In reference to two different times when my biological father had said a few specific words to me, the timeframes were of two different occurrences as to the discussions though certain factors were occurring during both times. First in reference to the year of 2011 when in #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas #TX #TXstate #texasstate #Texas Irving Texas shortly after I had a neighbor downstairs in the apartment beneath the one my son #Letters4James, my daughter #Letters4Lidia, my then boyfriend Patrick Kennedy, and I were living in was the point of which my biological mother and biological father had gone by the new apartment as to the move from the original Irving apartment to the newer larger one because of what was occurring in reference to learning the school was a part of Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District even though I had sought a different school for my children after everything that occurred in regards of the McCoy Elementary School and the ways such situations had been as to those years between 2008 into 2010.
I had been introduced to Patrick Kennedy through Phillip Omstead after my then fiancé and I had ended regarding in the beginning months of 2010 after my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 had gone to Basic Training and the assault in reference to in the month of either February or March 2010 regarding the #Corona beer and the fizzing when at Rick’s and Joe who said he was a Ranger when he was in the #USA #USArmy #USAA #USAArmy #ArmyRanger Army and William Talent as to the #USMC SCUBUddah, as my then fiancé Shawn McCall had gone to #FortSill #FtSill #FortSillOK #FortSillOklahoma #FtSillOK #FtSillOklahoma #OK #OKstate #Oklahoma #Oklahomastate the same Basic Training location as I had in the year of 2000 before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which during the in between times as to February into March 2010 of the emails regarding Shawn McCall’s ex-girlfriend Leslie as to the #Plano #PlanoTX #PlanoTexas Plano Texas area as to where Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack’s little brother Jeremy Kuykendall’s fiancé had been from the area around as per the threats via the email though having no idea to inform as to the details of as to the times as well as the combined factors thereof; though in between the first engagement which occurred in December 2009 and the second engagement which occurred in December 2010 as to the fact both engagement situations had been problematic only after Shawn McCall had met with my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister which she was the individual who hated Shawn McCall the most as to the combinations thereof whereas Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr had met Shawn McCall when I had taken my car in to get an oil change during a point in time at the #NTB NTB.
However while my biological mother and my biological father preferred Cactus Jack AKA Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr just the same as to the ways which they preferred my now dead-ex-husband as to my biological sister in comparison to myself as per the ways of such lengths of time as to the ways which I had been mistreated over the years of my life, the situations in reference to my daughter and my son and I had been as to how others have learned over the timeframes thereof.
The situations as to the words which my biological father spoke to me after informing him of my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving on that back patio while the male who was living in the apartment underneath while on the patio as to the Jew Jew juice as to the #NITROX NITROX as was called because of how and why I had gotten into SCUBA Diving as to the #JMJ #Jewish #JewishMedicalJournal Jewish Medical Journal as to what my biological father called it, I was told two distinctively specific phrases when in reference to my SCUBA Diving as well as the factors of the situations regarding my daughter.
Don’t win the battle and lose, the war : in reference to both aspects
In regards as to later in the year of 2012 on my back patio in the city of #SanAntonio #SanAntonioTX #SATX #SanAntonioTexas #MilitaryCityUSA San Antonio Texas also known as Military City USA when discussing both in reference to my daughter’s situation as well as my SCUBA Diving I was told:
Don’t win the battle and lose, the war.
What is the difference between you, and a red headed step child? The difference is a red headed step child randomly gets treated as though they are wanted, whereas then there is you.
For those who are unaware as to what the second phrase refers to when I was growing up in #NJ #NewJersey #NJstate #NewJerseystate New Jersey after what occurred in regards of #Baptist #BaptistCampLebanon #Lebanon #LebanonNJ #LebanonNewJersey Baptist Camp Lebanon in New Jersey as to the sexual assault and how I was wrongly blamed for such because I wore a one piece bathing suit when going swimming in the lake as to the excuse as to what was said as to why I was assaulted, when I had told my biological father who had grown up in orphanages and foster care as to how he thought I should consider myself as lucky for having a parent such as him because he had heard when in reference to his #Chinese Chinese background as to how if his own people did not want him what would make him think anyone else would; as to such a regards thereof, because I told him that I did not want or need to be in their household anymore because of the amount of abuses I had dealt with up to that point in time which you can refer to the babysitter reference as to when in #OldTennent #OldTennentPresbyterian #Presbyterian #PresbyterianUSA #OldTennentPresbyterianChurch Old Tennent Presbyterian Church for that particular reference as to once the difference in the age aspects as to the situations as to the times.
After the detectives left the house after asking me questions regarding the Baptist Camp Lebanon situation was when that was brought forward as to already having had my application into #MAST #Marine #Science #Technology #Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such factors which was before the official letter as to the timeframe.
Though I was told they thought it was just a phase compared to the realities of what work I had been working towards for the lengths of time I had been studying and working on such factors as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System, which how could such be seen in the references of such oddities beyond myself I doubt could truly be too many who would not be able to see such a clarification now as I would guesstimate correct?
Those throughout the state of Texas who had not believed me as to my warnings as to the ways which my biological father, biological mother, and biological sister had always mistreated me since I was a child; there are the clarifying factors as to the differences as to the ways which they treated my biological sister in comparison to the mistreatments as to what I had dealt with throughout my life for daring to have been born as a female in comparison to being born as a male as I was told repeatedly just in the reference to my biological father before ever getting to the reference as to the ways in regards of my biological mother and biological sister.
How did the abomination of the wedding go as to which parts was asked of my assistance as to the reference portions regarding my childhood compared to the aspects of my biological sister’s abomination of a wedding, and what timeframes as to such aspects would be considered of importance for such a review as to the months of March and December as to any such correlations to take into consideration as what could be noticed for such factors as to what I had warned people about as to my biological father and my biological mother and my biological sister?
Why would the factors of when I was in fifth grade additionally be of importance as to the realities, in all such comparisons as to the medical factors of such mistreatments?
While I heard the male in the apartment underneath go inside of the back patio area when in reference to the year of 2011, I figured it was simply because of the ways which I did the best I could to keep quieter as to such factors though only being able to do so much. It was and is easier for me in a house to such factors comparatively though after what occurred in reference to my house in Carrollton regarding the situations which occurred when I moved out of the city of San Antonio after what occurred in the reference to General Gillman’s office as to the fuller combinations of; the problems of how those people needed to let me go and get over their ego as I was not ever theirs and they were always going to be those people I needed nothing to do with, as there was not anything which they had ever done to help me in the correct and proper ways which they hated how much I care(d) more about my minor aged son and my minor aged daughter in all such regards compared to them as they had their opinions as to the situations in comparison to what I knew and understood and comprehended was better. However such aspects of how dare I seek out my own happiness in comparison to what the situations were, had also been told to me despite my personal works having not ever made any sense to those people.
The irony of their failures to see as to why I fought as hard as I had to get away from them to be able to actually do what I needed to do to work on what I needed to work on, as how dare I know and understand and comprehend more than what their ignorances as to such aspects as to my biological father naming one of my favorite fish in my aquarium Aunt Jemimah only because she was bigger than all of the other fish in the Aquarium and how she would swim to stay within my hand in the references as to such times as he said she reminded him of the syrup bottle compared to the creamer container at the time in the 1990s as to the different molly and tetra fish I picked out for my aquarium.
I have already gone over the failures in reference to when my biological mother and my biological sister have needlessly involved themselves in what was not ever anything that was needed or wanted from them as they were not ever going to be good enough to what was required as to their willingness to shortcut and their lack of attention to details, as to their failures to be able to see anything outside of themselves and their selfishnesses. I did not need or want their involvements because of knowing how they were as to failing to ever pay attention to what was actually of importance such as the fact I had a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain when I was forced into the situation I was in that they preferred my now dead-ex-husband as to such factors while complaining they did not go to the forced wedding as how dare at the time of having a gun at the back of my head of not thinking about their feelings, as to their words as to their actual opinions as to knowing how the so-called engagement process had been as to the times. They also failed to pay attention to the fact of the ways which in reference to still having had the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain when being pregnant with my son #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as to any such medical portions either, as to their failure to pay attention to simple math even though I repeatedly brought it up to those people as well as others which none ever helped me when I asked for such assistance as what is it to actually be helped when asked?
What is it for anyone to actually ask me after informing me of what possibilities there are to actually getting the assistance as to what the details are, in comparison to trying to short change in the ways of the similarities regarding my biological mother and my biological father and my biological sister in such references?
What is it to actually get what I personally worked for and earned of my own works in all such comparisons as to others who have wished to try to ride along coattails of work they themselves did not accomplish as to the work which I had accomplished on my own, as to such recognition factors?
What is it to actually correctly be paid for my works as to what I put together as to what I had/have brought forward, on my own from my own works?
While my biological father and my biological mother wished I would share with my biological sister, there was nothing to share with her as to any of my personal work as I did not ask for her help as there was nothing she was ever capable of as to my personal creation of my Underwater Travel System as to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment and there was nothing she would ever learn in time as to the necessary details as to what if the situations had not occurred regarding how I could have raised my son and my daughter if those people had stayed out of my business in comparisons to what choices were made.
Thus in reference as to the facts thereof I suppose while in the year of 2012 I told my biological father of my opinion as to him being evil, to his words of such:
He lost all of the battles in the larger timeframe aspects, just as he lost his war in such an abusive set of circumstances and situations thereof. His arrogance as to not ever seeing the bigger picture of what was always more than just the ways of such physical aspects as to the facts of my childhood and my teenager years and my adulthood as to the realities of what I personally dealt with as to such as I had warned people as to what I was dealing with, though falling under the same glamourization aspects of which while I do not look as to the average Chinese those who actually know what someone with Asian in their ethnic background does not ever look Hispanic as to the aspects of specific genetic trait markers which are found in the natural details as to the natural eye formation and the ways such genetic markers as to the physical aspects thereof as to the upper eyelid in comparison to the hybridized versions which over time can be mistaken as to having the Hispanic portions within their backgrounds.
Surely in reference to the American Mandarin aspects, I do not look Chinese.
In the reference to the Cantonese aspects, I definitely have the eyes of the Cantonese. The last remaining one, for that matter as to such factors in the purest formation thereof.
Thus how could my own people refuse me in such regards or in such aspects as to ancestry, maybe my Medal of Honor Art Project aspects might actually show such regards as to who has stood up in the references thereof to such a set of words regarding who I was told was my biological father as to the compared realities of when the year of my birth as to what generation was having what situations as to the years between the 1970s into the early 1980s?
Why was it that my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had more to do with my childhood upbringing and the actual hatred of my biological sister when taking such into consideration, as why would my Bok Pu want to take my biological sister to be treated as to the rest of those types of females in China compared to myself in regards of the times as to the birth years when looking over the 1980s in specific as to the known factors thereof?
Why did the aspects as to the situations during such times as to the real reasons as to what I brought forward in reference to how my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu had escaped the wrath of Mao Ze Doong as well as the individuals as to the situations as to the times as to what caused Tiananmen Square to occur, and what factors of which in reference to #Tiananmen #TiananmenSquare Tiananmen Square in 1980 could be truly seen as to who is who in such references and regards thereof?
Why would who I was told is my biological father and the reference to what he had done in regards to when learning about Tiananmen Square actually be considered as to review in the timeframe of, in comparison to what my Bok Pu specifically said about my biological sister be in such correlations as to the references of and why could such comparisons be able to be seen in the regards thereof?
However what would such factors as to my biological father telling me he knew I would spin he tables and turn such around as to being a spinster, as why would that be of importance as to the words he said in reference to me being told to pay attention to winning the war?
What would be considered as such a compilation of situations, of which to think about as to the levels thereof and why would such factors be considered as important?
Why would the aspects of which my naming in comparison to what my biological sister wishes as to knowing such when she could simply ask Anna as to what factors of such, though if Anna would not remember or not tell her; there is no concern of mine to ever try or attempt as who would I respect more in such references as would my Bok Pu be of more importance, or would my biological sister be of which levels and why?
How important is respecting and honoring where I came from considered of importance to me, as why would my hanging of my New Jersey Flag with my Texas Flag and my American Flag be considered as important as to such a review thereof? At minimum despite how the situations went in regards as to McCoy Elementary School and Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District after the situations combined before Irving, I respected the Texas Flag despite their choices as to what occurrences as to what I learned was said after the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag as to when having been raised in the actual Texas schools compared to being raised within the New Jersey Schools regarding that May or June 2010 board meeting.
I did not think it took a SCUBA diver instructor card or a head injury, to figure that out.
Though hey, what would it matter as to me being the last Cantonese/Mandarin raised by both a Bok Gung and a Bok Pu be of any importance as to the factors thereof in the conjunction portions as to the Chinese factors in comparison to any other in such reference?
I suppose, that would be something to actually inform me of in regards to speaking with now would it be as such?
However in reference to my admitting I had faxed the 211 form to the IRS in Vancouver Washington in the year of 2013, though I learned in the year of 2021 of what I had done had not been able to be gone through because of the ways I had filled out the form; as I was told in the year of 2020 of a set of problems which occurred in reference to around the year of 2015 after the books I had published by the timeframe of 2015, who in the #BDSM BDSM lifestyle as to the supposed to be adult consenting all of a sudden had a windfall of finances which they were able to purchase a bigger property or another location or whatever aspects thereof in comparison to my having saved my finances each month to be able to afford which pieces I could as to the timeframes of in regards of my Medal of Honor Art Project?
What would the differences as to my finances be as to such references regarding my recognition factors be in regards to a reviewal as to what I was told about in the #Austin #AustinTX #AustinTexas Austin Texas area in the year of 2020 as to the situations around 5 years prior, as to the differences as to the ways of living arrangements if such factors were ever wrongly blamed against me as to trying to use me as the scapegoat for what problems and situations as caused by who actually in all such comparisons?
Who had the most to gain from me being in Washington state and not being a part of the BDSM lifestyle communities in comparison to who in the state of Texas as to such stalking and harassment factors as to Joseph and Megan Estes, for the examples to begin with?
When having written as to being wanted I did not think it took a head injury to figure out being wanted in the positive ways of actually being cared about with genuine concern, ion comparisons as to the situations of such disrespect to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to such aspects of hypothetically thinking anyone was allowed in the comparisons to the specific invitation specifically as to the RSVP response as to the etiquette standards which I did not think that took a head injury to figure out as to the ways thereof or does it take a degree to figure that out or a certification to figure that out?
When have I ever extended an invitation as to specifically being allowed compared to where have I specifically not done so in such references as would the protection as to such aspects of privacy be considered of my importance in the comparison to others’ assumptions in any such regards or references, or did that take a head injury to figure that out as well?
Maybe it took a subarachnoid hemorrhage to figure that out as to the ways of which I told others as to such regards as to being more careful as to the technological portions in the comparisons, though I guess it did not take a head injury to figure that out as I had told people in the states of New Jersey and Illinois first.
Why would such factors as to my Medal of Honor Art Project aspects not be considered to having protocol or etiquette as who could say or write what about me has ever been anything which did not have such specific requirements, as to such factors as to the aspects of how I am in truth?
Are there any examples which people could read about as to specific protocols as to which factors thereof have been of importance to me and when such factors have not been acknowledged or recognized properly as to such factors in reference to those who may not have met me in person, why would I ever see any such portions as to ever being seen or having any sensation as to being a wanted in a positive way artist in any such regards?
Thus why would my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to my work in the references thereof, be considered as to being disrespectful as to the lack of proper communication to and with me in the references thereof as to the correct and proper ways as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork as to the overall as well as each individual intricacy thereof be seen in my opinion to such factors?
Thus in such factors as to the hypotheticals in reference to those who had wrongly and illegally declared war against me as to the illegal aspects of such individuals as per such hypotheticals as to such, why would there ever be any belief as to any genuine concern as to ever actually caring in the correct aspects as to the actual proper ways thereof in the regards as to how many people knew about the kindle reading portions compared to myself as to the factors of such a lack of notification as to such situations and why would that be considered as to how such sensations thereof which what is a feminazi again in comparison to a feminist?
What is the difference between a male chauvinist pig in comparison to a feminist male, in genuinity?
When such proof is actually found to be shown from such experiences I suppose then, I could write about it afterwards if ever actually experienced especially in the longer into the longest terms to such.
However while I was told stories as to how my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu knew my biological Dad as to the ways I was raised as to the stories thereof about in the comparisons as to the difference regarding my biological sister in such comparisons as to the ways which the raising factors thereof would show who was actually the biological daughter or the wanted one in such aspects as to the planned portions as I had already explained as well as later wrote about, I was told of such factors as I thought were stories in reference to my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu in the comparisons as to my Dad’s wrath when in such protection aspects as to the country as well as the liaison working of the clarifications in reference to the language situations as to the teachings within the schools along the east coast.
I thought such were only stories in the references thereof though with the ways as to how my upbringing has been in the comparisons to the timeframe of Tiananmen Square and the connections thereof to the hypothetical factors, what would the differences as to how I was raised compared to how my biological sister was raised be able to be seen in any such references to if the truth as to such regards as to the situations thereof?
Then again, what occurred to such people as to how my biological sister and such references were treated when my Dad if accurate as to such portions were to be found as the truth in the regards thereof to such situations as why would Mike have problems with me going to the Armed Forces of the United States of America in comparison to college in such references as to the times in addition to the factors of the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachments as why would that be something to take into consideration as to what has not ever been a phase for me?
Did anyone ever know about that weather situation as to the trapper keeper aspect as to what my biological mother had in her nightstand was to be able to replicate what occurred in reference to Tiananmen Square by influencing people to act in such a manner as to be able to repeat that aspect to show as to what portions occurred in reference to why such a situation had occurred as to what people had thought was exotic in the comparisons to only the physical view in comparisons as to what it actually is to have grown up in such a way, or am I the only person who did anything to make attempts to warn against such factors as to making attempts for others to have the chance to not repeat history?
Why would I want to go over to South Korea to not be a Queen for a Year though to go into areas which my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu were from to be able to assist the United States of America as to the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as why would what I have worked diligently on to make attempts as to the best possible outcomes be as important as to such factors for life in the comparisons to what I have dealt with as to such regarding in 1993 when I was in fifth grade and in reference to 11 September 2001 when I was 19 years old after being out of the state of New Jersey since the middle of 1998 as what do those numbers have of any importance as to people within the state of Texas who ever wrongly listened to and wrongly believed my biological sister as to such realities of what do others remember from their childhood years as to which actual first memories in the comparisons thereof to the factors of what my biological sister wished to pull off as to what was the situations in reference to which war in China’s area as to the timeframe as to the Tiananmen Square situation to the college students situation as to the history thereof and why would Mao Ze Doong have been upset as to the college students which went to college within the United States of America between the decades of the 1960s and the 1970s as to what portions have been able to be learned of and seen and found as to such factors thereof?
Remember, I posted the picture from my clear blood tests as to the proof of my health records of my clear aspects as to fully being clean of any aspects of any STD in all such ways of my being fully clear; of my own free will, which can be found through going through the pages as to the pictures thereof for the timeframe within the year of 2020. Can anyone else as to any such claims prove such factors, as to what blood tests as to the overall portions thereof? Maybe those factors as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury may have impacted my numerical understandings, though such portions as to being clear of all such portions as to the realities of as to the paperwork in the additional aspects of truth as well as under oath could be considered as important. How?
