Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who would use my gender and/or my background and/or the way I physically look and/or the communities I have been a part of and/or where I grew up after being born and raised and/or who I am related to biologically and/or my ex-in-laws and/or any such associations would only reprove as to any and all such types of needless biases as to such aspects as to trying to avoid taking responsibility for the facts as to what occurred and has not and will not ever be considered as acceptable for such choices or actions as does it take a head injury to figure out such a choice only perpetuates the same problems in comparison to fixing such aspects as well as repairing such aspects correctly?
Should it take a head injury to figure out I was doing everything I could to actually help myself and help my son while helping my daughter by writing such books to publish to be able to pay for what I needed from what had been stolen from me as to the situations from after SCUBA Diving as well as in conjunction to the #DFW #DFWTX #DallasTexas #DallasTX #FtWorthTX #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas #FtWorthTexas #FWZoo #FWZ #FortWorthZoo Fort Worth Zoo and the McCoy Elementary School situation in #Carrollton #CarolltonTX #CarroltonTexas #FarmersBranch #FBTX #FarmersBranchTX #FarmersBranchTexas #Elementary CFBISD, as to getting to safety though such problems which occurred only prevented any such ability for me to save myself and my son and my daughter because does it take a head injury to figure out there has not ever been the help of which I would recognize as help because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the times before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury mistreatments being so similar in the various ways that nothing except certain aspects would ever actually register as genuine help and assistance to my benefit?
Would it take a head injury to figure out after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the additional factors thereof to such times officially by all such #UCMJ Universal Code of Military Justice standards as to the facts thereof as to each individual within the state of Texas as to such points in time already that would mean as to the facts thereof, I had been officially been legally declared as a Prisoner of War within the technological standards as to such definitions as to the software programming as to the problems thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out since so many human beings were playing games online as to the video games at such times as well as such developed onward as to the hypothetical aspects as to such automated technology portions thereof as to the technology testing human beings as to whether they would figure such out about the situations first or if I would figure out such situations first, of which does it take a head injury to figure out that if not one person had questioned such realities at any such point in time prior to my bringing such up would mean the massive failures as to the human race across all such spectrums thereof?
Is it because I am a female that not one individual had taken such into consideration, or is it because I am a female as to why I was treated as I had been in reference to how I had gotten my head injury on Psalm Sunday in 2000? Is it because I am a female and I look as I physically do as to why the aspects as to the reality of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury has not been taken seriously as to the realities thereof to the after effects as well, or is it because I am a female that such had been pushed under the proverbial rug as to such viewpoints thereof? Is it because I have been a part of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle afterwards despite my modesty and my humility as to such aspects as to why I had not been taken seriously as does it take a head injury to figure out there better not be one person who has ever taken any picture of themselves as to any such private area willing ever, as does it take a head injury then there would not ever be any excuse nor cause nor reason to ever have wrongly denied me the justice I deserve for what occurred to me as well as to my son and my daughter?
Does it take a head injury to figure out my daughter needs to get over herself as to the fact she has not ever had it worse than I and she needs to get past her ego as to such times, as would it take a head injury to figure out she would not have any humanity to ever see if she had ever been a part of any such additional needless problems as to what I had already dealt with and she would only show the lack of any such work I had done being her Mom as to actually caring and actually doing the best I could while actually loving her as a Mom?
Should it take a head injury in reference to the same in regards as to my son, if any such connections thereof to any such additional needless problems while knowing better than to wrongly lie to me?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to my creation of the Underwater Wedding will not ever be sanctified simply because of the ways as to the lack of recognition correctly as to this entire time from the month of August 2009 onward to this year in 2021, as why would that marital aspect ever be considered of importance to me as why would it take a head injury to figure out while I do believe in marriage why would I ever care as to anyone else’s wishes as to such when I have dealt with such aspects myself?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the lack of care and the lack of concern towards me if such hypotheticals are true and what does it take to actually ever be correctly taken care of as does it take a head injury to figure out the problems as to my SCUBA Diving if such connected aspects are within such portions thereof to such hypotheticals as to those from the CID agent aspect and/or the #mysa San Antonio Express New Paper, to which does it take a head injury to figure out the insubordination to the Command would also be taken into consideration as to my realities as to the situations in reference to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America?
Do show me where there was humanity within the city of San Antonio as well as those connected to Carrollton and Farmers Branch and within the state of Texas as to the individuals who I had met over such years as to the ways of which such situations had gone, as I have not been able to find such portions from the timeframe as to the years of 2000 through to 2013; though additionally as to such aspects in reference to the timeframe I returned to Texas of which does it take a head injury to figure out the lack of any such genuine concern or care for me upon the fact of not one individual had ever congratulated me or ever saw any need to celebrate my survival from any such SCUBA Diving work or any other such aspect as I had worked on as why would anything I did ever matter in a positive way?
Does it take a head injury to figure out upon the problems of what occurred to my daughter #Letters4Lidia and my son #Letters4James and I #Justice4Me #Justice4SusanMeeLing #Justice4ReverendSusanMeeLing #Justice4LadyDoriBelle as to such times as to having to defend my son and my daughter and I as to the situation referencing before Carrollton Texas as to how many beatings my now dead-ex-husband had done to me as well as having locked me in a room with my children as to the aspect as to his view as to how dare I protect my son and how dare I protect my daughter with my life as much as I had; despite does it take a head injury to figure out the fact of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain when my daughter was only 2 years old was still there, hypothetically because of how bad the abuse had been the entire time as to after having been taken off of the military installation at JBSA?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the lack of concern and the lack of compassion from all such individuals who would think this writing process would be helpful to go through, when I already had completed such twice before; as does it take a head injury to figure out if you need further words for what I already put into words in reference to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”, “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”, and “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” hypothetically does it take a head injury to figure out there is only one of two choices as to the intelligence level or the compassion level of such humanity?
Should it take a head injury to figure out just the reference aspects to #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker on top of the prior paragraph as to such aspects, I already knew I had been a Prisoner of War though did not have the words for such officially; and does it take a head injury to figure out how such viewpoints as to such regards, as why would it take a head injury to have to go to such levels of descriptions for such people who would have ever had the nerve to look down upon me for any such situations when such any hypothetical requirement for such additional details would only show such a lack of intelligence in my opinion?
Though please do show me where such had existed in reference to genuine compassion and care without anyone else’s ego involved, and I will review such aspects as to what I know from my perspective.
Does it take a head injury to figure out in reference to the McCoy Elementary School situation as to the mistreatments thereof as to those people having been informed as to the situations as to how I had my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the after effects thereof for those types of people to be such arrogant haughty people to look down upon me as to their claim to education levels, does it take a head injury to figure out that they were too stupid to put together as to the fact that I had been taken off of a military installation?
Did it take a head injury to figure out those people at McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Texas who thought to look down upon me for how I physically looked was how they viewed me as to how I physically looked, had been how I looked at them for who they were internally?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that for those people at McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District such as the Superintendent Burns male who had thrown a temper tantrum when I had gone to a friend of my son’s high school graduation, that he was not the reason I was at the graduation as the child I had promised to be at the graduation for had been the reason why I was there as I did not even know he was going to be thereof; or did it take a head injury for that douche bag to figure out he was not the center of my world?
Did it take a head injury to figure out that male technically allowed such hypotheticals as to how what occurred in reference to the targeting and how my son and I were technically hypothetically kidnapped at such times as well as assaulted because of the #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #concert #StoneyLaRue Cowboys Dancehall Stoney LaRue situations, though what would such a type of person care about such aspects as to the ways I had been treated as why would such a type of person ever look kindly upon someone who looks as I do; as did it take a head injury for people to figure out when I told them the name of the school and the school district, as to what type of so-called people I was dealing with?
Did it take a head injury to figure out those people in the Carrollton and the Farmers Branch areas of Texas had no respect for any such individuals in reference to if they did not look a specific way as to the ways they had treated my son, my daughter, and I; even though did it take a head injury to figure out to earn 26 SCUBA diving certifications on my own was actually important, though what would that ever matter to people such as that?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out each individual associated with what occurred in reference to McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District who caused needless problems to my son and/or my daughter and/or I after having been officially informed as to all such aspects of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the facts of which the timeframe to when I was pregnant to deliver each of my two children would only be registered as domestic terrorism in such aspects thereof to the mistreatments by each individual including the board meeting in May or June of 2010 would officially designate all such individuals associated as to their choice as to not saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, would officially declare all such people involved with the CFBISD board meeting that day who were okay with such aspects as domestic terrorists as to the POW portions as well as the facts of which such individuals would be shown to perpetuate such aspects of such domestic terrorism if having known about what I personally endured as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the facts thereof; to which should it take a head injury to figure out any such individuals a part of carrying firearms while lying to my face in such Austin location rallies would hypothetically be viewed as to the additional aspects of treasons along with such domestic terrorist portions, as per the facts of such hypotheticals combined?
Does it take a head injury to figure out even with the situations I dealt with while such aspects of such mistreatments which have obviously continued onward as to the situations regarding this journal blog entry as to the situations of which the irony as to the abuse awareness month of October and the needless aspects thereof as to already having written about such as to only the terrorism of which to have such furthered writing in my opinion of such as to already having written about such as does it take a head injury to figure out such lack of care and lack of concern as well as lack of compassion as well as lack of humanity as well as lack of human decency as well as lack of worth to such aspects, as only such people who had not ever cared about me ever in genuinity would ever push for such mistreatments of me further after having knowing what I already have been through as does it take a head injury to figure out black doesn’t crack and thus I will not ever allow my Underwater Wedding to be validated in any such ways as to the fact of such having been stolen intellectual property rights and thus there will not ever be the allowances of my Underwater Wedding to be officially officiated as does it take a head injury to figure out that needed to be begun in truth and honesty of which does it take a head injury to figure out knowingly using something without my permission would lead to such aspects regarding the SCUBA Diving portions?
Does it take a head injury to figure out no one can force such to ever be validated as to my Underwater Wedding aspects being accepted as to the spiritual connections as to the waters to the emotions of which does it take a head injury to figure out when I said it is important for me to be in a good mood, I meant it in a multitude of ways to which does it take a head injury to figure out if SCUBA Divers had caused how I wound up in Washington state as to their own fault for such aspects as to wish that would ever be validated as to having not ever had my permission to use my Underwater Wedding as to the Ordained Reverend aspects as well as having gone to the depths I had before creating such an Underwater Wedding as well as the depths after creating my idea for the Underwater Weddings of which should it take a head injury to figure out that trying to bully me an/or ostracize me needlessly would only mean the requirements of such would only be fully denied for each individual wish for such aspects as to there not being a way to ever force such as does that take a head injury to figure out it has to be of willingness and of my own free will as to such aspects as to the connections thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out each SCUBA Diver as to such would automatically be considered as a domestic terrorist as to ever trying to force such aspects to ever be considered as validated as to the fact additionally to the violations of the 13th Amendment as well as the facts of which no one except myself is ever able to grant such aspects as no it is not validated any way except through in person, through such verbal words of discussions, and not without the specifics of which my recognition in full for my SCUBA Diving as does it take a head injury to figure out that the ways of which such was done to begin with is only your fault and those who were a part of such theft in comparison to me as should it take a head injury to figure out I am not the one to blame though you and those involved are to blame for such ignorance and arrogance?
Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who had without my permission gone on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to how such traffic problems when in the state of Montana would be considered as to those individuals who would have known as to how my son and I had wound up in Washington state, as to their involvement with a different form of human trafficking and such types of domestic terrorism as to the ways of which they needlessly caused problems for something I had not invited them on and since such was and is my Medal of Honor Art Project would in turn mean that my son would not ever have been allowed to invite anyone as to it being my Medal of Honor Art Project or does that additionally take a head injury to figure that out?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to not having ever signed over any rights to anyone to ever be in control of my works which in turn none would ever have any rights to my payments of my royalty checks which in turn any such withholdings as to such payments of mine in any such way would additionally be against my will and would be seen as such 13th Amendment violations because of my payments which should have been each quarter as per the Amazon agreement I personally agreed to when I had originally posted my works onto the website for my publishing as well as would be seen as terrorism as to the ways of trying to force me into situations I do not agree with, I do not want, I do not need, I do not prefer, and I would not desire to ever be a part of without my personal choices as to such in full thereof; or does that forced aspect of against my will have a difficulty for others to figure out?
Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who wants to fight for female rights should have begun fighting for female rights in the Armed Forces of the United States of America as where are the most sexist individuals found as per the overall group and what occurs when such types of male sexism bleed out into the civilian sector, as should it take a head injury to figure out what I dealt with as a female was and is known to the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the situation as to the version of a bait dog as to such types of individuals’ views as to how I have been treated by such branches and divisions for the past 21 years as to both in reference to the military sector as well as the civilian sector; of which should it take a head injury to figure out, neither of your sides are perfect so maybe you should take a step back and actually personally evaluate your own stuff before going after me or anyone else?
Does it take a head injury to figure out for anyone in reference to needless college hazing where are you and where is your stance in reference to needless military hazing, or does that not ever compute to any such individuals as per the situation referencing my then fiancé in the year of 2010 as should it take a head injury to figure out for either military or civilian sector that hazing does not ever build comradery nor does it ever bring people together as should it take a head injury to figure out when you haze others in comparison to actually help and work with others there is a difference to the response which should it take a head injury to figure out there should not ever be any type of hazing in reference to military though especially should not ever be any hazing in the SCUBA Diving sector?
Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who would use my gender and/or my background and/or the way I physically look and/or the communities I have been a part of and/or where I grew up after being born and raised and/or who I am related to biologically and/or my ex-in-laws and/or any such associations would only reprove as to any and all such types of needless biases as to such aspects as to trying to avoid taking responsibility for the facts as to what occurred and has not and will not ever be considered as acceptable for such choices or actions as does it take a head injury to figure out such a choice only perpetuates the same problems in comparison to fixing such aspects as well as repairing such aspects correctly?
Does it take a head injury to figure out each individual should be held accountable for their own individual choices and individual actions in such comparisons as to what each individual was in the awareness of and as to what each individual had made each specific choice thereof to each specific situation, as should it take a head injury to figure out if you are wanting others to keep your aspects of your life in mind you as well must do so in return genuinely as to prevent such hypocrisy to genuinely take such aspects into genuine consideration as to what would actually help and assist in comparison to assumptions as what do assumptions do?

Why would it take a head injury to figure out the problems within the SCUBA Diving sector of whether in reference to the civilian recreational sector and/or the military/law enforcement sector as to the realities of such assumptions being problematic in comparison to simply asking in truth as to such portions as well as what problems would needlessly be caused as to the problems in reference to stolen valor in such regards, as why would anyone ever be able to take any civilian recreational SCUBA Diving group seriously when they have failed to correctly recognize such aspects as to my SCUBA Diving as well as my SCUBA Diving certifications and such situations associated with, as well as my works as to my SCUBA Diving in the correct ways thereof?
Would it take a head injury to figure out to assume anything in reference to my books I authored would be arrogant as to the fact of which I had not ever had any relationship with any of my SCUBA Diving Instructors for any point in my SCUBA Diving certification courses which I earned each one of my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications on my own while not having any relationship officially with any other SCUBA Diver of any type from the points of when I initially got involved with SCUBA Diving in the month of January 2009 through to the 25th SCUBA Diving certification I earned on my own, as well as I was not in a relationship with any SUCBA Diver in such ways as to when earning my 26th SCUBA Diving certification; thus would it take a head injury to figure out any SCUBA Diver who would ever assume as to my involvement with the bdsm and/or swinging lifestyles as to assuming as to my books which if you actually had read would read more similar to a textbook than an actual other type of book would only show the maturity levels or lack thereof as to any and all such individuals who would assume any such portions thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if the references to my work had any biases against due to my physical look and/or my background and/or my involvement with any such group/community there better not be any hypocritical aspects thereof within any sector of any group within any aspects of the SCUBA Diving communities to be aware of, in such references as to my earned aspects as to my personal recognition for my personal works when taking such into consideration of anyone else's ego to such portions for even just one picture sent would technically negate any such wishes as to trying to not acknowledge me though would fully be in my favor as to your arrogances and egos thereof as to why the mandatory aspects to end all stolen valor and end all stolen valor types of such aspect fully as per does it take a head injury to figure out the irony in reference to the fact you need technology to go SCUBA Diving for such references to your own reviewal and to your own reflections thereof?