In reference to what I already wrote about in “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the aspects of which in conjunction to “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the combined factors of which such situations as to the ways as to a 2014 timeframe into the year of 2015 as to #SteeleCreek #SteeleCreekCountryClub Steele Creek Country Club as to the situations as to having already explained to a multitude of individuals as to the problematic reasons as to the aspects of why I fought to stay within the state of #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Texas at the time as to from the point of 2006, because of having explained I knew there would be a massive problem if I were to ever wind up above the #Mason #MasonDixon #MasonDixonLine Mason Dixon Line as to the aspects of which as to my concern as to what I explained to people as to my biological mother/father/sister as to their trips back to the state of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey after the timeframe of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury on purpose as to choosing to not inform me as until after they went. In the comparisons of ever having the compassion and actual care as to me as to such factors as to nothing different than when I was in fifth grade as to when I had Mono/Epstein Bar/Lymes Disease/Bronchitis/Flu all at the same time as to such being left on my own as to such factors which only caused further distance from them to I as to such a type of situation.
Since there was not ever going to be a point of reconciliation because of each of their repeated choices as to such aspects as to the factors of the rate they were choosing as to the thereafter in reference to the choices in regards as to the aspects of #Baptist #BaptistCampLebanon #Lebanon #LenbanonNJ #LebanonNewJersey Baptist Camp Lebanon in New Jersey as to the year between my eighth grade and my ninth grade of camp aspects, as to what I dealt with in reference to being blamed for wearing a bathing suit at camp in comparison to how such aspects should be where teaching individuals to keep their hands to themselves and punishing those who should have known better as to keeping their hands to themselves as to such factors as to the aspects of consent as to the requirements as to what actual consent is as to the forcing of a situation is not considered as to consent in such references as to the reality of the right to choose as to such aspects as to the actual numerical choices in the comparisons as to what thoughts in such references as to what actualities as to full consent compared to forced aspects in my opinion. Since the aspects as to the ways which I did not want to be involved with anyone who would be of their approval as to the points in time as to after the year of 2008 as to the facts of which I did not need the friendship aspects as to what levels I had dealt with in such references beyond what my personal comfort levels were, which as long as my biological sister was around and involved in their lives which I did not inform them of as to why I had no need to be a part of their lives as to the amount of garbage I needlessly dealt with throughout all of my life as to such lengths of time from once she was attending #Asher #AsherHolmes #AsherHolmesElementary #Elementary #AsherHolmesElementarySchool #ASHES Asher Holmes Elementary School from the starting point of her wishing my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were the same to her when in reality my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were/are my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu though as to both of our Great Grandparents in the comparisons as to the specific titles as to such ironies as to the obsession as to such aspects as to how certain individuals are about degrees as to such factors.
The reality of which a Great Grandparent in the comparison to a Great Grandparent and Bok Gung/Bok Pu aspects has to do with the raising factors, as to who raised in such references as to the lessons thereof as to only in reference to the Chinese as to the aspects of being raised Cantonese/Mandarin as to such factors in the comparisons as to the age and the numerical linear years as previously written about. Since there has not ever been a time to explain to my son and/or my daughter as to such factors in my preferred ways as the comparison portions as to such realities, of which while this journal blog is capable to assist the realities of what is not the exact same as to the situations which I explained to people in the years of 2010 through 2012 as to the problems I saw in reference as to the situations which was occurring as to the points in time in such references. However those individuals I once knew as to those times, had chosen the belief aspects of what they chose to believe.
Hypothetically would such aspects as to those who have dealt with speaking with my biological sister be capable to see a psychological aspect as to the title situations as to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu informing her repeatedly as to how they were our Great Grandparents though they were only my Bok Gung and only my Bok Pu as to such aspects, or would that take a head injury to figure out as to such aspects thereof to see such situations as to the wishes regarding the degree situation as to one or two or three degrees compared to 26 #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving certifications I earned on my own without the financial or the support as to the biological parent aspects in such references as well as what would my additional aspects as to my personal education as to my additional work as to each one of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications in conjunction as to the totality in reference to my earned graduation from the #DMP #Dominant #DominantMentor #Mentor #DominantMentorProgram Dominant Mentor Program as to the beginning in the city of #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas as to my graduation in #DFW #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas Dallas Texas as to the 13+ elective specialties in such additional factors to the situations of only 4-5 being required in the comparisons as to the additional numerical portions with the additional studies as to my work to earn my graduation as what would such aspects as to the conjunction of both quality and quantity translate to as to such comparisons as to those who actually know what a Bok Gung and actually know what a Bok Pu are as to such aspects in the Cantonese aspects in comparison to the mixture of the Mandarin/Cantonese-ish ways?
In reference as to the additional situations as to #Marine #Science #Technology #USNavy #USANavy #MAST Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the factors as to how such problems as to the needless preference as to the dancing portions which cost far more than what the cost was as to my attendance as to MAST as it was not a private school that was paid for as it was a charter high school in the comparisons as to having been sent to #SaintJohn #SaintJohnVianney #SaintJohnVianneyHighSchool #SJV Saint John Vianney High School as to the comparisons as to how they thought that would bring me closer in such comparisons as to a relationship in the comparisons as to how much further it pushed me away as to their types of individuals as to such situations as to the lack of capabilities as to the humanity aspects as to such factors as to the proof thereof as to those types of individuals who have been needless in my opinion as to their aspects in such references of those situations as to how such had occurred as to the aspects thereof additionally as to the situations as to how I wound up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state as to the knowledge of the plant life in the area as to the similarities apparently as to the state of New Jersey as to the state of Washington as to give the perspective as to the aspects of what I dealt with as a child and a teenager as to those who have met that individual who is only a biological sister of mine in such comparisons as to actually ever having been a sister as to such comparisons in my opinion as to the realistic aspects as to a comparison to those who have known such aspects as to that type of so-called human being as to the situations that were dealt with as to the facts of which my biological sister admitted to complaining to our biological parents as to not wanting to have me go to New Jersey when they went because she did not want me to mess up what she had planned as to her college aspects of which I had told individuals I once knew in person face to face in person though they had not believed me as to the atrocities of what I dealt with from the timeframes as they kept using the same lines that my biological mother and biological father used as to what they had been willing to submit to in reference to the factors of my biological sister. Since I told my biological father that living in a world without the aspects I was dealing with as to the fact of it having been after fifth grade as to such realities, the situations as to how the situations referencing how my biological sister as the planned aspects in the comparisons as to how I was raised can be evidently seen as to such lengths of time in the situations thereof as to the multitude of examples as to how those individuals were over such points in time. Since he did not do the math as to those facts back then as to how I pushed to leave to get myself to the Army, then what is the next logical aspects for someone as to the ways which my biological father as to such aspects as seen as to the paperwork which was supposed to be handwritten in comparison to such portions of the aspects as to the computer portions as to my enlistment packet as to the life insurance policy?
The aspects of which the lack of concern as to how I was pregnant and delivering my son within 1.5 years after waking up from my soma as well as delivering my daughter after 2.5 years after waking up from my coma, is pretty much the aspects as to see as to when I spoke with Pastor MacKenzie as to the aspects of his politically correct terms of my biological parents having been strict in such references as to the comparisons there for such a look as to the aspects of the review as to from an outsider in as to those types of situations.
What has anyone done as to actual assistance to me as to such aspects as to what I have dealt with as what actualities of such portions regarding the difference between the years when he went through foster care and orphanages in the comparisons as to such factors since then, I suppose it depends as to who you actually have that finds such as to be worthwhile in comparison as what good has any of my work actually proven for me to as such to be of worth and value to me as to such factors as I arranged for myself to be capable to utilize for myself as to my choices as without any restrictions and without any problems as to without ever having to put a request in for my finances to be used in the ways of my choice as to my choosing how to use my finances as there obviously is not any excuse nor cause nor reason that would ever be sufficient as to the reality of such aspects as to the facts as to simply from the Iowa as to that year of 2018 Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to such factors which all such portions as to being completely mine only for my usage as to my work as to having been alive the entire time as to the realities of such factors of which today as 23 January 2022 and posting immediately as to such factors in the comparisons as to obvious assumptions as to the ways in such comparisons as what would ever show that through technology as to such individuals I once knew as who would I truly be capable to say as to them as to such care and concern in such references as to my best interests especially as to the length of time from the years of 1992 through to 2000 through to 2005 through to 2009 through to 2011 through to 2013 through to 2018 as what else would there be to believe from such aspects?
In reference as to the facts of what I was not willing to deal with as to the combined factors of the multiple times before having moved to Carrollton Texas as to the stopping speaking with them as to the situations as to when they finished their move from #IL #ILstate #Ilinois #illinoisstate Illinois to Texas in the year of 2003 after my biological sister had already been living at my house and I was put as the Legal Guardian, the aspects of which we stopped speaking and spending time together more than 2 or 3 times as to how the problems were going as to the situations before the year of 2008 when I moved from #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA #SATX San Antonio Texas to Carrollton can be proven as to around the second time in reference to #LacklandAirForceBase #WilfordHall Lackland Air Force Base at Wilford Hall as to the problems in reference to my biological mother as to the temper tantrum she threw on the military installation as to the second time I had given them a warning as to stopping the problems they were causing needlessly. By the timeframe as to when my children’s biological father had died as to the situations, I made the choice to move out of San Antonio as to the aspects which the combined factors of what occurred on #FortSamHouston #BAMC #JBSA Fort Sam Houston as to the aspects of within General Gillman’s office as to the meeting he arranged as to when I returned the Bronze Star regarding the aspects as to what the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had informed me of at the Laurel Land Funeral Home in #FWTX #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas Fort Forth Texas as to the situations as to the amount of stolen valor as to what additionally as to what my children’s biological father had caused as to the best of my capability to explain as to such a point in time as to the walk we had together as to the discussions once the individuals from my ex-in-law’s side of the family to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the situations which occurred.
Only as to the aspect as to the suggestion from Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr as to informing my biological mother/father/sister as to such aspects in the comparisons as to the amount of other aspects I was already dealing with at the time as to not having remembered because of the situations as to what the Chief Warrant Officer 3 and I discussed, the #CID #CriminalInvestigationDivision Criminal Investigation Division situations as to the interrogation in the time returned from after the time with the Chief Warrant Officer 3, as well as going up the Chain of Command as to the overall aspects from when Warrior Transition Unit was still called Medical Hold Unit because of the similarities within the unit aspects despite the different location as to ensuring the aspects as to as much safety as possible regarding the preparation for the Warrior Transition Unit individuals to be capable to enter into the civilian sector as veterans in regards as to the combined overall aspects. While the situations within the chapel at BAMC in reference to when my children were capable to see and spend time with some of the individuals as to who was at the chapel area as to the situation after the #SanAntonioExpressNews #mysa #mysanews San Antonio Express journalist contacted the base to speak with General Gillman and whomever else as to such factors; the aspects of which my son and my daughter were capable to see more as well as be capable to discuss situations with me as to afterwards, before the situation as to Fort Sam Houston in BAMC as to the meeting arrangement of which I handed over the Bronze Star as to the individuals who had been stationed in Iraq as to the aspects I had guesstimated had been of needless confusion as to the situations regarding General Gillman as to such factors as to the ways which the fact he was there to hand the Bronze Star after the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had already went through the details as to the situations as to the dress blues.
While my biological sister was upset as to multiple factors and instead of helping the situations as to only having complained as to the aspects thereof in the comparisons to looking at the larger aspects thereof, the aspects of the instant annoyance as to why I had stopped speaking with my biological parents as to such situations because of those aspects which she was not ever entitled to as to the reality of which the aspects of such situations as to the ways of such factors as to the garage aspects as to the situations regarding the false reports as to the aspects as to the situations in the larger overall comparisons as to the aspects of the fiancé aspects as to the reality in comparison as to the same aspects as to the Justice of the Peace in comparison as to my refusal as to such was when the driving back to San Antonio as to the drop off as to the aspects of which the final straw as to such aspects of those situations in regards as to the problems in the reference to the aspects which I knew Cactus Jack was informing my biological parents of information about my work which was not for him to ever be a part of which in such references as to the full refusal in all such additional capacities as to not having wanted to be in such a situation to begin with as to the aspects of the garage situation as well as the factors as to the situations regarding the aspects of how the situations within his own family as well as the 151 Road Warrior situation problems as to the #remembertheAlamo #Alamodrafthouse #SATXAlamodrafthouse #AlamoDrafthouseSATX Alamo Drafthouse #MadMax MadMax movie situation among other facts as to the lack of common interests in conjunction as to the constant reminder of which as to his trying to claim as to the sexual assault portions in comparison to having the knowledge my son and my daughter were given birth to as to the timeframe of being less than 1.5 and 2.5 years awake from my coma as well as the factors of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain at the time as to such aspects.
In the reference as to the situations regarding when in Washington state after the #StoneyLaRue #concert #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #SATXCowboysDancehall #CowboysDancehallSATX Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas as to the aspects in regards as to the only concert I found online as to the online search in reference to the nearby area as to where I was at the time in the year of 2013 after all other such occurrences as to the lack of anything as to what would have been helpful to me as to such situations, the aspects as to what was supposed to be considered as the adult consenting lifestyle as to such aspects as to the amount of situations as to what I had already been dealing with as to the years of 2000 through 2012 before the year of 2013 was far too much to deal with any further as to such aspects and I simply wanted to enjoy music without listening to the radio and without having any needless problems. Then such situations as to how those situations had been as to such factors in reference as to the aspects of such situations of which I have already gone into the details thereof to such aspects, of which in regards as to #SteeleCreekCountryClub #SteelCreekCountryClub #SteeleCreek #SteelCreek Steele Creek Country Club in #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Tacoma Washington as to a situation which was after the aspects of what was dealt with in #Vancouver #VancouverWA #VancouverWashington Vancouver Washington which is near to #Protland #PortlandOR #PortlandOregon #OR #ORstate #Oregonstate Portland Oregon.
How is Steel Creek Country Club similar to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the year of 2018 in regards of to Iowa and back as to such situations, to the points thereof?
The aspects as to the #GeekSquad #BestBuy Geek Squad and Best Buy situations as to the accidental warranty program as to such aspects in the ironic references as to how my biological sister had said and known she was the planned one compared to how I was the accident, as to such ironic references as to the review of such portions now in the year of 2022 as to comparison to the timeframe as to that year of 2013. How others choose to review such aspects as to what proof has been found as to those three books I brought up in the earlier portion of my journal blog entry as to #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as to such aspects of which in the references thereof, as to the irony as to a different type of signal as to such situations. As to the ways which the #Halloween #Halloween2013 Halloween 2013 Portland Oregon event as to such aspects in regards as to the ways which afterwards as to the #VelvetRope Velvet Rope and having explained as to how I wound up in Washington state as to after having explained to people in #AZ #AZstate #Arizona #Arizonastate Arizona as to such factors which was after making what attempts I could as to the timeframes in reference to the situations after the Stoney LaRue concert situation as to who I could as to the aspects of the situations I was dealing with as to the factors which the situations would have been far more helpful if those people I once knew had actually taken me seriously as to the amounts of problems as I was dealing with, in the comparison as to having been called overdramatic needlessly as well as the aspects of which the truth was always the truth. Those individuals who failed as to such aspects as to the situations of SCUBA Diving as well as the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle as they call themselves a community in such oddities in both aspects, as to the ways which the situations as to in reference to when in Vancouver as to how such aspects thereof were to where I stopped by as to hoping that it would actually be of worth to such explanations.
In reference as to having already contacted the #FBI FBI as to such situations later in reference as to the aspects of the #6888th #6888thPostalBatallion 6888th Postal Battalion as to such additional #Ombudsman Ombudsman aspects as well as other official groups and agencies and organizations as to the combined factors of what I was dealing with from the years of 2010 through to 2013 and yet the responses in such as to lacking in the regards as to the communication as well as posting online as to such situations as to hoping there actually would be a way for such assistances in the clarifications now as to such aspects; the situations as to how the ways such situations went as to the timeframes were as such were already explained, as to the aspects of having told about the ways which as to how winding up in the area as to after the occurrences as to the situations referencing my daughter and my son and I as to the McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District as to their failures repeatedly to look past the physical aspects as to my hairstyle as well as my tattoos as to their demands as to my medical background as to such factors as to which while I explained to multiple individuals as to such in the timeframes of as to how many chose to stand by and do nothing in such assistances which could have been a different outcome as to such factors in the comparisons as to the current point in time. While I am thankful the information as to some aspects about the 6888th Postal Battalion as to such situations brought forward as to such aspects, the situations as to the portions in reference to the work I have been doing as to my Medal of Honor Art Project though additionally as to the amount of emails as to the reference to the 6888th Postal Battalion as to the comparison in a modernized way as to the situations in reference to the aspects of such situations in reference to the reasons for such aspects of the 6888th Postal Battalion as to such factors. That is awesome others learned more about such aspects, though was the difference as to such intention in the references thereof to such situations because of my ideas as to what I had to then rethink as to the aspects as to the creation of my Dr. Mary Edwards Walker Collection as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork in such comparisons.
In such references as to the amount of emails as to the amount of phone call as to such situations during World War II as to such aspects, the factors of at the point in such as to the relative timeframe as to such aspects as to the hypothetical as to the if factor of if my biological father and/or my biological sister and/or my biological mother along with whomever else had declared the equivalent of war as to the sparta comment as to the ways which Cactus Jack also known as Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had said as to such aspects in reference to each time as to such factors. Though what was actually accomplished for the betterment as to such situations as to how many I made attempts to get such details explained, and what would that t-shirt having been worn on Camp Mabry as to the aspects as to the combined situations as to the assumptions as to my physical looks as to such individuals who could have been at the graduation ceremony be in comparison to who I actually am in such references as what would my lack of movie and lack of pop culture as to such aspects have to do with actually verifying in the comparison as to the assumptions as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to a different version of such Civil War aspects to take into consideration? Admittedly I have hoped for the point in time where that would no longer be a problem towards me as to being annoyed as to the length of time as to other such combined factors, as the ridiculousness as to such types of situations has been an annoyance beyond the measure of words as to speaking such into context despite the amount of times I made attempts. Ironically as to the different spelling last name of who I was engaged to twice to as to the different spelling of the last name as to a Congressional member as to the state of Texas, in such a reference in regards as to the aspects of which Shawn McCall was literally shown as to the ways of how he was treated differently in the comparisons as to how I was treated when walking into the #Menswarehouse Men’s Warehouse as to such factors in the references thereof and yet the ironic portion as to such a name referencing the ways thereof as to other such situations as to which is why the Civil Rights Movement as to the after timeframes as to the Civil War as to the Women’s Rights in such aspects though repeated in a shorter amount of overall time as to the factors of the beginning of time through to the 1960s and the 1970s as to such situations. Though what would such factors be to the consideration as to other such areas, in reference to the factors of which females as to the genetic background combined as to the biological birth factors in reference as to the equal rights as to such situations in truth through what measures would such factors actually have had to get to in such references as to any such machismo type of individual as to such situations in the aspects thereof to the comparison as when is it actually good enough as to the aspects of what I personally worked on as to the factors of the correct portions of the correct recognition as well as compensation as to the factors of my work as what problems are capable to be seen as to the reality of such payment aspect as to the completed works as to those problems which I have brought forward as to prior journal blog entries on my website as to my journal blog The Ornery PSA as to what assistances has such aspects been of assistance to others though where is the actualities of the correct compensation as to the factors of my payments for my work as to such situations?
How the situations went as to the aspects of stopping by to see Sam Lewis of such photography aspects as to as well as having stopped by the house as to Crystal Light, Joshua Light, Stephanie Light, Dimitrix (I do not know his legal last name), and what occurrences as to the drama that occurred when that female named Trish for short as to Patricia as to whatever her legal name was as those who know her called her Megere as to such factors though I have refused to call her such as to the aspects of what aspects of which the situations as to my biological sister as to the high school situation as to when our biological parents had purchased the house in San Antonio Texas while still being in the Illinois area as to such factors as to the aspects of that name portion of which I had already explained such aspects of which why I spoke with Adam’s Mom as to the situations in reference to what my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller (as to the last time I saw her as to that legal marriage of such abominational aspects thereof) as to the situations referencing such aspects as to Crystal Light having been from the state of Texas as to knowing the #Woodstock #WoodstockIL #WoodstockIllinois Woodstock Illinois area as to Joshua Light having been from New Jersey as to Stephanie Light having moved to #KeyWest Key West as to what I was informed as to Dimitrix having moved to #KY #Kentucky #KYstate #Kentuckystate Kentucky as to whatever that other female as to Trish as to such aspects of something to do with the situations as to Pennsylvania as to such aspects in the references when having returned to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 when I was informed of such aspects compared to the situations which Trish had run away as to such timeframes as to the day she was supposed to be at the house as to the timeframe after the Stoney LaRue concert situations. Thus as to such factors in reference as to the silent majority in such regards as to when either in reference as to the year of 2013 and/or in reference as to the year of 2019 through onward, as to such factors as to such aspects of the #electionintegrity election integrity portions as to such technological aspects of other such references as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”. Those types as to such hypotheticals as to the background aspects as well as the situations thereof, what does that say as to such references to the situations as to the factors of such circumstances in the overall aspects as why would it be as to such situations as to the aspects as to when I returned from Washington state after how I wound up there in the comparisons as to from the Iowa Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the year of 2018?
By the way as to such individuals as to the point now in the year of 2022 as to any such knowledge as to how the situations were as to such points in time as to such aspects from the years thereof, what is it as to the aspects as to my choice as to my work as to how situations have been as to such lengths of time as well as to Iowa in such references compared to the combined aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as what would it matter as to such portions as to the appreciation if so was actual as to such factors regarding the state of Texas as to such portions as to the state of Iowa and in conjunction why in reference as to states with far lower numbers as to such completed pieces of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork would/could there be the simple appreciation as to the comparisons as to the living amount of veterans as to such factors compared to the situations as to other states in such a review portion as to the aspects of which preferences as to which factors thereof in truth?
While I wish I could write as to being vindictive in such references as to such aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project, I also have the innate common sense as to telling the truth as to such factors; which just as much as I could wish as to such factors in reference as to the year of 2008, what aspects as to the situations as to the accusations from my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen as to such factors in the comparisons as to the realities thereof as to what she having given birth to two children herself would have been capable to know if the arithmetic was more of a common sense aspect as to the length of time as to my other ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez (in the years of 2000 through 2010 as to the legal last name as to when I knew her though she remarried after the situations as to whatever she told as to the Arizona aspects as to the situations in such references regarding how she had sent the dress blues picture as to the painting portions and such occurrences thereof as to such hypotheticals as Grandpa Nichols and I warned her about). Though what can be said additionally as to the willing declaration of bankruptcy as well as purposefully running up bills in such comparisons, as to what I warned her and others about in such references?
However as to why the transfer length took to the timeframe as to such aspects in the comparisons thereof, what aspects could be found as to such references as to the situations which the aspects as to what truth should have been told to begin with as to such aspects to me as to the realities thereof in the comparisons as to the sayings thereof as what could b found in such references as to what I already brought forward as to such points in time as to while what situations were occurring in such references as to those years from 2018 through to 2021 as what can be seen in such regards as to my work as to what assistances have been as to such hypotheticals?
In such regards as to the year of 2014 after having stopped by a SCUBA Diving shop in the #Puyallup #PuyallupWA #PuyallupWashington Puyallup Washington area as to showing my SCUBA Diving certification cards and speaking with the individuals additionally associated with both the #PADI #SSI PADI and SSI SCUBA Diving shops as to the factors in reference as to the situations later as to the review now in the year of 2022. In the references as to such aspects of having explained how I wound up in Washington state with my son as to such factors of obviously he would not have been at the Stoney LaRue concert as to the time as to the evening hours as to such obvious factors as to the clarification differences as I did not think such would take a head injury to figure out, the aspects as to the situations which in reference as to when at the Stelle Creek Country Club as to the aspects of the differences as to the #DustinLynch Dustin Lynch concert as to the difference of the time of day compared to at the evening hours in comparisons as to the aspects of such hours as to the area above the Mason Dixon Line in such references as to such aspects.
Later as to the ways which as the known monitoring as to what I was dealing with as to having explained such aspects of the computer situation as to because of the accidental warranty program situation of having to make due as to such problems from such aspects, when later as to some random male walking up to me at the Steele Creek Country Music Club to then ask me if I had my daughter with me in such a location as to the time of such hours in comparison as to having common sense as to asking as to if I had a daughter and a son in such aspects to anyone with common sense as to such a portion thereof to the aspects of which he claimed he had a friend who had a daughter who his friend looked as I do. What aspects as to such portions would have been easier as to even such a point in time as to the current aspects, as why would there be any such reasons as to the aspects of such portions to those who I once knew as to if there actually was the reality of such portions of the care and concern in such regards as to the ways of such portions as to which hesitations as to what would be as to each individual as to the ways which I move while dealing with the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the headaches and migraines, in comparisons to the memory deficits and cognitive disorders?
In comparison as to the aspects of what I already additionally dealt with as to the college student male as to his whining and complaints as to the aspects of my saying in such references, the aspects of such nincompoop aspects of which the lack of capability as to correct communication skills as to the levels of which having the information as to knowing I had a head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as well as if the knowledge as to the aspects as to my SCUBA Diving as to having landed at the bottom of the ocean in the multiple locations which I had as to such amounts as to such factors and/or in conjunction as to the facts of such situations as to #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Texas in the year of 2011; what levels of intellectual capacities are actually required as to picking up as to such situations as to the details as to the amount of facts which are required as to such aspects of what I dealt with before someone actually pays attention and believes the reality of what I have been dealing with as to such levels thereof to this point?
What as to the levels of compassion as to the intelligence levels as to the factors thereof as to actually speaking with me in truth in person face to face in person as to any such individuals who I may once have known in person face to face in person could actually have the intelligence as to such background differences as to the botany of the area in such comparisons as well as to the interior aspects of which, what would be the difference as to such comfort levels as to such aspects as to common sense though more specific to what aspects of comfort I worked for as to my personal comfort in such regards as to what I view as to the minimum portions of what I know as to be considered as comfort as to my preferences as how long does that actually take in such comparisons as to other such factors?
Where would it actually have been helpful and assistive in the comparisons as to such hypotheticals as to individuals who may have shown up to Washington state as to the aspects of who I once knew in reference to face to face in person as to what I already explained as to the cognitive disorders as to the memory deficits in the conjunction aspects as to the issues with technology as to the locations of the Club Sapphire location to the #SeaTac SeaTac Airport as well as the headaches and migraines, or did such need to actually be written as to others in such references as to the attention to details in such regards as to what as to how few ever believed me as to who I once knew in person face to face in person about the realities of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as why would the background as well as the interior be of importance as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury or is it there was the assumption as to what aspects others might have been accustomed to in their own lives in such comparison as to my life as to speaking the truth as to such factors and knowing the difference between a thought compared to audible words in communication as what would the assumed differences be as to such factors and why would it be of importance as to my preference of audible communication in comparison to those who had apparently forgotten as to Fail-Safe having been within the fiction genre in such comparisons?
As what is the difference as to others as to such aspects thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure that out as to #Iowa #Iowastate #IA #IAstate Iowa state as to my 2018 Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to such factors as to the comparison as to the situations referencing the hospitalizations and hospital visits as to the emergency room referencing such situations in the years of 2001 and 2002 before the delivery of my son and my daughter in those references and/or the reference as to my backyard as to my house in San Antonio as to such admitting factors as to the aspects as to such as should it take yet again another head injury as to those types of individuals who might have claimed as to such friendship aspects though what type of so-called family as to such aspects regarding beyond just the biological factors as to such proof in reference to fifth grade, then the aspects as to an #HOA Homeowners Association aspects as to the nosiness of what is going on to the property though the comparisons as to the aspects of within as to such factors as to the situations which were in the backyard as to such as what would that show as to such situations if the choices were more close to my biological mother/father/sister in such references compared to humanity and compassion in such aspects if there was such heard and/or seen as to for one example as what female has ever given birth to a child and spent more than 7 days in labor and then goes to mow the lawn as what actual concern as to such types of individuals as to such comparisons as to a Homeowner Association as to such judgmental levels thereof as what could such time as to usage be better for in comparison in such references?
What type of so-called friend and/or prior relationship aspect as to actually ever having had any such a connection if ever as to the truth in reality as what of such could and/or would ever actually stand by and do nothing in such references in the comparisons thereof as to such factors as to the length of time as to such hypotheticals, as to the if factors as to such references thereof as to such situations having been informed of as to in person face to face in person as to such aspects in truth which the audible using words out loud in a respect way through etiquette as to such factors of importance as to common sense?
What type of aspects to take into consideration as to the reference situations as to such factors as to the SCUBA Diving portions as to how easy would such have been to actually ask me in truth in the ways thereof as to the underground missile silo in such aspects without the aspects of such arrogance from people who they themselves did not sign the dotted line as to having such a nerve to ever look down on me as to not graduating Basic Training for the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such aspects of whether or not to go SCUBA Diving in an underground missile silo as to such aspects, which in turn as to such aspects what would a civilian recreational certification as to instructor translate to in such references as to such factors as to the comparisons to my invitation as to MAST in the references and regards thereof in such differences when I was 12 years old in comparison to the average age of a civilian recreational SCUBA Diver instructor as to such factors as to my choice as to earning 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as well as my additional homework I assigned to myself as to such factors as what difference would that make as to such situations in the year of 2009?
The regards as to the situations in reference to Steel Creek Country Club then what type of responsibility aspects as to being a responsible parent would ever be within a dance club at the evening hours with either gender of a child, as why would a child be in a club as to with an adult as to such factors to the biological portions thereof as what levels of parenting would that show as to a capacity thereof to ask such a question to me?
In reference as to the aspects of the male who asked Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr as to the if he was a part of the German brotherhood as to such aspects outside of the Stelle Creek Country Music Dance Club in the year of either 2014 or 2015 as to such factors, then what would such situations be in the references thereof as to such factors as to the possibility as to the #WWII World War II reenactment aspects as to Cactus Jack in references thereof to take into what considerations as to the problems with those types of games as to #Warhammer Warhammer as to such situations in addition to the aspects thereof as to needing to distinguish the difference as to such #popculture pop culture portions thereof?
What does it in reference say as to those who would have had the capacity as to showing as to though I suppose the possibilities thereof as to showing what levels thereof to such humanity portions if in reference as to the aspects of showing up to Club Sapphire in such regards as to what possibilities thereof as to such knowledge as to those who once knew me in person face to face in person as to whatever aspects as to such discussions and/or comments as to others in such regards as to what the club had dealt with as to such individuals as to the hypotheticals thereof, as what would have been said and/or seen as to such types of situations in the comparisons thereof as to others in the references of such situations which the location is literally within the same complex as the #HomelandSecurity Homeland Security office area as would anyone with common sense realize most likely hypothetically figuring out that the Homeland Security office knew of such a location within the complex as well as hypothetically was open for more hours than just what was listed as to such factors or would that take a head injury to figure out or is that common sense from such factors despite the prior aspects of what I had warned people about from my childhood into my teenager years into my adulthood biologically?
Thus in turn as to the aspects as to the common sense aspects as to questions as to what could have been intellectually phrased easier in comparison to hinting portions as what levels of being direct and to the point as to such factors would have truthfully been so difficult as to such aspects, or was it nothing more than just another situation as to the ways which my biological sister had her problems as to the aspects of which such needless drama as to what factors as to those types of situations as to which what levels of actual humanity as to what is compassion as to such situations thereof as to the reality?
In such regards as to the situations in reference as to how Patrick Kennedy as to how he had claimed he had seen me at a ClubFEM in the DFW area as to before the relationship aspects as to the beginning of such in February of 2011 as to when discussing later as to such points in time as to the aspects of when later in the month of around September 2011, what would individuals as to the area of DFW as well as ClubFEM be capable to clarify as to what truth in such references to the comparisons thereof as to the possibilities as to the aspects I was living in the Austin area as to the Cedar Park location as to the point in time when he had claimed he had seen me at a ClubFEM event in the month of February 2011 other than the fact that at the time of February 2011 as to the difference of time as well as relationship aspects as to the difficulties as to communicating with who I was engaged to at the timeframe of as to the closer aspects as to the needless portions in reference to my biological sister/mother/father as to such situations as to my choice to be involved with who I chose to be involved with as to what aspects in reference as to SCUBA Divers as to the timeframe of the Polar Bear SCUBA Dive in the year linear change as to 2010 as to such factors?
When those types of individuals as to such capacities need the reminder as to the online differences as to though capable to learn about does not ever translate as to actually knowing the individual themselves nor does it ever mean as to such factors of wanting to get closer as to such aspects in such references as to simply because of posting online as to the outlet available in such comparisons thereof as to the realities in such aspects, despite whatever portions as to the hypothetical aspects as to such connections as to the thoughts in comparisons as to the emotional aspects in the references thereof as to the Patrick Kennedy portion as to the realization as to the online aspects as to such portions as to the reality in such references; the ways thereof as to the situations which in such references as to the in person face to face in person as to the first actual meeting which must be in truth as to such factors in such comparisons as to the reality of the difference as to such aspects of only online and then trying to pretend otherwise as to such aspects do not assist any such actual in depth connection, what hypothetical viewpoint as to such aspects in the references thereof could be attributed as to the viewpoint of the symbolic aspects as to the lengths of miles as to the lines in the difference as to such comparison as to the in person face to face in person aspects as to such initial meeting portions thereof to take into consideration as to the actual connection as to the length of time as to such factors of which the realistic portions of who such portions actually are in the differences as to the technological aspects I warned people about in the 1990s?
However as to such factors regarding how it would have been much easier as to the aspects which if I had been asked such a question in a less noise filled atmosphere as to the Steel Creek Country Club as to the DJ booth being directly to the side with the lights flashing overhead as well as around the bar area upon walking passed the entry area as to the check in with the cashier as to the stairs to the left, the aspects of such could have been easier to understand if in the reference as to having in regards of asking a more easy question than as to why in this year as to 2022 compared to either 2014 or 2015 as to now in 2022 as to wondering why I would be asked if I had one of my two children with me in a nightclub as that seemed and still seems as a weird question to ask in a 18-21+ club location at the hour of. The situations which in such references as to after Jesse Leroy Hoover Jr was asked if he was a part of the German brotherhood as to when outside at the Steel Creek country club on a different evening when I thought I recognized Dustin Lynch when thinking back later on as to now in the timeframe of as well, the aspects which in the reference to the situations regarding he timeframe as to not attending Steel Creek Country Club nearly as often as to the few amounts of times as to such a location as to the situations which I made attempts to explain as to such factors over the years as to the aspects similarly to the Velvet Rope situations in the year of 2013 as well as early 2014 compared to such times as to later in the year of 2014 in the references of such aspects.
While the aspects of which the timeframe after my Medal of Honor Art Project trip in regards of the year of 2018 as to Iowa and such combined factors of what from the year of on to as to such of what I have additionally dealt with as to such factors, the ways as to what clarifications have apparently needed to be made across such proverbial aspects of boards as to the levels of which such circumstances as to the situations which as I warned people as to the problems in reference to my biological sister as to the situations which while she tried to push and project her personal mental health issues hypothetically as to what situations on as to such factors in reference to myself as to such situations; the reality as to how many others as to such factors of such impact as to the references thereof, I would guesstimate are more than just one or two in such references. In turn the aspects as to the mental health and wellness aspects as to actually facing such realities within oneself as to the comparisons as to the projection aspects in the references thereof, to which if in such regards as to actual care and concern in comparison to needlessly being nosey and getting involved with what is not intended for just anyone as to such factors such as my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such trips as well as work thereof as to such situations as to the requirements as to those types of individuals who have needed to keep their social distance as to such situations in regards of, the easiest way as to actually asking in truth in the comparison to the asking in such other false ways as to the additional factors as to such question as to Steel Creek as to a female Captain at Wilford Hall who had not liked the fact I called her out on such problematic portions when knowing as to the fact of which to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as the actualities of answering questions as to such factors makes more sense as to the aspects as to the comfort in comparison to the lack of comfort in such comparisons.
It should not take a head injury to figure that out, though apparently people have seemed to forget that a head injury can occur to anyone at any time anywhere in various circumstances.
Thus in the combined factors, why would I ever believe as to such compassion as to such individuals as to the aspects of who I once had known in person face to face in person and/or such connection thereof as to such factors as to what is compassion and humanity towards me (of which the aspects I should not have had to actually put into writing as to common sense) as what portions as to such situations which I have dealt with over the course of my life as to such portions as to such aspects of humanity in such references thereof as to the actualities of care and concern in the correct and proper ways thereof to take into consideration as to the timeframes since my Medal of Honor Art Project trip to Iowa as to the year of 2018 as to the aspects of the situations which were before as to such a point in time as to thereafter as to such factors as what is actually considered as humane as to such aspects in regards as to proper care as well as proper treatments in the actualities of genuine care and concern for myself?
How many attempts have I made as to what I know I need for myself as to such amounts of time and have had to needlessly go out of my way as to how much for such aspects, and then from my work what credits as to such factors as to what others have chosen to try afterwards to which I have brought forward as to such factors?
Wherein as such as to the aspects as to what actually is to assist me in the references as to the work thereof as to having found what has been most ideal as to such aspects in the comparisons as to what I have dealt with as last I checked, I had specifically stated as to not being willing to be a guinea pig as to such factors as to the situations thereof in any such proverbial or metaphorical or literal ways thereof as to knowing what is most ideal for myself and having worked for such as to for myself. Thus as to such factors what as to such a point as to how the aspects of Walter Reed as well as to the aspects of BAMC as well as to the aspects of the Austin area VA as to the aspects of what prior situations in reference to when having found what works best for me and specifically telling the truth as to such aspects, what has been the problem as to actually getting it taken care of correctly in the comparison as to the ways such needless additional portions in the references thereof as to such aspects?
When in reference as to having proven as to such levels of truth in the regards as to the various situations as well as the factors of which the actuality as to the capability to take care of myself as to the daily aspects thereof as to the minimal requirements in comparison to what would have been far more assistive as to other such aspects, what situations as to others who have decided to involve themselves as to such assistance as why would anyone think as to the portions as to how I wound up in Washington state was actually helpful or assistive to me as to the aspects of such situations as what is the definition of abuse as how is such as to the aspects thereof considered as genuinely compassionate in such references in the aspects as abuse in non consensual in all such factors correct of which in such regards as to what I dealt with as to others’ choices in such regards as to what would have been much easier there is not the excuse of which is excusable as to the aspects which it is supposed to be the consenting aspects thereof in such references as to the prior knowledge as to the discussions as to what is considered as accepted in the comparisons as to the assumptions as to the references thereof which what as to the aspects of what situations as to the timeframe as to the year of 2000 has been capable for others to see as to what I have dealt with as what is the majority considered compared to me as what in turn would such mean as to the term of bullying in such references as to the aspects of what I have dealt with as to the factors thereof as to such levels as to such lengths of time as how many types of such are there that actually need to be defined as to the amount of descriptions as well as factors of proof as to the ways of such situations which I have dealt with personally as to such “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as well as “The Modern Day Book (written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as what aspects of such combinations of what I have dealt with as to such aspects could be considered as to the actualities as to what humanity is actually supposed to be compared to what occurrences thereof have been as to such in the conjunction aspects as to The Ornery PSA as to my journal blog entries?
What did I bring forward in reference as to what my daughter and my son and I have dealt with as to such amounts of time, and when does that sort of needless problematic behaviour get corrected as to actually being as the genuine intentions of what humanity has always been supposed to be in such references thereof as what realistic aspects have been of proven value to me as to such differences in the comparisons as what is art supposed to do other than inspire for betterment as to the aspects of the inspirational portions as to the situations to live in such references as to learning from in the comparisons as to whether one chooses to look at such as a pessimist in such portions or an optimist in such portions depends as to what levels as to the saying of beauty is within the eyes of the beholder?
Then again I have paid more attention to life in such comparisons as to what I guesstimate in the opposite aspects as to the ways thereof, as to how many apparently preferred the aspects wrongly as to my now dead-ex-husband in such comparisons. Thus how many individuals can say as to what aspects of which my now dead-ex-husband had chosen to do wrongly in all such capacities, in the comparisons as to the aspects thereof to other portions in the references as to the ways thereof as to what has been proven as to such aspects as to the genuine portions of betterment as to life?
Especially what is the difference as to life face to face in person face to face in the comparisons as to such factors as to the computer technology situations as to such factors, as what of such portions as to the connection aspects or lack thereof as to such factors depending how one actually views the technological aspects?
For those who see such as to the technological aspects to bring closer together as to the group portions then in such ways the possibility as to such a view, though what would the differences be as to such factors as to the length of the cords as to such portions as to the interpersonal aspects in the comparisons as to meeting in person face to face in person?
What in such references as to those who prefer such aspects as to the online portions in comparisons to those who prefer in person face to face in person aspects, and what would the connection differences be as to such factors and why would that be of importance as what Torahic and Biblical scripts have proven as to such factors as to the humanity portions in such references in the comparisons thereof as to what I warned people about as to the 1990s and onward especially?
