Thou shalt not make any graven images, is a statement within Biblical wording.
Where could that have a reference towards in reference to my children’s biological father as to the dress blues picture with the stolen valor as the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had brought forward as to what I had explained to a multitude of individuals in person face to face in person as well as within “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the aspects thereof to the fact the Chief Warrant Officer 3 explained to each of my ex-sisters-in-law as well as their daughters and one of them having a son as to such factors as to what Grandpa Nichols had already discussed throughout the timeframe of October 2007 through passed the timeframe as to January 2008 into the timeframe of when he passed on before the timeframe of other situations?
The aspects as to how my ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongeline/Evongelina (maiden last name Nichols) legal married last name as to the time I knew her last in the year of 2009 of Osteen as to the reality that individual made the choice to send the picture of the dress blues stolen valor to someone she and David Osteen (a graduate of Lackland Air Force Base in the year of 2001 as to the aspects of the irony as to my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America) who had disobeyed direct orders from the Chief Warrant Offer 3, Grandpa Nichols her biological father, myself in reference to the knowledge I stood up for the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as Grandpa Nichols, and as to the Bible itself as to my ex-sisters-in-law and their children as to such aspects as to not making any graven images as especially to the stolen valor of those dress blues as to the pictures from #JCP #JCPenny #JCPenney JC Penny. There is the reality of whereas that had been unknown to me at the timeframe of September/October 2007 as to the pictures though was brought up as to the #Halloween Halloween of 2007 where the situations which the complaints as to when walking around the neighborhood of my first house in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate as to the individuals who had attacked my children’s biological father for wearing the dress blues with the stolen valor as to the trick or treating.
Whereas when I was informed as to after the Halloween trick or treating aspects in reference to when I was dressed as Little Bo Peep as to my outfit at the time, the situations as to not knowing in the year of 2007 until Grandpa Nichols brought such information forward when having went to #DFW #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FWTX Fort Worth to visit as to also giving over the pictures of the dress blues situation from the JC Penney order. When Grandpa Nichols had informed me of such factors, I informed him as to the problems which his son had complained about in reference to the amount of people who yelled at him similarly as to a situation which I referenced as to such hypotheticals as to the Uniform Fetish Ball held by Temple of Flesh the year of 2009 as to the Colonel BDU uniform as to the situation. While the differences as to the situations though would admittedly be an irony as to my outfit that evening in 2009, if one of the individuals who had yelled at my children’s biological father had been a #USMC #Marine #Marines Marine as to the aspects thereof because as the Chief Warrant Officer 3 from the #USA #USAA #USAArmy #USArmy #Army Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in reference to the Uniform Fetish Ball of my wearing a version of a Marine outfit though obviously a different version thereof to the aspects of yelling at an individual wearing the Army Colonel uniform as to him having looked not any older than in his early twenties.
In such references as to my ex-sister-in-law Mary E. (*Nichols) Osteen as to the situations in reference to the black stone with the graven image as to the dress blues from someone she knew in #GA #GAstate #Georgia #Georgiastate Georgia who was associated with the #USAF #USAirForce #USAAirFoce #AirForce Air Force branch of the United States of America as to that graven image in the state which is home to the #infantry infantry division as to their Basic Training, my other ex-sister-in-law Susan Marie (maiden last name Nichols – first legal married last name Nichols-Lopez and second married last name sounding as Sweeney or Sweety as to such factors) having arranged through a source as to a trip to #AZ #Arizona #AZstate #Arizonastate Arizona state as to a painting situation which she complained about the dress blues uniform picture not being used despite the aspects as to my Kia Sedona van which I allowed to be used to take the individuals on the trip out to Arizona for that ceremony in the references thereof because of what occurred to my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to my son #Letters4James being capable to go out to the location thereof which in turn if such ex-sisters-in-law as to such facts as to such proof; those ex-sisters-in-law of mine as well as their daughters and one son needlessly caused the problems as to the situations as to what my daughter and my son and I dealt with from the timeframe as to the year of 2008 as to my ex-sister-in-law Mary having sent the picture from the dress blues for the stone image in the references thereof to such hypotheticals.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out when Grandpa Nichols had died as to the short time afterwards as to his own infantry background as to other such connected portions thereof, as to that being Mary’s fault as to the ease of military records in such references to the additional factors as to how many individuals saw that stolen valor dress blues picture hanging in my ex-mother-in-law’s house in conjunction to each of my ex-in-laws who willingly portrayed the stolen valor in comparison to how I have repeatedly explained as best as I could as to my being against stolen valor in every capacity thereof as why would it take a head injury to figure out when I have not ever called myself a soldier as to such lengths of time because I had not graduated Basic Training despite having joined the Army branch though seeing the need as to the factors as the way the Marines view Basic Training could such be noticed as to the references thereof as why would it be of importance for me to acknowledge the facts of my not having graduated Basic Training though bringing forward my background aspects thereof to the various degrees and levels thereof to such facts capable to be proven?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the irony of timing as to the aspects of my ex-mother-in-law as to the stolen valor aspects of being married to Grandpa Nichols who had not stolen valor though had made the choices as to such aspects, as would it take a head injury to figure out if he only had one shot as to correcting such aspects as to what decision he would make as to how long he had seen the situations within the state of Texas as to such aspects from his work as to his training as to his time as to his service in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America?
In such references as to a hypothetical discussion as to him having asked me of what my opinion would be in regards as to the aspects while he held the picture of his son in his hands while asking me about what my opinion was knowing I had for the length of time he knew me as to such aspects of which what my personal opinion was, as to the clarifications as to my stance as to such a length of time as well as the work thereof as to what he had known of me as to that point in time as what hypothetically could individuals see as to my personal stance in such references as to my being against stolen valor?
Thus in such a hypothetical aspect as to not having officially been informed as to the stolen valor aspects until later as to after such a hypothetical discussion with Grandpa Nichols as to while he was holding the picture of his son in the dress blues and bringing up the aspects as to what his service record was as well as his work as to reminding me as to what he had been a part of training as to the similarities as to the aspects of my Grandpa Gavett as he had appreciated my stance as to the Black Beret aspects as to running towards him to inform him of seeing the news as to the aspects of the Black Beret having been changed to the Tan Beret in such references as he brought up in such a hypothetical discussion, while not having known the aspects until the discussions from the Chief Warrant Officer 3 about such aspects officially as to the dress blues situation as to the JC Penney picture are there those who can remember as to what Grandpa Nichols had said about my stances throughout such lengths of time from October 2000 through to July 2008 regarding how he had the need in a sensation as to a calling regarding having gotten to know me and wished he could have legally adopted me as to such discussion points which caused which aspects as to the uproar in such situations as what did he defend me as to referencing my choice as to the Bronze Star as to my choice to return the Bronze Star to the Colonel in the Army as to the aspects of after what time as to General Gillman asking me if he wanted me to have an appointment with the Colonel from Iraq as to Talil Air Force Base as why would Grandpa Nichols have defended me as to my choice at that time in the year of 2008?
Why would Grandpa Nichols have been proud of me as to the aspects when I informed him as to the interrogation in reference to #CID CID as to the return to San Antonio Texas after the funeral aspects as to his youngest son’s funeral, as why would Grandpa Nichols have taken my side throughout the entire time as to the situations despite his wife as well as despite his two daughters as why did he support my decision as to giving the firearms I had from the family lineage of the Nichols to Tony his eldest son as to the irony in reference to the location in the state of my Basic Training as to #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #OKstate #Oklahomastate #OK #Oklahoma #Lawton #LawtonOK #LawtonOklahoma Fort Sill Oklahoma?
What would the symbolism be as to Grandpa Nichols showing me a picture from what his ribbons and medals as to the aspects while holding the dress blues picture as to what aspects as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury could be taken into consideration as to such a point in time, as why would it be of importance in such a reference as to how I am about the Armed Forces of the United States of America as what could be considered as to being of importance in the references thereof?
How upset would Grandpa Nichols be in such references as to the shame from his daughters and his grandchildren in such references as to the knowledge as to how he warned those individuals as to the facts of to pay attention to the fact I did not have to do anything as to what levels I had in such references as to the timeframe of the year of 2007 through to the timeframe of August 2008, as what did he remind his family of as to such aspects regarding why was his choice as to the aspects in reference to his religious background aspects to such research as well as why did he speak with his eldest son Tony Walker Nichols as to such additional aspects as to after discussions with me as to such years from 2000 through August 2008 as what aspects would Tony be capable to remember as to then hear me speak such words as to what he heard from his father as to such aspects as to the timeframes thereof as to such situations?
Thus while my ex-sisters-in-law as well as my ex-mother-in-law and those individuals as to such associated aspects might wish to be capable to blame me in such comparisons, what did Grandpa Nichols say as to his agreement with the Chief Warrant Officer 3 and my decisions?
Thus in such references as to clarify as it should not take a head injury to such references Grandpa Nichols would fully blame my ex-mother-in-law, my ex-sisters-in-law, their children as to such factors, and each individual they had chosen to involve needlessly as to such additional problems as to the house I had turned into a home as to such factors as to the aspects of why I moved my son and my daughter and I to the area closer to be capable to learn directly from Grandpa Nichols as best as I could in the month of May 2008 as to such hypotheticals. Thus my ex-in-laws as to such situations can look into their own mirrors as to such situations in reference to the occurrences thereof as to the aspects of what happened to my children and I, because of such aspects they were specifically told not to do as well as they were specifically informed to follow my instructions as to my orders because of what Grandpa Nichols had known as what do you think Grandpa Nichols would have thought of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork and what do you think Grandpa Nichols would have said in reference to any such problems as to my ex-in-laws as to the specifics thereof to such situations hypothetically?
The answer I would guesstimate, is Grandpa Nichols must have been rolling in his grave as to hearing my ex-in-laws speaking with that area as to such factors thereof as to my stopping by the area as to the year of 2019 as to when I returned to the state of Texas as to being capable to assist where I could as to such situations of such hypotheticals as to depending as to what you choose to believe as to such aspects thereof. While I know Grandpa Nichols would have gotten a kick as to hearing about my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving if he had lived in such comparisons as to the timeframe as to some of the work he had accomplished as to his Army career, I have known as to the reality of which Grandpa Nichols had been proud of the facts of what he had already known and seen of my work up to such a point in time as to having recognized certain factors as to my Grandpa Gavett as to recognizing the name during a few hypothetical discussions as it truly is a smaller world than some might have thought.
Thus the fact my ex-sisters-in-law and their children were proud of such a stolen valor dress blues picture as to such factors of being informed officially as to the problems they would cause needlessly to the amount of ridiculous overdramatic types thereof as to such situations, I would guesstimate there would be a multitude of needless ties to those individuals as to the proof of such aspects stemming from the time when Grandpa Nichols told those biological females to not stir up needless problems as to the usage of the dress blues picture as to the known facts of the stolen valor as per the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as Grandpa Nichols and I informing those individuals to not cause anything to come forward from that dress blues stolen valor picture and the situation as to the Bronze Star which I had returned the one handed to me at the funeral back to the Army branch as per what had put a big smile on Grandpa Nichols’ face because of knowing and comprehending it was the correct choice for me to make on my own and other such factors thereof where he saw why it was a great idea. Those individuals if having caused needless problems because of Grandpa Nichols calling in some favors as to his youngest son as to such aspects as to the reality of the rack having been from Grandpa Nichols as to the facts thereof, the reality of which I would guesstimate my ex-sisters-in-law and my ex-mother-in-law had failed to pay attention to such details as to how Grandpa Nichols had admitted to doing so back at the timeframe of after he was informed officially as to what the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had told those individuals.
When sitting in his chair in the living room of the house in the year of 2008 as to the Friday I had arrived and informed him as to my side of the situation, if those females biologically were honest they would acknowledge how Grandpa Nichols had informed everyone that he had made the call after speaking with me about my opinion as to asking me a question about his Class As. When those biological females had complained about how the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had as they claimed disrespected them the entire day while waiting for me to arrive, Grandpa Nichols re-informed them it was not ever their choice nor was it ever their authority as to such aspects. When those biological females complained as to the length of time it took for me to travel from San Antonio Texas to Fort Worth, Grandpa Nichols informed those biological females they did not have any right to complain because of what I was kind enough to do for everyone in his family. As those biological females complained claiming they had rights where they had not, Grandpa Nichols got up out of his chair and walked to his room to ask to speak with me if those individuals recall as to such factors.
In such references as to Grandpa Nichols officially clarifying as to his choices as to his friends as to his family as to his ranking as to his earned valor, the facts as to such which admittedly having forgotten because of the amount of situations I was dealing with on my own by myself as to the aspects combined. While the discussion he and I had as to how he had been upset as to what occurred as to those individuals complaints needlessly, I simply listened as I could as to the occurrences thereof. While he thanked me for taking the time and making the effort for him to be capable to attend the funeral as to the situations, I leaned along the doorway listening to him as he explained his side of the situation. While those biological females continued to clamor amongst themselves he warned me about how Dallas was to those females, which I asked what the city had to do with the situation though he informed me it would make sense to me later.
I made attempts as best as I could with everything involved as to such lengths of time, though the factors of what combined portions thereof as to how much those biological females had refused to pay attention to the details which Grandpa Nichols had explained repeatedly throughout the timeframe from receiving the pictures from the dress blues as well as what his son my children’s biological father had also complained about as to Halloween as well as what occurrences when he was walking around the city of San Antonio as while my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez told the news reporter Scott Huddleson that she had heard my children’s biological father complain about the medications; she failed to tell the truth, as he was complaining about the occurrences as to what happened when he was wearing the dress blues, around the city of San Antonio Texas as well as the Fort Sam Houston JBSA post.
He did not ever complain about the medications as he tried to say it was a way of being twins in comparison as to the medications I was on during the timeframe of, and thus because of the facts that my ex-sister-in-law Susie Marie Nichols-Lopez in the year of 2008 lied as to how many problems as to what my children and I went through needlessly. Similarly to such aspects as to the stone graven image as to the dress blues image which Grandpa Nichols was not happy about as to the fact he was informed as to such by Grandma Nichols and argued with her about the stone and had not wanted to see the aspects of, the fact his other daughter as to my other ex-sister-in-law Mary Evongelina Osteen had disobeyed the direct order from her father as to the facts she was informed as to the reality of what the Chief Warrant Officer 3 had informed her of which in turn as to the fact the infantry does its Basic Training in the state of Georgia as to the facts of such a choice by her as to the facts as to such a problem as to the dress blues stolen valor which she was told by multiple individuals as to what was wrong with her because of such factors; because Mary Evongelina Osteen lied to whomever she lied to, the problems to my son and my daughter and I because of her failure to pay attention to what her father told her as well.
Continued as to the following links:
