In reference to the pictures I arranged for myself to be able to have such picture memories with my biological son and my biological daughter which have been taken mainly through #JCPenney’s in comparison to the pictures I took or had arranged, which even would include those with their biological father; it was all by the scheduling which was created by me alone and I was who had done the work required to be able to create the pictures, as I knew would be best for such pictures. It was I who picked out the clothing colors, I who picked out the background arrangements, I who added whatever additional portions to which I thought would be most ideal, and it was I who ordered such pictures to pay for myself from my membership I purchased at the time for the sitting fees to be waived as well as for the ability for multiple sets of pictures which I paid for myself and arranged each time by the scheduling choices I made working around other time schedules.
Thus all such images taken have been through my work and my creations for such, with the allowances of when others were taking pictures to make suggestions as to what would look best for the session of time allowed. Each’s choices were each’s choices for such to which if certain photographers were upset with other photographers for taking a risk with certain locations, areas, designs, backdrops, outfit requests, and etcetera; that was not of what was involving me officially, that was between you and your ability to work the camera used as well as you ability to work with whichever program regarding the digital imagery in comparison to ever having any situations regarding myself. Additionally while whatever occurred referencing to each situation as to any photographer I had modeled for, there was not anyone who ever asked me as to what my experiences were with any photographer until I was told about such in 2012 by one female who I knew in San Antonio Texas who said she met a male photographer who was trying to use having photographed me a few times as to get his way into people’s locations for such adult consenting lifestyle aspects. I was told about how he had groped a few people and when I realized who the reference had been to regarding Dionysian Concepts, I had instantly freaked out telling her that I had only posted the pictures taken and gave the credits for the pictures because of only the credits for the pictures; which did not ever mean I ever endorsed working with such an individual, as I explained to her how the situation began. I told her that male and I met in a public place for food before going to schedule a session at my house, which occurred a couple times.

I told him I was engaged and he said he was married though his wife was interested in the aspects of, which I told him I would prefer to speak with his wife about such details as those portions were not acceptable to discuss without her there. He did not think I was serious which the last time he ever was allowed in my house to photograph me while my son and my daughter were at school, in comparison to with either of my children ever being there because of the school schedule compared to day time portions of. Any assumption otherwise would be a massively huge problem to which I would guesstimate would have to do with nosey neighbors who had only paid attention to my physical looks and wished such other portions to such assumptions as to me were true in comparison to how I actually always have been, despite what their assumptions regarding my physical regarding whether myself and/or my house and/or my cars and/or any other such additional aspects as per such portions thereof. As I chose to fly my flags in respect of where I came from and was born and raised in the tristate area though specifically in #NewJersey, I refused to forget. As in respect to flying the Texas flag in appreciation as to being able to re-grow up in the area despite everything which was going on in my life within the area of the state of Texas, I was unable to deny such a connection thereof as it truly was that simple; even seen in the Texas flag, itself. The Texas flag has 3 main colors or as some refer to where I grew up would be seen as flags to others, which in one small reference of addition with the American Flag at the top of the triangle I created with my flags; I could not ever see before now as to how such ever could have been missed, with the exception as to what I have already explained in details as to what I had perceived from various situations in Carrollton Texas more specifically though also in San Antonio Texas, as both of my houses had such flying as in San Antonio the reminder of not forgetting the little guy or the underdog referencing if any went overseas and would see such a flag knowing which state it was and how such a larger connection to the events of 11 September 2001 had been.
In a southern reference look at the new coverage to #HurricaneKatrina and how such impacted more than just one city, and think about such referencing to 11 September 2001 and the state of New Jersey as well as the whole east coast region of the United States of America for such a larger metaphor in symbolism. Why was I unable to sing the Texas Anthem, though able to belt out The Star Spangled Banner for/or the United States of America? Look at the symbolism within the New Jersey flag as well, in such an additional comparison for a lager and yet smaller metaphor as to such before looking to the symbolism regarding the American Flag itself for the triad of the portions thereof. Then with one simple view of what is myself, how with those three flags on one house with the combined symbolism ever be noticed regarding the overall as well as the combinations thereof? Any who have wished to ever claim they knew without a doubt as to everything I have ever said and/or written in truth was and is the actual truth regarding various situations if the explanation of the three flags I created the design of was ever in question as to anything other than as explained, you can stop thinking that idea and realize I can see and know and understand and comprehend far more than what some assumed as well as acknowledge whether or not you truly knew me as me as well as whether or not you knew what I truly needed for myself personally regarding such portions. Having made the choice as to only sing the song regarding the national anthem for the United States of America Star Spangled Banner in comparison to with a song I only recently learned of for a flag I did not know within the state even had a pledge for itself as well as an anthem for the state of Texas in comparison to the national anthem of the United States of America #USA, is a larger sign of respect that I had given the whole time I had ever been in the areas of; though also shows what portions regarding other such views as to how certain whether you choose the words hostage situation and/or prisoner of war for terminology, as per whatever prior aspects have been seen and noticed regarding such situations at such portions of time in comparison to the 2019-2020 more specific times though also into 2021 regarding such aspects thereof regarding having already put in the request in January 2021 to be able to transfer out of the state of Texas specifically as per a trip during the #BethlehemStar alignment I went on where in only one area which I specifically spent a longer time calmer at in comparison to all other such locations when reviewing such times for myself to be outside of the state of Texas and not at any specific function for anyone else other than myself truthfully.
Thus if viewed as a view regarding the portions as to #MaryEdwardWalker Dr. Mary Edwards Walker the only female Medal of Honor recipient of the United States of America’s Armed Forces and as I had said to others, I knew she had done more than to earn just one Medal of Honor for such abilities as she had been able to continue to press onward and push forward until the correct people within Washington DC were able to realize the situation and step in with the appropriate actions to get such cleared for the ways to be able to get to the in person discussions for such in person questions as required for all such actions regarding military conflict as even within the #CivilWar after portions were the requirements for the in person questionings as per certain law enforcement levels know of and understand such procedures regarding such protocols. I know at this point it is a larger aspect in comparison to a smaller portion of a concentrated area of one camp site, though there is the Co-Operative Video Identification Devices searches which have had the ability to look over and review such portions as per the election results as well as the social media portions referencing the fact checking giving a sign from which to see that the automated technology programs with such coding were finding there were large problems with certain individuals about what truth they were speaking and/or posting about. Could it be if people had simply posted the link to my website the portions referencing the realities of which individuals were speaking truthfully in reference to postings, and/or when in reference to speaking with me in person and/or any other such ways regarding online portions and/or interviews and/or phone calls from individuals claiming one aspect in comparison to whatever was found via such intentions? Thus in regards of the portions about the speaking events covering in comparison to the general public events, how did such get reviewed at the times of in 2020 after the quarantine time and how did any such aspect change for which way in such aspects? How were such portions of treatment different or better if looking to such portions, and why?
Taking a look as to how the speeches initially were able to be held on the grounds of the Austin capital building before the move outward to the sidewalk areas with the gates to the Austin state capital being closed and guarded by extra law enforcement security with the National Guard of the United States of America’s Armed Forces, what was the next portion of for such rallies in the regards of such times afterwards in 2020 as well as other such connection portions thereof? Was there any symbolism additionally regarding such choices, and were there any militaristic words in which the higher levels of law enforcement and/or the Armed Forces of the United States of America can see such wording in such additional situations in comparison to what occurred during such times and at which locations? Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Is it possible outside of the rallies and peaceful protests as I thought because of no injuries though also because I was walking as I had in truth while not taking into consideration of what the law enforcement officers and Armed Forces of the United States of America had been able to view in person, while I was enjoying my time and learning while simply being myself; what could they have seen in person, who was involved and what ways did such arrangements occur, why was such arranged in a larger way in truth, how was such brought forward to attention and by who why, as well as what is the actual purpose referencing to such a situation regarding the overall portions additionally when taking into such references as well as the transfer process length of time in such aspects? Are there are portions to which while some may joke the way many laughed at various portions as to what I had explained as best as I could regarding such situations referencing what I only dealt with mainly within the state of Texas regarding various people though also with the additional aspects referencing when in Washington state and how I wound up there in combination of getting back to the state of Texas almost as though people needed to practice their lines to see whether or not they could memorize what portions to say in order to wish for a different response and/or try to trigger a different response while in a captivated situation when taking a look at what the levels some were open carrying and/or showing others of such carrying, referencing the 2nd Amendment Rights as to such an overall view to such situations? Can anyone actually see in reference to the additional lying if such hypothetically was done in regards of such aspects hypothetically done, how many people were wanting to keep #California out of the state of Texas? If you did not want to have California type of situations within the state of Texas, then why would you practice what was going to be said and/or not acknowledge the truth of the situations referencing the aspects involving any such prior knowledge of me and/or the works I have done and accomplished if truly known about when seeing in person with me in person?
What could be considered if there were additional armed individuals who were privately hired if such a production was put on in regards of whatever aspects referencing the portions as to if any such had purposefully lied to my face, and such aspects thereof regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project and such other connections already written about regarding the additional portions for all such times I have had within the state of Texas? Have others yet found such portions regarding the FSL books in conjunction with “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” to which such alignments can be seen in a larger way, and how such could be construed referencing if such was already known and the choices thereof? Again in reference to the additional portion about the election results in regards of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the Center for the Intrepid of the Warrior Transition Unit at JBSA as to what I was warning the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the office at the time of 2008 regarding Major General Gillman and the problems he had with the fact I had been accurate the entire time, and he did not care in the slightest when I told him about being interrogated by #CID by 7 different agents as I was told at the office on JBSA that I had gone to last 2019 when returning as well as in 2020 as I had written about such portions of regarding the assault I went through after the rave and Brackenridge situation as to Sergeant Baber and the problems thereof regarding such afterwards from that Article 15 when I was less than 2 months out from my coma. While some may have wished the untruths of such realities, how many civilians have shown what they have shown which can be seen in which truthful aspects and where as well as how for such clarifications? As few ever paid attention to that regarding the 7 uniformed soldiers before the laptop situation as well as before the 3 firearm situation within the office of Major General Gillman in 2008, what similarities can be seen regarding how the situations have gone regarding such times since that situation? What did I tell civilians about how the widow of whichever individual is treated regarding the death of the active soldier, in comparison to ever paying attention to what the widow even if only a legal widow has been treated as well as how the children are needlessly ignored; and what did I explain about a real family, a real community, in genuine truth? Where can that be seen and how have I explained how civilians view any legal widow whether or not they know the details thereof, and how do children of such a widow usually get treated because of the single Mom aspects? Is there a difference between the treatment of a single Mom whose baby daddy is still alive, compared to even if only a legal widow? What about the actual blood relatives of such children, how can such treatments be viewed in a larger comparison? Those who would be or had been considered as friends or considered as chosen family, how would such be viewed regarding responses? Those who were considered as acquaintances if offended, why would you be offended of such and what actions and/or choices would show as to what may have been felt and/or picked up naturally regarding such aspects as to the long and/or longer terms thereof?
Who would rather wish for such to be a myth about Divinity in comparison to know knows and understands and comprehends as such, and how has that been a situation regarding thereof? Who else can video tape themselves walking on top of the ocean in multiple locations as well as walking on top of quicksand, additional to being able to accomplish sitting in an area which only has been able to be sat in for only a few minutes here and there in comparison? What were the actual feelings in comparison to your wishes at such times, and what do you think would be viewed as to such choices regarding the aspects thereof for such portions? I do not need the pieces regarding the Austin area of the aspects referencing my Medal of Honor Art Project, after such amounts of times if accurate now do I? If I choose to get such pieces after the amount of situations regarding such an overall amount of time referencing my life while any involvement from anyone associated directly with the state of Texas at such times of any situations my son and/or my daughter and/or I were dealing with such, why would I do so upon anyone else’s wishes or on anyone else’s schedule? If that is and/or has been a problem, where is the largest community which I had problems with and why would I grant such a request regarding such being the last and only place which I had not gotten such pieces after what levels of treatment just from my return regarding 4 July 2019 and how did such go in reference to my first meetings within the Austin area of Texas? Additionally which hospital location my daughter was in did such drama begin from such childish antics in 2010, and which city location was the last place before having to officially sign the documents regarding the legal portions referencing my daughter? I did not think it took a head injury to figure out it is the same city, Austin Texas.
Maybe it does take a head injury to figure that out regarding the same childish behaviours in the same centralized locations of the same types of individual personality traits, when you take additional portions referencing such times and groups and locations to the area of Smithville Texas and the Excalibur Faire additionally to the city of Austin compared to the city of San Antonio. Maybe it does take a head injury to figure out that the portions to which the regards as to how many individuals had willingly participated in what had occurred during the 2020 elections throughout the state of Texas as well as the one trip out to Georgia for such election aspects before I took a small vacation for myself where I wanted, in comparison to where others wished to push me towards if hypothetically accurate regarding the phone calls requesting actual truthful information about the transfer process as I have explained and continue to do so regarding such. Again, do not assume you know if you did not know about the flag arrangement without needing the explanations specifically from me. However can be considered as an act of war against the United States of America if any were offended by the correct way such a flag arrangement was created by me as an actual Ordained Reverend before the hanging of the flags, on either house I owned.
In such aspects as to the transfer from Lincoln Green Apartments, I asked the apartment complex leasing office what the process was to leave the apartment complex and was told there was only a few options. Option one which is preferred by all Apartment Complex Leasing companies is to transfer to a sister property which actually has the required aspects as to what is needed for the transfer, which was what I had chosen then and now; however in reference to the portions regarding the other options was to break the lease and pay 1.5 months' rent if when from the first notification of looking to do so as per having walked in the office and told of such was the official beginning of such if regarding the 1.5 months for breaking a lease financial responsibility regarding the request for information regarding in reference to moving out from the Lincoln Green Apartment complex which the company did not want because of the bad reputation they would get for having to cause such a problem as to break a lease for the company's records regarding the Better Business Bureau and HUD and all such legal government organizations and associations, or the other option was to wait out the lease if it was less than 2 months from the initial request for such aspects from the time of talking with the Lincoln Green Apartment complex as such was considered as an official notification because of the direct military connection and when showing the staff my blue identification card they knew exactly what it meant for me which meant they were willing to move faster in such to be out of the Lincoln Green Apartment complex if the ability to find a sister property which would fit what my requirements were at such times in 2001.
I told the Lincoln Green staff employees I was going to look at a few locations and choose from which one I preferred, and when I went to Songbird Apartment Complex I explained all such portions including the runner portion without the aspects of the abuse I was dealing with in any such ways as per doing what I could to find out about the uniforms myself as the lack of ability to find anyone who would actually believe me at such times which ironically the feelings regarding to the current situation repeated needlessly only such repeats such and the ironic portions of people in Texas once complaining about my repeating when such portions as to the current time in such hypothetical portions as to the aspects regarding to my after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as other such portions referencing my SCUBA Diving; however if needing me to hate the people of the state of Texas was required regarding such a requirement for a move, you are quite there with such culminative aspects if that is truly what others have been pushing for referencing to the overall writings which can be seen referencing such portions regarding the time frame before requesting the transfer in January 2021 throughout the months through to the current times regarding such noticing and portions thereof regarding such aspects of simply telling me the truth whether or not holding a properly held correctly safe firearm(s) as per prior discussions and written explanations which includes Patrick Kennedy having pointed a loaded firearm 12 Gauge shotgun or something along such line sin my face which I had to fully disarm him especially regarding him knowing exactly what my daughter and my son and I were dealing with as well as the portions referencing only being informed of one 9mm firearm and nothing more prior to ever moving into the apartment with him and him not having a gunlock nor a gun safe which I have explained and written about what I warned regarding New Jersey Gun Laws if not properly taken care of because of the amount of needless problems from such reckless behaviour choices as seen in whichever ways as seen referencing the truth being told and what occurred regarding such times both in 2012 when I left as well as in prior references. Is there any hypocrisy which in reference to my modeling pictures compared to others being a part of the planning portions, there is a massively huge difference as able to be seen regarding the airplane modeling picture I had been a part of referencing the location photoshoot regarding such. I had been to several locations for such modeling aspect, throughout the years.

It is one thing if a fe/male does not have children or teenagers regarding such weaponry, however a responsible parent will always want to know about the weapons in an area regarding their child(ren) obviously something Patrick Kennedy had not paid attention to at such times knowing the mental health facilities my daughter was having to go into because of what he had picked up from the law firm regarding the Xerox box full of paperwork for me because of the lawyer Nona Matthews having been afraid of just seeing me with how I physically look and refusing to shake my hand because of the fear from seeing a female with tattoos at such times and as well as my hairstyle and hair color which that McCoy Elementary School of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District #CFBISD probably has their own technology based messages and phone calls which describe their hatred of how I look physically additionally to the treatment situations regarding my daughter and my son at such a school as well as thereafter the situations began and fully kicked into high gear, which was a refusal wrongly for many at such times wishing their own biases were accurate when only showing such aspects of a different kind of bigotry and discrimination in my opinion; as I am not the only person who has had different skin and different hair in that school and/or school district who has needlessly had problems because of such situations from such types of people.
If Patrick Kennedy was upset I had every right to leave after he pointed the loaded shotgun in my face after already having been told also about the abusive legal marriage and contract thereof as per the candle ritual portions as well as the tattoo and the cell popping, he was also told about the situation in Major General Gillman's office and did not care about such aspects ever being an impact for my own safety yet again in person; and I had ever legal right to stand my ground, and get my son and my daughter to safety away from him and anyone he had contact with as soon as possible as best as I could as to such larger situations which he refused to acknowledge and had to be forced to accept the way he forced such problems needlessly regarding who was my fiance twice which he hated me bringing up his name every time I told Patrick he was not ever going to get to marry me ever as I did not want nor need that as he was not ever going to be what I needed for any marriage ever. I told him no matter what he did, I would always refuse him for such in all such ways not matter what he wished for as I was not ever meant for someone such as him and his irresponsible ways as only a specific type of male would ever truly be the worthwhile to ever get married to in such ways as he was not from the background I personally needed and required as much as he wished. I refused him then, I refuse him now, and I will always refuse him permanently as the requirements for such require truth and trust and he had not ever earned the trust from me. He asked me once about someone he once knew was supposedly in his family which they had questions about and I told him whoever he was asking about deserved what happened to him and was requested by his own Mom, because of being informed as to the problems he was needlessly and recklessly causing to the security of the homeland. He did not wish to believe such was true and tried to convince me otherwise to which I told him, I do not need to know any further information as to what I knew and was informed of; which I told Patrick Kennedy similar to what he was in trouble for doing seemed to be what the individual he was asking about was in trouble for doing, and his Mom made the full decision and employed such government officials in an unofficial way as to the innerworkings she knew firsthand of and would not allow the safety and security of the United States of America to be compromised ever again in such ways which in turn would mean he needed to accept the fact whoever he was asking me about was the call from his Mom telling him no further was ever allowed and when he ran to his Dad and his Mom had to deal needlessly with the problems from his Dad; his Mom took the necessary actions to take into precaution as to the actual safety required for the United States of America, and while Patrick refused to listen to what I told him it would be additionally ironic if those portions regarding Fail-Safe I created were true.
However, returning to the aspects of the move transfer process from Lincoln Green Apartments to Songbird Apartments aspects the meeting at a few apartments before going to Songbird Apartments occurred and I chose to complete the paperwork for the application process after discussing such details for the quick move-in without hesitation and told them of the prior discussions with Lincoln Green Apartment staff members who were made aware prior to going to look more officially as I looked at the brochures they had available at the time for all of the other connected properties to such a company running such amounts of apartment complexes. Once the application was approved the Lincoln Green Apartments staff were informed of the approval and they finished the moveout paperwork before the lease was signed as per the correct date for the move out and transfer into the one of choice; which because of being in San Antonio moving to another complex in San Antonio the full month was only given as needed, though the keys were turned in officially after 2 weeks as per moved in fully into Songbird Apartments from Lincoln Green Apartments which the Lincoln Green staff appreciated the extra two weeks for them to clean up what was needed in comparison to a faster turn around schedule which meant they were able to fix and repair other damages they had noticed developing to inform the overhead company of such details for the proper work required and took off the two weeks early from any such needs for the apartment aspects which were needed from all such fees because of the extra time I had given them to square what they needed to away as I had told them about doing what I could because of the Miniature Schnauzers I did not want nor need ever as I do not like nor prefer little dogs as I only tolerate their existences because of my preference for dogs are above 50-75 pound dogs which can be seen in my favorite dogs over the years in comparison to the few little ones which were only for my biological son and/or my biological daughter in comparison to any such dogs for myself. I grew up playing with a 1/2 Collie and 1/2 Husky, a full blooded Husky, full blooded Rottweilers, full blooded German Shepherds, full blooded Dobermans, full blooded Akitas, full blooded Mastiffs, and such similar size dogs on a more continuous basis than anything regarding under 50-75 pound dogs.
Thus when in reference to the transfer process that literally took less than 12 hours for the full amount of paperwork to be completed correctly, 2 weeks to move out fully and get the apartment ready for the leasing office to do what was required regarding Lincoln Green Apartments, and the move into the Songbird Apartments was the quickest and easiest portion for getting everything squared away necessary for such regarding the next portions regarding life. Thus the only things which needed to be taken care of after moving out from Lincoln Green Apartments was only the carpeting regarding where such was chewed up and I did what I could to repair such on my own because of knowing it needed to be correctly done though not thinking about the carpet cleaning aspect admittedly, and the cabinets which were chewed up because of the dog which went to Grandma Nichols named Sasha which as I did not want either of the other two dogs the third was the least of my concern regarding that particular aspect of such and the portions as to which Grandma Nichols spoiled the wrong individuals on the earth compared to actual human beings as such veterinary bills would prove such went as such had and those 2 extra weeks paid for the majority of what was required along with the portions of the minimal deposit as well as only a $65.00 charge was required for the over portions for the move out of Lincoln Green Apartment Complex into the Songbird Townhomes and Apartments as required as per the assistances regarding my Blue Identification Military card which I still have such regarding and have shown to the staff members as well as the additional regarding portions in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project being a point of involvement as well regarding the current times in 2021; which the situations of which having to go find all such information over several months upon looking over such information on the website for such as well as contacting through messages online and calling and etcetera has been a situation which did not need to be if the proper situations were actually adhered to several months ago referencing January 2021 officially being when the current location was officially informed of such and already had such prior knowledge for such portions and only needed to simply correctly do their job to get such correctly taken care of for #OlympusProperties based in Fort Worth Texas (which is the town my ex-mother-in-law lives in by the way as well as several in the adult consenting adult communities I once was a part of in such years officially between 2008 through to 2013 prior to how I wound up in Washington state in 2013 and had been the last official place I stopped at prior to Arizona as well as Washington state after introducing multiple people to the male who if there was any contact to law enforcement prior to when I had filed with the IRS and then later regarding the Library of Congress which in between the portions of only using a typewriter prior to a desktop computer for such works referencing my FSL, CCBS, Fail-Safe, and PotL books and registrations of and through The Library of Congress for such works to fully and only be legally ever in my ownership at all times for eternity as per my legal first and my legal middle and all such connectionary points which would only be able to fully be mine in which ways as per my design as well as my website as per my paying for such officially for such protectionary purposes as previously explained and written about) which purchased the apartment complex from Sherman Properties based in Chicago Illinois which is the state which my biological mother/father/sister had moved to Texas from after they were denied access to my life fully after what occurred during December 2002 and January 2003 during that trip flown from SAT to OHare and back to SAT because of how my biological mother refused to accept responsibility for her failures as anything more than an egg donor regarding her treatment of me compared to the treatment of my biological sister as well as that Peekapoo dog she called Dakota compared to my son and my daughter and I.
My biological sister had slept with so many people around so many areas her reputation as a stereotypical pommie for such areas was what others usually think of regarding a cheerleader for most areas, though the mid-west has their differences in such aspects and after what both complained about regarding my fighting to be emancipated to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces after years of already going to do so referencing Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy Attachment Unit for Navy high school version of ROTC as an officer possibility candidate; such portions followed her around Crystal Lake High School for her lack of support for the Armed Forces of the United States of America for all of her badmouthing, which was continued when they moved to the state of Texas as they thought it was a punishment for what they blamed me for when they made their own choices as for their words and their actions which everyone in Illinois knew they were only virtue signaling when ever trying to do anything referencing what they themselves were not ever officially a part of or ever knew someone they could use for such a way to try wo win over a few people they once knew who they had badmouthed me to needlessly because of their lack of ability to ever see they did not ever control me to begin with as I was always different than the two of them because of their lack of spine to ever to do anything themselves regarding sending others to do their dirty work as they wished and their lack of ability to ever take responsibility for the needless chaos they caused because of such failures within themselves as they wished harder than Patrick Kennedy for such an example as to ever think they were ever anything worth my time in comparison to my biological son and my biological daughter. My biological mother and biological sister knew I cared more about my biological father than either one of them, which also infuriated them because of their lack of ability to ever see his certifications in what he had done was always worth more than any of their college degrees combined as per the required precision needed for #Bulova/#Movado/#Seiko/#Rolex/etcetera styles of watches as well as the requirements for precision regarding the gemstone certification processes as they wished such lower class Mandarin ways as to it being as simple as a photocopy in comparison to actually being able to show the specifics thereof. Middle class Mandarins learned of such portions regarding the requirement for such, which is where my biological father had put through some individuals through 4 years of college as per only allowed at such times because of the legal requirements to prove such worth from another country such as #China; and higher class Mandarins which would be the equivalent of the Cantonese in some higher types of elite portions thereof would be depending upon which portions thereof, as to the requirements regarding such backgrounds and qualifications as they thought a stone was a stone was a stone in comparison to those who know and understand and comprehend there is much more details regarding jewels than some would think meets the eyes as the details and trace markers and other such portions regarding the colorations with the type of the cut and depth of the cuts are only a few portions to look into for such details to certify properly and correctly without any mistakes or as minimal mistakes allowed regarding less than a certain percentage in an overall sort of way.
For example in reference to #SCUBADivingInstructorInsurance programs, for each individual who gets injured depending upon the length of time which from such instruction levels depends as to what level of a hit against the Instructors' insurance there will be just as the type of injury itself. For example an air embolism and depending where located and what procedures thereof found if having a SCUBA Diving Insurance as I have had and had not ever needed to use nor ever make any claim against, would be as per the injury sustained. Since I did not have any injuries regarding my SCUBA Diving which ever was taken care of by any medical professional on earth, there would not ever be the portions regarding any such insurance claim which would ever be considered as legal or viable unless the SCUBA Diving Insurance made a choice to grant such on their own to which one would then be mandatory for each regarding my biological son as well as my biological daughter as well as myself for such if ever were to be paid out as per mandatory other aspects thereof as per the documentation already having seen regarding such at other times. However regarding if there were other such portions regarding any type of injury in any ways, all such hits would go against whichever SCUBA Diving Instructor responsible for such problems as per each individual count thereof officially and all such would be required for such a SCUBA Diving Instructor to be responsible for paying additional out of pocket costs to who would be owed such portions and would not own any rights to ever be allowed to be a part of any further such SCUBA Diving Instruction as well as would be kept away from any such individuals once involved with any portions of their SCUBA Diving in all such ways as preventative precautions regarding such SCUBA Divers' safety for all intensive purposes. Any additional to any such hits against such a SCUBA Diving Instructor would also be transferred in part to the school associated with, as well as their own SCUBA Diving Instructors. The way to look at such would be similar to lineage, though through a technology set of records as per the overall length of time involved with SCUBA Diving Instruction and all other types of overall portions being seen and known regarding such insurance aspects as to the protection of the SCUBA Divers of all types as well as the oceanic portions of the waters for the safety thereof.
Additionally if such portions were ever noticed regarding their profession outside of SCUBA Diving, all such additional safety precautions would be put into place to remove such a SCUBA Diving Instructor from such employment aspects as per the portions regarding as described regarding Patrick Kennedy's security portions for such examples if in such ways to ever wish to be able to ever gain any ground without ever doing to correct training required officially as well as without ever completing such graduations from such portions required. Thus is protection measures for all such non-recreational SCUBA Divers of the Armed Forces of the United States of America Military SCUBA Diving Training, law enforcement SCUBA Diving Training, fire department SCUBA Diving training, EMS SCUBA Diving training, and other such types of specialty forces types of training would be taken into consideration regarding such SCUBA Diver Instructor types thereof. In turn the lack of ability to ever return to SCUBA Diving without someone else holding their hand and babysitting them if ever able to find such, would be the only way such would ever be allowed to ever be a part of any type of SCUBA Diving in a controlled space with the equivalent of a tandem of SNUBA style of SCUBA Diving if allowed to travel to such locations to go onward from. I looked into such aspects when getting into SCUBA Diving to which I purposefully chose not to get involved regarding becoming a SCUBA Diving Instructor for such purposes, as I was not willing to ever take the blame for someone else's choices and actions especially regarding any such recreational type of SCUBA Diving as those types of certain recreational SCUBA Divers had not ever been my type of SCUBA Diving ever.
In addition my Grandpa Gavett, my Bok Gung, and my Bok Pu put into their individual wills and testimonies in an undercover way as to several aspects which were put into place if I had not shown up to just one of their funerals and as such went and as I was not able to attend any of their funerals; it was explained to me their last will and testimony in the covert ways were to prevent anyone from ever in any country to ever legally take on my first name as their first name in conjunction with any form of my middle name of MeeLing without my personal permission as to which the protocols for such have not ever been allowed as it would be the equivalent of me personally going into the office of the government to officially have such a name change occur as per protection rights before the copyrighting of my life and my life experiences in full, as well as all such copyrighted works because of my legal first and legal middle name which I have officially gone by beginning in the time of 2004 as Susan MeeLing. All such aspects were put into place hidden in plain sight for such memory aspects as per my Grandpa Gavett with my Bok Pu specifically as well as my Bok Gung for officialities across into their birthplace for such in all ways; which I was promised by all three any such who ever would think they could would be forced to one of two options if ever trying such which was if would refuse then would be taken out of society fully from such if not accepting they could not ever use my name in any such vain/vanity, as well as additional consequences of negative proportions or the other option was to take their original name back and relinquish all such fully or they could marry someone else and fully take whatever name they chose to take as per the failures to comply though all such full name would be required.
I made such a choice as to purposefully register additionally to my name only legally what I have gone by for years officially since 2004 in the general public as well as in specific communities as well as online as Susan MeeLing to protect myself as well as my rights as well as keep in with such seen aspects and the memories thereof from my childhood, and then I registered such officially before with my copyrights regarding such though chose to leave the portions of what Grandpa Gavett and Bok Pu specifically and Bok Gung had mandated in their last will and testimony for such aspects to protect me additionally from my biological mother and biological sister because they saw how those people were and since my biological mother refused to name my biological sister with the name she was actually given by my Bok Pu, that was automatically seen ahead of time and was consecrated long before any such could ever be tried as per the problems my biological mother had already caused my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu after my Grandpa Gavett and multiple others needlessly.
If my biological mother and/or biological father and/or biological sister ever learned of such promises regarding the will and testimony of my Bok Gung and Bok Pu, they had already put protocols for my safety regarding such and there are those who know how the Chinese treat those who have ever thought to dishonor another’s name as it is taken seriously regarding medals regarding the Armed Forces of the Untied States of America. However in other countries around the world, those portions are taken far more seriously than stolen valor when it is in reference to the honor of one’s name. Thus the same referencing other than the copyrights I had done already for myself regarding my life and in such regards thereof with my legal first and my legal middle name being used for far longer as per that is what my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu legally introduced me as to their friends and their associates for clarity which means officially I have been going by the name of Susan MeeLing since the middle 1980s beginning officially in 1987 to all such individuals throughout the east coast, with the additional portions to being introduced as such in reference to my Grandpa Gavett’s associates regarding such groups and agencies and organizations referencing my name as Susan MeeLing as I officially had introduced myself within San Antonio beginning officially at Fort Sam Houston in Medial Hold Unit as only when in regards of the military aspects was I ever called by my Maiden last legal name and/or with my rank at the time of with my legal Maiden last name.
In private my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu called me by my middle name of MeeLing, however in public at such functions I had always been introduced as Susan MeeLing by my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu though commanded by my Bok Pu officially as a situations specifically against my biological mother for insulting her for not following her commands referencing the correct naming as per such portions because of the regards to the importance of the lineage and out weighs and is and always has been Superior to all such other portions regarding any wishes regarding any such United States of America portions because it was spiritually charged only for me as well as the additional portions regarding the aspects already lined out previously. Thus only if I personally choose and/or personally allow which I have not and I do not allow any for such regards as to ever have my name Susan MeeLing as it is specifically and only meant for me as my name officially in all such ways as per literal Grandfather clauses of such will and testimony portions for three separate individuals for such officiality, which predates any such wishes to anyone else permanently as was officially registered in all proper ways in the 1980s for me and only if my biological mother had done what she should have done regarding the name written on the piece of paper which she first burned and then threw away the askes into my biological father’s coffee can ash tray, the portions of such were fully solidified the day such a choice was made.
Ironically the Sailor Mars aspects in reference to associations with Sailor Moon though not, #SailorMoon herself. Ironically there was a male when I was in Medical Hold Unit at the old barracks who was a part-ish of the group referencing the rave and Brackenridge, however he was unable to get to the rave that event and when he learned of what occurred he and I found an interest regarding Sailor Moon. As much of the time went in certain regards, he and I watched a few translated versions of the Sailor Moon series from overseas together while in the barracks and we discussed certain portions referencing the symbolism throughout the Sailor Moon series as he and I were both interested regarding certain symbols and references thereof regarding the factual portions I knew and understood and comprehended at such times. While I purchased and watched the entire Sailor Moon series as well as all of the movies involved after waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after effects, I told him I actually remembered sneaking down the stairs to be able to watch Sailor Moon because I saw the show in the tv guide within the Sunday newspaper and instantly liked the premise of the show from the brief description and did everything I could to watch the show. For those who have ever had a situation where I am adamant about something, possibly you can imagine as to how diligent I worked to be able to see my show on television without ever getting into much trouble just to be able to see my show when it was on around 3:30am Eastern Standard Time in the 1990s. I admit I had gotten sick shortly thereafter regarding the show which a couple or a few years later is when I had Mono, Epstein-Bar, Lymes Disease, and the Flu all at the same time in 5th grade and the claim as to the television show making me sick in comparison to the tick which came out on the Asher Holmes School desk with the large grey sack of my blood which was taken from me; those who know how elementary school children can be, think as to what I dealt with regarding bullying just before getting diagnosed with such at the time of being in 5th grade when in Marlboro Township New Jersey in the 1990s.
Why did I stand against the bullying of my daughter at McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District, in Carrollton Texas?
Why was I not phased by many comments about me personally especially if only a false accusation or a lie and also, how strong willed can I be when I know without a doubt of what I know as accuracy compared to others when I know and/or feel such portions of which is any/most untruth(s)?
How am I when I know what the actual procedure(s) is/are, and knowing of such others pretending to be stupid?
When you have been fully informed as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with the amount of proof that is available as per my choice to inform you, what would ever make anyone think of there ever being any legal rights you would have to such testing as you legally and officially would not ever have any such approvals for such after all such had already been proven by the United States of America’s Armed Forces multiple branches and multiple divisions of multiple medical fields of expertise?
Why have I warned as many Active Duty, National Guard, Reservists, Veterans, and dependents as much and as best as I could for the various branches and division of the military and law enforcement and fire department and medical services as to such regarding several situations of which in the open general public of in person as well as through whichever means online as cellphone and internet aspects have been beginning to blend together as known and seen though your own aspects among other such technology devices?
Each and every individual key stroke is registered in multiple programs in multiple areas in multiple servers in multiple locations for such multiple serves and etcetera and etcetera and etcetera, for which those involved with software coding would be able to easily recognize someone who had ever done coding in such ways when learning of my prior background aspects as well as the portions of the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury for such portions easily found regarding the back tracing of simply one generation regarding my biological mother as well as my biological father. What precision would it take for such works regarding how I am and have been working diligently to be able to actually assist from the bottom to the top, regarding my choice of words when in the MEPS station in Chicago Illinois and my specific aspects as to which branches I specifically was looking to go into and why I chose which MOS that I had chosen for myself?
The First Female Command (Sergeant Major) of the United States of America’s Armed Forces, is who I had wanted to be when I got to 20 years from my signing of my official documentation is the correct answer. Technically it has been 21 years since I officially was able to join the United States of America's Armed Forces, and technically it is 20 years of having my Blue Identification card and being able to maintain and sustain my rights for which I have proven and earned such as I have over such time since waking up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and the after effects of all the medical portions regarding such involved as per described repeatedly as well as complained about me explaining repeatedly; which if you had accepted the reality of the truth years ago about such, there would not have been any problems when some might think about such. If others tell lies, I am not those people. I am me, and I have a proven record of telling the truth even if it is a painful truth for such to clraify.
Thus without the additional portions above the specific procedure for being able to complete a transfer process correctly for those regarding apartments which in 2001 took a total of a 24 hour total turn around for all such paperwork and documentations to be squared away in comparison to beginning officially in writing in January 2021 and getting to this point on 18 July 2021 with additional videos regarding the front lobby office areas:
*1* Find out whether or not there are other properties within the Apartment Complex Company Management which can be transferred out to and which once are directly connected to the apartment complex as a simple transfer
*2* Find out which apartment complex you are ideally needing and what requirement for yourself are necessary to then fill out the application and send such required documents to the transfer location of choice.
*3* The apartment complex living in is made aware of such a transfer request and process through the approval of the application for the move out transfer fee as well as the apartment transferring to lease approval paperwork being completed, the lease agreement is drawn up and sent for the signatures to be completed officially as agreed to initially.
*4* Pay the deposit after the walk-through process is completed and the dates are arranged for the correct move out of the apartment lived in for the transfer appropriate timing for the ability to arrive on time for the ability to pick up the keys on the arranged move in date correctly, as per travel time required regarding such a transfer.
*5* Prior to moving getting all of the power sources aligned for the transfer process for moving into the apartment once the move is officially initiated for the processes of, regarding arranging the accounts for such payable aspects for services.
*6* Move in to the new apartment from the transfer process, and go onward with life as needed and required for such.
*7* If any additional bills for the prior location such as power bills are needed to be paid, make the final payment and leave such for the rest for other portions regarding the different bills regarding such a new location from the transfer.
*8* Inform all accounts as to the correct information only if there is a billing situation required for such and inform those who actually need to know as to where the location transfer is if wanting any further contact regarding the transfer if done willingly and on one’s own choices and accord, as such is arranged normally before ever making a move whether in a swift portions of time or a length of time as required; in comparison to any other such possibility in reference to my records which would be able to be seen and found for such additional information as found through such portions thereof, though if in a potential hypothetical hostage/prisoner of war/kidnapping/targeting/human trafficking/etcetera situation then get to who possibly would pay attention correctly to the signs and see what possibilities arise from such to get the justice portions as quickly and correctly as possible for such furthered investigations if required as well as the ability to get whichever witness(es) to a location away from others to be able to get a clearer picture overall of such situations to review the information with as much unbiased aspects to be able to make the judgement call(s) as required for such situations when reviewing all such available information if in reference to the law enforcement of whichever levels and/or fire department if required and/or medical serves as needed and/or military aspects via the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/(if required) veterans without a Blue Identification Card as Blue Identification Cards are equivalent to Active Duty in the civilian sector for the United States of America’s Armed Forces for the other aspects associated which requires whichever aspects thereof for such connected portions thereof and expertise(s) thereof if connected through a direct signature of one’s own choice of free will to join such specific areas for whatever reasons as to choose can be determined through the length of career portions and what was/has been/is capable of being accomplished.
*9* If a civilian or with a dependent identification card status, the move transfers are different as you have the choice to either apply and pay the lease breaking fees for such which are usually 1.5-3 months rent for civilians and/or dependents of such in full before ever actually being able to move out and go through the walk through process;
…wait out your lease agreement and move when then lease is over as to such protections regarding such civilian portions.
…Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Blue Identification Card military of the Untied States of America’s Armed Forces members, and why most times the requirement for the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Blue Identification Card members of the United States of America to get everything squared away correctly, before any dependent(s) go out to the area for the transfer in comparison to civilians who might work for though are not actually a part of and/or contractors with similar aspects and/or any who have a company who can actually pay for such in comparison to making the individual pay for the move themselves as once was when companies had treated their employees with a larger amount of respect though such respect also went both ways at such times prior compared to the times when others were getting involved when there was not the requirement of their involvement in any others ways than to simply do the job they were assigned to do and do the job they were assigned to do correctly is important.
Part #1 of 2 Parts:
This concluded at Part 2 of 2 Parts regarding this posting on this page, from the continuation for such a related posting.