could possibly be found...that is if you have seen the reasons as to why the 10 Commandments could be considered of more importance in a multitude of ways as to such factors...
When people arrogantly think that the #10Commandments 10 Commandments have only been in reference to speaking the correct name as to the first commandment, the second commandment of which the factors thereof to the realities when in reference to my adult only book series which in reference to the first book literally gives those who have intelligence as to knowing the first book as to the symbolism of only one as to the first commandment; does it take a head injury to see the correlations as to anything in reference to the problems in reference to the needless spreading of the sexually transmitted diseases in the ways which in the hippy days as to the 1960s and the 1970s as to the problems which occurred in addition to the reproductive systems of which gender?
Which gender was the gender who has had the most amount of problems when conceiving and carrying a child to term, when in such regards?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out without paying attention to such factors of monogamy as to the when in a consenting relationship as to the factors of actual care, actual concern, actual safety, and genuine health in such factors in comparisons?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the facts as to such aspects referencing my first book based in a fictional context as to not ever having had any relationship which ever would come anywhere close to the relationship between Henry and Nelumbo as in order for that to actually have occurred, that would mean the facts of which I would actually still be in a relationship with if there actually had ever been a Henry as to such factors of such?
Does it take a head injury to figure out creative writing is exactly that, creative writing?
Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who arrogantly thoughts as to ever use any of such works from such aspects without the correct and proper respects as to such factors, that would in turn have any such connections to the oceanic portions as what would there be of any constancy aspects to taker into consideration? Why would that be important when taking a look a the waters along the Florida coastline as to such failures to pay attention to detail, and what would be of additional importance as to such realities as to the space aspects as to the fact of the 10 Commandments?
Does it take a head injury to point that out because of such egotistical whore type of females and egotistical arrogant males who would only view such as a novelty in comparison to such factors as to what is supposed to prove as to whether or not human beings are worthwhile as to any such factors, as why would any such beings ever trust anyone who could not remain faithful in any such situations as important as to what any human being could have as to a relationship in comparison to SCUBA Diving of which does it take a head injury to figure out any such individuals associated with SCUBA Diving who would have thought that as a game would have fully destroyed their own chances as to such aspects as to their choices as to what they knew was best as to wishing that more people would replace such a one and yet such a one was not ever replaceable as who in one person could ever truthfully replace me in full truth in all combined such ways?
Not one person in full totality could ever replace me, as it is the combined aspects in full totality that are looked upon in reference to what others have wished as to ever being able to amount to something good enough; which though I hate to have to come across as arrogant, though there is the fact of which nothing and not one person in one person could ever replace me as I would guesstimate.
Which photographer has ever been able to get any look from any model they have ever worked with, which could ever actually in full totality do all such factors correctly on the first go round as to such realities the ways I have?
The answer, is there is not one other than I.
Who of what SCUBA diving could ever come close to what I personally have accomplished on my own in all totality, in full truth?
The answer is there is not anyone, other than I.
Which adult lifestyler has ever come close to earning such aspects as well as maintaining oneself despite all situations combined to progress onward in the ways thereof, in full totality in all ways?
The answer is no matter how many have wished to come together for such, the fact of only one is the importance.
Who could ever truthfully be better as a Mom to both of my children, in all honesty in the best ways possible?
There is the fact, I am the only one in all such regards as to having been pregnant with them the ways at such times as well as the protection aspects thereof in conjunction with the genuine Mom portions of unconditional love as well as knowing thereof in conjunction as to the facts of which such factors as to ensuring their genuine best interests in comparison as who else has ever truthfully cared to the levels of such other than myself for my children? None, other than I.
Who could ever say from each and every event I usually once had attended that they could tell the difference to the energetic portions of any such location and/or event and/or situations which had ever needed clarificatons in truth, in any such full combined ways?
The answer is, I am the only one who ever made those events to the levels of which they became and while some locations wished that is was other people as to such situations; the energetic portions of what I personally bring to such aspects, are only because of myself. Why else would people have gone to events as to the ones I had posted in the reference to the fetlife aspects, as how many extra people showed up to such events only because of seeing such though had not necessarily RSVPed to the larger locations as to the knowledge of my attendance?
I would not doubt as to the facts if my correct name with my correct pictures were used correctly instead of cow-towing to others who were jealous and would have proven such needless drama as to what occurred, as to the facts of which how many would have complained to the Temple of Flesh and/or complained about Temple of Flesh thereafter as to each individual mainly knowing me as to the combination of my hair with my tattoos as most would have only seen such as an imposter compared to my having been at the event and performed myself. I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out, however such assumptions would have been to listen to the same individuals who were sleeping with hypothetically and/or upset by the fact I was chosen as the poster girl for the poster event and how would such have gone thereafter as to such events if the number of sales would have actually been what they would have been if done correctly and ignoring those who were thinking they were next in line or had some loyalty to another and/or etcetera as to the ways which such productions have already been known to be as to such factors? Someone in a relationship with another who was upset at the time in the year of 2011 for the 2012 comparison, as why would it take more to do what only one could accomplish on one’s own if actually had been done correctly? How much of a violation as to the Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Religion would such be as to the irony of such a group having a nerve to use the name of Temple of Flesh, and then to have the wrongful choice to have made as to the facts of using pictures which were photoshopped while thinking people would only recognize my name in comparison of both when having such as the poster girl? What would be the thoughts as to the concern in reference to such aspects as to those factors, and what did I needlessly dealt with additionally as to such factors as to my presence being at the event as well as my performance, though the situations to the poster itself as why would it take a head injury to figure that out?
That is, unless there were needless individuals such as connections to recreational civilian SCUBA Divers who were pouting because of their own lack and their own failures as to having acknowledged the truth as to such times; though I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out either as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out anyone who has had issues with my words, do you need music to hear the difference as to the same portions thereof in a shorter way as to the cherubim ways of which to fluffify the realities thereof to the facts of such situations or does the intelligence level then drop further as to only paying attention to such factors in comparison to growing as to knowing of such as to what to pay attention to?
In such references as to though the same age as to the years changing, what if it were to be realized as to the ways which such occurred in reference to what the birth rates once had been during the before the 1960s and the 1970s as to that hippy sort of garbage as to such aspects in the comparisons thereof as to the 1980s as to such aspects? Has anyone in IVF aspects noticed how much more work has had to be done because of such factors in conjunction to the CDC as to the situations regarding those who have not cared about their own sexual wellbeing as to such situations, as what would be the difference as to the realities between such eras? The clothing? The music? Is there truly any difference in the mentality as to such times, or are such times as such times were in the current era as to the situations thereof?
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the disrespect to the water aspects as to any such connection to any SCUBA Diver as to such illegal leaking though additionally any such usage of regarding without any such permissions from me specifically as because of the facts as to such connections as to the feminine, known as to the oceanic portions thereof to the water aspects of living waters of which all other females run dry after a certain ounces are drained in comparison to when in reference to correctly actually taking care of such factors in all such comparisons as to the 10 Commandments because as I have already brought forward as to such factors thereof as per my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” the realities of which my choices are my choices as to the situations thereof. Thus each and every individual who has ever wished that stealing which breaks one of the 10 Commandments, lying about the information/where gotten from which breaks another 10 Commandment, and on and on regarding each aspect thereof to such portions of which each female in turn who would have been a part of such knowingly and/or individual involved as to such knowingly would have dried their own well fully much quicker if they had not failed to have any such morals or ethics as has been proven in the multitudes of signs in multiple areas and directions thereof.
In such realities as to males wishing that such would be able to be within the younger and younger, I have explained how I hate pedophilia of which why would such become more and more difficult to find any female who has that ability over and over again almost as though all such females are drained because of the sins of the father and sins of the mother who would of whatever whore of abominations would ever think such aspects as to ever being considered good enough in comparison to the realities of such 10 Commandments. What signs through such transmissions as to any such hypothetical would be able to be referenced as to the possibilities thereof to such hypotheticals, and what problems would fully occur for more and more around the earth as to such aspects as to such an additional factor as to such a hypothetical declaration of war against me wrongly; of which why would Dr. Mary Edwards Walker be of an additional importance aspect, as what would ever make anyone think they would ever know how to use such aspects correctly without any such explanations as to any other portions as what would ever be considered of importance as to others having the ethical aspect as to truthfully speaking with me in such regards to ask about the details thereof as to other such portions as per the Dr. Mary Edwards Walker ways thereof? The answer is there would only be where I would refuse as I have refused and as I continue to refuse to discuss or write about any such portions for any such usages, as to the facts thereof to what is mine is mine. Obviously with such disrespect as to ever thinking another would ever be good enough would prove to such factors, of which why would I care as to any such portions of another’s aspects when their free will choices as to such has been their free will choices and why would their free will choices compared to what I have dealt with ever matter to me as to such realities?
The answer is, there would be no concern of mine towards such individuals for any such aspects as to the realities thereof which would fully be proven as to why I have kept my mouth shut and my fingers from ever writing such actualities as to the details thereof. In turn any such additional portions specifically targeted as to such aspects of my adult book aspects of the fictional portion would show that people who would use such would know that the relationship between Henry and Nelumbo was fictional as to the situations already having explained as to such, as to what creative writing portions of creative writing portions as to those who may have wished to be good enough and/or may have wished to lie about any such situations between others and I compared to the truth; would only show such mediocrity as to each individual while additionally reproving the Dr. Mary Edward walker portions as to such a Prisoner of War situation as to the facts thereof as to what occurred in reference to the Stoney LaRue Cowboys Dancehall situation as per explained and maybe such was found as to the problems as to all such connected factors thereof to which why would I care about other such portions as to the situations when the lack of any such proper care as to the correct ways has ever actually been accomplished for me?
What, did someone think that I cared about one aspect more than another in comparison to the fullnesses thereof; or did I write and/or make any such recordings which would explain such factors, and the lack of integrity of all such others who would wish to think those beans would spill as to the lack of any such need for me to discuss such as why would it matter to me as to others’ free will choices in comparison to what I personally need in all such differences?
There are those who truly take those 10 Commandments seriously in reference to the waters as well as to the space aspects, of which unlike some people who can be put into a box for whatever their specialties are; in comparison, my specialties are not to be boxed into any stereotype as per my personal choices to ensure that I would not ever be stereotyped or type casted as I needed to make sure for myself as well as my best interests to my length of such portions in comparison to where others have thought to choose whichever path they chose to choose.
However anyone who enjoys music which the individual singing or rapping discusses their achievements and/or better aspects as to such, what would the difference be without the beat and the music in the background as to such portions of just posting a picture of mine as I have and/or writing as I have? While I did not go into the details of my books or my website as I did not discuss any of my pictures either unless it was ever brought up in discussion, what truly is different as to who I am or am I exactly the same and it is a different perspective as to those who had not paid attention to such before as to their egos as to such times and what then does any of such mean in the realistic aspects thereof?
It would mean there would be no one who could ever replace me in comparison to those who in one are or one field or other sector or whathaveyou as to such could be stronger in one way, or could be faster in another way, or could be this in one way; though again it is the combined portions in the full totalities which has been needing to have such attention to being paid correctly, as to the realities thereof.
People do not appreciate what they themselves have not paid for, and thus there is not the actual appreciation in the correct ways as that particular aspect of proverbially paying for means actually earning such in the ways of which through the 10 Commandment aspects thereof. If in such a relationship as to the factors of which then go from monogamy to what is agreed then that is what such does though if not, the same factors of which as to the factors of respecting the 10 Commandments as to all such portions as to the last two commandments of which such importance for the reference aspects as to space as well as the waters of the earth. Though, I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out.
Why is truth, of importance? Remember:

What else could these rules or commandments or mandatory aspects have anything to do with several factors, I have already written about and/or spoke of depending upon the time of the year as to who and all such situations thereof as to the importances?