In the year of 2010 when I was beginning in my modeling, I had lived in Carrollton Texas #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas #TX #Texas #Texasstate at the time.
I was speaking with a male from Maryland as to a situation where he was flying into the Houston Texas #Houston #HTX #HoustonTexas #HoustonTX area for a combined photo session where he had arranged with several models a different session though as a similarity to the Wizard of Oz #WizardofOzand Olympus Photo #Olympus #OlympusGods session, while I was engaged to a male at the time.
After having spent the time to take my son and my daughter to a biological family member family's house to then drive to Houston Texas while my then fiance was in Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma who knew I was making attempts to work in modeling, the situation where the hotel booking was at the Sheridan if I remember correctly. The situations where the other models who lived in the nearby area of Houston would show up the following day on Saturday then, and the all day photo session would be as to how such would be.
The aspects where instead of the two bed situation as to the booking became an issue and there was only one king sized bed room available because of the convention and symposiums, as he and I were told. The male photographer was much taller than I as I would guesstimate around 6 feet 6 or 7 inches tall, long braids that were around the length of past his shoulders though not all the way to the center of his back, thicker braids that were around 3/4 inches thick per braid, and African American as a darker skin tone though probably closer to the shade of skin to to Mrs. Michelle Obama than to POTUS44 Barack Obama's skin tone. #POTUS #POTUS44 #BarackObama #MichelleObama I drove my car Zippy the VW Beetle that was my Bumblebee car as it was yellow with a black convertible roof and black leather interior, for the timeframe.
While he and I drove around Houston Texas for a bit as to then checking into the Sheridan or the Hilton hotel as the timeframe as to so close to the first six months from my SCUBA Diving at the #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #HoytSVendenberg #USSVandenberg #USNSVandenberg #Vandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg was as it was as to the timeframe, the situations as to when we went to the hotel room was known that he was married and I was engaged. The larger king sized bed was enough room for him to sleep all the way on one side of the edge of the bed to respect his marriage to his wife, and plenty of room for me to sleep on the edge on the other side of the bed as to respect the person I was engaged to for the first time back then as to the large vast amount of space between the two of us in that room that weekend. The similar situation back in the year of 2004 #yearof2004 #2004year though much different as the only similarity that I know of as to the specifics, as to the bedroom aspects as to a time when a female from the group I had been a part of and her husband had separated. He had left his house during the timeframe as per him having the security to pay for the house similarly as to when in the first separation as to my children's biological father as to the aspects thereof where it was my house as to my #VA #VAHL #VAHomeLoan VA Home Loan as to the aspects of having been capable to stay in that male's house, though I slept in the living room on the couch before getting my apartment on #USAA USAA Boulevard #USAABoulevard as to the situation I had told others and later wrote about as to the black SUV situation.
In reference to the male named Mike as to his separation to Christy as their three children stayed at his house while he handled situations similarly to how the aspects were as to my situation though different obviously, the aspects as to the timeframe where he was allowed to stay at my apartment though because of him being tallker than I as to the couch not being suitable for his height. Thus as to the same sort of aspect where he slept on the edge of the side of the bed and I slept on the other edge of the side of the bed, both sets of situations as to the vast amount of space in between the two aspects as well as pillows that were lined in the middle as per my way as per the aspects of respect because of my own personal concerns. Thus as to the year of 2004 as well as to the situation as to 2010 #yearof2010 #2010year at the time, as to the aspects where the situations went the ways they went.
In reference to the 2004 situation as to how he went back to his then family as to the aspects thereof as I went along my way in my own life, the other situation as to 2010 as to the following day after the initial check in was the photo session and then an extended photo session for me only because of the amount of time in the hotel. The aspects where the reality of how many aspects of the timeframe were much more difficult than I could explain, then again there was no one for me to explain anything to that I had in my life as to the in person face to face in person in real life aspects as to the reality as to the time. Since no one ever asked me as to such aspects as to the situations for more information as to actually having the common sense to just actually ask me directly when speaking with me, as to the example of my then fiance who when he introduced me to his father and then later to his mother as to not having explained anything to me other than their divorce as to how he had said his father found a female he was interested in and his mom found out and the two separated and their situations were similar as to the aspects at the time. When I met his dad admittedly far more of the aspects of attraction to me as to my personal tastes in such references, the aspects of the situation regarding the timeframe were as to such aspects though all he told me was that his dad worked for the government. He did not say what department nor any other aspect that would be important as to such though he also did not inform me as to any other reason to meeting his dad, except for the aspects as to our engagement as to such normalcy. The aspects to meeting his mom and his sister with her husband and their daughter was the same sort of situation, and the reasons of such as to my concern as to the fact he drove and I did not drive as to the areas of the state of #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate Texas as to the unfamiliar territory.
Sure the aspects of the situations to my SCUBA Diving to a degree as to the aspects thereof to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S Vandenburg and yet, much different and yet the possibilities of differences that might be only as to metaphors as to such situations when taking a broader viewpoint as to the situations. The reality as to such aspects as to either in reference to my modeling and/or my SCUBA Diving and/or anything truthfully as when my then fiance introduced me in either situation as to how he literally only introduced his parents as his parents and the aspect of his sister with her husband and the daughter, then as to such aspects as to the situations as to how my then fiance walked away to go play video games and/or watch television instead of staying as to the discussion as to what would in my opinion have been more normal than just leaving me with either side as to what common sense would be and/or human decency as to the aspects thereof as to being a man. However that is my personal opinion as to my review of such aspects, and they can decide for themselves as to what maturity is as to such factors.
In reference as to the aspects as to Houston Texas as to the situations referencing when I was engaged, as to how the reality of the bed situation was exactly as to 2004 only with a larger bed as well as in a different city though within the state of Texas. I was not willing to do the aspects of where one female was capable to for herself as to the implied nudity where her nipples were painted similar to skittles as per the situations he was taking images for as to the situations, whereas I was painted as well as the aspects as to the police tape as to the colors as to my #VW #VWBeetle #Bumblebee VW Bumblebee car as the photographer laughed when he had seen the car as well as the aspects of the for the photo session. I cannot remember his name honestly though in some similarities as to the aspects of my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification as to the female Cave/Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor who flew into the area to instruct the class for the certification through the SCUBA Diving school all of the 26 SCUBA Diving certifications I earned through were as through, I could not remember her name though I remembered Carmen as though to the childhood show Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego as to the aspects as to how amazing that character seemed to me and in multiple ways as to having spent time with Alessandra as to how much of what she had discussed as to her work similarly though in an underwater sort of way as to such factors as to my opinion.
In reference as to the male as to Maryland as to the aspects of how in multiple ways having reminded me of a male my Grandpawpaw had as a very close friend as to the aspects of when they were marching as to the Civil Rights Movement as to before he had began his relationship with my Grandmawmaw as to having seen her at one of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. rallies while my Grandpawpaw was more involved with the Malcom X rallies as per what I was informed of, the ways the two of them as to their friends were quite interesting to listen to in their own rights as to such aspects of their interactions as well as hearing about how my Grandmawmaw was as I was told she was a bit fiesty as to such aspects as to the timeframe. When they had my cousin Jade's Dad shortly after their marriage as to the aspects as to how long my Grandpawpaw had chased after my Grandmawmaw as to finding her and his attempts to speak with her as to despite his stature as to being a much taller individual as to such aspects his friend as to who I met similarly to the photographer was much taller than my Grandpawpaw, as to the aspects as to the timeframe back in the 1960s(?)/1970s(?) as they both were at the Million Man March together at the timeframe of as to the aspects as I was told and shown pictures when with my cousin Jade whose Mom is my Great Aunt Helen from my biological father's side as she was capable to escape-ish Mao Ze Doong to a degree because my Bok Pu had worked with my Grandpa Gavet to get back to China to be capable to get some work accomplished to save a few additional individuals that included my Great Aunt Helen though much to the dismay of my Bok Gung despite it being his sister as to certain aspects between the two of them.
That situation as to how my Bok Gung was only tolerable as to his sister my Great Aunt Helen was only tolerable because of what he found out what my Bok Pu had went through just to get to China, though he was not happy that my Grandpa Gavett knew more about the situations that occurred than he was initially informed of as to what I was told in my childhood. The friend to my Grandpawpaw as to the oddity as to how the photographer had much of the same height and build as to the friend of my Grandpawpaw my cousin Jade's Grandfather was uncanny, though the hairstyle was much different as that male had a shorter hairstyle though the braids were similar to some others I had grown up around. The aspects as to the photographer making a joke that he was surprised and a bit jealous as to how my hair was noticed a bit more in Houston as to such aspects because of what looks he had noticed, my viewpoint being different as to th situations as to what I had been dealing with as to such points in time before having met him though having known the aspects thereof to such situations as to the aspects of differences possibly in some ways.
I remember I said to him similarly as to many others, "Don't be jealous, I promise it is not the same as you might think" and though he chuckled and laughed as to the reality in some factors as to what I guess possibly now.
While the photo session went well as to the situations during the time, the aspects of what occurred shortly thereafter as to the Corona beer aspects as to what the aspects were as to the time in the year of 2010 as to those factors as to the timeframe of when my then fiance was in Basic Training and I was doing the best I could to take care of my son and my daughter as per the situations during the timeframe. While the aspects as to the photo session as to how the other models were as to the situations similarly as to the Wizard of Oz photo session as to the hotel room as the difference being because of living more closely to the area of #DeepElum Deep Elum as to the differences as to living in Carrollton to the difference of Houston as to the aspects of the hotel situation, as per the modeling photo session. While pushing myself through the pain levels as per the aspects as to a different modeling photo session as to the airport photo session, I had been capable to climb a ladder to get onto the wing of an airplane. I asked mainly as to the reference because of the balsa wood aspects having created-ish a model airplane as to the situations as to the #P53Mustang #Mustang P53 Mustang, though as to the aspects of knowing and seeing the larger airplane as to having worked with the balsa wood as to my concerns as to the aspects where I could only be capable to give the reference to the model airplane as to the difference as to my SCUBA Diving work as to my concern about the weight disproportion once in the higher area as per the levels as well as the aspects as to working on my recovery from all of the altitude changes as well as the pressure changes from such altitude levels all while dealing with the after effects from my subarachnoid hemorrhage damages as though the aspects were as to the timeframe of almost 1.5 years since the clear from the MRI and the CAT scans as to the residual factors as to that reality while also dealing with the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the headaches as well as the migraines.
Due to comprehending to do the best for both of my children as for my son as to the aspects thereof and my daughter as to the aspects thereof, while taking care of as best as possible thereof to maintain a schedule for their stuff, while making attempts to maintaining my own self as to the facts. My car Zippy as to the ways she was as to the aspects as to what seemed to me as to the aspects as to the San Antonio backyard situations as to who the oddity of ironies as to the seemingly close timeframe as to the video of Gimble as to the aspects as to the name, as to my wondering now in the year of 2022 #yearof2022 #2022year #2020vision as to the if factor as to the ways the video showed as to the maneuvering as to that video of if factors as to a side eject aspect as to the situations as to the Oak Leaf situation as to such factors. Possibly because I had not freaked out other than as to seeing the glittering #Oak #OakLead Oak Leaf and moving it around to see if I was seeing things oddly because of my vision quest at the time, as to the possibilities as to the situations as to latter timeframes as to Zippy in different scenarios as to how that was and went. The levels of exhaustion as to such times as per the aspects of the 2010 photo sessions were as such were, though I suppose a bit of an oddity as to now in the year of 2022 as to the reality as to the amounts of factors as to the differences and yet similarities in some factors.
The makeup artists as well as the other models among several other people as to whomever they were as to such associations, and went smoothly without any hitches in any major capacity. The time was fun though the memories as to what I recalled during the photo session as to such as just thinking to myself as per the factors as to the situations as to the amounts of time as to the differences as to the time, and while the factors as to not having hidden anything as per being honest as to in the conjunction of all of the other factors as to the situations combined as to the reality of where if I was simply asked as to the ease as to such factors or in the situations as to the factors as to who I was engaged to as to correctly introducing as to how much easier those aspects could have been as to the truth. The aspects as to my then fiance's Dad as to the aspects of what branch as to the government he worked for at the time in my opinion as to in person face to face in person did not and does not translate to when both my then fiance and I were still in the care of the car, though as to in person face to face in person with each other in person face to face in person with his Dad as to the same aspects as to in reference to his Mom as to the reference of the in person face to face in person after we walked from the car to inside of his Mom's house as to in person face to face in person with her as to such aspects as to the information as to what seem(ed)/(s) as common sense to me. Possibly more-so as to the aspects as to my knowledge as to my memory deficits though also very much so as to my comprehension as to the timeframe as to my understanding as to what I was dealing with to a degree, though as to how I was raised as to the situations when I was a child as to the aspects of how things were as to the aspects thereof as while it may seem normal for others to be capable to ask for assistance as to the differences as to such aspects as to the timeframe as well as the combined factors.
Whereas to my childhood in reference as to my biological mother as to any time of having asked for anything as to the being asked if I really needed such when the knowledge as to how I did not ask for anything unless I actually did need something, as to the difference as to my biological little sister as to how she tried claiming she needed as to the reality of whereas to only about 80% of the time of her claiming such as to how she was just either wanting or envying such aspects in the differences as to such facts. In reference as to my biological father as to when I would ask for something as to having been told when in actual need as to such aspects as to how he considered such as weakness as to such aspects of anything and everything as to the aspects thereof, while the oddity as to the aspects as to how such situations were as to my biological little sister as to the situations as to the ways such went as to such points in time as to my childhood and teenager years. Then when taking into consideration as to when I was in fifth grade as to having been diagnosed with Mono, Epstein Bar, Bronchitis, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time as to the aspects of where 3 of those 5have usually been for most other people a direct hospitalization as to the difference of where instead of what I needed as to such aspects of even at the behest of the pediatrician as to needing a hospitalization as to being capable to be healed swifter more correctly as to the differences as to the situations as to if there was a little cut as to that other situation as to such aspects as to how those types were as to how those types were.
Thus as to such aspects where I simply gave up asking for assistance as to such situations as what would it truthfully matter as to the timeframe after February of 1993 #February #monthofFebraury #1993year #yearof1993 as I was breathing and alive, as to such aspects as to the differences regarding such aspects and while such aspects as to the timeframe the reality of if I was actually considered as important as to the facts as to how the situations would be instead of repeating that exact same patterns of behaviour as to what I already dealt with as to whatever metaphors as to the facts as to such facts of such metaphors. Anyone who is actually considered as important is going to get exactly what they need at all times as to such aspects of consistency, as to the aspects of being capable to utilize such as to at all times exactly when needed as that is the reality of what is actual truth as only in such factors is that truthfully proven as to what is considered as important.
As to such common sense as to the aspects of the discussion with the photographer as to my opinion as to the reality as to the hair situation as if cared about as to the situations as without any needless problems, without any needless situations, without any needless drama, and without any needless forced aspects as to the reality of having been proven to be as to such aspects as to the facts. There is the viewpoint regarding such aspects of disagreement as to how in kindergarten as to having been told as to the if factor as to such referencing the situations as to the if someone likes you they are mean to you garbage, as that is not what I or possibly others would consider for themselves as to the truth as to such situations as to the if factors as to the longer term aspects as to such situations as to the aspects thereof as to the common sense as there is a difference as to priority situations and yet as to what viewpoints as to the priority situations as to the reality of what priority actually is as to such aspects of the viewpoints referencing the truth as to such aspects as there is nothing about making anything difficult on purpose for anyone that would ever be considered as to being of a priority after the comprehension as to the knowledge as to the reality of such aspects as to such amounts of time and amounts of situations as to the reality proven as to the facts as there is nothing excusable as to after a certain point in time in my opinion.
Thus as to such facts as to the situations as to the metaphors now in the year of 2022 if as to others having to readjust their own viewpoints as to such perceptions then all must do so for themselves as to such if factors of such kindergarten behaviour as to such differences as to being grown up as to adults, as the reality of such aspects as to in my opinion if as to the knowledge thereof as to the understanding of the reality as to the facts are as to the facts being the facts. If as to the aspects of considering someone and/or someone's work of importance then as to the common sense as to such aspects of what is considered as to treatments instead of mistreatments as to such facts, as to the reality of what appreciation is to the differences as to such hypotheticals. The same as to such aspects as to if important as to such priority as to the movements thereof as to the informing officially properly as to the reality of respect, if there is actual respect there to begin with.
Thus in reference as to the hypotheticals as to the situations as to in the car as to the aspects as to who I was engaged to at that time as to the year of 2010 in the month of January as to how such aspects of differences as to such aspects as to relationship aspects, there is only the aspects of making sure correctly as to such situations as to the facts thereof if as to such appreciations as to such aspects referencing the factors thereof as to his family as well as to the situations as to myself referencing such aspects. While some may have their opinion as to what their opinion may be, the reality of such differences as to the aspects of life experiences as to the reality of such experiences as to the life experiences. The facts as to the reasons why the #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter 10 Commandments matter as to such facts, as the situations while some can think as they might think as to the reality of having learned what that southern and Texas saying as to 'bless your heart; as to such aspects as to the equivalent of an east coast northern areas bigger population as to the definition of "Fuck you" as to such aspects as per the situations as to the translation as was explained to me as to the reality of the aspects as to the if factors as to such proof regarding those types of those situations.
While the northeast area as to the tristate area of the northeast as to what we have dealt with as to having been told as to abrasive and/or aggressive and/or mean as to the reality of such aspects as to what is the reality when taking into the considerations thereof to such hypotheticals, as what is truthfully meaner than as to such backwards aspects of the lie as to their so-called blessing and yet as to such not ever meaning such as per their actions as to the situations as where would such aggressiveness be as to direct or passive as to such aspects as well as the aspects of what is considered as more abrasive when taking in consideration that even with fine sandpaper as to how such usage consistently over time can do what levels as to a rougher sandpaper as to such references to the aspects thereof to the work?
In my opinion, that should not take a head injury to figure out as to my opinion which one is more respectable as to which one is more disrespectful in the short term to the long term to the longer terms to the longest terms as per the capacities thereof to such references as to the metaphors.
Thus while some might have whatever their opinions might be as to the situations as to the aspects as to the timeframes as to such aspects whereas the reality of such modeling sessions as to the situations to consider as to the aspects of being cordials as to the aspects of the work to create such referencing the outfits/make up/looks as to such as to the situations during such points in time, the multitude of attempts as to accepting the reality as to the facts as to what best as to depending upon such aspects I suppose depends upon the overall factors as to a multitude of situations. The aspects where the situations during the timeframe as to the #NewJersey #NewJerseyStrong #NJStrong #NJ #NJState #GardenStateTollway #GardenStateTurnpike #NewJerseyTurnpike #GST #NJT New Jersey aspects as to Art and Trinity Cantu as to the timeframe as to the aspects of the Marine Corps among other factors as to the timeframe within the year of 2010, the aspects thereof to such situations as to such factors as to the combinations of oddities as depending upon the viewpoints.
While the aspects whereas to while some have had whatever thoughts as to the pop culture references as to New Jersey-ians as to the factors brought forward as to a modernization as to such situations, the ensuring as to being respectful as best as possible while making the attempts as to the work as to such referencing the modeling as to the timeframes as best as possible while dealing with the levels as to what New Jersey-ians near certain locations comprehend as to such naval cessel sizes and/or those who have attended colleges in the area of New Jersey who went to the shoreline as to seeing the reality of the differences as to the sizes of the boats. The reality of seeing the areas as to from Long Island New York to where the #StatueofLibtery #SoL Statue of Liberty should have been capable to be seen as per my Instagram pictures as well as Facebook video is the reality as to the equal distance-ish as to from the Liberty Science Center as to the similar types of viewing telescopes as per the top of the viewing deck as to the #LibertyScienceCenter #LSC #Liberty #Science #Center Liberty Science Center, though similar to if my memory is correct as to the viewpoint of the Wizard's and my as Tin Woman's costumes for the Wizard of Oz photo session as to the silver as to the Liberty Science Center viewing telescopes as to the golden-ish brass colored viewing telescopes from Long Island as to such oddities as to the aspects of the photography as to the time.
I am thankful for being capable to model as to such aspects as the reality thereof to such an aspect, my pain levels that I had not allowed myself to ever go over to such references as to the aspects as to the reality of my childhood and my teenager years as to the reality of such factors as to the proof as to such situations as to the aspects proven as to such discussions during such timeframes then as to such times since as to the aspects thereof as to such factors as to the reality of the considerations regarding me. As the facts as to the knowledge as to being in the state of Texas as to such points in time and as to not knowing what the references were as to what others thought of as to New Jersey and New Jersey-ians, as to such aspects of not until the years around 2016 or 2017 as to ever finding anything as to such aspects, to such possibilities of what was referred to in such possibilities as to a situation as to a religious teacher I once had explained as to such asking as to the situations as to care as to genuinity and thus as to the aspects as to those who I knew outside of modeling as to such factors thereof as to such considerations as to the factors thereof as to such a situation to the considerations. Thus asking as to how I thought as per when I was a child as when a teenager as well as a biological adult as to the care as to such aspects as to taking the time, to actually ask. When as to the reality as to the facts as to headaches and migraines as to taking the effort to actually ask as to such aspects as to the sounds as to asking as well as to such factors thereof, as to such situations as to the viewpoint in my opinion.
Thus if as to any aspect where in regards as to the modeling in the black fully and/or the black and yellow as to the Houston modeling session as to the situations of differences as to the modeling as to the Wizard of Oz photo session as to the situations as to the studio aspects as to the Olympian #Olympian modeling session, as to the aspects as to such aspects of if factors as to others' opinions as to such if situations as to the capacities thereof to such possibilities whether as to who I was engaged to and/or his family as to the reality of such aspects as to what it actually took for who I was engaged to at the time of as to getting my attention to even realize he was interested in me as per the discussions we had after what I was informed of was a date as I did not understand as to what a date was as to those standards as to the considerations as to such facts as to the explanations as to the time in the year of 2009.
The reality of where I had dealt with the aspects as to my children's biological father as to not ever having been asked nor ever told of ever being on a date nor such relationship aspects as the facts as to not having ever dated much as to before joining the Army branch as to such rules though easily for me, as to how much I was more solitary as to such aspects as to timidity as to the aspects as to being shy. Before the time of the Army #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #ArmyI had a few dates here and there though only had two or three real-ish boyfriends-ish from 1998 through 2000 and none before the timeframe of other than who I knowingly was a beard to as for them until they came out of the closet as to such aspects, as to the factors thereof whereas to the timeframe as to where after waking up from the aspects of my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to not having any awareness nor understanding as to such factors because of my reality. Thus the first time I had what I figured out later as to a possibility of a boyfriend was in the year of 2009 as to just before I went to take care of situations as to Florida #Florida #FloridaState #FL #FLstate , though as to such aspects as to the situations as to the lack of discussions as to such factors at the time before the situations as to when in reference to who I was engaged to as to after having been informed as to a date for a wedding being different than a date being on as to how I think he thought I was joking instead of the reality that such truth as to such aspects as to there being a wedding date and thus as to a wedding date as to such differences as to dating as to such confusion from me because of the facts as to my upbringing.
The reality of such aspects as to what others have as to their interpretations as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to such differences as to the aspects as to the situations as to some similarities as to the interpretations as to New Jersey-ians as I guesstimate, can be similar as to such aspects in reference to the situations as to what others' might think as to such differences as to such viewpoints as depending upon the background as to such factors overall combined.
Possibly boring to some and yet when life is what it has been for me, what is considered to others as boring might be of what I consider as to excitement as to the differences as to what viewpoints as to such hypotheticals.