Throughout the initial months I had returned to the state of #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Texas when stopping by #Terrell #Terrel #TerrellTX #TerrelTX #TerrellTexas #TerrelTexas Terrel Texas at the #ClearSpringsSCUBAPark #ClearSprings #SCUBA #SCUBADiving Clear Springs SCUBA Diving Park to make an attempt to celebrate with a impromptu BBQ as to the fact I survived my USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg SCUBA Dive out from the #FloridaKeys #FLKeys #Florida #FL #Floridastate #FLstate #KeyWest #KeyWestFL #KeyWestFlorida #KWFL Florida Keys in Key West Florida in July 2019 after how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as after then driving around in a few areas to return in August 2019 afterwards of #Hurricane #HurricaneDorian #Dorian Hurricane Dorian (thank you #NOAA NOAA), while the SCUBA Divers in the area had chosen to not partake with me as to the BBQ nor did they inform others as to the impromptu BBQ offering as to the bratwursts I was cooking up; I additionally brought forward such details as to the Texas SCUBA Diving areas I had earned 23 of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications which would be considered as a Texas SCUBA Diver, with the exception of those three SCUBA Diving certifications two of which were earned in #Cancun Cancun/#Cozumel Cozumel in the #GulfofMexico #Gulf #Mexico Gulf of Mexico, and one earned in Florida.
Though additionally after having stopped by #GovernorGregAbbott Governor of Texas Greg Abbott’s office to request a meeting with him about several details, as well as having emailed #SenatorJohnCornyn Senator John Cornyn more specifically about the SCUBA Diving among several other factors; the responses were minimal as to Governor Greg Abbott’s office as to having requested through a mediation company, and the emails in response to my SCUBA Diving portions were minimal as well as to such points in time in the years after moving into my apartment in October 2019. Though I have clarified such portions in certain references in addition to the factors of not learning until 2020 around May or June of 2020, about the Pledge to the State of Texas Flag which I learned is said after the Pledge to the United States of America’s Flag in the state of Texas. It took me awhile to realize that was probably said in the Texas public and possibly private school system as to the order thereof, which this year in 2021 in November I realized the point of what I had brought up about the CFBISD School Board meeting in either May or June of 2010 as to the Our Father Prayer being said instead of and/or with the Pledge to the United States of America may have been a normalcy in reference to the time in the year of 2010.
In reference as to having had to use a piece of paper to read from to learn the words to the Pledge to the Texas state flag in the year of 2020 though thinking about such aspects now in the year of 2021 though I had told people in the state of Texas throughout the years of 2010 through 2013 at random as well as wrote about it online in those years, no one ever put together to tell me that the Pledge to the state of Texas flag was not said. I have more recently brought up the aspects in reference to the situations regarding the overall portions as to what I had dealt with as per working through the issues thereof while also having explained my reasons as to choosing to wait to vote in the election cycle because of the respect to a new area that I am unaware of the local aspects in comparison to an election cycle in a Presidential cycle year such as 2020 as can be proven, because of my respect to the local area during the non-Presidential election cycle years as I usually vote #GOP #Republican Republican though when it has come across to be ideal to vote for the #DNC #Democrat Democratic candidate I have admitted to doing so.
I am not the only person who has a direct military connection within the SCUBA Diving community whether as in my case as well as three other individuals I personally knew of who they themselves had signed the dotted line as to the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy US Army as to the male named Joe in reference to the #Corona situation despite such as an #ArmyRanger Army Ranger, the #USMC #Marine US Marine I have called SCUBBUDDah William Talent, as well as the #USN #USAN #USNavy US Navy Matthew West though additionally one dependent of a branch Sean Leonard as to such a direct military connection in reference to what is known about as to my working on my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as I guesstimate. Though the city of #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA has many as well as throughout the state of Texas as to directly connected Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans/dependents/Blue Identification Card earners of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America’s various branches and divisions as per having been able to meet #AllenWest Allen West of the Army branch and a Master SCUBA Diver in the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin areas in the year of 2020 at some rallies as well as #CongressmanDanCrenshaw #DanCrenshaw Dan Crenshaw a #NavySEAL Navy SEAL when in #GA #Georgia #GAstate #Geogriastate Georgia in the year of 2020. I was able to meet as well as a Congressman for the San Antonio/Military City USA area #CongressmanChipRoy #ChipRoy Chip Roy, some within the #AustinYR #AustinYoungRepublicans Austin Young Republicans who each have a connection to either and/or both sides as to staff members, along with #JustinBerry Justin Berry of law enforcement, as well as #CongressmanMichaelMcCaul #MichaelMcCaul Michael McCaul who has the #TexasNationalGuardHQ #TXNationalGuardHQ #TexasNationalGuard #TXNationalGuard Texas National Guard Headquarters as well as an Alumni from #Rutgers #RutU #RutgersUniversity Rutgers University from within the state of #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate state of New Jersey as to the large number of people who commuted to various areas such as the #WTC #WorldTradeCenter World Trade Center and/or #PA #Pennstate #Pennsylvania #PAstate #Pennsylvaniastate Pennsylvania. As well as the connections within the #Arlington #ArlingtonVA #VA #Virginia #VAstate #Virginiastate #PentagonCity Pentagon and #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC close to, the realities of the common aspects now in the year of 2021 as to Veterans Day as to the realities of such times as to the memorial of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the various individuals as to staff and law enforcement with the fire department and EMS during such times which have been overlooked by some people.
In the reference as to the choices made by whichever individuals within the Clear Springs SCUBA Park though new owners to the timeframe when I was going through in the year of 2009 though as told to me of the connection to the timeframe as to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 in the east coast #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkCity New York City area as to Brad the husband and Megan(?) Melissa(?) his wife and their children as to the ages of having dealt with and survived such overall aspects, the importance of recognition properly is of importance. It was and is important for such a memorial of recognition in the ways of which learning from the past while in the present to learn to prevent various problems within the future as the ways of such situations as to the POTUS Ronald Regan quote “Freedom is no more than one generation away” and “We must remember to punish the law breaker and not blame society” as to the viewpoints to this journal blog entry, as the reality of my SCUBA Diving which I earned on my own is of importance for both the military/law enforcement/EMS as well as the recreational civilian sectors.
In turn the choice to say the our father prayer as to the realities of my American Flag, New Jersey Flag, and Texas Flag situation as I have written about as to my house in Carrollton as to the latter portions as to the CFBISD board meeting after the lack of care as to the timeframes in regards as to the antibullying as well as the Fort Worth Zoo situation as to Special Needs, the situations which I had/have brought forward to the attention of in multiple ways including the various combined situations overall in combination as to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia including myself has been a situation I knew what I knew in the reference to the Pledge to the state of Texas Flag after the Pledge to the United States of America’s Flag in the CFBISD board meeting as to being told by then Principal Dawn Rink of the choice to say the Our Father prayer in the beginning instead of the pledge to the American Flag as to the problems I had told people about all of the years between 2008 onward.
The timeframe in the year of 2019 being my 10 year anniversary to such aspects of my SCUBA Diving certifications as well as the Vandenberg aspects among the Boca Raton of finding forming underwater volcanoes among multiple species of Marine Aquatic life as to my pictures from what I had accomplished on my SCUBA Dives in those areas during those times in the year of 2009 which includes the Guld of Mexico area, as I have brought forward in my trilogy “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” is just as important of which regarding the first Chili cookoff as to the male who had been upset about me being born and raised in New Jersey though earning 1st Place as to my Chili I created the recipe for as well as any other such connected situations as to such aspects in the combinations overall as to the after time as to my SCUBA Dives as to when each area I landed at the bottom of the ocean at regarding both the Gulf of Mexico and the #Atlantic Atlantic areas of the ocean; while my being a biologically born female who earned my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications on my own as without any SCUBA diving relationship when earning any of my 26 SCUBA diving certifications as well as having landed at the bottom of the ocean and having such protections while safely SCUBA Diving and protecting the lands thereof to the people on the land in reference to my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification which Allie is in the #PlayaDelCarmen Playa del Carmen area as a Cave and Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor though the situations as to my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification card from the only school I earned my SCUBA diving certifications from as to #InternationalSCUBA International SCUBA in the year of 2009 as to the prior posting in reference to the racism and the prior postings about the sexism aspect as well; what can be seen in reference to the combined factors as to paying attention to the details as to such aspects as to the need for the correct attention at the correct times as to the election cycle thereafter as to the situations thereof, and why would such be of importance regarding the #COVID COVID situation?
Would the COVID be in reference to the CFBISD board meeting as to the dual video taping whether in reference to other people with cellphones and/or the fact one cannot turn off an installed within the ceiling video recording camera as per the board meeting as I showed people as to the months and year as to the CFBISD website for the specific timeframe, and what would the technology company as well as the #NSA #USNSA NSA be able to have found as to such aspects in the years of 2008-2011?
What would the #Zoom Zoom meetings as to the COVID be of importance, to such overall?
What would that have to do with the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo #FtWorthZoo Fort Worth Zoo field trip differences between 2009 and 2010, as to the differences, and the way my daughter was treated by the three female adult volunteers as to the aspects of my daughter having been left behind where and by who?
What would that mean in reference to the security office as to such times, as well as within the public school areas as to the various staff and volunteers as well as the students and the parents/legal guardians/grandparents/aunts/uncles/cousins/relatives/friends/associations/businesses in such references and times thereof?
What importance could that be for the combined view as to the overall aspects of any such false claims made against me wrongly as to the liable and slander by who and when, as well as what aspects were additionally found in the email and telephone systems in conjunction to the text messages about the combined situations over such amounts of time compared to when bringing such forward?
What would my choice to inform while being honest as to only portions of what parts in the references as to the social media portions of in comparison to the in person meetings and mediations, as to shaking hands as well as other such factors as to the individuals involved as to the legal portions as well as to such details in combination as to the realities in reference to the ways within the public areas regarding the hospitals my daughter had to go to because of the situations which had occurred?
It was made clear to me as well as others as to he situations overall and such mistreatments overall by the ways of the situations when I was in person and though the factors as to the technological companies and associations thereof as to the ways of what situations occurred and as to how, the facts of such a preference as to the shortened and condensed overlooked aspects in comparison to the larger overall aspects would be of importance as to the difference as to the situations of my biological sister and such associations as well as my biological mother and my biological father, in the full comparisons as to myself as what is of importance to notate as to the combined portions overall in such regards?
What would the POTUS Ronald Regan’s quotes mean in reference as to the fact of the Zoom meetings for the public and private schools as to the pledges in such references, and why would that be of importance additionally?
Who did the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 #GroundZero impact as well as to the length of time, throughout the entire state of Texas?
What would that additionally have to do with my SCUBA Diving as to the ways thereof to such connections as to the realities of the truth being told, and the proper recognition as to the words as well as what is the difference between memorial and anniversary?
Why would it matter as to the skin tone as well as the gender aspects in reference to the situations of both combined though additionally as to who was in office as to #POTUS44 #BarackObama POTUS44 Barack Obama as would it be difficult to see #FLOTUS #MichelleObama FLOTUS Michelle Obama and/or her daughters and/or their friends and/or their families as well as then #VPOTUS VPOTUS though now #POTUS46 POTUS46 #JoeBiden Joe Biden and then #SLOTUS SLOTUS though now FLOTUS #JillBiden Jill Biden as well as their family and their friends as to what would be of importance regarding my direct military connection despite not having graduates Basic Training in the Army though the factors of referencing my SCUBA Diving more specifically to who I call BoBo as to my USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Dive as to the realities of importance regarding such combined factors as to the situations regarding the occurrences thereof and thereafter as to such points in time of the year of 2009 as to the year of 2019 and the year of 2020?
While some might have their choices as to how they view politics and while I do not deny being a Republican with Democratic intermingling as to the portions of my voting, unlike some people there are the necessary moments which putting political party lines aside for the genuine betterment as to the situations regarding the truthful needs and requirements as to certain specialties of which in reference to my #UHAUL UHAUL situation in the year of 2012 as I had written about; what would be of importance regarding what occurred in reference to what in regards as to my SCUBA Diving gear and why would it have been important for me to get such SCUBA Diving gear to the Navy/Marine Special Warfare Unit in Military City USA since the civilian recreational SCUBA Divers and/or instructors had made the choices which were made as why would that be of importance as to viewing the military/law enforcement more than and beyond just being a fetish or a novelty as to such individuals connected to as well as in reference to SCUBA Diving?
Why was it important for me to stand up and yell at a millennial youth around the age of 18 through 21 years of age for wearing a current military uniform with the rank of Colonel, in the Temple of Flesh event in the year of 2008 or 2009
Why is it important to take life seriously though find ways to laugh, and enjoy?
