As driving around and seeing various actual signs compared to the signs I refer to in multiple aspects in reference to the natural areas as well as animals within nature of whichever type beginning this posting on 8 August 2021 to post on 9 August 2021, I noticed a few locations which had the words #SteelCreek #SteeleCreekTacoma Steele Creek which is an ironic portion as to some pictures I had seen online when I went to a dance club called Steele Creek in #TacomaWa #Tacoma #Washington #WashingtonState Tacoma Washington in the years mainly of 2014 through to 2019 or the numerical spiritual portions of 5 or the elemental combinations. The location of Steele Creek in Tacoma Washington is a country music dance club which similarly to the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert I had attended in #SanAntonio #Texas San Antonio Texas at the #CowboysDancehall Cowboys Dancehall before winding up in Washington state, there had been a #DustinLynch Dustin Lynch concert at the Steele Creek dance club in Tacoma I had heard about on the radio in comparison to the Cowboys Dancehall in March of 2013 when looking online for a country music concert. A larger difference to the timing of the two different concerts in the two different states at two different times on two different days in two different months as well as two different years ironically being around two years from one concert to the next and to the next as well for the following concert I will briefly detail later on in this posting, had been the difference about finding such information as well as who had attended such concerts. Whereas the Stoney LaRue concert had been found online and was at a club which during the hours of had been a 18 year old and upward age allowance for attendance to the club for the Stoney LaRue concert, when seeing the Dustin Lynch concert at Steele Creek the allowance for underaged children had been allowed because of being on the second floor in comparison to being around the amount of alcohol in the bottom floor area of Steele Creek; thus in reference to the second country music concert I had attended after the Stoney LaRue concert when seeing and listening to Dustin Lynch, my son James was allowed to attend the concert as also instead of meeting who I wound up in Washington state with had already been at the location of Steele Creek with my son and I as my son and I stood closer while listening to the music as Dustin Lynch and the band members played the music and sang the lyrics as the other male stood off in the background similarly to the alley way referencing the Washington State University purple and yellow sock wearing manbun style hair who had asked me about my saying when confronting me.
As in reference to the Steele Creek country club after having moved from #Vancouver #VancouverWashington Vancouver Washington because of the situations in reference to the downstairs neighbors mainly the male who I was told had been flirting and hitting on me in comparison to simply discussing the various points at such time, after moving into Tacoma Washington the Steele Creek club had a commercial on the radio which had broadcast the Dustin Lynch concert to attend during the afternoon hours. While there had been a few times of having attended Steele Creek before and after the Dustin Lynch concert, I was informed there were a few pictures which had been taken while dancing around the Steele Creek dancefloor as per the faster spinning of me to turn around away from the flashing light from whoever was taking the pictures at the club to post online. I had posted such pictures I found onto my original #facebook facebook page, however once again I have not figured out how to remember the password or access my original accounts I had made years ago; in comparison to how I have learned others have made fake accounts also known as ghost accounts because of the lack of the true face and/or accounts which to hide themselves while in my opinion in comparison to pages associated with the one point thereof, has a possibility of being considered as a multiple personality disorder online because of the requirement for more rememberances referencing the details of such postings as well as whether the pictures are actually associated with who the account is of in comparison. However such is only my opinion as to such, as per the fact of having forgotten the sign in information similarly to my original #gmail gmail account as well; though it would be fantastic if the possibility to get such back into my name and my accessing such to be able to have access to my original accounts as I had sent handwritten letters to both facebook as well as gmail/#google google and #yahoo yahoo or #ymail ymail along with #fetlife fetlife and several others in ways to attempt to retain my original accounts while also restoring other aspects in full comparatively, as to the length of time such has taken regarding such aspects. However while the clarifications regarding the situations in reference to #GeekSquad Geek Squad and #BestBuy Best Buy regarding the laptops and such aspects having already detailed as well as those who had been around my computer devices, additionally my biological mother and my biological sister had been given two or three different desktop computers I had without ever clearing the history information as well as two or three laptops as well in a similar aspect for clarity regarding such aspects as to the email accounts if there is some formation point of other such links the way I have noticed in reference to emails available on the cellphone aspects. Thankfully fetlife had returned contact to me fairly quickly and once able to clarify certain portions, my most well known name I had been known within the state of Texas as well as on fetlife regarding of Lady Dori Belle was clarified and returned to me; which I am still grateful for such a returning of my name and restoration of my original account, while the portions in reference to the gmail as well as the facebook two accounts and is why the current facebook situation of such has had to be arranged in comparison to if I had been able to return to my original accounts without the delays and situations since; though having noticed other problems which have required the fixing and repairing in other such ways as notated regarding #twitter Twitter and #instagram Instagram as per my pointing such out more recently.
However in regards as to how some hypothetically may have seen such portions to take advantage of referencing the aspects in regards of the view in my opinion admittedly biased because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, it is my opinion when people willingly choose to do so in comparison to the medical situations; it seems as though the possibility to lead towards the development in real life for such people who do so in a different way, could be considered as per the look into how such possibilities of the fractioning regarding the multiple personality disorder problems as I noticed with certain people when growing up in #NJ #NewJersey New Jersey as well as going through several areas in #NY #NewYork New York state as well as #Pennsylvania Pennsylvania. Possibly the ability to notice such earlier on had been due to the reference point of knowing the requirement for certain individuals to keep their work life aspects separate from their adult consenting life aspects, though such situations I had noticed seemed to pour through into their family lives as well as interpersonal lives in which they interacted with others. In certain regards it almost seemed as though when the discussions crossed over from one topic point to another topic point though having some connected aspects thereof, there was a proverbial in real life glitch referencing the behaviours at such times; which I had noticed when in the state of Texas regarding such portions as well in more closely noticed portions of interactions within the adult consenting lifestyle, in comparison to the reverse I had noticed when I was growing up as a child and a teenager. While I do have two accounts on fetlife with two different names as posted in my website for the clarity thereof on purpose as to have the transparency as to the truthful portions as well as to put such out in the open, though still the one and only same person I have been throughout regarding as I had informed multiple people of having myself being an #OrdainedReverend Ordained Reverend as well as having informed others I had completed a handfasting for a trupple around the year of 2006 or 2007 though having been ordained since 2004. Personally I would not be comfortable in the two female to one male situation as what would be more comfortable for myself would be the reverse aspects of the genders in my opinion as to two males to one female in comparison, however each has their own ability to know for themselves as to what works best for them.
Knowing myself I know I could be involved with such an aspects of two males as my husbands in such a hypothetical, though I also know myself well enough to not begin dating one first to then later have such a possibility of a discussion as per having already acknowledged being polyamorous as to the openness having been acknowledged years prior to publishing my "Finding A/The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing" two books. However those particular aspects are not of the purpose referencing this post more officially, though are a bit noteworthy regarding such clarifications in regards as to my fetlife accounts names. Thus with having my information regarding in truth of what I personally had created for myself in comparison to others' choices as to what they had done in such hypotheticals which could be considered as in regards of others depending upon the choices as the term blasphemy, at minimum the clarifications regarding which specific accounts as per my having put such onto my personal and my business website clears up my side and whatever other such portions of proof are whatever such aspects thereof are. I simply thought putting such and keeping such accounts was the way where fetlife knew as well as those who could see either account could not ever pretend as to not having known from such information, as per the ways some had pretended previously in comparison to how hypothetically having further been tested by un-licensed medical requirements if a professional in such ways depending upon such aspects thereof as some had admitted to having done so in regards of prior to how I wound up in Washington state with my minor aged son after what occurred in regards to my daughter and the combinations thereof after the Stoney LaRue concert more specifically though in addition to the prior times and timing portions thereof.
In turn regarding the Steele Creek country music dance club to see and listen to Dustin Lynch in 2015, there had been a few times which I had found such pictures after having been told as to the pictures being taken at the dance club and the purposeful spinning me quickly to cause problems referencing the vertigo situations already as it was known about the zapping up to that point in regards of that male; which I had discussed such situations prior to winding up in Washington state as well as while in Washington state, though few had ever believed me at such times when having discussed such as per the false accusations as to wanting newer technology while not paying attention to the facts of the problems I have from the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which would actually go against such situations such as my memory deficits and cognitive disorders. I doubt I am the only person who needs a bit of time to get used to a newer technology device and/or the programs thereof, in comparison to the youth who does not have such situational problems to the same degree as to maneuvering from one device company to another. One example I can refer to is when having had an #Apple Apple #iphone iphone and being accustomed to such for years to then get an #Android Android and the problems I had trying to figure such out at the time as well as it having been a newer style of device, I refused to deal with the problems any further and quickly returned the Android because of what was not worth my time during the portions of what was occurring in my life especially since the #SCUBADiving #SCUBA SCUBA Diving situations had been quite fresh at the times of. If those recreational SCUBA Divers had not been as recreational as they were, maybe the seriousness would have been noticed far sooner regarding such aspects in comparison to the length of time such individuals had taken for such portions regarding the proper etiquette of acknowledgment in comparison to the situations which occurred.
I guesstimate the lack of seeing my children ever getting involved with SCUBA Diving by such recreational SCUBA Divers had been part of the problem in those recreational SCUBA Divers thoughts, as I had informed such recreational SCUBA Divers that my son and my daughter were always going to be more important to me and I did everything I could for the best interests thereof. I would guesstimate none of such individuals ever thought about how much longer lasting and better such would have been regarding the three of us being involved with SCUBA Diving in comparison to the ways such are because of the additional portions regarding the McCoy Elementary School of #Carrollton #CarrolltonTexas #CarrolltonTx Carrollton Texas of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD, just as I would guesstimate the will and trust law firm was too ignorant as well as too lazy to ever look in such a longer term aspect thereof as well as the larger amount of what could have been regarding those trust funds which could have been. However, that would also have required the belief in me as well as the trust as to my own will as well as my own determination I guess as the physical features of my hairstyle and hair-color as well as my tattoos were what such types of people had focused on in comparison to ever looking at the levels of and the work I had been doing in reference to my 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications for the development of my creation of The Underwater Travel System to which because of registering such on my website and having such connection portions to; there is the automatic copyrights which are solely owned by me referencing my creation and my ideas thereof in comparison to the aspects as to the comic book situation already referenced in regards of the #Superman Superman comic books and makers thereof. I did grow up in the tristate area, which maybe I had met and spoken with a lawyer or two or possibly a lawyer or two in the making in reference to the colleges and universities in the tristate area when my biological father did work at the campuses during the 1980s and the 1990s. It could be a possibility, there was a lawyer somewhere in the tristate area.
In such aspects regarding the situations after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects in conjunction with the fact the portions of after my USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg and the #Boca #BocaRaton #Florida Boca Raton area SCUBA Diving with the #Cancun Cancun/#Cozumel Cozumel SCUBA Diving situations which have yet to correctly and properly be addressed and acknowledged in reference to such accomplishments by those in the higher levels of the overall aspects, who can and could have clarified in a larger way regarding the realities thereof either in addition to what I have explained after returning from the oceanic SCUBA Dives though especially afterwards; have caused the rendering of the problems in a larger way referencing several aspects on top of what problems occurred in reference to my son and my daughter and I which because of those recreational (which there is the difference between a SCUBA Diver who recreationally does SCUBA Diving compared to a recreational SCUBA Diver who prefers wrongly to play games in reference to SCUBA Diving and has the recklessness to prove such) those types of recreational SCUBA Divers of whichever type who knew me during such times who had caused the larger and massively huge failures in reference to each of the situations thereafter upon my return to land, each individual times from my oceanic SCUBA Diving. For example those recreational SCUBA Divers who could have spoken with others correctly to truthfully discuss the situations in comparison to their hidden feelings because of being rejected as a relationship aspect in a larger way and their egos hypothetically in reference to the Cancun SCUBA Diver male who had admitted to playing with my SCUBA Diving gear on the phone when I was in Washington state before he had been allowed onto #Bremerton Bremerton #USNavy Naval/#USMC Marine Shipyard to then on post acknowledge he had been told such in August 2009 about my USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg SCUBA Diving after already having admitted he was told no repeatedly as well as his admitting to the cold water when I was taking a shower and the door to the bathroom having been locked which again his failure to accept NO for an answer which is mandatory for such an individual to accept my response to him is a 100% no for him to accept, has been one of the larger problems needlessly for what had occurred referencing my daughter as well as my son and I. All such situations which occurred negatively after that particular SCUBA Diving because of his failure to get over his ego and because of his lack of capability to accept his SCUBA Diving was not up to par referencing the capabilities required to accomplish what I had accomplished as well as his failure to accept the fact he was not involved with my SCUBA Diving certifications before or after in the ways of which I personally earned my total of 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, his ego has been the problem to which is no different than when at the time before of the situations involving when my now dead-ex-husband was alive and the needless problems caused because of such types of egotistical problems needlessly.
Thus the problems regarding all of the situations in reference to moving, relationships, and etcetera which had been caused because of his failures to accept he was not wanted nor was he needed in any relationship aspect as per his acknowledgement at minimum of remembering as to him being told "no" has been the problems which others have needlessly had to deal with because of his failures at such time for the correct medical aspects to be taken care of properly as well as the problems referencing my SCUBA Diving gear not arriving to where it needed to because of the others who were informed though also who had failed to correctly take care of the situations by actually speaking to and with me in full truth. While some could wish the experiences regarding #Irving Irving were because of, the reality is I had already had contact with such well before the timing of as explained; which in turn the failure to realize there was not anything worthwhile which was actually done because of such repeated failures upon such recreational SCUBA Divers part as well as whoever they had opened their mouths to speaking about what was not for them to discuss without me being there in person. Why would anyone care about what who had not earned such capabilities think they would have anything worthwhile to offer regarding such if their only information was through books and without the personal experiences thereof required to actually discuss and fully explain regarding any such investigations hypothetically, in such regards? Would it be due to the wishful thinking that trying to circumvent the only one who could ever explain such in the ways which were able to be explained back then as seen in reference to since then, in ways which all such individuals had/have failed to acknowledge and properly so in regards of the correct etiquette ways back in 2009 onward to this point still? I have explained in various situations regarding the problems with the Mandarin views and situations thereof regarding the Cantonese, which in turn for the metaphor of such; there is not any plausible worthwhile excuse or cause as to the levels of which the needless avoidance has occurred in addition to such other aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle problems; which in additional aspects if such people were needless additional problems for such situations, then those individuals would be who such problems regarding how the adult consenting lifestyle situations went and their responsibility to accept for their failures in comparison to how I had wrongly and falsely been accused of any such situations because of the SCUBA Diving not having been properly addressed regarding my personal accomplishments. In turn the problems caused to not only relationships though also friendships as well as familial portions, would be such individuals' fault as well as problems caused; obviously would have the history in the technological portions as to finding such failures upon their parts, despite wishing to delete from such other aspects as per the actual memory aspects compared to what wishes they could possibly have referencing such problems they themselves caused because of their failures to acknowledge such realities back when I once knew them in person.
For another example any who grew up around boats and/or SCUBA Divers who could have found out about my SCUBA Diving in the oceanic portions would be to blame for such additional problems, because of them having the experience and the knowledge as to the size of such boats and though no necessarily having the depth portions of information; the failure to acknowledge such and any additional testings which would be considered as illegal because of the lack of capabilities as well as the lack of the medical requirements for such as well as the practicing medical portions without any training and/or required licensing would be and is considered problematic needlessly because of the lack of need for their involvement regarding any such illegal portions thereof. Such does include additional; situations which could have actually been helped and assisted if it were not for their own egos thinking their involvement would ever be considered as helpful, when I would guesstimate the only time such possibility of so-call help would only be after my books were published; however because of the portion as to not having actually acknowledged such in reference to my books truthfully, the needless additional problems on top of what had already been informed of in reference to the situations I have dealt with far more personally than any such watching or involvement thereof. The only way to rectify such for the correct fixing and repairing is only in regards to such truthful portions and acknowledgements properly regarding such clarifications being made fully known as to each individuals' involvement and their needless involvements being fully exposed for all such individuals around the United States of America's and the world's knowledge and understanding as to such failures, for the proper movement forward in such ways. Again I refer to the election integrity portions and the truthfulness in reference to the books I wrote, my website being put into the pictures/videos regarding the reference points known at such times hypothetically, as well as such portions referencing my SCUBA Diving by those who should have earlier in reference to such timelines of the years from 2009 to now; which as time has gone onward since 2009, such additional individuals would be required for such clarifications of such portions regarding their knowledge as to such having been proven from whenever they had been informed of the details initially before my SCUBA Diving book series. The additional aspects as to my SCUBA Diving book series only furthers such requirements in full, which it is considered as sad that the need on my part to clarify such portions when the reality was known before my SCUBA Diving book series had been published as well as any such related postings thereof.
Sarcastically I can refer to how the overall general Jewish population has been treated over the millenniums, in reference to what has occurred needlessly in regards of my life because of how such recreational SCUBA Divers have been regarding my personal accomplishments as well as any such who could have even up to now have spoken publicly on whichever platforms about the reality of the work I had done as well as the depth levels of which in turn has caused needless additional problems regarding such aspects. However the additional irony in reference to the amount of those within the Jewish faith I have known and been around as well as have learned from over the years from New Jersey onward, in conjunction to the aspects of if there were any #Jewish Jewish faith background individuals who would have needlessly caused any additional problems thereof and would go against their own religious background regarding such aspects as to the 10 Commandments. There has been the question among the Jewish people as to why certain aspects over the years since, which hypothetically because of such haughtiness and ego with the pride for such situations could be reviewed as to the length of time regarding such; because of the prophecising portions as well as some's failure to adapt to the modern ways wishing the older portions before the known aspects of the technological advancements being more than enough for the fixing and repairing regarding such situations. In turn the ironic portions as to such wording of those who bless the Jewish people especially in the opposite effects regarding such situations, which would in turn be their own denial of such to their own religious aspects incorrectly; which who has the records of the rage and fury of such aspects of Divinity more-so in the reference points thereof, when taking such into consideration?
However why would such requirements be made of the Jewish congregations as well, regarding the treatment prior to the approvals thereof in a multitude of ways?
If such were to have hypothetically wrongly been denied only because of the truthful acknowledgement of my choice referencing the Jewish Medical Journal, last I checked the Nation of #Israel Israel was not more officially accepted in the #USA United States of America and the world as more pronounced until after #POTUS45 Donald J. Trump and #VPOTUS47 Mike Pence had brought such forward; which in turn the lack of any such claims to what was not theirs to begin with in reference to my personal research regarding my work for my country's military in the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans SCUBA Diving, and would require such full relinquishments of any such wishes of being allowed involvement any further which was not allowed by me to begin with. In turn such additional problems could be considered for such ramifications in reference of due to the lack of complying regarding International Laws and #GenevaConvention #Geneva Geneva Convention Laws, as to which lane is which proverbial lane. While it might be accepted in other ways as to working with others regarding such research, that was not ever a situation which was brought forward to me in person to discuss such just as there had not been the required response to the email I sent similarly to the required discussions in reference to those involved with what show was initially called Guardian Assholes as to the required discussions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and the situations thereof. There are plenty of reference points as to the mandatory aspects as to the levels of which my personal protocols have been made aware to others, which due to the aspects of the 24/7 portions being checked; there is not one person who could have ever seen such and truthfully been able to deny such being informed of for any such adult, and/or any association and/or connection to any such adult who would have been informed of such 24/7 aspects in regards of any adult in such ways of the 24/7 aspects of the adult consenting lifestyle portions. Thus the suggestion and recommendation of which I have already brought forward of such recognition being mandatory still stands, and is as well as remains non-negotiable due to the non-transferable aspects. Again I do not recommend going down to the bottom of the ocean to go speak with who I call Bo-Bo, however that is the only individual who any human being would be able to go speak with to try to circumvent such requirements as per the requirements of knowing how to approach such situations without causing any further additional problems needlessly as the requirement to surface safely as well as live onward is a mandatory aspect and portion of such realities which in turn there is the lack of ability to ever follow anyone's will and testimony wishes regarding such aspects in full as per the prior aspects beforehand and the lack of ability to ever be a part of such which in turn would mean the lack of ability to ever wish such for a requirement upon their death; especially when in realistic aspects they did not ever have any such rights to begin with, in any such references to my personal SCUBA Diving specifics outside of any such certifications in regards to the facts in reference to the oceanic portions thereof more specifically in regards to SCUBA Diving out of Florida as their particular association with the group in the area fully negates any such requests as per the aspects additionally as to if the connection were to ever be to the individual who had not accepted "no" to begin with as per the aspects having been explained in further depth.
Thus the full rebuking and the full refusal regarding such permanently before as well as after having ever initially met such an individual and the full rebuking and full refusal of me ever accepting such an individual ever regarding such Jewish laws and requirements thereof for the choices being, made only by me. The wrongful sexism and machismo which has plagued the SCUBA Diving community because of such types of certain recreational SCUBA Divers has needed to be put into check and has required being audited for a longer amount of time than realized by some people, which in turn if there are females who actually believe in the feminist movement in which females are recognized for what was earned by a female would only be able to move forward in truth with such acknowledgements regarding my SCUBA Diving. In turn otherwise, such would be reviewed as per how I had described the difference between a feminist compared to a feminazi; which the Jewish people among others have known the problems in reference to the Nazi terminology for many years and decades. However what would that matter for forward movement, when taking such realistic aspects into consideration as per the amount who have claimed they care about the progression of females in various areas if such were to ever have been a problem? Who would ever take such as acceptable regarding any female recreational SCUBA Diver regarding such aspects with such problems of the feminazi involvement within the SCUBA Diving portions, especially when not having ever accomplished to the levels of which the works I have completed as well as earned on my own in comparison? Is there even a way to ever compare such, when taking such aspects into consideration? Thus why would there ever be the consideration of any such females being acknowledged if such females have not accepted such portions to begin with regarding since 2009 onward, in reference to any such aspects of recreational aspects regarding SCUBA Diving? I have already explained in further details regarding the aspects of the adult consenting lifestyle and those types of other females, in reference to the females who have actually accepted themselves for who they are; as per the past few days of more in depth postings, in addition to other such writings.
To which in such regards why would anyone ever want to pay for such a type of involvement from a female of that type regarding the feminazi portions, when taking such into consideration as to how many needless problems have occurred due to those types of females involvement with the recreational SCUBA Diving aspects? For example while there have been a few female SCUBA Diving instructors in my SCUBA Diving certification classes which only were in regards of those particular certifications, if such types of recreational SCUBA Diving individuals were to ever think or wish there was anything beyond their name being allowed in regards of the certification only which I had earned; then the problems in reference to the ego, the pride, the greed, the envy, the lust, as well as the sloth for such types of recreational female SCUBA Divers. However the situations additionally in reference to the location which my house had been in regards of those types of individuals' viewpoints regarding the military connected individuals which in turn where I had been informed of a female SCUBA Diver named Amanda who worked/works for #DeLoitte DeLoitte having been a problem and the type of needless drama from such a type of female hypothetically, would require such a full removal from all such aspects especially if any such biases are found in regards of any such communications; whether such has to do with my involvement with the adult consenting lifestyle, my physical view points regarding my hair and/or my tattoos, my connection to the #ArmedForces #USArmedForces #USAF Armed Forces of the United States of America and the assumptions regarding those types of people who think that a degree means anything to those of the ocean, and/or etcetera regarding my son and my daughter because of the choices made to remove herself from the gene pool in reference to the ability to have a child without the medical assistances hypothetically due to such feminazi behavioural patterns well before being involved with recreational SCUBA Diving. How ironic in reference to a male I had dated who then began to work for DeLoitte after a certain point in time, out of the so-called proverbial blue; especially if able to keep such employment, even after having revealed to multiple groups of people the security portions thereof as per the hidden in plain sight aspects and the wrongful abuse of power that was not ever allowed to begin with as per the sexual aspects manipulating others because of such a recreational viewpoint regarding not only SCUBA Diving though additionally the male aspects thereof because of a set of boobs which in realistic aspects is why the realities of the modesty are important regarding actual SCUBA Diving compared to recreational SCUBA Diving in reference of female involvement though also can be seen in reference to Jewish texts thereof. However similarly to the Jewish texts and the requirements over the years to prove oneself as being serious in reference to ensuring the proper protocols are met referencing the background portions as to the genuinity and the sincerity in regards of other such portions beyond the conversion process though including in reference to the Bat/Bar Mitzvah aspects as to the proof regarding the seriousness in regards of SCUBA Diving in the non-recreational ways, the processes of proving oneself as well as the requirements of earning such on one's own in comparison to relying upon another for such is a situation which across the lines of are able to be noticed and capable of seeing such correspondences in reference to both types of different pathways thereof in life.
However the additional ironic portions as to former President of the United States of America Ronald Regan quote of "Freedom is no more than one generation away from extinction" to which in such aspects as to the ironic naming of the Generation X timeframe and the lack of seriousness due to such types of yuppies in the ways as to which several had refused wrongly to earn such on one's own at the similar timing of other problems within the Hebrew Nation of the Jewish people of Israel regarding several problems regarding such in conjunction to the aspects as to those within the military aspects of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, more specifically in regards of the SCUBA Diving portions of such training aspects; to which who would be required to ever completely work towards saving such portions as to the allowances of the civilian sector of being allowed, to participate in their version of recreational SCUBA Diving? Of course so long as in respect to protecting the environment in comparison to causing a cesspool situation if such capabilities were shown per individual, as per the requirements as per the similarities within the Jewish portions thereof for such studies and reflections upon.
I could guesstimate it would require an unattached female who had a direct connection to the Armed Forces of the United States of America to get involved with SCUBA Diving through her own measures to be able to show the capability not only to get involved with SCUBA Diving under the conditions of earning such on her own, though also taking the individualized SCUBA Diving to a level to which was additionally as closely as possible to the military associated portions of the SCUBA Diving of such groups/agencies/organizations with the capability to earn such on her own without a relationship involvement with any such typical ways as to most females up to such a point having gotten involved with SCUBA Diving as per the requirements to prove to elders within the Armed Forces of the United States of America with the specific connections thereof which would be on the brink of deciding whether or not the allowances of such types of recreational SCUBA Diving would be allowed to continue as per the freedoms felt when SCUBA Diving whether in the recreational and/or the non-recreational types of SCUBA Diving. At minimum I would guesstimate at such a time in regards of somewhere in the 1980s or the 1990s and/or into the times after #Y2K Y2K, as to such a requirement being mandatory to prove to the elders within such a community of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as treatied allies within such portions of the types of non-recreational SCUBA Diving to such an evaluation while being able to maintain and sustain oneself in reference to keeping the modesty; while also having the gumption to stand upward when required even if the situations are of the most or more unconventional aspects with the capabilities to prove such worth in such unconventional groupings of individuals to propel upward in comparison to pushing outward of such specifics thereof which were once looked down upon, because of such other situations regarding what certain people have only seen such individuals for regarding the specific viewpoints. While the ironic portions of not realizing of the possibility of cutting themselves and ex-ing themselves out in such regards as to because of the repeated patterns of behaviour which would later be dabbled into such groups and/or lifestyles of adult consenting behaviour within the aspects of the ease of technological advances, ironically not paying attention to other such portions previously already put into the works by such individuals regarding their own times for recreational SCUBA Diving with such a decision as per the aspects of being outside of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as per the aspects outside of such training levels hypothetically.
In turn if one female would have been able to step forward in such ways as to begin the turning of the proverbial tides regarding standing against the machismo portions as well as standing against the feminazi portions to be able to show ways to lift others upward in comparison to the ways such situations have occurred in decades and centuries past, the ways to which despite however entering the SCUBA Diving community so long as the earning processes remained above board in comparison to stooping to prior levels of such yuppy type of #GenerationX Generation X behaviour would be able to have more female SCUBA Divers who could be taken seriously if having earned such in similar ways as to the requirements for such seriousness and genuinity regarding such portions as to the reviewal processes of the #BateiDin Batei Din. Is it not considered ironic how I had been noticed because of how I have spelled #Reiki Reiki in comparison to how others have spelled #Rieki Rieki, in comparison for such portions regarding healing energy capabilities I have worked with well before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after effects thereof regarding two letters in one word which the two larger portions of the first letters of both words in regards of such a name choice with the additional aspects as to the first naming choice I had created in reference to whether regarding the L in Lady and/or the L in #MeeLing #SusanMeeLing MeeLing? While it could be a coinky dink of the backwards reading portions in reference to when reading the Torah scriptures, what additional ironic portions could be noticed beyond such pointing out of the aspects in various ways? I would guess a lengthy list of situations which might be coinky dinkily noticed hypothetically in such ways, especially with the more current recent aspects of certain postings on my website in regards of different aspects as to the adult consenting lifestyle portions in a different way regarding such aspects as to the different version of the Batei Din possibly able to be noticed in a different set of aspects thereof. Both and more require earning such on one's own, proving oneself intellectually as well as through capabilities to withstand and step upward, while additionally having the self respect and the self control over one's emotions however learned and/or figured out; to then make the necessary reflection times to review the prospective aspects of various movements, to further progress in more positive and uplifting ways for more could be a similarity in some ways.
In such references regarding the Jewish portions after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury regarding where I grew up and the connection points thereof in reference to #OTC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and the #Passover Passover as well as a minimum of one additional High Holiday in such portions of the Jewish teachings and connections thereof in regards of the #PaschalLamb Paschal Lamb proverbially though also metaphorically while literally in other such regards, the aspects as to the first reaching out to the #JCC Jewish Community Center with the aspects of proper rearing my my children of my son and my daughter as per my personal choices in 2002 or 2003 in San Antonio Texas would possibly be considered within the additional aspects to the Batei Din though a different notation regarding the word of D(j)in in other religious aspects as to the Faery Realms for such a specific word and spelling thereof. While the involvement as well as continuation of my personal choices regarding the Jewish aspects in 2008 referencing the Temple in the #DFW Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area which admittedly I cannot recall the specific name of the Temple in the area; there are the additional portions as to the #TempleBethHatfiloh #TempleBethHatfilohOlympia Temple Beth Hatfiloh in #Olympia #OlympiaWashington Olympia Washington with the several meetings thereof as well as attendance of several Shabbots and High Holiday aspects with such additional discussions and bringing forward such books voluntarily to the location as well as to the counselor portions thereof with such additional connections to the Untied States of America's Armed Forces in 2015, which could be taken into additional consideration with the portions as to the time later in 2018/2019 with the conjunction aspects of Shabbots as well as classes at the #TempleBethEl #TempleBethElTacoma Temple Beth El in Tacoma Washington prior to the messaging in reference to the Mikvah portions and the additional aspects as to the text requests as per the #Mikvah Mikvah in the #Seattle #SeattleWashington Seattle Washington location. However while such had not officially been witnessed as to the going into the waters of the Mikvah, the message afterwards regarding the dress I had worn to the Mikvah being left and the change of clothing for such portions in time having been registered via several different telecommunication and communication lines in such registries of the technological portions additionally regarding the aspects of prior times of not always having the ability to contact prior sources for the clarifications of others in reference to the conversion portions. Is it not an additional ironic aspect as to certain technological situations I have had including in reference to actual #GPS #GeriusPoliciesandStandards #JewishRabbinicalCourt GPS aspects, as well as the portions of the Batei Din being in a group called the GPS in a different wording for the acronym thereof?
I suppose another portion I can semi-joke about is my daughter's favorite animal regarding the bat, while other such references learned about regarding the first movie after a certain set of situations in 2008 more specifically to the additional timing currently as to the #COVID COVID being from a bat situation regarding #China China as well as having already admitted from writing about a situation regarding a failed flirting attempt referencing a male in the San Antonio adult consenting lifestyle in regards of one outfit regarding the same male in reference to the two $5 bills and the candy bar situation thereof before what had occurred regarding the house location thereof at the time in 2012. How many additional ironic portions as to the number of twos, in reference to this posting alone; with the ironic aspects of the versions of the word two and to and too in a different way, as to the Latin background I have as well as other such meme portions of there/their/they're aspects? However the ironic portions as to how some have viewed the Armed Forces of the United States of America within #militaryCityUSA Military City USA also known as San Antonio, and such connection points thereof reviewing the treatment of Female Dominants in such timeframes as per the situations already having outlined regarding such portions which others would be able to delve into the furthered details thereof regarding the timelines involved; including the situations in such reference aspects including the problems with stolen valor, in multitudes of ways per certain types of individuals in the adult consenting lifestyle communities additionally more specific to the #USAirForce Air Force aspects of certain individuals not having graduated Basic Training for the Air Force and the Kelly Air Force Base of #JBSA connection points of a male who additionally with his wife had hypothetically thrown a temper tantrum about being forced to accept the response of "No" in all such ways from me as per my rights I earned while additionally throwing other temper tantrums in reference to the 4th of July in 2012 as notated previously as well as discussed after that male and the #TacoCabana Taco Cabana temper tantrum along with the situations as per his needless competition with males who he saw as threats to his masculinity as he had explained.
Though another male as well as another female who had not accepted wrongly as to the fact my son and my daughter would always be more important to me than any possible relationship, which both in such situations regarding that timeframe had not understood my seriousness regarding the requirements for my comfort levels personally; which as per my body my choice the situational problems which I guesstimate later had proven such aspects in addition to the facts, as to such whining about my music I paid for on my #ipod ipod with as many female artists compared to what that male whined and complained about in my car which that day had been when the breaking down on 410 had occurred as per other such connectionary aspects and Zippy's friends regarding the situations thereof. In a hypothetical addition to other such portions of refusal to that male and that female, the portions which such proof additionally can be noticed as per any wish which might be referencing the Irving situation in combination to Zippy herself. When taking the fact into consideration of Zippy being a female gender, why would Zippy and Zippy's friends ever accept a male who refused such realities as to my choices in words which were chosen as well as actions proving such portions thereof; in which more specifically as to what would be the viewpoint of such comments and patterns of behaviour, including the embarrassment that male had regarding a posting of a picture from my phone and the whining temper tantrums which occurred after having posted such a picture?
What would the viewpoint if guessed as per Zippy's requirements, as well as Zippy's refusals regarding such an individual as well as couple? #UFO #UAP

However in such aspects as to Steele Creek in Tacoma Washington and a situation one evening when a male had approached the male I wound up in Washington state after the Stoney LaRue concert at the Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas who had asked about whether or not the male with was #German German before I stepped into the view of that male and he backed away apologizing to me, I suppose an additional aspect as to ironic twists and turns over such years and decades. However the additional ironic portions of twists in such times up to the current aspects as to having seen such literal signs, in other such ways in reference to 8 August 2021. For those who know and/or have studied spiritual numerology:
8 + 8 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7
2 + 1 + 2 = 5
7 + 5 = 12 = 1 + 2 = 3 (Any correlation to the numbers for one year, which could be noticed additionally?)
Regarding only one, being the Holy Trinity for such a spiritual numerological reference to such aspects thereof in the correct CDO aspects of counting in order of as seen in the last portion of the final equation aspects of 1/2/3 though the additional ironic portions of the 6 equaling though the 7 starting for such a numerical portion at the bottom of the reference to the twist of my SCUBA Diving pictures referencing the dates of 6/7 (or 13 when combined for other military aspects associated to my connection to the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the Army branch referencing Zero Week in Basic Training) though during the month of my birth in regards of August three different timing portions in this particular posting when additionally adding the aspects as to the astrological symbolism of both the Lion of Judah as well as the Virgo or Virgin aspects as per the original meaning of the terminology of Virgin which means having belonged to not to one male ever as per the marital portions for such descriptionary aspects in the spiritual ways thereof up to this point in this year of 2021 though obviously in such prior years as well in the official capacities thereof. Though additionally since the Batei Din and others within the Orthodox community of the Jewish people being concerned in regards as to the conversion processes in a variety of ways including the portions as to the marital conversion portions the varied situations as to the differences as well as the length of time regarding; if ever for such aspects thereof for myself if ever to look into such portions regarding such a type of relationship once again if ever comparatively in some ways including in reference additionally to my son and my daughter as well, if their choice to look within such religious portions of the Jewish faith as I had personally informed them I would prefer them finding a specific religious aspect which felt more comfortable to them in regards to the #JudeoChristian Judeo-Christian aspects as the United States of America was founded upon. The additional ironic twists as to both having been involved with the classes regarding at the Jewish Community Center though one of my children being more inclined towards the Jewish portions and the other being more inclined to the Christian portions, in reference to the founding principles of the formation of the United States of America in such additional views of ironic twists and turns to where I was born and grew up within the original 13 colonies as well as the church I grew up attending with such connection points including the Battle of Monmouth and then General George Washington's aspects additionally to a few other notable regards.
Nonetheless later in 2016 when Dustin Lynch had a concert at the Emerald Queen Casino in Tacoma Washington and having attended such while genuinely not realizing why in the VIP section as to my lack of a need to show such paperwork, proving my VIP ticket and such ironic portions to the timings thereof additionally for such realities. As while my hairstyle and my hair-color with my tattoos which were semi-visible in combination with the corset I wore whether in reference to the butterfly corset at the Stoney LaRue concert to the black and white corset at the Dustin Lynch concert, which if I recall correctly the pair of jeans were the same style for both concerts as well as the type or style of the longer leather jacket to wear into the concerts as well with the asymmetrical cut and leather belt thereof for such possibilities regarding the clarifications of my attendance though also the situations thereof in reference to more than one aspects regarding the concerts and the ways such times had gone during such timings in addition to other timeline portions thereof.