As it has been seen in reference to the aspects of my journal blog postings in the comparisons as to the factors as to the prior patterns of behaviour of mine in such references, in the regards as to social media posts of which as to the memes as well as overall generalized portions of which the capability to see if I specifically name an individual as to such factors as to the ways thereof as to the only time I ever have officially referred to an individual in regards either to a response and/or to a comment as to other such connections as to whatever postings thereof to the reference points at such times. While I have had situations as to specific aspects in reference to the years more specifically as to 2010 through 2012 as to individuals who have claimed I specifically referenced them when I had not named them by the specifics thereof, in such possibilities as to the aspects in references which can be seen more officially as to such timeframes as to my original social media accounts as well as to the aspects of my website in my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to such factors of specific names; I suppose the following aspects, can give such references as to when specifically referring to individuals as well as other such prior journal blog entries. In turn as to such aspects of which as to having had to clarify over such points in time as to the differences in reference to the times before how I wound up in Washington state after #AZ #AZstate #Arizona #Arizonastate Arizona as to such aspects as to the Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA, the situations of such clarifications thereof to such specifics as to the name aspects thereof. For example after having met an individual within the #Walmart Walmart area as to #DeZavala DeZavala named Art as to such a male as to having discussed the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which he failed to believe me as to the overall aspects of which similarly as to those from #Chilis Chilis as well as others as to such amounts over the lengths of time, the problems of such types of individuals as to the factors thereof to such needless testings as to the fact the situations occurred as to the initial portion of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in the year of 2000 as to the reasons why I refer to such as my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. In turn as to such facts of having dealt with headaches each and every individual day since waking up from my coma on whichever day after however long of the amount of time in conjunction as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain which took the length of over 8 years to fully dissipate as to such aspects, the realities as to the ironies as to such aspects as to the SCUBA Diving portions in the references as to the #Jewish #JewishMedicalJournal #JMJ Jewish Medical Journal as to the aspects of the compression in an even way in comparison as to the aspects of just the reference to the aspects as to altitude changes as to the situations.
Hence the irony as to hyperbaric chambers as to such individuals for the proof of such aspects as to those who cannot go SCUBA Diving, though have found some relief in such references however because of knowing my self as to how my preferences thereof are as to such factors as to my knowledge as to what works best for me in comparison to others’ hypothetical assumptions. In addition as to the aspects in reference to the hesitation problems in such references, the realities of which such factors of needless hesitations in turn means the aspects of such situations change as to the realistic portions thereof. In turn though I may make a comment here and there as to such points in time, the ways of which a headache can quickly turn into a migraine within a few blinks of my eyes and/or such other aspects thereof; the reality of which in turn of which the movement as to such factors in the comparisons thereof, which while some might not have understood the aspects of a New York minute…hypothetically some can see such aspects as to the northeast as to where I was born and raised as to such factors in the comparisons thereof as to such differences as to the versions of individuals’ time as I am uncertain if it has been figured out by now as to the swift movement of my thoughts yet while in conjunction to my headaches and migraines though if not as to having figured such out as to then wondering when that is figured out in such references as to the speed of thought as to the aspects thereof as to movement and making sure to make the best of each possible moment of time in my life as to the best of my capabilities despite the constant headache pain levels I deal with each and every day despite the aspects thereof however if paid attention to as to the reasons as to why the movement thereof as to actually making sure to take care of such as to ensuring the lack of regret as much and as best as possible.
Waking up from a coma and shortly thereafter being a Mom officially to two children, makes situations as best as possible to ensure each moment is lived to the fullest as safely as possible makes the reality of life to such factors far more aware as to such aspects as that is time which definitely each gets to have only once per child as to my son and my daughter as to such ages and the swiftness as to their growing up as other parents and grandparents know as to such factors of time. Raising children as to such a point immediately after waking up from my coma after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000, I learned quickly as to making sure they had everything I could possibly get taken care of for them as to their knowledge no matter what I was doing and no matter where I was as to going the best for the overall best interests as to the longest terms possible for them as well as myself though for them when they would be old enough as depending upon the situations thereof as to ensuring to correctly put such into the ideal ways as best as possible for them as to at any point in their lives as to being capable to know their Mom always had the best of intentions for each and every circumstance as much and as to the highest ideals as possible as they would always be capable of truthfully saying their “Mom was as best as she could possibly be as a Mom despite everything she dealt with for my brother/sister and I as well as who we knew/know.”
In the aspects of technology there are differences from one social media site to the next of which if you have the intellectual capacity to pay attention to details as well as have the intellectual intelligence to have ethics and morals as well as common sense, the capability to see the differences as to such factors as to the individual judgement calls as to whether or not to enact on what one knows as to be legally and morally ethical have such as to the impacts of one’s choices. For example I had my original accounts as to #Facebook Facebook, #CafeMom CafeMom, #fetlife fetlife, #ModelMayhem Model Mayhem, and now in such additions as to #tiwtter Twitter and #instagram Instagram which in conjunction to my website which officially each website of social media platform has the capability of the choice as to whether or not an individual chooses to share such aspects and how so as to the factors thereof. Thus for the example as to in reference to Model Mayhem, usually such has to do with likes and it is shown as to such factors as well as the messaging capabilities. In reference to fetlife the same sorts of aspects, as well as the capability to post journals or such aspects to notes as well as events.
The reference to CafeMom there is the capability to the forums more-so in comparison as to the normalcy as the same as to fetlife well as posting updates as to being a Mom, though the additional aspects of messaging back and forth as to how such communication in different ways as to the aspects of Facebook. Facebook the capability is through the settings just as most others to a more informal overall degree as to being far more strict in such references, whereas Facebook has the generalized aspects which the requirement to go into the actual settings area as to figuring out the settings as to such aspects. In turn in reference to how Twitter and Instagram are as such similar aspects though shorter posting capabilities as to the amount of letters or characters to such factors, it is a judgment call as to each viewing individual as to how such is responded to and/or reviewed and/or shared. In turn however just because of the capability to sharing does not actually mean to physically share nor does it mean any other such capacity of such types of so-called sharing, as to the example of various aspects of the other types of social media platforms.
Thus in reference as to Facebook in the regards as to the other social media websites in such references, the realistic aspects to which if some individuals were too ignorant as well as having lacked the foresight as well as lacked the intellectual capability to tell the difference as to sharing a picture as to sharing a meme or sharing a picture to the reference of liking an outfit/clothing design and/or liking the positioning as to the poses involved and/or liking the area as to the background; the situations have absolutely nothing to do with the physical sharing in any such capacity in my opinion, though I also have known the difference as to such requirements automatically as to what the need for consent as to such capacities as well as having known the reasons for the aspects of speaking with in person face to face in person as to the original poster of the content as to the request for such aspects.
In reference as to having shared various pictures of mine and/or of my children in different times as to sharing the times as to the distance in comparison to ever such an invitation as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to how protective of a Mom as I have always been, there was not ever a point in time which I ever would have allowed nor consented to such aspects towards my children as to how protective I had always been as to such factors for my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia. If there were those who were not mature enough nor had the intellectual capacity to distinguish the difference as to such factors because of the amount of video games they played in comparison to the aspects of in person face to face in person aspects without any such physical contact beyond a handshake and at most a hug in comparison as to the ways of actually getting to know an individual in the comparisons of hypothetical aspects in such references to being #anitpedophilia anti-pedophilia as to such problematic portions; there is not any acceptable excuse nor cause nor reason to knowingly ever try to use such capacities as to the excuses of such wishes to which would ever be considered as valid in any such way or shape or form in my opinion as to anyone who would wish such would ever be an accepted portion in my viewpoint, of which in turn anyone who would fail to have the foresight as well as the intellectual capacities no matter what level of possibility to title or degree of such portions would actually show as to the least of intelligence as to such factors in all areas of life in my opinion.
In turn in my opinion such types of individuals who would not have the intelligence to be capable to distinguish such aspects should not ever be allowed near children under the age of 18 years old biologically as to such factors if the aspects of keeping their hands to themselves was ever a problem in such references, especially to private area locations as to such factors to any individual though especially in reference to children.
There is not the excuse of which would ever be considered as excusable in my opinion as to the wish as to such factors as to sharing is caring garbage as to the reality of which in such references, there is the aspects to such proof as to the lack of care in such regards as to what hypotheticals thereof in such references. The requirements as to the knowledge as to the understanding as to the genuine consent in such regards officially in my opinion as to such types of hypothetical individuals wishing such would automatically mean such, would fail miserably in my opinion as to any worth as to their humanity and would only show such heathenistic behaviour of which would require to be squashed for if the claim was to be acceptable to others’ children though not their own as to such factors; then therein shows the reality as to such situations, of which the knowledge base was always there and the choice to overlook such aspects as to the choice in such capacities of free will as to the known facts of which such types of individuals would be officially considered as guilty as well as unfit to be around children under the biological age of 18 years old as well as the capacities of their moralities as to all other such factors in my opinion as to what questioning portions as to the competency of their actual responsibilities in all such factors as to what levels of which such types would and should be in my opinion prosecuted if there are the facts as to the physical sexual touching without the consent as to such portions thereof to any parent and/or relative of whichever capacity who would be ignorant enough to ever think that would or could be considered acceptable as to such patterns of behaviour as to by this point in time of the role(s) thereof to such an individual.
Thus if in the reference to my original Facebook account as to such capacities of which any who would wish that meant as to sharing my children, there was only the reference as to the online pictures as to what I specifically mentioned. Thus the clothing/outfits and/or the background areas to visit or the aspects of the weather in all such comparisons whether in reference to my son and/or my daughter and/or myself, as I would not ever allow my children to be physically violated in any such capacity as to what the right to stand in defense of my son and my daughter in each and every plausible way possible would automatically be brought forward in each and every possible way if I had to do so as to standing my ground as to my right to protect and defend my son and my daughter as to the ways as best as I could protect and defend my son and my daughter as much as I already have.
Thus if my biological mother/father/sister ever had thought of such to be a game or to have done so themselves, the fullest capacity of reasons why there need not any reason to be around or involved with such individuals I would consider as either pedophiles themselves and/or as peddlers of pedophilia of which both in such to my opinion should be considered as illegal as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out that would have been of their own free will as to knowing the legalities within the common specter of life as to such situations which in turn would show their lack of common sense as well as their lack of morals as well as the ways as to what I dealt with as to when I was a child and a teenager as well as after I woke up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to those situations of patterns of behaviour as to such proof thereof to which the capacities of what I have chosen to share which includes the comments aspects as to the references as to pictures as to the share aspects. In turn the reality of such levels of capabilities as well as responsibilities in conjunction as to common sense, the situations of such factors in turn would mean the full removal of those types of individuals from ever being around and/or viewing such types of situations and in my opinion if those types of individuals who were a part of such and/or fully knowingly assisted with such in the comparisons as to the now in the year of 2022 as to my thoughts reviewing such aspects as to not ever thinking people were actually that ignorant as to such capacities as to the online portions though the warnings I gave as to such records in such capacities; in my opinion those types of individuals who would knowingly be a part of such as to the willingness to cause needless harm should have their own children removed from their lives as to the proof of patterns of behaviour, especially if there is more than one individual they have purposefully done such aspects to in my opinion as to more than one adult biologically in conjunction of more than one child under the age of 18 years old in conjunction to more than one special needs individual as to such a trifectas of the combination in my opinion.
Consent is and always has been a mandatory aspect, in my opinion. Thus in turn such factors as to honest communication with the proof as to such aspects thereof, in such references as to the best honest attempts as to such communication. In my opinion which the patterns of behaviour would prove as to such capacities if those individuals had done such aspects of sexual assault as to the pedophilia problems as to such capacities and then shared their comments with others as to such choices as to the aspects of what was done, then in my opinion the version of hidden in plain sight as to the technological aspects of which the borders of which to think as to the technological aspects would actually be around such individuals as to their patterns of behaviour and their own child(ren) should officially be removed from their care as to such knowing choices in the comparisons as to my having learned of such only around the year of 2016 when I was writing creatively in such aspects thereof.
I would not ever knowingly put my son or my daughter in harms way as I have done the best I have possibly been capable to keeping both my son and my daughter safe, as best as possible with each aspect as to such portions. In turn if individuals who have degrees as to such capacities as o the levels of college level, the higher the education level the worse the punishment in my opinion as to such aspects. While in such I admit my own biases as to previous writings as well as this one, however if my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister were to ever cause needless harm to my son and /or my daughter and/or sent individuals to do so as to being too ignorant to think about such as to the wishes that the technological portions would ever be considered as acceptable after knowing what I personally had already dealt with; the same aspects as to how the situations were as to in reference to those people as to the bathing suit aspects, when going swimming in the reference of #Baptist #BaptistCamp #lebanon #LebanonNJ #LebanonNewJersey #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate Baptist Camp Lebanon. Which in turn as to such capacities as to the length of time as to the patterns of behaviour as to those three individuals as to my personal opinion with the aspects of having acknowledged such to my biases, I would fully be supportive of each legal capacity of each aspect as to the karmic repercussions as to each aspect thereof as to the legal ramifications as to their own as to their own children as to such capacities to my biological sister and her marriage to Zack Miller in such references as well as their denial to being allowed to ever being around children under the age of 18 years old biologically as well as not being allowed to be around special needs individuals ever again as to the patterns of such behaviour. If they had children of their own and have the patterns of behaviour as to sharing in such references with others, then for the sake of those children as to such references in such additional removal of those individuals from the household and put into safe houses in the comparisons as to the occurrences as to stopping those types of patterns of behaviour as to the same in reference as to photographers and such associated portions of which the technological aspects of what hypothetically could be proven in which capacities thereof as to my modeling in such comparisons as I had not ever allowed other photographers I worked with to ever take pictures of my children as I was the only one as to such factors in the Mom capacity which in turn as to being out and about as well as the #JCPenny JC Penny portions aside from the images when they were growing up as to such aspects as to later learning as to how baths could be misconstrued though not ever having done so in order to promote anything other than being a Mom.
As individuals know as to such factors as to bath time as to the movement of children in the middle of an already arranged picture at the last moment, in the comparisons as to any such hypothetical assumptions in the comparisons thereof as to such. Since I had not ever consented to the birth of my children ever to such factors, the situations of which if my biological sister had illegally video recorded such aspects as to such violation of rights automatically as well as in my opinion as to the federal laws which would have been broken as to such factors of her having been on a military installation as well as to whatever additional patterns of behaviour as to such findings. In turn as to my biological mother and/or my biological father if having proof as to having been a part of such aspects the same in such references as to the denial as to any such legal guardian roles as to the proof of such patterns of behaviour, as to the failure to be capable to prove as to such responsibilities as to the aspects of such patterns of behaviour in reference to myself as to the regards of when I was in fifth grade and any such additional portions thereof to the proof as to such factors through such technological measures thereof.
Thus in turn as to those three in such aspects as to whichever ways such technological connections as to the proof thereof as to however such would spiral outward in such references thereof, those who would and/or could be found as to such connections as to the direct choices as to such actions as to the pedophilia as to the knowledge thereof and the proof of such knowledge in my opinion should be taken into legal action as to the aspects thereof to such portions. In my opinion as to the aspects as to my personal situation as to having acknowledged the situations and having had the capacity to make the attempts to explain as to the levels of intellect depending upon the situation as to other such patterns of behaviour, as to the ways of which such patterns of behaviour would/could prove as to such connection levels thereof which in turn as to which levels of such social distancing as to such types of individuals as to the capacities thereof to such portions.
In reference as to relationship factors as to what I have previously discussed as to the after portions of the timeframe of the year of 2008 as to within the year of 2009 onward as to my personal relationships, the difference as to such aspects because of the subarachnoid hemorrhage having been dissipated despite the other factors as to such aspects as to situations. While the #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving situation as to responsibilities in the references thereof to the capacities of genuine care and concern as to such portions in regards of the SCUBA Diving community as to anyone who had earned the Open Water level of SCUBA Diving as to the mandatory form in such references as well as the minimal requirements as to certifications thereof, there is the aspects of such to take into consideration as to the aspects thereof which thus in turn as to the references of the few relationships I had been involved in as to such situations as to the known factors as to what I was or was not informed of to such capacities the following is my opinion to such references:
In reference to Sean Leonard as to the aspects of which he had been informed as to the aspects of my style of SCUBA Diving in latter times though had the situation as to the Puffer Fish as to which I had made the best attempts to assist the situations, I would find such as best as possible non-judgmental bias as to such factors as to having to admit my own personal emotional connections with him as to the point in time as long as my son and my daughter were not impacted as to any such physical interactions as to any point in time ever as to such sexual advances in any such capacity as to the realities as to such knowledge of my son and my daughter being my son and my daughter to the minor aged capacities as well as the knowledge of the background aspects as well as the factors as to the timeframes as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving in other areas of the oceanic waters.
In reference to Shaun McCall as to the aspects of at the time of not having been informed as to any such capacity of such SCUBA Diving certifications when I had known/dated/been engaged to him as to such aspects as to the minimum of not having ever had any such sexual aspects as to my son or my daughter, the same admitted non-judgmental biases thereof of such capacities as to the knowledge of such factors as to my son and my daughter being my son and my daughter as to such portions to the minor aged aspects as to such points in time as in conjunction as to the knowledge as to the special needs situations thereof to such points in time of 2009 as well as 2010 into 2011.
In reference to the situations as to the relationship with Patrick Kennedy the same reference of situations as to the knowledge of the situations as to what was occurring in conjunction of the combined factors of such situations, which in turn because of the capacities additionally to him having his own child as to such aspects of having been a minor at the time as to the situations in such references thereof to the aspects as to my biological mother/father/sister in such references as well as regards thereof as to the year of 2011 into 2012 as to the knowledge of the minor aged aspects as well as the special needs education.
In reference to Joseph and Megan Estes the same reference to the situations regarding Patrick Kennedy as to the year of 2012, in the regards as to them having had two or three children as to such capacities as to the timeframe thereof knowing such individuals.
In reference to who I was told his name was Matthew West as to such aspects of him having had a daughter as well as having earned the National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification during the same class timeframe as to March 2009 as well as to him having had a daughter from what he had said as to such points in time as to when dating in the year of 2012, the aspects of such situations to the same references as to the aspects of Shaun McCall as well as the combined portions as to Patrick Kennedy in my opinion as to such reference points thereof.
In reference as to the aspects as to Sean Leonard as to the situations in reference to #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state in the year of 2019 I have to admit my biases as to the leniency referencing the situations as to him and I, because of the Puffer Fish situation as to such aspects in the references thereof only in reference to me because of if there were to be a pattern of behaviour before such to the year of 2009 would be such a capacity to take into consideration. However as to the reality of which the Puffer Fish in the references thereof to such aspects, the reality of which if he additionally went SCUBA Diving in the underground missile silo and/or was SCUBA Diving with individuals who had not changed their SCUBA Diving gear as to such SCUBA Diving in an underground missile silo as to the capacities of the leniency as to such aspects though not as lenient at the exact same point in time as to only in reference to myself in the comparisons as to my children no matter what biological age as to the aspects of which having known they are my son and my daughter in such references thereof. I would like to hope as to him knowing better, though in such references as to the SCUBA Diving gear situation as to admittedly being unsure as to such capacities because of the ways such was considered as flirting despite not knowing my personal work levels as to my SCUBA Diving; however such references to such aspects thereof to the concern aspects, because of the situations thereof as to the Puffer Fish in the references.
In regards to the situations as to those who I had mentored as to the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle as to the formal aspects as to adult meaning of the biological age above the age of 18 years old, the same references as to such aspects to Phillip Omstead in conjunction as to the aspects in reference to Matt and Ana in those who knew of and/or know of such individuals as to the additional capacities as to the military association connections thereof similarly to Alicia as to the mustang General from the Korean War aspect as to such situations thereof to my opinion along with Erica also known as Discordia as to such factors of her having had two daughters and a son at the time I officially knew her in the year of 2012. The situations to the obvious in the references as to how I wound up in Washington state as to the aspects of Cowboys Dancehall in such references as to the Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013, as to such factors.
In such references as to the SCUBA Diving situations as to the aspects of such instructors as to the age limitations as to the specifics as to the age of 18 years old as to such portions no matter what as to my opinion in such references, because of the wishful excuses which I would not ever find as excusable to which such capacities as to whatever the local and/or state aspects as to the minimum age aspects because of the reality as to such factors of which should be capable to hold a professional responsible aspect within the classroom at all times as to such requirements in my opinion as to the situations admittedly as to my personal biases as to what I had dealt with as to such factors as a biological adult in such references as to my opinion. Thus in turn as to such factors if there have been individuals who mistakenly thought of such and had the lack of where-with-all to actually think about such because of the warnings from the news as to such problems as to #popculture pop culture in conjunction as to the #hollywood Hollywood aspects as to the younger looking individuals as to the camera aspects as to such portions, in my opinion in such references as to the overtly needlessly sexualized portions thereof to the aspects of which I personally noticed as to the ways which such factors as to #POTSU44 POTUS44 #BarackObama #MichelleObama Barack and Michelle Obama’s daughters as to the ways which the photographers had chosen to move the camera from the floor areas as to the upward movement when their daughters were under the age of 18 years old if I recall correctly. While I admit as to my personal opinion about clothing as to children being of a certain aspect as to such protectionary aspects as to my own opinions thereof, the reality as to how males and females need to remember as to what consent actually translates to in such references thereof as to what is considered acceptable to some does not actually change the viewpoints as to the above or the below portions as to the biological age of 18 years old as to the aspects of which the ways as to being capable to live longer as to such portions of the science and technology aspects thereof to my personal opinion as well as such capacities as to the aspects of which the moral compasses have been needing a reset in my opinion as to such factors as to the internet being across the world at this point in time and onward.
In my opinion as to such factors additionally to the Hollywood portions as to specifying the specific age as well as the year as to such assistances to those who have not possibly thought about such capacities as to the aspects of which the situations might be to certain individuals, as to the factors of teenager females and/or teenager males in such situations. Thus for the example as to the show from the 1990s as to #SavedByTheBell #SBTB Saved By The Bell the individuals as to that show’s timeframe as to such in which year as to their actual age in the year thereof as to the aspects of the role they were playing as to the comparisons as to if involved with other work later as to the difference as to such timeline aspects to assist with the younger generations as to growing up as to the same aspects as to the band such as #NewKidsOnTheBlock #NKOTB New Kids on the Block as well as #NSync N Sync as to the #SpiceGirls Spice Girls in such references as to possibly assist with the intellectual capacities in similar ways as to ratings for movies and/or television and/or streaming and/or music and/or video games as to such factors to take into consideration of #FEC FEC guidelines and whichever associated portions thereof to such aspects of the capacities thereof for the review as to such situations as to the ability to assist an honest and open dialogue with parents/legal guardians.
In such references to my personal opinions about the situations in regards as to the transgender aspects as to under the age of 18 years old in my opinion I personally do not agree with such factors, as in my opinion such situations are for the individual to develop as to the age appropriate as to the aspects of the biological maturity officially closer to the age of 21 years old for such types of surgical procedures as to the reality of if the parental roles and/or such legal guardian aspects as to watching certain types of shows and/or movies as to the impact such portions as to the peer pressure in a different way as to the age situations in reference to the ways as to such Hollywood aspects in the references thereof to my opinion as to such factors as to as best as possible to the ways of which to ensure life goes onward as to living in such comparisons thereof as to the health and wellbeing in such capacities.
As I doubt I am the only one as I am living proof as to such prior individuals as to the capacities of wishing to claim aspects of such situations as to the aspects of sexual assault at a younger age as to such patterns of behaviour as to the reality of how protective I have been in such comparisons, as well as to how much I have gone to the various levels of requirement as best as possible as to discussions as to communicating honestly as to such factors as best as possible for the understanding from the knowledge to such capacities thereof to my opinion in such a review now in the year of 2022. Just as males should be held accountable if the hazing portion thereof to such capacities, so too must females be held to the same standard as to such factors if there are such aspects which sororities have not had such factors to the ways which fraternities have had such as from what I have noticed within the news aspects thereof to such capacities which should be just as held accountable in my opinion including such co-ed versions thereof in my opinion as to such factors. However the few individuals which I have already listed as to who I have had such portions as to the various connection aspects thereof as to after being biologically above the age of 18 years old despite the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as despite the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving in conjunction despite the aspects as to #Irving #irvingTX #IrvingTexas #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Irving Texas in the year of 2011 as well as despite the aspects as to the situations in reference to #Iowa #Iowastate #IAState #IA Iowa state as to my Medal of Honor Art Project in the year of 2018 as to the possible knowledge of others in the comparisons as to figuring such out myself as to the aspects thereof; in such reality as to such situations as to the reference to Sean Leonard as to such aspects as to the difference if in the capacity thereof as to such prior portions as to the time, if in the reference as to such aspects as to the relationship beforehand as to in the year of 2009 as to the slowness as to such movement towards such aspects before the Puffer Fish situation in my opinion as to acknowledging my biases as to such as unbiased as possible non-judgmental aspects thereof despite the aspects as to after having returned to the state of Texas as to the year of 2019 as to such situations into the year of 2020 and into 2021 as to this year of 2022.
Thus in the references as to the social media online aspect as to the sharing, there is obviously a difference as to such capacities thereof as to the situations of common sense as well as the legalities in conjunction as to such moralities as to the moral clauses in such references. Which in reference as to a location which since I had not known about the situations as to the levels thereof as to my biological sister despite the aspects of the discussions as to the clarifications as to the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas areas as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle events, the aspects of which as to a location I cannot remember the aspects of to the official place as to where it was located; the situations which I had noticed certain blinking lights in certain areas as well as certain smaller portions of rendom zapping as to when walking on top of certain wooden board planks within the smoking area patio deck areas, as I do recall the aspects of the #ClubFEM ClubFEM Thanksgiving event at the location thereof as to the aspects for those who know where I am referencing as to the year of 2010 if I remember accurately as to the timeframe. I had made attempts to clarify various aspects as to what issues I have had with technology, though in such timeframes as to the various aspects which I had not known as to the situations in full of such factors officially though I know I had a few visions as to the location admittedly as to the year of 2010 as well as the year of 2011 and 2012 which few paid attention to those warnings as well as to the points in time when I made attempts to bring such visions forward as to aspects thereof as to the stones which had not one drop of oil anywhere as well as the facts as to the dumpster having been a freshly painted dumpster as to learning the location had been there for decades similarly as to the situations as to the aspects in reference to what was once the Sanctuary though the differences as to the Sanctuary in the #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas #Dallas Texas area of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle area.
In turn when as to the reference of accepting aspects as to the reality as to the technology portions of cellphone, landlines, beepers/pagers, email messages, social media messages and/or codes as to specific words as to meanings thereof as to the difference and yet similarity as to the share aspects if accurate; the ways thereof as to such situations as to the patterns of behaviour, of which such records thereof as to the aspects of which I had mentioned such visons as to the concern I had noticed in such references additionally as to the towers nearby and other such components as to the larger hardware aspects in the references thereof to the additional portions as to the underground electrical aspects which few every believed me about though more recently as to having seen the lines being put in certain areas as to the construction portions and/or the replacement portions of such prior construction as for the street lamps in such comparisons as to the ways which certain cars are moving towards in different capacities thereof for such consideration aspects.
In turn each individual has their own choices to make as to such factors of what the truthful portions of importance as to the short term, the long term, and the longest terms as to such factors. The reality of which to the situations overall as to such combinations of which the technological aspects as to how such is within life as to this point within the year of 2022, the situations as to such factors of which though I have done the best I could to give such warnings as to the preparation aspects the reality of what each individual has made such choices as to such factors is to the patterns of behaviour as to such proof thereof. In such regards as to ensuring the aspects of which accepting the reality of who I am as to what aspects thereof as best as possible, the situations of which the aspects as to how I have encouraged others as to such factors as to when to the #10Commandments 10 Commandments as to the reality of which in such references as to how within the justice system as well as the legal system of such capacities thereof to such regards. Whether in reference to acquaintances, friends, family as to like family, family as to biological as to my biological compared as well to my son’s/daughter’s biological aspects, as well as whatever relationship factors thereof; I have made the best attempts possible of which while the situations as to such a point in time as to now within the month of January within the year of 2022 though I wish certain aspects were in a different direction and have hoped for other aspects in another aspect thereof, the ways as to such situations as to the ways of which such situations have been as to the realities thereof.
Having realized the situations as to Iowa 2018 as to such factors as to the realities of how such a 10 year anniversary aspect as to the situations thereof to my SCUBA Diving as to the situations as to how such a 20 year memorial aspect thereof in conjunction as to other such portions as to the promises I made to my son and my daughter as to the aspects as to the relationship aspects to their biological father of which the situations which as to the connection aspects in the references as to other such aspects, the reality of which sometimes I admit to having wished I could have done something different though knowing how the outcomes would have been different as well and definitely not in the best interests of the situations for my family as to my son and/or my daughter and/or I for such aspects thereof. There is a difference as to trying compared to attempting as to the attempts bring forward results of which while trying, is exactly that as to trying to muster up the aspects to the situations of the needs as to such requirements. Sometimes the aspects of trying are okay enough and other times, the requirements as to the attempts are of far greater importance than some might realize as time such a life is of importance as to living as that needless drama and such needless portions of waiting when the capabilities are more available than ever in such regards only leads to needless problems in the comparisons of taking care of what should be taken care of immediately in the comparisons as to why the aspects of hesitations have always been problematic in my opinion.
In turn as to such factors as to the common sense as to such realities, the ways of which the aspects to the common sense as to the social media portions as to the oddities as to how many have been so swift to such judgements though when in the most important aspects as to the needless hesitations and the problems of which have stemmed from such aspects thereof as what amounts of regret are there as to each individual who hesitated in the comparisons thereof in such references in truth when taking the time to reflect as to such aspects thereof as how many situations would and could have been avoided if such portions were actually taken care of immediately in the comparisons as to the waiting needlessly portions?
What amounts of time have needlessly been wasted as to what is it that people cannot get back the most in such aspects as to the situations as to the realities of the most important aspects as to what is considered as to of life, especially in reference to loved ones?
Time with in person face to face in person is the answer, as whatever thereof to such factors is whatever thereof to such factors of which how many have such levels of regret as to such portions when looking as to the aspects as to the social media portions of which instead of such aspects as to the ways which the in person face to face in person could have been as to such enjoyment in the comparisons as to the assumptions in such hypotheticals as what are the actualities of the best days of your life as per individual in person face to face in person as to the thereof and what possibilities were as to such other times as to the aspects in such references and why would such be as to such aspects?
When taking into consideration as to how #Tmobile #Sprint #ATT Tmobile and Sprint are merging as to the aspects of which Tmobile was once a part of AT&T as to such factors, what is it that could be seen in such references thereof as to how AT&T was once a landline company though as to the aspects in reference as to the internet aspects as well as the television portions and streaming aspects in such comparisons and what technological portions as to the best of capabilities as to what I have made attempts as to explain as to my issues with technology as what would/could the Geek Squad and Best Buy situations prove as to any such assumptions in the comparisons thereof as to what situations?
Were there points in time when I was in Washington state as to the aspects which could have been a moment as to which I explained in reference to the dance club situation as what lyrical portions as to Fight Song as to the lyrics of “how a single word can make a heart open” be of a clear aspect, as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury if I am accurate as to such factors thereof as to how could that have prevented other such situations thereafter as to if I am accurate as to such factors thereof afterwards as to Washington state and who could have easily reached out through my to contact form as to such as to the aspects thereof or is such as to that type of a silent majority in comparison as to the human decency in such references thereof as then what does such say in reference as to how others chose other individuals to remain within the Texas supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle in the comparisons as to how the reality of such situations I was dealing with as a Mom on my own as to such points in time as to the year of 2013?
Since I have not ever denounced my citizenship though have acknowledged my work as to my SCUBA Diving honestly as to having made attempts as to finding ways of peaceful aspects as to the oceanic portions of the aspects thereof as to the coastal lines of the United States of America and the world to such factors as to the lack of a choice in such references as well as the aspects also to Irving in the year of 2019 for the beginning clarifications though the aspects as to Irving in the year of 2011 situation, what would be considered as to the aspects as to Dr Mary Edwards Walker when taking into consideration what I pointed out about the following aspects as to after my nightmare came true from second grade as well as the work I have proven as to such for the United States of America in such comparisons?:
1) What happened at #baptist Baptist Camp Lebanon which falls within which laws as to which aspect associated as to the Iraq and Afghanistan areas after which attack in 1993 as well as 11 September 2001 associated with which religious group as to such aspects, as what about my childhood and my teenager years would as to me being a tomboy would fall into which category as to such factors as what was the response from my biological parents as to such factors as well as which article as to the YM portions as to what occurrences as to my hair color at which high school during what time of my Confirmation classes at which church could be taken into consideration?
2) My biological mother and biological father sold to whom the house in New Jersey as they knew about my having been the original Baby Jesus Christ as well as my Big Blood Brother as to the reference to Marlboro Middle School, and what occurred to that house and garage I assisted building as to the garage?
3) What Marine and Science Technology School with which Navy attachment could be considered as to what individuals for a biological female to be invited to as to the aspects thereof, which could be taken into consideration as to the same year as when my Big Blood Brother as to what name of my Big Blood Brother as to such factors in the same year could be reviewed as to any such oddities?
4) What occurrences within the state of #illinois Illinois could be considered as to which aspects in reference as to individuals as to the areas thereof, which could have noticed me as what would the individuals as to the house sale in New Jersey have had the capabilities to find because of what my biological sister put online when at Asher Holmes Elementary School about me as well as who put what other portions about me online as to such factors before I self-published my books as to the years of 2014 through 2016 as what else was I working on as to such factors in the references thereof to a word used in Austin lifestyle events which has infiltrated which college campuses as to what aspects thereof as to which religious aspects as to non-Judeo-Christian portions as what state did I wake up in as which state of all states within the United States of America would have the largest population of who after which attacks as to the northeast area as to where I was born and raised as how could such concern be to the aspects thereof to the 1993 and the 11 September 2001 attacks as what occurrences as to my son and my daughter over the years from such points in time as how did I wind up off of the Fort Sam Houston Texas #JBLM aspects and how have I been mistreated as to such overall aspects as to which ignoring factors wrongly as who was stopped by the airplane #TSA TSA individuals in the years of 2001 and 2002 as I explained and wrote about as which uniforms as to such factors in the comparison to myself?
5) What occurred in reference to the Pheasant Creek subdivision as to whom did I write about after speaking about in such references as to within the area of as well as whom did I contact the #FBI FBI about as to such factors as to Chase Bank in regards of the additional aspects of which three flags did I hang on my houses in San Antonio Texas and Carrollton Texas, as which religious aspects are within the Carrollton Texas area as I discussed as well as what did I report to the local law enforcement as well as the FBI in reference to in Irving Texas as to the year later as to both in 2011 as well as in 2016 as to what news report?
6) What aspects as to my SCUBA Diving as to such individuals who spoke about me how within such ear shots of individuals as to the mosque aspects in the Carrolton Texas area as well as what situations as to such complaints as to my earning 26 SCUBA Diving certifications on my own, as what supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle factors as to both situations as to the viewpoints in which religious background as to a female biologically doing such on her own as to such factors after which individual as what would the last name of Sheik have anything to do as to the Chase Bank individual as to San Antonio Texas as to the aspects as to him having a college degree as a petroleum engineer as to such aspects be of importance?
7) What happened in the same year of my SCUBA Diving certifications at Fort Hood by which individual as what occurrences as to prior patients as to such points in time, as to the possibilities thereof to such hypothetical connections as how easy was it as to my biological mother/father/sister by that time as to such situations as which individuals’ house did I have to move into because of what situation as to the Fort Worth Zoo in reference to the year of 2010 as what could Sean Leonard pass off as to such factors as well as my ex-mother-in-law as to such situations as how would her son have any such aspects to additionally take into consideration as to such aspects of which individuals as I knew from which timeframes as to which aspects as to such portions of standing by and having been capable to assist though what choices and what hair color is preferred as to certain specifics as to the average aspects as to females as to the state of Texas in such references of the blond factors to consider as how many blonds are in Texas?
8) What about my hairstyle and my tattoos in conjunction as to my SCUBA Diving aspects could be taken into additional consideration, as to what aspects could be reviewed to a word that begins with the same letter as my son’s first name as to such college students portions within which state as to how many Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/veterans/dependents as an all in one as to what aspects as to the electrical as to the oil as to the underground caverns as to the underground missile silo as to SCUBA diving could be taken into consideration as to which factors as how simple would it be for such political donations in the comparisons as to the additional factors as to the Governor of the state of Texas now who once was the Attorney General when I had contacted his office about which aspects as to Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as to #McCoy #Elementary McCoy Elementary School as to the #FWZoo Fort Worth Zoo as to which additional factors as to what political donations as to which shell company back tracing as to such individuals thereof as to Texas being known as an oil state as to what pipeline as to such factors to actually check into as why would I have concern as to such factors?
9) What situations as to the various communities I once had been a part of paid more attention as to what was written online about me in comparison to the in person face to face in person aspects as to the years of 2010 through 2012 and what occurrences as to my first #Temple #ToF Temple of Flesh performance as to the Halloween performance in the DFW area as to the aspects additionally as to the second Temple of Flesh performance I had been a part of, as what possibilities as to such factors in additional references as to such a non-Judeo-Christian aspect as to the city of San Antonio Texas as to which year as to what reference as to the #Mayan Mayan Calendar aspects of such situations and what occurrences as to the situations in reference to my biological mother/father/sister as to the New Jersey portions to take into additional consideration before what occurrences officially as to the year of 2013 to my daughter and my son and I and the reminder as to the house I grew up in New Jersey as to such factors as what possibilities thereof to such situations?
10) What aspects as to the Sheik portions to the Chase Bank aspects of both sides of his biological aspects as to the Geek Squad situation in Clackamas/Portland Oregon as to such situations as what portions as to what I dealt with as to the Cowboys Dancehall situations as to that Halloween costume as to such current mask situations currently, which could be taken into consideration from that year of 2013 to this year of 2022 as to the aspects officially having begun in the year of 2020 could be referenced as to what additional considerations as to what is the also known as name as to San Antonio Texas as what would be such aspects as to the situations in reference to how people in the United States of America have called the 11 September 2001 attacks an anniversary whereas I call it a memorial as why would that difference in words be of importance to such considerations in addition as to what about my 10 year anniversary as to my SCUBA Diving as to what factors as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” to take into consideration additionally as to what other factors of my books in total as to the word as to the j aspects in reference to such situations I wrote about sarcastically as to the truth thereof in reference to “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as what capacities as to such factors could be taken into serious consideration as to those factors in what other conjunction aspects as to my other books as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork?
11) What about my background as well as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to always having recognized my citizenship to the United States of America as to being born and raised in the United States of America state of one of the original 13 colonies of New Jersey as how could such aspects in such references as to wording in such regards as to what problems as to the above the Mason-Dixon Line had I brought forward as to such aspects to take into additional consideration as to ADA factors as how are certain individuals reviewed as to such aspects in regards of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and other such combinations thereof as to me being a biological female?
12) When as to the #electionintegrity election integrity aspects as to the year of 2020 to the Bethlehem Star situation as to the 2017 solar eclipse as to the reminder in reference to the state of Iowa in the year of 2018 as to the Montana Vortex situations could additionally be taken into consideration as to that particular word as to what I had explained others had used in such references before putting such into writing as what possibilities as to the oil factors as to finances in the references thereof, as how as to the situations of which I brought forward to #USAA USAA as to the financial aspects of such situations as well as CID as to which clarifications as well as to the proof thereof as to the combined situations in the overall aspects as what possibly could have brought forward such as to the truthful portions thereof in conjunction as to the aspects of my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection to my Medal of Honor Art Project in such aspects as to the biological female portions thereof as how would the situations as to the Walter Reed situation prove to such aspects of other factors as to the ways of such portions as to what I have dealt with needlessly as to which portions have already been brought forward as why would the aspects as to the situations in reference to the combinations of my background be of importance in addition as to such situations as to the background checks if individuals were to actually speak up in comparison to remaining hidden as to such factors as what aspects have I written about in my journal blog The Ornery PSA as to such factors thereof in addition to as to what aspects of me as a biological female to such portions as to the Irving Texas clock situation as to the #SanBernadino San Bernadino aspects in #California California as to the #Dallas Dallas Texas situation and other such factors as what could the situations as to the Austin rallies in such references as to the truthful portions in such references as to the aspects be to pay attention to as to the Texas National Guard at the Austin capital building in addition as to such factors be of importance to review as to the portions thereof as to what aspects of how did such in the New Jersey and #NYC New York City aspects as to the second amendment situations in such references go before the situations as to 1993 as what was the response in the northeast after both the 1993 as well as the 11 September 2001 aspects in such situations as to take into consideration as to #austin Austin being a large college town in such references as to what factors as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to the warnings I gave about what aspects as to the northeast throughout the years of 2000 through 2012 as to the individuals I knew in person face to face in person as what portions of the #Excalibur Excalibur Faire could additionally be taken into consideration as to such aspects as to the year of 2005 as to the #ChaseBank Chase Bank aspects in such references thereof?
13) What as to #POTUS44 POTUS44 as to my SCUBA Dive at the #Vandenberg Vandenberg as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to POTUS44 Barrack Obama as to which individual as to #Bergdahl Bergdahl could be taken into consideration as to what portions of a commonality to review as to the timeframe as to the Fort Hood situation, to take into consideration as to what did my biological sister collect in such comparisons as to myself for the combined factors to review as to our biological parents having done what in the 1980s into the 1990s as to which additional situations of such explanations which could be seen as to such factors thereof and why would those situations be of importance to take into consideration now in addition to which groups had I associated with though had remained to my own virtues despite such factors as what commonalities as to the aspects of Muhammad as to Jesus Christ can be noticed as to the Buddha in such references?
14) What could be of concern as to the land aspects I brought forward as to various journal blog entries of which for the safety and wellbeing of those in the state of Texas could be considered as important as why would such factors of prior times be of importance in such references as to before my transfer, and what possibilities of what aspects as to the trafficking aspects be of importance as to the voting rights situations within the state of Texas as well as around the United States of America as why would my repetition of being born and raised in the state of New Jersey as to the constant repetition of the reaffirmation to others as to my citizenship to the United States of America be of importance as to such factors and why?
15) How did the situations as to the #FloridaKeys Florida Keys as to such aspects to my Vandenberg SCUBA Dive go as to such factors as well as why would there be as to the sensation as to that 2016 journal blog entry as to such a premonition aspect as to the points in time thereof throughout the updating portions to my website, and why would that be considered as of additional importance to such references?
In turn what could those social media aspects be of importance, in regards as to my warnings to people I once knew in person face to face in person and what could the aspects as to Club Sapphire be of additional importance as to the location as to the #Seatac SeaTac airport in conjunction to #Bremerton Bremerton Washington as to the #Navy #Marine Navy Marine Shipyard as to such factors as why would the April of 2019 be of importance as to what could have been taken care of correctly if there actually was the genuine concern for me as to my work as to my earned SCUBA Diving as to such factors in all such aspects thereof to that particular year onward as what happened as to such situations of standing the ground of being of importance in such references throughout such locations of Washington state as to the Nimitz class ships as to the situations to #MAST MAST as to the aspects of the Texas SCUBA Diver portions regarding when emailing as to #SenatorJohnCornyn Senator John Cornyn as to such aspects in reference to the other factors in the combinations thereof as to election integrity in such regards as to the state of Texas in such other factors such as the apply location as to #POTUS45 #DonaldTrump POTUS45 Donald J Trump be of importance as well as to other portions thereof?
It seems there might be some situations which should not take a head injury to figure out as to such factors, though possibly I am biased as to such aspects as to my life in such references especially when adding fifth grade as to such portions regarding as to the number of individuals who could have and could make the correct choice as to such situations if I am accurate as to such factors.
What would such ironies be as to #FortHood Fort Hood as to the #WhiteHorse White Horse situation be as to such factors as to not having posted a video to upload though was making attempts as to such explanations in reference as to the aspects of a Fort Hood situation years prior as to such references as to the year of 2009, as what common sense aspects should it not take a head injury to figure out as to males in certain MOS fields as to such factors as to their needing to remember they came from a Mother whether they like the feminine aspects or not though have needed to remember to honor both as to such gender roles in the reference to the female and the male for how long as to such aspects and what about that problem I brought forward as to the needless stalking and needless harassment as to what relations as to the #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker situation as to such types of individuals as what would the aspect as to the perception be as to the situations of such types as to the state of Texas after the Austin rallies as to such factors thereof to the numbered portions within this post as how would that viewpoint be as to what occurred as to celebrations after the attacks on 11 September 2001 and what aspects a to that Fort Hood doctor as to the psychologist as what situations as to how the overt feminization of certain types of males to the #USAArmedForces #ArmedForces Armed Forces of the United States of America in conjunction as to the genetic portions as to the transgender aspects to such factors of such in comparisons to females who earn their way as to sustaining and maintaining the minimum levels of such certain types of training despite certain factors thereof as how are those aspects as to the male to female ratio as to what additional aspects to this journal blog entry can be taken into such considerations regarding the aspects thereof which I already brought forward as to what details as what is the difference between a memorial and an anniversary as what difference does that make as to the wording?
Why would such factors as to the #BlueLivesMatter Blue Lives Matter be of importance as to other such combinations thereof, as to the situations in the 1980s and the early 1990s as to the situations in New York City as to the state of Texas in such references for those who can remember the timeframes thereof as to such precursor moments in conjunction as to such points in time as to the year of 1993 as to such factors as to the #WashingtonDC #DC #Arlington #ArlingtonVA #Virginia Washington DC and the Arlington Virginia aspects as to the #Pentagon Pentagon aspects as what portions as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 correlate as to such factors in reference to 1993 through 2001 to take into consideration for the review in the current year of 2022 as to such situations as what possibilities can be found as to timeline portions of the year of 2013 through 2021 to review though in a backwards and forwards way as to such possibilities to find the aspects thereof for such situations?
In reference to 6 January to the 1993 year for the review as to such aspects to possibly see in consideration:
Is it ironic as to #Epiphany The Day of Epiphany as to 6 January and what occurrences as to 2021 as to POTUS45 as well as his family in such references as to the situations regarding as to such factors within the state of Texas, as to the 2012 election of such aspects to take into consideration as to my choices in the references thereof as well as ironically as to #DonaldTrumpJr Donald Trump Jr being a #Capricorn Capricorn as to such additional aspects of what correspondences to the situations thereof as how ironic would it be after so many years of a situation as to the New Jersey Turnpike as to a 1990s black sports car situation as to my having reported such at the tollbooth if it was someone known to those in New York City as to such an oddity to the black sportscar racing the yellow version like-ish which the black one had bounced off of the semitruck as to the overturned portion as to such a point in time as to how odd would such be as to an additional irony as to it is a small world after all?
