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The Ornery P.S.A.
a philosophical-ish


It should not take a head injury
*after personally sustaining a head injury & coma*
to figure this out...


After a Drill Sergeant threw Me into the metal part of the bunk when I was in Basic Training for the United States of America's Army branch at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #Oklahoma in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday, I have dealt with the situations as best as I have been capable to do so while taking care of the situations and asking for assistance as per the required explanations of the information to such facts first.  While making the attempts to get assistance for the aspects thereof as to the reality, the aspects of where and when as to the multiple attempts to ask for assistance for me.  As my journal blog for when I was ready to bring such as to my other works forward since as to the lengths of time as to where my modeling was as to the modeling page information, just as the other pages have the information as to such specifics, and just as this journal blog of mine is as to such facts.

If I had real friends (if as to having met in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of this particular reference such as from the state of Texas as to the state of Washington as to the years of 2000 through 2013 if I met within the state of Texas for such references), real (the areas of the tristate region as before the year of 2000) family, and real relationships in real life that recognized me as to the aspects of if as to the face to face in person who started in truth as I had started such in truth as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate; then I guesstimate there would be the easier factors as to being capable for me to speak with others in truth in person face to face in person and/or through online measures as to such factors I suppose.  Though would such as to the knowledge of the ways as to how they began such discussions with me as to would there be such a situation, for them to consider as to such if factors as to such discussions with me in truth?

As to some suggestions and commentary within "Finding A Silver Lining" one of several of my bo0ks I personally authored/wrote/compiled as I can only speak and write in truth as per such clarifications as to the reality as to the specifics of such discussions/writings/videos as per my Official You Tube where I have satirical commentary where I comment about the factors as to having dealt with others' opinions about their pop culture references of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, though as to for the most part I have actually preferred to be asked with politeness if as to having read my books and/or seen my website as just the same in reference to the timeframes when I was modeling as to having respect as to what I consider as respect, referencing if as to such polite manners as to discussions if as to such having been noticed because of the factors in my opinion as to having real discussions as communication would be if my website was seen before the year of 2023 as I first began my website in 2015; as in my journal blog posts as to the reality of the years of 2010 through 2013, as to the aspects of introductions as to those timeframes when as to various factors as I did not take selfies as I was actually working with photographers as to my creations of my outfits as per the description on the link to my modeling page(s) as to the references regarding my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 as the timeframe onward as to the year of 2023 as to the factors as to how such journal blog entries will be as to such factors as to the aspects of the various topic points.

Go read through the multiple journal blogs on my website after finishing scrolling to get to the journal blog area, now!

Share the links of my journal blog, too!

 I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going throughout the tristate northeast areas mainly, and as to how the reality of when the importance of the situations as to the aspects of reviewing as to such facts regarding the logistics for several factors as to the considerations; the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the review process as to the aspects of the timeframe, prior to the timeframe of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as well as before the 30 year memorial of February 1993, as to the northeast areas mostly known as to New York City #NYC #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NYU though also as to the #Pentagon Pentagon, as well as Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate as to the reality of how many New Jersey-ians commute in either direction, depending upon what location for the commute. 

The factors though I have said at times, I re-re-re-re-re-re-grew up in the state of  #Texas #TX #Texasstate Texas as to such factors as to the timeframes, as well as all 26 of my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving  Diving certifications I earned were through one school within the state of Texas as I also earned winning first place in a Texas Chili cookoff with more than 20 entries as well as my chili recipe as I am adamant about my recipes as to such aspects just as I am specific as to what it actually takes for me to cook in a BBQ as to the required preparations for when I have BBQed.   

I can sarcastically write, those who know of the Rules of the BBQ as to where I grew up as to the Rules of the BBQ as to such factors to the considerations of such preparations.  However that is to cooking food as to the differences of my journal blog entries, as to the factors as to proverbial aspects of food for thought as the difference of real food in real life as to the facts of the situations to such attention to the details as well as attention to the information.

Such facts as to the metaphors in some of such factors that only after reviewing such information as to the aspects of the fiction book series that were as to for My personal life as to such dreamland sorts of factors as to the differences of such hypotheticals, the references thereof as to such regards as to the logistical emotional with the real situations as per the names I was informed of at the timeframes referenced review as to My journal blog as to the situations overall.  

If as to my journal blog being found and read as to where what I consider as common sense, as to the aspects of my satirical saying   how it should not take a head injury to figure out. 

*(sometimes utilizing articles discussing facts)*
By:  (Reverend) Susan MeeLing
also known as

The One & Only

(YouTube)   Lady Dori Belle


Business Card.jpg


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?

The Reality of My Modeling Requirements as To The Reviewing Legalities

In reference to the reality about when I personally had asked as to my capability to model for Fetlife as to the references I personally had in My personal thoughts as I personally have explained throughout such lengths of time as to all of the updates to my journal blog because of the facts I guesstimate, only I personally took into the considerations as to the facts of being medically retired from the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as my personal background of having been invited to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment; since I personally knew my own personal back history as well as personally knowing the legalities as to the UCMJ as well as personally knowing the legal factors as to my personal background, the reality I have had to update everyone about as to the truth that I already brought forward from the very beginning.

In the beginning of my personal Fetlife account as to having been truthful from the beginning as to being medically retired from the Army, as to my personal honesty in person in real life in person face to face throughout all of the years before I ever got onto Fetlife as to the truth I always have told.

Thus before the timeframe of Fetlife as to having had my Facebook account as to my original Facebook account before having created my modeling account as to my original modeling account for my name Lady Dori Belle after I created my Fetlife account as to my modeling name Lady Dori Belle, though also already having had my account as to CafeMom as well as the aspects of having my account as to my Model Mayhem account as to such facts that as being medically retired from the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to comprehending the legal factors as to the legal requirements as to my personal modeling.

I have had problems as to my modeling as to because of everyone else's interpretations as well as because of everyone else's misconceptions as to the aspects of what I personally have dealt with, as to the aspects in reference to my updates. Each and ev eryone needs to accept the facts as the facts and retain all such information permanently as to the truth referencing the facts, as while I have been thankful as to being capable to model as to the aspects thereof when I personally have made the arrangements as to how I personally made the arrangements for my modeling to begin with as there were very few times anyone ever asked me to partake as to participating in modeling at any point in time throughout the years mainly of 2010 through 2013.

The facts as to what I personally dealt with as to my personal experiences as to the reality of such facts, is in the reference as to each and every aspect as to my modeling where I personally have been offended because of each and every other individual as to how they personally chose to be in reference as to myself as to the aspects thereof. For example as to all of my updates to my journal blog as to all of my updates through my Official You Tube Channel as well as my fact books as to such references, there was not ever any point in time where anyone outside of my modeling sessions where there ever was any aspect of what would ever be considered as human decency. The aspects of how many times I spoke about and wrote about respecting my personal boundaries as well as how many times I have discussed as well as wrote about having to personally defend myself while also having personally defended others, as to the problems needlessly as to each and every situation as to what I persona=lly have referred to as to such references for some examples both before my modeling began officially as well as obviously thereafter as to such a time of the year of 2013.

In the reference as to the examples as to when I personally attended events as to what I have updated about as to such references as to what would have been considered as human decency would be as to where if others actually recognized me as to instead of how they themselves wanted to put on some sort of production as to their own selfishness as to being noticed, as to such aspects as t6 what I wrote about as to "The Modern Day Book" as well as "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as to such aspects as to how instead of human decency and respect to me as well as respect to my work as to such levels of amounts of brattiness and annoyances instead of such aspects as to what would be considered as respectful to me personalluy as well as respectful to my work as to my personal work creating all of my outfits as well as my personal work of picking out all of the clothing I created into outfits that I personally paid for without any assistance from anyone else ever as to my personal work as to my personal makeup as to such factors in conjunction of my personal vehicle usage as my personal finances to personally pay for my gas as I thought if as to my modeling if ever as to such impoertance as to actually being paid for my modeling as to such aspects.

In the reference as to such factors referencing such situations whereas to having had to introduce myself and then others complaining because I personally did not remember them as to whatever point in time I met them before and/or whatever location as to whenever I personally met them at as to whatever place of such a location as to whatever event(s) as to such aspects of their complaints as to me directly because they felt more important to themselves as to me as to such references, as while I would reexplain the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury as to the after effects thereof as to such lack of common sense as well as the lack of human decency to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury as to the overall factors; there was not one point in time where anyone ever thought I guesstimate to ever introduce themselves to me and remind me of where I personally had met them first at, instead of such needless games as to such needless problems as to such needless situations as I repeatedly told others I once knew in person in real life face to face in person about as well as later as to one Leatheratti posting about the aspects of a larger capacity of what I personally was dealing with as to such unwanted aspects as to those types officially as to my comprehension of the legalities as to the UCMJ as while others' opinions as to what their thoughts might have been as to whatever their interpretations of me being medically retired was as to the clarifications as to such verifications as to the lengths of time from the year of 2019 in the month of October as through the times as to even in this current journal blog on 7 January 2023 as to such facts as to what I needlessly have dealt with as to others' immaturity as to their hypothetical aspects of what is not considered as respect to me personally as to what I personally consider as respect.

Thus as to how each and everyone throughout such factors needs to remember all such references thereof as to remembering all of such updates as to as well as all of the specifics as to the timeframes thereof as well as retaining all of such information as to the reality of such aspects of if I were to actually have real fans in real life wherever they might be, as to the facts of what I personally have dealt with in person in real life in person face to face in person in real life as to such references as to how such has made me have such sensations of being unwanted because only if I was actually wanted as to such factors as to not having to constantly repeat myself as to such factors for one personal reference as to what it would be for me to personally consider myself as a wanted artist as to for only one specific as to the difference of the many aspects as to what is for me to personally believe such aspects for myself.

I personally do not and will not ever have the sensation or the belief of being wanted as to my personal considerations thereof as to in any capacity of where I personally am uncomfortable in whatever capacities I personally consider as to such uncomforted aspects officially, as there is not the capacity of ever giving me the personal sensation of being comfortable as to what I personally have dealt with in the capacities thereof as to such updates as to the aspects of the situations. In another aspect as to such pushes instead of ever actually asking me as to my personal needs as to ever asking me of my personal wants, in any capacity thereof I personally will not have the belief of being wanted as to what I personally consider as being wanted as to such aspects thereof officially as to such as what I personally consider as immaturity as to such references thereof officially. It will not ever be considered comfortable to me as to anyone else making decisions as to the difference of my personal comprehension of my personal needs for myself, and as to such facts in those particular references as to the facts of what I personally have updated as to such references as to the reasons as to the aspects of why; the facts of my personal comfort are and have always been of importance to me personally, though in the aspects of if there ever was common sense as to having acknowledged as being a Mom as to how as to the timeframes when my children were biological minors as to them being important as well to me as to such points in time. While they are still important to me, the levels of importance to me personally as to such facts as to the time as to the specifics of the time as to the differences as to the importance levels as to such references thereof as to my personal needs for myself are as to the difference as to where the facts are as the facts are.

There is the facts as to such references where my personal needs are now the 100% most important factors officially as to my personal aspects for myself personally, and as to such references and regards thereof to such references as to the facts of having been honest from the beginning as well as have kept my personal modeling as to such levels of differences outside of the references thereof to where I did not ever tell my biological children personally about my modeling ever as to the facts of the aspects where it seemed as common sense to me that my children being biological minors as to the facts of where I attended events as to being capable to intellectually comprehend the facts as to my children's biological ages as despite while others might not have known as to both my Facebook as well as my Fetlife accounts as to such facts that it mattered and matters that I personally did as to such facts. Thus as to my clear aspects as to such references regarding such timeframes as to my personal updates as to my personal opinions as to such if factors referencing such differences as the reality of such facts, as to the reality of the situations to remember at all times.

The only invitations to modeling situations were four specific times whereas two of the four situations I personally was invited to model as to the aspects of the airplane photo session as well as the motorcycle photo session, as to the same group as to such aspects. There was one modeling session I was invited to after the initial photo session at the house of the married couple while they had prepared other aspects, as to the references as to the additional factors about New Jersey and the tristate areas as we discussed in the conjunction of if they knew about my SCUBA Diving though that was not discussed at the timeframes thereof as to such references regarding my SCUBA Diving for the references to the considerations though as to such knowledge of me through my Facebook accounts.

The only other modeling session I had been invited to was the Olympus Photo Session where all of the people I personally kenw were only as to within the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the personal invitation as to such references regarding the aspects thereof as to such modeling, and as to where all prior modeling sessions we were all told we could post the images wherever we chose to post the images for our modeling as to the aspects of the publications as to from what I remember being informed of as to such references. In the aspects as to the fourth modeling session I personally was invited to those people I personally only knew in person face to face in person in real life in person as to having initially met at events as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, as the first time I personally met the individuals I once knew was at the house location I remember in the possible areas of either close to San Marcos Texas or in an area around Austin Texas as to the aspects of having been speaking with who I personally refer to as Kilt Guy because of the aspects of my memory deficits I guesstimate at this point. He and I were talking after his wife asked me to speak with him as he had questions about the lifestyle, and at one point in time as I would arrive early to speak with him to ensure the aspects of the time if he needed some additional time to ask me questions about the situations as to his questions about the interactions. Those who attended my Lunch Munch Brunches in the Austin Texas areas have the knowledge of an overall way as to how such discussions were as to such vanilla factors as to the differences as to what might be as to such misconceptions as to the discussions, as to the aspects thereof to the differences as to my fiction book series "The Paroxysm of the Lotus" for such references of full differences as to such discussions as to the facts thereof to my capability to comprehend the situational awareness aspects as to such factors.

Thus as to the references thereof where it is uncomfortable as to my personal beliefs as well as uncomfortable to my personal sensations when others think they know and/or think they understand and/or think the comprehend the 100% aspects as to each and every factors as to what I personally have dealt with as to the entirety of my entire existence, as to what I have made attempts to explain as to such updates throughout the timeframe as to my journal blog from the years of 2019 through 2022 mainly though also as to what I specifically wrote about in my first book "Finding A Silver Lining" as to the facts of what I personally have dealt with as to myself as to my childhood as to myself as to my teenager years as to myself as to my biological adult years as to then to myself while being a Mom while then describing as well as giving documentations as to my biological daughter because of the facts of what I personally had dealt with as to such prior descriptions as to others' interpretations as well as to others' misconceptions as to the overall factors as to such situations.

There has not been anything comfortable as to when in reference to the dry cleaners as to when I took my corsets to be cleaned as there was nothing comfortable about such factors of what I personally paid for of my own personal finances, just as to such aspects as there was nothing comnfortable about how many times I personally have moved as there is nothing comfortable about that for me personally as to such facts of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury after effects as it especially was uncomfortable to me as to having to move after the situations as to my SCUBA Diving work as to all such aspects of the facts as that was 100% uncomfortable to me as to all such facts as well as against my personal ADA as to such after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury after effects as to the inclusion of my after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that only 2 years prior to that point in time of 2010 as to the aspects of the dissipation as to the MARI and CAT scans. Though as to the aspects of such uncomfortable aspects as to from the point in time of my personal work from my personal SCUBA Diving, as to such references whereas to such uncomfortable aspects as to what I personally dealt with as just because of the aspects of my SCUBA Diving on the weekends only as to such references of the differences as to during the school week as to such differences if there was actual common sense about me being a Mom of two biological children that were minors at the time in such hypotheticals as to the lack of common sense to distinguishing the difference hypothetically of the timeframe of Fridays and Saturdays and Sundays as to the differences of Mondays and Tuesdays and Wednesdays and Thursdays and Fridays as to such factors.

Thus as to the if factor as to my modeling work and/or my SCUBA Diving work and/or my writings as to my books I personally authored without any assistances from anyone else as to such choices of my work as to the references thereof to how I personally wanted my books as to my book series to be in the references of in specifics as to the fiction book series as to such differences as though the same as to the regards of my fact books as to my personal experiences as to my personal life, as to such aspects where I personally authored/wrote/compiled such factors because I personally comprehended the reasons why such orders were needed for such fact books as to the largest overall factors as to the knowledge for the ease to understand as to such references and regards thereof as to my personal comprehension as to the aspects of my fact books as to the factors of the differences of the educational backgrounds as to the areas thereof because of my personal childhood as to my personal work with a multitude of educational backgrounds thereof for their ease to understand such information as to the knowledge thereof as to my personal common sense as to my personal experiences having taught multiple aged children and teenagers and college students as to the facts of my personal childhood and in all of those references as to of with and/ot without Special Needs for such assistances as to the educational aspects as to such backgrounds to the references thereof to such comprehension of mine personally.

As to the references regarding my personal work regarding how I personally have comprehended the differences as to how while the fiction book series could be as to some metaphors, as to the if possibilities as to prior times when I have predicted certain aspects thereof, the reality is I personally had not ever been involved at any point in time as to such references thereof in any personal capacity to any such references of my fiction book series except as to the references of The Childrens Book Series when explaining the biological facts as to how children are biologically created as to the male and female gender factors as to the truth about such aspects. However in the fiction format as to the fluffier references as to such differences, as to the only aspects as to such references regarding such factors though still having always personally had the comprehension as to myself as to being capable to distinguish my personal writings as to my personal work. I have not personally had the need to ever clarify myself to myself ever as to such common sense factors, as it has seemed that the only times I have ever had to clarify myself personally to others if for them to get the knowledge as to accepting the knowledge as to understanding themselves as to their choices as to their comprehension of themselves as to their knowledge as to where such alignments as to such factors thereof to the common sense situations of the reality of such choices made of their own free will as to such factors as well as references thereof officially as to whomever they chose to speak about me with as to whatever points in time they chose to do so in whatever places they chose to speak about me as to such if factors as to such hypothetical situations.

In such differences as to whatever locations whether as to online as to such aspects of messages and/or zoom call types as to such if factors and/or in regards of emails and/or group emails and/or as to such if factors as to online forum and/or such if factors as to phone calls as well as the obvious factors of differences of wherever as to such in person face to face in person in real life aspects as to however many people were involved to such hypothetical discussions as to such in person face to face in person in real life aspects as to the situations of differences as to the online portions of such factors, because of the differences of speaking about someone is different than where I have clarified as to how no one has ever been given my personal permission to speak for me nor have I ever given any permission for anyone to choose for me without my personal knowledge officially first as to my personal liberties to choose for myself first as to what is best for me personally as I have clarfied such as the references as to what was my personal apartment as to what was where I personally was living before my personal trip as to the month of September in the year of 2022 as to the common sense factors if there ever were any as to such Washington staters as to such Bremertonites as to such if factors as to any connections as to anyone I personally have clarified as to not having ever had my official personal permission to ever make any decisions for me personally and/or where as to any other such factors where I have not ever given anyone the permission to make any decisions for me personally because of the legal factors as to what I already clarified as to my personal background as to where I am first and foremost as to being medically retired as to the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to my personal background as to my personal invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to my personal program.

Then as to such references thereof as to the reasons as to such aspects everyone has needed to accept as to the facts of such situations and retain all such aspects of such permanently as the truth of such clarifications of if factors. That was not a studio as it was my apartment that I was painting as to my mural as to such clarifications referencing such if factors of hypocritical aspects as to such individuals and/or groups thereof as to such factors as to any such if situations, as to where then obviously as to my personal comfort levels as to where then as to such unwanted factors as to such differences as to the physical viewpoints of such aspects of not having furniture when painting as to the obvious aspects to such stations, if there ever was common sense to anyone at all as to actually having the human decency to ask me personally instead of such immature buearocracy factors as to any such if situations as to if others remembered what once was my home as to what once was my house as that house was paid for as to the differences of where only one person was aware as to how I had to put my house onto the market as to the differences of whatever others' interpretations as to such aspects asd to what I needlessly dealt with from my childhood as to my biological mother and my biological father as to their interpretations as to my personal work as to the differences of my biological little sister as to how she was treated as to the differences of myself as to all of the work I personally did as to such aspects as the differences as to what I personally consider ass to what I personally consider as being wanted as to such obvious factors as to the differences asd to their ideas as to the differences as to my personal comprehension of myself as to my personal needs as to all such factors as to my updates throughout such lengths of time as to whether in person face to face in person and/or in writing as to such common sense aspects as to the factors thereof to such types of those types of situations as to the hypotheticals thereof to such failures of such others as to their acceptance as to such failures of theirs from their knowledge of the situations as to such references thereof to the differences of myself being aware of such factors ever until afterwards as to how that is not ever considered as consensual as to what informed consent requires officially and legally in all such references officially.

I personally comprehend what my personal needs are for myself as to such aspects and since I personally do not have a manager because I personally have not allowed such as to the legal requirements as to the references regarding my personal background as to the aspects of my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, as to such aspects of my personal background as to my personal work. My children's biological father failed to comprehend what his actual job was supposed to be if he was instructed by the Army branch as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the references thereof to Sergeant Baber as to such situations as to CID, as apparently he thought he had actual rights and liberties to choose for himself as to the aspects of where he officially did not have any such rights as to the references thereof officially as to my personal background as to my personal work as to my p[ersonal invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to how such aspects hypothetically as to the assignment I personally had to the Navy and Marine Special Warfare Unit when I was stationed in Medical Hold Unit after being assigned to Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio Texas now known as Military City USA as apparently if as to such if factors as to the targeting instead as to such if factors as he had acknowledged as to meeting me before where I personally did not ever remember him from the amounts of other soldiers I personally had spoken with as to such other if factors of whichever side as rto the references thereof to such clarifications as to the differences as to my personal background as to others'.

Thus as to the references as to how some whether as to the Marine Corps as to the specifics as to the names during Basic Training and/or the aspects of the Army and/or the Air Force and/or the US Coast Guard and/or the Navy as to the reality where no one is a Marine until they graduate Basic Training also known as Boot Camp, as the same as to the reference as just because someone might have a packet to work if they are good enough to become a Ranger in the Special Forces and/ro such references of such packets as to working if they are good enough to earn the title of US Navy SEAL as to the references thereof to such branches during Basic Training as to the standard word of recruit until Basic Training Graduation as to such common sense there are only so many words in the dictionary as to such references of Basic Training and/or Boot Camp. Then as to such AIT references as to the Army of the differences as to whatever divisions as to such references thereof as to AIT or the MOS or the specific employment factors as to the references for myself personally to the 91A also known as the Automated Logistical Specialist as to the confirmation of graduation as to the AIT references thereof as to the naming similar as to when the recruit aspect for Basic Training to then graduating to the title of the aspect of the branch associated thereof to such situations.

Thus as to after when Basic Training graduation as to such references thereof to the branches for such references as to then in the timeframe of such AIT as to the references either as to Basic Training Graduate and/or the title per the branch as to such as to soldier/air person/coastie/marine/seaperson, as to then the MOS specialty for such references as to the recruit aspects or another wording thereof for such clear distinction for such references. Since I am not the only one who did not graduate Basic Training for the Army or any other branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, the aspects of what I guesstimate as to those from the Marine Corps having better capacities to deal with life afterwards as to the differences as to others as to the branches and divisions as to their propaganda as to such inclusion and yet such disinformation as to the references thereof because of having to clarify such aspects and then as to such differences as to such hypotheticals. Then as to the differences of those who had graduated Basic Training as to then they did not graduate AIT as to the references thereof to the emotional capacities as to the references thereof as to those who comprehend the references as to the aspects of Special Forces graduates as to the aspects of MARSOC graduates as to the references of RECON graduates as to the references of Navy SEAL graduates as to the aspects of the differences of the emotional references to the intellectual capacities thereof to comprehend better to be capable to progress forward as to such common sense for me at the age of legally 17 years old when I had fought to be a part of the Army branch after having been moved from New Jersey in the year of 1998 as to after my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such references thereof to my personal background as to my personal educational background as well as my personal work as to such references thereof as to such clarifications.

Thus as to the references thereof as to such pop culture references and/or Hollywood references as to such differences and yet some similarities as to the understudies and/or the body doubles and/or such aspects thereof to the technology factors as to the technology sectors as to programs worked on as to such references thereof to the accreditations correctly as to the full fledge differences as to renaissance fairs types as to the full fledge differences as to the historical reenactor types, in my opinion as to the proof thereof as to such massively distinctive differences as to the proof thereof to such hypotheticals regarding the truth. When adding the facts as to the references thereof as to the aspects as to the if factors as to the uniforms in references as to the modern technology in references as to the timeframes as to such historical reenactments as to the modern usages of cameras and videos as to the aspects of such pop culture references, as to the aspects as to the hypotheticals thereof to such situations as to the references of such if factors as there is the differences of wanting as to the differences of wannabes to all such clarifications as to such if factors.

Thus as to the references whereas to my personal work as to my personal modeling as I personally have clarified, I suppose the if factors as to others who had not paid attention to my prior official writings on Fetlife as to the overall aspects thereof as to the specific timeframes as to the if factors of having to pay attention as to the details as to the information of my personal real life situations as to the forum posts as to the differences of the in person in real life in person factors as to such aspects of if factors as to the situations as to the overall factors as to the references thereof when I personally had changed my personal profile writing aspects as to the about me once though as to not having fully finished because of the aspects at the specific point in time of what I personally have clarified as to what I was dealing with at the specific points in time. Since as to the maximum character allowances as to such references thereof as to the if factors as to the intellectual capabilities as to such if factors of others I once knew in person face to face in person in real life of such differences as to those who only knew of my online and/or if as to such references as to some phone call aspects as to the distance factors and/or messages, as to such depending upon if as to having read the information I was posting about as to the reality of what I was dealing with in my real life as to the differences of those as to who were in my real life in person face to face in person as to such meetings before as to such writings of if factors as to what I speficially personally was dealing with as to such points in time.

Thus as to my personal clarifications mainly aimed directly towards such individual I specifically in person face to face in person knew as to such specific aspects as to my Fetlife aspects as to my personal account as to such if factors as to such situations if I was accurate as to the references thereof as to specifically "The Modern Day Book" as to such aspects thereof to such differences thereof as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as to the differences of the sections of my life as to the multiple areas of my personal life as to my personal involvements, as the lack of a difference as when being a biological adult despite the factors as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury references as to such differences of individuals as to the sectors thereof as to such references of if factors as to the in person face to face in person in real life locations as to the differences of the sectors thereof as to the aspects of where I was born and raised in New Jersey as to the facts of where I grew up going around in New Jersey as well as in New York City as well as in New York state as well as in Pittsburg and/or Philadelphia as well as Lancaster for the main names of town knowns as to the differences of the boroughs as to the areas as to the blocks thereof to Pennsylvania as to when I was a child in the 1980s and the 1990s to the differences of my biological father as to when he was a child and when he was a teenager in the 1950s and the 1960s for such references as I clarified officially in my first book after having discussed such repeatedly in person face to face in person in real life with however many people in however many areas as to however many times throughout however many minutes and/or however many hours and/or in the length of however many days as to however many weeks as to however many months as to however many years as to the decades as to such differences as to the online factors as to where such is permanently as to such references thereof to the cookies as to the IP addresses as to such references thereof to serial numbers as to the SKUs as to such other references throughout each aspect of the individual aspects per aspect of the internet and/or the piece of technology as to the individual person as to such registration aspects as to such proportion to the capacities thereof to what seemed as common sense to me as a child as what seemed as common sense to me as a teenager and what seems to me as common sense in reference to being a biological adult no matter what age my biological children are legally as to such factors thereof as to the year of their birth.

Thus to such if situations as to me being wanted for performances as such only to the Star Spangled Banner and/or some other songs as to the references in regards only as to the aspects of the 2020 election cycle references as to my performances, then there is my To Contact Form as to such aspects to the requests as pe asking me as to such references of if factors. In reference as to requesting me for book signings as to such appearances as to such requests as the same aspects of my To Contact Form for such references as to asking me of my personal needs as for such aspects to the considerations thereof, as to such if factors. In reference as to my modeling as to the aspects of such could be construed as to the references of my performances and/or my book signings as to such if factors, though as to such prior arrangements as to my personal needs as to my personal factors per such references thereof as to the if factors because of such legalities as to how I had known personally as to my legal requirements as to such aspects to a degree as to the aspects of what I have clarified as to the references thereof as to my updates as to my journal blog though also my personal work as to my comprehension as to the timeframe as to from when my SCUBA Diving work as to the legal references as to those who would understand as to the aspects thereof as to MAST as to such references regarding specifics as to the time specifically as to when in reference of introductions in the differences as to how such prior references within my journal blog today of 7 January 2023 as to such factors as to the clarifications as to such points in time.

Thus if as to others as to Washington state and/or Oregon state having been informed before as to any such if factors and instead of ever asking me officially and/or informing me officially as to having spoken with anyone else about me before as to such if factors as to the references thereof as to the lack of differences from my childhood and my teenager years as to such if factors of knowing of me as to my modeling, then as to such clarifications as to such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life and/or online as to such specific areas most importantly as to the east coast tristate areas as to the references regarding the issues from the west coasters as to those factors as to the needless drama we dealt with as to such decades referencing such hypotheticals as to such memories and as to such references of the clarifications as to those who I once knew in person face to face in person in real life within the state of Texas as to such references of such prior points in time as well as to the references of wherever the South By South westerners come from as to the aspects thereof to such if factors as to the west coast as to such similar issues we dealt with in the northeast tristate areas as to such 1980s and 1990s situations that probably were only learned about through such references of music and/or documentaries and/or writings as to such if factors as while I comprehend the aspects of some situations as to the attitudes as to the east coast when as to comprehension as to the references thereof when having already informed repeatedly as to such if factors as to the references thereof to memory retention needs for everyone as to whichever coastline in my opinion personally.

Thus as to such if factors as to the aspects thereof as to my personal apologies as to those who may have not understood such if factors as to the amounts of situations, though as best to my capabilities as to being as clear as possible in all such references as to the situations. While I comprehend the entanglement aspects as to how the lengths of time as to the different situations, it is up to each individual to being honest as to such aspects while maintaining dignity and respect as to such factors in my personal opinion as I doubt I am the only one who has dealt with such situations in any capacity though especially to such if factors whether as to pop culture and/or as to social media as depending upon the amount of time as to such references regarding the length of time the screen is on as to the references thereof as to such factors of whereas to such amounts of time to each person as to the references thereof as to the individual memory retention aspects as to the references thereof possibly as to the aspects regarding however long having stared at the screen as to such if factors.

Again as to my personal modeling as the same as to my son and my daughter biologically as to where the facts are as to where while others might stare at a screen as to the differences of the reality of where while looking at the camera as to the differences of looking directly at as to the aspects thereof to such if factors as to the pop culture references of television and/or movies and/or streaming as to the aspects of such if factors of differences of my religious and spiritual background as to my personal works regarding my personal studies, and thus as to such if factors as to the references thereof as to my apologies as to the if factors as to the clarifications as to such aspects thereof as to the clear distinctions needed for such time factors because of the aspects whereas to the references thereof as to such if factors as to where possibly even as to SCUBA Diving Instructors as to the if factors as to others such as tour guides as well as to the references thereof to such points in time as to the differences of such memories as to the amounts of situations as to the lengths of time in such references from the regards of such amounts of situations to the considerations as to such factors thereof as to the if factors that some SCUBA Diving Instructors may have had as to such if situations as to some tour guides as to the references thereof to such if factors of differences as to military SCUBA Diving as to such differences as to the Law Enforcement SCUBA Diving as to such differences as to the Fire Department SCUBA Diving as to such differences of EMS SCUBA Diving as to the references of the training factors to such considerations as to others' intellectualizing such aspects of what their interpretations as they may have made as to the references of my responses as to such if factors as to the hypotheticals thereof to such situations.

Thos who had represented their times as to with me as to however so as to such if factors as to the references thereof as to their choices of their words as to their explanations as to their involvements as to their aspects of their biases as to their references of their situations, as to the differences as to myself personally as to such if factors as to such clarifications as to the references thereof as to such if factors regarding such points in the amount of as to such time for the considerations.

Thus as to such regards as to the if factors as to others' representations of themselves as to those individuals being responsible for their choices as they are responsible for their words as they are responsible for their actions as they are responsible for their references as to what they brought forward whereas to the differences of my personal sensation of my own personal self-defense of such if I am accurate as to such if factors, as to the reality if I am accurate as those individuals as to however they chose to represent themselves as to such if factors for the references thereof to such considerations as to my personal responses as to such updates to my journal blog as well as my added books to my already authored/written/compiled works as to such factors thereof as to such differences as to the specifics of accountability as to the aspects of responsibility for each and every such if factor as to such references regarding the hypotheticals.

Thus as to where my personal needs now in the year of 2023 as to how what I figured was normal to each and every other individual as to the references of while some needs are always as to each and every day as to each and every week as to each and every month of each and every year as to each and every decade of life of each and every second thereof such as breathing for one example and/or food for an overall aspect and/or clothing and/or housing and/or transportation as to the needs thereof as to such factors as to such factors as per the proven factors of responsibilities per such aspects, though as per day as to per week as to per month of per year as to per decade as to how some factors change as to depending upon the situations as to the aspects thereof per individual as what seemed as common sense to me as to the personal aspects of such personal needs as to the references thereof as to such only as to small examples and not as to every example as to common sense for such specfics; the aspects as to the regards of such factors as to the references thereof to such differences per individual depending upon the aspects of what is as to in my personal reference as to what is personally comfortable for me, as to my personal needs for myself as while some factors might co-align as to the aspects of where the reality of such differences as to the situations depending upon the actualities of such factors.

Thus as to the reality of whereas to such if situations as to my SCUBA Diving work if others thought of themselves more highly than as to myself for my personal SCUBA Diving work and misinterpreted the interactions as to the intentions as to such similar if factors as to my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment where somehow my biological mother thought if she spent enough time with the Navy individuals who came to the house that somehow she would be capable to convince them to allow my biological little sister to attend what they clarified repeatedly was a school that was only for specific ages as to specific backgrounds as to such aspects thereof repeatedly, as to the hypothetical same situations as to such if factors as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church aspects as to the children and the teenagers where they thought if they annoyed the individuals who needed to speak with me long enough they would change their minds about them and allow them as well as to such discussions instead of whereas the clarifications were as to such amounts of repeated aspects as to the differences as to such situations as to such hypotheticals as to such if factors regarding latter timeframes; as to my personal apologies as to my personal attempts as best as I could as I suppose the oddities of the attempts as to if as to both sides as to such aspects of the situations in between as to the situations of differences, as while I personally have taken my work seriously as well as have taken my education seriously as well as have made the best attempsts as possible to clarify as to such regards as to the aspects whereas such if factors would comprehend who they spoke with as to such same aspects as to the if factors regarding the time though then as to such attempts through technology to be capable to get directly to the point as to such individuals and as to such factors thereof to such situations hypothetically as to such if situations as to the references thereof to such if factors as to such needless drama as to such needless situations asd to such needless games as to such needless problems because of others' self appointed titles as to such differences of earned aspects regarding however so as to such references for such clarifications.

Thus for the example whereas when I literally only went to support one female biologically I knew in person face to face in person as to the aspects of Crystal Lake South High School as to the aspects of the character Maiden Marion as to such aspects where there was not ever any point in time where I ever had wanted nor ever had needed to try out for the play because I was not ever interested in being involved with the play whatsoever, however as everyone who was there knew as to how that director was as to how only at that time as to how unlike now as to such factors as to how I will continue to refuse to such aspects as to what I personally can clearly distinguish as to such differences regarding the aspects of such factors in reference to other such references as to such high school productions as to the differences as to such situations currently. Thus as to the clear distinction as to the direct line that has officially fully been drawn as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork, as I will only allow certain aspects thereof officially as per such situations and as to the differences as to such if factors as to that reference of a metaphor as to how I will just completely stop working on my Medal of Honor Art Project officially and each and every other individual as to any such aspects of involvement can explain to others as to why their self-importance as to such if factors as to how I will not teach the aspects of the fullnesses thereof as to the aspects of the processes fully as to the aspects thereof to my work as per such aspects of the amounts of work as to the studies thereof as to the proof as to my personal background as to my personal education as to my personal astrological factors as to my personal ethnic upbringings as to such aspects where the only factor was as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in reference to the pieces of paper as to the differences to the fuller aspects of all such factors of my childhood and my teenager years well before my Confirmation Graduation Classes and electives thereof officially. Thus they can explain to those others as to the if factors as to if my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces are actually appreciated as to any such if factors as to anyone who had graduated Basic Training and/or graduates AIT as to whatever factors thereof, as my official full resignation as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork if as to such demands that I will not bend to whatsoever as to such factors of the energetic spiritual background aspects of the specific in person face to face in person real life teachings I personally had as a child from my Bok Pu as to from my Grandma Gavett as to such references thereof as to others they personally knew who I was introduced to for such references thereof as to my religious and spiritual upbringing before ever learning how to use charcoal and a piece of rice paper for such aspects of such if aspects.

I guesstimate as to the misinterpretations as to my journal blog as to what I personally weas referring to as to the artist aspects in a smaller reference as to such aspects if as to others having told some to just pretend as to such discussions as to the aspects of the known location as to where I was volunteering as to such if factors as to those individuals as to their hypotheticals as to such social media references of if factors, as then as to "The Modern Day Book" as well as such other aspects of if factors as to whatever their personal biases are as to the hypotheticals as to such if factors as to the clarifications thereof as to such aspects of such wasted amounts of time instead of taking care of what my work as to such references to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the processes thereof as to the fuller aspects of the differences of planning locations as to such home base references as to the differences as to pick ups as to such home base references as to such differences as to the overall references as to what my personal comprehension as to my work as to my plans as to just peacefully taking care of the aspects as to such factors as to the if factors of others' representations as to themselves as to such if factors of the differences as to the specific timeframes as to the if factors thereof as to such references regarding the in person face to face in person in real life aspects as to the differences in reference to such situations whereas to whomever they spoke with as to however they spoke with such as to such if factors as to such representations as to what would not be of my personal awareness obviously as to such if factors of clarifications as to the verifications whereas those others would know and understand and comprehend who they personally spoke with as to such aspects of such if factors as to the differences of me.

This is why I have clarified as to speaking directly with me as to whether as to discussions as to if in reference of online factors as to through my To Contact form if I would actually receive such messages correctly for me to respond as per such if factors as to such messages as to how that has not been anything I personally ever gave anyone permission to do as to such clear references as to the aspects of the 10 Commandments as to the truthful witness aspects for such clarifications, thus as to such if factors as to because of the Leatheratti aspects as to such situations as to the references thereof to such if factors as to then the reality of maturity as to respect as to what my personal considerations are as to respect in reference to myself personally. If as to such factors whereas to such situations as to prior relationships as to the if factors thereof as to such factors where the aspects of others' involvement that they may have allowed as to their side of such if factors as to the differences of myself as to where I personally did not allow such other aspects as to the references thereof because of comprehending as to such factors as to loyalty in genuinity as to what that is to me, and as to such if factors as to discussions about me outside of such factors as to prior timeframes before I began my updates to my journal blog as to all such situations I already was dealing with as to before the year of 2010 as to such references to comprehend; then as to accepting the reality as to not be the same as to such aspects I already dealt with as to my childhood as to such same factors of not being as to those aspects of what I dealt with as to my teenager years as not being the same aspects as to what I dealt with before the timeframe of 2010 as to my personal work as to my modeling, as there was a distinctive difference from myself as to others throughout the various areas as well as the updates as to the list of names as to what I told people in person in real life face to face in person as to what I was truthfully dealing with as I truthfully have written about such facts.

Thus as to the if factors as to how such updates were in reference once again to my past years as to references of my past decades, not as to such referencing the aspects of for my personal future as to such updates from my past as the updates from my past were to update if there were ever those who actually cared about me as to actually caring for me and/or if as to such fans if I have had such in truth as to such aspects of updating as to the references of what I was dealing with as to the timeframes of the years from 2013 through to the timeframe of 2019 as to the amount of situations I personally dealt with as to such updates as to the if aspects of such coalignment as to others' connections for them to figure out their own situations as to their own factors if my journal blog was/is read.

Unlike some others as to the if factors as to certain types of what is supposed to be considered as the consenting adult lifestyle as to the if factors as to however they might be as to their if factors as to where I personally have not ever known of such as to the online aspects of such if factors of others' aspects as to outside of Fetlife regarding such aspects, as the facts as to the differences as to the amount of work I personally have had to take care of as to the lengths of time as to such combined situations as to the combined factors of whatever situations as to the if factors as to such prior points in time where I have updated as to the list of names and companies as to the aspects of the situations as to the prior years and decades. Thus as to such if factors of others' biases as to the differences as to where if factors as to others' competitions in their own lives as to their own situations, I personally was not ever in competition with anyone as to any such point in time as I personally have not ever declared any such competition of my personal involvement as to of my own free will as to such if factors of others' situations as to themselves of their such if factors. Thus if as to the years of 2009 as to my SCUBA Diving work through the years to 2013 as to my modeling while being a Mom and taking care of my family as well as taking care of my personal needs where as best as I could while dealing with everything else, such updates were as to such if factors of others' complexes of their own situations as to their own timeframes as to such specifics as to who they would have known as to such differences of myself as to how I personally stayed out of the drama as I personally did not have the time nor the inclination as to such hypotheticals as to the reality of the differences as to if reading everything in full from such points in time instead of only picking the details as to such conveniences.

The inconvenient aspects about the truth is the truth is far more in depth as to depending upon the individual as to the situations thereof, as personally as to everything I was taking care of as everything I was dealing with as to such hypothetical massive distinctions of differences as well as the differences as to such hypotheticals as to the intentions as to their situations as to their biases as to their factors; as my personal life as to what my personal life situations as to what I have honestly updated as to such aspects, as to the proof as to such if factors as to the hypotheticals thereof as to such aspects of importance regarding what my personal requirements as to what I personally considered at those times as to such importance aspects as to the differences as to now as to what I personally consider as important as to the aspects of for myself personally as to such differences as to what is best for myself as to my personal needs for myself as to my personal needs for my work as to while taking care of the odds and ends as to other such factors of other situations as to the differences.

In my opinion of such if factors as to the references of Fetlife as to the if factors regarding those who have went to professional individuals as to their aspects as to such services as to those aspects thereof as to such if factors as to marking as to Fetlife referencing such if factors referencing such situations, as to the markings that should be for such visitors as to those aspects in my opinion for the clear distinction as to such differences for the clarifications regarding such if factors as to the aspects thereof as to such if factors for such services from such professional aspects as to their differences as to such relationship viewpoints to the clear distinction of such clear knowledge for those who seek a real relationship as to such aspects as to the references thereof as to such other aspects regarding such if factors as to such aspects in reference to the situations as to professional workers in that particular trade of employment as to the differences for those who had distinctions for themselves as to such references for clarity for those who are not as to such professions as to such clear aspects such as to my background requirements as per the UCMJ factors as to such if factors as to clearance levels as to such aspects thereof for such official markers to the notifications thereof for such clear aspects as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the references thereof to such if factors as to the services for their sexual gratification aspects as to their employment aspects thereof officially as to those who have been within such aspects of the official aspects as to such as while I attended the school Saint John Vianney High School as to such distinction differences as to that particular terminology of if factors. Thus if as to where Fetlife is not allowed to offer such aspects of advertisements to such if factors as to such markers as to the if factors referencing such situations, then as to the references thereof to such if factors as to the situations thereof to such clarifications as to those who do not offer such services and are not available for such services as to the references of differences of opinion as to the relationship aspects as to being capable and mature enough to agree to disagree as to what a personal relationship as to such monogamous factors as to the references thereof to such if factors as to the confusions.

Similar and yet different as to the references regarding such Basic Training aspects as to the Boot Camp intellectualizing factors, possibly as to the references for such aspects of others as to if they have visited such aspects as to those particular professions as to the capacities for others to know of such references as to their own personal needs for their own personal requirements as to their own personal relationships as to such if factors as being capable to distinguish the references of employments as to the differences as to such sought factors of differences as to the clear aspects thereof to such situations. Thus while there is a clear distinction as to the differences of being an acquaintance of someone as to the differences thereof, as to the differences as to friendships as while differences of employments while still capable to such factors of friendship as to overlooking such as to the individual themselves, as to the differences of the aspects as per the references thereof as to such regards in reference to the aspects of dating relationships as to the long term dating to such aspects of monogamy as to the factors of what is sought depending upon the aspects thereof and thus as to where while the references of my first book as to the years in reference to when the legal age my son and my daughter biologically would be as when they were minors. Thus as to my viewpoint then in years prior to 2020 as to marriage as to the differences as to the if factors as to if I find an individual I am interested and as to such visa versa aspects as to monogamous relationship dating to long term to marital aspects as to monogamous aspects as to what could be as to the if factors as to such in real life in person face to face in person in real life, as to what our personal agreements as to such if factors regarding after the year of 2020 officially.

However being honest as to such references thereof as to the aspects of while maintaining as to such as best as I possibly can, as to such references regarding growing up as to such aspects as to such if factors as to the factors thereof to such if factors. Since I personally have my requirements as to such factors as to honesty as well as loyalty to me as to the if factors as to while acknowledgements of prior timeframes as to not bring up as to such aspects of the feelings as to such prior times, though having acknowledged the emotional connections as to such references thereof as to such honesty in my opinion. I am uncertain how others choose to be in their relationships whether as to acquaintances and/or friendships and/or dating if as towards as to marriage as how such others are as to how such others are, as to the aspects whereas to the references of such if factors of interest in me as to such if factors as to the aspects thereof to such timeframe clarifications as to such if factors of others as to those timeframes as to those situations as to such aspects of those years as to those times of such clear distinctions.

While I have acknowledged as to my personal opinion about the situations as to Governorship as to the state of Texas, in my opinion as to the larger aspects of the amount of work that was officially in my opinion required as to such factors as to the reality of such responsibility of such if situations as to such a want from me though as to the requirements as to the people as to such connections from where I was born and raised as to the 20 year memorial as to 2021 from the references as to 11 September 2001 as well as the upcoming 30 year memorial as to the situations as to February 1993, in my opinion as to my personal responsibilities where I could be of assistance as to the references thereof as to such factors. If as to such aspects because of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the larger amounts of distances as to the locations thereof as to such if I am needed and wanted as to officially running for the office of the President of the United States of America as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such a calling from others, I suppose then as to how such factors as to my journal blogs as well as to such balancing as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to the capacities as to such combined references as to the overall factors as to the if situations as to if that is an interest of the citizens of the United States of America as to the 2024 election cycle then as to the references thereof to such official aspects in writing of my own free will as to where as best as possible as to my attempts where proven while also acknowledging my past in truth and also as to such distinctions as to the factors thereof as to the multitudes of individuals as to having spoken with as well as worked with as to such if factors as to where of their own work as to their own lives as to such if factors as to this year of 2023 elections as to then as swiftly as time progresses as to the aspects as to the year of 2024 of the official declaration of if such is needed of me personally regarding such factors as a Republican though having acknowledged as to having voted for Democrats previously depending upon the election cycle as well as the amount of individuals within the ring proverbially.

In reference to the importance in my personal opinion as to the Vice President of the United States of America's role of importance as to the office of the White House as to in my opinion of such levels thereof to the works as I wrote about in reference to my earliest journal blogs when I first began my website though when I added such factors as to my journal blog as to what I believed was important if Donald J. Trump was to officially become POTUS as I saw, as to the needs of the importance in reference to the Vice Presidential candidate as to the inner workings of the Houses of Congress and Senate as to the in depth knowledge of the legal workings, while remembering the need for the aspects of the local/state/federal aspects of elected as well as the references as to the local/state/federal aspects of the Law Enforcement/Fire Department/EMS aspects as to such additional factors as to the military as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as seen in reference to the regards as I discussed and then later wrote about as to the election cycle of 2008 and 2012.

For the prior election cycles as to the references thereof as those who can research as well as know from their personal experiences as to the references of the country of the United States of America, if that is the progression forward as to such possibilities thereof for me as to such aspects of the combined factors as to the reality as well as to healthcare as to the acknowledgement of such professions as to the aspects of genuine care as to the aspects thereof as to such if factors as to such references and regards thereof as per individual state, though as to such factors as well as to such regards as to the legalization as well as the distinction as to the MMJ to the differences of recreational marijuana for the aspects of the clarifications for clearances as well as factors thereof to the length of time such has been worked on and reviewed as to such health benefits though as to the backgrounds as to clearances and progression forward as to such if factors as well as the awareness as to such aspects of the various branches and divisions of the elected factors of their own individual roles thereof; then I suppose this is my official statement in writing as to such if factors as to the capacities thereof, as to if I am found to be needed and wanted for such a role as President of the United States of America and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

In reference to the fact I acknowledge as to my children's biological father as to such situations as well as to such situations as best as possible while doing the best I could, then as to such if factors as to the proof regarding such aspects of the situations. In reference as to who would be as to if I were to begin dating as to such factors as then as to marital factors as to the aspects thereof officially then as to such, however as to the amount of work I have handled on my own as to the if factors thereof to such a point where it would be known as to such clear standing as to myself as to if as to such factors thereof then as to such clear distinctive factors in reference as to the if factors for the clear knowledge as well as the clear understanding as to such references regarding such if factors as to a relationship as to my personal belief in monogamy though as to the references of working with the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the factors in reference to the UCMJ as to such prior references regarding such aspects as I have mentioned.

Thus as to the references as to the aspects of who would be as to the factors in reference to if as to the need for me in such a role as to who would be as to my Vice President of the United States of America as my personal choice as to such factors while comprehending such aspects as to electoral and processes thereof, my list in alphabetical order as to from a brief aspect to such considerations as to the prior opinions I have clarified:

* Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida

* Senator Maria Cantwell, as to the State of Washington Representative

* Congressman Joaquin Castro, as to the State of Texas San Antonio Representative

* Hillary Clinton, former Director of Security and Senator of New York

* Congressman Michael McCall, as to the State of Texas Austin Representative

* Senator Mitch McConnell, as to the Senator of Kentucky Representative

* Senator Patty Murray, as to the State of Washington Representative

* Senator Ted Cruz, as to the State of Texas Representative

* Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States of America

* Sarah Palin, former Governor of the state of Alaska

However the acknowledgement of my personal minimum knowledge as to the overall factors of my personal lack of more knowledge in a larger detail as to such references thereof to such if factors, as to the importance in my opinion as to the Vice President of the United States of America's role as to the reference to the comments I made in discussions in person face to face in person as to the regards of Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin as to the references thereof as to the amount of work it takes as to the Vice President of the United States of America as to the in my opinion of the additional experiences needed for such references to the timeframe in the year of 2008. In my opinion there might be a need for such aspects to the considerations of the voting factors as to the President of the United States of America as well as the voting for the Vice President of the United States of America, if that has not already been decided as to such factors in the references of the current timeframes of 7 January 2023 as to such if factors as to such aspects of the current timeframe as from the 2020 election cycle as to the if factors of whereas to such situations as to a video from Periscope I made in the year of 2019 and as to such if factors as to the legal factors as to such references thereof as to the length of time as to such acknowledgments as to the if factors as to the technological factors of if situations.

If as to such references regarding the aspects as to the if situations as to the ports along the coastlines as to the prior references thereof to such if factors regarding the aspects of the reality as to if I was accurate in my journal blogs as to the year of 2020 and 2021 regarding the dual citizenship of Harry the Prince of Wales as to the marriage with the United States of America's citizen Megan Markle, then as to the choice of such if factors in reference to the aspects thereof to the considerations as per such factors of the possibilities of the American Revolutionary War factors as to the historical aspects though in the modern timeframe as he and his brother would know the year they had last seen their Mom Princess Diana Princess/Dutchess of Wales, and if as to such if factors as to their memories from the year of 1993 as to them remembering her saying she was going to the United States of America and possibly New York City as to the timeframes as to around February 1993 as to a considerations as despite what might be online as to the references thereof to the timeframe in the year of 1993 as to the 30 years since then as to such if factors for more to consider as to the security of the United States of America. As to the prior news report I listened to in reference to President of the United States of America having went on vacation as to the New Year's Eve as to such if situations as to oceanic waters near to the areas, a security factor as to such hypotheticals as to the timeframe to consider as well as the Vice President of the United States of America Kamala Harris as to being a District Attorney from the State of California as to such if factors to the considerations currently as to the possibilities of the unknown as to such aspects and not having thought much of possibly before the timeframe as to the year of the 2020 election cycle.

If as to such if factors as to the timeframe of if there have been US Coast Guard vessels sent from ports of the United States of America overseas in larger numbers as well as US Navy naval vessels as well to such if factors, then such considerations as to the aspects of the factors as to the United States of America's leadership to the considerations thereof to such if factors. The distance of the areas as to where it is known that the former POTUS Donald J Trump as to the location as to the peninsula of Florida as to such if factors to the considerations as to how there would not be the assistance for the Secret Service in the oceanic and/or Gulf of Mexico regions, as to the considerations of importance as to the timeframe of this year of 2023 in the month of January on the 7th day of the month to consider as to the if there is proof others would know about as to using their own cellphone and/or social media to report of such aspects to the different news channels such as Fox News and/or CNN and/or MSNBC for their capability to bring such forward.

My recommendation as to the if you live near a port of water entry in the state of the following and are capable to Live Feed Facebook the videos and/or send pictures for the FBI and/or Homeland Security to review as to such references, use the hashtags of your state with the city of your state as well as the hashtag of the name of the port of entry of the oceanic coastline and/or if near to an area such as the Mississippi River and/or the Great Lakes because of the aspects of certain riverflow areas as to the state of if noticing different boats than the normal naval vessels for the areas with the hashtag USA for the following citizens of the following states as soon as possible if there is any accuracy to my journal blog now as while I know it might be colder as to the month of January though it might be important as to such aspects of if factors hypothetically:

* Alaska

* Washington state

* Oregon

* California

* Texas

* Louisiana

* Mississippi

* Alabama

* Florida

* Georgia

* South Carolina

* North Carolina

* Virginia

* Washington DC

* Maryland

* Delaware

* New Jersey

* New York

* Rhode Island

* Connecticut

* Massachusetts

* New Hampshire

* Maine

* Pennsylvania

* Ohio

* Michigan

* Illinois

* Wisconsin

* Minnesota

Take into consideration as to the references as the timeline of the American Revolutionary War at the same timeline of the Louisiana Purchase as well as the same timeline of the Texas and Mexican War as to the references to be capable to piece together such references, of the if factors referencing such specific timelines as to the actualities as to the locations instead of only looking at the specific years as to the publications of the timeframes. I wrote a writing on Fetlife I called the Lifestyle & Military Collision years ago and the Mom of Harry the Prince of Wales and the Successor to the Throne William the Prince of Wales as their Dad is now the King of England, and I recently read as to the aspects that Princess Diana had visited Canada as to the if factors as to the considerations as to while I am not a big fan of pop culture though there is a song from South Park whereas Fetlife is based in Canada and there is the song about how the reference to Blame Canada as to such if factors regarding the current timeframe in this year of 2023 as to the aspects of if factors as to though I purchased my SCUBA Diving military depth gauge computer from the school within the state of Texas as to I was informed of it being a British Military Depth Guage computer as per the company of SUNNTO. If either as to the references as to however such factors as to online and/or in person face to face in person discussions throughout such years as to from the timeframe of mainly1998 to the references of my journal blog updates beginning in 2019 as to such if factors as to the considerations, personally I remember the factors when I was in fifth grade as to the news reports and the processions as to the summer of 1993 or 1994 as to the PBS aspects to the considerations of if as to others having watched PBS in the early 1990s more-so than the cable and the satellite channels as well as the newspapers.

If I remember correctly there was much controversy about the song Elton John had sung at the time, as there was a reference to my biological parents arguing when I was on the coach in the year of 1993 before I returned to school later from several months as to that point in time where they were arguing the song sounded good no matter the year or the time. Though I admit the after effects from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury after effects and others would be capable to remember better possibly, as I did read that there was a brother of Princess Diana who had been living until the year of 1993 as well for such a reference to the considerations as to their Uncle from that side of their biological family to the considerations.

While I understand the aspects as to the references regarding the regards of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the references of me being medically retired from the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces as well as my invitation to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, as to such amounts of bureaucratic aspects hypothetically as to such if factors as to others in reference to my SCUBA Diving as well as the possibilities of my books as to the references thereof to the conjunction of my modeling; the considerations of the seriousness of such possibilities, as to the if factors referencing such amounts of attempts as I made as to getting the capabilities to assist the United States of America as best as I have been capable to do so as to such factors, as to such if factors as to the references thereof to the situations as where the aspects of such responsibilities of choices as per individual aspects as per the combined factors of the situations as to the evaluations in honesty.

While everyone should be happy as to being capable to live as to such aspects in my opinion as from the aspects of what I had informed others about as to a nightmare I had in second grade as to the aspects thereof to 1993 as well as 2001 as I clarified as to such if factors of others who needed to take the situations seriously back then, as it is not my fault that anything occurred as it was my attempts that were to save lives and for life as to living as for as many as best as possible. I was 7 years old at the most though possibly 6 years old when I had the nightmare, and as to as many as I have made attempts to assist as to being capable to have as many live as best as I could as to such recommendations as well as suggestions as to the factors in reference to the possibilities for such considerations as to the reality of how my patterns of behaviour should be capable to prove as to my attempts as to such lengths of time as well as if there truly has been assistance in genuinley better ways as to such as best as possible.

If as to such references regarding Maiden Marion as to the Robin Hood references as to the if factors thereof as well as the knowledge as to the New Jersey aspects as to the regards of such factors, though a sure way to such considerations is if factors as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to veterans of the USCG and/or the USMC and/or the USN as to if they had an extra amount of time from their employment to be capable to go see their family during the holidays as to the possibilities of an additional and/or new employment to such areas of such states listed, for people to take into considerations of friends and family they might have as to such a viewpoint as to Christmas in 2022 and/or New Years in 2023 as to the references I wrote about as to the capacities of calling up such veterans if needed as to such additional factors of protections to the United States of America as to the if factors additionally of veterans who had lived and/or were born and raised in areas near the states listed where they were sent to look over the amounts of changes to the areas from the timeframes of the Korean and/or Vietnam War veterans for such viewpoints to take into consideration of those who would be more in the direct knowledge of such if factors to the considerations as some similarities as to when in my personal experiences as to the timeframes of the month of December in the year of 2020 through February 2022 as to what I personally noticed of such if factors of some similarities as to the considerations of seriousness if as to such aspects to the hypothetical considerations.

Just as when I was in second grade as when I was either 6 or 7 years old legally as to not being capable to drive a car legally at that timeframe of such if factors as to what I saw in a vision back in the 1980s, I am not in any location officially near a large body of water as to the oceanic areas currently in the year of 2023 to such if factors of accuracy. Thus as to the proof of if factors as to others' choices as to the if factors of others' situations as to the if factors where such is the official responsibility of others, as to such a massive distinctive difference as to the reality of such aspects of what I can and/or what I cannot do personally.

Attention to details as well as the information correctly, everyone.

Retain the information correctly and be capable to distinguish the facts as to the actual reality, now and forever more to truthfully progress forward as to the betterment as to such aspects of heaven sent.

The picture of me on the left is from the year of 2010 just as the picture of me on the right is from the year of 2010, for the clarifications as to the years as to my modeling to the difference of this year of 2023 as the photographer was Art Cantu a Marine who was born and raised as I was told from the state of New Jersey as was his wife Trinity.


Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Model Author Susan MeeLing

It should not take a head injury to figure this out because I thought you are supposed, to be smarter.

If there are those who find such interesting enough to research further to bring forward more information in reference to the forefront for more detailed information, as usual I request the courtesy of the same which I do in reference to how I refer to articles for reference points when writing my journal blog entries; for each one used for reference starting points, to research for clearer understanding from such knowledge.


That is common sense, good etiquette, and good karma; whilst lifting others upward, in positive ways.

Quotes which mean a lot to me:

"The ultimate measure of an individual is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at the time of challenge and controversy."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty, rather than the law breaker.  Freedom is never-more than one generation away, from extinction.  We do not pass freedom on through our blood stream because freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  Though best to be able to share in person with who matters, until that time occurs being able to see what is possible through such is a feat to notice.  One must be happy within oneself prior to being happy with another, though such can be enjoyed if living in one's own truth is as such. and then as to the capability to progress forward with another and/or others depending upon the situation(s) and individual(s)."  ~  A Quote From Me, Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle

Me in Black Suit Prepared.JPG

If in anyway I am inaccurate about anything I have written here in this journal blog entry and/or any prior journal blog entry and/or future journal blog entry and/or factual books I wrote and/or videos I have done through my OFFICIAL YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, please only contact me through the contact form for the ability to clarify such details in public view fully to fix and repair to rectify the situation(s) as I do not respond to comments in my journal blogs because there thus far have not been any notifications sent to me about such from my website.

In such references if there are any inaccuracies then I will fix and repair such details on my website, as per such.

Though there are the aspects of which if you would like to speak with me in addition to possibilities of opportunities for me, the welcome aspects as to contacting me through my contact form.

If I have known you in person when in person in positive ways and/or ways which might need clarification(s) as to mature discussions, there has always been the welcome open door policy as to contacting me through my contact form if you were not given my new phone number though such is online regarding my website more recently published online as to my Website Business Phone Line: (360)-713-4937.

Thus far there has been only one who has known the contact form area to speak with me on a phone line was simple and capable to do so through, in truth.

Amazon Author Pages:











Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Amazon Author Pages:








Fetlife as Lady Liberty Belle:

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Welcome to the website of the one and only exclusively through Amazon author
Susan MeeLing, and the one and only overall model
Lady Dori Belle

My Copyrights Reserved

My website is not for sale nor is for purchase intended to assist with correct and truthful information of which as I give the credits to others in such return as to the credits to such which must be given to me (Susan MeeLing) to my work and my website which has been and is to assist to go forward with further aspects as I personally choose, however such mandatory recognition of which such portions of my works is having used such is required as to acknowledgement and proper respectful recognition thereof as to such details in the actualities of the truth as to the 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments matter just as actual truthful life experiences matter. 

No misinterpretations of/from me are permitted, at all.  Realism.

If you would like to use the link to a journal blog of mine, then the subscription fee should be capable per link to the journal blog link for usage with the acknowledgement of the subscription fee for my journal blog for the previous links to such aspects as per what I have made attempts to arrange as I have not ever allowed anyone to remove any information from my website for any personal usage as to in any capacity as the permissions from me are required as to getting personal permission from me as to such aspects.

There is the capacity to purchase a subscription to be capable to contribute financially to my work as to the aspects of my journal blog, as the links for the references regarding my journal blog are allowed to be published as all of the information as per the requirements for others to research as per the truth in full as required as per the information as per my journal blog The Ornery PSA.

All such permissions would be under the copyrights protections, for me for my work officially. 

You can request contact for arranging meetings and speaking arrangements through my contact page on my website, though the link to the right is to my Linked in account for additional verifications.  (6) LD Belle | LinkedIn

™© Copyright®©

Thank you for taking the time to look through this website and please, enjoy your day.

Brightest blessings to me, for my highest good.

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