In reference to the recent aspects as to the revelation aspects to put into wording as to the review time portions as to since the year of 2019 as to the current year of 2022 for the perspective as to the timeframes of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to #IA #IAstate #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa state as to such factors as clarified as to the situations as to the timeframe as to #MT #MTstate #montana #Montanastate #MontanaVortex the Montana Vortex time I had arranged for myself though instead of the three days before my trip towards Iowa after #CO #COstate #Colorado #Coloradostate Colorado as to the same in reference to the return trips from Iowa to the state of Montana for the additional three days I had intended for myself as to the aspects thereof, as to the reality to my work as to the assist as to the pain levels as to my headaches and migraines from all of the altitude changes as well as having been above the Mason Dixon Line as to the warnings I had given to people about concerns I had as to such aspects after having woken up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain which took over 4.5 years to show improvement and almost a full 8 years from the timeframe of waking up from my coma to be completely fully resolved; it seems a bit of a reminder is needed for individuals I once knew within the state of #TX #Texas #TXstate #Texasstate Texas as to whether Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Veteran/dependent and/or civilian as to such factors as to the realities of what I personally dealt with as to the timeframe while still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in such comparisons as to the timeframe since Iowa state as to the year of 2018 in the month of July to keep in mind as to such contemplations regarding the aspects of the humanity portions as to the situations I had dealt with.
Thus in reference to the year of 2000 from around the month of July in the year of 2000 through to around June or July at the latest as of the year of 2008 when I still had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain where such after effects include though were not limited to as explained to me by #neurology neurologists and #neurorsurgeon neurosurgeons among other such #therapist therapists as to cognitive therapists, #psychology psychologists, #lifeskills life skills coaches, bio feedback readers as to the technicians/doctors and etcetera as to such medical individuals associated with whichever branch as to the United States of America’s Armed Forces at #JBSA #MilitaryCityUSA #FortSamHouston #LacklandAFB #CampBullis JBSA as to the combination of a few bases as to the medical facilities:
· Headaches
· Migraines
· Cognitive disorders
· Memory deficits
· Went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus in high school to second grade math, though I was in an actual college in the state of #IL #ILstate #illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois regarding an AP version of Geometry as well as Biology and Chemistry for the clarifications from the few courses I can recall, while having taken college courses in the levels of while in #CLS #CLIL #CrystalLakeSouth #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois Crystal Lake South High School in Illinois which the final year was the timeframe as to the work program as well in reference to having enough courses to graduate as to only around 2-3 classes per day as to the rest of my courses for the first semester as to the reality of being capable to graduate earlier if I had not taken the college courses while additionally going to summer school as to the smaller courses as to the mandatory classes as to that school’s requirements
Thus while having the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain in the timeframe of around July 2000 after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma through to around June or July 2008 as to the MRI/CAT scans as to larger situations to notate to take into consideration as to the timeframes as to being 17 years old when I woke up from my coma as to such dealing with my own medical appointments as to such factors in addition:
1). The rave situation which lead to Brackenridge aspects
2). The Article 15 for not knowing that beer was alcohol as well as not knowing what underage drinking was as to the aspects of alcohol or what beer was, as to the fact my Company Commander’s name at the time was actually Captain Beer as well as the restriction aspects with the extra duty aspects at the time with the additional check-ins as to the CQ office area for the entire barracks area with additional duty in reference to the barracks area as to the female section as to prior such descriptions as to the problems as to the student party and/or permanent party not having taken responsibility for their own choices as to the areas thereof until that was direct ordered as to their Commanders as to their additional assigned work for them to take care of
3). The situation as to the General’s Aide then Company Commander Lieutenant then Captain John Morning as to the situations in the references as to the restriction aspects as the Center for the Intrepid was not formed yet on Fort Sam Houston nor was Warrior Transition Unit as close to BAMC as to the point in time as to the aspects of after the 11 September 2001 attacks as well as the aspects of the Iraq War and Afghanistan War as to the amount of student and permanent party individuals as to my not having graduated Basic Training as well as the aspects of my age in conjunction as to the rave situations which because of what I was told was Advil as it looked as Advil as well as the tulip shaped chewable flintstone looking pills that tasted like the purple vitamins to the situations in reference to Brackenridge hospital before the situation of being picked up to be taken to the BAMC hospital as to then Medical Hold Unit before the name of Warrior Transition Unit
4). Then I turned the age of 18 years old at some point in time after such portions before the aspects later as to #EO #IG EO and IG around the month of September somewhere around the middle-ish time of the month as to the restrictions having been removed as to the aspects before being moved into the Lincoln Green Apartments officially in the beginning month of October as to the situations as to who is my children’s biological father/my dead-ex-husband to live with as to then be considered as medically retired as to having been put onto the wording terminology of the Temporary Retirement Duty Leave as to the shortened term of medically retired as to the aspects of the medical board unit aspects to Medical Hold Unit as was the only way as to the time to be capable to explain and remember at the same time as to the larger details thereof
5). The Justice of the Peace as to then being pregnant with my son to deliver him after 7+ days of labor and delivery after having been induced to be put into labor as to the day of which was 9 days just before the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to his birth on 2 September 2001 after a few visits to the hospital visits as to the times when the abuse became too much as to the markings I had as to such portions as to what conversations I dealt with at such timeframes though were only the ones which were too much to deal with as to the times between then and the delivery of my son #Letters4James as the Pitocin aspects as well
5). The 11 September 2001 attacks as to my choice to give advice and suggestions from what I could remember from my nightmare from my childhood through my teenager years where I worked on ways to figure a better way from the visions I was having as to such factors after I spoke as to when the situations as to Songbird Apartments and Townhomes
6). Two different hospital stays as one was when my son was hospitalized and the other was when I was hospitalized as to the infections at the short amount of time afterwards in the year of 2001
7). My pregnancy with my daughter and the similar aspects as to the emergency room hospital visits as well as the kidney stones as to one hospitalization as to in the year of 2002 several months shortly before delivering my daughter #Letters4Lidia on 24 September 2002 after 7+ days of labor and delivery as to the similarities as to the aspects of having been induced into labor as well as Pitocin
8). My house in my VA Home Loan as to my purchase as to my #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioTX San Antonio Texas house as to my name as the title holder of my house as to my bills for such factors in Pheasant Creek subdivision as to that #HOA Homeowners Association aspects as well as to those who know how HOAs can be as to such types thereof as previously described as to several situations in my first books “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing and “Finding The Silver Living (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” in the year of 2002 which shortly after delivering my daughter and being back at my house I purchased as to my #VA VA Home Loan as to taking care of the lawn maintenance as the neighbors looked at me as they spoke with one another among others as to the timeframe within the year of 2002 around the month of October 2002
9). Being put as the Legal Guardian to my biological sister when she moved from Crystal Lake Illinois to the state of Texas to attend McHenry High School and such aspects thereof as to the timeframe around August of 2003 as our biological father purchased their house in San Antonio Texas around the Bandera area until they moved to San Antonio Texas while my biological sister stayed in my house that my VA Home Loan paid for as to such factors as well as her assistance for my children’s biological father to break multiple #10Commandments 10 Commandments as to the aspects while also additionally taking care of my biological parent’s house maintenance as to the lawn aspects for them while taking care of my house as well as the other additional aspects thereof to my children as well as my own medical care needs as well as protecting my children as best as I could while defending myself against the amounts of the needless abuse aspects to keep them as well as myself safe as my now ex-in-laws had known and seen such factors beginning in the year of 2001 as well as knew of the aspects of the truth as to such portions above as to the realities I was dealing with though Grandpa Nichols made attempts to help me and assist as best as he could while in the ways as I could as to a visa versa aspects
10). 2004 having been officially within the Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America aspects though the shortened terminology as to the medical retirement from the Army
11). 2004 the first separation from my children’s biological father after another time of having been left unconscious for however length of time after the situations which my each including my ex-in-laws were informed of as well as my biological sister as well as my biological mother and biological father were officially informed of by my dead-ex-husband, which if my biological sister had major health issues and/or died within a 5-10 year timeframe of the death of my dead-ex-husband as to the aspects of where her heart had actually been as to the reality for my ex-in-laws to take into consideration as to such factors as to the second and final separation after a brief time as to a reconciliation aspect as to the situations as to the IRR portions as to the situations thereof, however in the timeframe of the first separation as to my apartment as to the aspects thereof to the timeframe near my children’s school to be capable to still be a Mom while taking care of both my son and my daughter while he went to school and work at the timeframes thereof on #USAA USAA Blvd though there was not the official address change as to my house still being my house though the lease agreement for either 6 or 9 months as to the separation timeframe for clarification to #SAPD SAPD and/or nosey neighbors as to those types as to the age factors as to the assumptions in such references as to the hypotheticals as to the situation I wrote about after having told several people though I was not ever told about as to any law enforcement aspects nor asked and yet I had called 9-1-1 as to the attempt as to get her assistance as to the Black SUV as well as the white writing on the tires as to the larger aspects as to the way the vehicle parked backwards in the parking spot at the timeframe at the evening hours around midnight or shortly thereafter
12). Through the time from 2002 through 2006 as to my assistance as to the #CTRC #UTSCHSA Breast Cancer Research as well as from 2000 through to 2006 as to my assistance as to the college degree aspects as to such factors as well as the dissertation portions of which was the situations as to the second and final separation because of my refusal to assist without my recognition and if the recognition of my work was actually brought forward then I would continue to assist however since such failures as to the truth having been brought forward as to such situations as to my refusal to assist during such per situations as to the medium additives as to such aspects especially since he had switched form going towards being a cardiothoracic surgeon to a research analyst as to my descriptions as to the work thereof which could be accomplished which for clarification as to my being the sponsor as to such identification card aspects as the reality of his dependent identification card as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, of which because of his failure to get the aspects correct as to my memories as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to such portions thereof as to the Intellectual Property Rights which #EricVerona Eric Verona had brought forward around the year of 2019 or 2020 as to certain aspects thereof as to the lab as to such points in time as to other reasons of which I stood my ground as to such situations which I brought forward as to the #MEPS MEPS station when I was enlisted as to such timeframes within March 2000 as to the Army aspects of the United States of America which I explained as well as wrote about
13). I earned my Reiki I, Reiki II, and Reiki III/Teacher/Master levels as well as my Ordained Reverendship in the years of 2004 and 2005 though the Stay At Home Mom’s Club as to the year of 2004 as well as the #SAPagan San Antonio Pagan community situation as to the #Seguin #SeguinTX #SeguinTexas Seguin Jade Wolf Coven aspects in the year of 2004 as to the introduction officially into the San Antonio #SASwinger #SABDSM Swinger/BDSM community as to the month of November 2004 and the initial introduction officially as to the #ToF #TempleofFlesh Temple of Flesh community as to the classes I took as to learning from the explanations as to the discussion aspects of munches as well as to the ways such lifestyle portions as to the general public aspects of learning slowly to make sure I understood before getting involved officially
14). 2006 I began volunteering at Nine Lives Bookstore as to such aspects in the totality of the volunteering as to online book sales while also the aspects as to the cat sanctuary situations as well as the energetic portions as to such cleansings in such references as well as to healings as to the overall combined portions thereof from on and off throughout the years of the middle to the end of the years of 2006 through 2007 more-so than 2008; however my tattoos had begun as to such a point in time as to making attempts to assist the after effects from my memory deficits and cognitive disorders as to the assistance to my headaches when the pain levels rose as to such factors to the possibilities of a migraine, as to making attempts to best help and assist myself while despite my hairstyle as to being more capable as to the aspects as to knowing the facts in the year of 2006 as to looking as I had in the comparisons as to the years prior because of the color of my hair in conjunction because of the assistance factors as to multitudes of aspects for myself and my personal betterment to my health as I had learned there were multiple headache and migraine prescriptions I was prescribed which had been in the trial phases when in the years of 2000 through 2002
15). The situations as to #CampBullis #CampMabry Camp Bullis and Camp Mabry as to the year of 2007 before the situations as to the transfer to if I recall correctly #MS #MSstate #Mississippi #Mississippistate Mississippi state before his transfer to #Iraq #IraqWar #Taili #TailiAFB Iraq at Talil Air Force Base from what I was told, then the aspects of the phone callas to such points in time as to the full aspects of the final separation was in full effect before the end of the year of 2006 or beginning of the year of 2007 as he lived elsewhere as he told me he had an apartment across the street from the #FlyingSaucer Flying Saucer though I had not visited to see what truths thereof were as to the aspects he also had a storage facility in an area nearby to my house before the situations as to when he went to the Fort Sam Houston aspects as to the situations in reference as to the aspects in reference to what he was found to have lied about later as to the discussions with the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to the dress blues picture though additionally as to such factors as to the clearing of such lies as to the infantry unit he was a part of as to what I was informed of after having initially contacted the San Antonio Express News as to such situations as to whatever he told his family in such comparisons as to what the military explained to me as well as what Grandpa Nichols had found out about as to the truth since he was a four tour #Vietnam #VietnamWar Vietnam War volunteer as to the Army and a six year or six tour Drill Sergeant. For clarifications as to the one Reiki session I had completed as to seeing the situations of which he later described as to the aspects of which he had explained to others as to my sight around the year of 2005 in such references, which few in his own family knew about as to such factors as to my sight; however the garage situation as to the aspects in reference to Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to the aspects in reference to the situations as to how the reality of which the Swinger community already knew my now dead-ex-husband as to several biological females such as Discordia also known as Erika in reference to the garden gnome situation in conjunction to college student individuals as well as etcetera as to the situations from the year of 2000 throughout to 2006 in such references as to wishing that would be a better situation as to my rightful portions as to the legalities as to the IRR situations as to ways thereof in such aspects in comparison to common sense as to how I had lived on my own in my own apartment by the timeframe thereof and had been capable of taking care of myself as well as my children as to such a point in time as the thought was in reference to the Homeowners Association people aspects; which again I was/am the sponsor identification card holder in the reality of such factors as to the situations as I have always been as to the situations thereof, for the clarification aspects as to the reminder as to my Blue identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America
16). September 2007 through January 2008 as to the driving back and forth from San Antonio to #FWTX #FortWorthTexas #FortWorth #FortWorthTX Fort Worth Texas for him to visit with his family as during the weekends as from Friday through Sunday to then drop him off back at Fort Sem Houston Texas while during the weekdays whatever that schedule had been in the comparisons as to the fact as to the final separation had already been finalized as to such aspects in full despite the legalities in such wishful aspects as to some others in the hypotheticals thereof as to the ways of the proverbial saying as to the military having known such a terminology as to the bitter ex-relationship aspects despite how many times he had been abusive as well as a cheater as to such aspects after the aspects as to the Justice of the Peace situations as to the December 2000 timeframe
17). October 2007 as to the dress blues #JCPenny #JCPennyportraits JC Penny pictures as well as the aspects of the dress blues being walked around in the San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA factors which towards the end of October 2007 was the beginning of his confessions before the aspects as to the situations
18). 28 January 2008 I was officially informed as to him having been found DOA as to the mixed medication overdose as to the three medications as to the point in time as to such factors in his barracks room after the morning formation time was missed by the Chaplain Major rank as well as an E7 or an E8 if I remember correctly as to the timeframe and the other factors throughout such points in time as to the situations thereof as explained previously as in person face to face in person as well as throughout different portions of my journal blog entries #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as well as my first book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the larger details though this being more condensed as to the timeframe as to when I had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain showing up in MRI and CAT scans as to the times from what I was informed of compared to the brain wave activity as to the difference to EEGs and EKGs for the different readings in comparison; however I had as many of the funeral arrangements to which my ex-in-laws in the combined factors would have the ease as to being capable to attend the funeral to begin with though the additional factors as to the traveling arrangements for each and every one of them as to the comparison of the complaints as to my biological parents/sister as to the distance as to the location as to the burial site of the DFW cemetery compared to San Antonio because they felt they had a right to where my choice as to being the one and only legal Executrix as to such facts as to the age as well as the time of as to the aspects to the legal paperwork as to the time of death regarding the legalities in all such capacities to who I am a legal widow of who is my dead-ex-husband which my ex-in-laws’ capabilities to be allowed to have the gravesite near Grandma Nichols’ house in such comparisons as to having to travel six hours as to the ways she drives to be capable to see the youngest child she had given birth to as I thought that was a compassionate choice as to the shortest term as well as the longest terms possible which Grandpa Nichols had made attempts to remind her as to what choices I could have made as to each such factor as the knowledge and understanding as well as comprehension of me being the legal one and only Executrix as well as the choices I could have made as to what he had seen from ex-wives as to the choices during various portions of time as to the aspects thereof to Active Duty
19). The Chief Warrant Officer 3 and such situations within Fort Worth, the aspects as to the #CID CID as I was informed as they were wearing BDUs as to the interrogation aspects in the reference compared to what I saw being worn in the years of 2019 and 2020 however in the year of 2000 the CID agents I was interviewed by were wearing BDUs for the clarifications of memory factors to clarify though the different patterns as the cammo I had as to my BDUs in 2000 as to the digicammo as to the year of 2008, the going up the Chain of Command as to such factors including #JAG JAG and the Base Garrison Command as well as BAMC Command as to the additional aspects later as to EO and IG when after Garrison Command; and then the memorial aspects in the basement chapel area prior to the #mysa San Antonio Express News article as well as the aspects as to the return of the Bronze Star after General Gillman had contacted me asking me if I was interested in him arranging a meeting for me to speak with the Iraq Commander of the unit as to the timeframe around April 2008 as to the aspects with his two aides in General Gillman’s office as to the factors thereof to hand over in the as most respectful aspects as possible as to the Bronze Star as to the combined situations as to the dress blues as well as the Chief Warrant Officer 3’s response when the Bronze Star situation occurred at the DFW VA cemetery as I noticed how the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had responded at the timeframe and knew he was not happy as to the situation which was the official starting point as to my going up the Chain of Command as to having seen his response as to him wincing and cringing as to the Bronze Star aspects in comparison to assumptions as to being spiteful or vengeful or a stereotypical ex-wife as to such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to hypothetical assumptions from those types of individuals as to the military portions thereof despite how I physically look(ed)
20). The time after the meeting scheduled by General Gillman as to the Colonel and the two aides as to the situation as well as the return of the Bronze Star, the situations as to my choice to move with my son and my daughter to the city of Carrollton Texas as to the timeframes as to the energetic portions to making sure my son and my daughter had time with their Grandpa Nichols as latter that year was when Grandpa Nichols died as to the situations and I had known the need for my children to have the time as best and as much as possible with their other side of the biological aspects to them because of the reality as to the situations for the years of 2003 through 2008 in such comparisons as to the age and the health unlike what the hypothetical assumptions as to my biological mother/father/sister as to such situations in the comparisons as to what they did not know nor pay attention to as to several aspects combined as to their own selfishness in such hypotheticals such as comments as to opinions that were not asked for from them as to the comparisons to genuine help and assistance for my son and my daughter and my best interests in comparison to other situations thereof; though there additionally was the time I had carried my biological father over the fence from when in the backyard because of the timeframe my biological mother and biological sister went to San Marcos to look at colleges, and left him outside as to the key situation to the comparison of being decent human beings knowing the facts as to the medical situations as to the timeframes in the year of 2004 which though the move from San Antonio Texas to Carrollton Texas was abrupt though necessary as to April/May of 2008 as to the comparison to the time of death as to Grandpa Nichols; the hope in such references as to the aspects to which the situations as to a different outlook as to individuals associated to the individuals as to the timeframes as to the younger generations as to the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars in such comparisons as to the Vietnam War aspects, looking back now in the year of 2022 can hopefully be noticed despite others’ hypothetical assumptions in the comparisons though such occurs when the reality of responding with emotional feelings as to the immediate response in comparison to actually having genuine in truth discussions face to face in person face to face as to such aspects as to the verifications thereof to such aspects
21). The house I purchased which I turned into a home that was extremely temporary because of the combined factors as to the situations from 2008 into 2010, as to such aspects of to the next portions of such aspects as to the initial first years after the subarachnoid hemorrhage had fully dissipated out of any MRI and CAT scan in the year of 2008
Thus for just those twenty examples for the years of 2000 through to 2008, what could be taken into consideration as to the aspects as to having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain from the timeframe known as to after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as what levels of responsibility as to whom as to the proof thereof to such factors as what situations as to the over emotional as to such factors should some individuals reevaluate as to such hypotheticals as to the proof as to the patterns of behaviour as to such factors such as to moving my son and my daughter and I closer to the DFW area as well as ensuring the funeral arrangements were actually easier in the comparison to making so many travel to San Antonio in comparison?
What could be capable to be noticed that despite such amounts of time as to the aspects of the length of time as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage as to the ensuring of my making the best possible choices to the best of my capabilities, while still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain while healing from the aspects as best as possible after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as what could be as to such factors which while I had not graduated Basic Training from the Army branch as to what aspects which were of importance to consider?
After the subarachnoid hemorrhage was fully gone in the middle to the end of the year of 2008 as to the brief aspects though needing to keep in mind there were 9 different times I had landed at the bottom of the oceanic waters in three main locations of difference as to the #GulfofMexico #Gulf #Mexico Gulf of Mexico as to #Cozumel #Cancun Cozumel/Cancun as well as #BRFL #Boca #BocaRaton #BocaFL #BocaFlorida #BocaRatonFlorida #BocaRatonFL Boca Raton Florida which only recently in the year of 2021 (13 years without the subarachnoid hemorrhage) had I learned that is the headquarters for NAUI, as well as #Vandenberg #FloridaKeys #KeyWest #KWFL #FLKeys in the Florida Keys in Key West Florida around 1 year later for the deepest and most intensive #SCUBA #SCUBAdiving SCUBA Dive as to such aspects which International SCUBA was informed of as was other SCUBA Divers throughout the state of Texas and Florida as to after finding how the #Jewish #JewishMedicalJournal Jewish Medical Journal and the #British #BritishMedicalJournal British Medical journals among others had found the assistances which SCUBA Diving had for individuals who dealt with constant headaches who of which I contacted asking as to their opinion as to the options which was only in such references as to the opinions as to the timeframe as to such aspects referencing the situations in the year of 2008 around either November or December of 2008 which I had not received an answer as to such aspects though still doing the best to take care of my son and my daughter to the best of my capability as a Mom for them thus from the years of 2008 around August 2008 through to the month of December 2012 (3.5 years without the subarachnoid hemorrhage) with the combined abbreviated portions from the years as to 2000 through 2008 as to the above portions for the references in brief of larger events and situations:
1). While earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the training involved for myself I additionally assisted in teaching some classes as to the specialties as well as assisting in the instruction as to the Rescue SCUBA Diver course as to why the word went from help to pizza, as well as completed over 100 SCUBA Diving hours before beginning the official booking of my oceanic SCUBA Diving for the references thereof as to my SCUBA Diving gear in addition as to such aspects for myself to be capable and fully prepared for my SCUBA Diving as to the aspects in such references as to my childhood and my teenager years as to other combined situations which as best as I could remember as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury at the time. Though I had dated-ish one SCUBA Diver in the timeframe thereof as to his choice as to not wanting to inform others at the timeframe of as to the aspects of having met on a trip, upon my return from Florida as to the situations as to the timeframe which since he had not wanted to go into details with others as to the point in time and we had agreed to discuss such options as to informing others after I returned from Florida as to such comparisons; the reality of which having saved his life after he caught a baby Puffer Fish as to the aspects as to Cozumel, though I made attempts as to the best as I could and yet knowing the realities of his length of time within the SCUBA Diving community in comparison to mine as well as the physical aspects as to which I dealt with the comments as to such factors throughout the time as well as being an unattached female SCUBA Diver because of how I entered my SCUBA diving certification courses though later had dated a SCUBA diver who was in my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diver course before winding up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state in the year of 2013 (5 years without the subarachnoid hemorrhage)
2). Having begun some modeling images as to the aspects of for my capability to know as to how I physically looked for several aspects of my personal consideration while dealing with the situations as to the combined factors as well as ensuring the best I could on my own as to the reality for my son and my daughter while dealing with my ex-in-laws’ choices as well as my biological mother/father/sister’s wrong choices in my opinion in conjunction as to other such factors of making the best attempts as to such connections in person face to face in person as to friendships as to also giving what warnings I could as to the aspects as to the technology portions as to the situations which were as to such throughout various communities and groups as to the timeframes, which my modeling was for me to be capable to capitalize off of and not for anyone else’s financial gains as to such assumptions as to the ways of which I was chosen as to the one and only legal Executrix as well as being the one and only sponsor as to such factors as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such legal factors of which there was legally no one else to have any such authorities as to the realities thereof as to my being the one and only sponsor as to such military portions as to my identification card aspects in such references; which if in such references my biological mother/father/sister had wished to subvert as to insubordination as to such legalities as well as the conjunction aspects as to the Executrix portions as to the federal statutes of violations they would/could actually be under as to such aspects of the penalties if there are records as to such situations as to the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker situations as to such descriptions in the hypothetical references thereof as well as any such connection to any type of research aspects without the approval and consent which would first legally be required from me as to which I have not done as well as the legal requirements as to who I would personally have to contact in such comparisons as to the hypothetical assumptions as to the civilian sector as to such aspects
3). My biological sister’s wedding to Zack Miller in the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas area where my son was the ring bearer and my daughter was the flower girl which I had driven from Carrollton Texas to the Starbucks at exit 200 after finding out about their engagement as they said was the halfway point from San Marcos on I35 to Carrollton Texas as well as the wedding itself which they thought I was only going to drop off my children after the drive in such comparisons as to what was discussed as then the problems my biological sister had as to my lavender gown as to the wedding as to someone having the possible thought of such a relationship to the family of the bride to which after such a temper tantrum as to my choice to take my children and leave immediately after the wedding itself as to such a temper tantrum from my biological sister as well as the wrong support from our biological parents in comparison as to actually being mature adults on their side as to such a length of a drive as to the aspects additionally as to other such factors, though what was to be expected when looking back as to those types of individuals as to those types of situations simply from the Starbucks at Exit 200 for the example thereof?
4). The move from Carrollton to the Austin area of Texas in the year of 2010 (1.5 years after not having the subarachnoid hemorrhage) after the #FWZoo Fort Worth Zoo field trip as to the McCoy Elementary School Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District aspects in combination which I made an announcement about as to such aspects as to the ways which individuals who have military backgrounds know as to unit/brigade aspects as I remembered what I had informed others as to the realities as to the above the Mason Dixon Line factors which most laughed at me as to such situations just as similarly as to my childhood nightmare points in time as to the aspects thereof, then in the year of 2011 as to the move from Austin area to Irving Texas and then the school district lines all while fighting for my daughter’s rights as well as the correcting of the situations while explaining to who I could seeking assistance as to such factors as to such aspects as there were few who had ever contacted me back and none of my ex-in-laws assisted me as to such as nor did my biological mother/father/sister as to such aspects of what actually would have been assistive to me as to such comparisons to their attitude problems as to their thoughts of what privileges they had not actually been allowed as to such factors, as well as the move from Irving Texas to San Antonio Texas as to the hospital problems as to such situations prior to the legal parental portions as to such factors; though each move having been officially announced as to the ways and the reasons in the modern portions as to the best possibilities as to such aspects as to military associated connections in the references thereof, which I have made repeated attempts in reference to my son as to Washington state as to such aspects after the year of 2018 as to such factors as to the situations though those who have failed before as to failing again as to those who could have reached out and contacted me through my website to contact form in such references as to not knowing anyone in person is such capacicites as to the additional refusal as to such aspects regarding my biological mother/father/sister as to the portions of what they were caught doing in the years of 2003 through 2005 as well as the years of 2008 through 2012 as to the amount of times they thought they had a legal right they actuall did not have the legal right as to such factors of testing me as to my medical after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to my legal aspects as to my being the one and only sponsor as to such portions of to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America to which their failure to pay attention to such warnings in the years of 2003 through 2005 as to the Wilford Hall situation as to such aspects of which they were officially warned as to the situations as to my background which they tried to claim I had not graduated Basic Training and had forgotten about my invitation to MAST as to such aspects in the regards of what my work as to my background as to why would a 12 year old be requested to join MAST in such comparisons as to the normal aspects of the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as what was so difficult for those people to see as to the intellectual levels as to me in the comparison to my biological sister as to such factors as was the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to my earning in the timeframe of February as to beginning of the classes in the year of 2009 through to November officially though actually should have been October 2009 as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving certifications in such comparisons as to the reality of such factors as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to my personal exemption from such types of wishes which those people were made aware of such factors as to my reasons in such situations as to those aspects which would be of their own choices as to the factors which they were given the proper information of what they were allowed to know in such comparisons as to what they had assumed as to wishing to the right to know in such comparisons. Remember a Major General as to such factors as to willingly contacting me on his own as to scheduling the mandatory meeting for a Colonel and two NCOs as to such factors in the comparisons as to the review as to such simple information to have paid attention to, if there was not the biases as to the aspects as to my physical appearance as well as the situations as to the aspects in reference to my gender at birth as well as the assumptions as to the background portions in such references as well as the Basic Training aspects as to the CCC and the COC courses as to such regards in other such conjunction aspects of my proof of my work
5). Irving Texas 2011 (3 years after not having the subarachnoid hemorrhage) as to the situations as to some brief descriptions as to my back patio at the timeframe thereof when the field as to between the law firm as I learned later as to the back patio of the apartment as to such problems as to the illegal predatory portions as to the harassment situations as to what I had warned plenty about in such conjunction aspects, while the SCUBA Divers I once knew had stood by and made whatever choices as to such aspects in reference to my SCUBA Diving achievements in comparisons thereof as to the realities as to how my SCUBA Diving as to such factors in the comparisons of what would have been more intelligent to speak with me about in person face to face in person in the year of 2009 (1 year after not having the subarachnoid hemorrhage) as to the month of by the latest point of October 2009 as to such portions as to the ways which the situations swiftly escalated elsewhere
6). The Stoney LaRue concert at Cowboys Dance hall in March 2013 around the 22nd or 23rd of March 2013 (4.5 years after not having the subarachnoid hemorrhage) situations before the final aspects as to the situations thereof as to the combined factors, the final end of the connections as to my biological mother/father/sister in full capacities as to the last willing opportunity as to such combinations as to the facts thereof from my side as to such attempts as to having caught my biological mother and biological father lying to others within the Red Hat Society as to such situations about my son and my daughter which I refused to be a part of once I learned as to the partial points thereof to such aspects in conjunction as to winding up in #AZ #Arizona #AZstate #Arizonastate Arizona before Washington state as to the medication additional aspects as to the situations because of the individual as to Cowboys Dance hall as to the Air Force Officer uniform picture as to the claim as to having graduated ‘Officer Basic Training school at Lackland Air Force Base’ as to the aspects as to the situations which Anna as to the 2005 problems as to the reality of the situations which she probably failed to bring up the truth as to such factors as while I had the situations as to my neurology appointment as to still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to the year of 2005 after the situations as to the labor and delivery situations as to my son and my daughter as well as the amount of hospitalizations as to the factors as to such situations while each as to the aspects of such a location in the Air Force as to the situations regarding those aspects as the known factors of individuals who are proverbially gung ho as to the Air Force as to such hypotheticals as to the Army aspects of where they originated from as to the facts in conjunction as to the hypothetical as to how they did not have as much access to my military records as the same as to the Army as to the aspects of such portions because of MAST as to my invitation which many had not either known of and/or heard about MAST with the exception of when I was in Medical Hold Unit as to the aspects of being stationed with the Navy/Marine Special Warfare Unit in 2000 as to their knowledge as to my invitation to MAST in the year of 1996 when I was 12 years old as which branches in a trifold combination would have questions as to certain aspects while they were out to sea while giving such details as to the comparisons as to such factors when to returning ashore as to such factors to the consideration of what review as to such factors and visa versa to consider?
7). The aspects as to when at Midnight Rodeo with Alicia an Air Force mustang’s daughter as to a group of situations as to the Basic Training Drill Sergeant as well as the aspects as to the group of two sets of different males as to the first set being taken out by the bouncer security an the other set as to the connection to Crystal Lake Illinois as to the situations at Mike and Patty’s as to the situations referencing the racism which I brought up as to having had a problem with in reference to the aspects of the Crystal Lake High School male Nick Robinson as to what he said he claimed was about AJ while the failure to understand as to my own family aspects as to the assumption from only one side of the situations as to my biological family as to such knowledge in the comparisons as to my biological father’s side of the family
8). Towards the end of 2013 (5 years without the subarachnoid hemorrhage) as to having begun looking to contact as to my SCUBA Diving as to situations of concern which the aspects of other such reminders as to an individual who lived in an apartment beneath the apartment I was living in with my son as well as the individual as to having said ‘at Cowboys Dancehall it was expected for me to pick the Navy man who was there for me’ in such oddities before the situations as to how such arose as to the question I asked about why his so-called Marine Dad was okay with him having been an officer in the Air Force, to which the situations a Crystal Creek situations began as to such other factors in the combinations thereof as to the timeframes of December 2013/January 2014 (5/6 years after not having the subarachnoid hemorrhage)
9). The Geek Squad/Best Buy situations as to the technology aspects as to what I had warned people about as to the aspects of if I was ever up above the Mason-Dixon Line as to the years between (still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage to half to one full year of not having the subarachnoid hemorrhage) 2006 through 2009 because of a vision I had as to a certain aspect as to such factors in reference to after the claim as to the IRR factors when at Jim’s Restaurant with a female named Francis as to what she had explained as to a situation she had dealt with as to a prior relationship as to such points in time as to other situations as to the already known aspects as to the laptop fire situation in conjunction as to the situations in other references as to the accidental warranty program aspects thereof, which I had told others from the years of 2010 through 2012 as to the reasons as to the aspects of bringing forward the announcements as to my moving aspects as best as I could to keep others informed as to such aspects such as to the example of the transfer portions in the year of 2021 as to the similarities as best as I can recall as to from 2010 through 2012 as to the situations because of the combined factors as to the occurrences thereof. While there were minimal numbers of individuals who officially informed as to the #IN #Instate #Indiana #Indianastate Indiana state situations as to the 1999 aspects as to the yellow piece of paper as to the warning ticket as to the 127 miles per hour as to what I saw in the rearview mirror as to that point in time as to such prior situations as to the aspects thereof as to the connection in a different way as to an overall generalized aspect as to the Irving portions
Thus the brief timeline of events as to such as to having already went through as to the aspects as to the situations between 2014 through 2022 as to such situations as to the updates in reference to the year of 2019 onward to the current year of 2022 as to the situations, which in reference as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though specifically as to Iowa 2018 as to such factors; what differences as to the situations as to the aspects thereof, can be taken into consideration as to how aspects have been as to such points in time?
How many times have I made genuine requests for assistance as to such lengths to such factors, and what has that mattered in the regards thereof as to my best interests in such aspects thereof to the ways such aspects have been as to other combined factors?
What situations of standards have I been held to which who of any other aspects of life has ever been held to such standards as to such a length of time as to just in reference from the year of 1999 through to 2022 for such aspects as what circumstances as to where I have done the best I possibly could was capable for anyone else’s review as to in truth as to actually finding a better way in such comparisons as the realities thereof to such proof?
I believe as to this point in time each individual truthfully needs to reevaluate their own aspects as to their own lives in such comparisons as to trying to judge what is to such factors as to without such a level of a background of situations in such a combination as to the overall combined aspects, where is it that from the year of 1992 as to being in fifth grade can such individuals actually judge me as to this point in the year of 2022 as to the truthful portions of such a right to in the proverbial aspects as to “ye without sin cast the first stone” in such regards. Though I have been made fun of for a multitude of aspects by whom each can think about their own personal aspects as to the basis of such an analysis in such references, what in turn would the plausible portions as to such factors actually be as to the situations in such comparisons as what could actually be compared as to the combinations thereof as to the ways of which such supposed community standards as to such factors thereof as what then are the standards as to which the community portions thereof to such a review portion?
When in reference to more specifically as to Irving 2011, what would be to take into consideration as to the aspects of which the situations as to being asked as to what I personally could see if anything for the overall aspects thereof to the extension of life as to the overall aspects on earth and what was I capable of putting into words in reference to the fact based aspects as to the differences between the genres as to such realities as to the situations thereof as while some correlations as to possibilities as to other factors in reference to the genres could be possibly seen in the comparisons thereof; what is the actualities as to the situations as to such genres as to the realities in comparison of simply just being creative in my writing depending upon the fiction based genre, as where as to such fiction genre aspects have I personally had such experiences?
The answer is there is not the situations of which before having written such factors of the fiction based genres as to anything remotely close as to such factors with the exception, of “The Curious Children Book Series (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” in certain capacities as to such factors as to having had the discussions in a different format when at my house in Carrollton Texas around the timeframe of August 2009 and/or during the trip when in Florida in August of 2009 though recalling the month thereof as to such factors. Thus the review portion as to such aspects of which while some individuals might think as to however they think from their own personal experiences in such comparisons to what I have personally experienced in the comparisons thereof, the realities as to such factors of situations to take into genuine consideration as to such aspects as to the realities thereof in regards as to how the ways of personal experiences do impact an individual’s view as to such aspects which in turn why would there have been such concern as to other aspects as to the realities in such comparisons as to the situations as what has been noticed since such points in time as to the years per situations as to the aspects thereof as to the situations overall as when did such a stand become that revolutionary as to such aspects as to the ways thereof as what would anyone else have done in such regards that could have actually been better as to the combined factors thereof especially as to on one’s own in such references as to those times as to the in person face to face in person aspects in such comparisons?
Thus in such references to take into consideration as to whether someone else outside reviewing which includes my daughter and/or my son as to such factors, which the importance as to the details as to such a brief aspect in such a timeline of events as to the totality of the overall in such references and regards thereof. In turn as a single Mom I did the best I possibly could as to each such capacity within the aspects of what I personally could take care of on my own, as I am not responsible for other individuals’ choices and actions as it is up to each individual to take responsibility for their choices and actions as to such factors with the room as to such review as to the combined situations as to the overall aspects thereof. My children were obviously given far more than I ever had the capacities thereof in such regards especially in reference to fifth grade onward, though the timeline as to this journal blog entry as to only from when as to the age of when I was seventeen as to such situations. Thus in such regards as to the previous aspects as to being 17 years old as to making the best possible choices as best as I could. Though acknowledging my imperfections as to having had to do so as a child and teenager as to what I dealt with, I have made the best possible attempts as to such situations despite the aspects of the occurrences thereof which hopefully actually has been and is for the best possibilities for myself as well as others as to such situations. I did not want to have to deal with certain factors, though I made the best possible choices as best as I could in each capacity thereof as to having brought forward discussions as to biblical and Torahic contexts thereof with both of my children in person face to face in person as well as to such points in time prior to the year of 2009 as to whether or not they can remember is such aspects thereof though I was raised in a specific way and have encouraged such aspects thereof to such portions as per the situations which others may not have known as to such factors as to being an Ordained Reverend as well as the aspects of being a Confirmed Member of the Presbyterian Church USA through Old Tennent Presbyterian Church which as to the ironies as to beginning in the aspects of the Jewish Community Center as to the youth aspects thereof to both of my children.
However as to the facts of what I have dealt with, is there possible hope for those who actually have such factors as to the betterment as to such possibilities as to such a view as to a possible arrangement of review as to such which could be considered as something worthwhile in truth? Admittedly as to the timeframe now in 2022 as to what I worked for as to such factors in the comparisons thereof as to such aspects as to wondering and pondering as to such, though I can admittedly also see the other side of the proverbial coin in such references.
