One of the best aspects as to having earned from the oceanic aspects on my own as to the one and only as to such factors always having remained as such as to the ways which such factors take the length of time as to such situations of which are non-transferrable in any capacity, the realities as to such situations in reference to my work well before my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving as to such factors of which I have already written about as to the verification factors as to the clarity. Thus in such references in conjunction as to the facts as to Irving in the year of 2011 as well as other situations in reference to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips which have been capable to bring forward the realities of such situations as to the aspects of the protectionary aspects to each individual piece of my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces, which in turn as to only in the case of emergency to break any such piece for without the specifics of as to even one particular piece being broken without my particular involvement thereof as to the unleashing of the aspects before such portions of which were meant to of which in such references as to the realities moving faster in such regards. In turn any individual who had made such a choice without ever having such a permission would officially cause needless drama as to such factors, of which that/those individuals would have to answer for their choices as to such aspects. Then again despite the movie aspects of what might be considered as to how aspects are actually within the oceanic waters compared to #Disney Disney’s #TheLittleMermaid The Little Mermaid, in such comparison to the aspects thereof the reality is in the facts there is nothing to be jealous about.
While some individuals may not have thought much of such aspects as to having the common sense as to asking any further questions as to such factors as despite having had a limited number of phone calls, the reality of knowing it was a phone call as well as other such references as to the reasons of the requirement as to verification aspects which were not ever offered to me as to such aspects would require of which individuals with a military background would know of the reasons why a verification process is required. In turn as to though I had not graduated from Basic Training for the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army Army branch of the United States of America, I had given such clarifications as to my first two book “Finding A Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” which in such additional references as to my website and other such conjunctionary aspects thereof as to later books in reference to the specific genres as to the fact aspects in reference to the listings in the fact genres in such comparisons on purpose; the aspects as to the choices made by others is exactly as such as to the choices made by others in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, just as the reality of which even when in the year of 2009 there were the individuals who were in the area as to the trips who knew better than to actually go to the depths I informed them officially the timeframes of which where I was going as they watched me go to the areas briefly before SCUBA Diving onward as they went in the directions thereof as I went along as I needed. The reference to such is regarding #Cancun #Cozumel #Gulf #Mexico the area as to the multiple SCUBA Dives when in June of 2009 as to the Gulf of Mexico as to Cozumel/Cancun as to the shoreline SCUBA Dive which was from the area where the stairs were and then the other SCUBA locations, as to the other side of the Cozumel island at the times as obviously the topography of the land masses change when SCUBA Diving along as to the same in reference to on land which in turn such areas as to hills in the various references as to those who were there remaining as to the majority of the time as to their depth gauge computer aspects in the fully comparison to the differences as to my works.
There are reasons as to why the #10Commandments 10 Commandments have always been of importance whether or not some people have wished otherwise, of which in turn as to the aspects of such factors in reference to the officializing long ago as to #NASA NASA as well as other such factors as to the reports in reference to the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce USA Space Force as to the realities within the #BigBlueBook #BlueBookProject Big Blue Book/Blue Book Project among other such situations throughout the history of the United States of America and the world in such references. In such references as to beyond just Irving Texas in the year of 2011 as to the varied portions in reference to other situations as to the aspects of which are capable to be found as to the pictures I have taken over the years in the film photography aspects from the timeframe before I had been in the Army as to during my childhood and teenager years, as my biological father had a dark room in the basement of the house I grew up in #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey. In those before my time in the Army though also after the aspects as to when I was in fifth grade as well as the aspects as to my invitation to as well as my tests in reference to the #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #Navy #USMC #Marines #USNavy #USANavy Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment, the reality as to how much I have dealt with as to throughout my life in a variety of forms and situations over my life which includes the additional aspects as to my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok gung and my Bok Pu as to such teachings in various aspects thereof. While some individuals have been hesitant as to such aspects in reference ot bringing such forward those who can remember the 2016 election, the #Democratic #DNC Democratic Candidate #HillaryClinton Hillary Clinton had clarified if she was elected as to her being willing to open the door as to the #Area51 Area 51 aspects of which in certain references as to some aspects as to the Big Blue Book/Blue Book Project as to certain regards as to work which is known to a select group of individuals as to the backgrounds and the clearances thereof if there are those who actually remember those realities throughout the prior election in that year compared to the election cycle of 2020 to the election cycle of 2016.
Since there is possibly the claim as to how much since the 2020 election cycle as to compared to the year of 2016 if such is a claim to individuals I once knew, then the aspects as to ponder as to responsibility levels to such factors. Nonetheless as to the facts Hillary Clinton was once the Department of Defense Secretary of State #SecretaryofState #DepartmentofDefense #DoD #USDoD #USADoD #SecretaryofState #USASoS #USSoS, what would that translate as to the additional fact she was also once the #FirstLadyoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica #FirstLadyoftheUnitedStates #FLOTUS42 First Lady of the United States of America in the years officially from 1992 through 2000 as to the possibilities when she additionally was a #Senator #SenatorofNewYork #NewYorkSenator Senator of New York as to the aspects of such portions where the oceanic waters of the #Atlantic Atlantic ocean are nearby to some of the land masses to that state?
Did that take a head injury to point out those facts to pay attention to along with the Secretary of State, as to the aspects of the Department of Defense to additionally pay attention to as to such hypothetical situations in reference to the general public in such references as to some regarding those who I once knew in person face to face in person as to such factors as both to my SCUBA Diving as well as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork trips as to the aspects to the reference to Irving in the year of 2011 among other factors?
For the example as to my ex-in-laws as to which my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America would not ever give them clearances as to the official setting off of such red flags all over the aspects as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the various situations which I have brought forward, thus the situations as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips would officially be the final portions of which those individuals would fully be responsible for each and every such type of problematic situation as to if there was the portions of them carrying my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America as to anywhere because of the lack of clearances as to each and every one of those connected to such individuals as to the realities as to the timeframe as to the year of 2001 as well as the situations thereof to other such factors. In turn as to the knowledge as to my ex-in-laws as to whichever individuals thereof and such connected portions to such aspects thereof, to the problematic portions of which the aspects as to #electioninttegrity election integrity as to the clarifications which were brought forward through such situations as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” of which if in my guesstimation of above an 58% accuracy aspect to such situations within “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” with the conjunction portions as to my first two books as well as what legally I was allowed to go over as to the smallest details thereof as to “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the three volume book series there has not been any allowances to the aspects of the teachings of the pages of my books as to the reality of which there is not the capability to do so because of the background requirements as well as the studies well before I ever officially began my 26 SCUBA diving certifications as to the background aspects as to why I was picked out to be invited to the testings in reference to MAST despite such hypothetical ignorance and arrogance as to such individuals who would wish to be capable to do so without the paying attention to the details directly in front of their faces as to such materials as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out why the three volume book series was written as to such as to the lack of intelligence as to the requirement as to paying attention to details. However hypothetically ignorant civilian recreational SCUBA Divers would think they would be capable of something they would not be capable of ever as well as the facts as to wishes in reference to various veteran aspects as to such similar problems as to the wishes in reference to needing to pay attention to the facts as to my Grandpa Gavett as well as my Bok Pu in such references, as to the reality of such aspects known as to my Grandpa Gavett’s work and such associated agencies/groups/organizations during especially the timeframe as to the 1940s through the 1960s as to such factors as to specifics as to certain individuals as to the aspects of such specialties as to the assistances thereof as explained in some details as to my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA.
I suppose possibly it does take a head injury to figure out as to the ornery portions, as to such a public announcement as to the service to the country of the United States of America for certain types of individuals as to the obvious aspects which were apparently hypothetically forgotten as to the need to remember as to such hypothetical individuals as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though especially my Medal of Honor Art Project trip in the year of 2018 as to the #Iowa #Iowastate #IA #IAstate Iowa state aspects in such hypotheticals thereof as I did not think that took a head injury to figure out as to the situations which there is no one who has any right to be upset except for myself as to such situations as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to the facts of how many individuals have had the capability to open their damn mouths and ask with etiquette aspects in the comparisons as to the egotistical arrogance and self loving of themselves as to thinking they were more important than actualities as to such details without the clarifications as to the situations to me because of such hypothetical aspects as to their arrogance in reference to thinking as to such thoughts as to the Basic Training graduation aspects in comparison to the pre timeframe as to such aspects as to MAST. While I could be incorrect, I am fairly certain as to such accuracy aspects to those particular facts I have brought forward as to other situations to take into consideration outside of my personal experiences to think about in such a review.
Why would during the 2016 election would then Democratic candidate for President of the United States of America Hillary Clinton bring forward if she was elected, as to opening files as to Area 51 if such factors were as to how some SCUBA Divers within the civilian recreational areas as to when I returned to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 as to such factors be as to such hypotheticals in conjunction as to such hypotheticals as to the ten years prior to such as to the year I earned my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as to the years between as to the hypotheticals in reference to such discussions as to what I have brought forward as to the timeframe between as to the updating to my website in combination as to specifically regarding my fact based factual genre books?
How many times had I spoken with individuals as to informing them that technology among the general public was a minimum of 20-25 years older than the aspects, though was it that such individuals were lacking the common sense as to the program or the software aspects in comparison to the hardware?
Why would it matter to anyone at this point in time as to such factors in honest truth ion such references as to the situations as to my SCUBA Diving as well as such aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, as why would it have taken such a length of time as to such details to simply be asked about or wished it that such individuals wish for such to be made available as why would such be required or needed in such regards as what does such aspects actually have to do with any such individuals who have yet to provide such clearance aspects as to the clarifications thereof as to such situations?
It is not rocket science last I checked as to the aspects of which such situations have been known to various sectors of individuals throughout the history of the United States of America, though as to such wishes to keep such secret in the comparisons as to the reality of which such situations have been needing to be brought forward over the years and decades as to such aspects to the reality of which since there is the Men In Black song which individuals can refer to the song lyrics about as to such situations as to the reality of which such types of individuals have been around for several decades as to having known a few myself as to over the time of my childhood and teenager years as to the aspects of my Basic Training as to other such situations which I have already divulged such details as to certain attributes as to my Grandpa Gavett as well as Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in such references as to specific discussions with certain individuals as to how such situations have been as to those years. In such references as to the realities which the aspects of the #NSA NSA as to security cameras having captured various images and videos over the years in conjunction as to the NASA aspects as to such satellites in orbit as to such factors as well; the reality of which the oceanic waters of the 10% of the above the areas of the abysmal areas of the oceanic waters being only 10% above the abysmal areas of the oceanic waters which are known in the comparison to the actual areas below the abysmal ranges of the oceanic waters in the Atlantic and the Pacific areas of the oceanic waters among other such deeper levels of the ocean.
I had not thought it took a head injury to figure out certain aspects as to MAST as well as the Army as well as my childhood as well as the Army, of what I had explained to people up to the year of 2012. While such wishes might be otherwise, the aspects as to #IN #Instate #Indiana #Indianastate Indiana state as to the situations in reference to the yellow piece of paper as to the written warning as to the 127 miles per hour as to the 1993 Honda Civic in the color of white with black trim as to such factors of the manual transmission as to such aspects of the realities in the year of 1999 which my biological mother/father/sister were capable of being allowed to find that yellow piece of paper by my choice as to leaving such in the glove box as to forgetting to bring such with me to when I went to Basic Training as to the just in case aspects thereof as to having shown several individuals within the state of #IL #ILstate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois state as to the realities of what I dealt with when I went out to #OH #OHstate #Ohio #Ohiostate Ohio state as to the timeframe in such references because of other contributing factors which those people who are considered as my biological mother/father/sister had refused to acknowledge and have needed to acknowledge in truth as to such factors since the year of 1992 officially in such references as well as the timeframes thereafter as to such realities of what I had brought forward in the year of 1989.
The aspects as to such situations which have been known to more and more individuals as to the facts thereof, the situations of which the aspects as to how such situations have been known for far longer as to such aspects have been documented throughout various sections of the United States of America as well as the world with the exception as to the oceanic waters in certain capacities and areas thereof. In turn as to such situations as how I explained as to my childhood and my teenager years as to swimming as to other such factors, the aspects of what I personally earned on my own as to such situations well before as to the decades before my SCUBA diving in all such capacities thereof to those types of who would wish to be good enough in the comparisons as to the aspects of the amount of work on my own by myself as to such realities I have worked on fixing and repairing as to such capacities as to the capabilities to my personal work as to my pictures I took when I was SCUBA Diving as to those along such areas as well as within the waters who I personally saved because of my personal work.
What is the importance of recognition correctly, and why would that be of importance in the aspects as to the above and below?
Who, would be capable to distinguish between someone else as to not ever needing such an identification card in the comparisons as to such aspects in the realities thereof as to the one and only who handled such situations as who else was there as to my personal work as to keeping the aspects as safe as possible?
The answer is only myself, had completed such works on my own which as to such factors as to the realities capable to be proven over such lengths of time as well as the factors of other situations as to the proof thereof as to the patterns of behaviour as well as other such situations. Unlike some individuals I give credit directly to where the credit is due, and I unlike some individuals do not pretend as to such aspects of the situations to what could be considered as replaceable as to such aspects in the comparisons as certain aspects are simply irreplaceable whether some wish to accept such or not as to the reality as to my work as well as my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications for my reasons as well as such factors as to the reasons for the specific genres to the various books as well as the reasons for my creations specifically as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork pieces as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to such factors thereof to take into consideration as to certain individuals who might wish as to the factors as to the situations as to such hypothetical claims which would be nothing different than to from my childhood as to knowing the difference between my nightmare as to the difference to real life as to when I was in second grade as to such factors of distinguishing the aspects as to CID as to the year of 2019/2020 as to the CID references as well to the year of 2000 as to the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin rave as to #Brackenridge Brackenridge in such references among other factors as to my journal blog updates as to the realities thereof despite some thought processes and/or wishes that have needed such reminders to take into consideration as to such facts regarding what has been verified as to such situations in the conjunctions thereof as to how I have taken such seriously in comparison as it is known I do not play games as I have not played a game since I was in elementary school as to the willingness aspects for as to my choice in reference to the comparison as to when my son and my daughter were children as to such differences referencing the specific numerical age factors thereof because of the requirement as to such clarifications.
Nonetheless as to the aspects of which the additional portions as to the after effects from ym Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury through to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving in conjunction as to the situations in reference to Irving Texas 2011 as well as the realities as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though more specifically as to the year of 2018 as to Iowa state and such situations, I suppose in certain references despite the problems I dealt with as to the individuals in reference to those I knew in the state of Texas in person face to face in person from the years specifically to 2006 through 2013 there are aspects of which especially if accurate as to those people I once knew as to the thankfulness as to my own ways to ensuring my own assistances as to how obviously such situations as to from the years of 2013 through 2018 were as such were as to the hypotheticals thereof though especially as to those people in the state of Texas as to the years of 2019 through to 2021 as to there not being any worthwhile excuse nor cause nor reason as to such circumstances as to any such knowledge and/or involvement as to such factors as to the problems I dealt with as to the after effects as to such memory deficits and cognitive disorders.
I cannot think of any worse of a translation to a state as to the state of Texas as to meaning friendly, as the realistic portions of what could ever be considered as friendly to such individuals as to who I once knew either born and/or raised and/or grew up and/or living in the state of Texas as to such a translation to the meaning of such a word would have to include the irony as to how many 9-1-1 phone calls during my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the term fire at the end of that word for such a translation in my opinion. Since today 1 February 2022 is the beginning of Black History Month and having grown up with my cousin Jade as to my relative as to my biological father’s side of the family as to my cousin Jade’s dad being her and my Grandpawpaw and Grandpawmaw as to my biological father’s Aunt Helen being my cousin Jade’s Mom as to the additional relatives as to my cousin Jade’s dad as to the aspects of where she grew up in #Harlem #HarlemNY #HarlemNYC #HarlemNewYork #HarlemNewYorkCity Harlem New York City in the middle to late 1980s and the 1990s, I suppose what would there be to say in reference to such hypotheticals as to such memory deficit problems as to what I warned others I once knew about as to how my biological mother/father/sister were as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which could be seen as to the aspects of what I dealt with in fifth grade as to those people if the demographics of the area I transferred out of the state of Texas to were looked at during my fight to get myself where I personally needed to be for my best interests in comparison to what such others might have wished for in such references?
Why would anyone want me to run for Governor of the state of Texas in the 2022 election as to such a thought process as to such a point in time when I brought such up as to the facts as to such a point in time, before remembering I needed to take care of myself as to such aspects as to what obviously those civilian recreational SCUBA Divers were not helping with as to from the years of 2009 through that point in time to when I finally was capable to get my transfer despite my own work for myself as to such aspects; as what help were such individuals as to my biological mother/father/sister in such references to if there was a look at the demographics as to the transfer area as what could be a problem as to if there was the wish for me to stay as to the election processes of 2022 as what good would it ever be to assist such aspects as to the state of Texas as to my own situations before assisting anywhere else as how selfish would and could that be as to such hypotheticals as to my biological sister in such references obviously as to such aspects in the references as to such hypotheticals as what else was figured out during the timeframe as to the years thereof as to why would it be of importance that even to this point in the year of 2022 as to there not having been a proper and correct celebration to my work as to my SCUBA Diving as to such portions thereof as what would be of importance to such truthful etiquette aspects as to such?
Continued as to the following links:
