individuals would purposefully move themselves to stand in the direct sunlight when I spoke with them in person face to face in person when having discussions as to having to deal with those types of problems from those types of people. As they made their attempts to their own biases and perspectives in comparison to paying attention to detail as to their skin tone while complaining about my tattoos as to such ironies of the levels, thereof. Those who deal with headaches as well as know the demographics as to the average ethnic background of SCUBA Divers within the year of 2009 as to the females in particular who wore their wetsuits around their waists as to such types of clothing, as to what a blinding aspect as to such factors just as the same as to males who walked around only in their swim trunks as to such skin tone portions in reference as to the sunlight in reference to the situations in knowledge of my headaches as well as why I had gotten involved with my type of SCUBA Diving as to the style which in turn as to those skin tones as to the pasty whiteness of such reflections as to the sunlight bouncing off of their skin into my eyes as anyone who has headaches and/or migraines knows as to what light sensitivity there is to the situations regarding such aspects.

When in reference as to the aspects in regards as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to such factors as to the additional portions in reference as to the situations on my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, if to the similar accuracy in reference as to the aspects regarding Club Sapphire in reference as to the situations in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips; in regards as to how such similarities as to the ways of which SCUBA Diving as to my #Vandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive as well as the factors as to other such situations regarding my daughter #Letters4Lidia and my son #Letters4James as to the aspects as to the #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #CowboysdancehallSATX #StoneyLaRue #concert Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 as to the situations in reference to #IA #IAstate #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa state in the year of 2018, all such individuals in my opinion who knew about such aspects as to the ways as to when I had accidentally hit my head and all such failures as to the aspects of such situations which occurred thereof thereafter as to the point in time in reference to my return to the state of Washington and then to the state of Texas as to such combined portions only has such ponderings as to the wonderings as to what humanity actually is as what would ever actually be considered as humane in any such reference to such hypotheticals as to the descriptions in reference to the trip portions as to such factors thereof to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”?

The answer is, I cannot think of such a factor in reference as to the situations of speaking in the truthful portions thereof in the comparisons as to the situations of what I have reviewed as to such factors thereof. What in such aspects as to the difference in reference to the military portions as to such aspects of hypotheticals regarding civilians who decided to involve themselves as to such aspects thereof, as what would ever give such as to an actual viewpoint of genuine humanity regarding those individuals as to such situations thereof as to the capabilities to use their words as to each and every hypothetical aspect of each individual who I once knew in person face to face in person in such references as to the times between waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to the timeframe of Iowa in 2018. In the reality as to such a timeframe from officially 1992 as to the fifth grade portions as to those aspects as to the timeframe as to waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury onward past the year of 2009 and to 2011 as to the timeframe as to the situations regarding after I wound up in Washington state into the year of 2018 as to the current timeframe of 2022 and all such portions thereof thereafter as to the length of time as to the multiple attempts I have made as to getting medical care and assistance as to the combined factors of such already proven as to how many aspects thereof throughout all such technology connections by this point in time, the aspects throughout such times as to each and every individual as to such involvements however so as to such factors as how difficult would it have been to dial three numbers such as 9-1-1?

I suppose that would be if there was actual genuine care and concern for me, in comparison as to just sitting or standing by and having done nothing of actual assistance or help for me as to such situations as per the first proof of such technological aspects within the year of 1992 as to the reasons for the updating to the #Y2K Y2K aspects of which to why I refused to assist with the coding of the timeframe as I knew why the problems as to the timeframe as to the claim as to the clock portions as to the updating coding. Since such situations as to the background coding portions of such as to what I personally dealt with as to when I was in fifth grade with Mono, Epstein-Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time as to what I told other people about the situations I was dealing with in the house I was growing up in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey as to the situations which were clarified over such lengths of time as to the situations overall up to that point as well as thereafter such a point in time as to the confessions throughout the years from the individuals thereof for some situations in person face to face in person as to such aspects in the comparisons as to those who have officially confessed through whichever technology devices throughout the course of their time as to whichever technological devices they have ever used as to any such point in time with the additional factors of the camera portions as well as the towers nearby to capture each such aspect as to the situations thereof in such references. Though as in addition to the reality of such as to my opinion of the lack of humanity which has required such re-educational portions around all such factors thereof as to what is considered as human decency and humane in the comparisons thereof as to the factors of what individuals have made the choice to watch in such references, in all such aspects regarding having had to get to the point of writing about such aspects in this particular journal blog entry of such proportions as to the individuals throughout the state of Texas and/or Washington state as to any such upset as to such connected factors which includes the east coast and the state of #IL #ILstate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois which of course includes all such individuals as to the CFBISD situation as to McCoy Elementary School with the Fort Worth Zoo and any such portions of what could have actually been assisted in the comparisons as to the assumptions in other such references in all comparisons as there is not any good excuse nor cause nor reason as to such factors as to wishing to cover up such problems as to there truly not ever being a way to fix and repair as to such situations without the truth as to such factors no matter how ugly and horrific as to such truths in all such fullnesses thereof in each and every capacity in my opinion to the aspects of do unto others as you would have done unto yourself to each individual as to such situations.

I did not think it took a head injury to figure out teachers would not have to deal with certain factors if the board members were actually worth, something of importance in the comparison as to a title status wish in the larger capacities in other locations as to the actual ways thereof. I also did not think it took a head injury to figure out someone who was born and raised in New Jersey would not know anything about the Texas flag pledge nor would care especially when in reference as to the facts of such comparisons as to the situations in reference to the facts of 11 September 2001, as I did not fight to assist only one area as I fought to assist the entire United States of America and such aspects thereof as to such situations. Thus I did not think it took a head injury to figure out someone who has had children in school for longer than one year would already know the flag situation as to such a pledge in the times of though since the school board was willing to do the Our Father Prayer instead of the Texas flag pledge as to the order of such aspects, then I suppose the situations as to the combinations as to the American Flag pledge as to a version of a prayer such as the one I created for my son and my daughter as to the nonbinary aspects as well as the mindfulness portions of which such assistances as to the antisexist as well as antiracist portions thereof to such comparisons as to the situations of the gender roles within the prayer which as an Ordained Reverend in the year of 2005 as to being raised as well as confirmed in a Presbyterian USA associated church of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to General George Washington’s private office in such references as to the Revolutionary War in such references as to the timeframe when in my opinion such a wishful try to make it uncomfortable to me to stand up and speak at the podium in comparison to simply reminding me where I was born and raised as to such factors additionally as to attending a Catholic High School called Saint John Vianney.

However if such assumptions from those types of people had not taken such into consideration as to the discrimination as to my physical appearance, then is there the portions of which parents with special needs as to such assistances when having to deal with such situations as to the well known portions thereof to those with Down Syndrome and such factors to take into additional consideration as to the school districts as well as the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle areas as well as SCUBA Diving or does that take a head injury to figure out as well since CFBISD did not want to have a special needs program within McCoy Elementary School as Carrollton Texas had the special needs private school in such comparisons of which the knowledge as to such fees as to the aspects thereof to homeschooling as to the comparisons as to being seen driving around the area of Carrollton Texas and the physical ways I look as to when I had a convertible vehicle as to the knowledge thereof back then?

In my opinion as to whatever aspects as to whichever aspects of a proverbial casting call wherever as to such overall portions despite such aspects thereof as to the situations in which however the fact of each and every individual as to bowing down as to any such anger as to such situations wrongfully at me as unless the anger is only pointed towards themselves as well as those they have known as to such situations thereof to the problems needlessly caused within for each such aspect as to any such portion of what I personally dealt with from all such aspects thereof, as to the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-proven factors repeatedly as to all such situations as to what I personally have dealt with as each must accept the facts of their choices and what they failed to simply do correctly in my opinion. However with the accuracy as to the situation in reference to #POTUS45 #DonaldTrump POTUS45 Donald J Trump in such references as to the platforms run on as to the point in time of the 2016 election as well as the seen support in reference to the 2020 election, the reality of such situations as to the #electionintegrity election integrity portions which the earlier in this post as to POTUS44 as to the references thereof for the possibilities of those who might have known about such recording portions beforehand and if they had been desensitized as to such aspects as to their comments as to the pre-Thanksgiving dinner and having been called out as to my opinion of those being racist for only voting for POTUS44 Barack Obama as to such other combined situations.

For example as to the situation in reference to my biological sister having married into the Miller family within the state of Texas if there is a situation as to the unknown factor of certain types having a detail as to such situations in reference to the elected and/or political family ties in such references, as to the possibilities as to such aspects of the discussions thereof to the knowledge factors as to the possibilities of such predictions on the spot as to such situations regarding the known aspects by others compared to the aspects as to myself of which the situations in reference as to my biological father having made the comment as to such stopping the discussion as to the aspects of which if it was known as to those types of situations after I had literally saved his life after pulling him over the fence when my biological sister and my biological mother had gone to San Marcos Texas to check out a college. There was and is no excuse nor cause nor reason of which to accept such aspects to myself as to those types of situations as to the mandatory aspects of consent of which was not ever given by me as to such types of aspects as I would not ever consent knowingly as to such portions ever, as to the reality as to MAST if it was realized regarding those people who had not been a family in the ways which they claimed as to such aspects especially after the year of 1992 as to such health concerns as to the realities of such factors of the proof thereof as to if hypothetically accurate as to Iowa in the year of 2018 as to the ways of such to the backyard at my house in San Antonio Texas around the year of 2004 or 2005 just before the problems in reference to Lackland Air Force Base as they lack the land to stand on as to whatever such possible excuses they wish could be considered as good enough as to the situations as to such points in time as to the comparisons as to actually caring in truth about me as to the patterns of behaviour in my opinion.

Not one parent who actually would care about their child would do such factors as to the ways of what I dealt with in regards as to the overall portions though especially as to when I was in fifth grade as to such factors, just as not one parent would ever stand in the way needlessly of what is best and ideal as to such schooling aspects in the regards as to MAST as well as employment aspects such as my SCUBA Diving work as well as in such references to the Army branch. Just as not one parent who would actually genuinely care about their child would ever waste such portions of the finances as to what is meant and intended for such aspects as to the situations in reference as to the housing/food/clothing/etcetera as in addition to the employment aspects as to my payments as to my royalty checks as to the factors thereof as to my books in the conjunction of which not one Grandparent who actually would care would have stood by and did nothing as to the situations in the combined factors thereof, to which if my biological aspects had ever wondered how far into the future I could see as to the timeframes thereof as to such aspects if proven true as to such portions of the numerical portion of almost 30 years to this particular point in time as to such visions as to my childhood though officially as to when I was in second grade as to the reality of being capable to see from 1989 or 1990 forward much further despite their wishes as to such factors as a good parent knows when to actually let go of a child to move forward with their life in such comparisons as to holding back needlessly as to such situations in my opinion; especially when such prior references as to 1992 as to such factors in the regards, as well as to the situations as to Baptist Camp Lebanon in other such references.

While I have been as best of a Mom to both my son and my daughter as to the reality of the combined overall situations despite what such might have looked as because of others’ opinions as to such factors, I also have known as to the realities of which to give the room for my son and my daughter to be capable to grow in their own strength to actually rely on their own internal portions in comparisons to trying to prevent all such aspects of growth as to the ways I have noticed the participation trophy types have grown up to be as to those individuals in such comparisons as to their senses of entitlement in the review thereof. There is a delicate balance as to such factors of which making sure to pay attention as best as possible to the factors thereof in comparisons to of which while I have done the best I could, I know as to the aspects of what the portions of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury of such situations thereof though having made the best attempts possible in such comparisons. There have been the need for the as unbiased as possible in such references as to the ways of such portions which elder abuse has been made illegal as to such aspects thereof, to which the reality of the age as to parents vary in such references as to those regards as well in such references as to siblings in addition to such factors thereof in my opinion as to what proven factors as to the aspects in addition to what could be considered to my son and my daughter as a biological aunt as to whichever side as to the realities of why I made multiple attempts to speak with my son and my daughter in person face to face in person compared to the problems as to what occurred as to my biological aspects as to those types of people as to the babysitter factors as well as to the situations in reference as to the problems stemming from my biological sister in multiple references such as to the situations throughout Asher Holmes Elementary School as well as Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and other such references including the aspects as to Baptist Camp Lebanon and my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu.

Though I suppose I can make a sarcastic reference of a joke in regards as to what my Bok Pu had to say about my biological sister’s birthday as to the curse she put on my biological sister in reference to a continuous reminder that she was not privileged to learn directly from my Bok Gung as I was as to such points in time as to the same in reference to my Bok Pu in the reference, as to what my Bok Pu told my biological mother about what excuses she wished was good enough in comparison to whatever the name was as to whatever portions of possibility as to what could have been her name. Maybe as to such references as to the aspects as to the psychological situations as to such hypotheticals as to the sturdiness in reference to such who have specifically had reasons for their names, in the comparisons to names of individuals as to the last minute choices in such references as to the depth levels thereof as to such meaning. I wish I could care enough to remember as to such a name, though realistically I only saw that piece of paper get thrown in the trash when at the house in New Jersey and because of what was in the trash as to the ways which the ink of pens were as to those points in time as those who know how ink was in the 1980s for such references as to whatever her name could have been. Thus in such references to humanity as to the ways which my biological sister had licked the tombstones throughout her childhood, I almost wonder if when the trips back to New Jersey after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to if she felt the need to run her fingers through and then eat something quickly thereafter as to certain ones in the area as to those factors of such ironies in reference as to the first movie I could watch after I was old enough to pick a movie after I turned the age of 18 years old biologically.

Thus, what is humanity?

I suppose in such references it begins with knowing the correct ways as to conducting oneself in truth, as those #10Commandments 10 Commandments are extremely important as to any area of life.

Portland Oregon in the year of 2013, though I do not know who is behind the Marvin the Martian costume as it almost reminds me of a male I met once named Nathan from Half Priced Books who had been capable to take a step back from a program I had concerns about in the year of 2008.


Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Model Author Susan MeeLing

It should not take a head injury to figure this out because I thought you are supposed, to be smarter.

If there are those who find such interesting enough to research further to bring forward more information in reference to the forefront for more detailed information, as usual I request the courtesy of the same which I do in reference to how I refer to articles for reference points when writing my journal blog entries; for each one used for reference starting points, to research for clearer understanding from such knowledge.


That is common sense, good etiquette, and good karma; whilst lifting others upward, in positive ways.

Quotes which mean a lot to me:

"The ultimate measure of an individual is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at the time of challenge and controversy."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty, rather than the law breaker.  Freedom is never-more than one generation away, from extinction.  We do not pass freedom on through our blood stream because freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  Though best to be able to share in person with who matters, until that time occurs being able to see what is possible through such is a feat to notice.  One must be happy within oneself prior to being happy with another, though such can be enjoyed if living in one's own truth is as such. and then as to the capability to progress forward with another and/or others depending upon the situation(s) and individual(s)."  ~  A Quote From Me, Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle

Me in Black Suit Prepared.JPG

If in anyway I am inaccurate about anything I have written here in this journal blog entry and/or any prior journal blog entry and/or future journal blog entry and/or factual books I wrote and/or videos I have done through my OFFICIAL YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, please only contact me through the contact form for the ability to clarify such details in public view fully to fix and repair to rectify the situation(s) as I do not respond to comments in my journal blogs because there thus far have not been any notifications sent to me about such from my website.

In such references if there are any inaccuracies then I will fix and repair such details on my website, as per such.

Though there are the aspects of which if you would like to speak with me in addition to possibilities of opportunities for me, the welcome aspects as to contacting me through my contact form.

If I have known you in person when in person in positive ways and/or ways which might need clarification(s) as to mature discussions, there has always been the welcome open door policy as to contacting me through my contact form if you were not given my new phone number though such is online regarding my website more recently published online as to my Website Business Phone Line: (360)-713-4937.

Thus far there has been only one who has known the contact form area to speak with me on a phone line was simple and capable to do so through, in truth.

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Welcome to the website of the one and only exclusively through Amazon author
Susan MeeLing, and the one and only overall model
Lady Dori Belle

My Copyrights Reserved

My website is not for sale nor is for purchase intended to assist with correct and truthful information of which as I give the credits to others in such return as to the credits to such which must be given to me (Susan MeeLing) to my work and my website which has been and is to assist to go forward with further aspects as I personally choose, however such mandatory recognition of which such portions of my works is having used such is required as to acknowledgement and proper respectful recognition thereof as to such details in the actualities of the truth as to the 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments matter just as actual truthful life experiences matter. 

No misinterpretations of/from me are permitted, at all.  Realism.

If you would like to use the link to a journal blog of mine, then the subscription fee should be capable per link to the journal blog link for usage with the acknowledgement of the subscription fee for my journal blog for the previous links to such aspects as per what I have made attempts to arrange as I have not ever allowed anyone to remove any information from my website for any personal usage as to in any capacity as the permissions from me are required as to getting personal permission from me as to such aspects.

There is the capacity to purchase a subscription to be capable to contribute financially to my work as to the aspects of my journal blog, as the links for the references regarding my journal blog are allowed to be published as all of the information as per the requirements for others to research as per the truth in full as required as per the information as per my journal blog The Ornery PSA.

All such permissions would be under the copyrights protections, for me for my work officially. 

You can request contact for arranging meetings and speaking arrangements through my contact page on my website, though the link to the right is to my Linked in account for additional verifications.  (6) LD Belle | LinkedIn

™© Copyright®©

Thank you for taking the time to look through this website and please, enjoy your day.

Brightest blessings to me, for my highest good.

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