Post #1 of 2 Posts:
Post #2 of 2 Posts:
The amount of individuals as well as locations I once knew in person face to face in person have completely changed in a multitude of ways as to the timeframes as to various trips,. Which has not done anything that has been assistive to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Since such aspects of which those factors have been far less assistive to the reality of what factors I personally have known, the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury have been more complex repeatedly in comparison to being easier as to the aspects thereof. If the reality of which such needless changes as to the various individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to the hypotheticals of as to the aspects in reference to after how my son and I wound up in Washington state after the #StoneyLaRue Stoney LaRue concert in March of 2013 at the #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall Cowboys Dancehall in March of 2013, as well as the aspects as to the situations in reference to after my SCUBA Diving if individuals were actually responsible as to actions and choices in the comparisons as to what I personally dealt with as to the experiences thereof; the situations of which such factors of when I returned to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 as to how much better aspects would have been as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. While during my Medal of Honor Art Projects as to what I personally dealt with which similarly if individuals actually had the common sense of what actually would be best would to be to actually use audible words as to speaking with my in truth in the comparison of going to individuals who did not actually know me to begin with as to such factors of the combined overall as to asking such short ended questions in comparison to the fuller details, as to the aspects of such a shortened attention span as to my personal opinion from the levels as to such various experiences throughout the lengths of time.
The ironic portions as to what I personally dealt with as the in person face to face in person factors and since such individuals as to the lengths of time of what I dealt with if they had just spoken with me in truth as to actually knowing me in the comparison of what I dealt with as to the lack of compassion as to the reality of such points in time, as to what actual compassion translates to. The aspects of actual compassion as to the situations of which to the after effects of especially the portions of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out, that was where the actual damages were as to such factors as to the aspects thereof as I did not think it took a head injury to figure that out. While some individuals depending upon their background as to such educational factors as to such references may have whatever aspects thereof to their personal experiences as to the situations in reference to their after effects, the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with my background that I personally made multiple attempts to actually explain as to those years between 2000 through 20087 as to the facts of which if my biological mother/father/sister had actually spoken the truth as to such aspects as well as if those people had made things actually easier for me as to the realization in the comparison of the aspects of what they once remembered as to what memories of what times they had as to their viewpoint in the comparisons as to how the reality to take a moment to actually see from my perspective in the comparisons of the one sided viewpoints as I had done for the length of years despite the reality of which the credit of which I have had some individuals who have acknowledged such though that did not ever come from my biological mother/father/sister.
In such references as to the amount of needless drama as to the amount of needless situations just as any individual throughout their life as to various circumstances, when there are massive situations as to the reality of perspective changes as to the common sense factors. When after such a point in time of the amount of situations as to the actual combinations thereof as to the amount of times as such aspects thereof, the reality of which the facts as to how individuals change as they grow and move forward in life as to how such situations are as to any individual. Thus as to the facts of which there was not ever anyone who had the common sense as to ever actually asking me and actually believing me as to telling the truth as to how much simpler life would have been as to such aspects, the situations of which the length of time per discussion as to the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-explanations of various factors because if individuals had better memories as to the comparisons as to the lies as to their choices as to such hypotheticals, the reality of which such situations of which as to what I have dealt with over the length of time as to such factors as to the common sense aspects.
How many teenagers have stories to discuss in truth as to what their biological mother/father/sibling(s) did not have the slightest inclinations as to the aspects thereof to the actualities of their life, as how difficult is that actually to pick up as to such perception aspects?
Thus as to my childhood and my teenager years as to how my biological mother/father chose to pay more attention to my biological sister than to me, as to the facts of what aspects as to my personal circumstances as to various experiences despite whatever they have wished to try to convince themselves otherwise as to such comparisons. While in reference as to the least amount of details as to the aspects of “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the facts in comparison to my opinions or in comparison to my emotional viewpoints as to any such situation or in comparison to the larger aspects of such details as to the various situations as to the facts of which as to such lengths of time as to reviewing such aspects as to the timeframe as to the updating from the year beginning unofficially within 2018, to the more official aspects online for the references thereof to the year of 2019. The common sense aspects instead of such aspects of the reality of the distance factors of the online portions as to the in person face to face in person factors, as to the common sense of such references as to if I actually ever would have had such discussions in the comparisons as to such cold and heartless individuals as to my opinion as to the aspects of the ways which the technological review as to such factors of the distance in the comparisons as to ever actually taking into considerait0on what is literally in the Biblical contexts of which the in person face to face in person factors as to the realities thereof as to how life is actually supposed to be in the comparison of what situations as to my personal opinion of such references upon the review aspects of when I made the choice to take into consideration my emotional factors as to the knowledge ass well as to such details which were not brought forward in such references of other facts because of the reality of which the emotional factors as well as the biases as to such points in time because of the common sense I have had as to knowing in reference to “Finding A Silver Lining” as to the situations being as complex as they already were as to the other portions as to such a book initially would not have been logical as to the aspects of making sure the facts as to the reality aspects as the emotional factors though I kept to myself as to the reality of the following question.
Who did I have in my life in person face to face in person with me to actually speak with in discussions as to any such factors, or did individuals think that phone calls were the only way to communicate in the comparisons thereof?
How many individuals that I did have in person face to face in person were above the biological age of 18 years old as a minimum to have such discussions with, on a daily or even weekly basis that were consistent as to such aspects of which I could actually trust in truth?
How irresponsible would it have been to speak with my son and my daughter about my emotional aspects when the situations as to the points in time from the years of 2001 and 2002 through to the timeframes of at the minimum of 2012, as why would my son and my daughter be considered as responsible as to discuss such details with as to my emotional aspects as to the factors thereof?
What levels of common sense would be required to actually pay attention to those details the first time as to such years, in comparison to this particular journal blog entry now as to such factors?
What levels of responsibility would individuals be to ever think that as to phone calls as to the only way to actually have communication in discussions as what levels of irresponsibility would that be as to the promise I chose to make to my son and my daughter as to the details as to such situations in front of them before a certain age, as why would I have to actually literally spell that out as why would I ever discuss any relationship factor in the earshot of my son and /or my daughter as what level of irresponsibility would that be as to the fact of such points in time as to those references?
While I understand there are those types of individuals who do not have a problem discussing such relationship factors in front of their children and while those people might feel comfortable as to such aspects, there is not any comfort to my thoughts or to me in such references of bringing up what in my opinion as to adult discussions as to the comparisons thereof as to the foundational development of children as to what healthy relationships are as to the comparison thereof. While as to the reality in the same factors as to the timeframes when I had dated individuals as to the end of those relationships as to whatever points in time as to depending upon which ones, I made the same choice as to such factors as because of the reality of which my children were in school and I did not know what type of other people’s children were being raised as to their choices as to those factors of the online reference aspects as to what I figured was common sense. Thus as to making sure as their one and only Mom as to the aspects of which my choice ass to my right not to discuss those aspects as to such relationships of those times, because of my choice to be as best of a responsible Mom to my son and my daughter as to the comparisons of what in my opinions as to such factors from my childhood and early teenage years to what I saw such aspects as to the occurrences of those I went to school with during such times in the 1980s and the 1990s.
However depending on which year as to which combinations of situations I was dealing with personally from the years specifically from 2000 through 2012, who was an actual constant in my life in person face to face in person that I could actually trust that was above the age minimally of the age of 18 years old biologically?
The answer is, I only had myself to rely upon as to the aspects of such reality as to such points in time as to the in person face to whatever aspects of my thoughts in such aspects during those points in time as to the situations more along as to how the factors of what comparisons thereof to such a point in time in such references from the 1980s through to now in the year of 2022.
Thus as to the situations where in those times in comparison to now in the year of 2022 as to the timeframe between 2013 through 2019 as to the situations which as to the reality of such aspects of what I have brought forward as to the additional aspects of the explanations in such references as to my journal blogs as well as my fact based books in the comparison of which the fiction based books as to the reality of which as to depending upon the aspects of the metaphors as to the references thereof. While in the reality of such aspects which in turn of the aspects as to how the reality of the only constant in my life personally that was ever available to me as to the technological portions in the comparisons of actual human beings to have actual discussions with that would be in a setting which would be considered as actually comfortable for me for such considerations as to the overall aspects thereof, the situations as to the aspects of which having the reality of the locations I chose as to such points in time for the length of time as to those aspects in the comparison as to such factors of which other people were in consideration as to the comparison of me being in consideration as to such factors in the references thereof because of the larger portions in the comparisons as to the aspects of. Thus while I have appreciated the locations as to the individuals who have made such possible in the various aspects thereof, individual choices as to the individual discussions as to the various points in time were as to such factors depending upon the timeframe and the situations thereof as to what I was dealing with. While in certain references the possibility of where individuals were more responsible as to the comfort level in the comparison of what occurrences thereof for me as to the aspects in specific as to when I had completed performances, the situations of differences as to the discussions I had figured were as to such factors. If the individuals as to those points in time more specifically as to the aspects of the years of 2009 through 2012 had automatically thought I had individuals as to assistance to such factors, the reality of if there was an individual as to the aspect as to such reliance upon in the comparison as to ever actually having such in the ways of which would have actually been considered as assistive as to the comparison of the reality as to such factors. Personally I thought it was common sense as to the aspects of my having initiated the contact as to arranging such aspects, as to the common sense aspects that since I was making the arrangements as to contacting the individuals as to performing at their locations as to the events thereof as to the aspects of which the preferences in such references as to the comparisons as to the reality of such situations would be discussed with me as to the ways thereof because of the facts in such references. However as to the ways which such performances for the examples though few and far between as to such aspects, the reality of what I personally dealt with as to those situations as to the grateful aspects of where individuals could warn me as to paying attention to those particular details where possible.
Nonetheless as to such situations of which the aspects of how the aspects of common sense as to actually discussing with me, as to the reality of the common sense of how discussions actually occur as to discussions are a two way street in comparison to the lectures of which can be seen in reference to the lectures on my Official #YouTube YouTube Channel as to the aspects thereof. As the reality of which the videos on my Official YouTube Channel as to only me speaking in the references thereof unless as to events later as to the timeframe thereof as to the years after having being capable to thankfully create such a channel, the aspects of which as to the reality of differences between what are considered as lectures as to discussions. Thus as to the reality of which in such references over such lengths of time as to the differences of individuals as to what their after effects from their possibilities of head injury/injuries as to the comparison of the after effects from my first main head injury as to Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as to the aspects which I clarified as to my life from the years most specifically when I had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain as to “Finding A Silver Lining” as to such details as well with what few medical documents as to the military bases as to those medical facilities as to such comparisons as to the timeframes when during the first eight and a half years, as to the aspects of which the reality of the having went from College Algebra with Trigonometry and Calculus to second grade math as to such factors as well as the memory deficits and cognitive disorders.
Then again, I would actually have to have been believed in truth as to such timeframes as to the aspects thereof as to the aspects of such situations. While some individuals over time may have come around as to having learned as to how much truth I had always spoken well before writing about as to such situations, the aspects of such reality of my life as to the various situations as to the realities which what can and has been proven in addition as to what I have brought forward as to such factors. Thus as to the aspects of the question, does anyone actually ever truthfully change?
In my opinion, I do not believe so.
In my opinion the perception of others changes in the comparison of the individual themselves as to such factors of which when taking into consideration the larger portions of life as to the factors thereof, as to the ways of which the situations in the combinations thereof as to the factors of where the perception of the world changes as to the comparisons of the individual changing themselves in my opinion. The aspects of what individuals as to what length of time as to such factors of the combined situations as to whether or not such is actually noticed in the references thereof as to such factors, and thus as to if an individual actually wants to change as to their choice as to making such a concerted effort as to making such a change in the comparisons thereof. However as to such concerted efforts as to how in my opinion as to the concerted efforts as to the discussions with individuals as to who is within their life as to such factors, as to the comparisons as to the assumptions in my opinion. Thus as to the aspects of which in reference to my online presence as to the social media locations I have been a part of as to the reality from which the timeframe from the year of 2013 most specifically through 2019 as to the timeframe which the aspects of the amount of time as well as the aspects thereof as to bringing forward my personal opinion in a capacity which I had discussed depending upon the topic points thereof, to which the thought processes in the comparison as to the socializing aspects as to the factors thereof to such differences. In turn as to my journal blog as well as my sayings as to such factors, as to the reality of which the situations as to such points in time of what my particular focus was as to such factors as to the aspects of such points in time. Thus while I am the same individual as I have always been as to my opinion as to such an honest review as to knowing myself as to the aspects of what I personally have dealt with, I also know the difference as to the aspects of what thoughts as to the difference to what opinions as to the difference of what biases as to the difference of where leniency as to the difference as to when to only pay attention to the facts as to the difference as to my emotional aspects as to the difference as to the other portions throughout the existence of life.
Due to the fact because of the reality which in such references as to while the timeframes more-so from the on and off times as to 2001 through 2005 as to various random locations as to the if factors of what possibilities, the differences as to such aspects as to the timeframe more specifically as to the years of 2008 through 2012 as to the combined situations as to such references as to the online portions of the developments within my personal life experiences as to such aspects. Thus because of the facts as to how there was not the consistent factors of biological adults for me to speak with in person face to face in person as to the consistent basis as to such timeframes as to the reality of such, the ways of which the online portions as to the social media as to the socializing aspects as to such opinions as to the timeframes thereof as to the aspects which later developed into a one location more-so as to the aspects of which to my website as to my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA as to the combinations thereof in one centralized location. Since the aspects of which to my saying which I have said in person as I gave an example of one out of many times of my personal saying as to “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the situation with the W socks in Washington state as to such factors as to whether or not individuals who knew me in person face to face in person remembered me saying those specific words as to their memory factors, the situations of which as to my saying most likely not having been known with individuals as to the online factors as to the possibility thereof as to the additional difference of topic points as to the news cycle as to the aspects of such a starting point in the comparison as to the aspects of the timeframes prior to such in the references thereof for consideration.
However due to the facts of which the honesty as to how much integrity matters as to the overall portions of both in person face to face in person as well as the online portions as to such exact same portions as to whatever is considered as online as there are the factors of which online to come might be on a computer and/or on a tablet and/or on a cell phone as to such references as to the facts of the internet capabilities for the references thereof, thus as to the fullest difference as to the factors for such considerations to the comparison factors in the references thereof as to what I thought others knew in such timeframes before the more recent aspects as to the updates as well as the explanations as to the merger factors. Since I had discussed such details with people in person face to face in person during the years of when mainly within the state of Texas as to the thought that SCUBA Divers who used technology to be allowed to go SCUBA Diving as well as whatever aspects as to the waters as to the allowances as to what safety thereof through such aspects of the situations as to the timeframes thereof as to what occurrences as to the references, the aspects as to such factors as to what I had figured was common sense as to the aspects of SCUBA Divers as to the knowledge in the comparison of individuals who I knew in person face to face in person in other areas as to how it seemed they did not understand or know as to the actual depth levels as to the aspects of the technological portions in such references; which as to how many complained about how much I sounded like a Mom as to such safety aspects as to the warnings I gave, as to the ways of which I would guess some might remember as to the warnings I gave in person face to face in person during such points in time. While in reference as to “Finding A Silver Lining” having given such references as to the reality of such technological aspects as to the situations which I could see as to vision aspects of which to make the best attempts possible as to safety portions because of while only having written about Irving in the year of 2011 as per such explanations through the update portions of my journal.
However when taking into consideration as to the individuals who had the least amount of concern to others as per the patterns of behaviour in such references, the aspects in reference to the ways which my biological sister had little to no concern about the rights of the Amish people in the state of Pennsylvania as to the ways of which they did not like being photographed or video taped as per how she thought she had rights she did not have as to such factors. While the situations of which my defense of their rights back in childhood years of the middle to 1990s as to certain factors, one of the final times we had been out to the Lancaster area of Pennsylvania was after my biological sister had shown pictures of the #Amish Amish people to individuals within #AsherHolmes Asher Holmes as to the aspects of which such other needless problems which occurred as to such aspects because of her lack of consideration as to their rights in comparison. When it was figured out as per discussions between the Amish and #Mennonites Mennonites and I as to the aspects of which they explained to me what was occurring, I knew where the starting point of such needless problems were as to those factors because of how my biological sister did not have the slightest concern about actual safety.
Would such hypothetically be the first stages of outing individuals as to such considerations in reference to my biological sister, as what proof of patterns of behaviour in such references would others be capable to take into consideration as to how she wanted to be bigger than I in whatever capacities as the one or two areas where she could as to what would be capable to be found in such references hypothetically?
One of the candle shop owners in the #KitchenKettle Kitchen Kettle area had confronted Mike about the problem at the time, which he chose to defend my biological sister after my biological mother defended her instead of taking into consideration what impact that actually meant for other people as to their privacy rights. In turn as to how many people my biological sister had opened her mouth about my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu to back in the 1990s in the state of New Jersey as to such factors, the situations of which as to my Bok Gung’s situation was in my opinion because of how many Chinese and other Asians were in Asher Holmes Elementary School and how many people she did not care about who she spoke with because of her feelings in comparison to paying attention to details as to the facts. Thus as to the aspects after the return back to New Jersey after the last time we went out to #Lancaster #LancasterPA #LancasterPennsylvannia Lancaster Pennsylvania as to such aspects, I warned my biological sister that each aspect she had not paid attention to as to the needless problems and the aspects of such situations was going to turn around and come back to her direction in full force one day and when it began there would not ever be a stopping point as to such factors because of her violation of other’s Judeo Christian rights as to the ways which she tried to continue onward until the final point of which I broke all of her porcelain dolls except a few as to remind her as to what I actually was capable of at that point because of what she had informed others of before I went to Baptist Camp Lebanon in the summer of 1996. In such similar aspects as to whatever patterns of behaviour which can be found as to those factors to such considerations, the aspects thereof to which whatever patterns of behaviour which as to the explanations as to how females can be creepier than males in several aspects because of the ways they allow their feelings to overrun them in comparison to ever taking a step back and thinking about what actual impacts as to such factors as to the references. I warned my biological sister there would be the point in time which such amounts of needless drama she caused to others would return to her for what she had done, and while my biological mother tried to calm the situation albeit how she failed in such ways as to the timeframes thereof; the situations as to how the reasons as to why I have pushed to keep away from my biological sister at all costs, because of the facts of which she has needed to accept the facts of what needless problems she started in a multitude of ways because of the facts thereof. In the facts of how the merger portions have proven to become a reality as to the lengths of time as to the technological capacities thereof, the ironic portions of to such warnings because of the facts in such references.
In the aspects as to how such needless problems as to those needless types as to the overdramatic portions needlessly because of the incessant aspects of those situations of whatever television shows and/or video games and/or movies that have been watched over and over again as to the self version of the #MKUltra MKUltra as to the verbiage thereof to such considerations; as to the ways of which in my opinion as to the aspects of what patterns of behaviour can be found in such references. While the additional needless problems as to the wishful thoughts that I would ever come around to seeing the worth or value to such choices, the reality of which to this day over several decades later as to not seeing the validity of such factors other than for justice aspects for me in such references in the comparisons as to the wishful ways as to the opposite viewpoints as to those factors. As to the proof of pattern of behaviour as to the facts capable to be found as to the simple facts as to the cognitive timeframe as to the state of #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey as well as the rest of the tri-state areas as to the differences for me as to from the memory timeframes of the minimum of 13 years in comparison to the 7 years as to my biological sister; the facts of such aspects capable to be proven as to the reasons why to end all types of all factors of what is and could be considered as stolen valor as to each and every type and factor thereof, which in turn as to any award I could have earned as to not ever being willing for such to ever go into the hands of such individuals as to my biological mother/father/sister at any point in time as well as to the aspects of such clarifications as to other such situations because of my right to choose. However since I have not officially ever been awarded as to how awards are meant as to especially when alive to such factors, the reality of which as to how such a disrespectful viewpoint to my personal work in the references thereof to my opinion as well as my right to my opinion for such aspects.
In reference as to my SCUBA Diving as well as my work that has been capable to be verified as to the reality of which as to the ways as to the official formation of the #USSpaceForce #USASpaceForce US Space Force as well as the known factors of the oceanic portions as to the reality of other such, for those who actually care about perspective in such reference to themselves to such considerations as to the reality of such factors. The reality of which the only way to correctly respect my work as to the fact of which my survival as to such aspects is only in one way as to the factors thereof, as to the reality of the transmissions when taking such into consideration additionally as to the ways which some people might think otherwise though the comparisons as to the reality of as to whose head actually became bigger as to the egotism as well as the arrogance as to such aspects as to the lengths thereof to such proof as to the riding of coattails as to the comparisons thereof depending of the viewpoint.
