Nelumbo's character is and has only been created for ME personally per for myself only for such factors per my clarifications from the beginning, and thus per such factors I already clarified per such facts; I personally do not appreciate if anyone at all ever misinterpreted and ever thought a biological gender issue from whatever college garbage factors instead exactly how I wrote such is and was and is only per such factors per my exacts. Thus it was not ever a novelty before and has not ever been intended to be a novelty ever because there is a difference between a novelty and a novel book and that should not take a head injury to figure out.
I do appreciate a lot more than I write about in my journal blog per such factors, though the reality is that my personal choices of how thanks and gratitude are per platonic factors per such reality of the difference per such exacts per the factors of a relationship per such specifics per the depth levels sought per such facts in my personal opinion for myself personally though if others have interest and are respectful per such per the factors of my journal blog though my privacy ios of actual importance to me personally and since I personally did not have involvement with coding and since my biological mother did whatever work per such factors that I am not aware of officially per beyond just what I was told; then per such facts that I have clarifed, my actual real comforts per such attempts in he factors of have been completely above the board per such factors per such reality and if others would be and would have been and would be more of what I thought of before the year of 2019 it would have been best.
However if I am accurate per such timeframes of 2019 through 2022 per such, real life per my real life experiences per the differences of what I clarified per such factors regarding the differences of the book serieses on purpose because of the requirements of clarifications clearly with manners and respect and since I personally did not do anything else to officially or unofficxially though still is officially per the reality of doing something one officially exactly does so and thus the intentions matter in my opinion.
Thus per such facts per such per my authoring my book serieses, there are only the exact metaphors per such exact proverbials pr exact figureatives per exact references per the spcific exacts and thus such clear clarifications being the one and only author; I would have much rather preferred a far better for me personally approach than whatever if situations of if I was/am accurate per such factors of the reality of situations going on before I artrive((d) to a location does not translate to anything other than exactly that other situations going on before I arrive are other situations going on before I artrive. Thus per such factors of what I would not know specifically officially, then per such factors others need to keep in mind for themselves per such factors especially with the knowledge of the fct of the damages from the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 though this is the year of 2023 the residual nonmedical factors per such aspects of the common sense per such not the same per such needs drama of medical retirement per the differences per such factors per the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist portions and not in reference per the veteran and civilian sectors per the common sense if there were such and more seriousness instead of such amounts of games online per such if factors proven per having the need to update the factors per the resetting of anyone and everyone who might have misinterpreted and/or misunderstood the exacts per me being a Pansexual Intellectually only per such factors.
Thus the needless drama that I did not need, want, prefer, ask for, desire, or anything else per such if factors of pop culture differences officially and preferably for me personally per such differences of my work for me personally is not pop culture when it is my creations and/or my life and/or my visions and/or my works per such facts that me putting such together per such myself putting such together myself and those who have assisted where they could I have appreciated per such factors though the reality of considerations per respect. Thus if per such exacts in the year of 2019 specifically were better than per such if factors after 2018 year, then per such if factors of if factors. Thus I do not play games with my life and I do not appreciate those who might have done so at any point in time, for such clear clarifications.
I have and do appreciate more than I may write about, though I also need a break to relax when I personally choose for myself and when my needs are for me personally per such for me personally and there has only been what I have needed to take care of per completely on my own per such clear facts; then per such reality of my attempts per such factorrs and even if my biological children were to get involved with certain factors, I already made my stance clear and I will not back down per the facts that my religion that I clarified when at Fort Sam Houston per my Judeo-Christian upbringing and also per the reality of the antireligious background of my children's biological father per such facts; I did not ever need nor want nor desire nor prefer nor ideal nor ask for any factors like a jihad per such factors ever at any point in time per such clear facts per my attempts and thus others' misinterpretations when knowing the facts of the blood factors back then per such facts that the physical damages per such from the year of 2000 in Basic Training per such situations of hypotheticals.
Thus I have distinguished such factors and appreciate if there have been those who could do so and actually inform me honestly with respect and manners per such factors of if situations per Etiquette per such if situations hypothetically per my modeling and the problems at those times per such hypotheticals; then remember always the most importantly how my exacts were at the exacts per such exacts of the exacts and then remember always per such factors regarding the factors of how my personality is in person face to face in person and per such in person face to face in person per the online writings personality per such per the factors of the years from 2000 through 2016 were per such facts per such exacts and thus the updates per my logistical review after the point in time of Clear springs per the year of 2019 per the purple bottle situations per the factors of the choices per the rest of the year of 2019 and thus per to this point in time of 2023 per such amounts of situations that the factors of reaching out requires per responses per such that are actual responses for such knowledge that I suffer through the headaches per suffering through the migraines per suffering through the subarachnoid hemorrhage timeframe of 2000 through 2008 per the timeframes after per such suffering per the headaches and suffering per the migraines and all per such per physical pain per such only the entire time since waking uip from my coma from my Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 head injury/TBI. My memory deficits and my cognitive disorders I did not think took a head injury to figure out that would be an intellectual factor and/or emotional factors, or possibly that does take a head injury to point out the difference of the physical and the difference of the intellectual and the difference of the emotional I suppose to some individuals possibly.
I am polyamorous per such factors of general care and genuinely per such, and the facts are per such facts per my attempts though it takes others per such factors where I can actually understand instead of others expecting me to know everything instead of them remembering such factors per such facts in real truth per such. Thus my attitude per such if factors in the conjunction of February 2022 and August 2022 after 2019 and the year of 2020 in Austin Texas then and then the year of the 20 year memorial of the 11 September 2001 also known as 9/11/2001 per such factors of what support per such factors per for me personally and only me personally for me personally per my attempts in real life and in the online factors of the screen online factors and the phone factors per such calls per such attempts that I personally have made and thus others have to want to work with me and other have to need to work with me and others have to desire to work with me and others have to prefer to work with me and others have to have the ideals to work with me and all such needs to be per my actual considerations per such factors officially and unofficially per such being officially realistically per such facts that life can only be life now in the reality of the future is now and the future is the future per such futurism reality per such factors of Judeo-Christian background per such factors and other need to accept and appreciate the facts that I have been capable to do so while per the best attempts per such factors of mine honestly and without pretenses and without hiding.
If you read through a machine such as a computer and/or see through a machine such as a cellular phone and/or laptop and/or tablet and/or blue(tooth) per such factors, then such machines made and machines read are not going to sense the physical pains I personally sense per such reality of mine and thus emotional connections are sometimes pains and sometimes happier sensations though per such facts of distinguishing factors in time per such reality. Thus retain and sustain and remember such factors when reading my website per the difference of myself per a human being homo-sapien-sapien(-sapien) per others also per factors thereof the reality and the importance of me and the importance of my work(s) though the reality of my comprehension of best for me personally outside of my website in real life per myself comprehending for myself my best choices for myself and thus on my website and through my website the reality of my lack of a need per the M/m factors per the reality I am always My per such facts and thus since I am a biological Mom who gestated life I am the one and only who comprehends such factors regarding my 2 children's gestations of their lives within my uterus per such facts per their labor pains and delivery factors per such situations that need to be better for me personally now.
Since headache pain physically requires certain physical specifics for comforts for me personally before ever the consideration of the factors of my memory deficits and cognitive disorders, thus per such factors regarding the reality that I did not play any games and do not play games knowingly and that is important officially in my opinion. While I know some games can assist, there is a reality of factors of considerations instead of constantly pushing when the knowledge to begin with is required to understand before progressing.
Thus since some situations may have been a bit messy for others to figure out, I am taking care of per the best I can while dealing with my personal real life backgrounds per my real life experiences and those experiences that I personally do not have might be experiences that I personally do not need and/or want and/or desire because I will ask the individual(s) myself instead of ever arranging through a third party to a if factor regarding such unless I directly do so per such similar to way back in the year of 2009 for one small amount of time that I made an attempt then.
I do not need to post my sachedule and no one is entitled to me nor my schedule, especially when they have not ever checked in with me personally honestlyu per such if factors of any assistance and/or volunteers for me personally or staff per such requirements to do so if you are being honest and truthful in such references regarding thereof per my journal blog updates within the years of 2019 through 2020 into 2021 for such factors back then to the difference of now this day of the 9th in the month of July in the year of 2023.
Nonetheless I have made attempts though it requires others to respond correctly appropriately per such, though if only not having dating others without a group of others; I am unware of those types of dates beyond some of the factors of more recent times, and thus I am taking the time for muyself and not any factor of my Medal of Honor Art Project since I did not think it took a head injury to figure out if I had actually went on the SCUBA Dives per my SCUBA dive factors of the other SCUBA Dive request other than the Alaska Aurora Borealis SCUBA Dive during the Gibbous Moon of the Bethlehem Stat; I did not think that took a head injury to figure out, why I personally would be interested in solar and lunar and astrological alignments with the religious and spiritual viewpoints.
Though I did not think it took a head injury to figure out in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip location areas, there would not be such factors of time for SCUBA Diving and it should not take a head injury to figure out what happens to paper and cardboard near water such from SCUBA Diving; thus it should not take a head injury to figure out the lack of respect per the lack of intelligence to ever think that would ever would be a worthwhile endeavor per such factors, while being a@@hats per such if factors regarding the lack of common sense there would be per getting the work accomplished while per such factors per differences obviously it also should not take a head injury to figure out if others whom had and/or have a SCUBA Diving background of others with such factors known while the knowledge of such differences per myself fully per the reality proven and verified per such if factors; then it should not take a head injury to figure out there would be absolutely nothing of knowledge about any hidden sCUBA diving factors, nor would I ever think about such to ever ask per such not ever knowing of such outside of anything beyond a damn visual at a damn camp attendance. It should not take a head injury to figurer out how pathetic it would be for others to expect an elementary school aged biological minor who was between the ages of five years old through possibly 13 years old legally to such times in the 1980s and the 1990s decades, since it should not take a head injury to figure out if you do not know the arithmetic then get your god damn calculator out and use the god damn buttons to get the god damn arithmetic for the god damn numbers and do not bother me ever to go do the damn work your damn self if I am accurate regarding if factors of others whom need to accept the clarifications especially if the proven is proven accuracy percentages well above the minimum standards! #SCUBA #SCUBA #SCUBADiving
Unless someone is a natural blonde possibly a lighter hair colored brunette per Texas, one in the same per a born and raised New Jersey-ian having not been below the Mason Dixon Line for a timeframe of their entire life; I did not think that took a head injury to figure out, though I also am a biological female and while I have clarified the hermaphrodite physical biological per the third at birth gender at birth from gestation of life.
#FUNJ #FUUSA #FUWA #FRTX #FUGA #FUOK #FUNYC #FUNY These prior hashtags are only in reference to a text message to clarify such factors, officially.
It should not take a head injury to figure out causing any problems to me personally when scheduling elsewhere other stuff is nothing I personally consented to for any such factors, and nothing that I personally sought for myself ever personally nor consented to nor would consent to ever.
Red! The color of the flag strips when on land and/or above sea level where the sunlight is since that should not take a head injury to figure that out, under the water in 5D/6D/7D /8D+ is only where the sunlight can be seen and if you cannot swim of SCUBA Dive at all you are not entitled to anything or anyone for any information officially.
I did not think it took a head injury to be thankful and grateful for SCUBA Divers of whatever level since those of you whom do not do any work within the levels of water if you take a shower or if you take a bath or if you wash your own clothing instead of dry cleaners that are not the same at all for laundry services; thus per it should not take a head injury to figure out if an individual is a SCV=UBA Diver whom has actually worked on education and actually worked within the water such as Naturalist would be an on land Naturalist since there is water involved with more than just where you think and no one else except you is if my journal blog is read ever since there has only been 2 times total that instead of whatever factors of Club Sapphire per what actually would have been honest to ask me how it should not take a head injury to figurer out that someone who is constantly in physical pain that requires assistance is not going to be sexually active when they are constantly in physical pain and having to be aware of that!
Happy 4th of July on the day of th 98the of the month of July in the year of 2023, though a bit latter than I intended to post this journal and as well as per the 4th of July.
No fan of my work would ever think they would ever be more important than what my plans are for myself and my wo0rk per such if factors, since that should not take a head injury to figure out I would be the one and only individual whom would decide what a fan is for me and/or such factors per what I personally consider acceptable.
That definitely should not take a head injury, to figure out.
