After waking up from my coma after my #PsalmSunday Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, I actually remembered not only the legal aspect to my birthday itself though the time of which is considered as the linear aspect of the combined portion of the actuality regarding the time of my actual birthday timing for the first time since this year. I was only told of my actual birthday regarding such portions via the timeframe when in #MHU Medical Hold Unit now called #WTU Warrior Transition Unit as per how bad the damages were regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury when being put into the unit as per the situation when meeting a couple when at Kelly Air Force Base before I was supposed to fly out to return to #FortSill Fort Sill #Oklahoma Oklahoma at the time, which the two people I met at #KellyAirForceBase #JBSA Kelly Air Force Base had asked me why I was walking around confused and lost as I was. I explained the head injury and how the situation occurred referring to the Drill Sergeant and what details I remembered in full regarding such when I was also asked about what I could remember regarding before going to Basic Training, which I had told the male and the female. The male asked me for my paperwork to look at as well as my green identification card for Active Duty at the time as the identification cards have changed over time, which he and his wife walked away telling me to stay put until they returned with what paperwork they were going to get. Knowing I was on a military installation as well as knowing why I had the head injury was due to the importance of an identification card to be on a military installation, I had chosen to wait until their return however long that had taken. I watched the airplanes nearby take off and land while waiting on the base when the two returned to hand me the paperwork for my new orders which I was told to stay away from Fort Sill Oklahoma as long as possible, my new station for the time being was going to be at Fort Sam Houston until the timing was correct which I was supposed to stay at Fort Sam Houston until I knew it was time to go onward, and I was informed as to other such portions of what was going to be required of me referencing such aspects at the time. The female who was surprised as to my age before they had walked off thought I was 12 years old because of my physical appearance though when she learned I was 17 years old, I watched her shiver regarding the explanation as to how I had my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. While the female listened as I explained a bit more after the new orders were handed to me for Medical Hold Unit at a point she asked me why I felt it was so important to be in the military before turning 18 years old biologically, which I told them about the nightmare I had and I knew I needed to be in the military to be able to help anything from such as I had remembered applying and going through the process for #MAST Marine and Science Technology School with the #USNavy Naval attachment. The male asked if I really thought it was that important to be involved which I told him there were portions I could not remember to explain how I knew what I needed to do, though it was pertinent for me to be able to help where I could as best as I could.
The male asked what my father and mother were a part of which I told them the little I could remember though informed the two as to how much my biological mother and my biological father had hated the fact I was as I was, as per whatever they had been a part of over the years. The two were informed as to the length of time it took for me to be able to finally get into the #USArmy Army branch of the #USA United States of America's Armed Forces #USArmedForces despite all of their failed tries to get me to not ever want to be a part of such which because of my determination knowing the importance of such the timeframe technically from 8th grade applying to the MAST school after already having told them I was going to the Armed Forces of the United States of America after the beginning of my nightmare more officially in 2nd grade, though such official attempts to prove myself as per what was needed more-so officially had been in the 8th grade timing because of how many lives were at risk. While my biological mother thought it was just a phase to join the Army branch, she forgot about the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment which was a mandatory part of MAST at the time; which because of the Navy attachment which included the unfirms of course the supposed phase as per joining the Army branch by technicalities for such was well over the 4 year mark, especially when taking into consideration bringing forward the other connected realities in reference to elementary school. If I am correct 4-10 years is not considered a teenager phase as the way it was claimed regarding my biological mother, and how she had been; nonetheless in regards as to the portions of this particular posting, the realities of how the portions of my childhood and teenager years admittedly had impacted the ways situations were after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
While some could view such psychologically as what is known as a Savior Complex regarding joining the Armed Forces of the United States of America as some have suggested when in the state of Texas starting around 2004, the reality of knowing I was not the only one who would be working to get such squared away negates that fully for the current time as well as negated that fully back in those years. A Savior Complex in such psychological terms means being the only person for every individual aspect in my opinion however I am not a registered psychologist, I simply have studied many aspects of the background as well as studies thereof regarding psychological effects as per when my biological father was going through RN school when I was in 5th grade as well as other psychological college textbooks throughout such times well before ever reading the self-help books I had found over the years thereafter. As I am fully aware as to how many it takes for more to work correctly regarding several aspects thereof, the portions to which the prior college textbooks as to such information is a bit different as per the applications regarding such aspects. Hence in reference to the reality which I explained to others as to the initial portions of the parental roles being the most influential, the closer family members being the next level thereof, to then the areas of which communities whether school/extra curricular/social networks going outward influencing such in whichever ways; though hoping for the best regarding such aspects, as per various explanations I had given over the years later on. Nonetheless the portions in reference to the requirement as to the correct location thereof to be in regards of being a part of the Armed forces of the United States of America, I knew was a requirement for any such ability to ever actually and genuinely help referencing the visions I had seen as well as the nightmare portions to be able to work towards a betterment. I knew it would be difficult regarding certain aspects back in the initial years when I was repeatedly told it was just a phase as to my knowledge thereof, which as time went on after 2nd grade the repetition of being told my biological parents thought it was just a phase now looking back in the year of 2021 has proven such was not ever a phase as upsetting to that reality there could be seen regarding such aspects. It would not be until the year of around 1997 when the term Savior Complex was utilized for the first time which I had defended such portions regarding such, knowing the facts were it would not only be myself which would be a part of fixing such situations to repair the problems in regards of which in turn negated back then as well as later on in such references.
Aside from the facts as to such times which in regards of the needless punishment against me for each time I pushed forward was the lack of celebrations regarding anything I had ever accomplished as per how my biological parents had been, then their choice to rub in regarding any small little accomplishment regarding my biological sister in their thoughts as would ever make me wish to be a part of such fake propelling forward of such at those times. Anytime I had done something that others considered worthwhile when I was younger the ways such were not celebrated in such ways in comparison to when my biological sister did something had been continuous and I had hoped for a change regarding such, as realistically when having done anything some had considered as worthwhile to only be pushed away as well as scolded for all of the smaller portions which were a part of whatever was accomplished in comparison to focusing on the success, in comparison to my biological sister being pulled closer for such and all of the larger aspects which problems were caused due to her choices were somehow ignored wrongly in my opinion. I had hoped as I knew I could not be the only one who had such situations regarding such aspects occur for the changes in a more positive direction, though looking back now the ways as to have ever considered for a celebration are so beyond my thoughts because of not ever knowing what a celebration for me would ever be; as per the amount of times and the amount of situations which would be considered for such if any, and how such would ever be considered as worthwhile at this point is extremely foreign more-so after waking up from my coma as per that not ever having been anything I had ever experienced in the past 21 years. While I have heard of others celebrating certain aspects and been invited to a few situations where there were reasons to celebrate the ironic portions as to being excited for such portions only lead to a different version of upset because of not having been involved prior to such times as to the aspects thereof, and the ways which had been thought of were considered as more of a problem in comparison to what the intentions were at such times. In comparison to what had been noticed in such situations regarding such which was unable to be said whether in writing or aloud because of what was noticed when at such one particular situation and thinking that would have been a more positive way in comparison to what was picked up from such situations to turn the tables around in comparison, I simply apologized and did what I could to calm the situation as per the inability to bring forward the other portions thereof regarding the timing and the surrounding situations at such time. Though in that reference point as to what already had been known more-so in regards to who I had been with at such a specific event, the lack of ability to see what I was referring to at such times had been exactly as such times had been regarding the surrounding circumstances and while such looking back now could be considered as protective it seemed though such was not realized as to the reasons why. While admittedly at this point it is 10 years later from such a point in time, I would guesstimate if taking a look at by such individuals the reasons as to bringing such forward in a positive light as I had hoped for such situations compared to what others had reviewed such adult aspects in comparison could possibly be seen; however the events shortly thereafter regarding such a location more specifically, went as such had gone. While I was incapable of bringing multiple aspects forward regarding several situations that timing and other such situations in reference to Irving were much more regarding as to how tight lipped I had to be, though ironically in that particular situation not as much of a choice was available regarding such silence.
The problems as to which they thought they were solving only pushed forward several additional aspects as well as had propelled the situations to my Bok Gung, my Bok Pu, and my Grandpa Gavett's stances in regards as to their knowledge and understanding in such ways as they had seen the situations occurring in other aspects to which their choice to push against my biological parents and push against the ways they chose to raise my biological sister; knowing and understanding the requirements as to which the problems they preferred were larger and unnecessary to have such go forward any further, as per other situations they had seen and known about over such points in time. In such aspects including when I had earned 2nd and 3rd place in the International #TaeKwando Tae Kwando competition when I was only a green belt standing up against brown belt with black stripe and tape for the lowest rank I went up in such for that International Tae Kwondo competition, the situation to which proving such portions regarding the commentary of it not having been 1st place at such times despite everyone being a minimum of 5 years older than me or more regarding such while not forgetting the levels of the belt colorations to see such portions in reference to the difference in treatment in a much larger way in comparison between how I was raised. At minimum I can say and write if it were not for such treatments I dealt with at such times the ability to prove myself as well as prove my accuracy would not have been as it is in regards of, though I knew it would not be the only time in which proving such would be required though I had hoped after a certain point I would prove myself enough to the portions as to being able to simply be taken at my word with the proof to follow shortly thereafter regarding such aspects for the requirements thereof. Back in the 1990s more-so I did not know how long it would take for such portions to be considered as such, though I knew there would hopefully be the time which it would not longer be a problem or a situation regarding such aspects as per the knowledge and understanding to comprehend what steps would be required for other such aspects once the point had gotten to such. I knew I could not allow myself to be slow when the situations regarding whatever would be required of such realities, which in turn meant I would need to keep up with a faster pace at times for the ability to see what was required to assist in which ways were possible for the betterment thereof. Did that mean it did not hurt regarding the lack of concern for such, absolutely not. However it did propel such portions to push myself more as per knowing the larger numbers of people and in such ways as to being capable at the minimum to bring such forward to the correct individuals as best as I could, for them to be able to review such portions to make the decisions as best as possible for such progressions forward for more. While the disappointment was inevitable regarding certain circumstances, the reality to which such portions only pushed what I knew for the understanding and the comprehension had been what later would be needed regarding other such portions as per the lack of the requirement to be the only one to take such credits as per the amount of individuals would be involved for the abilities to progress forward in such ways.
In reference to the portions regarding pushing forward while taking safety precautions into consideration regarding a multitude of aspects the importance as to ensuring the safety of myself as well as the safety of others as best as possible has been required, for a multitude of aspects. In such while over the years and decades having been called various names regarding the opinions of others referencing to which aspects have been considered as however such viewed, the additional aspects to ensuring the regards of what is of the highest ideals for the progressions has been of utmost importance regarding such aspects. While some have thought in their ideas as to one way or another from the times of my youth onward which had and has always only been because of the problems because of my biological mother, biological father, and more-so in reference to my biological sister in comparison; those who have such similar traits regarding such aspects depending upon which levels are looked at depends as to which portions thereof are considered for the realities of, which in turn the ways as to what had needed to take place in reference to pushing to pursue the requirements as to what I knew were required and understood the levels as to what was needed to comprehend the next portions thereof would be another aspect to which over the years were required not by my choice though more along the lines of having to take care of such in order to properly square several aspects away. While there have been countless numbers of people who had preferred to view such portions regarding what had been spread regarding at such times of my biological sister and how the way as to her physical viewpoint thereof had continued, the importance of other such portions regarding the connections were not taken into consideration for such a physical viewpoint thereof. When the move to Texas occurred regarding the timeframe in 2003 only because my biological mother, biological father, and more-so my biological sister could not accept at such times the lack of ability to ever actually control anything the problems then continued as per the ways as to how such went regarding my biological sister and the wishes she had which because of the raising situations she had required being taught as to the full lack of abilities as per compared to the way she was raised. In turn the ironic twist of the fuller portions as to what had already been noticed years before such by others, which she refused to believe or accept for far too long regarding her incapable aspects thereof regarding the genuine care about life as per her own selfishness as some would be able to attest to regarding her patterns of behaviour in comparison.
While admittedly my situations have been considered in whichever viewpoints thereof in the length of time which my patterns of behaviour would be hopefully able to prove, the realistic and genuine concern for the continuation of life as well as the responsible requirements thereof would come forward when it was time I suppose the way to put such referencing the female at Kelly Air force Base in San Antonio Texas back in 2000. However the portions as to my birthday regarding the specific number of the date as well as the specific month thereof in combination with the year of my birth was something additionally which had to be taught to me when in Medical Hold Unit, as per the levels as to which the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had been. Since the timing after the situations of 11 September 2001 to which what occurred and who was able to be spoken with regarding such aspects thereof to help where it was possible, at the same time I also knew because of the situations regarding my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury were going to be in question as time went on as per other situations simply when being in Medical Hold Unit and the multitude of ways which the entire military base of Fort Sam Houston had been instructed as to testing me at any given time during such as I had been informed of in latter times regarding such. In reference to at the time Captain John Morning and the restrictions put on at the time of regarding the inability to speak with the various levels of the soldiers on the base because of not having graduated Basic Training and thus being considered a student though because of being in Medical Hold Unit the aspects as to being considered as Permanent Party and the inability to speak with civilians who volunteered at the base during such time in Medical Hold Unit now called Warrior Transition Unit, when the restrictions were lifted after the amount of time thereof after the new Brigade Commander arrived and was explained as to such portions; the full lifting of all restrictions occurred after contacting and speaking with EO and IG, though with such had also meant the situation regarding how I had been taken off of the military installation despite other such situations at the time. In some ways it was ideal despite the ways thereof as per the fact as to not being able to speak with who I had needed to regarding the portions of the day of 11 September 2001 because of being in the new apartment complex at the time and having been able to speak with those who were able to get the information to the correct individuals thereof, though in such times more-so at this point as to 2021 the ability to have my website as well as move around and those who might require additional portions there is the ability more-so now in comparison to then as to which groups/organizations/agencies which would have the greater ease to being able to pull me in if required for such aspects if there were to be the need and/or requirement thereof.
While the transfer has taken the time it had in regards of the ability to get to where it is ideal in multitudes of aspects for any such portions thereof thankfully has been able to be squared away to which the simple aspects as to those which would or could require such portions thereof brings forward an ease in a multitude of ways regarding such aspects, as per the culmination of situations overall regarding such as while there in other such references to my biological sister's involvement regarding health aspects to which in comparison to some who have wished to blame me for certain aspects the realistic portions of having grown up with the amount of times being blamed wrongly for what she had done in realistic aspects had been something I had been needlessly accustomed to though knew there would be the mandatory lifting of such situations towards the light to be able to clarify who was actually bringing forward such problems into various locations as well as multiple communities because of her wishes to being more important in the larger aspects of life compared to the ways which our biological parents had pushed in the childhood years into teenager years and into adult years wishing they would be able to continue going against what my Grandpa Gavett and my Bok Pu as well as my Bok Gung had known and understood comprehending far more and far longer than some were ever allowed to know previously for multiple reasons. However such warnings over the years and decades had fallen flat because of the ways as to which the physical appearances as well as the level of seriousness taken in reference to such portions in comparison to paying attention more to the facts thereof for the wishing regarding the physical being more important, where in the reality the information and the truthful facts had always been of extreme importance comparatively to the way to make a physical view thereof in addition to the sexist aspects associated with the fact of only paying attention to the physical portions comparatively. While there had been many who I warned about such problems caused by my biological mother and my biological sister repeatedly, it would not be for quite some time before anyone would ever realize the truth of such; though whether or not they would accept such realities and then lift their own needless restrictions wishing to find something more which was not ever intended for them in such ways, would be up to whether or not they could or would get past their own ego and arrogances for such portions. While I have been accustomed to accepting what weaknesses thereof, it is up to others to accept such other weaknesses regarding whichever portions thereof; which is at the benefit or the detriment of their own closer nit units as well as in reference to their own communities as per the short term, the long term, the longer terms, and the longest terms thereof which is once again at their own choice though such also is of what level of risk for their length of time on earth as to what occurs in the viewpoints as to the longer terms regarding such choices.
While the physical as to how I look comparatively as per the half Chinese portions is not as well noticed or seen unless you know more about the eye structure regarding the upper lid in comparison to the ways as to the almond or slanted shaped eyes, the realities were only more noticed regarding such in reference to when a larger population of Asians moved to the area where my elementary school had been. Around the time of 4th grade is when some Asians began to show up to the school which confused me as to the number of male students though knowing the few females in such regards if from overseas was a common portion I knew of back then in the 1990s, the amount of those who had moved into the area were almost as foreign to me as the celebration aspect as to the number of who had moved suddenly. By the time of being in 8th grade to see the amount of Asians in the tri-county area I had grown up in seemed odd though because of not looking Chinese comparatively in skin tone colorations as well as in my eyes' shape, there were those who then doubted any connection to the Asian background. For example a male named Riley who was in Baptist Camp Lebanon who was friends with some of the other females who had a crush on him comparatively who lived in Edison New Jersey who had been problematic because of being considered as a pretty boy, the amount some allowed him to get away with in comparison of holding his feet to the fire for such choices were seen as a problem to me; which because of how different I had been in many ways instead, I was accused of being upset he did not look at me in a relationship way in comparison to the fact I was not looking for such when in Middle School or High School. When informed of such there were the tries to get my attention referencing such aspects though knowing it was not an interest of mine despite how many had been in those years of youth as per teenager aspects, it was not considered normal for a female to not be interested in a relationship in any such ways; which admittedly has been a situation for me over the years well beyond my teenager years, because of how I have thought of relationships to be or at minimum the ideals of for what I thought would be more appropriate and lead to a truthfully happy relationship regarding such aspects in comparison to what was seen and being shown. Later when in high school and meeting Nick Palozolo and certain similarities with Rob Castle, the realities as to how I personally stepped back from the possibilities of had been noticed by more than just one or two people or groups of people; though the knowledge as to why to understand was not possible to explain, as per other situations at such times because of the claim of overreacting compared to paying attention to the details thereof at such times.
By the times of ever seeing the possibility of a relationship aspect in the latter years of my time in high school the torn portion of whether to continue forward regarding the aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States of America compared to a relationship were briefly a moment in time which I thought about, though upon other situations which occurred had been as to the lack of concern regarding such portions in reference to looking for such for myself. It truly was an ideal Valentine's Day card I received from one female which she did not realize at the time the length of which the statement in the card actually had been befitting for me as quite frankly, if I do have a soulmate regarding such a type of relationship he can find me and inform me of such in comparison to me looking for him as I am and can be a bit stubborn in my ways and to catch and keep my attention in such aspects truly is up to the other aspect as per how I have always been regarding the aspects of believing in chivalry in the modern era; though the ways of such in comparison to what some might have viewed as chivalry is admittedly a bit different, as per the ways I view such. In turn the relationship aspect has always been the least of my concern while for many others it has seemed to be of importance in ways which have not been able to be understood by me, mainly because of the ways to which I view such aspects for the length of time for such. As the divorce rate has been growing higher and higher in numbers such only pushed my opinion regarding such aspects as a further thought from me knowing what I could and would tolerate compared to what would be an instant over portion, because of the ways as to which the loyalty and dedication in truth being of importance to me. I doubt I am the only one in such views thereof however the portions as to actuality thereof in length of time of patterns of behaviour regarding such, has been a bit more odd though defined regarding such aspects thereof. I suppose similarly to the celebratory aspects to the portions of relationship aspects both have been odd and foreign to me because of circumstances thereof, and yet while it has been something which has been wanted the comparison to actually needed is a whole other ball of wax. I have seen how relationships have entangled others in ways which the situations surrounding have caused problems in other areas of life to which having already gone through as I have and knowing a relationship is supposed to make things easier in comparison to how I have seen become more difficult, the amount of what has been needing to be done in comparison seemed where the portions were a choice regarding what could or could not be dealt with at such additional aspects thereof. It is not that I could not see the portions of being lonely regarding the choices made regarding such however the questions as to whether it was safer to be lonely and the problems not being as great compared to having more situations involved regarding the various points in time, it had seemed the proverbial lesser of two evils regarding the varied aspects; to which when such slowed down enough and the possibility to look into such a situation as to having a permanent relationship were thought of as if the time allowed, and if the connection was strong enough for such to occur in conjunction with the loyalty and dedication as per prior situations had already been as such. Admittedly as time went onward the view of such portions became further away in my view as per knowing myself, and knowing that I am not the easiest person to deal with on a daily basis as per my own thoughts admittedly though in addition to situations.
If the wish is to keep the fascade then the history coming forward as to how certain situations have been brought forward are the smaller portions as to how such will be viewed in such different ways in comparison to those who saw such and took the initiative, though whether the initiative was a beneficial initiative or associated with the weaknesses of ego are the portions to which to pay attention to not only in the minimal times though also the shorter times into the short times and so on and so forth regarding such realities as to such views especially with the technological portions which have sprung forward and continue to move forward at faster rates as per the design of such technological and technicalities thereof. for such individuals to take into consideration as to the fact those of the Armed Forces of the United States of America at Fort Sam Houston in Medical Hold Unit were able to accept such realities, it would be a pondering as to the situations regarding the civilian sector problems regarding such portions; with the except of knowing the regards as to the ways which cherubim have been problematic for such a length of centuries regarding such viewpoints. The ironic portions as to such aspects regarding certain groups of individuals in wishing the cherubim looking ones would be more ideal, though such is the problem with such physicalities thereof as time has proven of such aspects in a multitude of ways and situations. Then there are the health and well being portions to which while some have wished the portions thereof were not as important in certain locales, the realistic portions as to the requirement for such wellbeing and health being of importance despite the wishes for other such aspects. While #HIPPA HIPPA regards only to medical professionals, the portions of such have proven other such situations to be a reviewal thereof regarding such portions as per the general public in whether the larger aspects of the overall general portions or the smaller aspects as to the individuals and groups thereof regarding such truths being required. The current portions of the #COVID COVID aspects are only one minor way as to look into such aspects of the overall general impacts thereof in various groups and communities regarding such, if being honest with the reviewal thereof in other such connected ways as per the health portions in whichever aspects. The realities of acknowledging the realities of the wellbeing and healthcare as to truthful measures has been important longer than the times since the outbreak of COVID regarding such aspects in my opinion, which despite how such has been thought of or viewed over the years in my opinion being honest and bringing such forward regarding the truth thereof seemed important for truth whether in friendship or relationship aspects as per the clearer ability to be able to discuss more honestly as to ways to find better aspects for a longer amount of time compared to the ways which certain portions of technology seem to go in the quicker situations of forgetting in comparison to the length of time regarding other views regarding in person situations. As per the reference to my biological mother thinking 4 years and 10 years to be a quick teenager phase in comparison to the pattern of behaviour it was impossible for me to be able to see how such a length of time could be considered as a phase or a short amount of time, and as she had been working in Prudential on technology I had been concerned about the longer terms regarding human beings in reference to their own lives.
While the importance of utilizing technology in a proper way in comparison to relying upon for more and more each day has been able to make life easier in various regards, the pen and the paper have been able to be just as important because of the need for such in several ways and just as important for the proper balancing thereof. Possibly because of knowing a bit about the concerns in reference to backing up aspects for the levels of importance regarding the varied informational portions of life as well as the concerns regarding how certain hacking problems have been over the decades, the modifications as to such have been a situation some had not seen my concern regarding the truthful aspects thereof which were difficult to bring forward in discussions regarding those who had not seen the realities regarding the technological portions being more intertwined in life as time went on. The requirement for the aspects of my website only being run by me has been an additional aspect of importance because of the security required for such portions to which is another reason as to why there is any such assistance unless certain aspects have required help and has been a continued refusal regarding such and will remain so permanently because of the required safety protocols and must remain as such, because of the connected portions thereof and the requirement for the safety is greater than any might wish to acknowledge; however is the mandatory aspects regarding such, which the same in reference to my technology devices as per the requirements as per none needing to know other portions as much as they might wish to know. There is the difference as per such realities as per the intentions as well as other such aspects which is not considered as the same in reference to the relationship aspects, though is along such lines regarding the requirements for the security portions thereof. In all such ways regarding the technology devices as well as my website being absolutely mandatory of only being under my control is pertinent despite what some might wish, though the reality of such is the reality of such regarding the designation and chosen aspects. Thus while the relationship portions are negotiable, the aspects to my website and technology devices are nonnegotiable as well as similarly regarding other situations absolutely non-negotiable as per different rules and laws thereof due to the aspects regarding the larger aspects of security. While some have wished for other portions regarding such the reasons behind why the choices have been made, have to do additionally with clearance aspects to which intentions are a pattern of behaviour looked into regarding choices regarding the technological portions among several other aspects. It is not up for debate as it is nonnegotiable despite what some might wish as the requirements of safety are more important than someone else's wish, and always has been as such and will remain as such as well.
It is not a challenge and it is not a dare unless the challenge is to keep off of such portions and the dare is to stay out of such portions because of the realistic aspects of the long term, longer term, and longest terms of safety and while some wish the portions as to such were a more wide spread aspect; who else has been able to prove over decades as to the repeated patterns of behaviour for the highest good and the best interests overall regarding such amounts of time without ego and without greed, as well as the combined aspects of situations other than myself? Thus the nonnegotiable portions because of such aspects to which while the possibility of a relationship is an option, that is a mandatory aspect to take into consideration as per the proven aspects thereof. Thus all such portions have been a rejected aspect because of the mandatory portions of the safety protocols put into place for such regarding human beings as well as the earth in a multitude of aspects in additional portions regarding more than just one or two situations, and another set of reasons as to safety measures. As there have been far too many human beings who have been filled with greed needlessly, the requirement to know one's place in such aspects has been a mandatory portion and to which is required for such aspects; however while also knowing there are those who respect such portions the realities of which the situations involved have been more than what has been able to explain regarding several points in time mainly because of the dual portions referencing the aspects of my time in reference to pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and post-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, which being able to bring such portions up had been difficult to explain despite the amount of overall portions thereof having been discussed more-so in comparison to written about until much later because of the multitude of situations overall.
One particular aspect which was not able to be explained until years later had been regarding why I had fought to be able to be involved with the Armed Forces of the United States of America regarding my first duty station in my opinion, as when looking back in retrospect as to which agencies or groups or organizations which would have had a larger amount of information though admittedly not having known which to go into for such aspects; I thought going into the #infantry infantry or the #calvary calvary or the #combatarms combat arms or as an #MP #militarypolice MP would have been sufficient regarding bringing such information forward once getting over to what my first duty station would be. Mainly because of the facts regarding knowing my biological mother was working for a local government office in the #Woodstock Woodstock #Illinois Illinois area and having been the actual place regarding Woodstock in the 1970s, I knew there was not the ability to be able to discuss such portions without being in a different location which she would not be able to intervene because of how many portions of guilt I had seen regarding what she and others had been a part of. My Grandpa Gavett had warned me of many portions regarding his children in combination with my biological mother as he had married my biological Grandma afterwards, and as one of my biological aunts named Chris had been a part of trying to overthrow the United States of America during the 1960s and 1970s which had been an additional portion as to why I knew I could not be anywhere near those people when discussing such portions. Though her daughter went to an art college in Canada because of the ways which she had been raised, the problems thereof regarding such additional portions thereof can be seen and recognized as per her inability to be able to connect with Grandpa Gavett as per his choice having seen the problems which came from her immediately; which in such references it would be guesstimated as to the additional problems which were not as well known about, though possibly some had seen such problems later on. My Grandpa Gavett would have laughed at the situations regarding the college choices as per the situations as per him already having looked down upon his daughter Chris, for the ways she had chosen her life to be as well as how she had chosen to raise that child she had out of wedlock; which those who knew Grandpa Gavett, know how he would have looked down upon the situation as to how such had been conceived regarding Megan in addition to how he looked down upon that female known as her mother.
The additional aspects as to how they viewed the radicalized versions of several aspects in conjunction with preferring the Mandarin and communist portions in life compared to the freedom of choice had been another problem in combination as to other connections referencing my biological father's sister Linda and how she had worked to overthrow the local regions of New York City to bring in more of the Chinese population which had not been vetted through the processes regarding the required safety protocols, hence an additional portion regarding the requirements I personally have for the actual safety and security in comparison to what has already been seen regarding far too many people in a multitude of ways. The portions as to what was seen regarding how those people preferred to destroy all portions of the United States of America due to their views as to what information was not theirs to begin with and would remain as such had been problematic in the 1960s and 1970s though because my biological father was able to get my biological mother a job in Prudential and the groups involved with the practice drills for an airplane striking the #WTC World Trade Center was not because of the insurance aspects as some might have wished for, though had been because of their own involvement while not realizing the larger impacts thereof regarding such points in time of 11 September 2001; which in such regards the patterns of behaviour as to what was said as well as what was done can be reviewed regarding the different points in time, as well as how such responses had been regarding when such people were informed of my books/website/paintings/Medal of Honor Art Project/etcetera which proves my points hypothetically.
However my biological mother working with my biological Aunt Linda and her connection to the United States Postal Service in New York City in the 1990s had been a portion regarding as to my comments and suggestions to help where I could in regards of the after times from 11 September 2001, because of the knowledge I had regarding the situations referencing certain types of postal employees at such points in time. If there are references to postal employees having had problems with their employment and taking such out upon the other staff members as well as possibly including customers regarding such aspects, another point regarding such situations regarding the reasons as to fighting to be able to help regarding when I had fought to be able to be emancipated to be a part of whichever branch or division of the United States of America's Armed Forces because of the amount of background knowledge and information to understand what the situations were in a combination of aspects. At minimum the realities later were proven though sadly in regards of my opinion regarding such, mainly because of the loss of life and situations thereof as I had done what I could to assist the prevention of the larger aspects which thankfully was able to be done; which the cost of what occurred regarding the lives impacted is something which I cannot forget despite not remembering all of the people specifically by name regarding when growing up in New Jersey and going to various areas within the tristate areas nearby. The largest double edged sword when looking at such as per the care and concern regarding such individuals though the larger aspects of the United States of America and the global aspects as well, however what was needed for such regarding the aspects of meant more lived onward comparatively to such nightmare portions as well as visions before the dream-like state of visions later on; which seemed as though would be fake regarding the dream portions, mainly because of not being able to see how such could ever be more positive regarding my own life.
The irony I suppose is the aspects as to many within the realms of such employment professions and their particular internal reflections regarding such job choices regarding the portions of what has been required though because of differences in the hands on portions comparatively I suppose is the difference regarding such even though along the same lines, and yet when taking into consideration both in reference to the oceanic portions as well as the Irving situation of the hands on portions has been the odd ironic connection points thereof; and yet at the same time not the same, mainly because of the facts of differences between human beings and what was needing to be handled regarding such situations. I would guesstimate it is different regarding explaining the feeling of the blood running down one's hand regarding certain employment aspects compared to the situations in the ocean as well as Irving in such references, however the coldness in certain regards is somewhat similar regarding such as well as the internal reflections thereof regarding how could anyone ever look towards with love in their eyes regarding the acceptances thereof in such ways. Though I suppose additionally has had its own impact regarding the celebration aspects because realistically, who could I ever celebrate such portions with when incapable to bring such portions forward regarding such situations? An additional twisted ironic aspect as to such celebratory portions, though as I do not know how such individuals usually celebrate a victory thereof other than alcohol which I cannot drink has been a different situation regarding such portions thereof aside from the birthday aspects and situations.
However as I would guesstimate from what I have seen, most have had people who have paid attention to such regarding their birthday and while I know there are those with different religious backgrounds as to which it is not as celebrated as others; the fact of actually being raised as a child and teenager in a house which everyone else's birthday was majorly celebrated in comparison possibly might contribute to the fact after waking up from my coma and hypothetically when taking in consideration that the first birthday I actually remembered from pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury had been in reference to my biological sister; which if that gives and example as to the lack of concern regarding when I was growing up in comparison regarding biological parents, I suppose that gives a different view point thereof. However in regards of my actual birthday once again, it took to the point of this year in 2021 to realize such portions in conjunction with the actual timing thereof in comparison to the legalities regarding the birthday portions for me. While it is not necessarily customary for the various branches or divisions to throw a birthday party regarding anyone's birthday comparatively, the reality of such not being considered as big of a deal regarding others' views regarding myself has been an additional portion as to why such aspects of which my own birthday has not been looked at the same way by me; as the realistic aspects to having been in labor to deliver my son during my first year of being out of the coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, to which the second year after being out of the coma was making sure my #Letters4James son's birthday party went as well as possible while preparing to deliver my #Letters4Lidia daughter later that month. Thereafter such points in time the focus being on my son and my daughter in comparison to the timing which is of my birthday had not ever been a main focus regarding the time of pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 in combination with the after timing of waking up from the coma, which for the first year I have ever not needed a calendar to ever remember such only took 21 years regarding such aspects thereof. Then again, I also have not had the luxury to have had such available for such reminders in other such ways regarding what I have seen and heard of being considered as something to celebrate regarding myself and because of my own personality the minimal portions as to bringing such forward as per the ways of the feelings thereof regarding how such had been viewed in prior years and prior times as well as thereafter. Thus even within the first 19 years after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury there was not ever the ability to focus upon my own date of birth because of making sure my son and my daughter had been able to enjoy their childhood as best as I could make such for them, and the timing of such was more important to me to ensure the best I could for them regarding such times. Admittedly now even though it is considered as normal for some regarding the birthday portions, it feels selfish even though I know it is not considered as such more officially; yet also knowing there are those of different religious backgrounds who do not normally celebrate their birthdays in such ways as more well known, the understanding regarding the feelings thereof regarding the bringing such forward for more knowledge thereof yet the normalcy of such being more among the general population.
In my opinion it is a good thing to celebrate the birthday despite the oddities for me to acknowledge such, and yet how does one celebrate such in realistic standpoints? I suppose it is ironic as to the day of my birth being on a Sunday and how I have been more reserved regarding various portions thereof, yet at the same time feeling odd about such aspects having known regarding the ways as to how such has been viewed regarding such aspects. The ease to remember the birthday of both my son and my daughter in comparison regarding such times has been the larger focus regarding multiple aspects, and yet in such aspects as to focusing upon such in comparison to my own birthday for such a length of time both in reference to before as well as after Psalm Sunday in 2000; it has been a bit to process more recently as per the reality of focusing on myself in comparison, which is where my own internal quandry has been regarding such I suppose is the way to put such.
While it is also the same date regarding my biological sister's birthday of which my Bok Gung's birthday as it had been reminded regarding such discussions after my biological parents moved back in the year of 2003 to the state of Texas, the ironic portions as to remembering that date first which of course my biological sister would be happy regarding such in her selfish aspects while not taking into consideration the ironic twist of the slight regarding my Bok Pu's opinion regarding her birthday and our biological mother's ignorance to thinking to impress my Bok Gung was to have such a birthday in comparison to the name once chosen for such at the time of had been where the respect was actually supposed to go, which if my biological sister had ever realized it was a shame portion to which was brought forward regarding the shame she should have felt because of Anna's choice to ignore Bok Pu while thinking the ways of which for the aspects as to the name my biological sister will not ever know as to what she was supposed to have regarding her birth. Thankfully I suppose because of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, there is the full guarantee that name will not ever be known to her or anyone else for that matter which I can see my Bok Pu smiling as to the situations thereof as well as my Bok Gung for what the choices were regarding the biological mother aspect. The lost soul, is a reference aspect as to what such a situation regarding my biological sister in such regards as to the ways which her patterns of behaviour would prove in larger ways over time regarding the metaphorical portions thereof as per what occurred referencing my Bok Pu as well as my Bok Gung for what choices were made in reference to the naming process for my biological sister and how no matter what she will not ever find solace or peace regarding anything which would ever bring truthful happiness regarding such portions as she also was not ever taught how to be mindful of herself and in such ways her choices thereof would only lead her down the path of self-destruction while needlessly taking others along her path in comparison to finding better ways on her own. While I knew she would try to take my son and my daughter with her both my son and my daughter have something she could not ever have, which is my truthful love and concern for their best interests in any such situations; which despite however life has lead my son and my daughter have more than my biological sister could ever wish for or know to hope for without such guidance, which is the genuinity of concern and realistic portions of unconditional love from their Mom both biologically and in all such other ways. Unlike in reference to my biological sister my son and my daughter among many others have had at minimum one parent who has cared for and genuinely wanted and needed the best for their growth forward, in comparison to putting on a show regarding what perceptions of others having in such ways; which even those who have had a parental role putting such forward have over time realized such aspects and have worked toward fixing and repairing the relationships in the best ways possible, to which my biological sister cannot ever be afforded such portions and is a part of what my Bok Pu and Bok Gung had warned our biological mother of.
An odd silver lining, though a silver lining nonetheless.
However the same regarding those I once knew in person can say in such regards in comparison to my biological sister as per the situations thereof regarding myself as per, as realistically despite the ways such had gone over the times the portions to which actually caring and truthfully being concerned in comparison and doing the best possible without calculating the costs in the initial or even shorter terms thereof despite later views in such times comparatively regarding such times and portions of situations. To which when analyzing such points in time if honestly, the ability to see a larger difference regarding such aspects thereof; to which my biological sister could not ever have such a reflection regarding others involved, as per her choices upon how she had chosen to live her life and those she had left in the proverbial wake.
The reality as to the difference of treatment regarding between my biological sister compared to myself also can show such portions additionally when taking a look at such realities regarding such portions over the time for such a reality check referencing such aspects in truth. Such attitudes and viewpoints thereof in whichever group and locale thereof only proves additional aspects regarding the treatments towards me thereof in a minimal amount of time in comparison, to which once again each individual and group thereof is to evaluate how their own long term views will be in such regards depending upon the length of time and to what levels thereof to such situations regarding such portions realistically as it is able to be seen in such ways and has been able to be seen in the ways thereof. Choices are of freewill in a multitude of ways and is known as well as will always be known regarding the future aspects to which when taking a look at the length of time for such, each has their own portions as to what they themselves will be able to know of their own paths for their own understanding as to how such can and will go as there is not the way to hide such as there had not ever been the way to hide such ever; it was simply a mirage regarding as to how some thought they could hide such, in comparison to it always having been able to be seen as per the satellite imagery well before the local on the ground security cameras and then the smaller aspects as to the cellphone cameras in combination with hand held cameras regarding more than just the reference point for this particular entry just in reference of the physical view in comparison to the additional aspects as to the audio recordings thereof in the multitude of locations.
Nonetheless for the first time in 21 years as my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury was 21 years ago at this point though waking up from my coma with the subarachnoid hemorrhage which took 4.5+ years to start to show signs of the blood on my brain start to recede, the residual damages regarding such portions had continued onward despite what others I met along the way during the time as it has gone had not lessened in the slightest. I have gone through many medical treatments referencing the various attempts to make the pain less regarding various medications as well as therapies, which while there were certain portions which did help and assist; due to other factors as such times, the return to the levels of the pain occurred within less than the first year of actually finding what helped and assisted in 2009. In comparison while there were multiple doctors which I had appointments with from 2000 through to 2009 and onward, the realistic portions as to what I had been extremely skeptical of had actually proven to be helpful up until the ways situations went afterwards regarding ironically my birthday month of August in the year of 2009. Once the #SCUBA #SCUBADivingSCUBA Diving situation had gotten to the point it had, the wellness I was able to find for myself to be able to discuss with the doctors had gone the way it had because of the lack of support and the lack of concern regarding such situations when in person referencing such situations. In comparison to doing what was required for such situations as per realizing such aspects more recently admittedly though also due to the fact of the requirement to make sure my son and my daughter were taken care of as best as I could, the situations as to which way the SCUBA Diving after portions had been had caused additional needless problems in comparison to actually being helpful and assistive as it initially had as per the situations I had found to be ways to assist the situations.
For the first time in 9 years from waking up from my coma I was able to not feel any pain what-so-ever when I was SCUBA Diving and the residual from the time of SCUBA Diving actually lasted longer than any medication I had ever been prescribed in whichever combinations thereof, yet even though I was made fun of regarding wondering why I would ever need a partner for SCUBA Diving upon getting involved initially to prepare for class; the ironic portions I suppose later on only proved such questions I had regarding the ways as to which such time has proven regarding the attitudes or views of SCUBA Divers regarding the ways as to which such had gone, in the hypothetical portions thereof up until the realization hypothetically of the books I wrote and my website in conjunction with my Medal of Honor Art Project. I would guesstimate only until after those portions was ever when any such individuals I once knew had ever had a second thought about me regarding such realities, most likely beginning after I had contacted a SCUBA Diving school in the Puyallup Washington area in 2013; which in turn in other ways only shows as to the ways of which when I began SCUBA Diving research as to the ways of which the energetic portions were upon walking into both of the schools in the Carrollton Texas areas to find which one would be more ideal for me at the time, to get the education for myself regarding such aspects. The explanations regarding the medical aspects after reading through the Jewish Medical Journal, the British Medical Journal, and other medical journals referencing the assistance for headaches in SCUBA Diving is something I was skeptical of though was willing to try for myself though also knowing the portions as per prior discussions regarding the various situations in reference to Armed Forces of the United States of America and the head injury portions or more commonly called TBI in such time differences. Admittedly a multifaceted purpose regarding my choice to go into SCUBA Diving as per the assistances which were reported regarding the possibilities to assist those with head injuries had not been studied as per only the references were in regards of the headaches portions, however knowing of what MOS fields I was initially looking into I could see the reverse portions of which might need further aspects for the healthcare portions and wellbeing of those who could have done SCUBA Diving before regarding certain specialty forces associated with the particular MOS fields and such possibilities regarding the injuries from a head injury during the timeframe of and/or after such training aspects. My patterns of behaviour regarding the surgery portions may not be considered the most normal way to review such portions as to my choices thereof in 2009, however give a base line for such consideration regarding the situations thereof in conjunction to the Temporary Retirement Duty Leave medical appointments for the after effects to assist those who had completed Basic Training and/or AIT in reference to the situations of the times especially after 11 September 2001. Though I had not gone into such details at such times, it was partially because of the facts regarding knowing my clearance level upon entry to the Armed Forces of the United States of America Army branch; and yet while having been honest regarding such portions, I guesstimate such was not as understood despite the knowledge thereof.
However the realistic portions of which the month of August being the month of my birth and the ironic portions as to the SCUBA Dive out from the #BocaRaton Boca Raton #Florida Florida region to find forming underwater volcanoes as well as the SCUBA Dive out from the #FloridaKeys #KeyWest Florida Keys area to go to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg in the same year of 2009, all occurred before my birthday officially yet in the same month. While I did realize only because of looking at the multiple calendars in 2017 about my birthday aligning with the Solar Eclipse of that year while initially planning for my Medal of Honor Art Project trip because of the additional news reporting thereof regarding the Solar Eclipse that year, I did do something for myself to a degree and yet had not been able to officially do so for myself as per the way the situation had gone in other such reference aspects. While some might have thought there was a dual purpose regarding the first and only family vacation I had created for my son, my daughter, my niece, and I to go on; the only dual portion was the fact of being able to stop by #Georgia Georgia for a brief amount of time for them to spend time with their other side of their biological family, in comparison to anything having to do with me personally. In reference to my SCUBA Diving that was as it was began regarding such portions thereof regarding the medical situation regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the ability to go and take care of what I needed to take care of not for myself officially, though more along such other safety protocol aspects thereof. Even still the timing only in the month of August regarding the aspects as to the leaving from the Boca Raton area where I found the forming underwater volcanoes was not for myself though was for other such connected aspects, just as in reference to my SCUBA Diving regarding the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg were for other such portions; though admittedly the only selfish-ish portion was being able to go to the boat named after one of the individuals involved regarding #TheBigBlueBook The Big Blue Book or the #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project among a few other portions regarding my Grandpa Gavett as well as the Marine and Science Technology School with Naval attachment, if that is truthfully considered as selfish in such regards in comparison to the facts thereof for such combinations.
Thus in such times where 2 August 2021 is officially 12 years since the Boca Raton Florida SCUBA Dive where I found the forming underwater volcanoes and in a few days will be the 12 year anniversary regarding my SCUBA Dive in the area of the Florida Keys to leave from to go to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, it is the 21 year mark as to the first time without a calendar to ever recognize on my own as to my own actual birthday regarding my physical birth after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Thus to celebrate such aspects when it is actually the time to celebrate I suppose, is something to which is what it is. While in the Seattle Washington area of which going to the club which I had volunteered at the knowledge as to the legalities regarding my birthday as per the requirement to put such information into the system which people had checked in while the individuals if it had been considered as important could have easily done something simple regarding such aspects, however due to the adult nature and my refusal to be a stereotype regarding a multitude of situations in comparison there was not such ever brought forward in such ways by whoever made that choice in comparison to ever asking or thinking about such other portions regarding everyone else's birthday celebrations which had been brought forward during such times throughout such years from 2015-2019 regarding my personal involvement during those years as others had also done what is called belated birthday parties regarding the location thereof and that obviously does not include other such locations previously which also had such legal information regarding the birthday aspects. Possibly I could review such as per the Female Dominant aspect as to not being willing to bring such forward as per the information already having been known and those of such portions know as to how such is reviewed regarding such knowledge, however also being the way I am is another attribute regarding as to not bringing up such realities myself because of how I was raised in conjunction with my biological mother/father/sister being in those areas of #Texas Texas and/or sending their own connections to get involved with such as the way they had already done so regarding the #mysa #SanAntonio #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Pagan community. Possibly it was my arrogance thinking there was ever anything more regarding such groups regarding the involvement I had been, however knowing the facts as to how my biological mother/father/sister had been as I had repeatedly warned of left such in the hands of those as to whether or not the portions were considered important enough to bring forward of their own freewill in comparison to bringing forward on my own as per the meaning of the term celebration to which at such aspects the realistic views thereof to see as such as per the choices thereof regarding such worth in such references.
In turn while it has simply been just another day to me as per the portions of knowing how my childhood and teenager years had been prior to the timing of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, so too in such regards was it just another day to me in different ways as per making sure my son and my daughter were taken care of as best as I could at such times. Due to other aspects as to only one surprise birthday party which occurred when I was a teenager and the ways as to which that had gone referencing how that event went, the portions of not being a fan of surprises especially in reference to birthday party celebrations due to such situations had been a situation which for those who have known my biological sister and her friends can envision as to why I do not like surprises in a multitude of ways as the only actual birthday party which was supposed to be only my birthday party regarding my Sweet 16 turned into where instead of who I preferred had been who my biological sister wanted in comparison to what I wanted and needed for my own enjoyment as well as the additional surprise needlessly regarding the portions of the Bon Voyage aspects thereof at the last minute. However that is not the actual situation regarding the surprise birthday situation which I will not delve into, though those who have known my biological sister and the ways as to which she had been once again you can guess how horrible that particular situation had gone in such times before leaving #NewJersey New Jersey as well as once after being in Illinois.
Nonetheless in regards of the adult locations thereof while such choices had been as such choices had been and though I had in private to how I wound up in Washington state had made the comment about the portions regarding how I did not want to bring such up to the club individuals because of knowing how drunken people have the lack of control of themselves to keep their hands to themselves and what needless problems such would cause because of their inability to maintain their own composure to respect my boundaries especially noticing when alcohol is involved regarding such portions, which there was only one person I had made the comment to about such which in turn the realities thereof either the involvement of the technology aspects and/or the babysitter aspects as to how winding up out of the state of Texas at the time and the involvement with discussing with others within whichever aspect as to my opinions regarding such. As that male had said his aunt from #Houston Houston had gotten him into the Air Force Officer School as per the learned of stolen valor regarding that male, the additional aspects thereof regarding the problems which came out of the state of Texas as well as the associations thereof regarding such individuals of whichever groups thereof. As it seems according to the paths as to the ways situations had gone according to some individuals' opinions who knew nothing of the realities of what I dealt with up to such points because of the inability to go into such details and the lack of belief at such times in such reality aspects as well, had made their own decisions as to what they had not known of what I had already endured and suffered due to their own arrogances regarding such stolen valor situations. There have always been those who took earned valor seriously just as there have always been those who have been against stolen valor and took such seriously, to which while some have not realized the importance of maintaining the earned portions in a larger way; a realistic portion of the required training as well as the required backgrounds for the ability to be helpful in the field compared to being considered as a hazard, is only one portion of which can be seen in different circumstances. The verification processes to which to ensure the backgrounds when in the civilian sector has been brought forward more recently though the ironic portions regarding a few other circumstances have had to be kept off to the side more along the lines because of the security measures regarding such individuals with such backgrounds, because of the safety aspects required in reference to the abilities thereof regarding certain specifics for if/when more needed to be not only more known of towards others in higher positions though also in regards of if/when such requirements to step forward are mandatory for the assistances in ways which have been considered more unconventional because of the situations thereof.
Then again those inconvenient truths I had brought up while not being a professional in reference to my own choices and how such had possibly looked to those who were professionals, in comparison to ever thinking there could be at any point in time a Female Dominant who was not a professional ever actually being supportive at those times of such types of professions. The fact I did not go into the details previously because it was not anyone's business as to who I knew in my past was not anyone's business, which the infuriation as to the forcing of such information being brought forward when it was not for anyone to know as per my own choices though due to the arrogance and the ego of such portions for such information; I would not have written such portions regarding such aspects of who I had watched her body being drug into the streets regarding the gurney as per prior posts among several other aspects; had the situations not been a problem due to those types of people having any common courtesy or human decency as to be as accepting as they had claimed to be regarding others within the adult lifestyle community, while knowing such had existed and still exists in various contexts though the situations thereof have been overlooked in certain circumstances because of the general view points in comparison to the ability to see past such circumstances. However since I also had refused to be a part of publicizing such aspects for others' professional aspects in reference to any such ways and because my son, my daughter, and my safety were and are more important than others' egos in such ways; it would not surprise me if in reference to others who were not able to see a friendship being realistic because of their own prior experiences and influencing their modern choices having destroyed what once was, regarding such aspects for what once was regarding what once was a friendship in honesty compared to whatever that type of individual(s) and group(s) would hypothetically have done for their own business. In some ways while not having the slightest bit of humanity left as per the choices thereof if I am accurate for it was quite simple to see back in those days as to the amount I was already dealing with and as the physical purview regarding such aspects of what I was dealing with already up to such point in time, though such situations were also not considered as valid as they had always been valid.
The situations in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear is one official aspect to take into consideration as per the realistic portions of the security portions however at minimum the portions of which the regulator, the hoses, and etcetera were not the original configuration regarding my SCUBA Diving in the oceanic waters as per the fact of having changed over the gear for Cavern SCUBA Diving only after having gone to the Cancun/Cozumel areas as well as out from Boca Raton Florida and the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as per the seriousness I have and had taken regarding such portions regarding my SCUBA Diving training. Thus what gear was in my SCUBA Diving gear bag was not what I had gone SCUBA Diving with the exception of the depth gauge computer which was a military British SCUBA Diving depth gauge 3 in 1, the possibility of 1 out of the 3 BCDs I had for my SCUBA Diving gear, and the possibility of 1 or 2 wetsuits depending how such SCUBA Diving gear was packed before the move from Irving to San Antonio Texas; however also taking into consideration the portions of Irving into such realistic portions as to such aspects, for such consideration regarding the security measures in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear from that portion. To in my opinion referencing such gear if there were civilians who refused to accept the reality of which the Armed Forces of the United States of America had the rights to such in comparison to civilians, then I suppose if a joke was being played on me the joke being turned around on them regarding such portions as per the intentions thereof; as it was always more important for the Armed Forces of the United States of America for such gear in comparison to the civilian sector because of the employment aspects compared to the civilian recreational aspects thereof, in my opinion. There purposefully by my choices were not ever anything recreational about my SCUBA Diving whether looking towards the training and/or the reasons why I had gotten involved with SCUBA Diving, when taking a look into the realistic portions of the facts with the patterns of behaviour of myself. Thus in some ways the possibly joke in regards of what would be considered as my birthday could be a bit muddled regarding depending upon the view point whether the physical birth, the conception of timing as per the aspects as to the Asian culture, the timing of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and/or waking up from my coma, the various dates regarding my SCUBA Diving certifications, and/or whatever additional aspects as well for such possibilities regarding such aspects and possibly a different set of confusionary aspects; however since most celebrate the birthdate officially more-so, is where this particular posting has the reference towards such aspects.
Since the times went as such times went where once there had been such tolerance regarding such others' employment professions in such ways, those types of individuals who could not get past their own egos regarding such views if hypothetically accurate and the male who had brought up the beginning of regarding the Stoney LaRue concert at the #CowboysDanceHall Cowboys Dance Hall regarding odd connections explained later in 2020 about ClubFEM being in Houston compared to what I had been told by some in the Austin community as well as seemingly it being considered more of an appropriate connection because of what I knew growing up in New Jersey referencing certain adult consenting behaviours of the ClubFEM beginning in #Austin Austin Texas; as well as others online when speaking through Skype having said that #ClubFEM had originated in England which I had brought up at meetings in Austin about such as well as a few other points the situations as to which transpired thereafter and how I with my minor son had wound up in Washington state, hypothetically was more convenient for those types of people to be able to go as however they went regarding the times after I wound up in #Washington Washington state. Thus while such possible viewed convenience had possibly been for such business aspects the shortest term gain in the long term probably had not worked out in the ways which were not seen at such times regarding the lack of knowledge because of the inability to go into such details, and only having the smallest idea as to who I am and who I had always been. Thus when the ironic portions of the only partial birthday party I ever had as a biological adult being kept hidden because of the facts of the groups I had been involved with depending upon the viewpoint thereof, the repetition of showing others' needless shame regarding having known me in person as per the perception because of varied aspects as to the general public viewpoints. I can see such in reference additionally regarding the viewpoints regarding the lack of transparency from others regarding the facts as to not having admitted the truth regarding the ways as to not having been honest about seeing my website and/or reading what I had put forward regarding the Finding Silver Lining books, however also the other books I had written which such portions of not having been honest about the circumstances thereof only caused the pushing away from once back in the state of Texas.
The fact of the intolerance of lies and being around such types of people who would make such choices knowingly regarding the amount of truth which had been spoken as well as written about, only repeated the times as to when before returning to the state of Texas only from a larger group of people in comparison to the smaller groups and so-called communities thereof. A community is supposed to support and care for one another in comparison to attacking others, in my opinion. The ironic twists as to not only in reference to my SCUBA Diving though also the portions regarding Irving and my Medal of Honor Art Project regarding such and who the choice had been and is regarding those particular aspects and the lack of requirement for any such individuals involvement regarding such, and yet the hypothetical curiosities which meant nothing to such entities regarding any human being who has not been approved regarding such portions for the knowledge thereof regarding such situations and possibilities thereof. It is ironic for the stances which I once took regarding such types of employment aspects as to the realities of which can be found within the Bible for what is considered as unacceptable regarding certain professions and as the timing of Irving being when I had defended the most up to such points in time, and the ways such had gone regarding the thereafter as to how such situations had gone winding up in Washington state. In turn the ways as to the view points of such entities as to the portions thereof literally and metaphorically looking down upon such types in comparison to what was defended regarding such times before the year of 2012, however when such a choice has been made such a choice also cannot be undone. While some might wish for such though no more than can be wished by myself as to not having been, the situations thereof as to how other situations had gone only brings forward the situations regarding the current times regarding more than what was allowed to be known regarding such aspects. Problems regarding the security of the homeland as well as the world has been a problem regarding certain types of professions thinking their ability to manipulate the physical aspects in comparison to what is required for such portions of such acceptances, the ironic portions of the public purview of such having been once thought of to be able to mingle within the public sector regarding such aspects if brought forward in a specific way; only for such to not be brought forward in such a way of acceptance and requiring the hidden portions to remain hidden regarding such aspects, as per the prior situations regarding the situations caused by those types of individuals in the length of time over the millenniums.
The one chance which it could have been brought forward in a more positive light in comparison to only having been brought forward through the celebrity factor from videos thereof in which the attempts at the times to bring forward in an accepted view point, is quite ironic as to such realities later seen referencing such portions as to the treatment of who had been/is chosen by the entities of which regarding more than the Irving situation regarding such. If it is wondered as to who had known though had not known officially, my clearance at the age of 17 years old brings forward that reality regarding such portions in a much larger way regarding such aspects thereof as to who was actually paying attention far longer than some had realized. As the fact of the choice for clearance has to do with the combined information regarding the background checks for such portions, the realistic aspects as to what my background without having to explain such to civilians who do not have the clearance for such as well as those who do not have the clearance regarding other arenas thereof; such portions of which the treatments towards has been problematic despite having explained it is much better when I am in a good mood compared to a bad mood, and it is much safer when I am in a good mood compared to a bad mood. With the fact of the ocean being known to be tied to the emotions, I did not think it was required to explain such portions as I also did not think it took a head injury to figure such out.
Thus the ways as to which went as it had, is how such situations went as such had gone. The portions of what occurred and the intentions thereof referencing those who put such forward had already been seen and noticed regarding locations well before in regards to Washington state, as my intentions while unknown to those who refused to speak with me in person at those times as well as the times thereafter only allow themselves the information as per what is chosen to be released regarding when in writing by their own choices thereof because of the required truth to be able to speak of such and while I could write of such portions the realistic aspects as to why it would ever be considered as important realistically has not been shown to me by the standards to which I have seen as well as others have seen regarding what is considered as important to bring such forward by such standards. The ironic portion was not so much in reference to females as it was to males who could not maintain their own composure and had wrongly blamed the females regarding such aspects, to which in my opinion has gone on for far too long in a multitude of ways needlessly.
I knew there would be those who would grab a hold of my physically making me feel uncomfortable and the concern about how ignorant some would be in reference to my headaches and migraines would be the ignored portion to which the needless additional pain I was already in regarding Washington state referencing the zapping/electrical portions would be ignored, though it would not only as it had not only been known regarding the portions of Washington state having seen such other problems well before winding up in the area. I also knew there would be males who would not accept no for an answer who would require the education regarding such portions to which consent is mandatory for any such aspects regarding the comfort levels in conjunction with the mandatory truthful aspects in all such ways, which as how many times I had defended others as well as defended myself the problems thereof regarding certain individuals involved with such lifestyle aspects had been problematic well before 2013 as per the amount of time from 2004-2005 I had defended when my hairstyle and my hair-color were of my natural hair compared to the coloring I have done since later in 2005. Hence though I could have brought up my birthday in various situations as per seeing the calendar regarding the date thereof, it was not as important to me as per the situations occurring in reference to what was going on at the time with my son and my daughter in comparison. However such also shows what levels of concern there had been during such times regarding my involvement regarding the various groups and locations thereof while also showing the lack of self-control regarding various individuals for if such choices regarding the bringing forward publicly was because of the comments I made inside of what was supposed to be a private house which in turn meant there should not have been any recording devices thereof for such comments to be known or the portions of having the individual not ever having been in a relationship that was of any worth or any value regarding such times from 2013-2018, then it makes perfect sense as to why there was the inability for that male to ever sleep next to me for what occurred as to what he complained about as per the violence when I was sleeping to which he had felt the wrath thereof by being thrown across the room. Luckily for him I suppose in comparison to the Corona situation in reference to the way which was thrown when I was defending myself, at minimum the direction was different regarding the window location(s) thereof.
I suppose I can joke even in my sleep I do what I can to keep life going even if having to defend myself, even if the situation was and is as it was and the situation to such times is as it is. Unlike what some might think or wish about other such entities, the physical as to what human beings look as is the least of their concern; it has everything to do with what can be brought forward regarding assistances thereof compared to the physical purview to which in some ways I can joke in regards as to how I have looked past many portions of the physical and what was known regarding such times, in reference to who I had been willing to speak with in person during such times back then for such reference aspects as to how such was once looked at regarding such individuals. While I could have brought up having had certain situations occur over those years when knowing in person, the fact of the amount of times having been told the details which were being brought up were not considered as important and/or were too serious to discuss in an adult setting only then means how such was looked at during such times was as such per the proof later on regarding how such treatments had went.
While the discussions could have turned towards such if the points had been gotten to during those years in person with such individuals, the choices made were the choices made regarding such aspects thereof. Thus the choice to remove me had been the choice to remove themselves from such aspects referencing the involvement thereof of such future portions regarding other aspects as while the ironic potions as to how many had made fun of me for not knowing Pop Culture references regarding such portions possibly hypothetically regarding the Irving situation as well as the reference aspects as to the situations involving my SCUBA Diving, if there are pop culture references regarding such portions which I would not have been privy to before then the realistic aspects regarding the hypothetical situations as to what others' perceptions have been of me regarding such in other such points in time would be proven to be viewed in whichever aspects thereof regarding such choices made by those in positions well above other aspects; I suppose pun intended regarding such above portions, when in reference to the spacial portions thereof. While my intention to work on the paintings has been paused due to the ways as to which the traveling had gone due to such as I hypothesize arrogance and ego thinking anyone ever had the slightest idea as to how I paint in comparison to what is actually done when I paint, then to which the pause of such is the reality for such arrogances as per the requirements for such to calm down because of such overstepping by those who have no authority to get involved beyond their own wishes; to which then goes towards the aspects of my tattoos which those who had problems with such previously should remain as such in regards of staying away regarding the portions thereof as per the complaints made referencing such times as per proof of such not ever having been a fashion statement nor a fad for me, as I had explained back in those times.
Again there is not one person who can truthfully wish more than I of not needing to have such tattoos, though the reality of such being helpful for me as others' tattoos are for them. If you choose to get a #tattoo tattoo then that is your choice just as if you choose not to get a tattoo that is your choice however you do not have any right nor any authority over anyone else's tattoos, as per the realities of each tattoo being of whoever the individual's body and individual choice thereof. In turn for as many Democrats and Liberals out there who have expressed the right to choose and the saying of "my body my choice" rings truest especially regarding tattoos per individual of which my tattoos in my body are mine and are my choice in comparison to anyone else wishing otherwise, which my tattoos are exactly as such mine and mine alone and not for any other as per if you want a tattoo you can go to a tattoo shop and get your own tattoo into your own flesh in comparison; which as the choice which could not be undone regarding a poster I had been on regarding such aspects, that choice cost much more than what was realized regarding such portions in the long and longer and longest terms thereof especially in regards as to without such an apology in such respects the lack of requirement to ever be a part of anything regarding such portions thereafter without such a mandatory portion of requirement. If the ego is too big to humble oneself regarding such portions of reality as to the situations of disrespect which was done back in 2011 onward, then such portions of such associations can remain in their spaces away from me and away from mine permanently as per my own opinion regarding such aspects and my choice regarding the choice to wrongly deny such portions thereof while also not having done anything to assist the defenses regarding keeping me safe regarding during the event itself or thereafter as promised when discussing the situations regarding being more than just a poster girl regarding the event as per my requirements regarding the favor I had done referencing the event in 2011. While such portions were not written down officially the regards as to the requirements being discussed as per learning of the poster girl having to be involved with the production are enough evidentiary evidence as to the portions regarding the promises made regarding the portions of what was required at such portions for such aspects which were not adhered to as promised, which were/are mandatory to follow such guidelines. As it has been joked about wondering if I was born as a lawyer, such additional aspects can be taken into consideration regarding the discussions referencing the required aspects as per the situation regarding such aspects to which were agreed to by the individual involved and his submission regarding the aspects as to the mandatory aspects were required for the availability regarding the poster girl portion being a part of the event itself. Thus because of continuing forward and having been a part of the event, his submission to such agreements were required for such portions in such full totality of the agreement regarding my involvement in the event. As many have seen the event and even more have known of the event regarding such aspects, his submission to my demands were required and had been mandatory for such a favor regarding my involvement further than being the poster girl and being involved with the performance.
I had already dealt with situations regarding my dead-ex-husband in reference to noise makers and other such problems not in relation to my birthday though in reference of other aspects, to which the ironic portion as to his complaints regarding the New Year's Eve celebrations when at my house in San Antonio in ways he had acknowledged trying to copy what I had dealt with to try to convince the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America that he could survive what I dealt with in comparison to just accepting the fact he could not handle the realities of the Iraq War as well as the training thereof to actually be of real help and truthful assistances to those in uniform along side with. However the realistic portions of going outside to scream at the people he chose to scream at was not anything regarding how I had dealt with the situations regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as the reality of how I dealt with such had been in the quite aspects within my house in San Antonio in comparison to stepping outside to yell and scream in the face of others. Which since the portions of the IRR situation as well as the stolen valor of the Dress Blues in other portions show other portions thereof regarding such aspects, while some had wished to be different they had not taken into consideration that they were not the only ones who wished such to be different; forgetting the fact I had dealt with such personally which in turn none could wish more than I for such to have been different, realistically if taking an honest look at such portions thereof. Literally and metaphorically regarding such portions the half portion of such feelings can be reviewed regarding the closest aspect though more closely to only 1/2 of wishing such had been different regarding such, when taking into consideration my son and my daughter for such differences as still I was the one who dealt with the brunt of such situations in combination and the portions to which they had dealt with had been the filtered version comparatively as sad as it is to have to write to acknowledge such realities thereof. In turn anyone after my son, my daughter, and myself could not ever wish as much for the differences regarding such aspects as per the levels to which what had been dealt with regarding such situations in combination as annoying as it is to have to acknowledge such portions thereof; though yet again the realistic portions of having to acknowledge such myself, because of having had to go through such myself regarding such aspects thereof.
Thus while I am thankful and grateful to be able to have had such portions go through finally in reference to the aspects as to the transfer paperwork in the timeframe which is supposed to be considered as a celebratory portion thereof in comparison to what I could have had completed in such earlier times, the requirement as to get other such responsibilities taken care of is required in comparison to the timeframe previously known and understood to me regarding such portions regarding such. As I am not in a relationship in such ways to which would ever need such clarifications beyond the legal requirements as to the portions of which to get such transfer paperwork squared away beyond some hypothetically being nosey in the wrong ways thereof and wishing for such information which they are not approved for, the portions as to prior writings as to the feelings as to the situations thereof for the length of time to get such properly taken care of so I could actually be able to relax and enjoy the first birthday I actually could remember without the requirement of a calendar has already begun in the manner which it begun in. Again while admittedly I am unconventional regarding the ways to which situations are handled, there is also the multitude of reasons as to why I am who I am and what I do is what I do to which while some have wished in other ways again they are not the only ones who have wished such in other such ways.
While the fact of for the first time in 21 years of ever remembering my own birthday without the calendar reminders has been problematic in such other transfer aspects as well additionally as once again without any actual relationship of any type in person, there is not the requirement to discuss any such portions of the details thereof. In such aspects as to how the removal of at such times had gone and the continued thereof regarding the truth spoken in person with me, the lack of requirement to discuss such portions with anyone is the realistic portions thereof to which only assumptions can be made regarding anything involved in comparison to the truth. At minimum thankfully my patterns of behaviour would show the intentions of pure truth as well as the intentions of the best and highest good regarding such, however due to such choices there are scriptures in the Bible which bring forward the viewpoints thereof regarding "let those who are holy remain holy and let those who live..." regarding such portions as to the movement forward towards where it is required for myself, in comparison to wishes thereof previously.
There is a saying of going with the devil you know compared to the devil you do not know, to which in such regards the devil which I would not know would have to do with the state of Texas and the devil to which I would know would be along the east coast in comparison to what might have been wished for otherwise. As per the situations regarding not having been considered as a Texan as per having woken up in Texas and re-growing up in Texas though the treatment thereof since the year of 2000, I suppose how such is viewed regarding such choices is the ways to which such is viewed regarding such aspects in their own ways as well. Thus what proverbial devil would I know in such regards? The devil I would know would be of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and not the civilian sector, the devil I know would be of the spiritual aspects through religion, the devil I would know would be of which looking deeper than just the surface of what is seen to get to the depths of what is unseen, and the devil I would know would be of what most would only think of or possibly dream of in whatever they had seen regarding whichever pop culture they would refer to comparatively; though the devil I would know would also be in compassion and concern in truth compared to the facade of what physical attributes are considered as physical beauty in comparison to how such has been reviewed regarding myself in such aspects, as per the ways situations had gone in such portions over the time.
However in such scriptures the same is in reference regarding to those who do not have the authority to be a part of regarding such aspects as to let the holy remain holy, which in turn does not mean going and stealing from such as per then such no longer is holy because of the filth from such ego as such has to willingly be given for such to remain holy in comparison to theft; regarding a variety of situations as per not being the only individual who has gone through such portions regarding such, and had occurred well before I began my own artwork portions thereof as it is known and has been seen in regards of such portions. There are many reasons as to those pesky 10 Commandments some have wished were only words compared to what the meanings behind such purposes are to which in turn regarding such paintings of mine, the holiness regarding such leaves when the theft occurs/occurred despite what may have been thought or wished for regarding such aspects thereof. Similarly to pushing away as well as removal regarding in such references to do as such only pushes you away from the aspects thereof and only removes you from such portions of involvement regarding how such is viewed regarding such aspects, as what would respect of such actually be shown to be in comparison to how some have wished to think of such? Most likely the pop culture does not show such portions in such ways regarding the aspects as to actually be respectful of, unless when looking towards biblical scriptures regarding in a different purview thereof. In my opinion the 10 Commandments are the most simplistic portions as to the realities thereof for such entities in the easiest way for human beings to pay attention to such aspects, in comparison to the ego portions thereof regarding such other aspects and situations.
Though the reality of being the first time to officially realize such during the linear timeframe without the aspects as to utilizing a calendar is such ways referencing how I had done so when planning my Medal of Honor Art Project trips to then realize such in reference to the timing of my birthday beyond the Solar Eclipse in 2017, as per the way I was raised in comparison to the false claim others have made regarding their opinion of me fishing for compliments is quite different in such realities. That is not something which I have done or do regarding any such compliments as realistically when taking into consideration how important the truth is to me how could one truthfully view such regards as to that claim in comparison to actually truthfully meaning such aspects regarding if there is a compliment, in my direction? The reality of which truth is important to me and thus the falsities of fishing for a compliment is under false pretenses to which the portions as to which would be the the furthest as to what would ever be considered as well as the fact of requiring the explanation as to what that term meant, because of not knowing that was something anyone had done before. It can be considered as ignorant in such thoughts as per the situations regarding how or why such would be regarding such as I simply had not seen such as an option as per the way I was raised, which can be seen in regards as to even within my Medal of Honor Art Project as per the fact when such has been brought up I point out the Medal of Honor guys are the ones who accomplished what they had done regarding earning their Medal of Honor in comparison to me simply completing a historical and spiritual rubbing of the marker making a piece of artwork in reference to what they had accomplished for many more than what ever might have been thought of or noticed beforehand. Though it has been known as to the Medal of Honor being the top award of the Armed forces of the United States of America's branches, they are the ones who earned a Medal of Honor and I was simply respecting such individuals and those who they had worked with and continued onward for regarding how they earned their Medal of Honor.
However at minimum I suppose it is a good thing possibly, I was able to remember my own birthday after all such situations in the timeframe of for the first time in 21 years since waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I suppose I can jokingly ask, does that mean to who was a Captain back in 2000 that I am now old enough to drink alcohol now or is beer now different in comparison as per him having been named Captain Beer at such times referencing the Article 15 for underage drinking? Though again in my defense, I did not know beer was alcohol as I thought meade was considered alcohol in comparison. Possibly that is something to smile and laugh about slightly in a more positive way regarding such situations back in the years of 2000 onward, regarding such aspects thereof.

While the reference aspects as to what my plans are for my birthday are simply just a thought regarding such points in regards of, at minimum I suppose there is something to smile about regarding having remembered such on my own referencing the aspects thereof regarding some form of progress. While it took 21 years to recognize the portions thereof, I suppose in such regards the realities of those who have survived head injuries can see such portions as those who have done medical work regarding finding ways to work with and assist such portions for the betterment may have been able to progress forward as well with such portions thereof for betterment. I am appreciative of those who have had the knowledge regarding the compassion required for such portions regarding the after effects of head injury portions whether there was a subarachnoid hemorrhage as I had or not same in reference to the coma aspects thereof or not depending upon the level to which each has endured such as per however such situations had become, despite the situations regarding. At minimum there are the situations to which situations can be reviewed regarding such aspects for the current time as well as the future, from such past prior situations thereof in comparison to the repetition of behaviour to which finding better ways can be seen in various regards though the implementations thereof have been the additional situations to look further into as well when being honest regarding such.