Part One of Three Posts:
Part Two of Three Posts:
Part Three of Three Posts:
Part One of Three Posts:
Part Two of Three Posts:
Part Three of Three Posts:
Has anyone I once knew at any point in time ever actually pondered the reality of such aspects as to the facts thereof, or would such aspects only now in the year of 2022 as to this month of November on the day of the 21st only be the first time other people as to if ever as to such reading as to my journal blog if as to ever consider as to such aspects as to what to me as to common sense?
When the factors as to such aspects as to the amount of situations where for the length of time having acknowledged both upon meeting when such factors as to the years of 2010 #yearof2010 through 2013 #yearof2013 mainly as to the amount of times of classes/demos as well as events, the calculations as to just the factors of for the consideration to my numbers:
· Classes/Demos from the years of 2004 #yearof2004 through 2005 #yearof2005 as well as 2010 #yearof2010 through 2012 #yearof2012 #yearof2013 : around 85-ish to 95-ish as to the first area of San Antonio then as to the areas of Dallas/Fort Worth then as to the Austin Dominant Mentor Program as to boot camp for the first three months of each weekend for two days as well as all of my electives as per such combined factors with my graduation from the Dominant Mentor Program in the Dallas area as to the amount of classes in the overall combinations as to other aspects of both San Marcos as well as San Antonio again thereafter as to the years specifically
* Events from 2004 through 2005: 7-ish
* Events from around 2009/2010 #yearof2009 #yearof2010 through 2012: around 260-ish as to the overall areas
* Events from 2013-ish and 2014-ish #yearof2014 : 24-ish
* Events from November 2015 #yearof2015 #monthofNovemebrintheyearof2015 through 2018-ish #yearof2018 as well as 1 in 2019 and the 2 in 2022: 260-ish
As to the ways as per the factors of my patterns of behaviour as to if factors as per such situations, then as to the aspects as to situations I have clarified as to such timeframes as to the situations thereof during such factors. While some people might think of such as to whatever capacities thereof as to whatever their viewpoints as to such considerations of my own personal aspects as to my medical as well as such aspects of the differences of time when as to the aspects of responsibilities as to making sure as best as possible as to ensure the safety and security of my children I gave birth to as to their babysitting as to Sitter City as to the references of such situations as well as to other times as to the aspects of their biological aspects as to the capacities thereof as to the times when it was convenient for those individuals, as to despite what the reality of such for me, as to the aspects of the timeframes as to as best as possible to be a mature adult as to being responsible as to despite the factors as to such aspects of the differences as to accountability as to the reality of such aspects of the damages from for only a few examples:
* My Psalm Sunday #PaslmSunday 2000 head injury #TBI
* As well as the damages from my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain for the 8.5 years as to when in the MRI/CAT scans though also the thereafter portions #MRI #CATscan #MRIscan #CAT
* As well as the aspects of the after effects from my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications more specifically as to my work referencing such aspects as to what I thought at the time was of importance as to regulations referencing such aspects though as to such factors regarding how the year of 2019 went instead as to such aspects as to the SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement, as why would the original individual who brought such an idea forward as to the reactions during the year of 2009 be of any consideration as to “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire” ever be of importance to such aspects as to the factors thereof
* As well as the facts as to the amount of moves instead of what was best for me at the timeframe of when I had purchased and arranged what was my home as to the aspects thereof during the year of 2008 as per such combined situations as well as the aspects as to February through April 2008 #monthofFebruary #monthofFebruaryintheyearof2008 #April #monthofApril #monthofAprilintheyearof2008 of such situations, though such was as to that point in time prior to what I warned of as to a vision I had as to such factors as well as a dream-ish aspects as to the year of 2004/2005 as to the situations as to what I saw if I had wound up above the Mason-Dixon Line #MasonDixonLine #MDL #Mason #Dixon #MasonDixon just once as to the aspects of 2013 as to the difference I had seen as to the if factors to if I had went to New Jersey/tristate areas first instead #northeast #northeastUSA #northeastUnitedStatesofAmerica #UnitedStatesofAmerica #America #Jersey #JerseyGirl #NewJerseyian #TrueNewJerseyian
* The combinations of such factors as to my medical as well as such combined situations as to the factors of such circumstances as when if as to such aspects as to the possibility of who I once knew as to whatever point in time, the aspects of such knowledge as to not starting from the point in time when the situations as to such moves though as to a reset as to what seemed as common sense as to such factors for me though as to such situations as to the aspects thereof as to whatever factors thereof to such as to the factors as to the difference of what my considerations of actual care for me as well as care about me as to such factors as per my own review of my own life experiences as to my own personal timeline as to the difference of any such aspects of other factors officially as to such specifics as to how I might have a tendency as to clarifying as to such specifics as to whether in discussions in person face to face in person as best as I can and/or in writing as to such factors
* As well as 2011 #yearof2011 and 2012 and 2013 before the aspects of the amount of pain from the areas of the northwest as to the timeframe of 2014 through 2019 as to such aspects of what my hairstyle had to be during such aspects of when I had to have such waxed as to the sides above my ears because of the weight as well as the zapping aspects as to my glasses and/or contacts when worn as well as the back of my neck as to the aspects thereof during those timeframes, as when I made the choice only for a specific point in time as to my hair growth as to such differences in such hypotheticals as to individuals who would not have any truthful idea as to my own needs as to such aspects as to the current timeframe as through such factors as to the aspects of not needing to work on those factors as per such attempts more recently as to such aspects of my hair as to the aspects of such situations as to the additional needless pain levels as to such aspects as to how I comprehend myself as to my own needs as since I have been the only one who has taken care of my health as to such aspects thereof as to what I comprehend is best for myself as to such aspects as to the aspects of as to such factors despite the aspects of since September 2022 #monthofSeptember #monthofSeptemberintheyearof2022 #yearof2022 as the aspects of when needs are as to now as to such aspects then as to my needs are only as to each day of each week of each month of each year as per since I have taken care of myself as to such aspects of clarifications as to the aspects of since as to such factors as to in person face to face in person of my comprehension of myself and only as to such actual care about my best interests for myself would such ever actually matter though as to such aspects of this journal blog #journal #journalblog #TheOrneryPSA #PSA as to such factors thereof to comprehending my own needs as to the length of time as to the decades overall as to my comprehension of myself as what input actually has ever been assistive to me when others’ opinions have been as to such factors as to what accuracy levels to such factors of differences instead of the proof as to such as why would proof as to such accuracy ever actually be considered as important
* As well as the facts as to the Cowboys Dancehall #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #CowboysDancehallSATX #CowboysDancehallSanAntonio #CowboysDancehallMilitaryCityUSA March 2013 #March #monthofMarch #monthofMarchintheyearof2013 Stoney LaRue #StoneyLaRue concert as to the aspects thereof whereas to the separate rooms as per such explanations in the multitude of times as per the areas as to such times especially as to the timeframe after when I mainly slept on the couch in the living room in Vancouver Washington #Vancouver #VancouverWashington #Washington #Washingtonstate #WAstate #WashingtonDC #DC as to the aspects as to the separate room as to the aspects of such explanations throughout 2015 through 2018 as per such facts as to the separate beds in separate rooms as to such aspects as to the factors thereof to what differences as to what I consider as a dating/monogamous relationship as well as to such starting points thereof as to the aspects of such situations as explained as to such factors as to the differences regarding the real needs during such points in time as to the years of as what would the description of the Stoney LaRue concert be as to aspects thereof as per such clarifications throughout the years from 2013 through as per both individuals as to such aspects to a multitude of individuals as to the Portland Oregon #Portland #PortlanORegon #OR #ORstate #Oregonstate area as well as the Vancouver Washington area as well as the Seattle/Tacoma #SeaTac #Seattle #SeattleWashington #SeattleWA #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Washington areas
* As well as the aspects of the situations as to the year of 2017 #yearof2017 if I remember correctly as to the procedure as to the Seattle VA hospital as to the aspects of the situations I already went through as to the aspects of the injection as to my nasal area as to the nostrils as per prior journal blog aspects as to around the year of 2021 #yearof2021 for the reference to that medical procedure
* As well as the facts as to if as to memes regarding the aspects of Mr. Right as to my Medal of Honor Art Project #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArt #MedalofHonorArtwork #MedalofHonorArtProject #MOH Artwork #Artwork #Art as to my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection #DrMaryEdwardsWalker #DrMaryEdwardsWalkerCollection #DrMaryEdwardsWalkerCollectionConnectedtoMedalofHonorArtProject as to the aspects of such factors of such differences as to the aspects thereof as per such clarifications previously, the common sense aspects of if factors as to any such types referencing such aspects as to if ever believed as to my work and as to such factors thereof as what common sense I suppose for me as to my work as the aspects of levels of such aspects of who has ever had to ever explain to such levels of factors for anything they have ever done as to such aspects of differences as to such aspects of what I dealt with as to during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as per such to “The Modern Day Book”
However as to such factors as to the situations as per the clarifications within the pages thereof as to such aspects as possibly the knowledge of as the aspects of speaking with me in truth as to such aspects in the references thereof as to such situations, as the common sense referencing such aspects as to the reality of wherein to myself I have no need for explanations as per my own comprehension of my own work. The aspects of such situations throughout such points in time of the if factors as to my website as to the aspects of such regards, as despite the business cards I had left on the counter as to 2016 #yearof2016 through 2018 #yearof2018 as per the owner’s agreement as to being capable to put such as to my prior explanations as to my journal blog updates.
Thus as to the facts as to the aspects of the common sense about forums as to the if factors as to such aspects as to the online portions as per the clarifications as best as I could during the years of 2019 as to this year of 2022, the aspects of whether such was thought about as to the private area as to their website as to the similarities as to fetlife #fetlife and/or Facebook #Facebook and/or Twitter #Twitter as why would such clarifications ever matter as to such lengths of time as when has such ever been as to the aspects of worth regarding such situations as to myself at this point in time of review as what would screenshots and/or pictures of the screen ever matter to the aspects of such updates to my journal blog ever translate to as to such additional aspects as to the merger?
If that was unknown to individuals who had not updated their memberships as to the location of as to, then as to such attempts as per the wording factors as to my attempts with what I could clarify as per what words I could think of as to my writings. Thus as to such aspects of the factors as to such legal agreements as what would such aspects of the situations as to the paperwork ever be of importance to anyone else as to such factors in the references thereof to anyone as to the timeframe whenever they had put such on their website, to the differences as to such factors of any other online website as to those types of forums overall as why would such attempts ever translate to meaning anything at all?
Though as to what I guesstimate as to instead of asking me as to clarifications instead, the hypotheticals as to such factors of hesitations referencing such individuals as to any such hypotheticals as per such situations as to the timeframes thereof as to the aspects thereof as to whatever matters regarding the truth. As to such situations regarding the factors of what I was informed of as to the aspects of my second tattoo artist at the first location in regards of the factors in reference to owing as to such attempts as to my attempts to such explanations, possibly if I was spoken with in truth as to such knowledge thereof to my life and/or to my modeling and/or to my website could have been possible to have such discussions as to the knowledge and understanding thereof to such situations of if factors.
Thus as to the reality of such aspects as to only one individual who I had ever been engaged to as to the aspects of free will as to such point in time, the aspects as to the same in reference to only one individual having ever taken a bath with me as to such factors as to those points in time as to such aspects thereof to the aspects as to my legs as to such aspects of August 2022 as to such clarifications and thus as to any such references as to the factors of inline as to the situations thereof as to such hypotheticals as to what levels as to such references to the regards thereof to such aspects as to what individuals who have ever attended during such years have ever seen when I have ever allowed anyone to touch me as to such events as what has been my normal response as to such aspects when as to such factors of the what ifs as to the difference as to what occurred in reference to August 2022?
Thus as to such aspects as to the references in the regards as to the common sense of if having recognized me as to the if factors, why would such viewpoint of mine ever be as to actual care and concern as to why would I ever have such a viewpoint as to the aspects of the timeframes as where would such specific aspects ever actually make sense to me as what is important about intent as is there an importance to background experiences as to life experiences in such regards ever as to such aspects as where would I have seen such as to the aspects of officially being informed as to such aspects as what would ever be of importance to anyone else if they had such situations occur or does it matter?
The aspects as to such situations in regards as to the reality of such attempts as to the clarifications as to such updates to my journal blog if ever actually read as to such aspects during those years before this timeframe of November 2022, the capacities of where I am thankful as to the aspects of what location I am as to such regards though the reality of reviewing such factors as to where the amount of failed attempts as I have made throughout such lengths of time as to the reality of such circumstances as to the capacities of reviewing my life to this point in time and seeing the capacities of the various correlations in the varying timelines as to such aspects thereof. The factors as to now taking the time as to reviewing such aspects as to myself regarding what the reality of if I had been capable to the northeast in the year of 2002 or 2003 to the difference of now as to how I comprehend how I would be seen as to those who I once knew as to such areas as to who I once knew and who knew me the most as to the aspects thereof as to the timeframes as I attempted to explain for years and now decades consistently-ish as to such lengths of time overall as to the months and years, what do I owe for my failures as to the aspects of as to as many attempts as I made as well as-as many attempts as I made to explain as why would anyone else think I would work as much and as diligently as to such aspects of those who know of the aspects as to the military portions as to the survivor aspects as why would such #royalty royalty aspects ever be so important to me as to the basic Armed Forces of the United States of America’s standards as to such payment aspects as to the numerical amount and is there the aspects of time as to such factors as well as per New Jersey aspects of factors thereof to such situations as to finances as what was the interest rate as to those years of the 1980s and the 1990s as why else would there be such levels of concern of mine as to such factors as to the aspects of what I was told as to the aspects of and situations as to wherever the proof as to such aspects of as best as I possibly can as to my morals and ethics as why would I ever consider myself as ever being just good enough as to just being myself as is there anything I have already taken care of that could ever be -considered as good enough as to such aspects overall as realistically when is enough-enough as to the combinations I have dealt with in full?
Is it at a point yet where I have made enough attempts as to the aspects of being open and honest as well as all such combinations of my work, as is there a genuine a real chance where I can ever enjoy?
Have I paid enough yet as to the capacities of as at the truthful aspects of the combined factors as to the knowledge as to and if so, how do I know and understand such, or is it as to the aspects of the terminology of survivor’s guilt as to such aspects and as to how much would the aspects thereof be as to that aspect thereof as to this point in time as to the terminology of survivor’s guilt if as to as would such aspects be put as to such and for what aspects thereof would such be if so?
While I have not denied as to my own titty baby temper tantrums as to how only as to the year of 2019 ever allowing myself to review such aspects as to the emotional factors as to any such larger and deeper aspects to this point in time as all such aspects as to the initial portions as to 2014 as to such first two books “Finding A Silver Lining” #FindingASilverLining and “Finding The Silver Lining” #FindingTheSilverLining as well as the links in the year of 2015 as to the dropbox links, those factors where it was only the facts as to just the facts as to the difference as to the emotional factors as to such situations as to when my son and my daughter as to the biological age as to the aspects I promised I would not discuss as to the facts in the larger aspects as to their biological father as to what I dealt with in the larger capacity and having kept my promise as to the aspects of not allowing myself to ever discuss or write about anything as to the levels of as to from the point in time of the journal blog updates as to the year of 2019 as to when I actually began getting into the heavier aspects in the year of 2020. Though such aspects possibly as to the year of 202 #yearof2020 as well as the year of 2021 as to the capacities of where if assistive as to clarifications as to the tristate areas as well as time as to the aspects of others being capable to clear such aspects as to individuals as to any such aspects of 11 September 2001 as obviously there were not any hospitals within the New York City area in the years of the 1980s and the 1990s as per the facts as to the area being as business oriented as to the reality of New York City. However as to the aspects of if factors of individuals who have had people in their lives as to the aspects of time as to discussions, the aspects where such as to the year as to 1993 as to the factors of such overall areas as well as situations.
Though what I saw as to where I drove as to the state of New York and the state of Pennsylvania as to areas as to what I knew should have been in the areas as to such aspects of what I noticed as to the years of 2020 and 2021 as well as 2022 as to such farmland areas as to comprehending as to updates in the physical aspects, the reality as to what is the distinctive difference as to Kitchen Kettle as to such aspects regarding the Amish and the Mennonites and the Mountaineers as to such location as to what only looked as a different version of a renaissance faire instead of what it once was. I have made attempts to be as calm as possible while processing as many factors as per the overall locations as to the tristate area as while I comprehend as I view as to my own temper tantrums as to having the acknowledgement of for the first time of going in depth as to the emotional aspects while maintaining as to such logistical aspects to such differences, I have additionally made attempts such as through the various aspects as to where possible as to such aspects thereof to such factors.
The way I was raised as to comprehending as to such aspects of as to the years of as to when the as informed as to a Reservist Chaplain in the 1980s and 1990s to a New Jersey registered historical church as to the aspects of the Revolutionary War said my biological “parents were strict from memory” as to those who understand the aspects of such bureaucracy and political aspects of the paperwork as well as the public portions thereof as to the year of 2021, I am unaware as to how many if any would understand such aspects of the levels of wording as to such references as to such aspects and times. Though since he had been to the house I grew up in as well as obviously the church grounds, possibly the factors might make sense to someone somewhere as to the aspects of an Officer rank as to the additional aspects of a Reservist Officer as well as a Pastor of a newly at those times as to historical church as to the levels thereof even as to such discussion on the phone in the beginning of the year of 2021 #yearof2021 or at the very end of the year of 2020 after what the Pastor and retired Chaplain of the church when I went in the year of 2020 had briefly said there was a rift in the church after the 2000s as to the aspects of while I was in the state of Texas at the time between the entire congregation of the church members of over 300 individual families though I was not informed of as to the aspects thereof to any such portions as to the larger details of the aspects.
For example of if to such a biological female as to such aspects to the specifics of #General #GeneralGeorgeWashington General George Washington as to the aspects of military connection aspects as per the factors as to my opinion about the President of the United States of America #POTUS #PresidentoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica as to the #Commander #CommanderinChief Commander in Chief, I know how the viewpoint of what his opinion would be if ever as to such aspects of the conjunction of a biological female as to the capacities of the ways his spirit would be as to any such aspects if ever true. There is the aspect where some of the minute aspects I was informed of in that small discussion timeframe where certain aspects I saw and warned about as to the aspects of when I was a child and my biological mother was a Deacon and my biological father was a Trustee as well as Board Members also, though as to such situations as to what occurred as to the factors of the babysitter from the church as to such factors of situations during the timeframe as to how my biological mother had said she knew of when I asked in the year of 2012 and as to how my biological father’s similar response as possibly an additional reason as to why my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Grandma Gavett had contacted DYFUS/Child Protective Services on top of the aspects of my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu who are my biological little sister’s Great-Grandparents as per their choice of words as to the difference of the combinations as to such factors as while my Great Grandparents as well as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as per such prior journal blog entries as to their having contacted DYFUS/Child Protective Services to report against my biological parents as to what I was dealing with. Similarly as to the fact of my babysitter and her husband as to my childhood babysitter as to the difference as to the church babysitter as to the aspects of the time of the day as well as the length of time and the week, as well as Asher Holmes Elementary School and #Marlboro #MarlboroNJ #MarlboroNewJersey #MarlboroMiddleSchool Marlboro Middle School staff members who contacted DYFUS as to the situations they noticed I was dealing with as to such aspects in the conjunction of Baptist Camp Lebanon and other individuals I knew as to such aspects of their parents’ work as well as the situations as to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment before #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHighSchool #SJV #SJVHS Saint John Vianney High School as a baptized #Methodist Methodist and second baptism as to Presbyterian while going through #PResbyterian Presbyterian Confirmation classes in that timeframe after my Grandma Gavett had went through Seminary College and the children of her and my Grandpa Gavett’s religious aspects as one being a Southern Baptist and went through Catholic conversion to get married after already having given birth to two children prior to giving birth to two more children as to one Non-Denominational Christian for the most part, then as to the other two as to how they were a Pagan and the other as to how he had been a Warlock as to the aspects as well as the what I was told as to Dungeons and Dragons. #DungeonsandDragons #DND #DandD
Of course later as to such aspects of my children’s biological father’s side of their family as Grandpa Nichols was a Southern Baptist from Alabama born and raised who converted to Judaism after meeting with me after a few years while also having looked into his Native American #NativeAmerican #Cherokee Cherokee aspects, the aspects of their Grandma as to being from as I was told the Dominican Republic as to how she was a #Catholic Catholic who also practiced Santeria, as to the 12 other children as to Grandpa Nichols’ side of the family as to whatever they are as to such factors in the capacities thereof before taking into consideration my son and my daughter’s paternal aunts and uncles. As they were raised in the Catholic Church before one went towards the reborn Southern Baptist as the aspects of Baptist Camp Lebanon was in the northeast as to those who comprehend the differences in more depth, as the Non-Denominational #JudeoChristian #Jewish #Hebrew #Jew #Christian Judeo-Christian for the time between as to the aspects of when he was in the Army branch in the 1980s to the 1990s. Then while one stayed within the Catholic Church, the other went from the Catholic aspects to a Non-Denominational at the time of knowing of as to the 2000s.
Then there is the fact as to what those individuals chose as to the factors of January 2008 as to the aspects of as their viewpoint as to after the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to their rebellion as to that Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as because I defended the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as the Army branch and the #ArmedForcesoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica #ArmedForcesoftheUSA #AFotUSA Armed Forces of the United States of America despite the situations as to the Texas National Guard #TexasNationalGuard #TNG graduation ceremony as to the National Anthem and my salute, as it seemed to be of massive importance as it still seems as such as to having stood my ground as to the facts of as to the timeframe before the time of the year of 2009 #yearof2009 as such aspects. There are individuals I met both before as well as more specifically after the year of 2005 #yearof2005 I had informed as to how I sarcastically had informed them as to how whether taking a look at either side of my son and my daughter’s biological aspects as to the holy war factors, as to the oddity as to the year of 2020 as to Austin Texas #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas #ProTrump #ProTrumpRally #ProTrumpRallies Pro-Trump rallies as to such odd factors as to the situations during the timeframes of as to the name aspects of such combinations.
Then as to such aspects of various news reports as to how there is a local group that had become nationally known as to Sandy Hook #SandyHook as well as 9/11 as to their outlandish and inappropriate aspects as to such disrespect to individuals who are born and raised to the area of the tristate location as to the common sense factors as to what needless drama as to what I consider as needless drama, as to how those types were nothing different as to how PETA #PETA was in the 1980s and the 1990s as to the factors of the aspects of a version of approach as to such aspects. I had not previously thought about how that particular group as to such aspects of how PETA was as to fur coats in the 1980s and the 1990s as to the hypothetical metaphors as to such hippy dippy types as to the timeframe of differences, as to the oddity of such modern times as to such factors in the references thereof to such aspects in my opinion as to the situations between hippies and yuppies to certain 1980s and 1990s references only those born and raised in the tristate northeast who would fully know of whether as to individuals they knew at such times and/or the news reports as to such factors as to the choices and actions needlessly thereof during such timeframes.
That group is based in the state of Texas as to such situations as to the if factors while every attempt I had attempted to get myself to the northeast as to my comprehension of who I knew outside of the big city areas, and as to such aspects of whatever individuals have as to their knowledge as to such background aspects as to the difference of myself as to such knowledge as per the aspects in the references thereof to such situations during such points in time as to the viewpoints thereof to such situations throughout the year of 2020 and such factors thereof as to such a point in time. Any such needless problems and/or any such needless stresses and/or any such needless drama and/or any such needless situations as to while dealing with everything else I was dealing with as to such a point in time prior to the Pro-Trump rallies in Austin Texas, as to such factors as to whatever other people know more in depth as to such hypotheticals as to the if factors as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle community/communities as to any such aspects thereof to the considerations as to such massive distinctive differences as to such approach to the situations such as to what my choices were as to 6 January 2021 #monthofJanuary #monthofJanuaryintheyearof2021 as to any such hypotheticals of if factors.
The northeast does not usually mind certain aspects as to public factors, however there is a limitation as to such leeway in the northeast as to such aspects as to those who were born and raised as to such aspects as to those who did not get into the pop culture factors most specifically such as myself as obviously I have not seen where such aspects would be as to in alignment as to such aspects of the public factors as to the displays thereof to what my considerations of appropriateness factors as to etiquette and respect in truth as to the aspects of the 10 Commandments. If as to what my son and I dealt with as to my first Medal of Honor Art Project trip in the year of 2017 #yearof2017 as to the one and only time I had ever been capable to take my son on a trip as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such traffic problems within the state of Montana as to the aspects of the situations during the timeframe as well as the updates as to the factors regarding such connection aspects to those YOLO types instead of actually thinking about such reality aspects in truth as to such consequences, that situation as to the Sherriff as to what I dealt with wrongly and needlessly as to such aspects lacking any difference as to the overall viewpoint of the metaphor as to the Excalibur #Excalibur #ExcaliburFaire #Bastrop #BastropTX #BastropCounty #BastropTexas #Smithville #SmithvilleTX #SmithvilleTexas Faire renne types as to the year of 2005 as to the combined factors of such situations as to such needless types as to the aspects of as while those types consider such as to their reenactments as to the massive distinctive differences to individuals who live their lives and as to such factors as to how such is not considered as enjoyable to me in any such capacity because of the facts as to my medical.
In the modern time as to modern what is supposed to be civilized society as to the aspects thereof to what I consider as civilized and civility, then as to such aspects of what modern timeframe chivalry as to such differences as to such viewpoints as to hypotheticals as per such differences as to those who grew up with pop culture references as to the aspects of such as myself as to the G-rated movies at any time as to then as I grew up biologically as to the aspects of only in reference to the legal biological factors as per such multiple aspects as to emancipation of myself from those situations as to the aspects of the reality of when in the year of 1996 #yearof1996 as to the first official aspects as to then as to the year of 2000 #yearof2000 as to such second factors as well as the reality of the final total overall aspects because of such Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the facts of officially being a biological adult as well as the proof of my childhood and my teenager years as to my Pediatrician #pediatrician as to when I was in fifth grade as to any and all such proof as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain and any other aspects to any and/or all such factors I have clarified as to such aspects thereof to the differences of the times when it was considered as the most important as to the timeframes thereof as to such distinctions.
Similarly as to such aspects as to the areas I actually was seeking to get to as to the years of as to after the 1993 and after the 11 September 2001 areas as to such assistance I could have given as to what should have been as to what would have been the best, if as to such aspects of any mass aspects as to the Amish and/or the Mennonite and/or the Mountaineers as to such aspects after such timeframes as to any capacities thereof as to life as then as to what would others owe as to such aspects as to then the instead factors as to the if I actually would have as I should have been capable to get to within a reasonable amount of time or was it the fact because of such individuals being of importance to me as to such aspects of those types who have needed to accept the timeframe as to the length thereof to my memories to such differences?
Why would there be a massive distinction to any if factors as to the numerical portions of those from the 1950s as to Crystal Lake Illinois as to any such aspects of my biological mother’s older brother, as why would such aspects of what ratio per individual would be as to the numerical portion of such hypotheticals?
If as to the common sense aspects as to the massive differences to upbringing as to myself to the aspects of that other aspect of as to those factors because of such physical viewpoints as well as the aspects as to the hypothetical stereotypes of how other people in different areas think as to the differences of reality as to other backgrounds ethnically as why would the timeframe from Tiananmen Square #Tiananmen #TiananmenSquare #Square be of importance, as what differences would there be as to such factors to the considerations of those types of those individuals as to such factors of hypothetical if ever actually being ignorant enough to think in such aspects as to the Americanized viewpoint of how American families are and/or other ethnic backgrounds as why would common sense be important as to that reality or would such a word used in my direction though as to the claim as to AJ as to the year of 1998 be as to such a reflection as to the translation of the meaning of that particular word as to the differences as to songs be of importance to such internal reflections for such hypothetical individuals as to their hypothetical viewpoints?
Why would Woodstock Illinois #Woodstock #WppdstockIL #WoodstockIllinois #Illinois #Illinoisstate #ILstate have repeatedly been brought up to me as though I was ever supposed to know any pop culture references, as why would it be of importance as to the aspects of the only concert I had ever been to by the time of the year of 1998 as to the #Newsboys Newsboys as what would ever be of importance about that fact as to how I was told about some music aspect as to that location or something having to do with #Snoopy Snoopy as what is the importance of paying attention to the reality as to a difference as to those factors of such hypotheticals though how unnecessarily snooping have those types been as to what areas as to such factors would those types be considered as to my viewpoints thereof and why would such be of importance additionally as why would I only think of McHenry County Government Center #McHenry #McHenryCounty #McHenryCountyCenter #McHenryCountyGovernmentCenter #WorldTradeCenter #WTC #WorldTradeCenterPlaza #WTC #WTCP as to such references as to the oddity of the high school my biological little sister attended as to McHenry High School #McHenryHighSchool #MHHS as to the difference as to the levels of as to when I attended McHenry County Community College #McHenryCommunity #McHenryCommunityCollege #MHCC?
What is important about those #College #CollegeAP College level AP courses I took and achieved as to the difference of the classes as to the aspects of difficulty levels as to the aspects where admitting college aspects as to such factors as to the aspects of education, as why would that combined factor of when in my last semester of when I was a Senior in high school about to graduate be of any viewpoint anyone who has ever been a high school senior as to such aspects of because I was bored and only needed to take the time for 3 classes per the schedule as to the timeframe as to #CollegeAlgebra College Algebra with #Trigonometry Trigonometry and #Calculus Calculus be of importance to the difference as to my #ASVAB ASVAB scores if ever thought about as to such information?
How could the factors of the average difference of temperature as to each season of the year as to a usual 20 to 30 degree difference as to the temperature differences as to the areas as to New Jersey and the tristate areas to the aspects of the difference to the 20 to 30 degrees as to the state of Texas as to the heat differences be considered important, in conjunction as to the layout of the land as to such factors as well as the importance if ever as to such aspects of the situations of the #Atlantic #AtlanticOcean Atlantic oceanic waters as to the difference of a lake as to currents?
While if I remember as to Daniel Jason Lally as to the name of who would have been my uncle as to the situations as to Crystal Lake Illinois #CrystalLake #CLIL #CrystalLakeIllinois as to the lake in the area as to what my Grandpa Gavett had problems with as to the situations referencing my biological mother, if as to such aspects as to the individuals as to that situation as to the aspects of difference as to the factors of common sense as to the reality I brought forward back in the timeframe of 1998 through 2000 #yearof1998 #yearof2000 as to such truth as to what I was told of as to the aspects of though I was not informed of the year though I would guesstimate somewhere around the late 1950s #yearof1950 #decadeofthe1950s as to how he was older though I am uncertain as to how many years as to the aspects of. There were rumors as to what would be considered as to my biological Grandfather as to the aspects of the biological factors as to how he had left the #American #USAn United States of America to go to Canada to be a Canadian #Canada #Candadian #CanadianMountie Mountie as my biological mother said she was looking for him as to how it seemed concerning for the aspects of if Daniel had lived instead of what was to the timeframes throughout my childhood and my teenager years into my biological adult years, though I was not ever shown any pictures from what I can remember as the additional reality of the film photography as to the overall aspects of who would have had the capability to afford such. While my Grandpa Gavett as to such aspects of the possibilities as to the factors of whatever his employment aspects during the decades of to the specifics, officially as to such times in the 1980s and the 1990s as to such factors of what images were as to the aspects of were as to such factors regarding some Big Blue Book more-so than other factors as to those years.
As if as to such aspects, why would those individuals as to the situations thereof ever be considered as welcome as to the aspects of the 1993 factors as to the combined situations as why would those individuals ever think they were ever deserving of such if as to any needless problems/situations/drama/stresses throughout the years of 2000 through 2013 and/or such aspects as to the years of 2019 through 2020 to the possibilities as to the year of 2021 and/or such factors of where such non-invitation as to the aspects of 2022 and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to any such aspects thereof to the reality of where the mandatory factors as to my choice as to the reality of whereas to the requirements as to protocols regarding such situations because of the known aspects as to the military situations. Then as to any such locations as to housing whether as to the cancelled KB Home aspects on 1604 regarding the house as to what I saw as to the what they said was construction standards in the city of San Antonio as per such aspects, as the massive distinctive differences between the construction requirements as to the obviously seen aspects as to that aspect thereof to the differences as to New York City as well as the state of New Jersey as to such building code regulations or as to the aspects of what my opinion as to the aspects of that company known as KB Home in the year of 2002 as to such factors of what their claims were as to such aspects before the house in Pheasant Creek subdivision and that Homeowner’s Association situations and etcetera. #HOA #HomeownersAssociation

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