With the references as to as time began in the year of 2013 as to after how the #Cowboys #CowboysDancehall #CowboysDancehallSATX #SATX #SanAntonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #TX #TXstate #Texas #Texasstate Cowboys Dancehall San Antonio Texas #StoneyLaRue #Concert Stoney LaRue March 2013 concert had went as to the timeframe as to after everything as to my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving timeframe situations regarding what I was dealing with the entire time before winding up in #WA #WAstate #Washington #Washingtonstate Washington state, the situations as to what was supposed to be the adult consenting lifestyle, #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas Irving Texas in the year of 2011, the situations which fully had such begun to my daughter #Lettes4Lidia and my son #Letters4James as to the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo #FWTX Fort Worth Zoo as to McCoy Elementary School as to the aspects of the CFBISD situation including the American Flag situation in reference to the public school board meeting, as well as other such situations as to the aspects of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the situations from the timeframe of 2000 after waking up from my coma through to the year of 2013 as to such aspects as to my biological mother/father/sister as well as my ex-in-laws; the aspects of which as would be more well known as to the aspects in regards as to the situations between the years of 2013 through to 2018 as to how there were few words I spoke or wrote as to any such individual as to what I was personally dealing with in the same ways as to what I have updated my website as to such factors, because of the facts of what was of importance was in reference to what was directly in front of me as to the situations as to what occurred. Hence the aspects as to the lack of my involvement on social media as to such timeframes, as to the obvious aspects as to what has since been explained in reference to the updates in reference to my journal blog #TheOrneryPSA The Ornery PSA.
While there were situations as to the technology aspects as written about, the situations as to Crystal Creek Apartments, the situations as to the Halloween 2013 event, the situations as to the Velvet Rope, the additional aspects as to how winding up in the #Tacoma #TacomaWA #TacomaWashington Tacoma Washington area as to #SeaTac #Seattle #SeattleWashington #SeattleWA SeaTac Washington as to the irony for those who know the aspects as to the first portion in reference to the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas area as to the word in reference to SeaTac as to such situations in what is supposed to be the adult consenting lifestyle community in comparison as to such situations as to what I brought forward as to other such factors as to male submissives in regards as to the #ClubFEM ClubFEM group; the factors as to the realities of what I was dealing with as to the facts as to what I brought up in a discussion in the year of 2017 as to the situation occurring as to the combined factors of my Medal of Honor Art Project as to the conjunction of such aspects as to the reality of why I had not went into the details thereof, should not have taken a head injury to figure out as to the timeframes as to between 2009 through 2019 as to the aspects of my SCUBA Diving as to what I put in writing as to the aspects of my three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as well as the aspects as to “Finding A Silver Lining Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out the after effects from the occurrences from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury were a lot for me to deal with as I did not think it took a head injury to figure out adding the aspects thereof to the situations as to why I officially began my SCUBA diving certification process as well as the facts of such military portions as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the explanations thereof, as to why it should not take a head injury to figure out as to since there was not anyone who had the common sense to simply ask me as to the comparisons as to what would obviously prove to be of more importance to me as a Mom despite how many individuals throughout the SCUBA Diving community had no children or if they did as to whatever stereotype as to those types of parents as to that point in time as to the obvious comparison as to the proof of my choices as to the proof of my actions as to the combinations with my words as to my patterns of behaviour as to my choices of my actions to the best of my capabilities as to being a Mom despite the assumptions I dealt with in person face to face in person back in the years of 2009 though more-so 2010 through to when in reference of winding up in Washington state.
I did not think it took a head injury to figure out as to the facts of the only way I was going to go over such details was one of two ways, of which since the first had not occurred as to the facts as to such as to the second of the only two ways such was ever going to occur as to the choices as to my opinions as to the truth. The first way which could have occurred though obviously had not occurred as to my SCUBA Diving would be if the individuals I once knew involved in SCUBA diving as to this month of February 2022 as to the month of February 2009 as to the beginning of my SCUBA Diving classes in person face to face in person as to all such comparisons to the situations now in the year of 2022 as to the aspects thereof, would be if there were individuals I personally knew as to asking me specifically about my SCUBA Diving as to the reference of the oceanic portions as to specific questions thereof or they were have introduced me to individuals which I could have spoken with in person face to face in person similarly to how Brigadier General Gillman had arranged the meeting for me to speak with the Colonel in the Fort Sam Houston Texas area as to #JBSA #MilitaryCityUSA JBSA. Since that had not occurred in reference to any SCUBA Diver I once knew in person face to face in person as to any such factors as to International SCUBA or the one individual I had once known in person face to face in person from SCUBA Toys, there was not any requirement for me to specifically go into such details as to beyond the levels I specifically went to up to such a point in time because of as explained back in the years of 2009 through 2012 as well as in my books as to such as well as in my journal blog entries as to the aspects of what officially as to such aspects thereof in reference to my background of which since there was not anyone who had the common sense to either ask me officially or chose as they had chosen as per the facts as to such situations; hence the lack of any reason to this day officially, as to any such requirements as to going into the details thereof as to such factors beyond the aspects of what I have allowed myself to go into such details as to the official writing portions or the official aspects where I specifically have gotten dressed up to go through the recording process as to my official YouTube channel because of the officialities thereof in such references.
Though I have reached out to individuals, groups, organizations, and agencies since the timeframe officially as to the year of 2015 as to the link as well as my books being sent out as to such factors as an overall though obviously as to the year of 2014 as to the SCUBA diving in reference to having stopped by a SCUBA Diving shop, since the aspects of which such situations have been as to such factors as to the official requirement situations thereof to the comparison as to what might have been thought of as to the civilian recreational aspects of SCUBA Diving in the comparisons thereof as to such situations; the reality of the reasons why I kept quiet as to such lengths of time as to the aspects thereof other than such, other than the aspects of my constant headaches and random migraines, other than the facts my children as to the aspects of my son and my daughter as to being a Mom, and other than the fact as to how many people claimed they knew how individuals from #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey were as to then knowing the only way someone is allowed information is if they ask officially or if in other such aspects where there are the official questions in a court of law as to such aspects as simple of a saying as to the if you do not ask then I will not tell as to such factors in the official aspects thereof to such capacities as again to not thinking it took a head injury to figure that out as to how many individuals I met had claimed they knew how people were from New Jersey. I suppose if such individuals who had claimed such factors as to the situations what they claimed was to knowing how people were from New Jersey, as to the length of time from the year of 1998 through to the year of 2013 as to the specifics thereof; I wonder how many individuals needed apparently the extra amount of time to actually know what individuals from New Jersey are actually as, in conjunction as to learning to what I warned them about as to the condensed and prettier version as to the Hollywood aspects as to the situations which individuals I met claimed they knew everything they knew from watching television and/or watching movies as to such missed out factors in the capacities of not ever being allowed to ask questions as to such factors as to those types of #popculture pop culture references as to the realities thereof to such situations.
Thus in turn as to 24 years after the first groups of people in #IL #ILstate #Illinois #Illinoisstate Illinois who claimed such factors as well as those as time went onward as to such claims as to knowing how people are from New Jersey as to their pop culture references, those individuals as to this point in time of the year of 2022 I suppose have learned as to whether or not they actually knew anything at all as to any such point in time as to such hypotheticals thereof as to the aspects which were and/or were not brought forward as to such details as to the comparisons thereof as to the facts in the ways they expected and/or wished for in such aspects. The situations additionally as to the poem I wrote as to the #CLSHS #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeHS #CrystalLakeSouth #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois Crystal Lake Illinois published poem as to the summer school classes I took the summer before the publishing as to the aspects additionally as to the summer school college courses I took as to such a point in time as to the year of 1998 as the aspects I brought forward about such in conjunction as to the aspects of having been in the art classes with Ms. Dotty as to when I was in Asher Holmes Elementary School in the 1990s before ever getting to the point of time as to the aspects in reference to the situations as to Marlboro Middle School as to the Specialty Art Classes as well as such factors as to how I was capable to earn my way to meet then Governor of the state of New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman as to such situations, hypothetically my time as to fifth grade officially would make such sense as to that particular poem in such a larger overall reference to such aspects in the situations as to the timeframe of having a few months on my own as to such aspects of how the medical situation went as to such a point in time as well as the aspects thereof to the proof of such as to having written such officially within the beginning of the year of 1993 as to around the month of January or February or March of the year of 1993 as what aspects as to the facts of what I was dealing with in such a timeframe would actually bring such portions forward as to the thought processes thereof to such words in the ways thereof to what I was dealing with as to the sensations at the time of “being walked over and passed on by” as to the problems as to the timeframe as to when I was in fifth grade?
Or, was I inaccurate as to such aspects as to when looking backwards as to the reality of when I was in fifth grade as to such portions both before such a timeframe as well as after such a timeframe?
Thus in the reference as to how this month of February in the year of 2022 as to the comparison as to when I officially began my SCUBA Diving classes as to my official work thereof to the month of February in the year of 2009, where would such aspects as to the reality of such sensations be as to the facts thereof to such a review process as to such situations as to the length of time thereof from the year officially of 1992 through to this year of 2022 as to such aspects as to what I have personally dealt with as why would anyone ever think that wishful aspects as to hinting would ever be considered as actually showing the aspects of care and concern in the comparisons as to the aspects of genuinely speaking with in person face to face in person as to such aspects of which I brought forward to Governor Christine Todd Whitman as to the question I asked her at the meeting in the capital area of the #Trenton #TrentonNJ #TrnetonNewJersey Trenton area of New Jersey in such references as to the reality as to the aspects as to the mental health wellness portions thereof as to my concerns in such regards as why would that be of importance as to my poster work as to the way I earned my spot as to the aspects of in conjunction as to my invitation to #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #Navy Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to the work additionally I was doing in the creation process as to my Underwater Travel System as what in such conjunctions translate to in such combinations thereof as to such overall combined aspects as to such a length of time?
Thus in such references to if the aspects as to the show which was only supposed to from what I was officially informed of as to the aspects of only within designated areas which would officially be informed of as to the specifics prior to such filming aspects in comparison as to anywhere else as to such official aspects in reference to multiple discussions as to what show was originally called Guardian Assholes in such regards as to not going anywhere else as to the aspects of such official discussion which began in the year of 2015 for the clarifications thereof, why would there ever be anyone who would fail to have the common sense as to such aspects as to the lack of concern as to my personal viewpoint as to such what is required as to the official aspects of statements as to the length of time as to what official capacities thereof as to the writing portions and/or the discussions in person face to face in person as to such only other aspect of official calls as to the official discussion aspects as to if the allowances as to what my choices as to such aspects thereof in the comparisons as to the hypotheticals as to the references within “The Modern Day Book (written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in the regards as to such details thereof to this point in time of the year of 2022?
In turn if I am inaccurate as to such factors as to the references from the writings as to the years from 2019 through to this current time, then my apologies as to ever thinking there were individuals who had actually genuinely cared about me and my best interests as to such factors because of the lack of the ways as to showing such portions and the after effects as to such conjunction portions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip specifically within the year of 2018 as to the #IA #IAstatw #Iowa #Iowastate Iowa state aspects as to the combination of that Medal of Honor Art Project trip. My mistake to ever believing as to such a point thereafter as to how such occurrences went as to the combined overall aspects as to the situations thereof to the portions which by this point in time as to the realities thereof as to what would be officially shown to me as to the aspects of what is considered as genuine concern in comparison as to the situations thereof as to my opinion as to the timeframes from 1992 through to this year of 2022 as to such comparisons as to what my personal ideals as to actualities as to what compassion and concern would actually be considered as, because obviously my mistake as to such aspects if I am inaccurate as to such situations as to the aspects thereof as the reality as to what actually constitutes as genuine care and actual concern in my opinion as to such points in time as to the situations as to the years in this particular reference of 2009 through to 2022 would be far different as to all such comparisons as to the occurrences thereof as to how similar to the aspects of what I dealt with in such prior to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury aspects. However similarly to such individuals as to my warnings in reference as to their pop culture portions of reliance in the aspects thereof, to the reality of which the comparison as to Hollywood to my biological mother/father/sister in such references as to their shortened and condensed prettified aspects in comparison to the actualities as to such facts. Thus my apologies as to what aspects thereof to what could have been as to such individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such years thereof from 2009 through to 2019 as to ever having the belief as to such aspects of what the situations to have such thoughts, of what actual genuine concern and care about another individual actually is. Then again as to such portions in reference to SCUBA Diving, I suppose the aspects as to the ironic portions as to the hypocritical aspects as to the civilian recreational aspects of SCUBA Diving as to what I was informed of as to what the supposed procedures were for such aspects as to the civilian recreational SCUBA Diving portions as to the maximum distance as to such factors in the comparisons as to what I explained as to the differences as to my SCUBA Diving as per such proof as to either side as to such factors for the reality of which the proof as to my SCUBA Diving style in such references as to how I handled and took care of such situations on my own to the best of my capabilities in such capacities thereof as well as the write ups as to what was/is officially allowed as to the what is officially allowed as to the official aspects as to my official YouTube channel because of the clarification word of official.
In such references as to the supposed care and concern as to such factors in reference to what I was informed of to the civilian recreational SCUBA Diving aspects as to their claim as to such portions as to the maximum distance as to supposed buddy situations thereof, I suppose it does not take a head injury or two main head injuries to figure out as to the aspects of what realities as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the year of 2018 as what would such aspects as to how civilian recreational SCUBA Divers’ choices as to such factors from the year of 2018 through to this year of 2022 officially show such patterns of behaviour as to those who have been involved formally and officially as to SCUBA Diving from the years of 2009 through to this year of 2022 and why would my recommendation of SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement have made sense back in the year of 2009 as to the proof thereof?
What in reference to the aspects of if known as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in the year of 2018 would be of importance as to such a review process, as to SCUBA Diving from the timeframe as to the year of 2009 as to whatever prior portions thereof to additionally take into consideration as how many years was each SCUBA Diving civilian recreational instructor I once knew as to International SCUBA and such connection points as to both areas as to the overall SCUBA Diving instructors of the areas as to the civilian recreational aspects of International SCUBA and SCUBA Toys be as to such a backwards review as to all such combined factors thereof to the additional portions as to having been involved with the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle as to the Pagan community in reference to what would be considered as to a problem which occurred in reference to when I first became involved with the BDSM community in the year of 2004 as to a male named Charles who had not been accepted in reference to as the aspects of which I was not interested in as to the facts as to what occurred with his then wife named similar as to my first name as to such aspects of which what did he admit to in reference to the aspects at Mike and Patty’s house in San Antonio Texas as to Allen in reference to the year of 2012 as to what I had not ever consented to and would not ever consent to as to the aspect known at the time as to having been only 4 years awake from my coma and still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain when I had originally became involved with the what is supposed to be a consenting adult aspects of which there was not the consent as to what would be required from me as to such factors as to the realities of such requirements?
What problems were caused as well as what problems arose throughout the city of San Antonio as to the differences between the BDSM community as to the Swinger communities throughout San Antonio, though as to such discussions as to the Austin community when I returned back to the state of Texas as what was brought forward to me in reference to the problems as to the areas thereof to such a location as when the requirement as to what would be as to my consent had not ever been given as to any such capacity then what as to such factors would that be constituted as to each and every aspect which is considered as inexcusable in each factor thereof which in turn as to what would be an irony as to the aspects as to the Starbucks at the exit 200 as to the #Starbucks Starbucks in San Antonio near the area of Fort Sam Houston by Randolph Air Force Base in the year of 2012 as to what factors of such stalking without any permission would such aspects be as to the proof of Irving and yet to such capacities of not having ever been given the specifics as to authorization from the one and only who would be as to such authority aspects as to the facts of which would be as to who as myself being the one and only as to such factors thereof as what problems as to throughout the state of Texas would that have officially been proven to be stirred up by as to despite the name of what show no the individual is not and was not given any authority to be in charge as why would it be of importance as to such capacities of the respecting of boundaries as well as the etiquette factors as to such mandatory factors thereof in all such situations as during the irony of such aspects what would be the shortened condensed name as to the enemy of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the Vietnam War in reference to the same name as such a type of show in reference to those in the San Antonio communities who would know of such an individual named Charles or Charlie as to such factors thereof as what would the discussion with Ambrosio and others bring forward as to such a length of time as to what capacities thereof as to the mandatory aspects of which would require my consent of which without my consent what would that in turn translate to in such references thereof to throughout all such factors thereof to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” to an individual which unlike Steve where I returned the Leather cover to him after the situation in the year of 2012 what did I refuse as to the year of 2004 in reference to the Grady’s location in the year of 2004 for those who might recall such a time despite my hair color and my hairstyle being completely different as well as not having had tattoos in that year?
Why is it important as to safe, sane, and consensual as to such aspects in the references thereof whether to whichever aspects thereof to SCUBA Diving and/or other such capacities thereof?
Thus in the references as to my childhood as to the references as to when I was in fifth grade as to the references to my invitation to MAST as to my work as to such factors in conjunction as to the situations as to the Army and onward as to my SCUBA Diving, what would be considered of importance to take into consideration as to my clearance level at the age of 17 years old as to the aspects as to what was supposed to be my MOS as to the 91A (Automated Logistical Specialist) in such combined references as why would that be of considerable importance in the combined factors thereof to my SCUBA diving as well as to Irving as well as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as where could such combined factors be taken into consideration in the aspects thereof to such a field as to the MOS thereof to such work and what clearances would be mandatory as to the requirement factors as to the background checks as to the clarifications thereof to the actualities as to the intention factors?
What is important about the aspects of the 91A as is it important as to review as to the year of 1990 or 1991 as to such situations, or would it be capable to be seen as to the 9-1-1 factors of why would those three numbers be of importance as to the ethical and moral capacities in reference to the situations in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and especially in reference to Iowa as to such numerical portions as to the references thereof as what would be the aspect as to those involved hypothetically as to such in reference to the state of Texas and the problems of such occurrences as to the years between 2009 through to 2019 for one reference thereof, as what proof would there be as to the situations as to the problems within such a community as to the #BDSM BDSM aspects as to the failures to paying attention to such details as to what would be of consideration as to the aspects of the #CivilWar Civil War situations as to the #CivilRights Civil Rights as well as to the #WomensRights Women’s Rights and the #ConstitutionalRights Constitutional Rights for such situations to take into consideration to those aspects of those types of individuals who have been required to pay attention to such rights as to the right to choose as well as what importance would there be as to my right to choose as well as my right to refuse such aspects thereof in full as to such hypotheticals in the references thereof to the length of time from 2004 through to the current timeframe as to those who would know of such an individual who was refused officially in the year of 2004 as to that Christmas event and the aspects of which in such a refusal how have certain types of certain individuals been as to such factors as to the aspects as to what is supposed to be the consenting adult lifestyle and when the consent is not granted by my choice in such a reference then the aspects to such situations would translate to what in the references thereof as to when refusing such situations as to such an individual as to Charles as to such references as to the reality as what situations as to individuals who I had been involved with during whichever times thereof dealt with certain factors as to whatever technological messages as to which portions thereof to the aspects of such hypotheticals whether as to relationship aspects and/or association aspects thereof to the capacities of such times throughout the state of Texas as to the years specifically from 2004 through 2021 when I was capable to finally get out of the state of Texas and the lack of the need for me to be involved within such a type of situation as to having walked away from the BDSM capacities in full as to such a point in time as to the year of 2020 as to the clear sight of not needing such within my life personally?
In reference as to such capacities in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as well as my SCUBA Diving, what portions are capable to be noticed as to the similarities of what I dealt with in fifth grade as to such situations as to Iowa as what individual could or would ever truthfully be capable of saying their actual care and concern as to the actual ways of what genuine care and concern would actually be in my opinion compared to what I personally dealt with as what is the difference in such aspects as to the aspects of the situations thereof and why would that be of importance as to the reference regarding Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as to such situations as to my work as to my profits as to my payments in the comparisons as to the occurrences thereof throughout such lengths of time as to the BDSM aspects thereof as where would such illegal portions be capable to be found in such references as what is the importance as to my being a Leather Female Dominant in comparisons as to wishes otherwise as how independent does one have to be as to such capacities for such acceptance as to the lack of such need as to those types of individuals who have needed to accept their location as to the footstool portions thereof as to such capacities when I have repeatedly refused such types of situations as why would it be of importance as to my preference if such as to how that has yet to be respected correctly as to such capacities as to the reality of preference of being single in comparison to ever settling for those types of individuals who have needed to accept such factors as my work is my work in the comparisons of other such portions thereof for what would I personally find as to such attractiveness in the other capacity in the comparison as why would the answer be as to my lack of capability to find anything of value to such types of individuals as to the situations thereof though would be capable to see clearly to a different path as to what my preferences to be in such capacities as to the complete opposite end of the proverbial spectrum in all such ways thereof?
Nonetheless as to such factors which in turn as to the obvious aspects of which to the situations as per the what once was called the Guardian A$$holes show as to what was only supposed to be recorded in the locations as per the specifications as to the agreement at the time in comparison to anywhere else as to the aspects of what was officially required as to the differences thereof as to what would be officially required as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips in comparison to any such assumptions, the ways as how the possibility in reference to such Iowa portions as to the reality of what viewpoints as to my personal opinions in such references thereof to the aspects throughout such points in time. While it has taken to the level of the timeframe from August 2018 through to this month of February 2022 as to the aspects in a more official context as to last month in reference to January 2022 in regards as to the realizations as to Iowa in the year of 2018, the reality as to such a review as to such opinions as to the combinations as to which in my opinion as to showing the realities as to whether or not as to such opinions one way or another as to the humane portions thereof to the situations. There is the fact as to the portions in reference to fifth grade as to what I dealt with as to in turn as to such factors as to Iowa 2018 as well as throughout such portions as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to the aspects similarly to fifth grade as to the requirements as to what is such to the situations in such references, if I am inaccurate then the apologies’ however if accurate as to such portions as to the length of time in conjunction to other such situations, as to my opinions as to such a stance as why would there be a different view as to such individuals I once knew as to such factors?
In the reality of such situations of the if factor of what if such were to have been as to the aspects in regards as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to especially in reference to the year of 2018, then the reality as to such in regards as to “The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the differences between those types of aspects compared to my personal preferences in the realities thereof as well as the combined factors. While some individuals might have their opinions as to what their opinions are, there is the difference as to my preferences as to the comparisons as to their opinions which in turn as to the aspects of what my opinion as to such aspects as to my preferences as to the respect and etiquette especially factors as to such portions the easiest ways of what would have been as to such aspects of the ways as to the preferences thereof.
While in my opinion as to how far too many have become far too involved within such sorts of Excalibur Faire types of situations as to taking such beyond far too far in my opinion, the aspects thereof in which if accurate as to such a review as to what would have been far more along to my preferences as to such aspects in the comparisons as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to what I warned people in the state of Texas before I wound up in Washington state as to what I knew better than as to those types of individuals as to such factors. While my biological sister might have thought it was better in such comparisons as to leaving well enough alone as to such capacities, those particular reasons I warned such individuals throughout such amounts of times as to the realities thereof. Thus in such references as to my SCUBA diving in conjunction as to the facts in such regards, what would have been the easiest and most preferred ways as to my choice as to my preference as to what I would have been more comfortable with as to such realities. Thus in such references as to walking away as to such a turning point in my life as from the situations as to the year officially in 2021 as to my choice in such comparisons as to what I dealt with as to the year of 2012, in such lengths of time as to getting myself taken care of in the similar ways and yet different as to the comparisons as to when in such references of when I was in fifth grade. Possibly this time around people will have learned from history and actually make the correct choices in such references in such comparisons as to listening to those who do not have the background as to what background I personally have, in such comparisons as to with the verifiable aspects as to the situations having been brought forward as to the clear aspects of what proof thereof as to such situations in the comparisons as to the 1980s and the 1990s as to the reality of such aspects as to how the technological aspects figured such out as to back in the year of 1993 as to my guesstimation as to such factors as to the year of 1999 as well as to the year of 2000 as to having reviewed such portions since the timeframes thereof more recently.
What does it translate to in reference as to the situations regarding the aspects as to Iowa in the year of 2018 as to the timeframes thereof thereafter as to additionally before as to such points in time, I suppose as to what intentions thereof to the aspects thereof can be proven one way or another as to such factors. In turn as to such portions as to Washington state as to the situations throughout as to what I dealt with as to the factors thereof in reference to officially from 2013 through to this year of 2022, what an irony of such numerical proportions as to the possibilities as to the situations as to ironies as to the additional portions as to when I first went SCUBA Diving in the oceanic waters in the year of 2009 as to such hypothetical connections thereof to the situations as to the additional irony of the same month for such in this year of 2022 as to the completion of such a situation as to #Tmobile Tmobile and #Sprint Sprint in such other technological references as well as other such phone line situations over such points in time as to the combined overall aspects thereof. Thus despite the many names I have been known by as to various nicknames as to such years and decades depending upon which area someone knew me as to the timeframe as well over such lengths of time, the realities are still the same in such references.
I did not think it took a head injury or however many as to such aspects as to me being myself, and only being myself.
In the references as to the average individual as to however they choose to get involved with SCUBA Diving in such comparisons as to how I began my personal involvement with SCUBA Diving as to the realities thereof to the massive differences as to such levels of work, in turn as to such realities of which the additional factors as to those types of individuals as to the situations thereof to the timeframes as to fifth grade as to the year of 2009 through 2013 as to such additional aspects as to the lack of a difference as to those types of situations as to from what I have noticed; for if there was a difference as to such aspects from those three situations, what differences I would actually be capable to see in the comparisons thereof as to such patterns of behaviour as the facts would be such facts in the comparisons thereof. If I am accurate or if I am inaccurate, the proof as to such would be official as to the intention aspects as to the realities thereof.
Thus in reference to SCUBA Diving compared to fifth grade as to the comparison as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to especially in reference to 2018, if were to be similar would be similar to the ways of such problematic portions in reference to my biological sister's jealousy and envy in such references as to what would be considered as similar. The aspects as to fifth grade as to such jealousy as to the aspects of the situations of not going out much while failing to pay attention to the medical portions and such aspects thereof, which in turn if accurate as to such situations what would the difference be as to the humane portions if there were actually such aspects as to humanity as to the situations would easily be seen as to what aspects as to the clarifications since the year of 2018. However if I am inaccurate then the aspects of the medical care as to such situations would have occurred in the correct manner in the comparisons as to the situations which occurred as to thus far, unless again as to such aspects of possibly being inaccurate as to actual concern and actual genuinity in the references as to what is considered as actually being humane. However since such aspects as to the occurrences thereof as to the viewpoint, I would and could believe such if I actually had the reasons to do so in such overall aspects. Thus in the review as to this year of 2022, I could believe in humanity if there actually were reasons for me to do so.
In reference as to the aspects of which the SCUBA Diving as to the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though especially as to the year of 2018 to the year of 2009, I would believe in humanity if there actually were such a reason to at this point as to the situations as to such occurrences as to the additional portions of what I dealt with as to fifth grade as well as the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. Thus in such references as from the years of 2018 through to this point in the year of 2022, I have not seen as to such aspects as to the realities thereof as to the proof as to what actually would be considered as to the humanity realistically as to the aspects of what would be considered as would have actually correctly been taken care of by this point in time in the comparisons as to having to type everything up as to the lack of payment as to such factors of what work would be constituted as to what levels of which sectors as to the work factors as to the amount of typing in such references? The situations of which my SCUBA Diving was only for my aspects as to my choices in such references of which if I chose to take such points as to how I made the attempts to as to my SCUBA Diving gear as to the failures in such references, which in turn because of the timeframe between 2009 through to 2012 as to the lack of the requirements by the official aspects as to the situations thereof as to the clearance factors because of the situations as to the length of time. Thus in turn as to "The Modern Day Book (Written) By: Reverend Susan MeeLing" such capacities of which the failures to correctly get my SCUBA Diving gear to the correct locations by the designation as to the realities of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to such portions of what work was the only aspects of which needed any such explanations officially.
Since I have not seen where life is actually appreciated as to such factors as to the ways which situations have occurred from the timeframe of August/October 2018 through to such a point in time as to this year of 2022 as to the official capacities thereof as to the ways thereof for such appreciation of life as to the situations in the truthful capacities thereof, the realities of what would be considered as have already been brought forward as to what would have been considered as to such specific timeframes thereof in comparison as to the similarities as to what I dealt with in fifth grade. However as to if there is actually such an appreciation of life, I will believe such when I actually see it as to the realities of what I would actually believe as to such aspects in the comparisons of what others' assumptions would be of such factors. The situations as to the mental health wellbeing as to the differences between the genres as to such aspects of reality, show as to whether or not the aspects of my creation of the Underwater Travel System in such references as to any such worth to building and creating in the aspects thereof to the reality. In such references as to the situations of which the reality of such work I had created before in reference to my invitation to MAST, the realities of such types of individuals as to the similarities as to the lack of a difference as to my biological sister and such types of individuals. Since as to such factors as to my SCUBA Diving as to the realities thereof as to my personal work thereof as to the aspects on land, the situations of which the lack of my need to go forward as to any such portions thereof as to the lack of my need for involvement as to such portions as to the proof thereof as to such aspects to the requirement as to such recognition for my personal work as to the factors thereof. Thus since such aspects have not been correctly recognized by such situations, the realities of what does not need to be as to the aspects of my creations of the Underwater Travel System as well as the acknowledgements as to the factors of my creation of the Underwater Wedding in such capacities as to what and who would for such recognition aspects in the same turn around as to all such aspects as to the ways thereof as to how such goes in the official context thereof which I already brought forward as to my three volume book series as to "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire" as the facts of such recognition is the only way as to the beginning aspects of which since no one actually prefers life as to such aspects as to the proof thereof there is not the need nor the requirement for anyone to have such recognition as to the aspects of the intellectual property of my creation regarding the Underwater Wedding as to my creation as to the reality as to the 10 year anniversary compared to what others called an anniversary as to what the preferences thereof for such individuals as to such hypotheticals thereof.
If the wish as to such aspects of using my name in ceremony aspects is what as to such wishes, the failures as to such aspects in the fullest portions thereof as to the facts as the realities of such problematic wishes to circumvent such situations in the aspects thereof in such recognition factors is not the ways thereof to such acceptances to my creations especially as to such underwater beings thereof as to the aspects which I would guesstimate as to them showing such disapproval as to the if factors as to such wishes in various portions of the oceanic waters for such hypothetical examples as to how their opinions as to such viewpoints as to the ways thereof as to each and every individual and couple thereof as to the timeframes since the year of 2009. However again while I could be inaccurate to such situations, the situations are as the situations are as to such hypotheticals. Though should it take a head injury to figure out as to such factors as to the correct recognition in such references, or is it the wishes as to such energetic portions being different as to the aspects as to such hypotheticals as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to such wishes in a different capacity thereof?
While I have not ever had the thought as to ever being that important as to the comparisons as to how others have obviously viewed themselves in such references as to the aspects thereof to such comparisons as to the truthful portions, the situations of which to the ways of such factors are easily capable to be proven as to such opinions of myself compared to how others have viewed themselves easily. How was it as to my modeling aspects as well as my performance aspects as to others having been informed before the aspects in person face to face in person as to such situations, as to the comparisons as to others as to how they chose to handle such situations?
What was the tone of voice as well as the attitude as to such factors as to the comparisons between myself as to such before the work as well as during the work and thereafter as to what length of time, compared to others' attitudes as to their selves as to their work as to their aspects thereof as to what would be the difference to be capable to be able to see as to such a difference as to such viewpoints of oneself in such a review when looking back as to the timeframes thereof as what would and could such aspects be as to the differences as to such self-love?
What in comparison to self-acceptance, as to the overall capacities thereof in such references as to the differences thereof as to the length of time?
It only took from the years of the 1980s through the 1990s into the 2000s and passed the 2010s before I ever acknowledged a multitude of aspects of my personal work, which in the comparison thereof what would be the differences as to such lengths of time as to such viewpoints of oneself in the comparisons as to such hypotheticals thereof?
It only took from the year of 2009 through to the year after 2019/2020 for such aspects in such minor parts as to my SCUBA Diving work, of which what would be the comparisons as to such references as to having earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications from officially earning my first certification in March of 2009 through to when the comparison of when I should have officially earned such as to the beginning of October/end of September in the year of 2009 to bring such forward in minor details as to the year beginning at the end of 2019 into the year of 2020 and 2021 before such levels thereof; which in turn what would that translate to as to the aspects of comparisons as to selflove compared to self-acceptance as what would the difference be as to the attitude and viewpoints thereof as to any who may have been upset as to the timeframes from after my Medal of Honor Art Project trips though especially as to the year of 2018 as why would it be important to for everyone to remember the aspects of my Medal of Honor Art Project trip as to the year of 2018 as to such factors as to them to remain calmer as to such realities as why would that be of importance in such comparisons as to what I had dealt with prior to such years of 2018 onward?
That is, if I am accurate as to such portions thereof to such points in time from such aspects brought forward in my journal blog updates as well as such factors as to the specifics as to the year as to the updates about such details in comparison as to the possibility as to such hypotheticals thereof as what accuracy as to such portions would be capable to be found at some point in time I would guesstimate.

Thus if in such references as to the situations as to individuals from the combined aspects of my biological mother/father/sister as well as the situations as to the San Antonio Pagan community in conjunction as to the SCUBA Diving groups and the portions as to the BDSM/Swinger groups as to the state of Texas in such references as to how the aspects went as to such combinations as to the additional portions to my connection to where I was and remain honest as to my military portions of such connections as to the aspects thereof to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, then what would such in turn translate to in the references thereof to such situations as to the realities thereof for such intentions would I suppose depends upon who had at those times in the years of 2009 through 2013 as well as 2015 through 2018 as to who had the most to try to gain in such comparisons as to paying attention to the details as what levels as to the attitude portions thereof were actually there in comparison as to the perceptions as to the technological portions in the conjunction aspects as why would it be as to black lives matter as to such portions as to the thin blue line?
Would such as to the fetlife aspects as to black lives matter as to the aspects thereof in such regards as to the thin blue line being in reference to SCUBA Divers who have their preferences though are only accepting to a certain level and certain degree, as to the aspects of what levels in such regards as where would such a line be as to would it have been recognized as to the reasons I brought forward the aspects as to the need for SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement despite the aspects thereof to the recreational aspects thereof to some individuals in the comparisons to those who know and understand and comprehend the realities of SCUBA Diving are far more serious than the terminology of the lazy sport as to such aspects as how many are distracted by such shiny objects of the oceanic waters in the comparisons as to paying attention to the gear thereof to such work in the comparisons as what would 26 SCUBA Diving certifications be of a difference to an open water or advanced open water as to such aspects of comparison?
What would the difference be as to the 5 specialties with the open water and the advanced open water with first aid as to being a SCUBA Diving instructor as to the total number of certifications differ compared to the aspects of my earned National Geographic Open Water with the aspects of the reality of my earned Advanced Open Water with the aspects of my earned First Aid/CPR/AED portions as well as the additional aspects of my earned 23 other SCUBA Diving specialties as to such comparisons to one small title in such comparisons as to the work thereof; as what would such differences be as to the amount of work as to the length of the normal aspects as to a civilian recreational SCUBA Diving instructor being allowed two years or twenty four months, in comparison as to the official aspects of 7.5 months as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as well as my work thereof in combination and what would such aspects to any such arrogance as to the title portions be as to the comparisons as to my aspects as to such situations as to the oceanic portions for such a hypothetical review in such comparisons as to it not mattering as to the gender aspects as to the situations as to the differences as to the acceptances in such aspects as to me in such hypothetical comparisons as to the wishes thereof as is there an ironic twist as to such factors of the oceanic waters and such situations being similar as to the #Disney #SnowWhite Disney Snow White movie for the references thereof to take into consideration as to such oddities as to why and how so hypothetically?
What is the irony as to the aspects of my first Halloween costume as to when I was 4 years old as to the aspects of being Snow White for my kindergarten Halloween aspects, as what could be taken into consideration as to such ironic aspects as to the additional portions thereof as to the realities of far more connections as to such hypotheticals among the oceanic among other portions aspects for such hypotheticals as to the aspects thereof to another individual such as a feminazi in such references or the equivalent as to the wicked witch talking with the mirror mask image as to such sort of problematic aspects as to such wishes in the references thereof hypothetically?
How ironic as to the COVID portions, as to the mask situations as to such a review now. Eh?