www.facebook .com/newshour/videos/1504754246575578 : Link to click to watch and listen to the #PBS #NewsHours on #NationalSecurity regarding the #HomelandSecurity for and of the #UnitedStatesofAmerica
As I have discussed as well as have written about my childhood and areas I grew up walking around in conjunction more specifically about my Grandpa Gavett working with the #USA United States of America's various branches of the #ArmedForces Armed Forces and agencies thereof to combat against certain problems seen when he had been involved with the agencies/organizations or I suppose the wording is different regarding the organizations part as per the amount of alphabet soup to organize the three and four and five letter references to his background workings, he had worked with my Bok Gung and Pok Pu to learn information to combat the problems some had seen regarding the situations as per my Bok Gung and Bok Pu escaping Mao Ze Doong's regime referencing several aspects they had seen. As it is known I had fought to join the Army branch after the application and approval with the exception of the problems caused by my biological mother referencing going into the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, to which it was known I was going to inform the United States of America's Armed Forces as to what I had seen as well as my nightmare portions as per my having told my Grandpa Gavett after telling my maternal Grandma Lillian Gavett about what I had noticed.
She had been who had pushed for more of my discussions with Grandpa Gavett knowing some of his background referencing his connections to the United States of America's branches and divisions, which as per going to the #MEPS MEPS station in #Chicago Chicago Illinois and discussing how I wanted to go to #China China to be able to get more information for the United States of America though knowing my biological mother had been working at #McHenryCountyGovernmentCenter McHenry County Government Center in #Woodstock Woodstock #Illinois Illinois; I knew I had to be covert and wait until I could get to safe soil which was out of her reach because of the requirements of safety regarding her involvement in such references. I briefly listened to the PBS News Hour and knowing the national security portions of the combative portions regarding the Communist Party of China, my focus for this posting will elaborate as best as I can for this particular set of details for those who have the ability to go further into the details of for the verification processes to work towards the realistic portions regarding the ways such had been and had been seen how could go regarding several aspects. I suppose possibly in bad taste as to the quote from former President of the United States of America regarding my biological mother and my biological sister in reference to the four scariest words, anyone can say regarding those particular individuals in my biased admittedly opinion.
In such references I will focus upon a three main points referencing the medical portions of research along with the education system guidelines from what I had learned as a child, the warnings from my Bok gung and my Bok Pu referencing the physical/sexual aspects, as well as detailing as best as I can in wording as to the technological portions for which had been warned of as well as seen when my biological mother was working at Prudential in Holmdel New Jersey from the 1980s into the 1990s before she began working for McHenry County Government Center. As a brief clarification my biological mother thought if I would apply to work for the McHenry County Government Center when I was a teenager that would mean she would be able to keep an eye on me in comparison to knowing I refused such aspects from her as per knowing what she had been up to regarding the connections she had with my biological paternal side of the family Aunt Linda and her husband Phil who both worked for the United States of America's Postal Service or #USPS USPS in the 1980s and the 1990s in the #NYC New York City area. As it is more well known as to my choices in comparison, this is additional clarifying portions.
Beginning with the aspects as to not knowing who had married my maternal biological aunt who is the sister to my biological father if Phillip Doong if I recall the last name correctly which Linda and Phillip had a daughter named Catherine in the 1990s if I remember correctly which may help assist the Armed Forces of the United States of America, if I recall correctly his family had immigrated over to the United States of America and though my Bok gung and my Bok Pu did not approve of Linda marrying a Doong in the slightest; they had considered the union between the two as an abomination because of the last name and the family associations thereof regarding the connection through distant relatives to Mao Ze Doong as per cousins of the 2nd or the 3rd extended lineage if I can remember correctly. The fact Linda had utilized favors which were owed to my biological father to the point of which when he went to collect the favors as per requirements I do not know how such had officially gone, though I know for a fact my biological father was infuriated my biological mother had assisted Linda to collect favors which were not either of theirs to collect on which the ways as per the Chinese aspect as to when a favor is owed the favor is owed only to the one individual which the deal was made with. In turn the ways as to which my biological father had collected the debts owed to him was unknown to me as to how he had collected such portions, though he made sure the clarifications were made as to what was owed to him was owed only to him. Linda and Phil with my biological mother had chosen to contact some who were a part of developing companies within the technological fields in reference to the USPS for the abilities to use lasers as well as scanners to be able to collect information, knowing the portions would be utilized within the Chinese government to be able to go through other such aspects in reference to the unknown portions of buying such pieces of technology from China and the ways as to which the technology would automatically transmit the information to various locations for the information to be used illegally against the Geneva Convention regarding all such intellectual property rights.
My biological father had brought up having worked with someone on laser technology regarding the ability to cut pieces of stone into shapes for the family members associated with as there was supposed to be a specific design for who were a part of as I had been told, and though he hated my tattoos when I started getting them just as he hated my hairstyle and my hair-color even though I owned my own house and paid my own bills; later he admitted to wishing to get a tattoo of a scorpion in the palm of his hand, though he had not said the reasons why though had problems with the fact that with my tattoos I was able to be recognized which in whatever aspects of his jewelry business as he told me would have been problematic for him being able to be known. While I know that probably means something to others, I was told of that after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury when in my backyard of my house in San Antonio at the time; which while I have the knowledge there were things that have happened along the east coast over the years, my personal knowledge outside of what I grew up seeing and involved with was as it was which the largest portion I can remember outside of what was normal for my life had been reading about Enron. While some have thought it to be intelligent to go after the children and family members of those who had caused problems, it is important to only pay attention to the ones who themselves caused the situations on purpose to cause harm in comparison to going after each attached in my opinion; to which the proof regarding the aspects referencing how situations have gone in regards of only focusing upon the specific individuals if known by name, my opinions as to other such aspects are seen in my patterns of behaviour.
The additional aspects to which the coding portions referencing my biological mother when working at #Prudential Prudential in #Holmdel Holmdel #NewJersey #NJ New Jersey had been a problem when she had learned I had been back-tracing her steps to undo what I could to assist the United States of America in combating the problems I was noticing as she thought along the Mandarin views as to all such information should be considered as free which it was not ever meant to be as such, as per the Cantonese ways regarding the truth being an earned aspect in such written regards as per the requirements to prove such worth regarding each individual. In such my Bok gung had already passed away at the time of when my biological father had learned of his debts owed having been taken illegally and wrongly by his older sister Linda, her husband Phil, and my biological mother; though because of how my biological mother had been utilizing his physical looking Chinese daughter my biological sister in the ways of pimping her out essentially because of the physical views as to her looking more Asian; the problems regarding such had become a situation which I had warned many of regarding how my biological sister looked in comparison to me, which had also been problematic referencing during childhood and teenager years. Her arrogance as to how she only physically looked Asian though was not ever raised in the traditional Cantonese ways had been problematic for her to which she was informed she would pay the highest price for anything and everything she ever caused problems for, which my Bok Pu had threatened Anna as to taking Patricia over to China to be handled correctly for being given the wrong name as per what was supposed to be; though my Bok Pu had also had put in measures to combat Anna in multiple ways as per the situations already having been noticed far earlier than my Bok Gung's death. As he had spoken against Linda as well as her husband, hemlock was used regarding his particular death because of the fact he had spoken against the problems which Linda and Phil were causing the United States of America. I had told my biological father about such which he refused to listen to me both before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, however the problems persisted because of who they had gotten involved regarding the situations as to try to overthrow the United States of America's homeland security. As certain adult communities were prevalent in the area of New York City, they had intermingled with such areas as per Linda being similar to my biological sister referencing the Asian look and the exoticness regarding how such a view was considered as prettier than the Caucasian females in comparison to paying attention to the details required referencing such situations.
The typical ploy of the honey pot trap referencing the physical look as to how my biological sister just as her favorite aunt of each one available on either side of the biological portions, my biological sister had molded her life after such an individual; though was warned she was destined to fail in every such way, as per the curse my Bok Pu had put onto Patricia and Anna. Though I had been accused of being a honey pot which had to be explained to me, the reality of such accusations falsely in which my biological sister had already assisted multiple spouses to cheat on their married partners well before she graduated high school is another example as to the situations thereof. The same in reference to how she would pretend to be soft spoken in comparison and when she did not get her way she would use her sexuality to bring forward the males and females to pay attention to the physical portions of her Asian look, compared to ever earning anything on her own of her own accord and of her own work, outside of essentially prostituting herself to be able to try to win over the favor in comparison; which in another reference regarding the aspects as to the accusations against me falsely in regards of the answering machine message regarding being told Patrick Kennedy falsely being accused of being a homewrecker and a whore, yet I had made the choice to not involve myself with relationships regarding such portions because of the fact of not wanting to be a part of such situations which had been problematic for him during the time when we were dating as he had repeatedly tried to push me towards the professional aspects when needing to respect my boundaries regarding such aspects. Instead because of how he had been involved with whomever he had been involved with before me, one of the larger problems aside from the shotgun and other such situations such as locking the back patio door when I was outside before he left for work and then wondered why I was upset for the 8 hours he was gone of being stuck on the back patio and trying to figure out which way I could have jumped to get to the front door to remember later as to teaching my son not to open the door as that was for me to do in comparison for safety precautions.
The realistic portions as to who that message should have been aimed at would be my biological sister as per her patterns of behaviour, however those within the state of Texas had preferred her physical look as per how such was in comparison to myself especially after my hairstyle and hair-color along with my tattoos. I had told Steve of such portions in reference to the Pervs in Toyland and how he had made such a play, however the regards as to her having been accustomed to being a prima ballerina in comparison to what I had been was the ironic portions; yet the aspects as to the removal of my tattoos in the poster pictures was along the lines of what my biological sister had wished for regarding if I would just be normal and would just do as she said, which she failed to know and failed to understand as to who I am and who I had always been in comparison to what she wished for. It would not surprise me if one of or several females regarding who he and others had been involved with were able to have a connection link to my biological sister wishing those portions meant more to them than what actually was, as per her choice to change the perception regarding the people within the state of #Texas Texas beginning in #McHenryHighSchool McHenry High School in #mysa #SanAntonio #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio. The ironic portions as to how the same name regarding the high school as to the government center which I knew I should not ever have applied and had purposely failed the testing regarding the typing portions to ensure I would not be hired at McHenry County Government Center, knowing what my biological mother's ploy had been the entire time.
However the choice to have my tattoos removed from the picture referencing the poster in 2011 only repeated several aspects as to how I was viewed regarding multiple people I knew in person, though having to be shown such by one of the males who assisted with that repeated the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury additionally. It was enough having been considered as an embarrassment to many I knew however in what was supposed to be considered a community of openminded people, that choice was not ever seen as anything other than the lack of acceptance in the so-called openminded community across the state of Texas despite having seen many with tattoos and different colored hair which despite the choice of haircolor I made the facts as to how many females in Texas were coloring their hair seemed hypocritical in my opinion as to any female having a problem with my haircolor choice. Such aspects in reference to additional fighting against my biological mother to be able to join the Armed Forces of the United States of America only caused further problems as I would guesstimate she complained at the McHenry County Government Center as to the annoyances of my refusal to ever comply with her wishes, as per the realities of how I had been working against her as much as I could for the safety and security concerns I had noticed as a child.
While my Grandpa Gavett was just as concerned as well as my maternal Grandmother, the deafness as to my biological mother paying attention to the larger problems as per her only being Caucasian and not matter what she wished she would not ever be accepted into the Asian culture as per not having any actual connections thereof; which she thought using my biological sister would guarantee her access which she failed to know and failed to see and failed to understand, the Asian culture only accepts certain types of individuals who have a specific background to which even though my biological sister looks Asian she was not raised in any Asian form except the Amercianized version of the Mandarin aspects. She failed to see that the ones who were born in China and raised there, have hated the American born Chinese for much longer than ever had been known as per seeing such individuals as spoiled brats and lazy in comparison because of the work required to be able to ever get into the country in such a way as she had brought up previously, wishing she could ever attain something she had not earned in the modernized times which technology has been able to obliterate such problems of stolen valor in such types of ways. The wishes regarding the Communism to be more prevalent regarding every aspect of life was mandatory for those people in comparison to the hopes in Capitalism in which many in the United States of America have and had been able to enjoy referencing such aspects, to which my biological sister failed to see or know or understand how her ways of failure were already prewritten regarding the payback in regards of the problems needlessly caused by such types of activities when she was a child and a teenager as well as the problems certain aspects cause; though I had warned others throughout the state of Texas mainly as to what to watch for and pay attention to because of the low hanging fruit proverbially regarding how the situations to find what would be considered as physically appealing in comparison to the connection, would always fail as per the ways the world was already at and moving towards. Her problems with the military individuals taking what she thought were her jobs in comparison is only one example of many, which she had hated and despised anything to do with the military branches though her support only for the local law enforcement was more common as she thought the local law enforcement should overrun the military of the United States of America in comparison to them working together as per the needed basis thereof. You are able to see how the aspects of the local law enforcement being taken care of before the military aspects in reference to the laws in the United States of America regarding the illegal aspects to impersonate a police officer, though the wrongful allowances of the portions regarding stolen valor and the lack of regulations regarding such aspects; which was something the CCP followers had been approving of because of the knowledge if they weakened the United States of America's Armed Forces while strengthening the local law enforcement while maintaining strict regulations against their ability to defend themselves, the ease of the Communist Party of China would have if ever attacking the homeland soil of the United States of America.
It was a large problem in reference to my biological mother and my biological sister as to how much even after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to my fighting for those of the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans and dependents of as best as I could referencing the rights and assistances regarding such individuals while still supporting the local and higher levels of law enforcement, as per the only way from what I was told by them that I knew would piss off my biological mother and biological sister after 11 September 2001; yet always being truthful in such aspects, as per my childhood and teenager well before such times, as par to my patterns of behaviour in honesty. While the comments referencing the lack of intelligence regarding the military had been more prevalent regarding such individuals in the view of my biological mother and biological sister, they thought the law enforcement was more important as per such aspects because of their wishes for the overthrowing of the United States of America in spite of my Bok Pu and my Bok Gung telling them they did not approve of the ways Linda and Phil were operating within the USPS or a localized version of a different form of law enforcement. Certain situations regarding envelopes touched and other such chemical agents regarding such aspects were par for the course regarding the later 1980s and into the 1990s to cause a response referencing going off of other such aspects regarding the military portions to illegally get information not meant for other countries, while also making ways to take out different individuals who were seemingly problematic when in reality the portions as to the problems had to do with the situations caused by such aspects thereof. When my Bok Gung spoke out heavily and contacted other authorities against Linda and Phil, shortly afterwards the problems began in other such ways for the business because of who Linda had contacted wrongly and without the authority to do so additionally; as my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had loyalty to the United States of America for welcoming them into the country despite certain other aspects in comparison, which those who understand the levels of loyalty regarding Asians know of a minute portion as to how such loyalty goes for those who have such aspects thereof regarding the loyalty aspects. In turn while my biological mother combated against the United States of America from within the arenas she could, I had taken a stand against such in a multitude of ways. When it came to the point in 1998 and moving to Illinois it had been because of the programming coding I had done to confuse the programs because of the problems I saw my biological mother had coded into the programs to purposefully help the Chinese government from what I was seeing at the time, which my Grandpa Gavett had given me permission to do anything and everything I could possibly do for the safety and security knowing I was seeing more than what met the eyes if it meant protecting the United States of America and citizens thereof. While that might not seem as much to some in certain references regarding such clearance aspects, I knew that was the only way to at minimum slow down the processes of which my biological mother was causing problems with others she had recruited. Thus the technology aspects in reference to the collection of data was only one aspect, regarding the plans and the ploys as to such situations.
When you take a look into more specifically the aspects of the Paroxysm book series I had written bringing forward the acceptances of such various adult consenting lifestyle choices while some may have thought as taboo as well as my choice to get involved with the adult consenting lifestyle as I had thought was the most honest way to show my own acceptances thereof various groups and individuals thereof generally while being open and honest myself to prevent any corruption regarding such, when taking a look into the facts as to the technological collection of data when utilizing the technology devices whether such in pictures/videos/voice recordings/emails/texts/pager numbers/cellphones/telephone records and the discussions thereof as counterintuitive as some might have thought of such regarding the collection thereof referencing my books in combination; I thought with such aspects explained in depth with others being able to bring forward the portions regarding their own personal experiences, there was a way to combat when some would try to use such portions of adult consenting behaviour against the individuals in higher ranking officials aspects as well as businesses because of knowing how my biological sister was going in the same direction as Linda and Phil. It was a risky choice I admit as per how such could be viewed in different ways, though I thought that being able to bring such forward in honesty would be able to assist those who might have ever dealt with something similar to such would be able to stand up and stand against such problems to be able to simply accept themselves as well as accept the adult consenting choices in various aspects as per the realities of adult consenting behaviour within the adult consenting relationships would be easier to un-taboo the adult consenting lifestyle. Upon waking up from my coma I had already forgotten about the coding more specifically as to how I had undone the codes referencing where I could in regards of what Anna had done regarding Prudential by the time after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, however even though she and my biological sister hated the fact I was standing against them and standing against who they were as well as standing against their ideals regarding such for as long as I already had been. I knew if I had published after registering with The Library of Congress my books the ability to be able to assist combating such portions which whether in reference to higher officials themselves and/or their family members and/or their friends would be able to stop such problems of the extortion situations, to be able to accept such in the adult consenting way to be able to move forward without such shame viewed upon such needlessly in my opinion. At such a time as to actually go forward with such despite how I wound up in Washington state, at minimum those who I could save regarding a piece of paper not only in reference to what I was putting together in reference to the Finding books in specific circumstances and the fear I had regarding not having discussed in more details about because of the situations at the timing of in 2009, though also because of such combined aspects in reference to 2011 in regards of Irving as to what I had seen in reference to The Big Blue Book or the #BlueBookProject Blue Book Project.
I admit now the possibility of maybe such was not as required though if you had seen the pictures I had seen regarding certain aspects in conjunction with the Basic Training aspects I had survived, I do apologize for that being the last resort referencing the only other ways to do what I could to protect as best as I could from such situations as per the suggestion from another person in the Texas community; though the irony of the #DELTA DELTA variant regarding the #COVID COVID situation as per that being a portions of the background of the individual who had told me about such IRS paperwork and knew of much more regarding a larger aspect as to the situations because of #CFBISD #McCoyElementarySchool #Carrollton #CarrolltonTexas #CarrolltonTX McCoy Elementary School, regarding the situations involving my daughter and my son and I. I did not ever intend to cause harm the intention was for protection in as best of ways as possible, as I did not know what the possibilities were in the official contexts thereof; and though I knew much had developed regarding humanity is such aspects, the fear was and is quite real regarding such aspects as some would be able to go into further details of such portions comparatively in this posting though differently. While now the portions as to the artificial technology and automated intelligence being more well known in comparison to before the year of 2000 in the general public way, I had warned people of what I could remember referencing the technological aspects when in the state of Texas as well during the times of explaining my issues with technology after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. I had warned people from what my Bok Pu and my Bok Gung warned me and later my biological mother heard what they were warning me of to then tell me she knew that was the truth regarding coding and technology aspects, as to programs being a minimum of 25 years older than when they come out into the general public and the ability for such programs to all have specific references as to one letter being typed before ever completing the finished work for the saving options; however the ability of such portions worried me as a child as per certain other coding situations I had seen, which in such warnings about such typing situations and programs, most told me they thought I was overreacting to technology and they thought I was a conspiracy theorist which because of prior situations that particular terminology in my direction was upsetting to put mildly. Nonetheless as to warning about those aspects as well as discussing as best as I could the programs were only 25 years old as a minimum as the internal hardware was different regarding such, because of the development of the program and the processes thereof for just one.
I warned that the United States of America's Armed Forces worked on such for the prior 25 years minimum until someone in the civilian sector had started their own company regarding technology and instead of waiting to speak with government officials about such as per the financial benefits seen had been a problem regarding the safety protocols of the coding programs being worked on for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, though the children and teenagers I knew were enthralled with the males they were wrongly worshipping regarding the ability to use technology before the government had been able to take care of such situations. When in Medical Hold Unit it took me awhile to realize that the computers were much older than what I had worked on which confused me which you need to take into consideration not the floppy disk portions, though remember my Grandpa Gavett regarding the timing of technology situations and the protective measures taken referencing getting anything to the general public. Thus for clarification wondering where the floppy disc went though to see the type of monitor screen was confusing to me while looking also at the tower, which the mixing did not make sense to me because of some of the memories I had after waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in Medical Hold Unit. As I had also worked on the hardware aspects at random times of going into the Prudential building which included during the times of the family picnics as well as the BBQs the company held, several of the other adult employees had requested my help in regards as to coding situations as well as the computer hardware to go with the software. As I was able to read through the codes some were working on at such times, in my own knowledge as to what to pay attention to at such times I was able to see who was doing what referencing the coding portions in a way which #GeekSquad GeekSquad would have more of an idea regarding the programming referencing the computers they get however in the 1980s and 1990s I was only mainly looking at the coding compared to the hardware when at the house I grew up in. When going to Prudential was when the hardware and the software were overlooked at by me, as per the amount of employees when speaking with me realizing what I could do; however picking up as I had energetically as well, the portions as to other situations were noticed in a different way. While some might wonder why or how a child then teenager would be able to distinguish from helping comparatively as per some backgrounds, you can take a look at my pattern of behaviour to see my work was in genuine safety and for the best interests compared to the stereotype regarding the childish or teenager antics as well as where I had been accurate regarding such portions despite not having gone over in the saying of I told you so as I know that does not help assist with understanding where such could be considered as. I made a promise in a general way regarding a situation when I was a child, which I refused to use those words because of certain situations.
Thus I made a promise if I ever was accurate and I had the choice to make regarding those words or explaining where I could, I chose to explain where I could for the hope of betterment from the knowledge to look over such aspects to reflect as to the possibilities in more positive ways. I do not know what others' opinions are of people from the tristate area though most likely they had not thought about the people in the area who would say those words and how such would come out, though more commonly I would guess those who had moved to the tristate area who had met such people regarding those words can fully know and understand comprehending what choice I have made regarding if I have been accurate regarding such warnings as to the attitude to put mildly. Knowing there were aspects as to that type of behaviour, I was already dealing with what I was dealing with and I did not want to make others feel the way I had when growing up as a child and a teenager as best as I could. Those especially within the tristate area during the later 1980s into the 1990s fully can reference when the intellectual aspects as to the being accurate portions as to the tone of voice regarding those words, in comparison to specifically explaining as best as possible which I admit when it came to adults who worked at Prudential who needed help with the arrangements of their technology devices is where I had not idea why they would be working on the pieces without having any knowledge as to how such worked yet being employed to work on such as it confused me as to the proverbial blind leading the blind; which some now regarding technology in the modern times can see in other ways in regards of their children assisting them with technology when needing the help, depending upon the approach. My son saw and knew of my problems with technology especially in Washington state and Oregon state, and while it annoyed him that I was being zapped as much as I had I also did what I could to keep such pains hidden referencing such because of not wanting him to know how much it hurt being in Washington state.
There are many reasons to that aspect beyond just being above the Mason-Dixon Line, the technology lines, and etcetera; as when taking into consideration the energetic portions I pick up on as well as seeing the botany around Washington state and being confused as to such with the weather aspects additionally, it truly was a larger and more spread out version of torture regarding such aspects being there because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury compared to where I grew up on top of the electrical portions already gone into. I warned people about the situations and mainly male SCUBA Divers had joked about how funny they thought it would be if going to a flipped version as they knew about some of the plants regarding the east coast, which I warned them not to play pranks on me because of knowing more than they had any ideas of regarding who I am. Though I had told those #SCUBA Divers and #SCUBADiving Instructors as to who I am as well as my background as those in the consenting adult lifestyle would know, I suppose that tone can be read through the words on my website at this point for a different knowledge and understanding for those who I had warned regarding such communities of people. However I had told the SCUBA Diving community that had been around the different campfires over the times of each of my SCUBA Diving certification classes, they needed to grow up and be adults in comparison to being childish in reference to what they thought would be a funny joke. I had told those SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors it was better if I was in a good mood in comparison to being in a bad mood, as I had told those SCUBA Diver and I told those SCUBA Diving Instructors to not ever make any assumptions about me. I told those SCUBA Divers as I told those SCUBA Diving Instructors despite what they assumed because of how I physically look, I told those SCUBA Divers and SCUBA Diving Instructors as to my SCUBA Diving is my SCUBA Diving and they should consider themselves lucky to be allowed to be a apart of my SCUBA Diving certification classes not in the arrogant way referencing the aspects of being involved with my SCUBA Diving certifications in such a personal aspect though more along the lines of being able to look into aspects of the educational portions they had not paid more attention to regarding SCUBA Diving certifications as per my patterns though opinions which developed as time went onward as such normalcy happens for others as well goes. However I did not hide the aspects as to what was my beginning reasons regarding my SCUBA Diving certification courses, to which some SCUBA Diving individuals had seen without needing further explanations and we simply just spoke with one another in comparison to certain other situations females within the SCUBA Diving community whether as a recreational without the Instructor and/or Master SCUBA Diver title or what-have-you would know as I knew I was not the only one who had dealt with certain aspects regarding SCUBA Diving as a female when not in a relationship and not having the individual involved directly with SCUBA Diving itself regarding whether an associate or acquaintance or friend or family or if in a different relationship depending upon the situation.
Possibly some who once knew me now can understand why I had not understood how I could be considered as pretentious can see and possibly remember as to my choice to not have said the words of I told you so, however in regards to the situations in reference to the above paragraph of my writing can reevaluate honestly as to the difference in contrast and comparison to the wording I had used at such times comparatively. In turn in person my choices of words are as such however when going into a larger amount of details to be able to explain possibly the wording context does not bring forward the same tone of voice as per the situations and yet the inflection of such tones are still important for the genuineness, which in such prior times the aspects as to the tone of voice probably would be considered as much lighter in truthful comparison; however I still do the best I can to refrain myself from such words, as per the ability to properly explain such aspects to which can be clearer for understanding from such knowledge in a calmer way to be able to process the information to step forward more positively in better ways I hope.
I cannot be the only one who additionally noticed the way certain males in the SCUBA Diving community think they should be the only ones involved with any female within the SCUBA Diving aspect and I cannot be the only one who has personally not required a relationship with another male SCUBA Diver because of personal preferences, to which I also cannot be the only female SCUBA Diver to have walked away from the community once a part of in full when at a level of disgust regarding the machismo and the problems of sexism among certain groups within the SCUBA Diving community; which personally confuses me with my background as while I can understand United States of America's Armed Forces in such military and law enforcement aspects of specialty portions, male recreational SCUBA Divers made and makes little sense as to their arrogance and egotism as perceived regarding their types of SCUBA Diving compared to my type of SCUBA Diving. Their type of recreational playtime SCUBA Diving was not ever my type nor my skill level of SCUBA Diving as well as whatever they had gotten into SCUBA Diving for had been completely different than what I had gotten into SCUBA Diving for, I would guesstimate regarding personal choices and references thereof. Which personally has been difficult to know and understand over the years from 2009 through to now in the year of 2021 how such individuals I had known regarding SCUBA Diving in their recreational areas and situations while my SCUBA Diving had been said clearly as to the military connection to the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the medical aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects, which none of them were ever allowed nor ever invited to participate in reference to my SCUBA Diving beyond the classes for the certifications themselves as my SCUBA Diving was my SCUBA Diving and is my SCUBA Diving. It was not selfish nor is it selfish, as per making sure the clear aspects are as such in comparison to others' prior interpretations with their prior medical aspects as those outdated portions compared to the situations I was looking into had nothing to do with such individuals in the ways which they may have seen me in comparison to who I was which is who I am despite their opinions as to how I physically look.
To which I hope for justice in regards of and if there is a legal aspect which can go forward against such individuals as well as groups thereof in reference to if hypothetically any problems were to be a situation(s), I agree to going after such individuals and groups thereof regarding such legalities as per their aspects of being more well informed regarding their levels of certifications to be a SCUBA Diving Instructor and/or shop owner as per the legal requirements as well as the tests would be mandatory to be able to run such and/or participate regarding such activities of SCUBA Diving in what capacity had been allowed and trained for regarding the in person requirements in the known aspects of SCUBA Diving. My 26 SCUBA Diving certifications are individual specialty aspects regarding 24 of me 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, however as Richard Thomas had said clearly in 2019 as to me not being a SCUBA Diving Instructor which is correct and accurate; however during the Cavern SCUBA Diving certification class trip he and the female Carmen though her name not being Carmen had been informed as well as the Cavern Excursions store which is now closed as I learned when going out to Florida in 2021 in March, which such SCUBA Diving Instructors being reviewed regarding such auditing measures as per the safety and educational portions of importance regarding SCUBA Diving whether in the recreational or non-recreational ways hypothetically. The irony if that male ever thought he could teach my type of SCUBA Diving though would not ever be capable to teach my type of SCUBA Diving, as per the lack of ability regarding the pre-portions to ever being involved in the state of Texas being one of the several first requirements for other such portions regarding the training aspects in the fuller length of time in comparison to just jumping into the SCUBA Diving aspect from growing up swimming in a pool or a pond or a lake as growing up swimming in the ocean with the additional teachings from my Bok Pu would be a different set of aspects to pay attention to especially when taking into consideration some of what she had taught me had assisted certain groups my Grandpa Gavett helped to put together regarding the SCUBA Diving portions as per other such aspects depending upon the year and the decade of his involvement as he was a lifer which you can see regarding my initial enlistment paperwork as described as per myself regarding my help where possible in regards of the United States of America's Armed Forces.
However in such aspects regarding The Big Blue Book or The Blue Book Project, I had seen some information regarding the Chinese areas having had such situations in some similarities regarding the extraterrestrial/alien life forms aspects; though was unable to find the official documentations in any such ways as per Grandpa Gavett's paperwork he had used a typewriter for the portions of what he had observed and/or assisted in the research of and/or had made reports with some individuals' testimonies regarding various situations in reference to China and areas which had seen such though in smaller amounts of details regarding in comparison, though when taking a look at where they normally have been seen one can see such in reference to the United States of America for references regarding overseas to a degree. In such aspects because of not being afraid of such portions as a child and a teenager as well as being as I had been regarding coding and the few video games that I had played on #Nintendo #Nintendo64 Nintendo 64 and #Sega #SegaGenesis Sega Genesis to defeat such as per the way some gamers know of regarding the current times, I had been as such as a child referencing the few games I had gotten into as a child and refused to quit until I successfully completed each portion for each level. The situations regarding the development of film being completed overseas is one additional aspect you can look into referencing the situations regarding technology as well in regards as to the locale, as per the situations to additional intelligence overseas had gotten from those who had sent pictures in film to be made. My biological father had developed his pictures in the basement of the house I grew up in underneath the stairs from what I was told, as per the red light which was in the area outside of the door as it was known if the red light was on outside of the door there was not anyone allowed inside of the room. I had noticed the red light on when I was in 5th grade one time when I felt the need to go downstairs and no one was in the house except for me, which the memory of is a bit foggy regarding such; though for a bit of time I thought it was just because of being sick at the time regarding the situation in 5th grade, and I was told it was nothing to worry about. I remembered a few situations in regards of the basement area of the house mainly having to do with dealing with being punished regarding what my biological sister had blamed me for in regards of what she had done, though there were a few times I remembered hearing people in the basement and getting in trouble for going to help as I thought they were in trouble. However in regards of the aspects additionally to the Big Blue Book also known as the Blue Book Project which I find ironic in reference to the name of my Medal of Honor Art Project and some oddities regarding the historical and spiritual rubbings aspects though additionally in regards of my SCUBA Diving and Irving situations and type situations, the oddities of comments regarding Dr. Kerry and a location, in the culminative portions of a different overall aspect regarding a few other different portions in a possible different view because of the combinations though the overall local area regarding certain aspects.
I know my biological parents had sold the house and property to a couple which shortly after the 11 September 2001 event the house had an electrical fire when as I was told the female had wanted a divorce and the male was an electrician, though the only other portion regarding the house and property I had been told about was how long it took to remove the garage because of the construction in the foundation. I had to help build that 5 car garage with the shed attached in the back which not one car was ever stored in there as it was only tools, and no one was allowed to go into the shed area as per directions after a time when I had gotten in trouble for thinking I heard screams from the shed area outside of the basement area leading into the house. I dealt with the conversations regarding going to help what I had heard though I was told that it was nothing to worry about, yet it seemed there was a lot to worry about regarding what I thought I heard. The same in reference to the attic area which had a doorway from the closet in the room once shared with my biological sister which when I had looked over to the closet one evening I thought I saw a burned arm with a striped long sleeve shirt pulling the curtain back from the area which scared me tremendously at the time which my biological sister had not seen as she was sleeping, and though I had only been frightened because of not having seen that before regarding how the flesh had looked as it was badly damaged; one afternoon I got the courage to go over to the closet to pull back the curtain to then see the attic doorway area string swinging oddly, though I had gotten in trouble for trying to jump upward to reach the string to pull the stairs down to see what if anything I had seen earlier. There were multiple situations such as that regarding my childhood and teenager years as by the time of applying to #MAST Marine and Science Technology School with the #USNavy Navy attachment, my biological parents knew I was going to inform the United States of America about what was going on within the United States of America. They continuously tried to get me to stop to see their side which I refused because of what I knew was a set of situations which were unacceptable, though my biological sister reveled in the situations thinking she could have a part of such a circumstance not realizing what was going on at the time. She thought similarly to Linda that others would take care of everything instead of knowing there are those who actually take care of the situations she idolized while also not taking into consideration as to what it was doing, which the complaint as to wishing to be a boss in comparison to what she was even per the aspects of such wishes; few believed me as many times as I had done what I could to warn of multiple situations which the #StephenKingCatsEye Cat's Eye movie regarding the smoker situation had reminded me of several circumstances I had noticed regarding when growing up as a child into teenager years, and even with that one small reference few understood what I was explaining regarding what I had noticed as a child in different way. I was told the reason why there was not the requirement to go through companies to develop the pictures my biological father had taken was because of the tracking and tracing which was known by some, which seemed odd back then in the later 1980s and into the 1990s which did not make sense back then to me. However in regards of the portions regarding the Security briefing, seems appropriate to put such information in this posting.
In reference to the warnings from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu in reference to the Communist Party of China after they fled Mao Ze Doong, they had much to teach me because of how the Cantonese were being treated compared to the Mandarins. I was taught about how Cantonese who were with Mandarins were not accepted among the timeframe as the uprising began in reference to Mao Ze Doong because the Mandarins saw the Cantonese as threats and problems compared to the keepers of wisdom which the refusal to learn from the ways as to ensuring the path was kept clear regarding the instructions thereof were seen as pretentiousness in some ways, while also the explanation as to how the Mandarins viewed the Cantonese's discipline to maintain such levels were considered as lesser than because of wishing the general public could be able to accomplish all such aspects. I was warned the individuals who were being taught in the United States of America the language of the Mandarin though Americanized was to be able to distinguish the difference in speech if they had ever gone over to China for other repercussions regarding gaining information as per the costs to fly over to the area, though I was taught if ever able to go over to China to get information for the United States of America how to handle myself in such situations regarding such. It did not have to do with speaking or speech per se, though the ability to communicate differently would assist getting such information for the United States of America as per the amount of situations regarding the deaf as I was taught how to read both Cantonese and Mandarin regarding when growing up and being able to have my Bok Gung and Bok Pu teach me the subtle differences in several locations of the particulars in the layouts of the words and was one of many reasons I knew I could handle the situations which I had briefly spoken about in reference to the MEPS station.
However regarding the warnings in regards of the language taught in the United States of America's public school system at the time in the later 1980s into the 1990s regarding the language, the choice regarding who was brought in regarding such as well as the disagreements in reference to which words were taught and the pronunciations along with the writing styles had much to do with the particulars in regards of what was known by the Chinese from the country of China compared to other countries for the clarifications. It was warned to me to pay attention not only to the pictures and the images utilized referencing the surrounding portions which in person would be considered as an auric view though in such pictures overseas would be the equivalent of copying and pasting an image within the picture to be able to distinguish the problems regarding such false propaganda, as those circumstances were rampant back in the later 1980s and into the 1990s though had already been known regarding those who had the inner knowledge of such situations regarding how the problems were manifested regarding such problematic sources though over time the technological development to which the filters more commonly known for such coverups to have the confusion regarding such problems and those who have been a part of such had only perpetuated such situations when in reference to the Americans within the United States of America thinking such was cool in comparison to not realizing they were falling for the traps laid out decades ago regarding such pictures and images as well as videos. There are reasons as to why multiple portions of imagery regarding Caucasians were done in cartoon formats as per the inability to put such in regards of just how certain people cannot tell the difference regarding the ethnic background when in person, the Asians could not tell the difference from one round eye to the next round eye as per the labeling thereof; which later was known it would cause problems regarding the identity situations, which had been a warning regarding the plans of such not only in reference to the Chinese population though also in reference to others around the world because of how many had refused to accept responsibility for their own choices. There were tests done in reference to Americans mainly in a way which the marshmallow test in a different way as per the having been given the option to tell the truth off the bat or if choosing to stay hidden having been given the warning as to what would occur to them, which most Americans had chosen to stay hidden which had perpetuated the needless problems because of the honor and the truth aspects regarding such portions more well known to the Asian culture. Upon learning more Americans though of the Caucasian physical as well would remain hidden the ability for Mao Ze Doong and the regime to see what ease it would be to manipulate various individuals in the governmental branches throughout the world to do their bidding in comparison to ever taking responsibility, which was a problem for the security situations throughout not only the United States of America though also the world in various regards as per the public perception in comparison to simply accepting certain realities.
It was warned to me that only certain families would be allowed to have more than one child though of those certain families if there was more than one child if the female was born first, very few families were ever allowed to keep their child because of the rules at such times referencing the male to female ratio regarding the situations because of the known physical beauty attributes in which others with the larger amounts of finances were also able to pay for such hiding aspects; while in addition to training the females as to how to utilize their sexuality to be able to persuade other situations, which you are able to refer to the way my biological sister had been raised in comparison to how I had been raised as per my Bok Gung with my Bok Pu and my Grandpa. While the problems which the choice to use the physical aspects as well as the sexuality was known it would persist as per such tests previously done in the 1940s and 1950s while the rest of the world had their attention focused elsewhere compared to the country of China, the ability for the people of the CCP with Mao Ze Doong had worked towards getting the population numbers under control while also getting the individuals in place regarding the situations in China for the continuation of such longer term plans if unable to be stopped. My Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had warned of the combination of the uses of the technological devices to record such situations to be able to utilize the information to manipulate the results in various ways because of such situations of the fewer number of females having been born in China, and the ways as to which the ability to have the knowledge as to how the Chinese people were treated the consideration of what was to be considered as rare though not as rare as in the actual ways thereof rarity as per the Cantonese portions. Only a few select individuals were privy to the portions regarding the Cantonese who had been able to survive Mao Ze Doong to which in certain references regarding biblical scriptures, the first born in America regarding any families were sought after to try to prevent the passing of such information on within the various areas throughout the world to try to prevent the ability of such coming forward to warn the various governmental branches because of the knowledge such individuals who would have been able to escape such would have been able to pass along the information regarding such ideals. There are several situations from my childhood which I have described which give the information regarding such aspects which because my biological sister was raised in the American Mandarin ways to a degree as well as our biological mother being more involved with the aspects of Linda and Phil, the general hatred of the Armed Forces of the United States of America had begun taking hold during the Vietnam War era in the general public perception. My Grandpa Gavett had known of such portions and had said he had warned others about the situation that he was informed of, which being the only one who was raised with the Cantonese upbringing as well as the information regarding the Mandarin upbringing; there have been the situations described regarding the aspects as to my childhood referencing when it was learned I had a Bok Gung as well as a Bok Pu when in Asher Holmes Elementary School, which had been when more Asians began attending the school and the majority of them were males with very few females though not necessarily the eldest regarding such as in my case.
I had been warned long ago there would be multiple attempts on my life which had already occurred by the time I was in 1st grade, though few wanted to pay attention to the signs of. There were multiple situations which those who had gotten close to me had befallen situations during my childhood and teenager years which then those who had sympathy for the Chinese paid more attention to the males in comparison, which can be seen in reference to the ways of the differences in upbringing regarding the differences between my biological sister and I as she was allowed to be more feminine and while my biological mother wished me to be more feminine the fact of how many attempts on my life she had refused to pay attention to including the facts as to her own doing had been problematic in such situations. The wish for my biological sister to ever be considered was going to be the main problem when realistically my biological mother had thought planning her pregnancy was ever going to be helpful in comparison to what problems it was destined to cause, as she could not ever get me to behave the way she wished I would; yet my biological sister complied without hesitation as she was shown the trinkets which she could have if she behaved in comparison to earning anything on her own, and the laziness to get herself squared away correctly for her own wellbeing had been a problem even in her childhood and teenager years which those who have known her in such times can attest to the behaviour patterns thereof. The upbringing in such ways as to how she was raised in comparison as well as the treatments thereof comparatively show what my Bok gung and my Bok Pu warned me of, and what I could do to warn others of in reference to when in New Jersey as well as Illinois as well as in Texas before they moved there knowing the ability to manipulate the people of Texas because of the technological disadvantages that the midwest and the southwest had regarding the development processes compared to the east coast as well as the west coast more-so. Due to not looking the typical physical of the Asian decent, I was not taken nearly as seriously because of those being more accustomed to the olive skin tone complexion as well as the slanting within the eyes; however those who know more in the cosmetology aspects as to the upper eyelid region would know of such portions especially regarding the shape of my eyes with my cheekbones being more known in the Chinese areas as to the Cantonese physical viewpoint thereof. Without having traveled to the region of China the main view of Asians was meant to be where those who have similar features as to my biological sister compared to myself was known it would be overlooked as per the commercialization of different aspects, which in turn meant the warnings from my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were more realistic than some had realized in different aspects.
While admittedly I did what I could to warn many in reference to how my biological mother and biological sister had been more-so in comparison to also warning regarding my biological father, because of how much my biological mother and biological sister had practiced to rehearse lines as well as practiced in the mirror to show the expressions which some were accustomed to; the blame of such was put onto me in comparison to having been natural the whole time in comparison to what they had done repeatedly, as those who know of when I was at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and within the Christmas plays as well as in #CLS #CLSHS Crystal Lake South High School regarding being cast as Maiden Marion in the #RobinHood Robin Hood play there was not any practicing before ever auditioning whether wanted to or not. That was a problem for my biological sister mainly because of her incapability to ever feel the ways as to which the ways as to interacting with others as well as the situations regarding how she would later train others regarding pretending to be what they were not in ways to lead them down the proverbial rabbit hole of problems because of the teachings she had from Linda and Phil with my biological mother and others in the maternal side of that, due to the additional portions as to the Vietnam War portions. Phil if I recall correctly did not have the ability to come over to the United States of America until after or towards the middle of the Vietnam War, as the process for immigrating had not been clarified for the ability for the larger portions of awareness regarding the individual background checks at such times. I was warned their daughter Catherine was going to be problematic for both my biological sister as well as myself because of the wish she would have regarding the portions as to the American Mandarin upbringing as well as the jealousy and envy as to the time which I had with my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu which she was only going to be allowed stories of by the time she was older, though would not ever have such teachings from the Cantonese portions as per her upbringing within the public schools within the United States of America; for even the private schools would have versions of the public school Mandarin portions as per the value to the Chinese Communist Party for those types of females in comparison. It was warned to me that those types of females would be raised similarly to a degree as per my biological sister, however the larger warning was to the heritage and thinking that way was better in comparison to the ways as to earning such individually. Again the aspects of the sexuality and the physical portions being utilized and weaponized in comparison to genuinity in reference to relationships which was a different battle between the Cantonese and the Mandarins, because of how the Mandarins had been using such tactics long before the Cantonese had caught on to such problems.
My Bok Gung fell in love with my Bok Pu before ever learning of her connection to being half Cantonese and half Mandarin, as his upbringing as to the studies and such portions were of the considerable higher caliber compared to the ways of such regarding my Bok Pu for being a female; and yet at the same time because she was a female the upbringing for her was more closely aligned to how I was raised regarding several portions, as per the requirements for the hybrids to protect themselves from both sides because of the battles between the two aspects. The warnings regarding the ability to maintain one's modesty in reference to relationships had been more along the Cantonese portions of such teachings additionally because of the known aspects as to the medical advancements and techniques used for such situations, though such aspects as to the studies thereof regarding people going to the United States of America for college as time went onward was a portion as to which some had not realized the situations thereof. I was warned as to the amount of dedication to the Chinese Communist Party referencing the intellectual property not only in regards of the medical research which was done though also in addition to as technological advancements went forward, which in turn meant the intellectual property had been stolen long before most Americans and other countries were able to learn of. In such reference aspects the fact I used a typewriter for the beginning portions of my first books is the capability which some could see as well as the portions regarding the differences when typing my books afterwards and the problems which ensued thereafter regarding the illegal leaking of such books as well as the illegal modifications of my books, though registered with The Library of Congress. The problems of such types of Mandarin ideals had been prevalent by such times before I had fought to be emancipated from my biological mother, biological father, and biological sister; which again the reference aspects as to which my biological parents did not ever officially revoke in time before my biological sister turned 18 years old biologically as to me being her legal guardian for such aspects, which in turn meant the officialities of the change officially the ways which my Bok Pu had made such awareness regarding such portions as per the laziness regarding my biological mother in multiple ways.
My biological sister was warned by me to get out of the state of Texas for college as to give her a chance to be able to get out of the grasp of our biological parents, however I would guesstimate my biological mother annoyed her telling her to stay within the state of Texas instead to have to so-called security of having them nearby in comparison to her learning to be on her own and fend for herself; which inevitably by the time she would learn she would have to learn how to fend for herself, it would only be within the Mandarin versions which our biological mother had wished would ever be good enough when it was not ever going to be good enough or acceptable. As my biological mother wished the commercialization aspects would ever be what it once was in the prior decades regarding such views, my Bok Pu and I warned her that it was not going to be tolerated once a certain point in time arrived as per the Mayan calendar and all such problems would begin to surface and bring forward the clarifications of which more were needing to be able to see more clearly regarding various aspects. I was warned my biological sister would wish she could overthrow such however she was going to meet a hard set of problems if I could get to the correct place at the correct time, and ask a question which would send the others of Chinese decent to query about the facts as to how I would ever be around such portions regarding the question thereof; which would begin the official portions as to those who had kept truer to their ethnic background and upbringing while being appreciative of the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America, to combat against the problems caused by those who preferred the CCP instead of wanting or needing such to occur within the United States of America. There were/are those who could not tolerate the known situations overseas regarding such who had genuinely wanted and needed to earn their own way, which in the Mandarin view the portions of which were not free reign despite the ways which some had wished regarding such aspects. I was warned as to various advances which I had seen already and was working to combat against in reference to the coding situations which additionally why towards the 1997/1998 years my biological mother was incapable to ever explain the coding situations, because it was I who had broken that circular portion regarding the problems others were not able to see or realize at the times of. As my biological sister had also become friends with a different Doong family association and upset her thinking that she had more to offer because of my Bok Gun and my Bok Pu in comparison as realistically my biological sister did not have the upbringing she wished she could have had regarding such times, she caused needless problems for the Doongs who were escaping the problems and were the reverse aspects as to the American versions thereof who had seen different aspects thinking the culture was beautiful though not seeing the behind the scenes portions of what work it actually took for such viewpoints thereof. The irony is if Linda and Phil along with Catherine met the family of Mindy Doong, they would instantly have an odd feeling as per the major differences regarding the thought processes thereof regarding the rights within the United States of America as well as the ways which to properly and correctly earn one's own way.
In such aspects as to the warning along such lines referencing the aspects about the technology, the sexuality, as well as the college aspects for the degrees to return such information to the Chinese Communist Party the Asians who simply opened businesses because they were/are appreciative of the rights afforded by such portions of the United States of America were overlooked in certain regards because of not doing the average portions of which those who had subscribed to such view points regarding the Mandarin overall view of everything being provided by the government in comparison to seeing such a state as being attached to such and having to prove one's worth to remain in a different way in comparison to earning on one's own. Subtleties have been a larger aspect to some of the warnings which I had been informed of though is natural regarding certain backgrounds and upbringings, whether or not in regards to the #Chinese background; which when there are those who prefer the more boisterous aspects to then cause a scene and a rukus for attention, the situations to which the subtleties are lost to such until they open their eyes to see such situations. In such a different reference as per Basic Training in the Armed Forces of the United States of America, you do not actually want the Drill Sergeants to know your name referencing such especially in regards of if the bad behaviour aspects for such portions of; while if the Drill Sergeants learn your name for something positive there are the portions to the levels of keeping up such a pace, though the rewards to such are because of what was earned in comparison to what was given as per such. In the Mandarin ways regarding within the United States of America, the portions as to which being more boisterous was pushed because of the physical views as well as the sexuality portions because of the modesty once thought of though also in reference to the sexual prowness when involved in such adult portions. In such regarding as to how my Bok Gung had seen my Bok Pu, she had not been like any other female he had ever seen in the country nor had she been remotely close to the ways of either side whether the Cantonese or the Mandarin. She had the softness of the #Cantonese and ruthlessness thereof as well in a more hidden way, though the knowledge in the overall aspects of the #Mandarin ways while maintaining the educational portions of the Cantonese because of the ways she was seen regarding both sides. She was able to protect and defend both sides which assisted in multiple ways though had cause situations additionally because of not hiding such, and yet she was able to defend herself in ways which my Bok Gung had taken notice as to her strengths.
Having been in the rice patties by day and handling whichever situations were required were normal for her, though at the same time when situations arose she was usually one of the first people able to assist in different aspects and willing to do so to be able to bring such forward for more. She would also spend many hours within the temples and studying the various ways thereof to work towards progressing her skills, while just going along without ever knowing my Bok Gung had noticed her. Several attempts made by my Bok Gung to get her attention had failed because of the ways she had been raised which it took a bit more than just the subtleties which he had been accustomed to regarding such portions, as there is a larger portion which you can see a reference regarding #KuanYin Kuan Yin is such aspects though combined with Mulan as well for more modernized viewpoints thereof. When she had pushed my Bok Gung past the limits of knowing what to do with his feelings and how to get her attention he had made himself known in person and had declared such, ironically startling her though definitely getting her attention. The courting began shortly afterwards regarding the actual development of their relationship, though such was as the times were progressing within the country and upon the birth of their child which made it over to the United States of America; the irony regarding other naming portions thereof, as well as the raising thereof as well. The middle ground is where she remained in most situations until the uprising as per her being not only half Cantonese as well as half Mandarin, though she had married a Cantonese which meant she was considered a target even more-so regarding such aspects to the uprising from Mao Ze Doong. The portions of ironic aspects as to the hatred of the Mandarins from Mao Ze Doong had been because of his background and because of the tirelessness of the amount of people who wished for one aspect while being unwilling to work for their own betterment, yet instead of lifting others upward to be able to push forward on their own it is more known as to the hidden portions regarding Mao Ze Doong and the preferences thereof; as not until the latter decades would such portions regarding his upbringing would be more known to a degree, and the twisted portions regarding as to how such was viewed regarding such aspects.
In reference to the medical portions and the ironic aspects as to my biological sister having wanted to go on dates to the bat caves within the Texas area in addition to other portions already brought forward regarding such, the combination with my biological mother and such regards in reference to when I was in 5th grade as well as my dog Dionysus in such reference aspects. The problems which furthered regarding the couch I had explained in person as well as in writings where I could referencing such, the situations in regards of the Mono/Epstien Bar/Bronchitis/Lymes Disease/Flu all at the same time and my biological mother having gone to Rutgers University in the Science department for her Bachelors Degree and Masters as she said; though simply because she refused to acknowledge the truth in reference to even smelling marijuana on any part of Rutgers University campus as well as not ever having seen or known anyone ever who smoked marijuana while in such failing to acknowledge her sister Christine Gavett and the connections to such thereof, as a child I knew there was not ever going to be anything worthwhile which could ever fully be trusted regarding what my biological mother could ever say and the same in reference to my biological sister without the pressuring thereof for the truth as she was always weaker than she tried to appear regarding such aspects in comparison to our biological mother. However my biological mother did not realize she had her own tells and signs as to pay attention to when she could not handle the truth or the stresses of the situations, which she usually referred to getting my biological father involved because of him being a crutch for her when she could not tolerate the lack of belief to her lies which I had discussed with people in regards of Lackland Air Force Base #JBSA in San Antonio Texas for one smaller example regarding such portions. However there are/were many examples in the past as to which if looking for the ability to see such patterns of behaviour regarding her crutch regarding relying upon my biological father while hating him at the same time for her own weaknesses to earn such portions on her own, as she had been known to backstab and cause problems to other females regarding if she saw a way up from a situation and would carelessly leave such females in the wake of her damages. For such an example regarding the Red Hat Society female outside of their house and the false thoughts regarding my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia, that single meeting with that elder female was surely a sign for the female as well as the group to look within the different levels thereof as per the false portions regarding what lies were told by my biological mother and my biological sister as well as my biological father thinking that would assist their climb upwards.
However if at such times the accuracy for such a feeling at the time, if they had looked into such portions the ability to find multiple individuals and groups of individuals who would be able to speak of different warnings I had given them regarding my biological mother/father/sister would be able to assist bringing such truths forward. My Bok Pu had warned me that the situations would be difficult and problematic, though the saving grace for more than just one or two groups would be available if I could keep myself maintained in the proper ways. I was warned the hardships which were to come to me would be a lengthy portion though the prophecies would bring forward the genuine changes for the betterment for not only the United States of America, though also others around the world regarding the clarifications which could be made. I was warned what my signs would be regarding certain specifics though one particular specific was if in reference as my Grandpa Gavett had also warned in regards of his funeral, my Bok Gung's funeral, and my Bok Pu's funeral; for if I was not at one of the funerals that was the first warning signal to others who were in the know of me, which it would not take both funerals regarding if I was not at either my Bok Gung and/or my Bok Pu's funeral. The promises as to of how much it would be worth in a larger aspect comparatively to the financial gains in such normal views of such types of financial aspects, as per the ways as to which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu and my Grandpa Gavett knew of me regarding the aspects of genuine help for humanity in comparison. While there are financial gains which were promised over time, the ways of which would be considered as earned in comparison to other such measures as per the flooring of the condominium they once had owned before the 11 September 2001 events; such treasures were to be found by me in the ways which my Bok Pu had taught me, as well as had assisted my Grandpa Gavett in regards of certain groups and organizations and agencies referencing the more well known aspects of the Pearl Divers and such likenesses thereof regarding capabilities for how I can work as well as how I can see in comparison. While it would not surprise me in reference to transfer situations regarding if the wishes had been in regards of ever finding such aspects regarding the portions of the floor portions as per the murmerings in reference to my apartment in Washington state, the portions to which my book series "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" actually outline the portions of the beginning aspects. That has to do with the promises and guarantees made to me, which I would guesstimate if I am accurate regarding the transfer portions of such problems regarding the process; the hypothetical guilt of such would be able to be found regarding utilizing the technological portions of such tracking and tracing of such portions of messages, phone calls, texts, and etcetera if accurate regarding the greed of the Mandarin view while refusing incorrectly to pay attention to the Cantonese portions thereof wishing the ease of such aspects compared to the mandatory workings thereof regarding such portions.
However whether such hypotheticals are true regarding the aspects as to such situations regarding the transfer processes in either such ways whether in Washington state and/or in the state of Texas, the portions as to the aspects regarding the portions of what were murmermings to myself in such locations as per not having a larger number of individuals ever go to my apartment; the situations which can be seen in reference to Biblical scriptures as to the quote, "The only way, is through me" regarding such aspects thereof. However in reference to the size of the satellite dish in the picture I had taken when I had been surfacing from the bottom of the ocean in the Atlantic area in the Bermuda Triangle of the area where the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in August 2009 there is a picture of a Mer-Person underneath the male in the picture of the satellite dish, which anyone who has ever seen a United States of America's Naval vessel within the USS/USNS Nimitz class would know; the size of the satellite dish which would be able to transmit and receive signals from the various areas regarding military technology would not be able to ever see the actual size of a satellite dish on land, because on land the technology wires which are within the ground and around the areas which include the towers are assistive to the smaller size in comparison to what would actually be on a Naval vessel regarding something the size as per the General Hoyt S. Vandenberg. Thus while there are actual Mer-People within the picture, there is also the male regarding who is lazily and fatly laying on top via a picture because if that was an actual human being who thought such would ever be intelligent they would go off of the artificial intelligence regarding what the United States of America's Armed Forces would allow such civilians and military brats to know via the measurements. Which in turn if that male human being were to hypothetically be the male who had complained about the selfie when on a Military Installation within Bremerton Naval/Marine Shipyard the chance to tell the truth regarding such was available. He technically did tell the truth in reference to the selfie selfishness, though if he only had a brain with the background of the USS/USNS Nimitz boat behind me when at the military installation; if such hypothetical portion is to be reviewed whether in regards of Gulliver's Travels as to the giant fatness thereof to the size of the whale proportions or just the hypothetical lack of anything worthwhile regarding intelligence about SCUBA Diving in combination with the associations with the United States of America's Armed Forces, only someone who would be ignorant for such thoughts as to do a photoshopping of themselves into such a location as per the known size of a satellite dish without any connection capabilities in the nearby area for the ways a naval vessel the size of would have for the timeframes within the 1940s for the ability to have such communication in such times. Thus hypothetically when taking a look at the picture regarding the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vendenberg and the wish for the male who had already been repeatedly told no before Cancun/Cozumel as well as during the trip itself having been told no repeatedly which he had acknowledged not only having been told no repeatedly though also acknowledged the messing with my SCUBA Diving gear claiming as to the flirting aspects regarding breaking wrongly into the shower area and pouring cold water onto me while I had locked the door to keep him away, as it was known as to how uncomfortable and how disrespectful I saw such a SCUBA Diver as the male named Sean Leonard regarding the SCUBA Diving community as well as at SCUBA Toys in Carrollton Texas; which I learned later he was a NAUI SCUBA Dive instructor.
However with the name of SCUBA Toys for a shop name, the immaturity able to be seen as to how such a name for recreational SCUBA Diving for those with military backgrounds which were earned in comparison to being a military brat would be in reference to such. He had been offended on the Cancun/Cozumel trip because of making that comment before landing at the Cozumel International Airport when again throughout the flight, he had repeatedly been told no and to leave me alone as he refused to accept that he was not good enough for me at any point in time unless he was forced to see how pathetic he was the entire time; to which there have been others I would guesstimate who have come forward regarding such portions of patterns of behaviour, because of that type of mentality which has been a problem for the Cantonese as well in such times prior to the rising of Mao Ze Doong. The problems which certain Mandarins had been at the times in the 1930s into the 1940s regarding male behaviours were due to those who would cause problems for any Cantonese and/or Mandarin females who refused such advances, not realizing the realistic portions of being far out of the league as to what was required for such a relationship aspect. If hypothetically such is accurate, I am glad I have known my own SCUBA Diving in reference to seeing the ways I see in comparison to the ways which some more often see regarding any type of picture regarding whether in print or in digital format. That was something my Bok Gung had showed me how to distinguish the difference regarding pictures on land, whereas my Bok Pu had focused more in reference to the waters aspects; which if hypothetically accurate and the photoshopping of a physical body picture of that male, then he had definitely shrunk in size regarding to the time if such when taking a look as to the picture and the size of which that type of satellite dish would be in regards of several meters larger than the foot or imperial measurements regarding such as per the allowed information regarding the military vessels.

As you can see, I did not point the arrows to the human being on the satellite area in the picture in the ways of the MerPeople though can also see the size aspects in the legs holding up the satellite being much larger than the satellite dish as per the ways to which those who have taken and been certified as I had earned in Underwater Film Photography along with Underwater Digital Photography and Underwater Videography SCUBA Diving certifications would not need to explain to those who had such knowledge and understanding regarding when looking at the picture. The realities of such regarding the ways as to which the current flows in different depth levels of the oceanic waters while also taking into consideration of the energetic vibrancy and frequencies, would easily and does easily show the ways to which the view point regarding what could be considered as a mirage regarding such aspects. However I did not think that was a mandatory requirement to explain as I knew where to put the arrows correctly regarding such aspects of several different MerPeople as well as there being multiple types thereof. Those who know about the Faerie/Faeries/Fey aspects regarding on land know there are multiple viewpoints regarding how such looks by descriptions mainly depending upon your ability to see such in real life, which in turn means the ocean would have a similar aspect regarding the realms thereof especially within the Bermuda Triangle region and a few other locations within the waters of the ocean around the world. Just think of how much bigger than the satellites seen on the USS/USNS Lexington would be when actually seeing the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in comparison, as per the light having been there from the gleaming from the area as can be noticed in the under portion to where the male is holding the flashlight pointing upward. However yes as per other such aspects regarding the protective nature regarding the MerPeople regarding the Laws of the Ocean regarding my SCUBA Dives and seeing such in my YouTube videos regarding when I was walking on top of the ocean as well as on top of the quicksand in multiple locations as well as showing my boots afterwards which had those holes during the time of the first videos I had made in 2019 regarding security cameras around the area, before in 2020 and 2021 when holding my cellphone for such videos; the additional portion to such Laws of the Ocean in reference to the black tentacle, in reference to the Washington state area in 2019 which I had referred to in my writings in "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" in the three volumes which are meant for a specific style of in person only teaching of such aspects before ever getting involved with the water aspects. Again just because of naming the school and the instructors I had for my SCUBA Diving certifications, it was only out of respect for the time they had leant regarding the classes in comparison to them ever being able to try to teach what would be required for the type of SCUBA Diving I had done. Hence the reference aspects as to my Bok Pu, where I grew up in New Jersey, among several other portions to which only I had ever been taught such which in turn would mean only I could ever teach such. The irony, is that particular boat is near the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg, though is in a deeper level than where the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg is sitting in regards to the bottom of the ocean.
Maybe a little celebration regarding the aspects thereof in regards to the 12 year mark of my landing at the bottom of the ocean when out from the Boca Raton Florida area to surface alive compared to the timeframe for when I had landed at the bottom of the ocean and surfaced alive from the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg in the Bermuda Triangle of the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters might be due for me at such regards; though of course it would only be proper and respectful regarding my actually being at such a celebration in comparison to any who would wish they could steal credit which they had not earned, as realistically the ease of proving such would be walking out on top of the quicksand and the ocean without falling in and getting all wet if the fear is in regards to going to drop down to the floor of the Mathias Abyss where I had gone and have been willing to go back to. However such proof is already regarding my walking on top of the quicksand and walking on top of the ocean three years in a row, which the Laws of the Ocean are the Laws of the Ocean; which means they are non-transferable. You would have to earn such for yourself and be willing to meet who I call Bo-Bo in person, as per the picture of the tentacle which is a smaller baby compared to the black tentacle which had showed up in the Pacific area of the oceanic waters who I have recently named To-Doh.
However the additional portion can be joked in other such ways as to the picture above regarding the energetic frequencies known in reference to the #BermudaTriangle Bermuda Triangle, to which on land at the Montana Vortex #Montana #MontanaVortex you are able to notice certain portions thereof regarding the picture with the SCUBA Diver body frame however the MerPeople as well as the known amounts of people and ships as well as airplanes which have gone missing in the area of the Bermuda Triangle as as reference point to the aspects of the mirage or the energetic frequencies thereof in addition to the depth levels and the water aspects for the location thereof.

Again, I did not use my Cavern SCUBA Diving gear for the SCUBA Dive during the week of August 2009 as per the way I have been known to be serious regarding my training and education in more than just SCUBA Diving for such a reference aspect. For the record regarding the Cavern SCUBA Diving gear, I had not been able to actually use the gear except for when in the Clear Spring SCUBA Park to which was during the Underwater Pumpkin Carving contest and the first Chili Cookoff done there which I earned 1st place. The ironic portions as to the Tae Kwando aspects and being told it was not good enough for 2nd and 3rd place in Sparring and Form, I suppose the 1st time for the 1st Chili Cookoff at the area in Terrell Texas to earn 1st place the 1st time I ever cooked chili ever; maybe that would be considered as good enough for that known aspect regarding how I was raised in reference to grades, however that gear was given to me by Patti Stewart the owner of International SCUBA at the timeframe of 2009 which she had not been informed which gear I had taken with me to Florida regarding my regulators. However the UHAUL situation if there was a problem regarding that SCUBA Diver who would have gotten that gear, then there would be the possibilities of charges in whichever aspects thereof for such portions of whatever type of harm came through such as per the type of situations which if also in reference to myself having been given the SCUBA Diving regulator and the hose from International SCUBA in Carrollton Texas then I approve of the charges to go forward against whomever's fingerprints literally and metaphorically regarding such a hypothetical attempt on my life as well as whomever had received such SCUBA Diving gear if used.
I do not know what medical problems would be from such, though I do not doubt there are ways to find such out regarding the aspects thereof. Nonetheless when looking at the second picture now with the comparison to the first picture with the additional reference in mind regarding not only the color situations because of the depth level in reference to the red as well as the blue in the American Flag though the color yellow being seen clearly, taking into consideration the water depth levels and the ways the water moves additionally in reference to the size view portions regarding the deck and the ladder thereof as well as the size of the American Flag; I welcome you if you want to try to steal credit from me to go introduce yourself to Bo-Bo as per being able to have a clearer understanding as to the actual size of that one little tentacle comparatively, which I as a female weighing in at around 115 pounds at 5 feet 4 inches was able to defend myself regarding such. If you think it would be a good idea to tell Bo-Bo your thoughts and opinions as to the choice of me referencing the Laws of the Ocean while I do not recommend such a choice, it is your choice to which if you go SCUBA Diving to see such for yourself if you choose to on your own against my personal recommendation. However I believe in freewill choices, and that would be of your own freewill. I would guesstimate the Noah's Ark built structure referencing the size of the American Flag measurements for an overall sort of view referencing the known to only some as to the size of the American Flag ordered to be able to be tied to the mast area of the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg boat, for a view on land as to a small portion as to the actual size of the boat itself regarding an on land area to see the smaller aspects as to without the water distortion for a different way to see how much deeper within the oceanic waters I had gone in regards of such flying freely and needing to be hung in a way which would not drag on the ground or would be in the way of any of the workers who were clearing the ship to be able to be sunken at the bottom of the ocean with the combination of the machines passing through as well. However as you can see from the posts as well as the ladder on the ground, the tentacle is much larger up close in comparison to the deeper levels downward by around 50 Atmospheric Measurements from where Bo-Bo's tentacle is to the top of the flat area for the posts where the American Flag is flying/floating with the current of the water regarding my location as I was swimming upward from the surfacing safely regarding that SCUBA Dive. However you can also see the water disproportion regarding the size of the post compared to the size of what looks as a ladder in thickness regarding the width as those who have been on such types of Naval vessels would know of the size difference comparison regarding the width able to be seen regarding the water and currents as well as depth levels in one picture.
In regards as to how I was taught as per the aspects regarding to Bok Pu in reference to water activities, the portions thereof known in certain legends over in the region regarding a small individual with the strength of what the Hindus know as Kali Ma though the Chinese know as Quan/Guan Yu as per the two sides of the same coin situations regarding in reference to the waters aspects for such legends regarding the changes which sometimes occur. However the blood red regarding Quan/Guan Yu has mainly to due with the blood spilled in reference to the wartime efforts regarding such aspects in comparison to certain wording aspects, though the aspects of both Kuan Yin and Quan/Guan Yu in the reference of the Mulan character regarding Disney is the ways to see a different aspect when reviewing the portions regarding the symbolism in several ways though mainly in certain aspects compared to the larger overall situations; and yet at some similarities being as close as they had been regarding how I fought to be emancipated to be able to join the United States of America's Armed Forces, and being exactly where I needed to be in regards of who I could speak with in person regarding the portions of 11 September 2001 to give the suggestions as best as I could where I could. In such times more currently while there are the ways to contact me in comparison to the times thereof, I also know that the various levels of individuals and groups and organizations I have reached out to are able to know exactly where I am in such situations if ever required; though as per the News Hour PBS video, in such ways as to hopefully shed light onto situations which may take more than just a few hours of time regarding the details thereof for further research in the different aspects thereof regarding such portions of the three main points I brought up in this particular journal blog entry in addition to prior postings which hopefully have assisted in positive ways.
The realities regarding the intellectual property to which whether taking in consideration research typed up, recordings made, videos, images, messages, and etcetera referencing the situations as per the intellectual property and the additional aspects referencing the books I wrote regarding the adult consenting behaviour portions essentially disarming such portions from being able to be utilized in such ways as for at minimum one generation of individuals regarding adult consenting behaviour while also seeing different aspects; to which working on stopping human trafficking and other such offenses including pedophilia problems as best as possible while also tracking down sexual assaulter for justice among other such crimes in comparison for the ability to hopefully assist the distinguishing portions regarding the difference between the adult consenting, compared to the minor biologically and/or special needs such as Cerebral Palsy for one example in such references which additional reviews regarding such aspects of suggestions which hopefully make more sense in comparison to other such times when discussing in person because of the levels of informational aspects and how such ties together in different ways though hopefully makes clearer sense for more. In turn when taking a look at a prior fetlife posting regarding the tax payer aspect, that is only in reference to what was known regarding the situations thereof in regards to my childhood and my teenager years referencing the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in ways which to best be able to help regarding such information in comparison to what might be wished for. Remember who or what is known regarding my Grandpa Gavett, my Bok Gung, and my Bok Pu and why I fought to be emancipated from my biological mother/father/sister regarding the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces and where I grew up at what years; to which such in reference to the aspects of additionally what I had spoken about in the MEPS station to such times, and the knowledge of some as to the depth levels of knowledge and understanding regarding multiple aspects referencing the tristate area at such times to assist in ways which would be considered as partially Army branch though also partially the multiple branches and divisions within the #Pentagon Pentagon and associations thereof in the United States of America's Armed Forces.
Also take into consideration not only my starting clearance level though also my MOS and assignments thereof as well as the length of time for my first contract being 8 years, though in reference to the background regarding #OTC Old Tennent Presbyterian Church and growing up the way I had as to the spiritual numerical meaning in comparison to the linear year thereof when adding my identification card into such aspects. Additionally regarding the terminology of the bottom to the top whether in reference to the topographical portions of the bottom of the ocean to the top of the what-have-you regarding the above on the land portions, which group of individuals in any branch or division would be considered as the bottom and which would be considered as the top regarding Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veterans thereof? Which particular unit in certain aspects in regards of the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists would be considered as the bottom, and which would be considered as the top? How would such connect in reference to logistics as well as in reference to the individuals whether of whichever status including dependents, in regards of the civilian sector in conjunction as per the normal view points thereof? Thus in such a commentary regarding such and the taxes portion, what aspects were specifically paid for regarding such portions in regards of time in such ways which may not have been what was wanted though what was needed and required for a clearer understanding from the knowledge of regarding any such groups and/or organizations outside of the Armed Forces of the United States of America within the civilian sector regarding Pre-Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury time in such references only though for clarifications regarding other such points in time in reference to those who did not understand regarding the times after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and how could such in the ways of assist the clarifications in different ways regarding the aspects as to the reasons as to why my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were helped by my Grandpa Gavett to legally immigrate to the United States of America to escape the uprising and the problems regarding what had occurred because of Mao Ze Doong? Where were the clarifications needed for clearer knowledge as well as clearer understanding from such knowledge aspects, and in reference to my SCUBA Diving books where do you see the requirement of the in person portions as well as the reasons as to why the beginning portions of the 3 volumes being as such a layout?
Additionally if there are those who had not known or had not thought about the portions in reference to the copyright aspects on my website in the blue and white areas for clarity those portions are a preventative measure regarding the aspects as to how AI has been known to be coded regarding mainly after the turn of the millennium into 2000, which the portions of the fears regarding Y2K in other such hidden aspects regarding the ways such coding was already working towards. The proverbial, metaphorical, and literal ways to which to correctly break the cycle for the ability to give human beings the required time for the ability to be able to find ways to work with the AI programming along the many levels thereof to be able to find more ethical ways for such portions in comparison to the kill switch which had to be overridden in extremely unconventional ways. Those involved with technology companies before the 2000 year and/or were in coding though also those who remember such time know of the concerns regarding computers in a generalized way, though other such deeper aspects as to other coding areas at such times were known to a select few regarding additional concerns in reference to multiple governmental organizations because of recognizing certain aspects when the general public started having more access to the technology devices. In later years after the situation regarding Tiananmen Square which officials in China did have regrets regarding certain aspects when realized later of such impacts not realizing who all had been within the crowds until much later when cleaning up the streets, there was a joint effort to finding a way for multiple aspects in clarifications regarding such aspects where possible though had to be done with the proverbial aspects of the lamb as white and pure as snow to which could survive in ways which would clear multiple aspects for clarity.
In such regards the copyright portions for the AI is in such to prevent the manipulations of information, however referencing the more known aspects regarding the ways which both news agencies though also legal regards as to how such is written in reference to the footnotes regarding legal aspects for the link portions to the articles while quoting portions of for the clarification purposes though also in reference to if there are portions of newsworthy aspects referencing the journal blog portions in such a similar way regarding the links to the direct page for the portions thereof as others in the news have cited the other news networks and groups for such connection points before and after regarding commentary and those who have the more in depth knowledge to discuss the portions thereof. However in reference to the specific portions of if newsworthy to discuss the ability to quote such portions while giving the link to the specific article or journal blog entry depending how such choice of wording per individual and/or group and/or organization and/or agency thereof for such reference points regarding the aspects of if to discuss in further depths whether in the general public sector and/or in the legal portions thereof, hopefully the ability to assist the clarifications if such to be looked into regarding such aspects assists if such is considered as something to discuss in more depth as per whichever media outlet(s) hopefully with positives able to be found to assist beneficially in greater ways.
While in regards of the #LawsoftheOcean #LOTO Laws of the Ocean being more of a dictatorship than a democracy, on land there are the democratic processes are on land in comparison to such a joke-ish regarding the situations in reference to the oceanic processes in different ways. Then again I can joke about requiring a firm fist in regulating certain types within the oceanic waters, as per the ways certain situations are regarding such creatures within the oceanic waters in comparison to the lightheartedness regarding in a contrast to such areas when on land.
In ways which unconventional admittedly regarding such aspects, those who have the more in depth knowledge as to how such coding and programming goes and the requirements for time to ensure the correct coding can be done for such types of programs the knowledge by some more in depth regarding such aspects understand the portions regarding the correct coding needing the correct time for the processes to take hold to then make sure the levels of are kept within the realms of; however because of the amount of aspects along my website and what I have done which includes my social media accounts though also others in regards of, gives the ability for the additional time to assess such more clearly to make sure the steps forward are beneficial across the United States of America as well as the world regarding the introduction of such among more of the general population for a way to clearly explain for those who seek such knowledge in a positive and beneficial way for human beings as per the situations regarding especially filters and other such aspects which only some knew of before in comparison to later in time referencing such as photoshop and the like though also extending to other different types of coding and programming thereof. Thus the ways to slow down the technology programs while the updating to the lines as well as the G speed to be able to add time to the ability to process various levels of information across different spectrums, while human beings in the United States of America have Constitutional Rights just because coding began within the United States of America AI does not have the same aspects as to the Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Press regarding the changing of information regarding such information; which is something which needed clarification as well, though the ability for such to speak about regarding to ensure the ability for clarity in regards thereof hopefully makes more sense regarding human beings in comparison as per the coding aspects as well as the ways as to articles have been written by AI and the requirement for the clarifications for the processes because of the way in certain regards as to AI as the proverbial metaphor of monkey see monkey do.
While the situations regarding further details as to the situations within the oceanic waters are more difficult to go through admittedly because of other such situations just as the same in reference to the situations regarding not only Irving in 2011 though also prior times regarding where and how I had seen such aspects to correctly be able to clarify such meetings during different times, the realistic view of such is simplified when thinking about the ease to discuss and write about the portions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in comparison to pun intended going into the depths thereof though also at the same time requiring the ability to go to certain areas to be able to spend time to how to remember as per the ways I guesstimate can be seen in regards of when being in the state of Texas in 2019 and 2020. I have still been working on processing the trips I have made back to the New Jersey and New York areas having only allowed myself to go a certain distance in reference to some of the places I stopped by, and because of how CDO I am regarding making sure I clearly explain in comparison to only a few portions here and there before going into more details; possibly such other aspects makes sense regarding why the details of the few trips have been slow to get to the details of. I was able to see Old Tennent Presbyterian Church in the winter time which is different than the spring time and different than the autumn as well as different to a degree in summer from the spring, however such views are important regarding the clarifications thereof for other aspects because of the four seasons regarding the northeast area of the United States of America. I was able to spend a few days in the winter months in the area to a degree and similarly regarding the first months of spring in the area a few days, however in such references regarding the memories in such an area and for such the length of time; the ease of ability to be able to go north and south with the location thereof comparatively, assists in other such ways for the memories to move forward for other such clarifications in more ways in various aspects while taking breaks in between regarding as such moves forward. This is the point which I had feared because of the collision of memories regarding the aspects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury regarding my initial visits back to the northeast, as the processing of the memories regarding such times in regards of what initially would be remembered as well as what has been a process regarding just the few trips. Those who have lived in the northeast area know of the differences regarding the ways of those who are from the area compared to those who were born and raised in the area, which just those differences though minimal to those who have not lived in the area for a several year stretch of time at minimum would not be able to recognize such if only had visited for a short amount of time.
I am thankful and grateful for the opportunity to do so as well as those who have seen such portions as possibly important regarding several aspects, as it is a lot to process regarding the multitude of facets regarding such portions all at once especially on my own regarding such situations to be able to link other aspects for clarifications.
Additionally what may not have been taken into consideration referencing the voting portions per state as well as federally as per once a certain number of situations formulate to which the rules begin to change due to the beginning portions within a city of a state, the ways to which the larger aspects as to the regulations in the larger and federal aspects are then brought forward for the larger legislative changes to take in effect. Thus while more people know about the President/Vice President of the United States of America election aspects which is every four years, the portions as to local and state elections for the in between years as well as important to pay attention to and vote accordingly as per living within the areas thereof. In turn each year there are primary elections in the local city and precinct board types of areas, just as well as regulations voting portions which occur during the year each year as well for the local areas and some which impact the entire state before going forward within the Congress and the Senate who go from the state to the #WashingtonDC #DC Washington DC areas for election processes. In turn when the 4 year election process for the President/Vice President of the United States of America occurs, the brining forward of those in between years moves upward for the next levels of bills to be reviewed for which amendments go forward to the next houses in Washington DC more commonly known in the 4 year timeframe which is also why the levels of government referencing the different branches and divisions have been brought forward in different aspects for the clarifications of various situations. For example while you might get something passed in one area of Washington DC the portions to make such move downward are much more difficult referencing the 50 states in comparison to moving upward regarding from the ground foundational levels of the local and state regions prior to moving towards the capital region of the state to then while also working with to go forward in the federal aspects and regions of governmental aspects of the United States of America, for a quick in brief sort of way for such explanations.
Personally I have written about different areas within the various sectors and communities I have been a part of and knowing I was and am not the only one who has seen certain aspects regarding where I had been involved in within the locales I had been within, now the portions of not being in the location of Texas for those who are considered as Texans to govern themselves regarding such situations as per the ways which are seen by those who would need to rectify as to fix and repair such situations while the other states go forward with their own aspects which they have been able to see from my books more specifically in regards of the Finding book series to be able to work within their own levels of for the betterments as well as protections and mediating for the betterment to which mitigates the damages which had once been dealt with regarding what my son and my daughter and I went through; though in their own locales within their own districts to be able to find better ways forward, for those of such locations. While I have clarified as best as I can for many aspects, each individual is responsible for their own choices. With the knowledge as to the election integrity portions reviewal processes as well as the technological portions thereof regarding such aspects additionally regarding the election integrity portions of voting whether by mail or by in person; the options for each individual to choose on their own as to whether they want their vote to count does essentially depend upon the truthful aspects being brought forward in honesty. Again just by the numbers of the people regarding the rallies for the reelection of #POTUS45 with #VPOTUS46 in the 2020 election would show the individuals who were out supporting the reelection of POTUS45 with POTUS46 as well as whichever side regarding the political aisles thereof, however such portions regarding the tagging as well as other such portions brings forward the aspects of social media and the truthfulness as to whichever individuals involved. For example if you have multiple accounts though act differently upon each account in comparison to being the same person regarding such activity, then the election integrity portions as to the automated technology for the #electionintegrity election integrity can be seen referencing the aspects of.
One aspect both vehicles for speed and accuracy as to the metaphor as to a firearm capability as to the metaphor in SCUBA Diving which all have one word in common for the precision and speed for the accuracy as best as possible thereof, is streamlining. To accomplish such goals to be able to speedily and accurately move through the various avenues to bring forward the changes needed and yet making sure of the clarifications in truth while acknowledging if there are biases to truthfully bring forward for the pure aspects to be known for such integrity, the streamlining of ideals with proof thereof to be able to be brought forward in ways which while some might look into regarding the online portions in reference to my website though also may look into regarding to the factual documents with such additional facts thereof though with such common names as to having the differences regarding such aspects referencing most individuals in comparison to me going by my first and my middle legal name more often such as in reference to my author name and/or my Reverend name as I have gone by since the year of 2004 in person as well as online; the honesty for such aspects as per the additional portion as to some trying to predict behaviour in comparison to actually simply doing what is required for such streamlining for the ability to correctly move forward with speed and accuracy while maintaining and sustaining as best as possible, assists hopefully more to hypothetically find a clearer path for the best to be brought forward.
In such aspects the electoral portions as to getting involved at whichever base local level you are capable of to begin moving forward for where is more ideal to be able to assist in the ways which would have the larger impacts regarding for the best possible outcomes sometimes might seem a bit tedious depending what prior experiences might be, however in such aspects as to the beneficial learning regarding the details thereof to assist clarifying for others to be able to assist as well as step forward with their own experiences to bring the light to where it needs to be as well as clearly help in other such ways which would be more apropos to which is best suited per such traits is something which sometimes takes an outsider-ish viewpoint regarding such portions to be able to assist more in various ways. Some need to look towards their own individual aspects to discuss in various groups whereas others have family which they can work with in a multitude of levels to their own comfort level with/without other group(s) involvements as per availability to be around groups and crowds while others can look towards larger aspects depending upon what comfort levels thereof are various needs to bring such forward, though within the levels which are appropriate for such individuals and groups thereof. That is not different from job employment when thinking about the structuring thereof regarding the correct ways to ensure such aspects move forward in ways for the business capacities to take care of whichever portions thereof, to ensure the correct aspects are properly taken care of in the best of ways for the longest of terms.
Which hopefully while the overall portions regarding this particular posting go over a multitude of aspects, hopefully the portions assist making sense in the unconventional ways as to how I see things and how I write; though hopefully assist more-so in positive and beneficial ways.