Looking over the year calendar of the year of 2001, in what would be three linear days from this point in time would be when I was released from my hospitalization from the time when delivering my son #Letters4James as I had fought off the infection from the labor and delivery for as long as I could as to such points in time as my son was born on 2 September 2001 which I had been sent out of the #WilfordHall #LacklandAirForceBase #JBSA Wilford Hall hospital from JBSA Lackland Air Force Base without any prescriptions for the infection which developed from the length of time I had been in induced labor. Needing to make sure my son was fully taken care of and kept as safe as I possibly could do so for such a point in time in that year a little over 1 year from waking up from my coma and still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain. Then I remember the terrorist attacks occurring and the words I said aloud as to hoping people would be able to make phone calls to inform their loved ones, before if they had to do something to prevent more damages as to having had the nightmare beginning when I was in second grade.
This is the first year officially referencing from September 2021 to this point in time of ever having had the ability to fully process that amount of details in the east coast area of which is the first time I have ever had a length of time on my own as to the area, as December 2020 was the first time I had ever been back to #NJ #NJstate #NewJersey #NewJerseystate the state of New Jersey as well as #NY #NYstate #NewYork #NewYorkstate New York state to drive through a small area near where the #LibertyScienceCenter #LSC Liberty Science Center to not see the #StatueofLiberty Statue of Liberty from the entrance area of the Liberty Science Center on top of everything else which I have written about as to going through everything all at once as per the ways which my thoughts move I guess as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though with the lengths of time colliding as to the ways of which while I knew there is a difference between knowing and comprehending.
The month of December 2020 went as it had of which I could not allow myself to really process that as because of the levels of amounts of situations, which in turn regarding the east coast and the need for my transfer to go through which would have been far more helpful if it had actually been sooner than in the timeframe it had gone through as to what could have been processed easier for me in the culminations of all such regards of what was already known as to what I dealt with. I did not want to have to pay for an apartment while paying for months out on the east coast as it seemed to be a waste of money to know I needed such a length of time to be able to get to the point of processing the first trip I had out to the east coast as to the knowledge of the facts as to my nightmare in second grade though the aspects of being surrounded by an area which was not what I needed for my memory situations for such a point in time to evaluate the overall combined portions in reference to before the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as well as the timeframe of as well as after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001.
I did what I could to remain as calm as possible while the transfer situation was problematic as how I did the best I could to keep myself under control as to the levels of everything which was coming together, of which such a situation as to getting out to the east coast for the length of time I personally needed in comparison to what had occurred in reference to getting the transfer completed sooner as it would have been much easier on me and possibly other people as to the concerns thereof while re-going through everything all over again instead of getting straight to the point in such knowledge of myself as to what I personally needed to be able to review such details in the area which would be of most benefit to me as well as the most benefit to those who had been impacted by the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as per the ways which those who have dealt with the after effects of TBIs or severe head injuries as to the fact I had been in a coma for multiple weeks into months as well as the subarachnoid hemorrhage which took over 4.5 years to show signs of dissipation in the MRI and the CAT scans as to what I have more recently gone into more depths as to such reminders as to the larger damages as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury.
In reference to each and every individual who ever wrongfully doubted such after effects I personally deal with on my own as there has not ever been anyone in person when in person with me who has ever helped the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury though had been how such situations have been as my biological mother, my biological father, and my biological sister all admitted similarly as to my now dead-ex-husband as to having purposefully messed with the memory aspects to which I would make attempts to remember as well as their admittance as to having illegally tested me by telling me lies to wrongfully play a game as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury thinking it was funny when it was not ever in the slightest bit of funny to me when admitted. I was told they thought I was being too serious as to when they admitted to such, and I worried about the fact it was the year of 2004 they all had admitted to that; which in such an irony as to the timing of the month of November in the year of 2021, as to their admittance to having made such a choice. Knowing how many within #FortSamHouston #FtSamHouston Fort Sam Houston who would be sent to the area among others though depending on, would mean as to the problems as to such aspects referencing anyone in a generalized way though especially in reference to those who were Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist of whichever branch and/or division while overseas as to the concerns I saw instantly while they knew I had earned though they wrongfully thought I was just given when I earned the ability to keep and maintain to sustain my clearance level which they were not in the knowledge of as to earning the ability to have a Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
Though, they also did not ever ask me what my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America meant in any such capacity. Nor, had anyone else ever asked me what it was for or meant as only after all of the problems as to my transfer to get out where I needed to be in order to assist in what possible clarifications which may have been brought forward of which if even one clarification has been enough to assist in a bigger way then the aspects as to the problems in reference to my transfer process which as detailed as such has been as to the realities regarding the situations in reference to the moving processes for those who have such backgrounds including those in veteran status as to the aspects of which technically though not technically though technically as to the reasons and aspects in reference to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the officially medically retired though unofficially technically active on a reserve status as to what the needs are of the nation in the odd ways as to those who have more clear knowledge as to the understanding as to such aspects.
However beyond my complaints in my opinion rightfully so as to the length of time as to such factors though in reference to The middle of September 2001 through into the first week of October 2001, was the timeframe which my son had been hospitalized as to the #ICU ICU situation as well as the discussions as per what I had briefly gone over in reference to the clarifications as to such aspects as to if any such assistance has been available through my memories as to having been able to go over such details in reference to after the transfer went through fully in this year of 2021 though additionally as to the #CID CID clarification as to the picture references in regards of Sergeant Baber as to such time within the Medical Hold Unit in the year of 2000. Since my now dead-ex-husband had admitted to tampering with official government documents as to how he admitted to changing people he did not like’s orders as to the time when he was in the #USA #USAA #USArmy #USAArmy #Army branch as I had written about after telling people hoping they would know who would need to be spoken with, as that portion when told to me was when the clarifications as to my fully being against stolen valor as #EndAllStolenValorNow #EndStolenValor #EndAllStolenValor #EndStolenValorNow to needing to end all types of stolen valor as to the aspects as to how I had been off of Fort Sam Houston by the time of 31 December 2000 as to being put on TRDL Temporary Retirement Duty Leave as to the checking as to the actual severity of the after effects as per the ways which certain situations were not officially known as to such in a larger capacity as explained to me back then in the year of 2000.
However in the year of the end of October 2001 to the day of 19 or 20 November 2001, I was in the hospital as I could not fight off the infection any longer from the timeframe when I had been in the labor and delivery ward around the 30th or the 31st of August 2001 as I did the best I could do as to the situations at the time. This year in 2021 is the first time of ever being in the area of the east coast for longer than what little I had in time back in December 2020 as well as January 2021 and somewhere around April or so in 2021 before the official transfer after the 4th of July in 2021 which is two years from the timeframe I returned back to the state of Texas in the timeframe of 4 July 2019 and again later in August 2019 as to my 10 year anniversary of my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving; though officially moved back into the state of Texas in October 2019, which please do forgive me in reference to my right to be upset as to my memories having come forward in the ways which they have as please remember I did not throw myself into the metal part of the bunk repeatedly when I was in Basic Training at #FortSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #FtSillOK #FtSillOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate Fort Sill Oklahoma before I was medivacced to Fort Sam Houston in #SATX #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA #TX #Texasstate #TXstate #Texas San Antonio also known as Military City USA Texas as to the coma I was in during the time in the year of 2000 from my head injury on Psalm Sunday as to having gone to church services that day as to a concern I had which I was proven correct as to such a concern apparently correctly.
In reference to this month of November 2001 as to the first Thanksgiving as to which my son was known to be born to me less than 1.5 full years after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as each of my ex-in-laws knew about the subarachnoid hemorrhage except the ones who lives in Oklahoma ironically as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage part, though the ones in #FWTX #FortWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas Fort Worth Texas knew about the rave as well as #Brackenridge Brackenridge as my now dead-ex-husband as well as myself had told them of such factors. Grandpa Nichols was the only one who realized the concern as to such factors of the times as to the combinations and no one else paid attention as they thought it was not as big of a deal to all of such aspects of that, just as no one ever paid attention to the fact I was in labor as to the time it was taking to give birth and the aspects of such hospitalizations as to such points in time for both my son as well as myself regarding the different timeframes as to the months of 2001.
I suppose an irony as to in the year of 2001 in the month of November it is the 22nd as to the day which #Thanksgiving Thanksgiving was, of which the oddities in reference to the average number to #preventveteransuicide preventing the 22 veteran suicides per day, as to the timeframes of such oddities combined.
Though I cooked and brought pies to the Thanksgiving dinner on 22 November 2001 only a few days after having been released from the hospital as well as similarities as to when my son was hospitalized as to some individuals dressed in BDUs with doctor jackets over their BDUs which were Army in comparison to #USAirForce #USAAirForce #AirForce #USAF #USAAF the Air Force branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, when asking me the questions I was asked as to such descriptions already in reference to the television as to the news and such aspects regarding the individuals’ questions as to where I could give information as to the situations on the ground as to the images and videos I was being shown as to such points in time. If any from that CID interrogation I dealt with in February 2008 were wondering why I was not impacted by the visuals as to the images of my now dead-ex-husband’s corpse as to such a time, if the situations in regards of the Dress Blues as to my lack of knowledge as to the ribbons and medals problem were not enough to add to the situation as to the Chief Warrant Officer 3 at the Woodlawn/Laurel Land Funeral Home at the time in 2008; as well as having worked in the #ISR ISR and assisted with the autopsy with Colonel Kim in the year of 2000 in conjunction with being born and raised in New Jersey and growing up going around different areas of #NYC #NewYorkCity New York City and #Pittsburg #PittsburgPA #PittsburgPennsylania Pittsburg Pennsylvania as well as #Philadelphia #PhiladelphiaPA #PhiladelphiaPennsylvania #PA #PAstate #Pennstate #Pennsylvania #Pennsylvaniastate Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania in the 1980s and the 1990s were enough to add, possibly the factors as to such clarifications to the CID agent as to the situation referencing Sergeant Baber’s picture would be helpful to clear up the air proverbially as to why such a set of images compared to the images and video feeds as to the timeframes in the middle-ish end of September 2001 into the beginning week of October 2001 as well as the middle-ish of October 2001 through to November 2001 might be a clarification which might make sense as to why I was not phased by only one set of remains as to those pictures in the fuller comparisons as to such a point in time directly after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001.
Maybe there is something which can assist such individuals who might be upset as to my need to go over such details as to the clarifications of time as to the combined situations I have dealt with on my own over such decades, however possibly some could rethink such aspects as to the clarifications as to this is the first year which I have been able to have any length of time as it is not even one full year since December 2020 for the Bethlehem Star and such aspects of my first time ever out to the areas where I can remember going to and being after waking up from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury coma.
Is it okay that I have the reviewal processes as to everything I dealt with all on my own without the in person assistance or help that so many other people have had such a luxury to be able to find some form of actual comfort, in the comparisons as to what I have personally had to deal with on my own?
Is that too much to request as to some compassion as to the realities of the 20 year memorial is literally the first time for longer than a couple of weeks as to being on the east coast since December 2020 as it has only been since July 2021 since I have been along the east coast from the transfer that took from January 2021 request to finally be approved to get my transfer in July 2021, which by what many months have I been going through everything without any help or assistance as to the ways which other people have had to deal with any such combined situation of what aspects I have dealt with in full as how many month is between July 2021 through to November 2021?
It has not been half of a year yet as it will not be a full six months, until around the New Year from 2021 to 2022 since the first time of ever having any time in the east coast area of which my preferences was to actually have someone I could trust with me at my side and yet I have only done everything on my own in the comparisons to what I preferred, especially to such an area as to the east coast where I grew up after being born and raised in New Jersey as to such after effects from such a combined grouping of aspects as I thought that would have been a more intelligent way to handle the combined aspects overall in comparison to what I have dealt with regarding the situations which I have written about as to the aspects of such combinations of which the timeframes to get correctly as to such factors in my opinion are important as to such clarifications as to the details thereof. Again if there were any who were assisted as to any such clarifications which I brought to the attention to review, what is compassion and what is comfort?
Have I ever done anything actually good enough to ever actually have such comfort for myself, in truth?
Has there ever been anything worthwhile I have ever done which would be considered worthy of actually acknowledging with a genuine congratulations, or is there anything which I have ever done important enough to spare such a breath to utter such words to me in truth in person when in person, with me who I actually knew?
Has there ever been a point in time which there could have been any email through my website specifically or my more commonly posted on social media accounts as to the verification through my website as to the specific accounts thereof, to ever do so?
Has there ever been any such aspect of any congratulations of anything I have ever completed which would have been worth the simplest of a gesture as to ever finding something of value to anything I had done to such in the numbers of those who I knew in person, as while I am grateful for one that I have had as to such a message as to thanking me for my help as she was able to get into a relationship which works for the better; however who of which I once knew especially to those who I had seen in person, ever had a congratulations of any type as to anything I ever had put forward or was it too much to just say actual words about such aspects in truth to me?
Has that been such a situation to ever actually do so after everything I have been through or was there ever going to be anything good enough for something as such, as while I was not doing so for those aspects specifically; why would such a sensation as to having written about Dr. Mary Edwards Walker as while not such a possibility of a name are there truly those who did not know of any such female who has ever been in such throughout all of history, or is the fact of which it is not the specific name as to the commonality of such as to the situations referencing my Medal of Honor Art Project historical and spiritual rubbing still too much to comprehend as to the actualities of the spirits as to the earned portions of the Medal of Honor as to such factors regarding the historical portion and the spiritual portion as to the factors thereof?
Was it because I combined the words together instead of saying historical and spiritual rubbing, in comparison to how such individuals who have lowered such phrases as to YOLO in comparison that was too much to think about?
In turn and in reference of I repeat the aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to my historical and my spiritual rubbings of Medal of Honor recipient markers as to the actualities of the historical rubbing as well as the spiritual rubbing meaning as to the aspects thereof, in such combinations. Thus as to the spiritual portion of the actual spirits thereof who have earned the Medal of Honor, as to the spiritual rubbing for the areas thereof. The historical portion of the rubbing as to the commendation aspects of the combined overall as to the situations thereof to the similarity of what I found online to the aspects of which such factors as to having earned a Medal of Honor, as how many who complained about me taking such time to explain such would truly need that clarification for the multitudes of claimed know-it-alls as I have met over such times prior to winding up in Washington state as well as in certain references as to when returning to the state of Texas before my transfer?
Who could have asked me in truth, as to the explanations as to what information was sought in comparison to trying to hint around as to such factors hypothetically as what have I explained as well as wrote about to clarify such factors as to the need and requirement as to the truth as to such aspects especially when asking me about various situations as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America as what would be of importance as to such clear details to ask me a question about such as my Medal of Honor Art Project when my background has already been verified?
In reference to those who had not the ability to verify whichever factors, why would it be of importance as to the clearance factors of the various branches and divisions of the United States of America’s Armed Forces?
In reference to civilians who think just because their taxes are involved in such a small way comparatively to the larger overall work as to such, how many branches and divisions are in the government and military and law enforcement and fire department and medical services within the United States of America and how many people do you think it takes to run one of those departments?
Three percent of the population of the United States of America is in the Active Duty/National Guard/Reservists/Veteran/Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of which the budget to pay for what to who as to which contracts cost what for those situations in reference to the other what percentage as to the law enforcement and the fire department and the medical services as to which aspects of those are needed and required on a daily basis by who and where of which what companies do you think take care of that through government contracts which have to be paid through such taxes as to being able to get such aspects taken care of for the life furtherment of which what happens if the clearings goes through as to reforming aspects as to the ability to assist with employment aspects as to those who could be cleared through the technological measures of the ways to which would bring forward the ability for more progress though with such a number of 22 per day as to the aspects thereof to Thanksgiving in November of 2001 why would it be important for such a review as to the situations to bring forward as to the differences and where as well as why and how as to from the year after in 2002 onward to this point in time as to the time when as all in this together of being 21 years as to the fully adult biological age as to the timeframe after the terrorist attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the alcohol portions and why would there be the need for the scientific as well as medical and the technological clearings as to the clearances as to more reasons why?
When taking all such factors into consideration have I truly been too swift to anger or have I had a slower response to such aspects as to the emotional situations of such portions, and if so as to the lengthier time as to processing the information is there any need as to such factors regarding others in their own reviewal of themselves if there is the reading through my website journal blog as I go through such situations in my own self-evaluation as to my own personal reviews of my own life experiences?

What is it about 11 and 22, in reference to the spiritual numerology?
What is it about the years I gave birth to my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to the numbers I delivered them, of 3 and 4 as to the spiritual numbers?
Why are the numbers 99 and 999 important in the spiritual numerology and what would that have to do, with my SCUBA Diving numbers?
What was in the month of November at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church when I was growing up and what significance would that have in this year, as to such aspects regarding the history of Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as learned?