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The Ornery P.S.A.
a philosophical-ish


It should not take a head injury
*after personally sustaining a head injury & coma*
to figure this out...


After a Drill Sergeant threw Me into the metal part of the bunk when I was in Basic Training for the United States of America's Army branch at Fort Sill Oklahoma #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OK #Oklahoma in the year of 2000 on Psalm Sunday, I have dealt with the situations as best as I have been capable to do so while taking care of the situations and asking for assistance as per the required explanations of the information to such facts first.  While making the attempts to get assistance for the aspects thereof as to the reality, the aspects of where and when as to the multiple attempts to ask for assistance for me.  As my journal blog for when I was ready to bring such as to my other works forward since as to the lengths of time as to where my modeling was as to the modeling page information, just as the other pages have the information as to such specifics, and just as this journal blog of mine is as to such facts.

If I had real friends (if as to having met in person face to face in person in real life as to the aspects of this particular reference such as from the state of Texas as to the state of Washington as to the years of 2000 through 2013 if I met within the state of Texas for such references), real (the areas of the tristate region as before the year of 2000) family, and real relationships in real life that recognized me as to the aspects of if as to the face to face in person who started in truth as I had started such in truth as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain that took 8.5 years to dissipate; then I guesstimate there would be the easier factors as to being capable for me to speak with others in truth in person face to face in person and/or through online measures as to such factors I suppose.  Though would such as to the knowledge of the ways as to how they began such discussions with me as to would there be such a situation, for them to consider as to such if factors as to such discussions with me in truth?

As to some suggestions and commentary within "Finding A Silver Lining" one of several of my bo0ks I personally authored/wrote/compiled as I can only speak and write in truth as per such clarifications as to the reality as to the specifics of such discussions/writings/videos as per my Official You Tube where I have satirical commentary where I comment about the factors as to having dealt with others' opinions about their pop culture references of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey, though as to for the most part I have actually preferred to be asked with politeness if as to having read my books and/or seen my website as just the same in reference to the timeframes when I was modeling as to having respect as to what I consider as respect, referencing if as to such polite manners as to discussions if as to such having been noticed because of the factors in my opinion as to having real discussions as communication would be if my website was seen before the year of 2023 as I first began my website in 2015; as in my journal blog posts as to the reality of the years of 2010 through 2013, as to the aspects of introductions as to those timeframes when as to various factors as I did not take selfies as I was actually working with photographers as to my creations of my outfits as per the description on the link to my modeling page(s) as to the references regarding my journal blog updates in the years of 2019 through 2022 as the timeframe onward as to the year of 2023 as to the factors as to how such journal blog entries will be as to such factors as to the aspects of the various topic points.

Go read through the multiple journal blogs on my website after finishing scrolling to get to the journal blog area, now!

Share the links of my journal blog, too!

 I was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up going throughout the tristate northeast areas mainly, and as to how the reality of when the importance of the situations as to the aspects of reviewing as to such facts regarding the logistics for several factors as to the considerations; the years of 2019 through 2022 as to the review process as to the aspects of the timeframe, prior to the timeframe of the 20 year memorial of 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11 as well as before the 30 year memorial of February 1993, as to the northeast areas mostly known as to New York City #NYC #NewYork #NY #NYstate #NYU though also as to the #Pentagon Pentagon, as well as Pennsylvania #Pennstate #Pennsylvaniastate as to the reality of how many New Jersey-ians commute in either direction, depending upon what location for the commute. 

The factors though I have said at times, I re-re-re-re-re-re-grew up in the state of  #Texas #TX #Texasstate Texas as to such factors as to the timeframes, as well as all 26 of my SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving  Diving certifications I earned were through one school within the state of Texas as I also earned winning first place in a Texas Chili cookoff with more than 20 entries as well as my chili recipe as I am adamant about my recipes as to such aspects just as I am specific as to what it actually takes for me to cook in a BBQ as to the required preparations for when I have BBQed.   

I can sarcastically write, those who know of the Rules of the BBQ as to where I grew up as to the Rules of the BBQ as to such factors to the considerations of such preparations.  However that is to cooking food as to the differences of my journal blog entries, as to the factors as to proverbial aspects of food for thought as the difference of real food in real life as to the facts of the situations to such attention to the details as well as attention to the information.

Such facts as to the metaphors in some of such factors that only after reviewing such information as to the aspects of the fiction book series that were as to for My personal life as to such dreamland sorts of factors as to the differences of such hypotheticals, the references thereof as to such regards as to the logistical emotional with the real situations as per the names I was informed of at the timeframes referenced review as to My journal blog as to the situations overall.  

If as to my journal blog being found and read as to where what I consider as common sense, as to the aspects of my satirical saying   how it should not take a head injury to figure out. 

*(sometimes utilizing articles discussing facts)*
By:  (Reverend) Susan MeeLing
also known as

The One & Only

(YouTube)   Lady Dori Belle


Business Card.jpg


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?

Questions & a video which ties some portions together to think about

There is a saying which I know other people had to grow up hearing which I automatically applied it into when I began going online as to the social media aspects though also kept such in mind regarding emails, which the saying is “If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all”. Of course at this point I can see the facts as to the length of time in reference to certain situations in regards of what should have been taken care of in regards of several situations, however in reference more-so in the comparisons as to commenting about people in the private aspects as to the instant messenger as well as the email system. While the public commenting in such regards in my opinion is a bit different though it depends as to certain factors in regards of my own personal opinion, the aspects of which the fact that Yahoo had the massively huge email dump in the years of 2013 and 2014 though was not brought forward until the year of 2016.

In the reference as to having already gone over the details as to my issues with technology as to how many laptops I had taken into #GeekSquad Geek Squad and #BestBuy Best Buy as to the accidental warranty plan situations at the timing of 13 laptops while remembering prior laptops and desktops among other situations, the leaking of the emails as to whichever types thereof which I would guesstimate would include the yahoo group emails between such aspects should be taken into consideration as to the individuals I once knew in reference to the state of #TX #Texas #TXstate #Texasstate Texas because of the realities that some would know further in details of. There is an oddity as to the timeframe of the year of 2013 as to my having wound up in the state of #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state after the #Cowboys #CowboysDanceHall #Concert #StoneyLaRue #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA Cowboys Dance Hall Stoney LaRue concert in San Antonio Texas in March of 2013 as to what I was informed of in the year of 2020 about something which occurred in the year of 2015 within the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas area to the conjunction aspects as to individuals who had informed me of their choices as to taking information from the Temple of Flesh business office as I had made attempts to explain to both Steve and Krysta about the aspects of, what would be to consider in the combined references as to such aspects of references to the situations?

What is also to be taken into consideration as to my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 as well as the Irving situation in the year of 2011 as to the situations as to the technological aspects as to the individuals I had not ever given permission as to ever getting involved with situations which were not theirs for such, in reference to several aspects I repeatedly informed others of what I was dealing with to think about as to such occurrences thereof as to such times as to the years and any possible assumptions and/or hypothetical problems which would need the clarifications thereof to such aspects in full in truth as why should it be where I am not the only individual to clear such up?

I know just as I knew back in the years of 2008 through 2013 and onward I could have written of my opinions as to the situations I was dealing with regarding the #FWZoo #FWTX #FortWorthZoo #FW #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas Fort Worth Zoo as to the #Carrollton #CarrolltonTX #CarrolltonTexas Carrollton Texas #McCoy #McCoyElementary #Elementary McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Texas of which in the year of 2012 my daughter had said she had seen a talking gorilla which reminded me later around the year of 2014 of an individual who told me he once had gone around the Clear Springs SCUBA Park in a Sasquatch suit which I did not know what that was, however in such references as to the facts which such possibilities to take into consideration of such factors if at the Fort Worth Zoo there was security footage as to such a situation as to however many individuals are accustomed to the #Disney Disney dressing up costumes as well as other locations such as #SesamePlace Sesame Place as to the similarities of characters in the costumes; the reality of the technological portions of such connectionary points of which I have made attempts to assist such clarifications as to the amount of warnings I had given when I was a child into my teenager years as well as into my biological adult years, though mainly in person when in person with other individuals.

In the reference as to the yahoo data breech in the year of 2013, what would be of importance in reference to the different situations I had brought up regarding the aspects as to the warnings I had given over the years about such aspects as what additionally could be taken into consideration as to such factors of needless drama?

While the ways which certain aspects had occurred in regards of when within the years of 2019 through 2021 in reference to the state of Texas, there are the situations additionally as to what I had written about regarding my fact based books as to my Medal of Honor Art Project in the references as well as to the factors of #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Texas in the year of 2011. Though I have had a multitude of experiences as to having only recently begun to delve more in depth as to such factors as well as the aspects of the pictures and videos I have been posting on my #facebook Facebook and #Instagram Instagram accounts, the reality of those particular references regarding the truth of transmissions as to the aspects in regards of multiple warnings I had given as to what I knew as to such background information of what I could barely remember as to the times of after waking up from my coma after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 during when I was in Basic Training; please remember as to the fact of how many people in the years of 2000 through 2012 had repeatedly told me they wanted me to use my words better to explain the situations, while in the processes of the situations as to the timeframes.

That portion is extremely important for others to remember as per when the explanations I made attempts to give such warnings while being told as I was as to those years referencing how many complaints I dealt with in person about my words being an issue because of others having been offended as they claimed because of the amount of swearing I did when I made attempts to explain the situations and was angry with myself because of the pain levels as well as my attempts to explain such factors while making attempts to think of the words to be capable to explain the details, those years of 2000 through 2012 when I made every possible attempt I could while dealing with the varying factors as to those times are of importance for each and every individual I ever once knew in person to keep in mind and take into consideration as to the facts. While now in the year of 2021 I can discuss in more words out loud in detail comparatively to those years of 2000 through 2012, I also was relearning how to speak while knowing the words though the pain levels as to my headaches and my migraines depending upon my pain levels.

The additional factors as to my memory deficits and cognitive disorders while dealing with such individuals who had spoke over my discussions with others as to tried to drown out the discussions in comparisons to simply listening to the discussions if they were allowed to be a part of them, and/or moving to an area where there would not be the impact as to such factors of the discussions as per knowing such realities. Those types of needless situations as to the lack of common sense as to the points of the topics having been discussed as to those years of 2000 through 2012 were of annoyances which were unnecessary as to being capable to get the information within the discussions of the times thereof as to my opinion as to the lack of etiquette as to the ways of biological adults acting as children when wanting attention in such regards, however I had repeatedly made the attempts to explain where possibly as to having needed to be capable to speak the words to be capable to give the information regarding such factors.

There are reasons why when there are briefs in various areas as to the discussions are held before the brief as well as after the brief, as to maintain the discussion topic points in the organized directions in comparison to the scattered aspects referencing the details as unlike when in college as well as unlike when in high school as unlike when in middle school and unlike when in elementary school; when the individual(s) involved as to the important points thereof are talking, that is where the saying of “children should be seen and not heard” probably should be taken into consideration as to the reference aspects of the briefs in such a regard as to how many attempts I had made in the multiple areas thereof.

The situations though as to preference to open communication in my opinion as to honest discussions, has always been important as unlike some individuals I have known as well as including had been raise by as well as re-grew up; did not ever silence my son #Letters4James or my daughter #Letters4Lidia, as they have always been important to me and remain important to me even though the situations have been as the situations have been.

While I understand there are those who are within the brat category of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle as per the multitude of labels in such references, the consent in reference to those who do not like to play with brats is actually required in such regards as to the lifestyle being where it is supposed to be consenting in such references. Just because of people gathering in a group together for an event in which there in such years of 2004 through 2005 as well as 2008 through 2012 may have allowed brats to attend, the requirement as to the respect as to the important factor of consent is something which was noticed as to those particular types within the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle. I would not be surprised if there are those who I once knew who could have complained about the ways thereof to such situations, and possibly misconstrued certain factors as to how many times I had to put a brat into their place as to their need to understand and comprehend while their particular partner might have allowed such aspects; the reality of such factors of which other individuals did not consent to the bratty behaviour of such situations, as per the aspect of comprehending it is supposed to be an adult consenting lifestyle. Then there are biological adults who prefer the term brat as to such factors and think that is was acceptable to have everyone deal with such in the comparisons as to the reality of the consent required as per such a lifestyle, the situations which I doubt I am the only one who did not have the patience as to such aspects in the nonconsensual ways; especially when in reference to what were supposed to be mature adults, having a discussion at the time.

While some types of individuals have the review aspects now in the year of 2021 compared to those years of 2000 through 2012 as to the situations in the overall reviewal contexts thereof, similarly to the aspects regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the required portions of my consent to any individual who had thought to tag along in comparison to asking me as a mature adult would be intelligent enough to know as to the need for such factors as to the realities of what aspects thereof to the fact of going to locations where not only Medal of Honor recipients remains are. In such regards as to the proverbial viewpoint in the references thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to such factors of which the irony about how many people from the years of 2000 through 2012 who told me they wanted me to use my words to explain situations as I made attempts in the multitude of factors, would there be any individuals who ever complained to me and/or about me which could hypothetically have needed to think about their own words which they had used in my direction as to utilizing words to speak in such references as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips?

If individuals were involved with certain supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle portions who had decided on their own as to such situations, what would the label of such technicalities be in regards of in both the reference as to the situations of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips of which I have already gone over in details; though additionally, what is the label in reference to the technicalities as to the lack of mature discussions as to my correct viewpoint as to those types of individuals who could have hypothetically tried to be upset though having an internal knowing as to the realities as to the situations regarding the facts of such regards as why would there be any upset in any other way if there was not the internal knowledge of such factors and then what do certain types of individuals have as a response when the situations of reviewing such details are in consideration thereof to in such references?

What would your parents and/or grandparents have thought of your choices in such references regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in such references as to the hypotheticals, in the aspect of what I went over in regards of “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the possibilities of those who decided to tag along in comparison to asking me as to what I would personally need as why would anyone be upset if in such references as to the ways of how when what age as to your own capability to review your own behaviour as to such factors? What age were you when in such responses, as to the situations thereof?

I did not ever have the luxury of simply being a child during my biological childhood years of which in such references as a biological adult and the addition of having woken up from a coma from when I was in Basic Training and had the head injury which put me into the coma in the year of 2000, however in reference to the technological aspects of which I have discussed and wrote about multiple times as to the comparisons in my time of my life as to the situations of technology compared to the before of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury compared to afterwards in this month of December 2021 upon review of such times more specifically afterwards; the realization of the aspects which Geek Squad and Best Buy would know the difference especially in reference to the timeframe of specifics in reference to my different laptops, in a different type of a timeline. There is the reference points regarding the aspects of the year of 2000 through 2006 which the majority of desktops and laptops were through various other factors regarding Gateway and Compaq, though in the year of either 2005 or 2006 was when I went through Best Buy to purchase my first laptop for myself. The timeframe between 2006 through 2009 in regards of the time of when I was involved with SCUBA Diving, would be known as to the specific number of laptops as to the situations as to the energetic portions as to the differences of the amount I had brought back to a Best Buy to go through Geek Squad.

Then there is the timeframe of the year of 2009 for such a review as to the aspects regarding from the month of February 2009 through to June of 2009, to then look into the months of June 2009 through to August 2009, and then the review as to August 2009 through to December 2009. The specific breakdown in the month aspects has to do specifically as to the amount of work as well as the type of work in reference of my SCUBA Diving certifications as well as the portions thereof per certification, though also the differences in the depth levels I had been to in reference of my SCUBA Diving. In the month of June 2009 would be the 8 specific SCUBA Dives which I landed at the bottom of the ocean while in reference of the first 2 SCUBA Dives, 2 SCUBA Diver males had seen me do so before we went onward with the rest of the shoreline of #Cancun SCUBA Dives. In a reviewal at this point, I admit the view as to the vertical aspects compared to the situations later in reference to the Cavern SCUBA Diving was far more preferable as to my comfort level because of the view in the comparisons thereof.

However in regards of the other 6 SCUBA Dives in #Cozumel Cozumel, there were the 5 other SCUBA Divers as well as the tour guide for those 6 trips which each of them had seen me land at the bottom of the ocean as to the SCUBA Dive as per my picture at night of the baby Seahorse I took a picture of as they were floating overhead as those who had the flashlights were able to add additional light for the night SCUBA Dive for me to be capable to get the picture in reference to the Seahorse during that point in time in June of 2009. In reference to the timeframe between June 2009 through August 2009, would be the aspects of the initial time as to having landed at the bottom of the ocean as well as the only partial relationship-ish as to the timeframe regarding a SCUBA Diver in such references which I have discussed and wrote about the aspects in reference to my return from in August 2009 as to my SCUBA Dives out from #FL #FLstate #Florida #Floridastate Florida regarding both out from #Boca #BocaFL #BocaFlorida #BocaRaton #BRFL #BocaRatonFL #BocaRatonFlorida Boca Florida as well as at the #Vandenberg USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as the port in in the #KWFL #KeyWest #FloridaKeys #FLKeys Florida Keys.

I have already written as to how the situations went in reference to my drive through to the Florida Keys in this year of 2021 as to going to specifically discuss the aspects thereof to my SCUBA Dive in the area as I was prepared to get a hotel room if needed, however I have already written about such details as to the situations thereof for the timeframe earlier this year in 2021; while also having written about the aspects of going to Florida in the year of 2019, as well as 2020 in the different reference points thereof to the additional aspects of the year of 2021 in brief. However I had done so, nonetheless as to such references and the situations were as the situations were as to such points in time as to the energetic aspects upon my arrival as well as the situations in regards to the other portions in the brief ways thereof.

I suppose I can write a joke sarcastically in reference to the saying “Be the type of female when she wakes up and steps onto the ground as to making the devil shiver and be scared”, as to the references additionally to a song in regards of the state of Georgia as to another aspect in such references as well for the occurrences as to what occurred regarding in the years of 2019 as well as 2020 and 2021 though 2019 and 2021 for the most specific examples as to the state of Florida and 2019 and 2020 as to the state of Georgia for such references of the examples thereof. Since the ways which the recognition aspects have been as to the situations thereof I suppose at the smaller aspects, there is the reality as to the land portions as well as the weather which recognized and acknowledged upon my arrival as to both states in reference of the different times for such references to the realities. How others think about such factors as to the recognition portions in such comparisons such as to the winter storm in reference to the timeframe and situations thereof in the year of 2020 with the follow up portions in regards of the year of 2021 as to the aspects which I had written multiple warnings as to the facts thereof as to the upset in such references, the ways each choice was made is what each choice was made for others to keep in mind as to the reviewal portion this month of December 2021.

Though I can make the sarcastic joke in reference to the factors of my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 in reference to the day before I went to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg as per the joke regarding as to the hurricane which was cleared up to be capable to drop down and handle what I needed to take care of, to keep such aspects as to the situations thereof as to the times. I suppose I can additionally make a sarcastic reference to the factors of my Boca SCUBA Dive as to the colors for certain aspects as to certain references, which admittedly I had not ever officially specified as to such regards as to the ways which could have been noticed in regards of my SCUBA diving pictures as to the years of 2009.

Which is worse when thinking about such as is it worse to insult the proverbial aspects for others to take into consideration as to the area of the proverbial devil to some in such a reference to the Abyss as to devil reference as to the below areas of the oceanic waters, or is it considered worse as to the aspects as to the above areas as to the situations which the land proverbially connects the two areas regarding on earth as to the factors of as well as before as well as after the Irving situation?

I have made multiple attempts as to such factors, of which those portions as to others’ choices and their responses in such regards is for each to take into consideration for themselves as to the responses if there were such to be as well as the timeframes thereof which then the question is how many times do I have to actually give warnings prior to actually being taken seriously as to such situations and visions thereof as well as the other such factors combined?

In the regards as to the technological aspects of reference to a #Periscope Periscope video I recorded in regards of SCUBA Diving and going to Florida when in the year of 2019 when I was on my way back to the state of Texas prior to going out to #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC and then to go through the states to get to Georgia and Florida along the line areas thereof, I did go to Florida as per the Periscope video as per the areas of the original lines as to the ways I had said as such in reference to the situations regarding what I had said in the Periscope video in the year of 2019 during the timeframe of #Hurrican #HurricaneDorian #Dorian Hurricane Dorian and kept true to my word in reference to such aspects. In such references as to if others had thought in comparison to the words I specifically said in such regards there is a difference between the state of Florida compared to the Florida Keys as per the areas thereof, which to pay attention to as to such factors.

The facts I went to Florida to the state as per the realities of what I said in regards of the Periscope video as to the realities of which there was not any hesitation whatsoever if there are those who wish to claim they had done so because of my UHAUL situation as per having written about the aspects of as well as posted such on my website with the time of the aspects, the additional portions of my original Facebook account images from my camera as per what I purchased through my original eBay account with the similar name aspects, additionally prove what is mine is mine. However in regards of the possibility of who would wish to claim such in comparison to the fact I had taken the oath I had in the repetition as to the aspects in reference to Dinwiddie Virginia and was capable to submit the evidence as to such aspects within the court under oath as to what I posted additionally in such references, if it is especially a SCUBA Diving instructor who wishes such who continued SCUBA Diving; then why has that individual not redropped in such a comparison to prove such factors, as to such a claim falsely by such a hypothetical situation? The same in reference as to any individual who was dating and/or engaged and/or involved with any SCUBA diver who would wish to claim such aspects, why would there ever be the hesitation in such references?

I have not hesitated as per the factors as to the proof thereof regarding in the year of 2019 as I already have brought forward, in addition to the proof as to such factors regarding the other circumstances thereof. The additional factors as to having spoken with my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Nichols Osteen as well as my other ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez (name in the year of 2009) on the phone when in Florida at the time while other people in the area of Boca Raton Florida overheard who were in the pool area, as well as the individuals within the parking lot area at the time of August 2009 who would have additionally seen me as to the timeframe of the phone calls with them as well as later as to my ex-brother-in-law additionally to my other ex-in-law as to Great-Grandma Nichols and the former Marine Uncle Tony in such references in the timeframe of in conjunction to their Great-Grandson Brandon who was living in Great-Grandma Nichols’ house at the time having been told in person as to the names thereof; the amount of others who were in the areas in the timeframe of August 2009 as to the various SCUBA Divers on the different boats, the Dive Masters, the Captains, as well as the individuals within the areas as I explained such to my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, and my niece Marissa Marie Nichols-Lopez who is my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez (Sweeney legal new married last name now sounding as) such as the locations of Ross Dress for Less as well as the Denny’s in the area of Key West Florida as to such aspects in conjunction to the Days Inn location which I had extended the stay for another evening to be capable to recuperate from the SCUBA Diving at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg are just a few areas with multitudes of individuals in the immediate area as to who had heard me discuss such in person when I was in the area while they were in person in the area in August 2009.

Then, there are the additional individuals in reference to the various gas station stops along the way from the Florida Keys to Boca Raton Florida then from Boca Raton Florida to Steele #AL #ALstate #Alabamastate #Alabama Alabama, as well as the trip through #TN #TNstate #Tennessee #Tennesseestate Tennessee into #MO #MOstate #Missouri #Missouristate Missouri into #AK #Arkansas #AKstate #Arkansasstate Arkansas before returning to the state of Texas as to the various stops and locations thereof as to the individuals I spoke with along the way in each and every location I had made my trip through to return to the state of Texas as to that particular SCUBA Dive who had been informed by me in person when speaking in person with them before returning to the state of Texas in August of 2009 prior to ever speaking with anyone from #InternationalSCUBA International SCUBA or #SCUBAToys SCUBA Toys. Obviously that includes the male who I had saved from the Puffer Fish in the #Cozumel Cozumel area as to the trip in June of 2009, as well as at Clear Springs SCUBA Park in the year of 2009.

Whether or not others paid attention to such specific details during the year of 2019 into the year of 2020 and into 2021, that would be as to whether or not that was paid attention to regarding each individual thereof to such factors. While I paid attention to such aspects as well as have brought forward the various details thereof, in such references to the discussion regarding at the #NSA NSA; technically, I did go home-ish. I went to the different areas and as per the situations of what once was considered as, the situations were as such situations were at the times thereof to the years of 2019 as per such aspects in the multitudes thereof. Again whether or not such details were paid attention to in the faery sized aspects compared to the expanded thoughts of others in the spreading out of the details specifically referenced, would depend upon each individuals’ thought processes regarding such points in time compared to the specifics I had brought up in the Periscope video I had recorded live which in turn as per having done so without any hesitation in the year of 2019 is a quandary which has required such clarifications.

While the capability to see what was needed in reference to the timeframe in 2019 regarding when in the area of what was old Florida as to the similarities of how old New York City once was as to the timeframes as to the original aspects of the first colonies of the United States of America, the ways of which the cartography during the times of those centuries ago as to what I had been capable to be allowed to study over the timeframes of were remarkable as to the details of. In such references to my science project which I was in eight grade as to the timeframes which included various blueprints and maps for that particular year which I described in my first book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” the reality, would show as to such points in time of the situations regarding the aspects of what I read through in such a detailed format.

The ways of which even after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which later to wake up from my coma in San Antonio Texas to continue living onward and going through the different classes, certification courses, and graduation aspects thereof would be one way of seeing a smaller view of how much work I had completed when I was a child to bringing forward such detailed aspects as to how much work I put into my own education to then progress forward as to the ways which I could. However as to the amount of individuals, agencies, groups, organizations, businesses, and etcetera which I have reached out to and contacted in reference to from the official aspects specifically in reference to my SCUBA Diving beginning in the year of 2018 through into the year of 2019 as well as 2020; there has not been any return contact back which in my opinion shows that aspect of no news means good news as to the belief of which I had accomplished such factors on my own, as per the clarifications as to my prior postings of my pictures on my original Facebook account in the timeframe of the year of 2009 as well as in my original #fetlife fetlife account which would be in their hidden data base compared to what minimal I could find in my original fetlife account.

Though it does not make any sense to me as to why such aspects have been hidden regarding my SCUBA Diving other than the aspects as to the sensations as to the wishes to have acknowledged someone else having been considered accepted to them when in reality the factors of such were not accepted by the oceanic portions nor was such ever accepted in regards as to the aspects of #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Texas in the year of 2011 as per discussions as to part of the reasons why they had arrived to ask me what the preferences were as to such aspects as per their having reviewed such transmissions over those points in time in such references thereof. The ways of which they had viewed such aspects were of a disgrace to the human race, in full.

However in the reference as to factors of which in a multitude of situations and admittedly having dealt with many situations of which the aspects as to the pondering of how many laptops I went through during the timeframe from SCUBA Diving specifically during the timeframe of June or August 2009 through to the year of 2011 which I think was around 4-6, and then the amount of laptops I went through from the year of 2011 through 2013 which I think was around 4-6; the difference of from 2006 through 2009 being around 2-3 is something to take into consideration as to what I had informed people as to the situations I was dealing with, of which few I suppose realized as to the levels of which the accuracy of such situations as to what I was dealing with as to such points in time. Then again the amount of people who were around as well as having claimed they needed to use my laptop and/or cellphone as to such points in time and/or claimed they needed to put an update on my computer for me because of the situations, were different as to the factors which realistically in such a review as to the factors which there might be additional importance as to other situations which the portion of time currently as to the merger between Sprint and T-Mobile if there was the situations of such back in those years as possibly something additionally to take into consideration in reference as to those who I once knew in regards of the technological aspects I had brought up in various discussions as well as whatever additional proof as to where I have been accurate as to visions as to the times.

However the situations were at the times as such situations were, which in the reference of ironically within the year of 2011 as to the situations in Austin Texas when having explained to the college students I knew as to them not being as intelligent in references where they had actually told me they thought because they were in college as to their thoughts they were ‘the most intelligent people/beings in the entire universe’ in conjunction to several other situations combined; I suppose the factors of my choice to acknowledge for the overall as to human beings having intelligence though not being the most intelligent in the universe or the galaxy, is admittedly a bit of an oddity as to the situations in reference to Irving 2011 on top of the situations in reference to what I was dealing with at the timeframe of. I admit as to the factors of Irving 2011 as to making the choice to remain quiet about such at the time in the year of 2011 because of not believing anyone would believe me at the times, as with the comprehension of what I was dealing with in the overall; I knew there could not be any point in time anyone could look at me during those times and believe me despite knowing I could only tell the truth, as it seemed as to the lack of support during those years as to how few would take me seriously.

In honesty as to the situations from the years of 2018 through to the current timeframe of 2021 as to the levels of what I have dealt with and knowing how the difficulties might be some ways similar, the factors of which in all such points in time as to having only been capable of speaking and writing in the truthful ways and details thereof as well as the factors of having clarified as best as possible in truth as to the situations while distinguishing the difference as to the genres in truth. As per the timeframe between 2019 through 2021 as to the proof seen regarding “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”, the three volume book series of “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”, and #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA in comparison to the additional books I authored adding to the first three in my 10 book series “The Paroxysm of the Lotus Book Series (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as well as the additional eight books to the one original in my 9 book series “Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with science fiction fantasy (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the distinguishing the differences as to such series of books in conjunction to the aspects of the time capable to do so despite the situations which occurred as through the years of 2018 through 2021 as well as the situations in reference to the years of 2013 through 2018 there could possibly be seen as to the clarity a bit more in such latter years as to the aspects of the prior year timeframes as per such explanations which could show the validity of each and every aspects I discussed as well as wrote in the truthful aspects per each area of genre for the distinctive factors for such understanding.

Again for the clarifications as to the references regarding having went through such details as to the aspects more specifically in my journal blog The Ornery PSA, everyone needs to remember as to the facts the timeframe of 2019 through 2021 has only been in reference to reviewing the information as to making sure the details thereof if were needed in additional aspects were capable to be clarified as everyone needs to remember as to the facts I had not reviewed my personal opinions of the occurrences of the years in the same ways in the factors in the comparisons to the journal blogs as to the situations in a more specific way in most circumstances overall until the years of 2019 through 2021 which in turn everyone needs to remember as to keeping as many of my personal biases out of the range of my writings as to years prior to the year of 2019 referencing such situations in full as best as possible in comparison to an overall generalized view for the majority of my writings because of the pure need for the facts as to such points in time or acknowledging a metaphor as to the situations referencing other journal writings compared to the differences. Thus everyone needs to remember the situations of which I have written about as to my opinions and my sensations and my biases only specifically in the years of 2019 through 2021 as per the capability to review all of my prior postings as to such differences in the timeframes before the year of 2019 and the different areas thereof to the topics, in my opinion would be more capable of others to see as to the realities which to my validity of each aspects clarified, though also the review of such aspects are in the timeframes of which the pointed out aspects as to acknowledging the timeframe differences.

In turn the aspects of being capable to acknowledge the timeframe differences in the regards as to the updates as well as reviewals, how many other individuals remembered such prior to my writing the factors that they need to remember as to the fact I acknowledged the differences in the timeframes prior to any hypothetical assumptions others had made in such references as to including my YouTube channel videos as well?

Who made the choices as to being at #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire and speaking with me though knowing me before how I wound up in Washington state after the occurrences which began in regards of others’ in the year of 2008 onward through to 2015 more specifically, paid attention to the years having specifically been brought forward to the best of my ability during such points in time as to my updating to the aspects thereof?

Who in such additional aspects knew me in person when face to face in person years before at Club Sapphire who spoke with me in honesty, if I am accurate as to the situations in reference to those from the state of Texas as to such factors?

Why is that important in reference to what I dealt with more specifically from the years of 2000 through 2021, and what factors would individuals need to take into consideration as to what I brought forward in truth as to such situations?

What in reference as to such a reviewal would be considered important in the differences as to who I had thought of as family compared to friends compared to relationship aspects in such a reviewal thereof, as why would that be considered important as to the timeframe aspects as well as the situations thereof to the aspects thereof; as how many individuals which includes myself, had shown what patterns of behaviour as to the possibilities of repetition compared to making attempts as to a different way as to the aspects of brining information as well as opinions forward as to such points in time as to the aspects thereof, and what differences can be noticed in regards as to the timeframe differences in regards as to my writings/videos in comparison to others’ as to the timeframes thereof which then why is that important to take into consideration?

In reference to my time in the Washington state area in comparison to the state of Texas, why would the aspects of my having to go through everything regarding Washington state before delving into the situations regarding the state of Texas and the people thereof be considered important in such a reviewal; as what about how I had been at Club Sapphire as to the ways thereof be important in regards as to my interactions with individuals be of importance as to my actual interactions with people when in the state of Texas from the years of 2000 through 2013 be of importance for such a review?

What details in reference as to the situations in the timeline of 2015 through 2019 as to my involvement in Club Sapphire is comparable to the realities compared to the rumors in reference of the years of 2000 through 2014 regarding such aspects of possibilities, to take into consideration as to the situations in the reviewal processes within the years of 2019 through 2021 which and why would be considered important as to the realities of such factors as why would it be of importance as to my childhood and teenager years in the 1980s and the 1990s as to such validated aspects of facts regarding the overall situations as why is such important in truth?

Why is it important as to the timeframe of the reviewal process of the year between 2019 through 2021 as to pointing out the differences in the aspects of the timeframes from the 1980s into 2019 important to review as to the details thereof, referencing the overall situations as to the comparisons of when only giving the facts from the 1980s into 2019 as why is it important for everyone to remember in reference to the reviewal processes in the years of 2019 through 2021?

In regards as to the situations as to my journal blog as to sensing as to being considered as an unwanted artist, why would such factors of the prior question be capable to see such factors?

Additionally why would it be of importance to acknowledge for the first time as to that journal blog as to my sensations as how many people and how many time prior to such aspects had posted about their feelings and/or opinions as to various situations, compared to the aspects of there only being one video before that one journal blog entry as why would that be considered important in reference to the overall aspects as to everyone else’s social media in whichever capacities to take into consideration in addition to what would that have to do with my issues with technology as what can be seen or thought about in reference to how I maintained and sustained my silence as to my own opinions and sensations as to my personal biases for the length of time I have as what could anyone truthfully review as to those facts in such references as why would that be of importance to take into consideration especially in reference to the years of 2019 through 2021?

If others have considered me as weak in reference to the years of 2019 through 2021, then what would that show of in reference to my having been silent as to such opinions and biases from the years of 2000 through 2019 with the exception of 1 video recording and 1 journal blog entry as to the stated portions thereof as why would those factors be of importance for everyone to remember to keep in mind referencing such amounts of situations I personally have dealt with as does that truly translate in everyone else’s thoughts as to my having been weak or strong in such references in the honest reviewals as to each others’ responses to which situations in what lengths of times as why would that be of considerable importance as well?

What is important about speaking with in person when face to face in person as to the lengths of times as well as to the various situations in a mature and honest way, as why would that be considered required as to such situations in the timelines thereof prior to the years of 2019 through 2021; while admitting technology is assistive, why would those factors be of importance to take into consideration as to the facts I had kept myself quiet in the aspects of my opinions and sensations and biases in the larger ways in the comparison to the numerical portions of postings I had made during the prior years to 2019 as why would that be of importance to take into consideration?

Remember the facts as to the years as to what I had been dealing with in reference to the different timeframes when reviewing the facts as to the additional facts of having brought such forward in the years of 2019 through 2021 despite having brought forward as best as I could previously as to discussions, as why would that be of additional importance to take into consideration regarding anyone else who may have their opinions and biases though what is the important factors as to the timeframes which need to be taken into consideration as well as need to be remembered as to such facts as why are those situations of genuine importance?

In regards as to the known factors of my being protective as to the references of various situations both regarding my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia to the comparisons more specifically as to Club Sapphire especially once the timeframe of the door situation as well as the back area situations had seemingly became a larger notation I paid attention to, as what of such factors are of importance to take into considerations as to the differences between those within Washington state compared to those in the state of Texas as to what important factors of speaking with others in truth additionally be considered a big deal to think about and review as to such timeframes?

Why is it important as to how I responded around the times of 2017 more-so onward as to the casino across the street when the door situation became more prevalent as what is important about how others knew when they checked into the office area as why is it important additionally as to the facts of being as close to the #SeaTAC SeaTac airport as why is consent and truth considered important to think about as to what I brought forward as to why is it important to take into considerations as to the door area of the Ruby room specifically to the location where the casino is and who owns the casino, and what is important about the fact my biological mother worked at #Prudential Prudential doing coding in the 1980s and 1990s as I had worked on in the aspects thereof as why is it important as to why in specific references to the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to what I discussed in reference to the #MEPS MEPS station in #Chicago #ChicagoIL #ChicagoIllinois #IL #ILstate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois as what is important about the aspects of as well as the technology pieces as what would be considered of importance to what I made attempts at the minimum to warn people about in reference to the state of Texas from 2000 through 2012?

Why is it important as to my being more open and accepting though not participating unless my comfort levels were at a certain point as what is important about the combined factors as to the timeframes additionally as to the combined situations with the facts of being the only female who was raised learning when growing up directly from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as why was it important to bring such factors up as well as what did my biological sister get told to keep her mouth quiet about as a child and why is that important as to the factors in the combinations thereof as to the patterns of behaviour in addition to such questions as what would be considered of importance to who in reference to my Bok Gung having been full Cantonese, and my Bok Pu being half Cantonese and half Mandarin?

What would anyone with specifically a military history background as well as tactical background be capable to see in the references thereof to the truth in such regards as why would that be of importance to the treatied as well as within the specifics as to the United States of America as what golden opportunity could be seen in reference to the areas as to the timeframes thereof as well as the combined situations as what would be of importance in reference to the COVID aspects as to what I brought forward and why would the clarifications be considered of importance to take into consideration as to acceptance as well as the national security portions thereof as what would be needed to take into consideration as why is it important that the #UTHSCSA #UTSA UTHSCSA lab situation as to the Cantonese-ish saying in reference to the Chinese New Year reaction, be of additional importance as to such points in time?

In regards of as I explained in person to others well before I wound up in Washington state before I was at the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 and then after as to my writings in reference to my book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” more specifically as to being just a little bit over one year and a couple of months from the timeframe of Irving Texas in the latter part of the year of 2011 in either September or October or November, the combined situations of which I could discuss as well as what I could not discuss would have been easier to deal with for me if people back in reference from the timeframes of when I was involved with SCUBA Diving as to the factors if it were not as to the hypothetical as to their egos within the state of Texas as to whether in reference to tips on 16 individual SCUBA Diving courses which the total for the 16 certifications was around $800 or $900 with taxes which then what is the percentage as per tips as to the division of $900 to 16 classes as to the 20% maximum as to the situations regarding if that had been the situation as to my work and again as to being an unattached female in SCUBA Diving why would I ever know about tipping or any other aspect of before the month of September or October in the year of 2009 when I was first informed as to the aspects of as why would that ever be a thought process to me as to the reasons why I had began my SCUBA Diving to begin with in reference to my certifications as to my reasons why?

For the information $900 divided by 16 is $56.25 which means the aspects if I was informed before when I actually was informed as to September or October of 2009 compared to the timeframe of how I earned 25 of 26 SCUBA diving certifications before I was ever informed in September or October of 2009 of which why would it have been important as to telling me before SCUBA Diving as to the levels thereof, in comparison to when I actually was told as to the timeframe?

What was that I had written about as to the hypothetical viewpoints as to the egos in such references as well as in regards of the two SCUBA Divers I had dated, why would I fight for either or your attention as to the stereotype as to the aspects of the majority of females within the SCUBA Diving groups in such references as to what either one of your backgrounds were as to the factors of which your physical appearances on top of such factors as to what would ever make me think there would ever be the worthwhile chance as to actually taking such initiative as to the realities of the aspects of obviously being made aware that I did not wear bikinis and I wore one piece bathing suits as well as the comments as to what I dealt with in person as to others’ opinions about my hair color as well as my hair style in conjunction with my tattoos as what would ever give me the opinion or view point there would ever be anyone interested in me to begin with on top of the factors of what I personally dealt with in reference to earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the ways I personally grew up?

While I do apologize to those of Washington state as to having had to go through the details in the ways thereof in reference to specifically going over certain details, however it seemed the clarifications were needed as to certain situations which were noticed by me which I was incapable to speaking about because of the area at the time due to the amount of technological aspects as to what I had made attempts to explain. It was my intention to simply be myself as I only know how to be myself, though the situations referencing the occurrences seemed of importance as to the safety regarding the multitudes of individuals I had noticed as to the various situations. Though my choices were of with the best of intentions as to the factors of, the ways of what I had noticed as to certain occurrences which had reminded me of a multitude of situations when I was in Texas in different areas of the state had seemed to creep upwards to the state of Washington and the requirement to flush out those situations from the overall lifestyle as to the misunderstanding seemed pertinent as I would guesstimate many had noticed several situations on their own within the lifestyle in multiple areas aside from Washington state though in conjunction to the specific years of 2015 through 2018 more specifically.

I hope after the amount of smaller and larger clarifications as to the knowledge from prior experiences of others as well are capable to assist in the various details as to different situations to the clarifications, in order to be capable to see the need for such factors regarding the various levels; not only in reference to Washington state or Texas, though in several combined factors overall in such references. I hope my apology is accepted as to the best of intentions in the multitudes thereof as to the situations, as I truly have made the best attempts possible to speak of in the details though there are times when the words elude my ability to speak despite the attempts I have made in the situations thereof. Sometimes the truth is difficult to discuss and while I can speak (or sing) the truth loudly in various situations, sometimes when the truth is much heavier to bring forward the difficult portions of using my words which are difficult to literally speak because of what I guesstimate has to do with the combinations of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as my SCUBA Diving and the facts as to the electrical portions regarding the impacts of electricity when near water.

Few believed me at various times and though how I wound up in Washington state is how the situations were, the factors of which the Irving situation I suppose had impacts in different ways which because I had not spoken with anyone about the situations as to having difficulties to believe anyone would actually take me seriously as to the situations at the time in the month of either September or October of 2011 as to the few who had believed me before as well as up to that point in time of 2011 about the combinations as to the points in time as to in Washington state in the year of 2013.

Why did I at one point in time consider Florida as home in such a review now in 2021, some might wonder possibly?

That was the only time in the combined portions of which my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, with my niece #Letters4Marissa, and I were ever capable to have a small amount of time together where life was enjoyable in the multitudes thereof as a family. While the factors as to if the situations had worked out in reference to my daughter as to getting my son and I out to the area as my thought was there could be a better way as to such situations at the time of 2012 into 2013, when in reference to writing about such in the years of 2013 into 2014 for the references as to my first book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing”. However that was at that point in time as to the factors which I thought were more ideal as to such situations of which because of what I was told as to such factors, as to the ways which I have viewed such overall situations.

I have had the decency to inform correctly as best as possible as to the various aspects to the best of my capability, which it would be fantastic in such differences to actually have that in return regarding myself instead of having to figure everything out on my own as to the common sense factors of which the irony as to the comments within the movie of Full Metal Jacket as to the lack of common courtesy as to the reach around in such references as to the overall review as to such factors regarding the multitude of situations in my opinion. I have had the decency to make things easier in such references regarding multiple aspects in multiple situations of which the facts as to how such situations have been as to such points in time, the situations of which such a courtesy to actually have such directness in the ways which I have had the common courtesy to be direct thereof in regards of writing without hiding such factors as to such situations as to my opinions being broadcast as to my review as to such situations regarding the problems I had brought forward in reference to the gaming problems in the same ways which the Captain had brought forward in reference to the movie aspects during my Basic Training time. In such a reference as to the aspects of which the courtesy was extended in a direct discussion face to face when in person with the Captain face to face, the directness was actually appreciated as to such factors despite the situations thereof as to how my Basic Training had been as to the point in time.

That is something of which I have brought forward in reference to the years of the updating to my website as well as my books regarding in reference to the years of 2019 through to this year of 2021, as just think of how much time did not have to be wasted if people stopped playing games and actually did what was needed in such references thereof compared to the aspects as to such proverbial notations in reference to after I had stopped by the area of Florida in the year of 2019 as to the lack of discussions as to when I was in the areas as to my trip down the east coast in the year of 2019 without hesitation for such references to pay attention to regarding my Periscope video. Once the energetic portions of the exact same sensations were picked up once at the area of the Florida and Georgia lines after the time as through South Carolina, I was not willing to waste any further time as to the factors thereof as to those types of situations and knew there was the requirement as to fully completing such update works as to the aspects thereof. Again in reference to if there has been any assistance regarding my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA as well as the books in facts as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as well as my three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”; then all such aspects as to making sure that I had not wasted any of my time, has been proven to the minimum count of one journal blog per individual week as to such factors as well as each book as to the minimum of 75%.

Remember though in reference to the Periscope video from my Aurora MeeLing account which once was on Twitter, I moved quickly and swiftly and it was everyone else who had hesitated in all such references as to the factors thereof. Obviously the clarifications were additionally needed to the facts of which in addition to moving swiftly in the comparisons thereof as to responses as remember only when there is no response is it considered as good news as to making the correct choices in such references, as the facts of such situations despite the COVID portions regarding such situations in the years of December 2019 into the year of 2020 and into 2021 as to the facts of which such aspects are proven as to whether I was accurate as to such factors thereof needing such clarifications.

I listened to a #JoeRogan Joe Rogan podcast earlier which had discussed #KyleRittenhouse Kyle Rittenhouse as to the not guilty verdict which was fantastic that the innocence was found as to the situations, which the factors of the not guilty verdict as well as the details thereof are important to pay attention to. The commentary about such aspects as to the social media portions of which individuals have been needing to take responsibility for their choices as to such points in time, has been long overdue in the references thereof in the multitudes of ways. In reference as to how they discussed on the podcast how people on social media have not up to this point brought such forward in the references thereof, in my opinion it is far more of importance in the multitudes thereof because of various factors which when taking into consideration as to the T-Mobile and Sprint merger as well as prior mergers as to the times before when the MaBell situation had been disassembled in the references thereof to the NSA portions; I have made the references as to the reasons why such factors as to being truthful and honest in the references as to whether in person face to face with others and/or online for a multitude of reasons, which admittedly my explanations prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury were far more detailed and organized in such comparisons though without the capability to give personal experiences as to the reasons why in comparison to this year of 2021 where I can give the personal reasons as to why such aspects are of importance as I have more specifically in reference to the years of 2019 into 2020 and into 2021. Though the broadcast is correct as to people needing to take responsibility for the choices thereof to willingly post on social media as to being held accountable for such choices in my opinion, as when there are the clarifications which bring forward the truth as to the reasons why such needed portions are considered important in my opinion.

While I can see there being certain factors of which in reference to the white background of the Club Sapphire website as to what it once was though the black background now as to the situations of what matters in life, the reality of which the individuals who were in my opinion innocent as to the lack of knowledge regarding the situations aside from what I could explain as to such situations is something to take into consideration as to the factors thereof. While in reference to other factors of which having already brought such forward, hopefully despite the shorter length of time as to my time in Washington state the situations as to loyalty as to having to clarify first prior to getting to the more in depth portions thereof have been something which has assisted in making sense as to going through the chronological order in reverse as to the first situations being the last and the last situations being the first as to giving the room of a proverbial grace period for those who in my opinion were impacted by others which they had not known as to such factors of such backgrounds. While my wording might be viewed as harsh in such references when in regards as to the military and law enforcement aspects, the lack of biases must be present as to such explanations when delving deeper into the details of to ensure the clear viewpoint of which I would hope as to the clarifications as to such regards.

However in such references as to being capable to notice the situations upon the reviewal timeframe of 2019 through 2021, hopefully the ability for each who had not known whoever went to Club Sapphire were capable to have the grace period of time for such aspects as to whichever individuals thereof to assist in what ways were possible in comparison to what other factors had needed to be taken into consideration. In the references thereof however, hopefully with such a period of time as to the clarifications as to the ability to review as to other aspects as well before I went into a pun intended deeper dive as to the details thereof as to the connection aspects for such a reviewal timeframe as while I know there had to be those with pure intentions of the good nature as to such factors; I also knew where the stemming portions came from as to the various multitudes thereof to which in such regards of major massive differences as to such aspects as to how the situations were handled much differently as to the references between 2018 to the references as to after the Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 as to the facts as to the generalized publications as to my first two books in comparisons as to the ways which as best as possible to being capable to inform others as to the protections of their own valuables in the regards of as to what I had noticed as to such years of 2015 through 2018. It might not be much in some individuals’ regards, though it was the best I could do as to what I could think of prior to the times as to updating my website as well as authoring several other books.

While I had not brought forward the Irving situation in discussion because of the facts thereof, the reasons as to why I would guesstimate makes sense as to such factors in larger capacities of knowledge and understanding hopefully. While I admit mistakes or at the minimum apologize where if I misunderstood or misinterpreted or forgot because of the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; at the points in time more specifically as to the factors regarding the updates as to the aspects in the years of 2019 through to 2021, at minimum bringing forward the individuals which I once knew which would be capable to answer for the aspects of such times and situations as to having been told as to how they had wanted to be more well known and how they had said they needed to be known as to such aspects in whichever references thereof; I would guess there would be the aspects of which in some references as to those who might be happier than others, however they had asked for what they had asked for from me. I saw how their lives mattered, though I admit having thought higher of such individuals as to the timeframes thereof regarding before I wound up in Washington state in the year of 2013 all the way through to the year of 2019. Whether they had achieved such standards of themselves or that which I had seen within them, would be something of which would be shown over such points in time as to one way or another.

Whereas I have always hoped for the best, there are the aspects of how I was told to expect the worst in comparison which I fully disagreed as to the reasons which I knew there had to be more who actually saw the need for the best in the comparisons thereof. Those conversations I dealt with as to such points in time regarding more-so within the years of 2002 into 2007 in such references, I suppose the aspects as to the ways thereof depending upon the situations. Where possible as best as I could, I have worked on what I could even beyond the year of 2007 though especially from 2008 through to 2012 before working more in regards of 2013 through to 2018. Upon the situations as to the middle of the year of 2018 onward into 2019 then 2020 and into 2021, similarly I have not hesitated of which the importance of what could have been found as to such factors has not officially been made aware to me as to such aspects thereof in the aspects thereof.

While I have brought forward what I could as to the situations where I could, the aspects of which the needs for myself as to the in person aspects as to face to face in person with those I can actually recognize as to the consistency have been as to such factors as to how such has been. The reality of which again to the state of Washington as well as those of Club Sapphire I do apologize for the aspects of which individuals who may have thought they knew me in comparison to actually knowing me as to lifestylers compared to the individuals I actually had genuine in person face to face in person consistent friendships with and/or relationships with, probably were quieted compared to the ones you may have spoken with in the comparisons thereof. However since such situations as to how the aspects of those who have not been capable to tell the difference between fictional aspects compared to reality, as I have noticed throughout my time within the state of Texas would be as to the areas thereof to the groups of which the situations stemmed from the Excalibur Faire aspects as well as my biological mother as well as my biological sister defending the situations as to such problems as while my biological father was infuriated as to the little he was able to be informed of as to the ways which those two females tried to claim as to the factors of the Excalibur Faire being just fun.

I would guesstimate as to in reference to the lifestyle of what is supposed to be consenting as to adults biologically, once the factors of those types of individuals as to the Excalibur Faire who enjoy such aspects get involved as to the problems of such situations as to the trolling problems as to those types of individuals who have a different thought process as to the situations regarding the adult lifestyle as in my reviewal within this year of 2021 as to the ways which those types of individuals who think just because you go to a location that automatically makes something in comparison thereof. Sort of a different millennial aspect as to the situations in my opinion, however those who would have such a review point to take into consideration as to whether the levels of the overdramatic types were to have been in reference to when the types of individuals who attend regularly those Renaissance Faire aspects have been the individuals who have been the root of the problem to begin with as to the drama aspects.

For example as to Temple of Flesh in regards of the individuals known to be a part of the Renaissance Faire such as Excalibur as to the stage situation I have written after discussing, the aspects of which the problems that occurred were due to the male named John Virreal (?spelling?) as to the stage situation as to wishing it to be considered as funny as it was not ever perceived as such as he wished it were to be seen as funny to me; which that individual kept trying to get me to see how he thought of relaxation compared to what I personally know for myself, of which the problems which followed throughout the areas of the state of Texas from such points in time. The male who I was engaged to twice had been stationed at Fort Hood when John Virreal was stationed there as well, which the aspects as to other factors can be reviewed for such situations to the reviewal processes thereof to such factors as to who I had thought was one of the trolls which jumped out of the tress in reference to the Excalibur Faire situation.

Those types of people who get involved with the Renaissance Faire aspects who have not had the capability to distinguish between the facts as to the fiction regarding such types in the comparisons to those who do the reenactments of history in such multiple differences, have in my opinion been a situation which has been problematic of which those who do the historical reenactments would be more capable to go into the details as to the types of problems which stem from those people who wish to play games in regards of the facts that the prior times unlike history are not as well documented of which while in my opinion of such a review as to their wishes to use the current times as to the mixing of the prior times as to the ways of their playing games and pretend of which those situations have been far more problematic in larger aspects than some had at the times of from 2005 onward who I spoke with about those problems had tried to ignore.

Instead in reference to the comparisons of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle aspects in conjunction with the aspects as to those Renaissance Faire types, I would guesstimate as to the factors of which the disagreements between the historical reenactors compared to the renaissance types have been far longer in situations which in turn as to the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle as to the situations which could be reviewed as to the problems as to the lifestyle as to the ways which such individuals who are a part of such aspects willingly as to renaissance fairs may have caused the needless additional problems because of the lack of structure as well as the lack of organization as well as the lack of intelligence as to seeing the ways of importance of life having progressed forward on purpose as to such ways out of the dark ages of that type of life. When human beings moved out and away from the times of such aspects is the only time when the portions of the advancements within the scientific as well as technological communities moved forward, as to the knowledge as to the requirement for humanity in such references as to the comparisons thereof. In my opinion those types of individuals in reference to the renaissance faire individuals have wished to bring forward the spiritual aspects while failing to see that there always has been spirituality around within life though because of their wishes for the chaos as to the ways which such times were, their failures to see the importance of organization.

Why does the situation regarding Excalibur Faire have importance in such references, some might wonder?

How many people in regards to at Club Sapphire dealt with people who had connections to those from the state of Texas who had willingly and repeatedly been a part of renaissance fairs, who all of a sudden had needless problems within the club?

How many people in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area after I moved from San Antonio to Carrollton Texas had needless problems, which were associated with those who willingly went to renaissance fairs though in specific to SCUBA Diving as well as the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle; how many individuals directly and repeatedly willingly involved with such aspects as to the renaissance fairs, were involved as to any such needless drama?

How many people in Austin who do not attend renaissance fairs though know of people who attend those have dealt with problems regarding renaissance fairs, though discussed modern situations to a bore to those people compared to those who did not attend renaissance fairs?

How many people within the San Antonio areas have dealt with problems with people who had willingly repeatedly attended renaissance fairs, and how many temper tantrums needlessly as to the overdramatic in comparison to the ways in reference to historical reenactments individuals as to taking responsibility as to the comparisons of the types of individuals if there are problems involved in such references?

Who involved with renaissance fairs did not know the differences between the angelic realms, as to the faery realms as to such interconnections?

Who assumed that the fey were to the problems compared to the realities when taking a look as to the transparency of the wings for the symbolism in the reviewal processes as to such factors as what would the situations referencing the differences between the actual faeries as well as other factors compared to the differences between for the examples of cherubim, as to such reviewals?

Which ones have been proven to be transparent as to who they are as to the references regarding when only paying attention to the wings even in costumes or outfits, as while angelic aspects can help and assist depending upon the realm when taking spirituality into the review additionally; which wings are more clear to see through as to the realities thereof and why would transparency be considered of importance in this timeframe as to the adult consenting lifestyle as well as life itself?

However in the references as to the situations in the culmination to the biological adult aspects, how could the review as to the similarities in my official YouTube video be of consideration as to such references as to the renaissance faire individuals as to the comparisons when thinking about the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle?

In reference to YouTube when others take another’s video and then modify it, do you still give the initial credits directly to the original individual or is that something to take into consideration as to such factors for the aspects thereof for the proper credits due to where they should be initially put forward to? For example when people remix a song such as from Eminem or Faith Hill, the credits are known as to such factors which in turn would that then reference as to the situations regarding original content creators as to such factors as to the correct credits due to such individuals?

REMEMBER, the video goes over details which can relate to aspects within this journal blog entry though the words which I spoke are not the exact same words as to this journal blog entry.


Remember, since I was either six or seven years old I have been giving warnings as to the best of my ability as to the visions I had which began when I was in second grade of Elementary school.  The first warning I gave officially as to my nightmare vision compared to my dream vision was in the year of 1988 or 1989, compared to the online writings and my books as well as my journal blog entries year timeline for the information.

If anyone is upset please direct your upset towards those who had made the choices to constantly needlessly block my warnings and/or try to explain otherwise as to their trying to curb their responsibilities, in comparison to the responsible and respectful choices as best as I could possibly do so as a child starting as to such information at the age of when I was six in 1988 or seven years old in 1989.

I made every attempt to inform as best as I possibly could, though hopefully the clarifications throughout my various books and writings as well as journal blog entries compared to the amount of people in multiple areas which I had spoken with about in person from the years of 1988 or 1989 through to 2012 more continuously before 2013. 

In the year of 2019 is when I began reviewing such details and onward through the years since 2019 more officially, however I made the attempts to give the warnings and what others' choices have been as to whatever proof thereof to who you should be speaking with as to what they told you in comparison as to the upset and anger with in comparison.

How many assistances I have made attempt towards betterment as to the clarifications from the year of 1988 or 1989 onward did it truly have to take for each to genuinely pay attention, as I have been making the best attempts to assist for the best possibilities how?


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.


After the head injury caused a coma while I learned how to deal with the headaches, migraines, cognitive disorders, memory problems, and other medical conditions I went from College Algebra with Trigonometry & Calculus down to 2nd grade math.  Here is how logic works for someone like me::

~  It took awhile for the doctor's recommendation to use sticky notes, to help remember.

~  It took several months to realize sticky notes moved, let alone to remember to speak with the doctor.

~  After I finally remembered to ask the doctor about the note problem, notebooks were recommended.

~  When I could remember to pick up a notebook, it took a long time to learn similar to sticky notes, notebooks are not always where they were placed.

~  After I was able to organize the notebooks over several months I still had not learned notebooks are not always readily available, at the necessary time.

~  When I remembered to speak with the doctor about the notebook problem the doctor had few other suggestions, to assist memories better.

~  After several events and adding up sticky note and notebook location problems, I realized my skin goes everywhere I do.

~  Wanting my tattoos to only be for me and not for public consumption I started the ink on my legs, able to hide easier.

~  It would not be until many tattoos and several years later I would realize my memory problems were usually not as bad when wearing shorts, capri pants, or a skirt.

~  Between 3-5 years after my first tattoo I had the first tattoo completed on my arms, and my memory has slowly progressed towards an easier memory jolt.



When I say "it should not take a head injury to figure this out" it is partially in humor from personal experiences, towards understanding.


If I can laugh at my mistakes after recognizing and dealing with them, so can you.


You have the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom I lack in order to put everything together to fix the problems seen with abilities I do not have. 

Utilize the information within the blog to find genuine repairs and instead of complaining of the "hurtful" commentary, prevent the issues from reoccurring.

Then again, it should not take a head injury to figure that one out.

Do make sure to link my journal blog entry articles to yours if you refer to my works for any of your research in the slightest, for proper credit. 


Thank you, in advance.

Model Author Susan MeeLing

It should not take a head injury to figure this out because I thought you are supposed, to be smarter.

If there are those who find such interesting enough to research further to bring forward more information in reference to the forefront for more detailed information, as usual I request the courtesy of the same which I do in reference to how I refer to articles for reference points when writing my journal blog entries; for each one used for reference starting points, to research for clearer understanding from such knowledge.


That is common sense, good etiquette, and good karma; whilst lifting others upward, in positive ways.

Quotes which mean a lot to me:

"The ultimate measure of an individual is not where they stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where they stand at the time of challenge and controversy."

"We must reject the idea that every time a law is broken society is guilty, rather than the law breaker.  Freedom is never-more than one generation away, from extinction.  We do not pass freedom on through our blood stream because freedom must be fought for, protected, and handed on for the next generation to do the same."

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.  Though best to be able to share in person with who matters, until that time occurs being able to see what is possible through such is a feat to notice.  One must be happy within oneself prior to being happy with another, though such can be enjoyed if living in one's own truth is as such. and then as to the capability to progress forward with another and/or others depending upon the situation(s) and individual(s)."  ~  A Quote From Me, Reverend Susan MeeLing also known as Lady Dori Belle

Me in Black Suit Prepared.JPG

If in anyway I am inaccurate about anything I have written here in this journal blog entry and/or any prior journal blog entry and/or future journal blog entry and/or factual books I wrote and/or videos I have done through my OFFICIAL YouTube Channel Reverend MeeLing, please only contact me through the contact form for the ability to clarify such details in public view fully to fix and repair to rectify the situation(s) as I do not respond to comments in my journal blogs because there thus far have not been any notifications sent to me about such from my website.

In such references if there are any inaccuracies then I will fix and repair such details on my website, as per such.

Though there are the aspects of which if you would like to speak with me in addition to possibilities of opportunities for me, the welcome aspects as to contacting me through my contact form.

If I have known you in person when in person in positive ways and/or ways which might need clarification(s) as to mature discussions, there has always been the welcome open door policy as to contacting me through my contact form if you were not given my new phone number though such is online regarding my website more recently published online as to my Website Business Phone Line: (360)-713-4937.

Thus far there has been only one who has known the contact form area to speak with me on a phone line was simple and capable to do so through, in truth.

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

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Fetlife as Lady Liberty Belle:

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Reverend MeeLing

The Ornery PSA

Welcome to the website of the one and only exclusively through Amazon author
Susan MeeLing, and the one and only overall model
Lady Dori Belle

My Copyrights Reserved

My website is not for sale nor is for purchase intended to assist with correct and truthful information of which as I give the credits to others in such return as to the credits to such which must be given to me (Susan MeeLing) to my work and my website which has been and is to assist to go forward with further aspects as I personally choose, however such mandatory recognition of which such portions of my works is having used such is required as to acknowledgement and proper respectful recognition thereof as to such details in the actualities of the truth as to the 10 Commandments as the 10 Commandments matter just as actual truthful life experiences matter. 

No misinterpretations of/from me are permitted, at all.  Realism.

If you would like to use the link to a journal blog of mine, then the subscription fee should be capable per link to the journal blog link for usage with the acknowledgement of the subscription fee for my journal blog for the previous links to such aspects as per what I have made attempts to arrange as I have not ever allowed anyone to remove any information from my website for any personal usage as to in any capacity as the permissions from me are required as to getting personal permission from me as to such aspects.

There is the capacity to purchase a subscription to be capable to contribute financially to my work as to the aspects of my journal blog, as the links for the references regarding my journal blog are allowed to be published as all of the information as per the requirements for others to research as per the truth in full as required as per the information as per my journal blog The Ornery PSA.

All such permissions would be under the copyrights protections, for me for my work officially. 

You can request contact for arranging meetings and speaking arrangements through my contact page on my website, though the link to the right is to my Linked in account for additional verifications.  (6) LD Belle | LinkedIn

™© Copyright®©

Thank you for taking the time to look through this website and please, enjoy your day.

Brightest blessings to me, for my highest good.

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