Part One of Three Posts:
Part Two of Three Posts:
Part Three of Three Posts:
Part One of Three Posts:
Part Two of Three Posts:
Part Three of Three Posts:
In the year of 2009 the legal-ish aspects of the biological relation to my son and my daughter's aunt in the area of White Settlement Texas #WhiteSettlement #WhiteSettlementTX #WSTX #WhiteSettlementTexas at the timeframe of as to the name in the top portion of this and each journal blog as to such factors of attention to detail as well as the information thereof, I had been asked for a #Christmas #ChristmasGifts #Christmas #Hannukkah #Chanukkah Christmas gift card to where I had gotten the majority of my tattoos completed at Cat Tattoo in Addison Texas because of the amazing work they did as an overall as to what was seen at the time. When I went to the shop as per the factors of the legal name as to my legal name as well as her legal name as to the difference as to the middle name as well as the difference to the maiden last name, though her last name was hyphened as to Nichols-Lopez at the time before when she had gotten remarried after she was pregnant with her fourth child at whatever year as per what was told to me in the year of 2020 as per the aspects thereof during the timeframe.
At that time as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury where it was just a little over one year since the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain had fully dissipated from the MRI/CAT scans as well as the same year I earned my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as per all of my work at the time throughout that particular year as per prior journal blogs as well as my books "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as to the three volume book series. In the references as to such factors of that particular book series in fact as to such truth factors, the situations as per "Finding A Silver Lining" as to such details as to the clarifications as best as I could since the timeframe of updating my journal blog as to such additional overall information to the details as to such amounts of situations and circumstances overall. I went to the tattoo shop to get the gift card for one hour, as I informed her that it did not include the tip and was only for one hour as to the aspects of what she would choose for the tattoo as to herself for what she was looking for.
In the year of 2010 I was informed as to the aspects of what occurred, and I stayed as calm as I possibly could as to the rage I had for the tattoo artist(s) as well as the shop Cat Tattoo because of such aspects I had informed her fully of as best as I could. If as to my journal blog and/or others who have known me as to possibilities as to the amount of attempts to fully explain in person face to face in person as well as the brief phone call where she had informed me officially first, before I had seen her again in person face to face in person at that time in the year of 2010 as to that particular reference point. There would only be a few more times I could tolerate the sight of that individual per such factors and despite how I had not seen the tattoo from what I remember or maybe I had as to admitting such factors, as the timeframe as to everything that occurred during that timeframe as per my life circumstances.
I was informed she went into the shop without an appointment prior to then getting to whichever tattoo artist as she did not inform me officially as to who she had seen, and then where she had gotten her tattoo was on her stomach as she said she picked out a butterfly to cover up a scar she had on her stomach as she tried to compare her stomach scar from her plastic surgery from a plastic surgery school as to the aspects after her gastric bypass surgery. I had informed my tattoo artist of my breast augmentation as well as my tummy tuck surgeries, as the fact that it seemed important as to being honest with my tattoo artist from the first or second tattoo that he had worked on to complete for me despite not in the specific area of my stomach. Since I had given birth to two children and gained 70+ pounds from my son's pregnancy and delivery before losing only 30-40 pounds before gaining another 75+ pounds when in reference to my daughter's delivery as to those labor and delivery times as per the length of days I was in labor before delivering each child as per each child as per the labor and delivery as to after the membranes were stripped as to such aspects as to the days I went back and forth to the emergency room as per the doctors having told me I had not dilated enough before the labor pains and my water broke however many days later per labor and delivery at Wilford Hall hospital in the city of San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA. After 7+ days in the hospital or so is when per child, per delivery as to such aspects during the timeframe of the years of 2001 and 2002. #yearof2001 #yearof2002
Nothing to be jealous of as to the aspects of obviously only however long after waking up from my coma, however the length of specific time as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage as to such factors as well as the size, and in conjunction after Brackenridge as to such factors in Austin Texas as to the rave to just dance for a little bit as per who has seen how I dance to techno-ish music as per the years as per certain locations such as the Blue Moose Club near Coralville Iowa as per the same type of dancing-ish as to the aspects of my dancing style at the location from the years of 2015 through 2018 mainly as per other work though every now and then as to getting into the music. Though at such times as to 2001 and 2002 as well as the prescriptions during those timeframes and the Pitocin that was per labor and delivery as I was told, in conjunction of the medication as per the infection that had developed because of the stripped membranes in those years as to such factors especially as to the oddity as to the year of 2001 regarding such factors. If as to such connections as per the state of Illinois because of how they had been upset that I remembered the tristate area more than them as to such timeframes after waking up from my coma, the common sense factors in my opinion as to the length of time as to such reference points as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to such what seemed as common sense as to the time. However as per such aspects as to how such individuals had not paid attention to the facts in reference to the 1993 New York City aspects of the World Trade Center Plaza, as to such references as to the travel areas as per such aspects of the Amish as well as the Mennonites and the Mountaineers as to my concerns back then as to 1993 through 1994 mainly as to such as well as the years of 2001 #yearof2001 through 2003 #yearof2003 .
I have clarified as best as I could to my attempts where I could assist as best as possible, as I was frightened for such individuals especially in the years of 2001 through 2003 as to such aspects as to knowing the individuals as to such groups very well as to such in person face to face in person as per the normalcy throughout the 1980s and the 1990s as to how many attempts as to what I could if I could have gotten there sooner as to such times. The internal sensation of how much I had and admittedly still have sensations of I think the term is survivor's guilt as to such aspects, as to who I had known as to how many. In the years of 2020 through 2022 as to the trips I took towards the northeast tristate areas, currently I do not have the words to express such aspects as to the combined aspects of where I was born and raised as to the overall aspects of New Jersey though also obviously as to such larger city areas and much more-so as to the smaller towns as to such aspects thereof to the references. In the year of 2021 or 2022 as to having went to Lancaster to see what is called Kitchen Kettle #KitchenKettle #KitchenKettleLancaster #KitchenKettleLancasterPennsylvania as to such similarities as per prior posts as to the area of what is my home area overall as to such individuals I personally knew as to such aspects thereof and while others may know some individuals, as to such factors as to the aspects of the additional factors as to my egg donor as to the aspects of her work as to #Prudential Prudential as to such Information Technology before the sub-sections as well as before the certifications as to the latter 1990s and into the 2000s as per such knowledge of the ways such went.
Though the aspects as to the Y2K #Y2K situation as per the factors I noticed at the timeframe where the coding was incorrect as per what I had disagreed with because of the factors as to such amounts of empty areas as to the aspects of how the coding in my opinion, should have been more in depth as to the specifics of the timeframe as to such emphasis more-so to the specifics in the correct format for everything as to such differences as to the timeframe where individuals as to those years only wanted to focus on the 19 to 20 instead of the aspects of the years in and before the 1990s to the transition of the years of 2000+ as per how I could see the ease of putting the automatic factors of 2000+ #yearof2000 #yearsof2000 #decadesof2000 #centuriesof20000000 #decadesof20000000 #yearsof20000000 #yearof20000000monthanddaywithtime aspects to 2100+ #yearof2100 #yearsof2100 #decadesof2100 #centuriesof21000 #centuriesof2100 as well as 2200+ #yearof2200 #yearsof2200 #decadesof2200 #centuriesof2200 #centuriesof220000 and 2300+ #yearsof2300 #yearof2300 #decadesof2300 as to so on and so forth as to the year of 3000+ #yearof3000 #yearsof3000 #decadesof3000 #yearsof30000 #decadesof30000 just as to such aspects of 3100+ #yearof3100 #yearos31000 #yearsof3100 #decadesof31000 #decadesof3100 for the years as well as 3200+ #yearof32000 #yearsof3200 #decadesof3200 #decadesof32000 and so on as to the 4000s #yearof4000 #yearsof4000 #decadesof4000 and the 5000s #yearof5000 #yearsof5000 #decadesof5000 as well as up to around the #yearof100000 #yearsof100000 #deacdesof100000 #centuriesof100000 10000+ #yearof10000 #yearof10000 #decadesof10000 year mark as per the ways counting in the technology factors as to the time zones; as per following such calendar factors as per the knowledge additionally of NASA as to such aspects of the calculations as per such coding references because of the situations that seemed important, as to the swiftness of the movement of time. There were several who had agreed with my viewpoint as per different discussions as well as other factors, though because of how the individuals during the timeframe only focused on 19 to 20 as to such aspects I could see as per the individuals I knew in the New Jersey and New York City areas mainly as to such factors in conjunction mainly as to Pittsburg and Philadelphia as to such aspects as to the swiftness of life in such areas as to how sometimes such factors move forward as to the reality of in person face to face in person as to such aspects where to the second as to how much some aspects matter in the technological factors as to what many have known and/or learned as to the areas specifically.
However as to how if accurate during the 1990s as to what I remember guesstimating as to the length of time to send a signal outward to space for such robotic aspects where the turn signals as per from whichever space station on earth as to such aspects to depending upon which area of the Milky Way Galaxy #MilkyWay #MilkyWayGalaxy #Galaxy as well as other such locations, as to the distance to the timeframe as to how much that matters in my opinion still; especially, if I am accurate to such aspects for the safety and security on earth as to life progressing forward as to as best as possible while developing. Due to the disagreements as well as such aspects as to the year of 1998 #yearof1998 as to such aspects in my opinion, the aspects as to the various reasons as to why my choice was as to such situations as I noticed some areas where the factors might be capable to be tweaked a bit as to depending upon such times as per individuals getting into the technology field as to such timeframes from the 1990s especially. I made attempts to explain to others where I could, though in the years of the time of as to such difficulties as to such understanding the knowledge thereof as to such aspects.
In turn as to a different aspect as to the tattoo situation, the amount of ease to such explanations as to one hour is one hour and it did not include the tip as per having explained such to that individual. I learned as per such aspects where she had said she spent over 2 hours looking over pictures instead of having what I told her to have when going to the tattoo shop instead of wasting everyone’s time, though she had told me that she also had not informed of her over one inch thick scar tissue from the gastric bypass surgery as well as her tummy tuck from a plastic surgery school as what she said was in the Dallas Texas area. #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DTX #DallasTexas The massive differences as to the protrusions as to her stomach as to the difference as to the area of my stomach area from my tummy tuck, as per the aspects of what seemed as common sense as to prior descriptions as per in person face to face in person discussions as to her arms as well as her breast areas as to the aspects of as to that individual as well as others about such factors throughout the years as to such situations before she got pregnant with her fourth and fifth child as per what she had said as to such aspects in the year of 2020. I warned her to get a IUD #IUD #TubalLigation #TubalLigationSurgery or surgery or at minimum use birth control and/or a condom with spermicidal lubricant, though obviously as to such aspects where the factors thereof as to how she had two more children as to such situations during the timeframe after my warnings whereas her eldest daughter had in some capacities heeded my warnings/advice.
I was told her choice was to waste the time of the tattoo artists as well as the Cat Tattoo #CatTattoos #CatTattooShop #CatTattooAddison #CatTattooAddisonTX #CatTattooAddisonTexas shop as to such factors, and when I was informed as to the year of 2010 as to how much she laughed at the situation claiming how her thoughts were it was not as big of a deal as I was making it out to be. I informed her of what my first tattoo shop as to my second tattoo artist Dayton at Platinum Tattoo on 410 and Leon Valley #LeonValley #LeonValleyTexas #LeonValleyTX #LVTX area as to the corner location, where Dayton #Dayton #PlatinumTattoo #Platinum informed me that individuals who had owed him money as to tattoos would have a marking that other tattoo artists would recognize. I asked what happened if there were individuals who had not owed money to the aspects thereof and he told me, to always be honest as to the aspects of the timeframe around 2006 or 2007 as to the aspects thereof as I have made attempts as best as possible to make sure to pay my bills instantly as I paid for my tattoos before I went to the tattoo artist each time and used my credit card for the payments as well as the tips.
Thus as to such clarifications as what situations as to such hypotheticals as per the aspects thereof as while the situations as to my daughter began in the year of 2009 as to the aspects thereof as per such explanations, the aspects of if they had not known as tattoo artists about the fees as to credit cards to the shop and/or the tattoo artist #TattooArtist as how the reality of my learning of such myself more recently as to the aspects of having seen as to PayPal #PayPal. Though my guesstimation now in the year of 2022 as to such possibilities as to if accurate, as to such aspects where the fact of such individuals seeing me pay before the tattoo during the paperwork timeframe as per as such factors thereof. Similarly to the aspects of in the Portland Oregon area as to such aspects of Aardvark Tattoo #Aardark #AardvarkTattoo #AardvarkTattoos as to a situation where the agreement as to the situation of fees as to Groupon #Groupon as to such aspects when I went to the shop to schedule my appointment, as to the aspects of the situations where that female had walked away from the area in the middle of the timeframe that I had booked as she decided she needed to have food during the timeframe in between while the aspects of the charge thereof instead.
Thus as to my headaches and the aspects of the altitude changes I was not accustomed to in conjunction as to the electrical situations as to the zapping as per prior descriptions to the updates as to such factors, the aspects of where that particular tattoo is as to what my needs were/are for the specifics of such references as to the ways such was completed. The aspects of the yin yang as to my idea as to her design as to the aspects thereof as to the situations in reference to the Runes as per the surrounding area, as I made attempts to explain the reason for not using ink the same way because of comprehending the situations. That particular tattoo as to individuals I had known in the tristate areas as to those who had come to the United States of America after surviving the camps as to World War II #WorldWarII #WWII, as to the ways where such markings as to the reference of Eli Wiesel #EliWiesel as to the book “Night” #NightAuthoredEliWiesel as to such factors of the aspects in some factors as to individuals who I knew in person face to face in person during the years of the 1980s and the 1990s. Hence as to such additional factors as to the Orthodox community regarding the areas of New York City as well as Pittsburg and Philadelphia, as well as certain areas within the state of New Jersey because of the specifics as to the Orthodox #JewishOrthodox #Orthodox communities of the Jewish faith. Many factors of similarities as per the communities as per certain factors as with the additional references as to how the church I was confirmed at as to the year of 1997 #yearof1997, as to the aspects of how each #Passover Passover as well as each Yom Kippur #YomKippur as to the aspects of Rabbis that would arrive at the area and we usually had such services in Neff Chapel during the years I attended.
The factors of sight as to such situations as per the aspects thereof as to the difference between dreams as to the difference between factors of when I was in second grade as to such factors as to the differences as to sight, and as to such factors as since I was a child as to the references as to #OTC #OTPC #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch #NeffChapel Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to such aspects of the original pastor as to General George Washington’s commands as to such factors regarding the aspects whereas to the differences of clairvoyance as to the differences of the aspects of various factors of mediumship as to those who might know of and/or possibly understand as to such difficulties to put into words when the aspects thereof as to such situations. Though I am uncertain if there are those who have known others who might have such aspects unto themselves, though as to how I have dealt with such aspects as to figuring the situations as per the timeframe since waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as per the situations during Medical Hold Unit in the year of 2000 where the majority of individuals had not seen and/or understood such factors during the timeframe.
Since such aspects as per such times, I cannot think of anyone I once knew who ever understood me as per such overall situations as to the factors as to how I made attempts to explain the differences as per the facts once it starts as to there not being the capacity for me to clarify as during the timeframe of and as to the if factors of the timeframes as per how such aspects to the situations referencing the sight as to such situations. Additionally because of having went to the areas throughout the timeframe of the years as to 2020 through recently-ish to this year of 2022, as to such factors as to how much work it actually is to when on my own as to the aspects as per such factors and since the reality of how there truthfully is not the capacity to discuss such aspects as to the clarifications of during the timeframe as per such aspects as to the extreme difficulties as to another reason as to such aspects of where it simply seems better as to such aspects of reclusiveness as to how many decades it has been to such aspects as to the only reference aspects as to what looks as to the situations as per the differences of the timeframes.
Not that such matters being on my own as to such factors as to the reality of the limited number of people actually spoken with in person face to face in person, though as to such factors of reality as to the situations whether in person face to face in person or as to such aspects as to writing about such afterwards if as to such capacities.
When there are only so many features that are as to the physical looks as to such situations, then as to the if factors of if there are images from earlier decades and/or centuries as to such viewpoints of clarifications of the if situations as to when getting to write about such aspects in more depth as to the difference to this particular journal blog.
However as to such aspects where the capacities of individuals who had ever understood such as to the capacities thereof, there is possibly only a handful of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person who might have had some knowledge-ish as to such aspects of the ways as to such factors as to the differences as to individuals who have thought they could as to such factors of the aspects of comprehending as to such aspects during the exact timeframe though as to the words of such as to the reality I have made attempts to explain in a multitude of ways.
Yet if such were to have been known and/or at minimum understood as to such aspects, whereas to the factors as to the capacities of what I have dealt with as to such differences and yet such similarities as to how people have thought to take such personally instead of having paid attention to the reality instead of such aspects of what they have thought to such factors as per whatever proof of such situations as it would be completely new to me for me to not have to explain such aspects or re-explain such factors whether as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and/or the after effects of my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate and/or the aspects of my headaches and/or the aspects of my migraines and/or the aspects of my memory deficits and/or the aspects of my cognitive disorders and/or the aspects of how I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math and/or the aspects of my sight before as well as after such year of 2000 as the reality of there not ever having been anyone who had ever cared enough to simply ask me as instead of such as to how I only have dealt with assumptions instead of the factors of such aspects of care to the situations as while I comprehend it might be difficult for others that is nothing in the reality of what my dealing with such factors in the combined situations as to throughout such years and decades as why would anyone ever think of what I personally deal with as to such points in time as to such factors?
How would that ever be common sense as to such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to how such aspects to those discussions during those timeframes as to such factors as to whatever has been capable to be verified as to my clarifications, as why would anyone ever think there would be any differences as to such attempts as to my sight as to those individuals as what would ever be common sense about such factors as to ever thinking about the actualities of the extreme difficulties for me as to such aspects of how most admitted of their assumptions instead of ever taking into consideration the knowledge they had been given as to such aspects of the reality of what I have dealt with as to such factors thereof?
Why would anyone ever consider such aspects of what it actually is to deal with such as to the overall combinations when the majority of what I have dealt with as to either thinking of competition instead of ever thinking about the reality of such aspects as to how there has not ever been any competition from my personal side, as why would there ever be anything to compare as why would I ever think to compare unless spoken with and/or such factors thereof to such aspects as why would that ever matter as to such aspects?
When the reality of what I have dealt with as to such lengths of time and as to what individual(s) have ever actually understood as where would such aspects of the particulars ever be, though as what would be the oddity as to such serendipitous factors as to the reality of the aspects of the plant commonly known as the wandering jew as to how such situations have been as to such aspects as what would ever be comparable to such factors throughout the years and decades for me that would or could ever be seen as such?
While others have had their own timelines as to their own lives, when has such ever actually truthfully been considered for me as to such aspects if ever?
Why would that ever be of importance in any situation I have dealt with, as what would ever be of any assistance to such regards as to the aspects of such factors?
Why would anyone ever bother to actually ask me in truth as to such aspects of actual verbal discussions with me in person face to face in person as to such prior points in time, as why would that ever make sense to such aspects of actual real discussions as what would ever matter about that when most have had their preferences as to their viewpoints instead of such aspects of consideration as when has that ever actually been taken into truthful consideration when what point in time was there ever any truthful discussions specifically about such with me as to others not in a spiritual and/or religious class?
Why would that ever matter, as what would ever be of importance about those factors?
Why would I ever consider as to such aspects of speaking about such beyond what attempts I have made throughout the decades, as why would that ever actually be of importance as to the amounts of attempts in the multiple platitudes throughout such points in time?
Would it take a head injury to figure such out, as in honesty as to how that has only made such just as the same difficulties for me as to when I was a child instead of how such was just capable to the factors thereof once I was 13 years old biologically as why would such lengths of time of only that portion ever be of importance as to any individual when after waking up from my coma?
Why would such words ever matter as to such factors when as to how such aspects as to the situations instead of the capacities of such open-mindedness as per what I have been told as to how such aspects thereof as to the amount of individuals, though as to how such factors have actually been as to why would those factors ever be of any actual importance?
Then again, why would anyone ever actually tell me the truth as to such aspects of knowing instead of how such has been as to such hypotheticals?
Similarly as to the tattoos as to such factors, what would ever be of importance about such honesty and clarifications as to such aspects as why would those ever matter to anyone except myself at this point as why would that actually ever translate to meaning such of importance as to such capacities as to what I could consider as to such factors thereof as to the differences as to the lack of differences from my childhood and teenager years as to my biological adult years as where has the actual aspects of actual care been as to myself in truth?
When would such aspects of the factors as to personally dealing with such ever be as to such considerations as to others who might deal with what the clarifications as to what I already previously warned of and/or spoke about, as why would such aspects ever be considered of any worth or value in truth as to such aspects?
Why would I ever believe as to such capacities as to this point in time, as what would it matter as to such factors to the length of decades at this point?
When the reality of my own biologicals as well as those who I once knew in person face to face in person as to such references as to whatever points in time as to whatever lengths of time as to the seconds as to the minutes as to the hours as to if such added up to days and/or weeks and/or months and/or years, what would actually be as to such aspects where the proof for me as to such aspects as to the worth of such as to what I consider as to the worth of such?
At this point as to having given up hope as to such aspects as to the reality of such times, as why would there ever be a reason for me to continue hoping as to this point in time?
After what I have dealt with just in reference to August 2022 as to the conjunction of February 2022 as to such aspects thereof just in those particular references of the time, why would I ever have the capacity to personally believe such aspects as to the situations as to the factors thereof as to the reality I have dealt with personally?
Whether some actually believe as to the considerations I actually have made attempts as to such as per the reality of just stepping back as to the aspects thereof as to not being in the way as to the in person face to face in person as to such regards, why would I ever have such capacities as to the situations whereas to the reality of regarding such factors as who have I known who has always been truthful with me at all times as to living human beings?
Just as the same as to when I had been given a coin from the first living Medal of Honor recipient as to such aspects in the year of 2018, what would ever be as to such aspects of importance regarding such factors to the situations as where would that ever actually matter in truth to what I would know of officially as to living human beings as to why would that ever matter?
The facts as to such aspects as to the similarities as to such aspects referencing the situations as to who could actually tolerate the sight of me in person face to face in person when as to how such factors in truth as to such aspects to the length of time, as what individual that I knew in the state of Texas in the years of 2000 through 2013 and/or Oregon and/or Washington as to the years of 2013 through 2019 as to the actualities thereof as to consistent length of time as to such aspects as to the proof of such factors as why bother as to such aspects of the laziness of social media as to the differences as to the times when I have been in person face to face in person as when did any such individuals ever in what would be considered outside of classes/demos/events ever as to the factors as to my name referencing Lady Dori Belle as to such aspects of the locations as why would that ever be of importance to me or was that even a thought process of individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to whatever context previously to this point in time?
It has not mattered whether my hairstyle has been the color as to the style as to the timeframe after the year of 2005 as per the aspects of what I dealt with as a child and a teenager as well as a biological adult before my hairstyle as well as obviously before my tattoos, as why would I be capable to believe as to such not being a fad or a fashion trend as to what would that ever matter?
While individuals may have thought whatever aspects to themselves, what have I actually listened to as to their words discussed in person face to face in person as to such aspects as why would anyone ever think as to such differently as to the online factors as to what would actually be the difference as to such choices as to such points in time?
Why would it ever actually matter that I have not hesitated as to such aspects, though what would it matter as to such factors as to the time as to such hypotheticals thereof as why would such situations ever be as to such proof as to the aspects thereof to such hypotheticals as to the prior times of if I am accurate as why would that ever actually matter as why would anyone else ever think of such situations as to the combined overall aspects as to what I deal(t) with as to the exact points in time as to the differences of the latter points in time as what would ever be of any actual importance as to those factors as to such situations as why would that ever be of importance to anyone else as to such considerations?
When the reality of the knowledge as to my headaches and my migraines aside from all other situations as to the timeframes, why would such aspects of my needs as to the factors of be any importance ever as why would my needs ever actually matter as to such situations throughout the lengths of time?
Why is it that when I have considered others’ needs as to the aspects thereof as to others’ desires as to such differences as to comprehension thereof because of my background as to whatever the viewpoint of such aspects, why would I ever have such courtesy regarding such factors thereof as to such situations ever?
What have I ever done that would ever be worth such considerations as to the factors thereof as to the lengths of time, as why would that ever be a consideration ever as to having been open and honest the entire time?
Why would it ever be that the truth is hated so much as to this point in time, or is it I am just throwing a titty baby temper tantrum as to such factors when considering such as to my own personal review as to my own personal experiences as to my own life as why would that ever be of importance as to the reality my journal blog is and only has been a journal to me as why would I ever consider as to anything else as who has ever spoken with me as to the aspects of before in truth as to even just acknowledging my website as to such aspects as to the length of time?
While for the first time since the year of 2014 I have ever had anyone actually acknowledge such as to within literally the prior week or two as to the aspects of thankfulness, the thoughts as to how many possibilities as to the aspects thereof throughout such lengths of time and events thereof as to from the year of 2014 as to such aspects as to the reality of to such viewpoints of.
Similarly as to only one person as to from the timeframe of 2009/2010 through to 2018 as to such factors of anyone as to aspects of their expectations of either myself to tell them I suppose and/or the aspects of why would anyone have been truthful with me from the beginning, as to such aspects or has not one person I have ever known ever thought about such aspects of whenever the first meeting as to such factors as to such situations and/or individuals I had already known as why would there ever be the aspects of such respect and etiquette as to such aspects of me as why would such ever be considered as important as to such factors when the knowledge thereof as to the aspects of payments to me for me to use as to such aspects of my modeling pictures and my performances as to the years of 2010 through 2013 ever be as to any such factors of as why would such matter now?
How many individuals I once knew in person face to face in person throughout the years of 2009 through 2012 had complained to me about their opinion of my self-deprecation as to their words as to my words of making fun of myself as per such factors as to the timeframes, when in reality of simply making attempts to deal with the situations as per what else would anyone do as to such fullness of reality as to if as to their own in such consideration or is that actually something that I have already clarified in my journal blog as well as to such in person face to face in person and why would that ever matter as to such aspects?

Part One of Three Posts:
Part Two of Three Posts:
Part Three of Three Posts:
Part One of Three Posts:
Part Two of Three Posts:
Part Three of Three Posts: