Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who would use my gender and/or my background and/or the way I physically look and/or the communities I have been a part of and/or where I grew up after being born and raised and/or who I am related to biologically and/or my ex-in-laws and/or any such associations would only reprove as to any and all such types of needless biases as to such aspects as to trying to avoid taking responsibility for the facts as to what occurred and has not and will not ever be considered as acceptable for such choices or actions as does it take a head injury to figure out such a choice only perpetuates the same problems in comparison to fixing such aspects as well as repairing such aspects correctly?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the fact they moved to the state of Texas instead of ever contacting the law enforcement as my biological mother worked for #McHenryCountyGovernmentCenter #MHCGC #McHenry #Woodstock #WoodstockIL #WoodstockIllinois #ILstate #IL #Illinois #Illinoisstate McHenry Country government center in Woodstock Illinois as she could have if she had actually cared about my well being as well as my son and my daughter’s well being, she would have had the ability to report such truthfully at such times to the Prisoner of War aspects; or did it take a head injury to figure out those people did not ever move to the state of Texas to ever actually help my children and I and only moved to the state of Texas because of the vengeance against the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America as does it take a head injury to figure out, they had hated the military branches just from the MAST aspects as well as the fighting I had to do to be emancipated from them?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the fact of which in reference to the aspects of what I know I am due in regards of my payments for my finances as to any such withholdings by my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister and/or any connections thereof as well as and/or my ex-in-laws and/or my son and/or my daughter and/or such connections thereof of any such type which has ever prevented my finances illegally from being in my control has only proven such additional factors as to the aspects of such a Prisoner of War aspect in conjunction as to the 13th Amendment violations as does it take a head injury to figure out any such withholdings of what is mine only shows such additional aspects in full if having already known as to the pregnancy aspects as well as the aspects to the having been taken off of a military installation as to such times?
Should it take a head injury to figure out there is not one friendship I once had just as there is not one relationship I ever once had which I would ever trust to ever take care of my finances as to any such point in time of which would it take a head injury to repeat the facts of such aspects regarding the 13th Amendment violations as well as the POW aspects, as does it take a head injury to figure out I would not ever trust any such people nor would I ever allow any law firm to be in charge of my finances ever as to what wishes of that so-called will and (lack thereof) trust law firm as does it take a head injury to figure out I was and I am capable of taking care of my own responsibilities when people keep themselves out of causing needless problems to my life and out of causing any needless problems to my business aspects?
Does it take a head injury to figure out what actually would be beneficial and actually genuinely helpful in all such comparisons to how I have been mistreated, in all such aspects thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out withholding my finances as to which the creations of my Underwater Wedding as well as my Underwater Travel System only proves such aspects additionally to the POW portions as well as the 13th Amendment violations as why would I ever go forward with such works of such without my recognitions I earned being recognized correctly, and does it take a head injury to figure out I will not allow any such portions as to my Underwater Wedding to be allowed as to anything other than being spiritually married to my now dead-ex-husband for each such individuals who had made the choice to bother me while I was doing the best that I could as to getting my son and I out of such situations if those people had actually paid attention instead of assuming what has actually been considered as needed for myself?
Should it take a head injury to figure out I would fully regret ever assisting in any such ways as to the amount I have helped as to such aspects in all such ways if I were to learn of such truths though even though simply just because of the ways such has gone in all such references as to the ways of which I have been treated needlessly, why would it take a head injury to figure out how much I would wish I had not ever signed the dotted line to begin with if such aspects as to the needless portions thereof as to those types of people defending stolen valor as to the dress blues while having the nerve to treat me and my son and my daughter as such has been done for the past 21 years?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that why would it ever be seen as anything which was ever worthwhile to ever work as much as I had in reference to any such portions throughout the entirety of what I had worked on if such people associated with any branch and/or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America were to purposely go after me without ever getting the full story as to the entirety of, as why would it take a head injury to figure out you are supposed to help and assist the aspects in comparison to cause needless problems to such?
Should it take a head injury to figure out I would not ever feel any such worth or see any such value to any such individuals I had worked so diligently to assist in any such ways and would wonder why I ever bothered to speak after such portions as why would it ever matter as to my levels of work as to all such points in time as does it take a head injury to figure out, I would have just stayed where I was instead compared to retuning after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as why would it take a head injury to figure out I should have just stayed in the white light instead of returning to this place if this is the way such aspects have been and continue onward for all of the work I had done over such points in time as why would I ever see any value or worth to anything I had ever done without the correct aspects of what I had and have earned being fully brought forward in my favor and for my usage?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the lack of concern and the lack of compassion from all such individuals who would think this writing process would be helpful to go through, when I already had completed such twice before; as does it take a head injury to figure out if you need further words for what I already put into words in reference to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”, “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”, and “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” hypothetically does it take a head injury to figure out there is only one of two choices as to the intelligence level or the compassion level of such humanity?
Should it take a head injury to figure out just the reference aspects to #DrMaryEdwardsWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker on top of the prior paragraph as to such aspects, I already knew I had been a Prisoner of War though did not have the words for such officially; and does it take a head injury to figure out how such viewpoints as to such regards, as why would it take a head injury to have to go to such levels of descriptions for such people who would have ever had the nerve to look down upon me for any such situations when such any hypothetical requirement for such additional details would only show such a lack of intelligence in my opinion?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out each individual associated with what occurred in reference to McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District who caused needless problems to my son and/or my daughter and/or I after having been officially informed as to all such aspects of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the facts of which the timeframe to when I was pregnant to deliver each of my two children would only be registered as domestic terrorism in such aspects thereof to the mistreatments by each individual including the board meeting in May or June of 2010 would officially designate all such individuals associated as to their choice as to not saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag, would officially declare all such people involved with the CFBISD board meeting that day who were okay with such aspects as domestic terrorists as to the POW portions as well as the facts of which such individuals would be shown to perpetuate such aspects of such domestic terrorism if having known about what I personally endured as to “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” and “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the facts thereof; to which should it take a head injury to figure out any such individuals a part of carrying firearms while lying to my face in such Austin location rallies would hypothetically be viewed as to the additional aspects of treasons along with such domestic terrorist portions, as per the facts of such hypotheticals combined?
Does it take a head injury to figure out to the point of which I was pregnant with my son and then later pregnant with my daughter by the time of which was the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the lack of concern and the lack of compassion as to the ways I have been mistreated all of these years throughout various areas within the state of Texas and Washington state as to those who were a part of such aspects as well as during my Medal of Honor Art Project, for aspects which were not my fault and yet I was wrongly blamed and falsely accused repeatedly with all such regarding my innocence as to the entire time and yet does it take a head injury to figure out as to how I have every right to defend myself and stand my ground against each person who has ever sent and/or they themselves attacked me for what was not my fault to begin with; as should it take a head injury to figure out former President of the United States of America Ronald Regan’s quote: “We must reject the idea that every time a law's broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.” As does it take a head injury to figure out the word HE is different than blaming the female aspect as to SHE, as I did not make the choices my now dead-ex-husband had made and I was the victim to begin with from the start of all such portions; as does it take a head injury to figure out no matter what your opinion is of what occurred, it does not change the fact of which I have been the victim and the survivor the entire time of which does it take a head injury to figure out why should such soldiers of such aspects receive such compassion while having had the nerve to deny me of any such compassion sought for such aspects thereof?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out of which to my Medal of Honor Art Project is and was out of respect for my Constitutional Rights, and with my being an Ordained Reverend as well as my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the Irving situation, does it take a head injury to figure out my right to choose where I took my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces of my artwork?
Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who would or might be upset as to my choices for my Medal of Honor Art Project work is not up for discussion with anyone with a lower clearance as to such aspects and while I have been willing to speak with those who are within the Congress and/or Senate and/or White House as to such aspects there has not ever been the legal requirement for me to ever explain such portions of my Medal of Honor Art Project work to anyone else with a lower clearance level upon their entry to whichever branch or division of the Armed Forces of the United States of America despite such wishes; as does it take a head injury to figure out it was always my business to begin with as to such aspects and additionally does it take a head injury to figure out anyone who caused needless problems to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips while knowing of such aspects as to how I wound up in Washington state as well as the facts of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the facts thereof to the years thereof would be considered as domestic terrorists as to such aspects thereof to such, as I had already written and explained as to the reasons of which the requirement to get my specific instructions as to what to follow if was interested in going on my trips to my Medal of Honor Art Project as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America completely overrode any such wishes of any people who did not ever get my personal permission to ever be a part of and/or go on such trips as to does it take a head injury to figure out by any people who had ever been in combat to take a look at my SCUBA diving pictures and/or my SCUBA Diving work as to the facts of such aspects to which are not up for discussion without the specific requirements as to which are not for the general public unless as to such clearances thereof to the general public?
Does it take a head injury to see how I would only see such aspects as a constant harassment, a lack of concern for my safety, the lack of concern for my best interests, the lack of respect for my work as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project, as well as does it take a head injury to see how such problems of which had occurred in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips would only be reviewed as problematic on everyone else who had not ever respected how my works were to be completed to begin with and does it take a head injury to figure out I would not see any value nor any worth to my Medal of Honor Art Project works as to the lack of respect to ever have the human decency or the common sense to ask me specifically what I would personally require for anyone to ever be a part of going on my Medal of Honor Art Project trips?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of my inviting my son on one trip for my Medal of Honor Art Project trips compare to the overall would not ever be considered as what would be required for those who I did not personally carry in my uterus and thus would not ever be considered as the ways of which others would ever be considered as a welcome portions thereof to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, as why would it take a head injury to figure out if you were a part of ostracizing wrongfully to my involvement in such from various areas of the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle; why would I or they ever want or need you to be a part of anything I was doing in reference to, my Medal of Honor Art Project trips? Why would you ever feel welcome to my work, when you were not invited personally? Why would you be in violation of my Constitutional Rights I personally earned on my own and why would you think you ever had any right to violate my rights I earned, unless you did not ever respect my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as did not ever respect my rights to begin with unless I am incorrect of which then would it take a head injury to figure out how to repair and fix such damages others caused to me as well as my works thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out there would not be the automatic portions of ever knowing what to correctly do and thus would only fully offend each and every individual spirit throughout the entirety of each and every location I went to for my Medal of Honor Art Project trips of which does it take a head injury to figure out that each individual other than myself as I would not have to worry about what those people would have picked up on their own for themselves in their lives, as my Medal of Honor Art Project trips I knew what to do to keep myself safe though would it take a head injury to figure out others would need to know what would have been required as to such aspects as to ever being allowed in the area of the vehicle as to does it take a head injury to figure out similarly to my creation of the Underwater Wedding as to the required words being of importance?
Should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who would use my gender and/or my background and/or the way I physically look and/or the communities I have been a part of and/or where I grew up after being born and raised and/or who I am related to biologically and/or my ex-in-laws and/or any such associations would only reprove as to any and all such types of needless biases as to such aspects as to trying to avoid taking responsibility for the facts as to what occurred and has not and will not ever be considered as acceptable for such choices or actions as does it take a head injury to figure out such a choice only perpetuates the same problems in comparison to fixing such aspects as well as repairing such aspects correctly?
Does it take a head injury to figure out each individual should be held accountable for their own individual choices and individual actions in such comparisons as to what each individual was in the awareness of and as to what each individual had made each specific choice thereof to each specific situation, as should it take a head injury to figure out if you are wanting others to keep your aspects of your life in mind you as well must do so in return genuinely as to prevent such hypocrisy to genuinely take such aspects into genuine consideration as to what would actually help and assist in comparison to assumptions as what do assumptions do?

Should it take a head injury to figure out any such assumption by any individual who has ever attended college and/or ever attended a party after being in high school could not ever assume anything as to my choices as to what is the normal aspects as to most colleges as to partying, and how could such a hypocrisy be viewed in other such aspects?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to any such assumptions as to my right to choose what I do and/or do not do with my body is my choice, or have there been those who forgot such aspects as to the reasons why they fought for such female's rights?
Would it take a head injury to figure out anyone who would assume anything of me only because of my outfits as to my modeling would only see through pictures as to one angle of my life in comparison to actually getting to know me for who I personally am, as should it take a head injury to figure out in reference additionally to my writing depending upon what mood anyone is in what is the writing style as per each individual per each point in time as to each writing aspect thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the fact I had already acknowledged the truth of such aspects and have verified under oath such portions as to being the truth to the best of my ability to remember in regards of various situations though including and yet not limited to "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", and "The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" all being fact books would be of importance to take into consideration as to review as to what I personally dealt with in reference to each aspect when taking a look at the physical portions and the mental or thought portions and the emotional portions and the sexual portions and the spiritual portions as to what aspects of each viewpoint thereof for such reviewal; as would it take a head injury to figure out in reference to those who hypothetically assumed when in Washington state as to those who may have known me in person at one point in time, I had always introduced myself as Susan MeeLing first before ever going into the online moniker name as does it take a head injury to figure out I have always been the same person whether in whichever group or aspect of as per I had and have always remained honest as to the facts of which the realities to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to my honesty which had always been?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if my saying has bothered you though has made you think and evalutate to review such information differently as to seeing other aspects and sides thereof, maybe the fact of any such upset only has to do with the fact of how abrupt a set of words are to have such thoughts as to make you reevaluate honestly in such comparisons as who has ever enjoyed having to review such portions they had not thought of honestly when such a blunt statement has been made in any such ways; though does it take a head injury to figure out if there has been any such progression forward found as to what benefit of such a saying to be able to bring forward more honest discussions with others in such comparisons thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out there is not any reason or cause or excuse to ever assume anything about anyone without knowing the full story as to such combinations thereof as while not always knowing the specific names as sometimes there are situations which are a common thread between various individuals as to the reasons why for groups as to such differences, would it take a head injury to figure out as to the reasons to genuinely and truthfully evaluate oneself in truth is not always going to be as pretty as a picture though what is the reference if only looking to the physical in comparison to who an individual actually is?
Would it take a head injury to figure out if only looking at the exterior of an individual in comparison to the background as to what actually is behind such an individual only perpetuates one particular view in comparison to actually thinking as to the situations for such evaluations honestly as should it take a head injury to figure out all individuals who have children and/or grandchildren had such aspects in some similar ways thereof, as does it take a head injury to figure out most children have been created in the similar aspects thereof as to such situations and/or have parents/grandparents/legal guardians who have done something to such aspects hopefully more consenting than any other aspect thereof?