If in reference to the aspects as to what I had brought forward in regards of anyone who was found to have been proven as to having lied about their whereabouts as to the attacks which were terrorist attacks on the homeland soil of the United States of America in regards of 11 September 2001 and such proof has been made available, in my opinion because of the definitions as to domestic terrorism as to such situations; in my opinion I believe such individuals would be within the legal definition as to their own types of terrorism in the areas within the United States of America as to the specific areas of #NYC #NY #NewYorkCity #NewYork #NYstate #NewYorkstate New York City, the area near the field in #PA #Pennsylvania #pennstate #pennsylvaniastate Pennsylvania state, and the #Pentagon Pentagon with such nearby locations as to #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey as well as #MD #Maryland #MDstate #Marylandstate Maryland and #DE #DEstate #Delaware #Delawarestate Delaware and #VA #Virginia #Virginiastate #VAstate Virginia as well as along the east coast as to such and/or in reference to the airport locations which were dealing with the grounding of the airplanes as well as the searches of such which have assisted in reference to the #TSA TSA specifics as to the no fly lists regarding the items and items sizes of which had been restricted because of whatever was found in reference to when the airplanes were boarded as well as when searching such aspects for the safety precautions thereof as to other such hypothetical situations.
In my opinion if such individuals were to be found officially within the areas of local and/or state and/or federal government being specifically close to in assisting knowingly as to such aspects which includes knowingly as to the #factchecking fact checking as well as the #electionintegrity election integrity of which in regards of what the #UCMJ Universal Code of Military Justice would be able to review as to such aspects within the House of #USCongress #USACongress #Congress Congress as well as #USSenate #USASenate #Senate the House of Senate and the #WH #WhiteHouse #USWhiteHouse #USAWhiteHouse White House of the official offices of the President of the United States of America and the Vice President of the United States of America along with the Top officials within the #HomelandSecurity Homeland Security and the Pentagon as well as such connected branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America were to agree to such aspects, in my opinion the reality of such if accurate as to a minimum of 10 direct associations to elected officials as to such situations of which the amount of individuals directly lied to such elected officials as to the personal location as to the timeframe as to the day and the situations thereof associated with the attacks on 11 September 2001 I can see how such would be considered as a domestic terrorist act to choose to do so from the aspects of going from within in such references as to the ways through the legislature through such aspects of the ways which #socialdistancing social distancing could be taken into consideration of such viewpoints.
In my opinion as to such aspects if there has been the direct connection as to such associated aspects as to the known facts as to elected officials making such legislative decisions as to such portions thereof in comparison to the additional length of time thereof as per the knowingly portions thereof, in such references for the reviewal portions thereof in my opinion the situations of which to purposefully do so in ways to the facts of which the British Royal Family having the situations regarding #CA #CAstate #California #Californiastate California property; I can see how such views as to the aspects thereof knowingly doing so to officials within the United States of America’s higher levels of government which includes local and state elected officials for such sympathies as to being able to find a connection point in ways which the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 being the common thread of such a point of view in such comparisons, in my humble opinion I believe that such a point in time as to #EndStolenValorNow #EndStolenValor ending stolen valor from such situations as to how such could be viewed as to such aspects thereof would be able to be seen as extremely problematic to the situations thereof to which such would be considered as illegal to such individuals in the comparisons thereof as to the aspects of which the reality of such open boarders became a larger issue for the state of Texas after such a point in time from the attacks on 11 September 2001 after a few years of which if I recall the news reports correctly as to the border crisis beginning around the time of the year of 2005 or 2006 referencing the border between the United States of America and the Mexico region at such times.
If such accuracy to the levels of the number of reports in regards as to the factors thereof as to the demographic research aspects prove to be accurate as to the number of border crossings as to such times after certain policy changes occurred if I remember correctly to such points in time, then the additional aspects of which such a review as to the realities of which such points in which to the aspects of how many individuals were hypothetically found in regards to the areas within the state of Texas as to such portions regarding the aspects to any individual lying about their whereabouts as to the timeframe as to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001. It has been confusing as to why most of the times of thinking back as to the situations admittedly regarding aspects as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury 21 years ago, however most of the time I have heard or read as to it being an attack on 11 September 2001; yet the reality of the timeframe as per the declarations thereof to such times, it was a terrorist attack on 11 September 2001.
With such technicalities as to the terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 would that then mean because of any such purposeful lies as to the ways thereof, would it be considered as to the situations to review for such elected officials as well as higher ranking military and law enforcement of the Armed Forces of the United States of America to review such portions of which if such aspects as to the nicknaming of #MilitaryCityUSA #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #SanAntonioTX #TX #Texasstate #TXstate San Antonio Texas the renaming as to the nickname of Military City USA because of the amount of the stolen valor as to having such a different version of signs as to such around the city of San Antonio Texas; would in turn such a view point as to the facts of which the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 would be reviewed as to such a point as to the legal argument in regards of which to the situations of which it was a terrorist attack on 11 September 2001 and thus the portions of which to the facts of such individuals getting specifically close to targeting certain individuals as to however done so as to going to the levels of working up in such references as to the ways thereof in such comparisons to review?
Personally I have only recently been involved specifically as to such aspects though I have always been honest and have discussed as well as clarified as well as explained as well as wrote about for such clarifications as to the best of my ability in truth, however I also have not ever specifically gone towards any elected official officially as to any such point in time as to any such specific aspects as to the ways thereof to be in such direct contact with such until more recently as to the 2020 election cycle as per having been dealing with the various aspects of what I have dealt with over the years of my life regarding all such circumstances and situations thereof. However as to the facts of which having acknowledged my biases as to the facts thereof beyond just the normal considered sibling rivalry if there are the factors of which my biological sister and/or my biological mother and/or my biological father had purposefully lied knowingly to political associated families within the state of Texas as I obviously was not aware of such aspects until putting such together more recently upon such reviewal portions thereof beginning in the year of 2019 and onward to this year of 2021; would such aspects in the ways of be considered as portions to which the situations as to lying about the timeframes thereof on purpose to such individuals and groups thereof be considered because of the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 be considered as to such portions of which the elected officials review such aspects as to if such portions thereof are accurate as to the terminology of military portions to a consideration of a second wave or possibly a third wave depending upon which businesses first were targeted hypothetically depending upon such reviewing portions thereof?
Would that be considered as to such a review of those particular aspects as to the situations as to the problems during the afterwards of the #Vietnam #VietnamWar Vietnam War as to the ways certain types of civilians had responded as to the aspects of such individuals during such times, and would such if found to have been purposefully harmful towards such aspects as to the higher levels of such positions within the aspects as to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 be considered as along such a different internal lines thereof?
In such a reference as to my choice for an example as to the specific employment portions as to when I had fought to be emancipated to join the #USA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army branch of the United States of America’s Armed Forces, after the prior ones as to my biological gender were of an issue regarding such specifics I had specifically chosen the Automated Logistical Supply employment MOS from the choices the computer made available to me from my ASVAB scores in conjunction with my clearance as I had been informed of officially at such times in the year of 2000. I had chosen such an MOS because I felt the nightmare I had been having for years by that point would be the closest employment of which I would be able to assist and be able to accomplish what I could to help and assist in reference to my oath of and for the protection and defense of the homeland of the United States of America and the citizens thereof to which if when reviewing such portions as to the amount of situations thereof to the levels thereof with the conjunction aspects as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America and how IU have brought such multitude of aspects forward as to such reviewal portions; would it be considered as to such factors of the varying degrees able to be seen as to such aspects of which the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the situations as to such combined efforts as to such aspects thereof for such a review process regarding what would be considered within such the metaphor as to my protectionary portions where I could in such lines thereof though to the factor of which in the regards of finding such as to the proverbial review of a specific animal searching for truffles in such a metaphor?
Thus in turn would such aspects to such portions regarding the aspects brought forward including companies with government contracts as to such be considered as to looking into such portions as to the ending of stolen valor, because of the fact it is not officially covered under the specifics in my opinion as to the ways which to the Freedom of Expression of the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America; as to the situations in reference to such aspects in regards as to the situation as to if there are those who have been found in reference to having gotten close to elected officials as to the legislation processes thereof as to the situations regarding the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the 20 year memorial thereof as to the reviewing of such portions?
My reasons as to such being humbly against the opinion of which the #USSupremeCourt #SupremeCourt United States of America’s Supreme Courts as to the Freedom of Expression aspects if such were brought up as to the requirement to tell the truth on government forms of which that includes employment forms of which the situations would legally be of importance for such official background checks and clearances thereof of which, would it be considered as lying on government forms as to the ways of which such a review to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the ways of which the aspects of starting at whichever levels thereof for such a review process as to who such individuals would hypothetically be able to get close to for the legislation aspects of which such might be of consideration as to review as would it additionally be considered as to though the reality of which some wish as to the separation between church and state though since it is impossible to separate church and state because of the founding principles of the Founding Fathers and Founding Mothers as to the reasons why the fleeing to the United States of America had begun would such a review as to the facts thereof to the 10 Commandments be of importance in such reference as to the forms thereof to such elected officials and such thereof for the review additionally as to such clarifications including with such #Y2K Y2K situations?
Y in the aspects of Yankee and/or Y in the situations as to why would anyone put certain aspects into email situations for the reading of knowing as to the levels of length of time regarding the technological portions thereof, to the permanency aspects and what does the corner of the United States of America look as when turning the map view as to the state of #FL #Florida #Floridastate #FLstate Florida state as to the capital letter of when a straight-ish line from one conjunction area to the state of Texas and why as to the upward aspect as toward the World Trade Center area and why?
2 as in two towers or two planes or two main locations or two brothers or two sisters or two sibling rivalries as to two main countries thereof to two aspects of which two religions of which the foundations of the country of the United States of America, as to the Judeo-Christian aspects; as when in what year did people begin to question the aspects as to the church and state situations as to the atheist aspects and such to try to separate Divinity from such and why?
What had some learned in reference to the Y in whichever viewpoints thereof though additionally Y or why would Marines as to Marina portions of which to the C or the Sea or the oCean aspects thereof as to A specific as to which Alpha to Omega or saying of Oh My God as to A Game Echoed Making Oceanic turns as to what is the PH levels of which A Heightened Problem Looking Aerially which in SCUBA Diving as to the oddities when I had brought such forward as Atmospheric Breathing Under Certain Skies as to the US Space Force for such reviewal portions possibly?
Admittedly I have gone over several aspects in depth of which at such oddities as to the ways which the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury from 21 years ago has had different neurological pathways to review as per the thought processes thereof, to which the known factor of which I had used NITROX during my SCUBA Dive at the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg of which the fact of my safe descent and my safe SCUBA Dive as to the overall aspects thereof to such details though my safe ascent to survive as to such times might be of concern to some; though which portions of which aspects to my accuracy has such been in the comparison to such situations as to which levels thereof, and how many veterans of various times have had situations regarding the ways certain types of civilians have been over such years regarding various aspects thereof to review when taking into such considerations as to the factors thereof to such situations of which in such a review would such be in regards as to the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to would there have been any such technological proof as to such situations in reference to technological messages found in reference to as my SCUBA Dive at the Vandenberg was in the month of August 2009 closer to the middle to the end of the month of August and such realities as to the problems referencing my Cavern SCUBA diving certification class; would there be a situation which people within other sectors of the private areas had noticed in reference to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the SCUBA Diving instructors on my cards not having been officially certified in which levels of which SCUBA Diving certifications I had earned which some may have realized, and what would such individuals have been responsible for in such regards as to when found out to the facts of such certification issues within the aspects thereof additionally as to having returned to the state of Texas as to such times as to the month of September in the year of 2009 and what correlations as to the situations which occurred in reference to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia and I #Justice4Me #Justice4SusanMeeLing #Justice4ReverendSusanMeeLing #Justice4LadyDoriBelle #J4SML #J4RSML #J4LDB as to such times thereof as to the Y2K if such accuracies are involved in what would or could be considered as a purging of various aspects for the clarities thereof?
Would such be as of a multifaceted viewpoint of such terrorist attacks as to the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the Valhalla situations regarding certain SCUBA Divers who had refused to heed my warnings about the ways of which if choosing to go into such an underground missile silo as to such water protections, be an additional consideration for such aspects to the reviewing thereof?

What symbolism can individuals find within this image as to such aspects when looking at the folded American Flag and yet such an American Flag as to the way such hanging downward as to which picture from my SCUBA Diving, as to the factors of which the areas of which the ways which the World Trade Center combined with other building locations as to which actual skyline and/or which actual buildings which could have been in such aspects to the day of 11 September 2001, regarding the airplanes thereof? 21 or 22 buildings? Why would the base of the area have such a large amount of black as would that have to do with the underground parking garage and/or the underground subway tunnels as to such aspects on that particular day, to take into additional consideration for the reviewing of? While I admit to adding the hearts as well as my website to the image, how many dots per pixelation for the number of possibilities as to the truthful number of individuals to review for such a day?

Could such a view of the way to the picture above be seen as the back portion of a large naval vessel ship as to a different letter for the alphabet of which the 1 looks as to the zero or the letter O to connect the dots in twice as many checks to dot all i's and cross all t's to the sixth or the covering of the six as per especially #USN #USNavy US Navy as to the ways the image looks similar to a boat in the water as to the blue with the waves ad the red and white stripes as to the lines and/or words on a naval boat vessel with the propellers in the back though the different view of what the deck of a ship looks as when moving out from the port, as such possibilities as to the splashing of the water to the hearts in an abstract view? In another aspect as to what number was I taught to count up to when after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma in which month, when looking at the numbers reversed upside down? The answer is 10 and the month of July, as to the situations referencing the blacked out portions what video game do the pieces look similar to as would such be seen as Tetris or Minecraft of the pixelation as to Mario Bros from the 1980s or 1990s? Could such also be considered as an aerial view of a specific type of aircraft, in reference to from above for the abstract view of such interpretations? When did the American Flag on Active Duty uniforms get flipped and why of which, could the flipping of the picture to make such a viewpoint in reference to my SCUBA Diving be considered as situations for a longer length of time known about such as per the band #RedJumpsuitApparatus Red Jumpsuit Apparatus as could such be viewed as an airplane jumping or skydiving portions thereof to such parachute aspects as well as to the atmospheric measurement information of importance?