A few days ago’s journal blog entry on my website in #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA which went through the details as to the various aspects as to the knowledge for the understanding to be capable to understand from the knowledge as to what I had made attempts to explain in a briefer way when speaking with others I once knew in person face to face in person as to multiple aspects thereof, though during various discussions as to how the aspects went as to such explanations as to the ways of what I had made sure to be clear about as to various portions. Upon when the point of winding up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state, I had the sensation as to the need to be capable to explain easier as to the situations in a larger conjunction to be more open minded as to such factors as to assist in the discussion points as to my background to ensure I was clear as to the minimum knowledge as to such factors as to what I had already dealt with in the situations as to when in the state of #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Texas as to the clarity of such factors as to how I made attempts as to such within the state of to prevent problems in the comparisons as to how such factors in such references. I had thought it would be more ideal as to being capable to give the explanation as to such factors as best as possible, as to assist in the situations as I had learned because of what occurred when at #GeekSquad #BestBuy Geek Squad at the Best Buy in #Clackamas #Portald #PortlandOR #PortlandOregon #OR #ORstate #Oregon #Oregonstate Clackamas near Portland Oregon as to the technology factors as to the alarms because of the situations as to what I had noticed though had not realized to the larger aspects of such impacts as to the effects thereof to being above the Mason-Dixon Line as to the situations in reference to the electrical zapping aspects.
In such a reference as to why my hairstyle had slightly changed the closer I had been to the area of #SeatAc #Seattle #SeattleWA #SeattleWashington #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Seattle/Tacoma Washington as to the sides of my head above my ears having been waxed as to the zapping to my hair strands as to each individual follicle which when each follicle rubbed against and/or bounced off of my eyeglasses as to the zapping back and forth as to the portions of such pain levels as to the situations, as to why my hairstyle had slightly altered for such amounts of time because of the electricity throughout the air in conjunction as to the wifi portions thereof in the area. While some might not have believed me before I wound up in Washington state as to such factors when I was living in the state of Texas as to the various technology issues I had at such points in time from after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the after effects as to that particular aspect, the situations of what I made attempts to explain as to how few believed me as to such points in time as to the years from 2000 through 2013. Thus the aspects explained further as best as I could as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in such references as to the zapping as well as the electrical portions thereof, I made each attempt as best as possible to give the knowledge as best as I could. However those who might have been capable to notice as to certain factors as to me walking outside during certain specific times when I was volunteering as to the setting up as well as the cleaning up of such factors, depending upon the flight patterns as to the nearby SeaTac airport as to if a specific arrangement of flights during that timeframe and/or the type of cargo as to the type of airplane I suppose could additionally have something to do with such factors as to the situations as to my hairstyle change as to such factors.
I had put my business card I the lobby area because of the aspects which the individuals as to one of the groups associated with one of the owners of #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire having given me permission to do so after I explained as to some aspects as to my website, which in turn I had thought as would be easier as to some discussions as to depending as to such factors of a different version of a proverbial ice breaker as because of the situations as to knowing the aspects as to what I was dealing with as to having the thought it could have been helpful or assistive in such capacities as to such communication. However as to prior journal blog entries as to the aspects thereof if such was not noticed and/or known as to the aspects of which I had thought could have been assistive in the comparisons thereof, the knowledge later as to the possibilities as to the hypotheticals of others from which I may once have known as to within the area thereof as to such clarifications as to the aspects in a larger capacity in reference to the aspects within Washington state as to such within my journal blog entries as to the updating in reference to from the timeframe of October 2019 onward as to such aspects as to the possibilities thereof as to such situations to the differences between the Swinger community compared to the BDSM community as to certain unknowns to the clarifications of certain types as to the aspects thereof as to what consent is intended for as to the supposed to be consensual adult lifestyle as to my personal opinion. However since I cannot officially verify as to such circumstances though if such as to the reality thereof, the differences between Swingers to the differences between BDSM to the differences between professionals as to either side as to such factors of which is supposed to be known as to the capacity of whether or not the consent as to such factors in the references thereof to such clarifications as the reality of such situations as to what I dealt with in the state of Texas as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the other aspects as to my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving in conjunction as to other such references as to yesterday’s post in such regards as to the additional factors of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to my appreciation as to the individuals within and a part of Club Sapphire; though the aspects of such clarifications if other such situations had been noticed, as to the capability for such protection of themselves as to their own awarenesses for such aspects as well as to the other side in reference as to such queries if such were as to those within the state of Texas as to such situations.
For clarification as to such aspects, the business cards were not an open invitation as to my books. The aspects thereof were only as to a discussion point as to communication because of how I am about aspects thereof, which in turn if the failure to pay attention to the facts as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to such situations as to being capable to discuss and communicate honestly; the clarifications thereof to the ways of which would be considered as only for communication aspects, for the aspects of which to not being the ways as my biological mother/father/sister as to such factors. The reality of such portions as to being capable to communicate as to such aspects in comparison as to having had to repeat myself as much as I had would have been easier for me, as to what I initially updated my website journal blog with as to such factors. Thus if in such references as to the ignorance to the ways my biological sister was as to such situations, no it was not ever a game. Those types of individuals were cutout of my life on purpose because of what I needlessly dealt with as a child, as I have repeatedly explained as to such situations. If I actually wanted or needed their help in such references as to when I was above the age of 21 years old biologically, they would have actually been assistive in comp0arison to what I went over as to their lack of assistance where I actually needed such aspects. As to the explanations as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain where if they had actually cared about my best interests, how much more different would situations have been as to such factors in regards of those who have actually had family members who genuinely cared in the correct ways in the comparison of what I dealt with as to the reference of fifth grade?
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the facts simply as to fifth grade when I had Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time after what I dealt with as to the babysitter problems before the situation as to the aspects of Baptist Camp Lebanon as to how those individuals had not cared as to what was and is for my best interest which in turn meant as to when I fought for what the legal terminology of emancipation is as to such factors in reference to after the MAST situation as to the reality of such factors that should not take a head injury to figure out. Additionally as to the reality of which to the ways which my biological mother/father/sister had to learn such aspects as to how they had not ever actually assisted in the correct ways as to a different situation when without my permission as I would not have given permission as she knew as to how my biological mother stole a bunch from my room and without my permission had given such items away as to the legal definition of theft since I personally paid for such items myself over the years. The same aspects as to such permanency to such an individual as to multiple times over of which those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat such, which how much history have I brought forward and when does it get through to those types of individuals as to the problems as to those types of problems as to how many times does such have to be brought forward as to those types of individuals have only been problematic and have not actually been helpful to me of which no it does not ever assist to such aspects of the wishes to thinking it could help others in comparison to what the facts are as to theft in the end nonetheless. If I had wanted such in a specific manner, I would have specifically put such into a clarified manner. Thus all such aspects of each individual book which did not have the mission statement as to such donation aspects officially meant all such profits were only to be for my usage as to my intellectual property rights as to my royalties as to my payments and nothing as to such other aspects beyond such as to the mandatory aspects of which I have worked towards for myself and myself as to such aspects in comparison to such others’ selfish assumptions in the comparison.
Does it take a head injury to figure out that when such is not put into writing in comparison to prior writings, there is a difference?
In my opinion as to whether one side of whichever proverbial aspect as to the portions of which the consent as to the truth as to such factors is of importance as despite what some individuals as to their outsider viewpoint of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle, what is the ways of which to actually clarify as to such aspects as to breaking the stereotype as to such a generalized viewpoint in such comparisons as to the actualities thereof to actually having what the term of an adult social club to such factors?
How can someone have or be a part of an adult social club or an adult atmosphere club as to socializing without the truth as then how is such socializing, as that if I am accurate would that be more considered as to a game in comparison to socializing?
Had anyone ever had the intellect to ever simply ask me as to a book signing as to such portions, or was that something too difficult to think of as to the common sense factors in comparison as to any other such situation to be capable to actually earn my own finances from my own creativity from my own work or does that take a head injury to figure out as well?
Has there been anything I updated on my website that would have brought such forward as to from October 2019 through to now that would clarify such factors and what could such have to do with the #10Commandments 10 Commandments as to the reality of such situations, which what could that means in reference to transmissions in addition to such aspects thereof as why would it take a head injury to have to explain such factors?
What does such mean as to each individual in such references as to the aspects of the differences to the books as to the various measures thereof as to actually having the capacity to common sense in comparison to ever thinking though the reality of what the Bible has explained as to not rely on your own interpretation of such aspects as why would it take a head injury to clarify such, as I suppose is it a joke or fact as to Iowa 2018 as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as does it apparently take a head injury to explain such despite all of the signs as to the capabilities to read?
Is it considered as socializing if there are only a small group of individuals who are in the know or who as to the opposite as to not in the know, as then is such considered as an adult socializing atmosphere or is such to actually be considered as an adult gaming location by the definitions thereof as what would be socializing about such aspects if in such capacities as to the aspects of a gaming situation in comparison to a socializing capacity as to the description thereof to what was as to the intention from such explanations?
What in turn does that translate to as to each individual as to such assumptions in the comparisons thereof as what would my numbers of actuality show as to such portions of which in turn if my biological mother/father/sister had anything to do with such aspects then what does that show as to Elementary school as to what I dealt with because of those types of people and what does that prove as to each aspects which has already been proven as to those individuals as to their lack of common sense as well as their lack of capability to actually pay attention to the correct details as when was the last time I had spoken with such individuals in person face to face in person as what does that officially translate to as to the Constitutional Rights of the Untied States of America as when was it the Civil War ended last I checked as to the historical portions thereof as well as what does that prove as to other such legal definitions and terminology as how much has to be put into words as well as explained as to the references thereof to those individuals as to such aspects as to how the lack of humanity of such individuals as to the situations thereof as what would be the common sense as to proving humanity to me as to such capacities as to the easiest and simplest of ways as to my personal preferences in comparisons as to other such factors as would such be in an actual discussion as to open and honest communication or would such be as to their repetition of what they have continued to have failed to have learned from as to which choices of theirs as why would such aspects of actual in my preferences which would not be of living near such individuals as to such factors be as to the aspects thereof as what would the ways as to my contact form having repeatedly brought forward as to such aspects be as a blatant aspect as to the only way I am interested as to any such possible dialogue to those individuals as to the reality of an additional reason after Lackland Air Force Base as to why I moved away after such aspects as what during those times did they fail to pay attention to details from to begin with as to the year of 2003?
For clarifications the ease of asking me as to what I would prefer in comparison to the differences already brought forward as to the genre aspects as to such writing situations, however does it take a head injury to figure out that when the problems as to intellectual and property theft of such situations as to the additional needless problems from such types of individuals who could have easily avoided all such situations by simply actually and literally paying attention to the details thereof as why would it take a head injury to figure such out or why should it take a head injury to have to actually explain such factors?
What would the viewpoint as to those who would genuinely be interested as to such a type of location as to their choices as to whatever their relationship capacity thereof to such factors as to later learning as to a game compared to socializing, as what would the impacts be as to such factors or was that not taken into consideration as to the aspects thereof in such references as how would that be considered as healthy for those who are single/unattached and/or those who are in a relationship though not married to those who would/could be married in such capacities as what would the possibilities as to the moral and ethical implications be as well as what could be considered as to the situations thereof in the reference to those as to having been in truth the whole time as to the opposite factors of such considerations as to how would/could such be as to the aspects in reference to the wellbeing as to such mental health awareness aspects in the references thereof whether or not someone had a head injury though had other capacities thereof to various special needs as how could my website been a simple way to just begin a common sense discussion in comparison to the needless involvement as to the aspects of which such portions as to the hypothetical assumptions in reference to any other method as then what stereotypes would such individuals automatically assume and what stereotypes have I broken the barriers of as why would that be of importance to take into consideration as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in comparison to all of the additional needless problems which have stemmed from such assumptions as what could the situations of genuine helpful assistance have been as to my SCUBA Diving and/or the situations as to the aspects of my daughter and my son’s situations in comparison to the lies my biological mother/father/sister informed others of compared to the truth which has been capable to be found thankfully to technology aspects as well as those who have had the intelligence to actually look up such details as what have ironically colleges had to teach others as to the aspects of what actual consent is compared to the definition to assumptions?
What does that additionally translate to as to the aspects of having to actually explain at a college level as to the educational factors as to the differences between consent and assumptions, as what does that in turn translate to as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as does that translate to I have had to bring slower and smaller words as to such explanations in comparison as to the factors of which have been common sense to me as to my personal background as why would it truly have to get to such a level of to this point in time as could that have something to do with the references as to SCUBA Divers who were given a direct order from me to not go SCUBA Diving in underground missile silos?
In the reference as to how I was made fun of for taking the time to earn 26 individual SCUBA Diving certifications as well as the additional work no one knew I was studying or working on as to such factors, what could be seen in reference as to the reasons why I had earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications and the additional homework I assigned to myself as why would such aspects of the main 10 certifications to become a recreational civilian SCUBA Diving instructor be in such comparisons as to the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications I earned on my own as why and where would that be considered of importance as to such factors and how would that be similar to how I was as a child and a teenager and a biological adult despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury?
While I obviously am not a doctor as to such official factors the reality as to such an impact of such sorts in my opinion could be as to such factors of which would cause a different viewpoint as to such situations, of which in turn what would/could be done in such references as to the aspects thereof to such an impact?
What concern as to such situations as while the aspects of supposed to be an adult consenting location as supposed to be an adult consenting lifestyle, when such consent would hypothetically be removed from one or more individuals as to such aspects thereof; then in turn what would such a viewpoint be as to the realities as to what the aspects of such portions, would/could be as to such factors?
While I have been honest as to such capacities as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I am not the only one who has endured and survived such whether in reference to whichever time as to whichever year as to such situations, what could be noticed as to such aspects as to those who might not have the words to explain such and/or might not have taken such into consideration as to such a viewpoint thereof to such a capacity in the references thereof to the ways of which the after effects to a situation as to such sorts thereof in such references whether in the BDSM capacity and/or in the Swinger capacity?
I know I am not the only individual who has the capability to have emotional impulses in the references thereof in which to the capacities thereof, what could be taken into consideration to if in such references as to others’ involvement as to such situations as to the aspects thereof to that sort of non-consensual game portions as to the aspects of which would be an adult lifestyle reenactment aspects as to a different version as to Excalibur Faire though in a different capacity thereof yet how would/could such actually be considered as different?
In turn as to those who had/have spoken in truth as to such situations to whatever comparisons thereof to the opposite then as to such factors, what would that translate to in the larger capacities as to what would/could be considered as which type of manipulation and/or abuse as to such factors in the references thereof as to the minimum viewpoint as to the truth and honesty as to such factors as how could such be seen in the references thereof as to yesterday’s posting in my journal blog in the comparisons as to such capacities as to the aspects in such references as to the possibilities as to the situations if accurate as to what health portions would be important to take into consideration in the multitudes thereof as to such factors in reference to the various individuals throughout the multiple aspects of life in the area which is supposed to be for consenting adults as to such situations especially in regards as to while not #MilitaryCityUSA #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA there are the realities as to #JBLM #Bremerton #Everett JBML or Joint Base Lewis McChord as well as the Everett Naval Station in conjunction to Bremerton Washington as to the Naval area as well as how would/could such a capacity in such references be viewed as to such possibilities within the civilian sector as when the explanations are as to such consenting adult socializing if such capacities thereof to such factors especially with the addition to the alcohol as to such aspects in regards as to the type of location as while bringing one’s own if the individual partakes of such factors what if in such references as to the willingness as to viewing such as to the situations in references as to the aspects of the truth as to such capacities thereof as the reality of such as to the truth portions as to alcohol as to the aspects of how such freer portions in the references to such situations though additionally as to whatever hangover problems to those who are willing to compared to those who would be considered as to what if not willing to partake ever knowingly as to such capacities for the example of how I refuse to knowingly drink alcohol because of the knowledge as to how such does not hep nor assist the realities of my headaches and migraines and the problems as to the hangover aspects of which are nonconsensual as to such similarities which would be considered as to what legal definition when not in consensual aspects as to such a hypothetical thereof as to the rave situation as to Brackenridge in Austin Texas as to the year of 2000 as what would then be an additional problematic aspect to take into legal consideration to such situations in reference to the nonconsensual aspects thereof as to such factors as what needless additional damages as to the capacities thereof to the Iowa 2018 trip for my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the nonconsensual portions as to such situations as to the hypotheticals thereof?
If the excuse as to such factors of wishing that would cause such to calm down in the comparison when taking into consideration as alcohol is a truth serum format aspect, then what capacities could by hypothetically seen in the differences thereof to such hypotheticals as to the nonconsensual portions in such references as to the legal definitions of assault in the hypotheticals as to the nonconsensual portions to seeing as to such aspects as well as what additionally could be noticed as to how I explained as to my choice as to how my preferences as to such aspects as to how many times I have been called a prude as to the truthful portions thereof as what would be capable to be noticed in such hypotheticals thereof which in tur; what would such types of behaviour give to each and every individual as to such aspects as to such hypothetical involvement knowingly as to such wishful portions, for if such were to have been done as to such and then the ways as to such prudish behaviour as to such capacities as to furthering such aspects then why would it take a head injury to figure out as to such truthful aspects as to what nonconsensual portions would officially be taken in the legal aspects thereof to each individual involved as to such?
What in turn would such say as to any female biologically more specifically as to such a choice as to make in reference to another female as to such capacities as then what stereotype would such be as to the type of background of such as to the individual biological female as to the aspects of such possibilities as to the stereotype of such capacities depending upon the employment as well as the ways as to the background as to which level thereof as to working their way up such aspects, which in turn as to the possibilities as to a male factor as to what levels as to such capacities would that mean as to the lack of such portions as to being capable of as willing and consensual nature in such regards as to the ways which in turn would mean as to what aspects as to the lack of capabilities unless under such circumstances and then what in turn would that translate to in such hypotheticals as to the legal definition as to the aspects of nothing different than as to Baptist Camp Lebanon of being blamed wrongfully for simply being in an area and wearing a bathing suit as to what would such as to those types of permanent labels as to the technological aspects thereof to such types of situations as to the possibilities thereof and what sorts of situations would be capable to be noticed in the additional portions as to the possibilities in reference to such clarifications as to the verification background clearance processes as to such involvements as to such hypotheticals as to the situations thereof which in turn would translate to what portions in reference to employment aspects in the near future in such references as to further in the future as to such capacities as per various technological connection portions as to the knowledge thereof as to such situations as well as other influential aspects for if as to if having assisted to raise a child and what connection portions as to their background clearances as to such future employment factors in such regards as to their employment as to such as Boeing being nearby to the area of Club Sapphire in conjunction as to military background checks in the references thereof to if taking care of other minor aged individuals as to what would that type of such what influences would show as to the aspects thereof as to what was I wrongly accused of without any such aspects as to the hypotheticals as to what proof as to such factors if such hypotheticals in such situations thereof to furthering as to progression as to the general public as to the societal aspects thereof as in turn what then as to what occurred in reference to my being a Mom would/could occur in all such capacities as to other parents as well as grandparents as to such hypothetical capacities as to such background check portions thereof to being around such individual minor aged children in such factors to take into consideration?
What type of actual parents would ever blame a child they so-called cared about as to wearing a bathing suit as to camp as to such situations as what type of actual human beings would ever be so callous as to failing to see the reality of choice, and the right to choose one way or the other as to such a type of situation?
Does it take a head injury to figure out growing up in a household with those types of people are what I warned so many about throughout various areas as to those types of needless problems as to such aspects, as how many individuals have been and/or needed to be informed as to what is wrong with those types of situations?
How many individuals have been put in legal custody as to such aspects of grandchildren as to such factors while individuals are within the aspects as to various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, and what possibilities as to what I personally dealt with could be seen as to if such hypotheticals as to such factors as to the employment while being deployed as to such hypotheticals as to take into consideration?
What if in such capacities as to other combinations thereof as to my situation had only been as to what the physical viewpoint of without any due cause nor any proof as to such accusations as to such hypotheticals, however with the technological aspects as to the realities thereof what could be taken into consideration as to such within the civilian sector though whichever capacity thereof as to not being on a military installation and/or as to being on a military installation could such capacities be taken into consideration as to the hypothetical legal portions as to the reports as to such types as to the #NSA #USNSA #USANSA NSA factors in such technological references if were to become a legal aspect such as to the labels as to when calling a specific location to speak with as to when ordering #pizza pizza for the reference as to a news report as to such a hypothetical list to look into as to what individuals could take such into consideration as to the clarifications as to the background clearances for such factors thereof in such hypotheticals?
In turn as to such references as to my intentions in a combined factor as to assisting where possible while additionally acknowledging the aspects thereof to who I am as to what I have accomplished as to such aspects as well as while acknowledging my weaknesses as to such factors as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in such references, the situations thereof as to not being a willing nor a consensual guinea pig in such regards as to the requirement as to consent knowingly as to such requirements legally as to such factors in comparison as to guesstimating as to such problematic portions in such references especially after the knowledge as to such capacities as to the portions of yesterday’s post in conjunction as to the portions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in 2018 as to Iowa #IA #IAstate #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa as to such realities of mine; the situations of which such ethics as to moralities as to such mandatory clauses as to the situations as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such knowledge in such regards in turn would translate to what, in reference to the choices in such references as to such hypotheticals in the regards as to which portions thereof?
If in reference as to the aspects of being an unattached female as to such locations as to the aspects in reference to being an unattached female within the SCUBA Diving portions thereof as to such hypotheticals, what in turn does such capacities as to the aspects thereof to such hypotheticals as to the legalities thereof as to such portions thereof to which where would there ever be any such appreciation as to such saving work I had accomplished in such references as to my personal work when I went SCUBA Diving as what in such references would ever be accomplished as to such wishful thinking of ever gaining the respect in comparison to what problems would be caused as to such disrespect as to such a choice as to such factors in the references and regards thereof; as why would aspects as to the on land portions ever be considered in comparison to the actualities as to knowing less than 10% of the oceanic beings within the waters as why would anyone ever assume as to such ever being the ways of when in the water as to on land in such hypothetical regards, as should it take a head injury to figure out in the water compared to on land as to such differences if such were to be in the references thereof as if so then take into consideration what portions as to the only way to earn such is to the face to face in person face to face with such aspects within the areas of the oceanic waters as to the only way as to ever being capable to try to earn my spot in such references as to the aspects thereof to who I call BoBo in such references as how many times has it been proven as to my telling the truth?
If the wishes are to getting such portions thereof to such aspects then you only have to drop all the way down to the bottom of the oceanic waters to then when if you can get there to call out to him by his actual name in comparison to BoBo as to such factors and if he shows up as to when in such an area, then you can figure out as to how to earn such on your own though I do not personally recommend such capacities thereof because of knowing what it actually takes as to getting the capabilities as to landing at the bottom of the oceanic flooring to be capable to do so. In turn as to such references as to landing at the bottom of the oceanic floor as to standing up proudly to call out to such aspects, I once again do not recommend such portions as to the one and only way as to ever earning such portions for yourself if there ever was such a wish from others as to such aspects as there is no other way as to such capacities thereof to the oceanic aspects as once again I did not think it took a head injury to figure out there is a difference to being on land compared to the aspects of being within the oceanic waters as to such factors of actually being within the depths of the oceanic waters as the bottom of the oceanic floor within such a location as to your fins being on the ground itself which as there is only myself who has accomplished such in the conjunction of handling the situations thereof as to such factors of what aspects I have went through in such official YouTube videos of mine as well as “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) BY: Reverend Susan MeeLing” with the clarifications as to my bibliography as to the legal last name in such references as to my certification cards of which the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications I personally earned for myself; the reality thereof as to the one and only way as to such aspects of earning such portions as to BoBo and Todo among the other factors as to also needing to know what aspects thereof as to the reasons why as well as such tests as to such factors would be as to such requirements as to what those particulars would require only once at the bottom of the oceanic floor in the area thereof to the depth levels in such references as well as what work thereof when down in the area well before ever surfacing from the bottom of the oceanic waters in the capacities thereof. If the preferences are as to others taking care of such then by all means do take such a high risk yourself as to such though you have been warned officially as to the lack of my recommendation as to going forward with such, as to knowing the capacities thereof to such aspects and unknowing as to what tests could be as to each individual thereof as there is no actual preparation for such aspects once you descend as to such aspects.
Literally it is, to each their own in such regards.
In my first book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” I have put forward the explanations as to why my legal aspects as to my children’s biological father’s last name is only for when I have legal documentation of which in turn as to those types of individuals as to the #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving so-called community in such references as to the documentation as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, the aspects of to my three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” has such details as to other aspects which are in conjunction to my first two books of the first 8 I self-published through #Amazon Amazon as to the legal aspects of my life aspects as to such permanent factors as to such aspects as to the combined overall of my life experiences as to the #Superman Superman comic legal aspects of such always remaining mine as to the aspects of such legalities as to the copyrights in other legal conjunction aspects. While the situations as to how the first book with the conjunction of my SCUBA Diving book series as to such factors possibility of where it would or could make sense only afterwards as to what it would take to actually pay attention to the correct details though including the legal last name with other such factors as to my SCUBA Diving certifications, the problems which are directly associated to SCUBA Divers and the ways of the recreational civilian viewpoint hypothetically as to such situations of which to take into consideration.
For example if it was #InternationalSCUBA International SCUBA Diver school associated with #PADI PADI and/or PADI themselves who had decided they thought that would be a better way to get more people interested in SCUBA Diving, possibly though what would it matter when I would not allow my SCUBA Diving books to be used for such references as to the energetic portions thereof as what would the insurance company aspects cover as to such aspects when I have blatantly put such onto my website as to the facts that in order to SCUBA Dive as to the mandatory aspects of utilizing technology to do so in the conjunction aspects as to the year of 2004 as to such laptop situations as what could that matter?
If in reference to the #DontCaliforniaTexas #CA #California #CAstate #Californiastate #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate 2020 election cycle timeframe of the signs which said “Don’t California Texas”, what could that reference to PADI as to such aspects though additionally as to the facts of which when I was SCUBA Diving as to the specifics of my #Cozumel #Cancun Cozumel SCUBA Dive as to then later to my #Boca #BocaRaton #BRFL #Florida #FL #FLstate #Floridastate #BocaRatonFL #BocaRatonFlorida #Keys #FloridaKeys #KeyWest #KWFL #Vandenberg Boca Raton and Florida Keys SCUBA Diving as to the #NAUI NAUI associated aspects as to that individual as to the male referred to as to such factors, then why would either side as to such factors of since the year of 2009 as to any such worthiness as to such aspects to ever make a try to actually teach or try to instruct as to my style of SCUBA Diving as to what aspects would it be considered as accepted in reference to the oceanic aspects thereof as to the facts as to how such hypothetically could be reviewed in the references as to the knowledge as to the occurrences referencing my daughter #Letters4Lidia and my son #Letters4James and I as a family as to such factors and situations thereof as to my children’s biologicals on both sides as to such factors as what problems could possibly be seen as to such factors of the work actually involved as how much would it have actually taken to move along swiftly correctly in the ways of which would actually align to my type of SCUBA Diving of which the safest descent and the safest SCUBA Dives and the safest ascents possible in all such factors as how would or could that be seen in the references thereof as to such hypothetical choices?
What could or could be considered as the viewpoint in reference to SCUBA Diving as to the technological aspects in reference to my childhood and teenager years in conjunction to other such factors, as to the ways which to my preferences as to such safety within the SCUBA Diving aspects in such references?
With the additional factors as to #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Texas in the year of 2011, what could or would that show in other such factors of such individuals associated with SCUBA Diving as to the genuinity as to such factors of where would that show in such hypothetical technological transmissions as to any such discussions as to the communication factors thereof to showing the value of actual life?
In the references as to the aspects in regards as to my not having graduated Basic Training for the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army Army branch of the #USAArmedForces #USArmedForces #ArmedForces Armed Forces of the United States of America though the important factors as to my invitation as well as my test results as well as to the #MAST #Marine #USMC #Marines #Science #Technology #USN #USNavy #USANavy #Navy Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment though such factors to my Basic Training as well as my childhood and teenager years as to #OTPC #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #OldTennentPrebyterianChurch #Tennent #TennentNJ #TennentNewJersey #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate #Presbyterian #PresbyterianUSA #PCUSA #PresbyterianChurchUSA #Manalapan #ManalapanTownship #ManalapanTwnsp #ManalapanNJ #ManalapanNewJersey Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to the historical factors of the church as to General George Washington and the #Revolutionary #RevolutionaryWar #BattleofMonmouth #Monmouth #MontmouthNJ #MonmouthNewJersey Revolutionary War aspects as to such odd ties to the #UK #UnitedKingdom #British #BritishMedicalJournal #Jewish #JewishMedicalJournal #BMJ #JMJ #SUUNTO SUUNTO British military SCUBA Diving computer three in one as to the aspects of the British Medical Journal after the Jewish Medical Journal aspects as to the initial reasons as to why I began my SCUBA Diving to begin with for myself as to the overall though additionally to my personal overall which obviously differs from the general overall factors, what would such aspects be of importance in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear as to the #UHAUL UHAUL situation in such references as to the aspects thereof to each individual as to how SCUBA Diving being capable to haul their own weight as to such factors in the references thereof to the aspects of my #NatGeo #NationalGeographic #NationalGeographicOpenWater #NatGeoOpenWater #NGOWSCUBA Nations Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification officially in March of the year of 2009 as what other SCUBA Diving certification factors to take into consideration as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications to take into consideration as to such situations as to the month of March as to the latter points in time as to such considerations of whether or not each individual SCUBA Diver as to such instruction would be capable to haul their own weight in such proverbial references as to such situations as to the hypotheticals thereof as what would such show as to a single Mom taking care of two elementary aged children whose biological father had died less than a full 1.5 years before as to such situations as to the responsibilities as to being a proper SCUBA Diver as well as such aspects of etiquette thereof to the situations?
In the reference as to the situations regarding my son and my daughter and I as to such situations, what would or could be considered as problematic for such situations as to the amount of females within my ex-in-laws as well as my biological side of the family in such references as to such hypotheticals in the references to such aspects as to the reality of which my being an unattached female SCUBA Diver as to earning 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the factors thereof to such wishes as to the aspects in such references though the hauling of such own individual weight as to the reality of accepting responsibility for individual choices as to such aspects as to SCUBA Diving as what could be considered of importance in such references as to the individual aspects as well as the combined overall aspects to the situations thereof to the safest SCUBA Diving?
What could be considered as important to review in such lengths of time that such individuals as to who I once knew being willing to make the choice if the hypotheticals thereof to going directly to such individuals only with the title as to a civilian recreational SCUBA Diving instructor as to such aspects in the comparisons as to the oral traditions as to the ways thereof, as what ethnic backgrounds during the timeframe of #POTUS44 #BarackObama POTUS44 Barack Obama during the years from 2009 since onward as to the situations between 2009 through 2016 could be taken into consideration as to who would not officially go to seek such individuals within the SCUBA Diving sector as to the aspects of what had I dealt with as to the individuals I once knew as to my skin as well as my hairstyle in such references as what aspects could and/or would be capable to be noticed despite the fact that the usual situations to SCUBA Diving gear is the color of black?
Have there been more ethnic backgrounds introduced to SCUBA diving since the year of 2009 which could be noticed, in such references?
Of course such could be noticed, though what aspects to the situations as to the hypothetical feminazism as to such factors in reference to the facts as to the correct and proper recognition as to my personal SCUBA diving as why would it be of importance to actually go in the correct order as to such factors in regards of who actually accomplished such factors as to my SCUBA Diving as what would the situations in reference to the aspects of my earned 26 SCUBA diving certifications as to the comparison of my work have any such connection as to either aspect thereof in such regards as why would the biological gender be of more importance than the ethnic background to such situations as how would such actually be viewed as inclusive in such references as to such factors when looking at the overall as to the length of time in such references as to the amount of individuals as to the situations as to the children involved as to my biological aspects as well as my ex-in-laws as to such factors?
In the regards as to the hypothetical wishes in such portions as to the situations in reference to the aspects of my cousin Jade as to my biological family as to such situations as to the overall, why would it have actually been important as to the gender portion as to the comparison of the ethnic background as what portions of the larger aspects as to the amount of skin actually shown as to such portions would ever truthfully be noticed in the comparisons as to SCUBA Diving gear as why would such factors be paid attention to more on land than in the water as to such situations as where would the aspects as to such factors of the biological gender be considered as more important than the aspects as to the ethnic background as which individuals would care more about the perception than the actuality?
I suppose at some aspects to the smaller portions those who were in school with my son and my daughter their parents had not had to have their children deal with such situations, though or had they as to such realities as to the timeframe which my children and their classmates could have had the time to learn at those times directly from the one and only as to such factors as what could and/or would such importance have been as to those aspects in those initial years as to such developmental factors; for if the wish as to such larger areas as to such larger groups then what is the hypocrisy as to having such aspects as to going to the individuals as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to such civilian recreational SCUBA Diving instructors as to such situations, as what would the purview be as to the aspects in turn as to the amount of military associated SCUBA Divers as to those particular factors in the references thereof as to the view of such situations and still as to what feminazism/sexism as to the situations as to my being a biological female as to such situations be of such consideration as to the realities thereof?
What would such mean as to the international aspects as to such SCUBA Diving as to if my actual Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor as to the area of #PlayadelCarmen #Mexico #Gulf #GulfofMexico Play del Carmen as to the Gulf of Mexico as to such international situations as to the immigration situations as to the state of Texas be of such considerations in addition, as what could be seen in the references thereof to the state of Texas as to such taxes for such payments; as what in reference to the headquarters to PADI as to the state of California as to the groups of individuals who moved from California to the state of Texas as to such situations as to the amount of military associated individuals, as what taxes situations occurred in reference to the state of California as to the state of Texas which would be capable to see in the references thereof to the timeline aspects thereof?
Thus in the references as to the hypotheticals as to the International SCUBA Divers making such a choice as to the factors thereof, then what is the situations as to the protections as to such from the individuals who went SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo as to the aspects in reference to the direct order from me when they asked me as to my military opinion as to going SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo as to such factors, as where would and why would such aspects be passed on from such individuals to the payments of the individuals as to such aspects in reference to the SCUBA Diving aspects in reference to the situations in reference to the associated portions of the underground missile silo situations in such references as how would that make such sense in the factors thereof as to such a disobeying of my direct orders as to not going SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo as to the reasons of such possibilities as to the realistic health impacts?
If in reference as to such individuals as to the title of the instructor portion in the comparison to the work associated as to my actual aspects as to the additional capacities of my SCUBA Diving background in the combinations thereof as to my childhood and my teenager years as well as the other such connected aspects to each and every second of each and every minute of each and every hour of each and every day of each and every week of each and every month of each and every year of each and every decade as to my life, what would be of importance as to such portions as to my background in such comparisons to the overall aspects as to my SCUBA Diving in such references to the comparisons as to the shortened versions thereof as to the references as to when I brought up #SCUBADiverPolice #SCUBADiverLawEnforcement #SCUBADiverLE #SCUBALE #SCUBADLE SCUBA Diver Police/SCUBA Diver Law Enforcement as to the situations as to being half Chinese and of that half Chinese of my ethnic background as to my Bok Gung being full #Cantonese Cantonese as to my Bok Pu being half Cantonese and half #Mandarin Mandarin as to such additional factors of the lore in reference specifically to my Bok Pu as to such references to the differences thereof as what individual were my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu capable to escape as to the #Tiananmen #TiananmenSquare Tiananmen Square situations as why would that be of consideration as to the aspects of the civilian recreational SCUBA Diving factors as how would/could such a purview be taken into consideration as to such factors thereof and why would that be of importance?
In reference as to who I was once dating albeit he had not wanted others to know during such times as to the year of 2009 though the situations later as to after I had created my website as well as after I published my books which was after how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washingtonstate #Washington Washington state after all such occurrences as to what was my family situation as to the time with my son and my daughter and I in our home as to the point in time from 2009 through the situations as to the year of 2013, what would such factors be to take into considerations as to how such situations went as to the aspects as to April 2019 and then as to the factors as to when at Clear Springs SCUBA Park in #Terrel #TerrellTX #TerrellTexas Terrel Texas as to the aspects of which, what would have and was important about the 10 year anniversary as to such factors as what aspects as to the situations of speaking about my SCUBA Diving as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications without my presence as to such factors during the timeframe of 2009 through 2019 as to such situations be considered as to those who knew me in person face to face in person who complained about my repetition as what could be noticed in such references as to the 10 years to such factors as why would that be of consideration in regards as to what should have been a celebration as to what biological female aspects would ever be capable to see such situations as to the ways such went as to my 10 year anniversary as to the lack of any such celebration aspects in the references thereof as what female or feminine individual would ever be upset as to such factors as to a missed 10 year anniversary as to such aspects thereof?
What situations as to the same aspects would be capable to be seen in reference to only one other SCUBA Diver which I had dated later as to the year of 2012 as to having said he wished he knew it was me as to such situations, as where would the factors as to such aspects of the 10 year anniversary as to such aspects in the same reference as to the timeframe as to the National Geographic Open Water certification aspects in such references in conjunction as to the year of 2010 to the 2020 aspects of what occurred in the reference to the 10 years prior as to such aspects of having brought a non-SCUBA Diver as to who I was engaged to in the year of 2010 as to the SCUBA Diving situations as what would have been a smarter and more intellectually sound choice in such references as to the ways of such situations in comparison to what occurred as who would see such aspects thereof which should not take a head injury (whether on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 or whether throughout the situations as to my subarachnoid hemorrhage or whether or not to the situations as to #IA #IAstate #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa in the year of 2018 as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to such factors) to figure out as what could/would the #Corona Corona situation as to choosing to have an apartment in the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas area have any such portions to do when I was in Medical Hold Unit as to such factors if there was such actual concern as to the genuine care as to such situations as to the rave as to #Brackenridge Brackenridge in such situations as to the actualities thereof as to any individual who actually has had not one right to ever complain nor any right to be upset about my right to express myself as to what I personally dealt with as to such portions in such amounts of time as to the factors thereof as how simple could that have been to actually correctly handle in the comparisons thereof to the situations in comparison?
There is not any excuse nor cause nor reason which I will ever find as acceptable to which any individual knowing of such factors as to any actual validity or worth as to their existence, especially a biological female as to such genetic birth as to ever being considered as worthwhile or humane in any such reference to such factors of which my personal hope in such references is my personal hope. Though the lack of surprise as to some sort of college student who would think their piece of paper was ever worth their weight in any such references, as who would ever want to have such a type of individual a part of their employment ever after such aspects of having made such a choice after all such combined factors as to my unwillingness as to such forced situations in comparisons as to the aspects thereof as what aspects of such humanity would be required to actually have such a worth in any such field of situations thereof as I do truly hope as to the full removal of such a type of individual especially if a biological born female as to such aspects of which any additional conjunction to a connection to the east coast would officially add such triple aspects to such hope of mine as well as to such associations thereof in my opinion as to the 20 year memorial aspects as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 which was somehow for the past years actually called an anniversary in comparison to a memorial in such references as to the oddities as to the ways which my 10 year actually had went as to such factors thereof as to my SCUBA Diving in such references as what would there have been to actually celebrate as to such aspects in the comparisons as to my SCUBA Diving in reference to the comparisons as to the use of the celebratory word of anniversary to the attacks on 11 September 2001?
In reference to the aspects as to such factors in regards as to the individual who I once had dated as to the aspects to the timeframe of June into July and some parts of August as to 2009 as to the situations in reference to the Puffer Fish situations, what could be noticed as to the factors of individuals having went SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo as to such impacts as to such factors to the health thereof to the waters they went though also such factors as to him as to his own health in such references?
In reference to the waters as to where such individuals went SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo as to such impacts as to other natural bodies of water as to the situations thereof, what impacts to the environment would be capable to be seen as to such references?
In reference as to the individual who I later in the year as to the timeframe after the turn of to the new year in 2010 as to who I was engaged to as to such a point in time of the non-SCUBA Diver, what would he be capable to discuss as to the situations as to what he noticed as to his treatments/mistreatments in such comparisons as to the aspects of being associated with me as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving which he would be capable to discuss as to such situations as a guess as to what I personally dealt with as to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications in conjunction as to the timeframe from the year of 2009 and since from such situations as to how the year of 2013 as would there actually be a surprise when such a review aspects as to the combined factors if he were to have learned about what I personally dealt with as to his review of such aspects and what would he be capable to say in such references as to the individuals as to such hypotheticals as to the situations of having togo directly to the SCUBA Divers as to such factors in the references thereof to the situations about the year of 2009 and what would those individuals be capable to say as to my personal SCUBA Diving in such references and regards as to other than my seriousness as to my SCUBA Diving while being as responsible as possible if there was honesty as to such situations?
Or was it as to the wishful aspects as to trying to claim burnout in comparison to ever having the foresight as to the situations as to the bottom of the oceanic waters which would include the situations of the various aspects throughout the state of Texas as to such factors in conjunction as to the bottom of the oceanic waters in the various locations which I was the one and only who handled such aspects, as what in such references would such individuals have the capability to discuss correctly on my behalf as what actualities of such legal rights would there have been as to the references to the laws of the ocean in such regards?
Then in reference as to the individual I dated later in regards as to a SCUBA Diver who earned his National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification within the same class as my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification as to the timeframe thereof as to the carrying of weight in such proverbial references in the ways thereof to the connection as I was informed of as to the Navy aspects, then what possibilities as to the aspects to such situations in the references thereof as to the SCUBA Diving portions as to the aspects in the larger portions as what could be considered as of importance in such regards as to the timeframe as well as the situations overall as to from the year of 2009 through to the year of 2013 in such regards?
In reference to the non-SCUBA Divers I had dated/had some sort of type of relationship in such aspects thereof as to the situations of that type as to whether dating and/or #BDSM BDSM and/or #Swingers Swingers as to what is supposed to be the consenting adult lifestyle in between such times and/or the non-SCUBA Divers who I had as acquaintances and/or friends and/or like family as to such situations in the various communities, what was it that was dealt with as to such areas thereof in the references as to the non-SCUBA Divers as to such factors in the comparisons to what was noticed as to the SCUBA Divers in such same communities as to the aspects thereof to when looking back as to the timeframes from 2009 through 2013 as what similarities could be noticed as to who I once had been engaged to that could be found in such references thereof to such points in time of when knowing me in person face to face in person to the comparisons as to when after I wound up in Washington state as to such treatments/mistreatments?
What proverbial Biblical references as to the aspects of the Torahic aspects as to the Messianic aspects as to the reference of my son as to the Junior Seal SCUBA Diving aspect could be seen in such references as to #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio as to the SCUBA diving school as to both in reference to having given my son the birthday present of the Junior Seal SCUBA Diving classes as well as the situations as to the advanced high school graduation timeframe as to the aspects of his joining the military, as what factors could be taken into consideration as to what was dealt with in such proverbial aspects as to SCUBA Divers being as Pontius Pilot in such references as to the aspects thereof to my SCUBA Diving in such references as well as the situations to my son’s biological father as to the dress blues in such references compared to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the honor and respect in such references as to the situations in reference to those types similar as to my biological mother in the #TRF TRF #SCA SCA aspects as to the reenactor aspects as to my having been the first and original Baby Jesus Christ in such regards as to the aspects thereof to the situations as to why I had begun my military aspects as well as why I had begun my SCUBA Diving aspects as what proverbial situations can additionally be seen as to the name aspects in reference to my ex-in-laws additionally as to my prior discussions as well as my prior writings in reference to my books as well as my website as to my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA in conjunction as to the aspects of my #socialmedia social media which would include such portions as to my official #YouTube YouTube account?
In regards as to how much I have had an odd admitting factor as to having had concern in reference to special needs individuals as to children, beginning as to the timeframe as to when I was younger as a child well before having my own two children as to the reference points as to my son #Letters4James and daughter #Letters4Lidia. There were several individuals when I was a youth as to having stood up for in defense thereof and/or had taken a stand in regards as to various situations throughout the years which included having the individuals within the school class pictures which had surprised individuals within my school as to #Asher #AsherHolmes #Holems #AsherHolemesElementary #Elementary #AsherHolmesElementarySchool Asher Holmes Elementary School as well as other locations such as #Marlboro #MarloborNJ #MarlboroTownship #MarlboroNewJersey Marlboro Middle School and #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois #CrystalLakeSouth #CLS #IL #ILstate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Crystal Lake South High School. Whereas some individuals had thought of me to be weird and odd as to having taken a stand as to such factors, I thought it was a natural aspect as to the fact the individuals had not chosen which body their spirit was born into. While some had not given such a second thought, I was noticing a larger rise into various situations because of the various factors as to the water portions as well as the air as to various factors in regards as to #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NY #NYstate #PA #Pennsylvania #Pennsyate #Pennsylvaniastate New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania states as an overall as to such aspects well before ever getting to the state of #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Texas which obviously was before I had officially begun my ventures into #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving.
I have made the reference to a sarcastic joking reference as to the water and the air having been a large factor in reference as to how people in New Jersey are as such, which later in the year of 2009 as to the aspects as to individuals within the SCUBA Diving community I had been a part of as to such aspects as to the underground missile silo which I was personally and specifically asked about as to my personal military opinion as to whether or not I would recommend such a choice to go SCUBA Diving within the underground missile silo in the state of Texas. When I initially said my response was to not do so, then I was informed the missile silo had been decommissioned. When I repeated my stance I was then informed the missile silo was decommissioned because it had filled up with water, though no one could tell me how or where the water came from as to whether it was clean water as to a pipe burst or if it was a pocket of water from such aspects as to what in reference as to when drilling for oil as to such aspects of those types of deposits. While I repeated my stance in reference to the factors of saying my opinion was to not go SCUBA Diving in such an area, I was asked by such SCUBA Divers as to the what if factors as to already having done so.
I informed such individuals who had done so as to not using that SCUBA Diving gear in another fresh water area, though I had also informed them to get checked out in the medical aspects thereof. I asked the individuals about what type of SCUBA Diving gear as to the types of regulators, wet or dry suits, as well as other situations as to knowing the general aspects as to such a type of location as many knew I had an idea of though not having the official aspects beyond I had not graduated Basic Training for the Army though some had been informed as to my invitation and testing in reference to #MAST #Marine #Marines #USMC #Science #Technology #Navy #USNavy #USANavy Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment. In the references as to the aspects of no one officially knowing as to the official day as to such a point in time when the underground missile silo having filled with water as well as to whether or not there were individuals within the areas as to the aspects as to being kept underneath the ground as to such factors of if the possibilities, as to the ways of underground bunkers. I was laughed at here and there as to such capacities, though no one answered me as to such factors. Having grown up attending Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and having the aspects known as to the original Pastor of the Church which was during the #Revolutionary #RevolutionaryWar Revolutionary War as to the board meeting in regards as to Pastor William Tennent as to such aspects, the individuals as to the year of 2009 had not answered me as to one way or the other. However having an idea as to such factors my personal response remained as to not doing so because of the possibilities as to what corners would know as to such factors as well as other such forensic scientists as to such capacities as to the decomposition of such aspects, in conjunction as to he possibilities as to the materials used to build the underground missile silo as to the known usage of asbestos and other such aspects.
When I asked additionally as to the aspects in reference as to whether or not it was known as to if the decommissioning occurred before or after the usage of the actual missiles, no one could answer me as they said they just knew it was decommissioned in comparison to the actual knowledge of whether or not the underground missile silo was carrying one or more missiles underground as to the deterioration as to the aspects of the metallic components of the container aspects regarding the additional capacities of the possibilities in reference to the combined materials to contain the missile as well as the aspects of the missiles themselves which again I was laughed at for having such concerns. The reality of the small particles of which when traveling with SCUBA Diving gear through various areas as to when wet compared to when dry as to such subatomic particles as to the microscopic factors of to take into consideration as to the factors as to the ways which rain occurs in conjunction as to the various land areas, I have posted videos and pictures I have taken along various trips as to when I went through the state of Texas in the years of 2019 into 2020 and 2021 as to such factors. Those who know where I had traveled through as well as know the areas thereof as to the tree aspects of the bark and the leaves as compared to the natural botany of such foliage as well as the root compositions to the situations as to the ground masses, the ways of testing for such material composites as to the local areas as to the average travel locational directions of such individuals as to their SCUBA Diving gear would be capable to take such trails and traces into consideration as to the meter readings of which would be capable to find such traces along such pathways if I am accurate as to such factors.
The known aspects as to various situations as to health conditions which could/would develop faster depending upon the severity of the exposure in conjunction as to the amount of times in the additional aspects of what possibilities thereof to such situations, which to take into consideration in the conjunction portions as to the locations of if utilizing the same SCUBA Diving gear as to the locations thereof as to such additional portions. I have written about such in other journal blog entries of mine in such references as to the possibilities as to the usages of the water material as to an additive to jet fuel in regards as to Space Traveling, though there are the realistic components of which to take into consideration as to why human beings are not meant to ingest gasoline byproducts as to such aspects to the situations as to such factors of the health situations in conjunction as to the aspects of the reservoir areas as to the various locations around the state of Texas. While my son and my daughter were both born in the state of Texas as to such aspects, they are not the only ones who were born and raised in various areas within the state of Texas.
If there have been higher rates as to cancer development within such areas more closer to the locations of such water reservoir locations where SCUBA Divers go to as well as the aspects of such locations as to the possibilities as to the actual land portions having officially changed in the composition as to the plant life as well as the marine life as to the water areas, as well as the possibility of the situations as to the botany aspects to take into consideration as to the aspects of which what the birth ratios as to such factors regarding the areas of individuals per the areas aside from the aspects of which to the aspects of special needs as to the children in such references. While I am uncertain as to individuals in the state of #CA #CAstate #California #Californiastate California regarding the aspects of underground missile silos of SCUBA Diving portions though additionally as to such factors of the amount of areas as to the landslides to take into consideration as to the ways which certain factors of which the underground missile silos and/or boats which were sunken as to the situations as to the materials as to such factors, causing additional situations of which to consider as to the aspects thereof. I know there have been a multitude of individuals who have reportedly moved from the state of California to the state of Texas as t which their taxes as to such factors of the difference as well as the electrical power grid rolling blackouts in which after briefly listening to #VigilanceElite Vigilance Elite, the amount of technology companies which have moved into the state of Texas as to such times since how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state in the year of 2013 as to such factors which I have voiced my concern as to a multitude of factors which individuals I once knew throughout the years of 2000 through 2013 would be capable to take into consideration as to what possible changes have been noticed in the aspects thereof as to what I brought forward as to such points in time as well as to the updates in reference to my website journal blog entries since the year of 2019 onward as to such factors of consideration.
While the aspects as to if there are taxes of which at one point in time similarly to the state of Texas as to the state of California as to such raised taxes as to the veterans in such regards as to California before such portions as to the #SiloconValley Silicon Valley in such aspects, what Vigilance Elite had discussed as to a brief account I listened to in the comparison of the fuller video had gotten me to remember a few factors as to such considerations as to the taxes situations as well as the rolling blackouts in the regards as to the comparisons as to the areas of #WestVirginia #WV #WestVirginiastate #WVstate #KY #KYstate #Kentucky #Kentuckystate #TN #TNstate #Tennessee #Tennesseestate West Virginia to Kentucky to Tennessee states as to the power grid of such capacities thereof in conjunction as to the water supplies in the references to when I traveled through during my drives in the areas. The water in one river area seemed a bit closer in coloration as to an area which seemed similar to the water seen in a video as to the underground missile silo to take into consideration, as to the aspects of what could be found as to such factors regarding the aspects in conjunction as to when driving through #AK #AKstate #Arkansas #Arkansasstate Arkansas state as to the black water which seeped upwards from the ground areas as to the possibilities to take into consideration.
What does this journal blog have to do with such factors as to special needs aside from the water and the air plausibility in conjunction as to the taxes as well as the other aspects thereof, one might ponder.
In such capacities to a discussion earlier as to the additional factors of which having worked on my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the capacities as to more specifically as to the #special #specialneeds #specialneedseducation special needs aspects thereof to teaching in such references, I had given the example as to the counting portions as well as the ways of developing the intellectual capacities while learning at the same time as to such factors. The aspects as to per state as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the colorations of the artwork as well as the ways of working with counting aspects, for a way of which as to the amount of technology which is used more often currently as to the teaching aides in such references as to the possibilities which might assist others whether or not as to such special needs aspects. The factors as to such counting portions as well as the various images as to the ability to use such portions in a different learning mechanism as to such capacities which might assist in a multitude of ways which in the references as to others who have survived head injuries or TBIs in such references, the capacities as to how I have created my website as to as easy on the eyes as possible to be capable to if needed as to a length of time to be capable to possibly assist with such sight as well as the capability to last longer in reference to looking at the screen as to such possibilities as to special needs as to whether in reference to children or teenagers or biological adults as to such brain training capacities as to the assistance as to the possibilities to the prevention or the reduction of the elderly aspects as to amnesia and/or such preventative aspects in the regards thereof. While my journal blog entries might be of whichever levels thereof as to the possibilities of looking further into the depths of such capacities of details regarding various factors as to the plausibility to assist the intellectual development from whichever levels of school education to further such aspects as to the research capabilities as to larger amounts of information, the possibilities I suppose could be considered as a multifaceted aspect of which might be of additional assistances in other such factors.
If in such references as to the capabilities as to utilizing such aspects as to the assistances thereof in the regards of how such might be capable to assist with the attention focusing levels as to special needs as to the ways of which the differences when expanding the images depending upon what type of technological device as to the ways which the details might be in a different capacity of assistance, the ways of such factors as to the thought from earlier as to a rest for the eyes additionally because of the aspects as to how I deal with headaches and migraines of which the possible aspects which such schools might take into consideration as to the capacities thereof in conjunction to American history as well as the state history in such capacities thereof as to the various locations I have been capable to get to as to this point in time as to such factors thereof in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project. In turn depending upon the individual themselves as to such aspects as to the birthplace and/or origin thereof as to the country depending upon when the citation of such a earned Medal of Honor award as to such factors, as to the possibilities of what could be of further educational assistance as to the value thereof if the discussion briefly earlier may have had such a viewpoint in other such capacities as to other locations as to schools in such references as it is known as to websites being utilized as to such capacities of learning and teaching aides.
Obviously the situations as to the states with more webpages on my website would have a larger numerical portion though even still as to such aspects, the capabilities to assist with the counting aspects as to the intellectual development of such situations which could be considered to such assistances as well as to the historical factors of the locations as to such an award as to the origin thereof in conjunction as to other such combined connected factors in the possibilities of other such assistance factors if accurate as to such a thought regarding such which possibly could assist other such developmental factors in higher educational learning capabilities if as to such thoughts now in the year of 2022 as to such factors. Honestly not having put much thought into those particulars officially though while knowing the aspects as to my daughter in such references as to the special needs aspects as to also additionally knowing such as to individuals as to such prior aspects thereof to the capacities of such possible additional developmental aides in such regards as to in a different capacity of a version of modernized aspects as to a #montessori Montessori type of learning, the possibilities in addition as to assisting those from to be capable to prevent the onsets of developing dementia as to such factors regarding the plausibility depending upon the aspects thereof to assist in other such capacities though I would not officially know in such official references as to the possibilities officially as to such factors.
#GeneralMattis #GeneralJamesMattis #GeneralMaddogMattis #Maddog General (MadDog) Mattis had brought up how he had instructed his Marines to read various books to educate themselves in a few interviews as well as the aspects as to the facts of which my biological father had brought up the aspects as to the educational factors of which the education as to learning was/is highly valued as to the aspects thereof, in such references to the capacities as to those such as my biological mother who has spent many years as to the technological aspects as to the eye strain of which when staring at various computer screens as to the coding aspects of such works as to the comparison as to headaches and migraines in such capacities as to the aspects of which such plausible aspects might be of furthered assistances as to what I had not thought of in more of a depth sort of aspect. However in such references as to the situations which the various sectors as to an open forum as to the aspects in the regards as to my website in most areas in such references, the ways of which the possibilities as to how such might be an assistive measure in such references as to what capacities of which the special needs educational aspects might be of a furthered portion as to having kept such all in one location as to my website as to my work; though giving the references as to such credits as well as the encouragement to researching on one’s own further, as to such details in the capacities thereof as to what might be as to one’s own life circumstances.
It in some ways as to the aspects of which a male named Paul as to such points in time which the announcement system to work upon as to such points in time as to the situations back in Marlboro Middle School as to such factors, of which possibly in a different capacity as to such hooked on phonics in a different capacity for such a reference for those who might recall such factors as to the speech portions thereof in a different capacity if I remember his name correctly as to such aspects. While the situations in reference to my life experiences I do the best to label such in a generalized way as to ensuring the capacities as to such factors to be capable to specifically choose as to such as I would guesstimate as to programmers being capable to create filters as to specific portions referencing certain if in the combined topic points thereof for the assistances as to such factors if such were to be considered as to, though in such regards as to the specifics as to the best of where I can as to the best of my capabilities to do so as well on my own as to such aspects with the combined assistances as best as possible.
Possibly the internal reflections as to the aspects of which while only in certain capacities of officially naming names as to such portions as to the ways which some factors might be of an additional viewpoint as to consideration as to the comparison of the timeframe as to putting such as to the years for the review aspects thereof, the possibilities as to what might be of such benefits as to having such ponderings as to the wondering of which could be as to the plausibility.

As I have genuinely wondered as what I could have ever accomplished which was of genuine assistance as to such aspects as to what was once my family as to the situations as to the smallest point in time as to my life of which there was any actual happiness despite all such situations, the realities of such combined factors as to where I genuinely wonder if there was anything I ever actually had accomplished that was correct.
What was it in my life that I had actually ever done that was of such a level thereof as to the combined factors of such situations, as was there anything I truly ever assisted with in a positive and beneficial aspect and capacity thereof?
My son and my daughter were oof pure innocence as my children, and what is it that was that was of such portions as to the levels thereof as in honesty as to where was it that I had actually done such to ever cause or deserve such portions as to the aspects as to what I dealt with while being as to the absolute best that I actually could as to such points in time throughout my life as what was it that was such a horrific aspect to me as what was it that I had done that was to that level as was it because of my childhood or was it because of my teenager years or was it because of being a biological adult of which the aspects of my existence was to such a portion thereof which was to the levels thereof to what aspects as to where had I actually deserved such portions as to as what and where did I personally go wrong on purpose because I cannot recall actually making such a purposeful choice as to knowingly doing such aspects as to something to the levels thereof as I followed the 10 Commandments as to the best of my capabilities as to if I knew as to such aspects as what was it that I had knowingly done to such a level compared to why would I be blamed for what others knew in such comparisons as what would that ever be to blame as to such factors if others knew and I had not known?