In reference to #earth #montessouri #earthmontessorischool Earth Montessori School in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas in the year of 2002 through 2007 for when my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia had attended the location on Huebner between Eckert and USAA Boulevard by the #LockhillFeed Lockhill Feed location, the ways which the staff compared to the owners were different just as in any school. The staff which I had gotten along with for the most part especially the ones in the nursery areas for the half day school that I had arranged for my son and my daughter as per the time were kind, though the owners of the school the ways which the wife had issues with the husband as to how I could sense various aspects and had thought it would be better after a certain point to go in a different direction.
During the first separation was such proven as to the ways which the changes as to the schedule because of what occurred between my now dead-ex-husband and I as to while I still took care of everything as best as I could, the agreement was he would not speak of what the problems were as to when my children were anywhere in the area. Of course the lack of attention to such regarding the neighbors as well as the school as to while he could have gone to the school as he had and the factors thereof, fully in spite of how my children were always more important than him was his choice to be as such against the agreement which I did not learn until well after when the time between the first and the second separation as he had to go and explain to each person as to what the problems were while I was there as to clarifications as to the situations thereof.
The husband at the Earth Montessori School did not approve of the ways of and did not care as to the problems which were caused within the school as to such times simply because of how the combinations were, of which if he had paid attention to the correct details would have prevented several problems and situations which happened thereafter. I did not care they were from #India India though the ways of which some viewed the physical especially within such years as to the oddity as to the ways which I was looked at after the point when my hairstyle changed and my tattoos began as to any individual who has ever complained about racial tensions, as while the realities of which I know my ethnic background there is not any difference when in reference to the reasons why as to such regarding my physical as to my hair and my tattoos as because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the lack of a choice just as they do not have a choice as to how they look when they are born. However due to the cultural differences and the fact of which in the ways which I paid for everything as to the times in comparison to the lack of ability regarding my now dead-ex-husband as to the ironies regarding such cultural differences, the ways which it was seen as an insult as to my paying for my children’s education as per the monthly check drop offs as to the situations.
Though there were times when he brought them to school compared to me as to depending upon several factors, the ways which such judgmental aspects had been during such times because of his physical appearance as to how many times in airports as to him being pulled to the side for a check as to the times after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 and the sympathies from the school as to such factors in the comparisons to them at the school paying attention to the age of my children as to the knowledge as to having been in a coma as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage at the time as to the ways which came across as normal to them regarding the owners of the school in comparison to most of the staff. Yet because of the blend as to the Hispanic portions as to the ways which it made little difference simply because of the facts of my skin tone as well as the physical attributes in such regards, which while I warned people of such factors as to the ways which such situations had been overlooked despite what I had pointed out as to what I had noticed in different facets as to some of the people who sent their children to school at Earth Montessori School.
I had stopped by Lockhill Feed several times and after one point before the first separation which was the leading cause as to why the first separation had been among the combined factors, I had gotten my dog Dionysus an Akita mixed with a Black Lab with a Chow Chow blend and as he was extremely protective of me; the ways which I had to go was because of what I already brought forward, as the irony of my biological mother and biological father having known about how that situation was in person as to my biological father being in the backyard when the 22 was used and my biological mother being at the dining room table when it was fired off.
I went to Crystal Mountain as to after making sure my son and my daughter were taken care of as I could not handle what occurred because my dog was doing his job to protect me and in such a regard of seeing such, few believed me as to the times as per the normalcy regarding such factors which should not have been normal though because of how many aspects were brought forward as to the lies about me and all of the clearing up I had to do where I could was an annoyance beyond such aspects which could ever be known. I know there are females and males who know of such factors though the combination of adding certain situations in the combined portions is additional as to the realities as to how many aspects of such situations in the lager combined as to how such situations had been, which by the time of the second and final separation after the garage aspects which no one blinked as to being anything odd or different comparatively as it made little sense to me within the city of San Antonio Texas as to that being considered as normal despite the situations was of a massive concern. While some later were confused and then asked questions in reference to by that time of volunteering at Nine Lives Books of how few paid any attention to the realities they were explained in person by all three involved, though the ways which such seemed normal as though it was just another day in the comparisons thereof to the truth and the reality as well as the gravity of such a situation.
It was not until going to #IHOP IHOP and speaking with one of the normal waiters on staff as to informing him as to the occurrences which the t-shirt was worn as to the 151 Road Warriors situation as to whenever that occurred as to the #Fiesta #FiestaSA #FiestaSATX #FiestaSanAntonio #FiestaSanAntonioTX #FiestaSanAntonioTexas #FiestaTexas #FiestaTX #Alamo #AlamoDrafthouse #AlamoDrafthouseSATX #AlamoDrafthouseSanAntonio #ADH #ADHSATX #ADFSA #MadMax #MadMaxmovie San Antonio Alamo Drafthouse situations during Fiesta because of the MadMax movie premier with the character who was supposed to be there and the lack of a parade license as to the situations in reference to the loop of San Antonio 1604 as per what I have described as well as wrote about later; though the male waiter who knew about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after effects thereof as to knowing that I did not play games though told me I needed to remember he played #Zelda Zelda in comparison to the #Warhammer Warhammer as to such points in time, in the year of 2007 if I recall the time of the year correctly though had already been aware in the latter part of the year in 2006 shortly before such and because of situations which occurred as to such a point in time as to later in reference to the Jims on Huebner and I10 as to the stickers situation after the National Guard training aspects.
Despite having known the IRR aspects would mean more than what occurrences thereof, no one believed me as to the differences of when someone is called back on IRR as to the ways that goes in comparison to whatever assumptions others have as to how IRR goes. The males I spent time with in the smoking section at Jim’s on I10 and Huebner were informed as to the situations as per the time between going from Nine Lives Books to the USPS before returning back to Nine Lives Books, and each of them had known what I had meant in regards of the IRR situations in comparisons to the individuals I had spoken with beforehand as to such points in time. However the aspects thereof to the connection points which can be seen in the short distance between the Jims on I10 and Huebner to the USAA Boulevard area apartment to the Lockhill Feed store to the Earth Montessori School as to an array of combined aspects of which, the problems as to the ways of the overall as to the situations later learned of as to the Dress Blues #EndStolenValorNow #EndAllStolenValorNow ending all stolen valor as to the overall portions which I have been brought forward before.
However the reality of which such connections despite the honesty as well as the open mindedness as to how I had thought of such to be more ideal as to the ways of the school technique as to the Montessori styling, the ways which the connections as to how many had gravitated during the timeframe to my now dead-ex-husband was problematic as I had seen in reference to the individual parents as to the school as well as the factors of which the wrongful refusal to pay attention to the realities of the mistreatments as to such points in time, as per the time as to the knowledge of my son and my daughter’s ages as to what I had brought forward then as well as throughout the years though specifically having done the arithmetic as I thought people were smarter than such as to being able to recognize the factors of which to the ages as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage as to the knowledge of which has been a situation which females have dealt with repeatedly in multiple sectors.
While there are those types of females who had been of problematic types who have thought they could earn the ways of in comparison to actually earning, usually such I would guesstimate would not know of the original Chinese foot binding aspects as per the ways of such specific types of tendencies in the comparison to those who became more well known for their earned works of which they themselves brought forward through their own efforts. In such regards when taking a look as to the females who can dance on their tippy toes compared to those who need pointe shoes in ballet, what similarities can the health factors be seen as to the ways of such aspects?
How does the ballet pointe shoes to the Chinese foot binding have certain impacts as to the usage regarding the physical body, and what types of females are more well known as to the ways thereof in such regards?
While my Bok Pu was ecstatic as to my being kicked out of the ballet aspects though sadistically even happier to see my biological sister dreaming of the aspects as to the pointe ballet as per the Swan Lake in the Nutcracker Suite later on in life, what health aspects are able to be seen as to the feet regarding the ways the shoes are done around the ankles to the ways which the impacts of such are similar to the ways of the foot binding as to the health impacts?
What are the differences between those who do tap and/or jazz and/or lyrical compared to those who do ballet though mainly in reference to the pointe shoed ballet as to what employment aspects as to the ways which such factors of the differences to the gymnasts, as to what are the more common employment factors of either type of individual?
While my Bok Pu who had been half Cantonese and half Mandarin as to the times had seen how my feet are as to naturally going on my tippy toes as well as my left foot as to such portions, she told me she was able to see her through me in such times when growing up as she knew I would be just as strong as her as well as the ways of what working I would be able to accomplish and she warned me it would be awhile before ever being in a situation which someone such as the ways my Bok Gung would be as to a marital relationship as knowing the ways of such in the difference to those who follow along in comparison to those who step outside of the proverbial box as to the ways which she hoped I would be more successful in my endeavors as to what had been accomplished as to being able to bring more forward while educating others and assisting. She told me she knew there would be a day where the correct individual for me would find me in a different measure in comparison to what would be of ease for my biological sister, which in such times was the least of my concerns which made her laugh.
I have not necessarily doubted though not necessarily believed multiple aspects as to what I was told by my Bok Pu as it was not until the tattoo in my neck that I ever thought anything was really that accurate as to certain factors, as I was an extremely skeptical child and teenager. Though heavily involved with religious aspects as to Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to certain aspects, the overall of the teachings in the shortened aspects was interesting though the more in depth portions of the biblical studies was where personally I had difficulties seeing to understand such details. During this point in my life, I suppose I can say otherwise as to certain factors in reference to both as to the situations in reference to the ways of which certain stories within the bible in a more modern day aspect of which seeing how there are certain correlations in different ways.
Nonetheless as to the timeframes as to the occurrences in Earth Montessori School as to a female who had moved into the Pheasant Creek Subdivision and I was friends with who had said she was surprised, I would speak with her as the majority of the neighborhood had treated her differently because of her clothing as to the timeframe. I saw such and understood as to the situations and knew there is a difference between the aspects as to the older texts as to the timing differences as to the updating portions of which the ways thereof, seemed as the times were getting ready to change.
Personally not being able to ever understand as to why certain factors though realizing the realities thereof, in my opinion those who have multiple wives only cause themselves more grief than what they personally need in their lives as when they choose to do so then the ways of such disfunctions that occur have to do more along the lines of the facts of if had taken more time with the one in comparison to the many as to the quality of life in the longer into the longest terms possible. While I have seen in reference to such factors within the northeast area among other areas of such a situation as to the ways which it seemed that the length of life for those who only have the one spouse and then what is agreed to in certain factors, as to the ways which the life in lengthened in the comparison of the bickering and the lack of internal knowledge as to who one truly is.
In my opinion additionally to such factors as I had noticed then in the times of as to when the memory factors as to the disarray of situations as to the keeping the lines correct in comparison to what I have noticed among those who have had such situations, as it has not ever made any sense to me as to the situations in reference to Viagra as when actually taking care of one in comparison to taking on too many makes the situations which in my opinion has been a decrease in other factors thereof. While I can see where females in life would later need such aspects as to those who would remain faithful as to the combinations thereof in such regards, the ways of such factors I brought forward in my teenager years was where I had been laughed at as so many females were far more willing to look into the aspects as to the Chinese foot binding or the ballet aspects to lead towards pointe which I had noticed a different version of a pointe as to the shoes depending upon how what was looked at when asking individuals about the factors thereof to such times.
However in the ways of certain profession aspects as to the similarities in a different factor as to the drying up of certain factors as to the ways which life in certain regards was not taken into consideration, as when there are certain situations in the comparisons thereof as to the ways such viewpoints as to my disagreements with certain individuals over such latter years before I wound up in Washington state. In the regards as to what was informed to me as a child as to the ways which the ballet to the pointe aspects as to how such had become more prevalent as to what of value in the ways of, the foot binding was in the factors of which some have sought multiple locations for such wives to live which the condensed format in the ways in rooms comparatively in comparison to taking care of the one in such differences. I was told as to the ways which pointe had become a situation as to the ones who were envious and jealous of the females who could accomplish such naturally as to the ways of trying to hold another back in comparison to learning, and the ways such shoes were later made were to the ways of which to ease their feet in the daintier way as to the facts that certain individuals are simple born in a different way and thus the factors of what is earned is what is earned through the furtherment in regards outside of the conventional methods.
I do not know if there is other information as to the history in the larger aspects though it would not be surprising to me, at this point in time…pun intended…
However in my opinion when looking into the scriptural aspects of the Torah as well as the Bible as to the ways which it was written of one spouse as to the repercussions of as the times progressed from the Torah times to the Bible times as to the ways which can be noticed when the situations occur as to the wishes for more than one, and the greed thereof being of problematic proportions. When looking at the length of lives as to the additional factor despite how the calculations were taken into regard, one can additionally see the difference as to the length of life for those with the larger numbers when adding the review as to the Q’ran as to such factors in the ways as to how the length of life is shortened upon the larger numbers of females in the comparisons as to one female as to such occurrences. Thus the longest lives as to such numerical portions are within the Torah aspects as to the middle length of life in the ways of the Biblical and the shortest lives are in the Q’ran of which when looking into the factors of the foot binding to the wondering as to the aspects of such correlations as to the ways which while the irony as to the timing being after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001.
If you take into consideration the differences between the ages of my son being in the school at an older age and his respect of and towards females compared to the ways which my daughter wished me to be married sooner in comparisons and had problems with accepting the fact I was going to live my own life in my own ways, the oddities as to the ages to the length of time within the Earth Montessori School as to the individuals who owned it at the time and the ways which the situations as to dealing with and handling thereof to the overall viewpoints. When taking into consideration the combined factors of which the realities of why I knew I needed to make sure as best as possible to keep my son and my daughter as safe as possible, the strength of taking a stand when necessary as to knowing what is better than what some children think as such in the realities as to longer and healthier lives.
If there are correlations others can see as to such factors, what is the evaluation as to such points in time from then to now?
How many other similarities can be found out of such, as to the timeframe of each child that attended that particular school and who did such go in reference to social interactions with others?
Any timing as to Fort Hood, correlations?
What is of importance as to the #UCMJ UCMJ as to clarifying and ensuring as to the legal laws in the comparisons as to the ways of within the civilian sector, when looking as to how certain laws within the state of Texas as to the Fiesta MadMax situation?
What in the references as to the statutes in comparison to each as to the ways of for such references, as to the abilities as to Military City USA to review in such regards as to the length of time and the facts of which of my Blue Identification Card of/for the United States of America as what assistance can that additionally bring forward for those such as Your Dad is Not A Captain and his son and their family with such a plausibility of the additional factors of such a review as to the citizens additionally within Military City USA as to the area of San Antonio Texas?
What would be considered of importance regarding such as to the ways time had gone as to the Carrollton Texas area as well as SCUBA Diving among other factors, with such a review thereof?
