When in the year the movie Titanic #Titanic came out who thought that movie was going to be romantic when I was in high school at Sain John Vianney #Saint #Saints #SaintJohn #SaintJohnVianney #SJV #SaintJohnVianneyHS #SJVHS in Holmdel #Holmdel #HolmdelNJ #HoldelNewJersey #NewJErsey #NJ #NJstate #NJStrong #NewJErseyStrong #NewJerseystate New Jersey, I told them it was not going to be a romance move whatsoever.
This is the starting point in my opinion as to individuals who needed to comprehend how much their pop culture has lied to them, repeatedly. In some ways similar as to how when a teacher says someone being mean to you means they like you, as to such aspects as to the opposite as to what as to such viewpoint thereof as to my opinion.
The beginning was when Toniann and I were discussing what movie we were going to meet at to see with a group of others from the school and who Toniann knew, as to the timeframe of around the first two or three weeks the movie had been released in the theaters. I wanted to see Biodome because it seemed more appropriate to our age range because of the aspects as to being in high school and having so much life to live ahead of us, while she was dating a male who I cannot remember his name though also went to Saint John Vianney High School. Everyone in the school knew that at that time I was not allowed to date until I was legally 16 years old, and thus when the year of 1998 would be as to when I was allowed to begin dating. Since the timeframe of 1998 is when I have been allowed to date, as to the agreement at the time officially.
When having went to the movie theater to where I thought we were going to see #Biodome Biodome the male Toniann was dating had handed me a ticket and when I looked at the ticket the ticket showed the movie of Titanic that he purchased, and when I saw the ticket I was upset and enraged because I did not want or need to see the movie. When he asked me why, I told him the movie was not what I agreed to personally and I was willing to go into a different movie theater to see what I wanted to see. He tried to convince me that if I went to the other movie that I would not be around him or the others as to being involved with Titanic, and when I said I was perfectly fine with that option he cringed and was upset because of whatever his opinion was. When he asked me why I wanted to see the movie Biodome instead of seeing Titanic, I told him in a brief the following reasons.:
* The movie Titanic was not going to be romantic at all because of the historical facts of the real Titanic that struck and ice berg and sunk to the bottom of the ocean, before a large percentage of the people who were a part of the Titanic who had died because of the overpacked boat as well as the lack of life preservers as to their safety as they froze in the oceanic waters before anyone could ever get to them to assist them.
* They were on the wrong boat to begin with because of other situations and at the last moment the Captain of the boat realized that they were on the wrong boat because they did not pay attention to the Roman Numerals as to the side of the boat, until after it left the port as there was Titanic I after the Titanic that went as well as there was a Titanic II and a Titanic III. As a side notation I believe that is why the naval aspects consider vessels as to classes such as the Nimitz Class and all of the other boats have different names, as to being capable to distinguish from the aspects thereof as to the facts as to how naval vessels are built and arranged in my opinion since then. If the system we have now as to being capable to see all of the improvements to the individual aspects while looking through such facts to progress forward, is a better way as to such aspects as while some naval vessels are still operational and capable to continue onward as to the aspects of the amount of work to be capable to do so and then work with as to the various factors.
* The history as to the facts as to the amount of cargo in the ship that was for a different pathway that because of the aspects of when they thought that they could throw such cargo overboard as to the difference of what would have actually been best, and when the aspects of the Coast Guard equivalent as to only being capable to save who was capable to save themselves while going forward in life as to who they could find and get to easiest as in my opinion because of the possible thought that individuals who would follow those who were/are smart enough to get themselves to safety as to following as to such choices as to the capacity to find such and save the lives possible. However in my opinion those who had panicked instead and threw themselves outward as to such aspects as to the situations, as per what was seen in the movie as those who could follow instructions were capable to save themselves and then be reunited with those who they could be with as to what was possible for progression of life forward wherever best for them as to such situations.
* The movie seemed as though those who were in certain classes as to systems who did not pay attention to anything accept the different objects as to the aspects thereof such as the security and safety vessels as to the areas throughout the bots were going to prove the history as to such aspects, even though they were informed as to the reality as in my opinion there were probably tours to the aspects that gave the information for such to pay attention to though the choices were as to whatever the choices were as to the time.
* With the history as to the aspects before seeing the movie as to the situations as to the timeframe when in high school I told them there was not going to be anything romantic capable to be unless who actually was capable to survive were either capable to be with one another or capable to find each other individuals that they could be with as to then having the family type of connection as to such survival, though having their own individual lives as to such while remaining connected as to such aspects of chosen family as to the differences as to such aspects as to the situations as [er the individual needs as to such.
When the male who was dating Toniann had laughed and told me he believed that Titanic was going to be romantic, I told him he was delusional about everything as to whatever he thought because of the poster he saw as to what he pointed to as to the situations he tried to claim was more romantic somehow to see a female looking downward by herself as there was nothing I could see that was romantic about that movie poster in the slightest as just because of one piece of jewelry in the difference of her being with another person in the poster as to such aspects where in my opinion as to what was capable to be seen from such aspects symbolically as the female looked sad and melancholy instead of looking filled with love and life as t my opinion.
The others in the open area mainly chuckled and laughed to themselves while the male got upset and told me that if I was correct, he would admit I was correct as to such and would make it up to me as to for his mistake and me being correct if I just gave the movie a chance to watch.
When we went inside to watch the movie as skeptical as I was as to my belief as to how Biodome seemed it would be far more romantic in the movie and the long term aspects thereof, as to seeing the difference when walking by that area. We had our soda and snacks to then get our seats around the middle of the theater and I wanted to sit more towards the back of the theater and pushed to be capable to get as close to the back of the theater as possible, as that male asked me why I would not want to be as close to the screen as most people wanted. I told that male that I saw reasons and had my own reasons as to why it seemed more important for me to be more towards the back of the theater, and I pushed to be cpaable to do so despite where he tried to go in the beginning as to the theater seating. Everyone followed me towards almost the back 1/4 or back 1/5 of the theater, and we made our way towards the middle of the row.
When the previews began as to the movie as to them making comments amongst themselves while I ate my popcorn and snacks, and drank my soda before the actual movie began. When the start of the movie went every now and then the male made comments before I clarified I did not care about his opinions because I knew I was correct, and I was not interested in his opinions because he was dating Toniann. When Toniann smiled and looked towards him before looking at me she said to him, "Susan, actually cares about my happiness."
In certain aspects as to a bit of an oddity, there are what factors there are to such situations as to different aspects in this journal blog that I will get to. The male smiled looking at Toniann saying how she should be glad that he got the tickets for everyone, as I rolled my eyes as to the aspects as to my personal opinion as to other aspects as to high school as to other situations at the time. Nonetheless the movie went the way it did and as per the movie as to such situations as I have described before in discussions well before #FindingASilverLining"Finding A Silver Lining" and #FindingTheSilverLining "Finding The Silver Lining", though I suppose a bit as to the terminology of the silver screen to a degree, as to the propellor aspects as to that being a bit comical as to the aspects thereof in my opinion. The looks I received when I looked around as to after the propellor scene when I yelled "Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooal!" was quite amusing, and I could tell which people were in the semi-sort-of-ish same thought process as per who they were with as to the movie theater.
Individuals who were with a seemingly group depended upon who they were with and how they were sitting, and those who were with what seemed as a date depended upon their responses. If they had similar reactions as to the upset as to how I saw their relationship being similar to the movie as to how that was going to be, those who had one who was upset as to the same whereas those who were capable to smile or laugh as to being capable to tell we were along the same thoughts as to how such was not going to be a romantic movie unless the aspects of other factors. Those who were sitting by themselves were different though as to depending as to the aspects of their type of smile, depended upon how the sensations were as to sensing the sadness as to such aspects as to the aspects of the movie of their own lives, and/or the aspects as to what seemed they were making attempts to work through in some factors. Those who were in that capacity as to such internal understanding and yet hope as to such aspects at the same time, admittedly as to varying degrees.
When the movie finished and we all walked out of the movie theater, seeing as many who were upset as to the different aspects was different to me as to what the responses were. The first week of school I noticed how everyone who had seen the movie over the weekend when the Celine Dion #CelineDion song played as to such responses, as so many females began crying as soon as hearing the song. Personally because of my knowledge as to the aspects of February 1993 #monthofFebruary #February #1993year #yearof1993 as to the World Trade Center #WTC #WorldTradeCenter #WTF and the World Trade Center Plaza #WorldTradeCenterPlaza #WTCP as to my wondering if there was something I was correct about as to the situations, during the timeframe as to the parents and/or elders in their lives as those who did not respond the ways as to such aspects of sadness as to others who were as to such sadness seemed different in their responses. By the time of the second week as to what I noticed more and more, and by the third week as to where I made a comment to one of the males who in thoughts were similar as to how it was a wonder as to anyone who could find the movie romantic at all as to the historical factors. A few males got together and brought out smaller boomboxes that played the song at random and instantly the responses, though the aspects of depending upon the closeness to such individuals as to such aspects of consideration as well as to the responses after 1993 in February as to such aspects as well in my opinion.
Before the timeframe of the full second month as to a group of who I refer to as to my #BlackSuits #MIB #MenInBlack black suit guys were at #OTC #OTPC #OldTennentPResbyterianChurch #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #Presbyterian #PresbyterianChurch #PresbyterianChurchUSA #PCUSA Old Tennent Presbyterian Church to speak with me as per the aspects thereof, and I was pulled aside because as one told me as to having heard about my response during the propellor scene. When I was asked as to how I knew the aspects were going to be, at first I was confused as to the reasons why he referred to that specifically though explained as to how it was too heavy to deal with the motional aspects of the amounts of people who were seemingly surprised as to the reality of the movie. Where it seemed a bit to a metaphor as to #Uzume Uzume as to #Amaterasu Amaterasu as to such aspects, it seemed appropriate even though it took a bit of attention away from the screen where the screen did not have the same viewpoints as to the human beings watching the screen as to such aspects. He then wanted to know why the knowledge as to being capable to distinguish the aspects of the movie not being romantic as to such aspects, and I explained such aspects to his surprise. When the knowledge as to not being allowed to date until the year of 1998 as to such factors, I went onward as to the answering of questions as to then explain such reasons as to what I noticed.
The other as I refer to as my black suit guys as one of the fedoras as to such black suit guys had not arrived for the discussion at that time until a later timeframe, as remember only more recently as to the year of 2020 or 2021 of finding the YouTube #YouTube song of Men In Black and Black Suits Comin' as to the aspects of that specific year. However the oddity as to how such aspects were as to my childhood and my teenager years, though without the end portion when the black suit guys as to what in the music video did as to a flash of light as to how the differences as to such factors at the time in the 1990s #decade1990s #1990sdecade an well as a situation once in the year of 2012 #yearof2012 #2012 #Mayan #MayanCalendar as to a different aspect though almost some similarities as to such aspects oddly as to such a review as to the time. Thus as to how many questions I received as to the aspects of my black suit guys who were usually calmer than most as to the overall factors, unless they had to deal with some of the situations as to the different people who wanted to know information that they were not privy to as to whatever the discussions were about as to such points in time. While I did not go over such aspects as to who I reference to as my black suit guys more recently as to my journal blog updates as because of what I already dealt with as to throughout the length of time as to the decades of other situations, as to just making my attempts to get back to the areas where I thought I would be capable to assist in finding them as to the additional aspects as to finding the Amish #Amish and the #Mennonites Mennonites and the #Mountainners Mountaineers as to my concern about other aspects as to what I noticed as to February 1993 #February1993 afterwards as to Asher Holmes Elementary School #Ashr #AsherHolmes #AsherHolmesElementary #AsherHolmesElementarySchool #AHES #Elementary #School as well as the neighborhood and Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as to certain congregants.
As to the opposite oddity as to how My biological mother and biological little sister thought of my #MAST #Mrine #Marines #MarineCorps #USCG #USCoastGuard #USACoastGuard #Science #Technology #USN #USAN #USANavy #USNavy #Navy MAST invitation as to a party invitation as to such clarifications, I would officially create an invitation as to an online aspect such as event invitation and/or as to getting invitations from a location such as Party City #PartyCity #PartyCityUSA for actual invitations if I ever were to actually have gotten to a point where I actually could have created an event as to where I would invite as to such clarifications as to such differences as to any hypotheticals as to such misunderstandings as to those hypotheticals as to actual invitations as to My work; or as another example as to when on My original #Facebook Facebook account where I specifically invited people to private message me about the aspects of my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArt #MedalofHonorArtwork #MedalofHonorArtProject Medal of Honor Art Project as to such aspects as to the situation as to that specific as to such an invitation, then as to such differences as to such hypotheticals as to those who I once knew for such clarifications as to common sense as to what I consider as being respected as well as my work being respected.
The situations as to the school bus was not long after the timeframe of as to Toniann and I in that timeframe, though where it bothered others in Saint John Vianney High School as to the drama they stirred up as to such aspects in my opinion as to the movie aspects, the difference as to the long term as to what I could see as to what I noticed instead as to such aspects in my opinion. When I went to the Spring Break #SpringBreak where my biological aspects were officially informed if I make the choice as to preventing my energetic portions to others as to in any capacity thereof as to such trying to ever absorb as to their hippy garbage, as to how they do not ever have the capacity to ever absorb anything except all of the negativity for all of eternity for themselves and that remains fully with them only, as to such broken #10Commandments #10CommandmentsMatter 10 Commandments because of what occurred with my teddy bear as to my biological little sister as to how she tried and failed and then was overcome with the rapture as to the aspects as to in each and every capacity thereof as to how\ those types need to just let it go as to how the ways as to fifth grade as to how I learned to reverse everything back to from where those aspects came from as to such aspects after the ways as to what I dealt with needlessly because of those types as to how they needed to comprehend as to asking me requires actually getting my permission of my own free will where I hand such over of my own free will as to actually doing so and not in any capacity of symbolism ever.
Thus as to such aspects as to if others decided amongst themselves as to what they interpreted as to such aspects thereof that would be considered as to #POTUS #RonaldRegan POTUS Ronald Reagan's terminology of helping instead of assistance as to such hypotheticals, what did others think was going to happen as to comprehending the times as to when I was in person face to face in person in real life with them or did they think that just because of my pain levels as to such aspects that I was as to whatever their interpretations were as to such aspects instead of paying attention to the information as to the reality of what I have taken care of as what aspects as to what I have taken care of would ever be that a surprise would ever be as to such aspects as to such hypotheticals?
Is it because of the aspects of not having graduated Basic Training that some people had the thought processes of interpretations as to the aspects thereof when how many people have claimed to know what people from New Jersey are like, as then if as to their pop culture references where would such aspects of their pop culture references be accurate as to such situations or would my words then as to such only after the 24 years as to such aspects regarding from the timeframe of my first email address be as to such hypotheticals as to the viewpoint of infancy as to such aspects as then what would such aspects then be as to such hypotheticals as to such overzealous aspects as to such situations that can actually be prevented instead of the aspects as to such or is there even anyone who would actually truthfully care for me and care about me that would actually be as to such real protections as to my work?
Why would I ever believe I could actually have such care as to the #comfort comforts thereof as to constant stability as to such aspects of hypotheticals as to the amounts of needless situations as to the amounts of time, as where would such aspects ever be as to the proof as to actual care for and actual care about me as to those aspects truthfully without additional pain and without additional problems and without additional stress and without additional drama?
When does everything correctly get fixed correctly for me as to all such aspects of what I have dealt with and remain as to such correctly, and when does such actually get repaired correctly for me as to all such aspects of what I have dealt with and remain as such correctly as to such consistently sustained and permanently correctly as to what I consider as for such aspects?
Thus as to the situations in reference to the aspects as to how I had called that the movie Titanic was not a romance as per how such situations were as to such points in time as to that year and as such individuals who were upset as to the aspects of the truth when the reality of the movie was thought about as to how unromantic as to such aspects, as why would it ever be considered as romance?
Why if the movie Titanic as to romance as to how life is supposed to be would such be romance if the character Jack actually wanted to live, would he have actually found another piece of wood to be upon to stay near the character of Rose and still hold her hand as to then both being saved to then live onward as to what life would actually be as to romance as to such in person face to face in person as to that aspects as to real life if as to life imitating art as to such aspects?
Why would Titanic be considered romantic if the character Rose herself could have offered to move over to then invite the character Jack as to being on the same piece of wood, if that were to be the case as to such aspects though would he have accepted as to such aspects truthfully if such is supposed to be considered as a romance?
Why would Titanic be considered as a romance movie if as to such aspects of finding a lifeboat to then progress onward as to such aspects toward life, as the facts are as to the size of the boat as to how many of the nearby lifeboats would have actually been sucked underneath the waves because of only having paddles instead of a motorized engine as the common sense as to such distance aspects as how would that movie ever be considered as romance as to common sense?
I still believe BioDome would have been a more romantic movie by far with far more enjoyment as to such aspects and when I finally was capable to watch and listen to such as to what I could have seen before the year of 2000, as to seeing such in the year of 2022 as to how much better and far more of what I would consider as a romance in full as to the aspects thereof officially in my opinion as to the much more preferred aspects thereof as to such a second review as to such aspects fully in my opinion. Though what my opinion actually translates to as to the aspects thereof instead as to such as to how such was thought of before the year of 2000 and as to how such similarities as to the situations as to politics as to the aspects of the 2008 and 2012 elections before when I was in Washington state as to the aspects thereof as to being a #Republican #GOP #Republicans Republican just the same as I was in the state of Texas as to such aspects in the years of 2013 through 2018 for the specifics as to the timeframes, I suppose if people could only speak in truth as to the 10 Commandments and only write in truth as to the 10 Commandments and think in truth as to the 10 Commandments as per the aspects thereof to such hypotheticals as to any such oddity as to the references as to the situations as per the timeframe of the last real sleepover I went to as to at Toniann's parent's house as to what I considered as a sleepover as to that situation as to the timeframe of when I legally turned 29 years old as to such aspects of the hypotheticals as to the overall situations combined at that point in time as to all such aspects were in full as to the timeframe of the year of 2011 as to such oddities when taking into consideration of the aspects of texting as to the paperwork as to the timeframe of February 2011 #yearof2011 #2011year as to such hypotheticals in full as to such an oddity as to reviewing now in the year of 2022 #yearof2022 #2022year .
Thus having I suppose to a degree thankfully-ish surviving-ish such aspects as to the aspects thereof to such situations, what is actually for me at this point as to actually being capable to look forward to life as what is what would be as to what I consider as life for me now as to what I would actually be happy with as to what I would actually enjoy as to what would actually be as to sustenance as to the aspects thereof to my viewpoint as to such considerations?
After what I dealt with as to the lengths of time and all of those situations as to what once was, what is it that I am supposed to be happy with?
What is it that I am supposed to find enjoyable as to what I consider as enjoyable as what is there for me to actually enjoy as to what I consider as when the facts are as to if such aspects of the facts being proven, as then what aspects as to happiness would there actually be for me?
What have I actually successfully completed where I could actually #celerbate celebrate as to such as to with those I would actually recognize and want to do so as what would that matter in truth, as why would that be of importance to me?
If not one I once knew ever thought about that, why would those ever truthfully be capable to consider themselves as to ever actually having cared for me as to what I consider as care as what examples would they have as to such aspects where I lead by such examples as to actual care though what does that matter now as to such lengths of time especially as to such in person face to face in person in real life aspects as where would those aspects have been of importance as to the short term and the long term?
What aspects as to such would be for me as to such aspects as to those who I knew in person face to face in person in real life that did not have technology to warn them as to such notification as to the years before 2001 #2001year #yearof2001, as what aspects as to those who were once in person face to face in person with me in real life as to such aspects where such aspects in the years after the year of 2001 have such luxuries as to what those who I once knew in person face to face in person as to before the year of 2001 could take into consideration as to such aspects as to such factors as to the situations as to the years then as to the timeframe of 2019 #yearof2019 #2019year through 2022 as to those luxuries as to what I had afforded them and did they ever actually appreciate it at the timeframe or did it take the time to percolate as to such aspects as to the thoughts as then as to such if factors what does that actually matter as to the current time now in #December #Decembermonth #December2022 December 2022 for me as how many more lives did I lose personally as to such hypotheticals because of such aspects prior to the #yearof2023 #2023year year of 2023?
Being as much about life as I have been and as much about life as I am, where would such aspects ever actually be where what my work is as to such aspects as to the value for me as what have I ever actually considered as actual life as to such for others and yet as to such for myself as where would such aspects of that smallness for myself be of such importance as to the greatness thereof as why would that be of importance as to such hypotheticals when as to such proof as what proof would I actually have as to such aspects as to those hypotheticals without additional payments as to such aspects as what does my full comfort actually matter consistently?
Thus as I had not ever believed the Titanic movie was ever going to be romantic as to the proof of such aspects as to the length of time as to such situations, the reality of such aspects as to the proof in the shortest terms as well as the long term into the longest terms as to such aspects as to the reality. Those black suit guys of mine as to those years before the time of 2001 as to how they were honest with me at all times and how they did not ever sneak around as to such aspects as to just asking me as to such honesty as to the differences hypothetically as to such factors thereof, as they did not ever try to hint to me as they just were as they just were with me. When they approached me as to my comprehension as to their approach as to such aspects unlike such hypotheticals as to those hinting types as to such aspects as to differences, they did not ever make me wonder as to such situations as the aspects thereof to such points in time as we actually talked in person face to face in person in real life.
One of my favorite fedora guys as to a reference to one of my prior modeling images as to a semi-ish image if were to be combined as to such aspects of two pictures as to one when I was not modeling though one where I was modeling as to the aspects as to that particular black suit guy as to whatever level he was as to those years when we talked, as to such aspects as to the situations as to how such was at the times. However it was as it was as to those many years ago as realistically when the year of 1999 #1999year #yearof1999 as to #IN #INstate Indiana #Indiana #Indianastate as to such aspects as to that situation, was one of the last times as to such aspects as to a version of my black suit guys from the northeast tristate areas as to such aspects of some similarity-ish of such aspects. When 2004 #2004year #yearof2004 as to aspects as to the Oak Leaf #Gimby #Zippy #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SanAntoniotTexas #Texas #Texasstate #TX #TXstate San Antonio occurred there was not the aspects as to what once was though I made attempts as to ensuring who were as to such if factors as to my black suit guys as to the if they had survived the aspects of 2001 as to my attempts additionally as to such aspects of the overall northeast tristate areas, though as to such aspects as to the times.
The aspects as to my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving I admit to being surprised as to where my black suit guys would have been if as to the aspects of such were known as to how such once was as to before the times as to 2001, though as to one-ish sort of aspect as to a black suit guys in 2012 as to the Lunch Munch Brunch that was as to the timeframe when I was asked about that male and his joining as to the situations as to ClubFEM at that Lunch Munch Brunch situation after the Thanksgiving aspects as to the year of 2010 as then as to such situations thereafter as to such factors as to what I was falsely accused of as to such aspects in the year of 2012 as to several aspects as to such needless drama and needless situations and needless problems as to the aspects thereof as to such proof. Where just one relationship as to what I consider as monogamy as to what my considerations thereof as to such aspects to the differences as to those types as to such factors as to the difference referencing such aspects as to that particular group, when the facts are that I am not ever going to grow my hair out and I am not going to change anything about who I am as to such as to those types as to their ways as to such situations as to those types as to such times as to the reality of such if factors as to that location I once volunteered at as to how obviously such aspects as to such were as to such how such was as to whatever proof thereof to such similarities as to those types as to such aspects as to the difference as to who I am.
Those types might find comfort as to that amount of, however that is where those types find comfort for themselves as to that type of as to whatever levels as to those aspects.
I am myself and as who I am, my preferences as to my needs as to my wants as to my desires as to my ideals as to my life as to such acceptance thereof as to such aspects as to the differences.
There is just that aspect as to respectfully agreeing to disagree as to what comfort is, as while those might be as to how those might be it does not change who I am is who I am as to why my creation of what groups I once created and what I had been in charge of as to what was my preferences as to such points in time were as to what was best for myself as to such aspects as the obvious aspects as to the differences as to such aspects as to the need for such as to how those groups where they were as to such aspects of the Lunch Munch Brunch as well as the if I had actually gotten my creation as to my group referencing WHIPs as to the ways I had preferred as to the aspects thereof outside of what others' aspects as to whatever their interpretations were/are as to those times though I suppose where that difference would have been made as to such aspects as to what could have been at those times in that year of 2012.
Thus as to the situations now in December 2022 on the day of the 11th oddly enough as to such aspects as to #Sunday Sunday as Sunday church service as to the #Methodist #MethodistChurch Methodist Church in Missoula Montana as to the aspects thereof to such situations after what was the week of my birthday as to August #August #monthofAugust #August2022 in 2022 as to that needless problem as to such aspects of unwanted aspects, that one time was enough for me to not ever have the need to be a part of that portion of the lifestyle ever again whatsoever as to the occurrences as to such aspects of what I dealt with before as well as what I dealt with as to such aspects since then. If it was interpreted as to such aspects as to the timeframe before as to the time of November 2015 #November #monthofNovember #November2015 through August 2018 #August2018 as to such aspects, as obviously as to August as well as September #September #September2018 of the year of 2018 would have been if as to such aspects as to the difference as to such aspects of appreciation. As to if those types thought I would ever be any different than who I have always been, then as to such aspects as to the proof as to how such differences as to what being considered as wanted and appreciated as to such massive distinctive differences fully as to that timeframe of August 2022 #August2022 and September 2022 #September2022 and any involvement as to any type thereof as to those as to that so-called group as to such aspects thereof as to the proof as to the opposite way as to where the fullest amount of unwanted portions as to the aspects thereof as to their types of sensations thereof as to such unwanted aspects as to them as to such aspects of what those types think of as to their ways instead of as to what my considerations are and were and are as to all such factors thereof officially as to them and their type permanently if I am accurate.
Thus if as to those types referencing any hypotheticals as to having had misinterpreted anything as to such aspects of not having actually discussed with me in person face to face in person with me in real life and/or online as to such aspects as to truth in messages as to the aspects thereof as to such references as to the aspects where the proof as to the 13 laptops as to the common sense aspects as to #GeekSquad Geek Squad and #BestBuy Best Buy as well as the aspects of any list aspects as to the proof thereof to those types as per prior journal blog #journalblog #TheOrneryPSA aspects from updates as to, then as to such factors in conjunction as to the situations referencing the years as well as to such aspects regarding the truth as to the 1980s #1980sdecade #decadeofthe1980s and the 1990s as to my black suit guy meetings as well as the aspects as to the proof as to Indiana 1999 as well as the aspects of the proof as to 2004 #yearof2004 as to the proof as to the trips as well as the proof as to SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 #yeaof2009 #2009year as well as the proof as to Irving #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas #ITX in the year of 2011 as to such other additional aspects as to the proof as to during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips if as to such aspects thereof as to the sky portions as to any and/or all hypotheticals as to the situations.
A true feminist is a true feminist just as a truthfully chivalrous male in this modern time is a truthfully chivalrous male in this modern time, as to such aspects as to the difference as to such interpretations as to such aspects thereof as to those types who probably thought that Titanic somehow was going to be a romantic movie instead of how BioDome was romantic as well as funny in my opinion.
However as to how the situations as to when speaking with my black suit guys after the movie as well as after the timeframe as to a few months as to the situations with the song, the aspects where the facts as to how situations were as to Crystal Lake Illinois as to where when I returned to New Jersey as to returned to Saint John Vianney High School as to how I put everything aside because of my concern as to what I noticed in the references thereof. I informed all of the people I could as best as I could about the ways where similar as to how others thoughts of Titanic as a romance as to how they had thought of New Jersey-uians as to such a massive disinction. When in Illinois as how I could not inform the people I once knew as to how such aspects were as to the situations beyond the timeframes as to my books "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" as to such aspects as to the attempts as to the mail as well as through the dropbox link #sropbox, as I saw the aspects as to what concerns as to such prior times as to the aspects thereof as to that timeframe after Spring Break in the year of 1998 as to the references as to my Big Blood Brother as to the timeframe of 1996 though as to how it was as to how such was as to the concerns I had and as to such factors as to the references as to "The Modern Day Book" #TheModernDayBook as to such referencing my journal blog updates as to the situations since the year of 2019 through 2022 as to such situations as to the concerns thereof more officially.
I remember asking if as to such aspects as to the song as to the person as to the technology as to such factors as to when was the last time anyone saw such aspects as to the pop culture references as per the words now, as to such aspects as to such factors and how would the knowledge be as to the #thetruthmatters #truthmatters truth?
I remember that fedora black suit guy had been called in to speak with me a bit later after that question, as the other black suit guys were speechless as to my question at the time as I asked if there was anything about the James Cameron aspects that would ever be capable to be noticed as to the situations as to the aspects of the Titanic movie aspects as then when I asked as to the references as to Hollywood as to the technological developments as to what possibilities as to the security to such aspects would be possibly important to consider. The situations as to what I can only barely recall as to this point in time all these decades to such years later as to what they said to me, as well as such discussions thereof since then. I recall having made mention of the cartoon show #SailorMoon Sailor Moon as to such aspects as to some situations as to what specific references admittedly I cannot recall, though as to such factors as to the timeframes from then to the differences as to the timeframe now as I would not know of the aspects as to the considerations as to the pop culture references as to such aspects to the considerations thereof for such particulars though as to the if factors as to such aspects to the considerations now in 2022.
I remember how some people talked about Seline Dion's wedding as to an elephant though it seemed as to such aspects of if factors, as to how that actually would be if there truthfully was as to such an elephant to ride upon as to what amounts of situations that would be as to the area of #Canada Canada as to what others told me as to the knowledge of the area of Canada being much colder in the climate as to the difference as to the state of New Jersey. However I do not remember if the aspects thereof are accurate as to such aspects as to the if factors, as to the reality of what that would officially take if the aspects were as to the truth as to such aspects to the consideration of if factors as to my memory as to what was told to me about the wedding between Celine Dion and her husband as to such aspects. Then again, I did not look at the pictures some were referring to as to the time as well as I did not look for such in the newspaper at the time.
Where my Big Blood Brother and I had our viewpoints as to different situations, I would not be surprised if his family had seen some signs after such times as to the possibilities thereof as to the timeframe as while certain aspects may have made sense more latter in time as to the aspects where the reality of the situations as to that year of 2004 referencing the Jade Wolfe Coven aspects as to how he had come through to speak with me, as possibly they had clarified such as to if others as to New Jersey informed his family as to the aspects as to how that went as well as my description from "Fingding A Silver Lining" as to such aspects where those factors as to #Marlboro #MarlboroNJ #MarloborNewJersey #MarlboroMiddleSchool Marlboro Middle School as to such aspects as to the reality as to such points in time as I was and remained concerned about his Mom as to such aspects as well as the extended family as to such aspects as the large portion as to memories as to such factors as to the time. Even still as to such factors as to how only they would know of such aspects as to the situations obviously, as to such if factors as only a few times I can remember as to a smaller number of people ever going to his parents' house all those years ago and usually only having seen their backs or sides because of the usually spot where I was as to the difference.
When as to certain situations as to the aspects I suppose now might make sense as to viewpoints as to types as to attractions as to some references as to such aspects of if factors as to the times, as to who I could remember as to only in small glimpses as to those years as usually the discussions were much latter as to the aspects of to uncles as to such aunts as to those if factors as to the differences as to discussions as to work.
I knew of anyone if I had as to such aspects beyond the factors as to as the references as to Illinois as to the references as to the year of 1998 as to the individuals I once knew in person face to face in person in real life, as to such aspects as to the concerns as to the New Jersey aspects as to such factors as to the situations. Now in the year of 2022 as progressing forward towards the year of #yearof2023 #2023year 2023 as to the aspects whereas the amount of time as to the length of, as to the factors as to such considerations as to the timeframe as to 11 September 2001 as to the aspects thereof to the situations as per my journal blog updates to the if factors as to the different viewpoints to such considerations of my concern as to others' concerns I might guesstimate as well.
Do not allow yourselves to be fooled as to the name of my Big Blood Brother as his name was Damien Menendez, as he was an extremely sweet individual who had cared much more than such aspects as to the factors where a Mom would always see their child though as his chosen Little Blood Sis(ter) as to such aspects as to a possibilities to see a different reference as to how I always remembered how he was a bit different to me despite his name.
However similarly as to those who may have had the misconception that in order for me to be happy after everything that has occurred as to taking care of minor aged child(ren) as to such aspects of the one and only way, the reality of while it can occur as I am capable of the need to comprehend that I am not going to replace someone else's Mom is of importance as to such aspects as in my opinion that is not best for the child nor is it best for the Dad nor is it best for me as the reality of there is not the replacement aspect as to such aspects as a natural factor as to raising child(ren) as to the aspects thereof in my opinion as to such factors. Personally as to the current time as to everything I have dealt with just in this year of 2022 as to the aspects of such, it is one thing to be like an extended Aunt as to such aspects though as to being a Step-Mom is an aspect where that is something currently where it is too much for me personally because of this year as to my recovery from the combined though this year is a heavy year as to such occurrences. The aspects where being a Mom is natural in some capacities as to an overall aspect as to certain factors, though not in the capacity of where such is a turn on for me as there is nothing about being a Mom that is a turn on for me and that is a view where in my opinion if others think of such as to when in the single parent aspect as to some aspects as to the viewpoint I have as to Titanic because of the facts that if a parent of whatever side is available as to such aspects as to the attempts in genuine truth only to make such work because if it not in genuine truth only as to the needless problems as to such needless damages and such needless stresses as to how that makes everyone deal with needless situations in my opinion.
The hypotheticals as to such types as per what some people did in the northeast as to some of the children I knew in different areas where their extended families caused the needless mental health disorders because of making such aspects as to a situation instead of having the intelligence as well as the human decency to actually do what was best for the child(ren) as well as the ex-relationship individuals as to how many children were needlessly put through all sorts of needless problems, and as such needless problems as to how many needless stresses occurred because of such fai;ures in my opinion. Then as to how such ex-relationships of others who were not the biological parents as to how they did not have any rights to begin with and then because of some major situation in their lives as to how they too caused needless problems in the overall aspects because of their own shortcomings as to their own aspects as to where they had projected their problems onto others' and others' children because they thought of themselves more highly than they were, as to the situations where they thought it would not be as big of a deal as it turned out to be as the reality of when the most important times were as to such aspects as to when those other situations became far too much for more than were willing to admit to themselves and they prolonged needlessly because of their previous shortcomings as per the proof from such aspects as to what I had seen already when I was a child and a teenager.
Thus as to such aspects as to speaking with the biological parent only as to such aspects as to how many individuals because of legal paperwork for schools because of those needless situations of how biological females are looked at as to those types when a female moves on with her life, as to how those needlessly judgmental types cause such aspects instead of just accepting the terminology as to such aspects of live-in or such aspects instead of the aspects as to what school systems have caused the parents because of such aspects in my opinion while they too as to such themselves and/or their families could always have to deal with such aspects themselves as to the if factors as to them ever having situations with the usually the biological Mom as to such whereas the aspects as to the mental health disorders that have occurred needlessly in my opinion is because of the failures of other females biologically to be decent human beings as well as the biological males as to how they have their knowledge as to whatever problems they know of as to themselves and/or their own as to such aspects as to those aspects where when the tables are turned as to such hypotheticals as to the if factors as depending upon the age as to such factors of what in a highly populated area of the northeast tristate as well as the large cities to the smaller towns as to such aspects of being a decent human being is truthfully easier than as to the claims in other such aspects.
Thus as to such aspects where the viewpoint of romance as to the movie Titanic as to the viewpoint in the metaphor as to such aspects in reference to the situations regarding the facts, as to the if factors as to others who had not thought about such aspects as to taking into consideration the long term situations referencing such types even as to such hypotheticals as to lookalikes as to how that is it's own needless situation in my opinion if the aspects as to such were to be in those types of those references. For example whereas I would not ever do that to other people because of the facts as to myself being myself, the situations of others as to their choices as to such aspects of hypotheticals as to others as to whatever those others put on their social media accounts as to before the time of "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" as to the facts as I warned others about as to the situations as to 11 September 2001, as the reality where the facts of such situations as to how the reality of how such around the world similarly to the warnings as to those renaissance faires as to such aspects as to making sure as best as possible to put the date as to the day and the month and the year automatically capable to be seen as best as possible.
Thus as to such aspects of the importance thereof to such timeframe aspects as to the time zone situations as to the similarities as to the importance as to the actual time, in my opinion. Others who push annoyingly as to other aspects as to the if factors as to what they do not comprehend is a different annoyance to the reality as to those types who do not even have the starting point of a foundation in truth in all such aspects as well as the mental health to process such details to ever think they could push for such, as to the needless problems in other factors as to the common sense as to being capable to just ask respectfully as to such aspects thereof and have the patience to give as to such aspects. For example as to the situations as to when I was asked as to the #USSArizona #USNSArizona #Arizona #Arizonastate #AZ #AZstate USNS/USS Arizona as to such aspects and what I initially told the males as to such aspects though as to how the discussion was ended because of other people that decided to think they were more important to the discussion instead of the reason why those had went to speak with me, as to such aspects where those types who do not have the experience(s) and possibly cannot handle the reality to begin with as to such proof as to such hypotheticals.
When requirements of minimum standards as to what minimum standards are as to such factors as to the reality of what minimum standards are for the situation, then those who do not comprehend why there are minimum standards and/or do not and/or di not have the wherewithal to ask, then as to a different situation in my opinion. For example as to the situations whether as to my SCUBA Diving and/or my creation of the Underwater Travel System and/or my books and/or my website and/or my paintings and/or my journal blog and/or my Medal of Honor Art Project as to how a starting point in truth as to such aspects as o the ease as to the attempt I made as to my business card as to discussions outside of the aspects of the club as to literally outside of the club as to the common sense aspects thereof for one example as to the reality of such aspects as to the situations of possibilities as to the serious aspects as to taking the references seriously instead of whatever hypotheticals as to such others' as per their choices as to their interpretations and/or such aspects thereof as to the common sense to ask with etiquette respectfully and/or the To Contact form as the reality of if factors as to anyone having ever left a message and/or a notation and/or a card and/or etcetera at the front office and such hypotheticals as to such aspects as much as I volunteered and as much work as I continuously had done throughout such aspects as to the facts as to such situations as to the aspects of what once was consistency for me. However if as to such decisions based in such hypothetical biases as to those types of assumptions instead of asking directly with honesty in truth and with respect, as to the aspects of any such hypotheticals as to those situations officially.
Similarly to how a Female Dominant is not the same as a Professional in the Adult Industry/Sex Worker or whatever terminology they use as to such aspects thereof as to the aspects of whatever factors those in such employment are as to that field, the difference as to such aspects as to the aspects thereof as to how such aspects of that is as to those individuals as to such differences to a Female Dominant who just seeks as She seeks for what is best for the situation as to the difference as to such aspects as to the other portions as to such aspects of the profession as to such other types and that is something each individual has needed to accept as to the aspects of the reality regarding such situations as both the individuals as to their choice of their employment as to the aspects thereof to such aspects as to the same in reference to their clients as to such aspects as to whatever their agreements are as to the consensual aspects as to such in those aspects thereof if agreed to and thus as to individuals such as myself who stays out of that though does what is possible to keep safe as to such clear aspects as to the security portions as well as the sanitization as to the differences in the individuals as to whatever roles they chose as to of their own free will choice as only as to one's own free will as to such informed choice is there ever the capacity as to the free will choice as to the entirety thereof.
Thus as I ran security as to such aspects after volunteering as to the clean up aspects as to the references as to my volunteer work as to such aspects, what would be the considerations as to the payments as to such aspects to the location as to the work I had done and what would be considered as appreciation for me as to such aspects as to those situations?
I had known of some types in the New York City #NYC #NewYorkCity #NY #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NYstate area that should have been prosecuted in my opinion as to how they decided to get involved in Leather Dominant's lives because they tried to get them into the other factors that were not meant for them as per whatever their backgrounds were, and in such doing so having caused irreconcilable differences as to multiple friendships because of the needless situations they caused as to such situations as to then where the lawsuits began in the early 1990s against Professionals as to that aspect because of what they had chosen to do in others' lives because they were not capable to distinguish between their employment as to the aspects of the vanilla world aspects to adapt in the ways where such lives were not impacted because they thought of themselves as the same.
There were multiple reports in the news as well as much word on the street aspects as to the various situations because of those types both males and females as to such aspects as they thought of such as nothing more than a game, where everyone else took such within their own personal lives seriously especially as to the northeast tristate areas. Those who caused such began having multiple lawsuits such as the aspects where because of certain situations as to the aspects of permanent damages as to where many began to see the news reports as to such aspects in multiple types of news systems as to then the legal court systems as to such aspects, and while some thought of themselves more highly for such initial news reports as to when such clients and their real spouses were impacted as to such aspects where those Professional Adult workers as to the aspects of such specifics either as to Strip Clubs/Exotic Dancer Clubs that were not as to the factors as to Burlesque because of the aspects where there was no contact as to Burlesque Performers and Performances though as to a higher scale aspects than the Strip Clubs/Dominatrices/Hookers/Call Girls/Escorts/etcetera as to the difference of those who tried to force such as to those who were not interested in such aspects though could socialize with the aspects as to just being a decent human being as to where such rifts began as to the late 1980s and began fully in the early 1990s as to the lawsuits.
There were the situations where I took control of the timeframe as to what I had required for myself as to overcoming my fear as to being in front of people as that was the only aspect as to the situations as to my modeling and my performances, as to such aspects as I clarified and thus as to such aspects where the situations while having dealt with as tyo such aspects where there was not anyone who ever actually protected me as to any such events though the security I provided as to such differences if I was actually appreciated for my work as to how that obviously would have been different if I was actually appreciated for my work as well as celebrated for overcoming such aspects as to my fears if there were actually those who had cared about me and cared for me as to what I consider as to such aspects especially as to the in person face to face in person in real life aspects as to such official aspects because if I was actually cared about and cared for as to what would have been as to such aspects of the differences as to such situations as per my journal blog updates from the aspects of the years of 2019 through now as to such common sense as to if I was actually appreciated and cared about and cared for correctly as to what I consider as.
Thos who think in such immature ways as to such factors thereof as to the movie Titanic being romantic as to if such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to my belongings and/or myself as to such aspects of as to what I would not consider as to such, would only be as to the aspects as to how Titanic was not and is not a romantic movie and thus would only be considered as to those types as to the kindergarten teacher where those aspects of where being mean to someone is only being mean to someone and does not ever show anything other than that because only actual appreciation as to actual care is the only way where such would ever actually show such appreciation and actual care as to not as to interpretations though only as to how such aspects would be considered as per such facts. Thus any such aspects as to what I consider as bratty as to such aspects as to such to those who thought Titanic would ever be romantic, as to such facts.
There was some people who discussed as to on the streets in the blocks as to others who had tried to force such thinking that was actually what was wanted when the reality as to how that was not ever wanted in any capacity for themselves, and the riled up aspects of when individuals found out that it was not ever discussed with nor ever wanted as to such aspects as to how such who were lead astray as to such regards were the first to see the ramifications as to such aspects as to the references thereof as to such situations in the aspects as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to such types as to where the innocence were the first ones who officially dealt with the largest aspects and while the needless drama circled cuntil such clearings occurred as to how many individuals were found ignorant as to all such capacities of their own biases as to the factors thereof as to their own lives. While mainly having heard from others as to the aspects of their own interactions instead of the aspects of the situations as to what as to the times as I was not a biological adult though as to being a child of a jeweler as to such situations, thereas to such factors as to hypothetically some metaphors as to such misconceptions as to any such hypotheticals as to the situations as per the proven aspects and thus a secondary viewpoint as to a romance to Titanic as to such needless aspects as to my life as to my personal viewpoint as to those types of interpretations.
Then as to those who wanted to cling to individuals who were not in the capacity thereof as to such aspects though as to their own backgrounds as to such factors thereof as to other situations as to how such factors as to being honest from the start as to how other situations were, as I was told about as to the factors of such situations at those times. Though those individuals were usually elders to such in the discretion as to such factors as the difference to how the younger ones as to when technological factors began to bring such aspects within the situations, and as to where the situations as to my own viewpoints of internal thoughts as to such situations as to where there are differences as to a recreational aspect as to such as the difference as to their profession fully as to what their personal consenting adult aspects as to such factors as to the differences as to such aspects as to the individuals who went into such as to the employment aspects as then as to such factors as to their self-employed aspects as to such terminology as to such aspects of their work.
Oddly as to remembering a few individuals from mainly New Jersey as to such aspects thereof as to what were relationships and not as to such professional aspects as to such situations though they had their own employment as to their own profession outside of the situations, as to a larger aspect as to what I was seeking to be capable to bring forward as to my group WHIPs as to such aspects where while the capacities to socialize as to such in whatever capacity, though the professional aspects of the worker trade as to such differences as to the if wanted to acknowledge though if they had a relationship who actually was accepting of as to the equivalent of a date night for them where they could just be themselves though not have to go into such aspects for themselves as they could just be human beings as to such aspects as to finding ways to bring such forward without such levels as to the situations as to what I saw when I was growing up as a child and an early teenager as to the tristate areas as to the northeast. Similarly as to how such aspects of where the viewpoint as to such interpretations as to such hypotheticals as to the differences as to backgrounds as well as educational factors, the references as to the legalities as to such hypotheticals as to where the situations as to the northeast as to how many areas as to such differences as to other areas as to the clarifications as to such factors where others had needed to be clear of the terms and conditions in each and every aspect thereof officially in my opinion.
I made attempts to explain such as to the timeframes as to the years more specifically as to 2010 through 2012 though as to the misconceptions as to the viewpoints because of being a Mom, because of the reality of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, because of my modeling, because of my performances as to Burlesque, because of my hair, because of my tattoos, because I enjoyed having a reason to dress up to be capable to go out instead of always being 100% of the time a Mom of minor aged children as to being capable to distinguish for myself as to being myself, because of all sorts of others' interpretations instead of just accepting the facts as to the specific times as to the facts of those specific times as to the facts as I explained as per informing others.
Once my children that I gave birth to were going to be 18 years old as to the promise I made and was going to keep my promise to the best of my capabilities as thankfully as I have been capable to do so. The fact as to what my choices were going to be at the point when I completed that aspect, though what aspects of actually being capable to celebrate with those who I actually would want to celebrate with as to such differences as to such aspects obviously. Thus in such situations as to the if factors where others needed to be capable to distinguish between myself and others as to the common sense as to such capacities as to actually paying attention to the details, though I suppose as to depending what details as to depending upon the level of attention to the details as to the intellectual levels as the reality as to myself as to being more interested in the intellectual instead of the superficial as to the reality as to what should have been as to such aspects of what would have been best for me if I actually was cared about correctly as well as cared for correctly.
The common sense as to such situations from the timeframe specifically from 2009 #2009year #yearof2009 through 2012 #2012year #yearof2012 as to how much I despised as to the difference of what would have been to keep me happy as to such aspects of who I am, as to such clarifications as to such aspects as to the reality as to that intellectual capacity because my second grade is obviously different as depending upon the area as to the aspects of the educational background as to such factors just as similarly as to the religious background as to the differences as to such capacities officially as to such aspects referencing my #MedalofHonor Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork. As I explained as per a phone call today as to how there has not ever been anything since waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury that would be as to what I personally would consider for myself as to my personal enjoyment as to who I personally am, as the amount of attempts I have repeatedly made as to what would actually be for me to actually enjoy my life with people I would actually want to be around who would actually want and need me around as to what I consider as to such aspects as to the in depth levels as to such aspects as to the differences as to such hypotheticals as to such viewpoints of differences as to certain types as to the differences as to who I am instead of interpretations and perceptions.
Thus as to the Titanic aspects as to those who thought of that movie as romance when they walked into the movie theater as to the levels of common sense as to the differences as to such aspects where the reality of such aspects to the difference of capacities to have an intellectual discussion, as to the reality as to some biological females actually are only turned on by such aspects and without such aspects with males biologically as to such aspects as to the reality that certain types of factors as to such situations as to actual progression forward as to what life is and to what appreciation is as to what celebration is as to the aspects of what achievements are. There has not ever been any point in time where what I consider as an achievement for myself as to my life that I would consider as to such celebratory aspects that has ever been celebrated with me there as to such aspects of what my considerations of as to me being there as the only way as to such factors instead of such interpretations hypothetically as to such aspects of those types of attention seekers instead of those who would actually comprehend such without such explanations as to having some aspect as to real common sense instead of trying to justify as to such aspects as to such hypotheticals as to the situations and thus as to how the facts are simply the facts as similarly as to such factors as to the aspects as to how social media as to the Titanic romance as to pop culture as to New Jersey as to Titanic romance as to myself as to Titanic romance as to myself would be more as to BioDome any and every day as to the aspects thereof instead as to such aspects of those types of ever thinking they could ever guess what a romance would be for me though I guesstimate as to how they have brought the Titanic romance to themselves as to such possibilities instead of ever paying attention as to what as to would actually make and keep me happy as then they would have to actually do what would actually make and keep me happy in a non-superficial way each and every time each and every day continuously as to such.
Those who have caused needless problems/situations/drama accepting that as to who I am as to the reality, I suppose they would not have ever known me and would only have known of me as to such aspects as to the reality as to who I am. I have always been myself though others who have played games needlessly have only shown me as to how much I was not ever wanted, because of the requirements as to accepting me exactly without such needless games as to what I consider as needless games for who I am as I had been so in the other aspects as to though what is the turn around to them for such hypotheticals as to such aspects if they were to ever actually think in truth about such hypotheticals?
Those who may have ever actually liked me for who I am as to what then as to those individuals as to the factors thereof as to this length of time, as what has there been as to the aspects thereof for such regards as well as myself as to such regards?
Thus as to common sense as to how those who had thought Titanic would be romantic as to those who would have the pop culture references as to their foundations made of sand as to the same ways that such pop culture views as to New Jersey as to such references in the same metaphors, in my opinion. Thus as to the reality of how in such references as to my work as to the only way s to such aspects as to my work being as to such aspects of my actual work as to such credit as to such aspects thereof to what would be considered as to me as to such factors as to my considerations only as to such factors thereof, as to the only ways as to such common sense as to the amount of clarifications and verifications as to such aspects as to the reality of what my considerations are as to such aspects thereof to appreciate my work as well as appreciate me as to what my considerations are. As to those with such foundations made of sand as to their interpretations as to such aspects, then as to the reality that those would need to accept the fact that their foundations of sand are their foundations of sand, instead of the foundations built on the rocks as to built on such rocks as to swimming as to such jetties as to the aspects thereof as to what my considerations are as to appreciation referencing such aspects as to my work as well as to me as when the superficial aspects as to the aspects thereof as to others' interpretations to the instead of what my considerations are as to such aspects as to the reality of such factors as to what my considerations of are as to such factors in the non-superficality.

Thus as to how that biological relations to my son and my daughter that I gave birth to as to such aspects where those people had not ever taken the truthful time to actually truthfully get to know me as to what I consider as to getting to know me as to especially as to the Georgia location as to those people as to the distance as to how they were not ever allowed to get to know me as to only through their aspects of social media as to how they could not ever be allowed to get to know me as to what the considerations as to what I consider as getting to know me, as to the facts as to their choices as to such factors as to the reality. Those who as to such referencing any hypotheticals as to a mass email as to those people ever thinking there was ever any initiation to me as to my life and/or to my work would officially be incorrect, and any such aspect as to my son would only be in that reference and not have anything as to any invitation to me or to my work or to anything thereof as to my business ever as especially as to such aspects as I have already clarified as to not ever wanting nor needing nor desiring nor preferring nor having any ideals as to such aspects of those people as to Mary Evongeline [maiden last name Nichols] [last legal last name I knew of] Osteen as to her daughters Sondra Marie Osteen and Ariel Nicole Osteen as to the last times I saw them where there were only 4 times I ever saw them knowingly in person face to face in person as the following:
* 2001 as to my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America situation as to Lackland Air Force Base as to their dad as well as Mary's husband David Osteen's graduation as to enlisted Basic Training
* 2008 My children's biological father's funeral and that situation as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 situation where the lack of any contact between those people and I at all at any point in time as to such in person face to face in person and/or phone calls that I am aware of as to such times to that January/February 2008 timeframe
* 2008 as to Grandpa Nichols' funeral where Mary complained about my house in Carrollton Texas as she was upset that all I had for pictures as to her dead brother were in the areas where my children as his biological children would be and not in my bedroom as to the facts as to the reality of the subrachnoid hemmorhage in the fronalt lobe of my brain as to such common sense aspects as to that reality as well as the situations as to such factors as to the problems as to their labor and delivery situartions
*2009 as to the trip to Georgia and then Florida as to there not ever being any further contact between them and I knowingly ever as to my personal needs as well as my personal wants as well as my personal desires as well as my personal [references as well as my personal ideals as to such aspects of not ever having had any comfort as to those people as to the exception-ish of David to a degree so long as he was not involved or anywhere near those other biological females whatsoever as to such facts as to the lack of attraction as to those females as to those types in such capacities thereof as well as what I dealt with as to Fort Sam Houston Texas because of those females as to the CID as well as the base as well as JAG as well as the Garrison Commander as well as the 2 Star Genral Gillman as well as the males from Iraq as to such aspects of such hypotheticals as to the proof thereof as to any other such needless situations where those people were not wanted nor needed nor desired nor preferred ever as they need to accept such permanently and permanently stay out of everything of mine at all times officially as a direct order as to such aspects as that has always been as to Mary and Sondra and Ariel and their friends and such cohorts as to the hypothetical aspects as to the proof thereof.