In reference to my daughter Lidia Louise Nichols born 24 September 2002 in Wilford Hall at Lackland Air Force Base of #JBSA in #mysa San Antonio #Texas and the situation I was informed of around February 2021 from my daughter from a payphone as I was told or a hospital phone or a police officer phone line regarding how she had gotten into a fight with one of her two twin cousins birthed by Susan Marie (maiden last name: Nichols)(1st married last name with hyphen -Lopez)(2nd married last name sounds like Sweeney though unsure of how spelled), of which it would not surprise me if the books I had mailed to the house of my ex-mother-in-law Lydia Evongelina (?Maiden sur last name from as told to me from the Dominican Republic?) (Married Last name: Nichols) legal wife of Retired E7 James Walker Nichols (DOB:? : buried in the DFW National Cemetery : DOD: ?day? in the month of August 2008) had fulfilled in reference to prosecuting my daughter if such occurred which would legally be required for any such crimes she may have committed because of the fact she has repeatedly been warned by multiple individuals as to her behaviour regarding the aspects as to her violence; as I had taken her to multiple doctors, hospitals, acute care mental health facilities, as well as residential mental health care facilities over the years from 2009 into 2013 prior to having to relinquish my legal rights as her legal guardian. However I still have and still do care and love my daughter, and hope for the best for her; just as I still have and still do love my son and hope the best for; and I will always love and care about my son and my daughter, and hope for the best for them.
However I am still her Mom, even though such occurred if I was told accurately as to the situation I was informed of in brief during such phone call.
If her involvement regarding any such technology hacking and/or her associates thereof would hypothetically have any involvement as to any such additional needless problems, I know and understand and comprehend such means the legal fulfillment as to the legal requirements of such activities by such choices as may have been made by her and such associated individuals and/or groups; would mean there would need to be a prosecution for such aspects in the halls of justice, to which what such penalties would and/or could be would be determined as per the proceedings thereof. I do admit I had sent only the books of "Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", "Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing", "The Curious Children's Book Series: Volume One: What is a Family? By: Susan MeeLing", "The Curious Children Book Series: Volume Two: What difference does it make? By: Susan MeeLing", and "Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction fantasy By: Susan MeeLing".
However I have not ever condoned anyone ever purchasing illegally the copyrights to my books' due to such legal aspects regarding my legal first name and my legal middle name which I have gone by in public for more than 10 years which legally makes all such works illegal for anyone to every try to claims such illegal as per illegitimate in purchasing power as to such portions, as protected by the anti-slavery laws as well as the Constitutional Rights of the United States of America and such Amendments. In turn if such has ever been tried I fully support all criminal prosecutions regarding such an attempt to ever try to ever legally pretend they would ever have any custodial rights as that would be refused and rejected fully, as to such anti-slavery laws and Constitutional Rights and Amendments I earned for myself on my own as well as having been born in the United States of America. There is absolutely no legal authority of such which would or could ever be considered as Constitutional nor would it be morally or ethically sound, and any such individual would need to be evaluated for psychological damages to ever think such to be considered as acceptable or legal in any such country in the Geneva Convention of agreements between treatied counties for any such try to convince themselves as to such illegal aspects in full in my opinion. The disregard as to such portions would in turn negate all such portions of any aspect to ethical human conduct for such a try for such and would only constitute such criminal activities auditing for such aspects, as well as any such crimes associated with any such assaults as per such conduct would be unbecoming of any human being with any actual compassion in any such sorts of ways. In additional aspects to the legal reference to the Superman Comic books case, would be a secondary aspect though in addition to my personal rights to own myself and such aspects to ever try to subvert such a system put into place by my own free will choice would then be a massive violation in the Americans with Disabilities Protection acts as per having fully explained the portions regarding the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury which are an additional third protection for me and my rights in all such ways to protect myself fully from ever being experimented upon any further as per such torturous methods as to how such has already occurred and as I have explained what I had been through regarding my legal marriage as to who I am a legal widow of; all such tries would legally need to be reviewed for full legal prosecution for any such try to purchase all portions of my legally copyrighted works through Legal Zoom which had been to protect myself after all of what I had already gone through and how such treatments were that I survived regarding my legal dead-ex-husband Robert Walker Nichols DOB: 19 March 1976 DOD: 28 January 2008, to which I legally have the rights to such at all times and in all ways to keep myself legally protected to which if in regards to The Library of Congress would have to legally send in lawyers through the halls of Congress as well as Senate and to the Supreme Court for such aspects regarding in the United States of America regarding such crimes against humanity in reference to if such was ever found to be done to any such of my legally and rightfully completed copyrights of my books with my legal first and legal middle names which I have gone by for over 10 years.
As such squatters rights regarding the additional portions regarding property rights, as I have gone by the name on Facebook as well as CafeMom including more specifically my noted social media accounts associated and on my website, and email address I once had which google has not allowed me the access to my account despite having contacted such in writing as well as email of; the portions as to the illegal online version additionally of a different form of human trafficking violation laws could be taken into consideration for such violations regarding all such aspects, as to any/all of my works being illegally downloaded and illegally shared across the internet without my permission and thus needlessly putting my son James Michael Nichols (DOB: 2 September 2001) as well as myself 29 August 1982 as per my legal name with that legal last name of my son and my daughter; which in all ways has always been to protect myself in which ways I knew how to be able to do so in the affording aspect to purchase my own rights, and purchase my own life for myself. I chose to do so in order to protect myself in all such ways in all such areas of my life, as to prevent any further identity theft as well as to prevent any further damages or harm to my son and my daughter and I as well as others who could find such assistance in such aspects to help themselves.
Thus legally I have and I will always own my own copyrights as all such protections have always been afforded to me and I hope if there ever has such a violation been found, I hope the fullest extent of the law for prosecution is available for such a choice as what was the actual true intent for such is of extreme importance as well. Whoever such could or would have been in my opinion must be brought forward before the halls of justice for such aspects, as I have the right to such choices as to the ability to face such who would choose such legally in a court of law especially as I had described all of my tattoos and the reasons why I had gotten such tattoos in the first place which in turn would legally be prosecution for such crimes against my Freedom of Religion in my Constitutional Rights and Amendments as I have been an Ordained Minister since 2004 November 27 which predates any such legal try for such copyrights and/or laws to try to fix such in any other way as per my Religious Freedoms and my Freedom of Expression Constitutional Rights and Amendments as well as all of the Anti-Slavery Rights protections and the ADA compliance regulation requirements of also the grandfather clauses for the previously named lawsuits for the Superman Comics as per the following two links to which can find more information regarding such: Copyright lawsuits by Superman's creators - Wikipedia and National Comics Publications, Inc. v. Fawcett Publications, Inc. - Wikipedia.
In turn I always have had such protections afforded in my favor thankfully and gratefully, and I will always have such protections in my favor thankfully and gratefully. Any other aspects as to try to overrule such is null and void because of all such protections in my favor well before any such try in any local or state circuit, because of all the other states in the Untied States of America as well as the Supreme Court of the United States of America rulings and procedures in my favor well before any such tries in the state of Texas or anywhere else in the world for such matters. Any such try from any other country could be seen as an attempt for an act of war against the citizens of the Untied States of America, and would need to be reviewed by The Pentagon and other such law enforcement agencies for such furthered evaluations whether overseas and/or on domestic soil of the United States of America's Homeland for the National Security for any such tries for such future portions thereof for the protectionary rights in all such ways as I have gone to protect myself.
I hope such considerations can, are, and will be taken into consideration for my favor in such a ruling if required to to before legal courts of justice for the prosecution of any such try to ever go through fully with such ever to whomever such might be as per the copyrights legal portions of such a situation as already having been described regarding as to how my dead-ex-husband had already illegally done so in reference to the situations regarding Jeffrey (?middle name?) Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack nickname from the Army branch of the Reserve Officer Training Corps (#ROTC) when at Camp Bullis Base in #JBSA in the year I am unsure of though had graduated from Lee High School in San Antonio Texas as such also could be viewed as a violation of rights to my son as well as to my daughter regarding such aspects as well as to all such individuals regarding who had been figured out as to who in each portion of all of my books specifically in reference to the FSL book series. Though the situations between such individuals and I had been as such had been regarding those individuals and groups and I, that does not mean any of them were for purchase either as such was a protectionary method in a cover way for them as well from any such biased individual to ever think to own such in any sort of way as I purposefully chose to leave such names out for such protectionary purposes as well as to prevent ever such from being a problem in such legal aspects for such anti-slavery laws in such regards as well as per the above written explanations. The ability to better such situations in a clearer way is outlined, though such are still also my intellectual property rights additionally to such portions thereof previously written in regards of. Also would in turn protect all of my art paintings as well as my Medal of Honor Art Project, and such modeling and performance images and videos, as well as all such images/videos/recordings I have ever been a part of and/or could be a part of depending upon what I choose to agree to knowingly in all such aspects officially having been informed by such individuals involved would belong only to me to choose to do with as I choose to do with regarding such pieces I created. As I had also listed names of who I have been inspired by because of whichever aspects thereof regarding such books in reference mainly to FSL books, I have not taken such rights from them obviously which in turn an additional portion thereof to such unbiased aspects as to free will in my opinion. The same in reference to such spirituality portions and religious portions, including such SCUBA Diving portions as per the ways as to the laws of the oceanic waters. That portion in particular settles everything in full regarding all such aspects regarding such additional protections in my favor regarding such legal rights to myself and protectionary portions regarding such of, in full in my favor 100% at all times without any disputes which could ever truthfully be denied/refused.
As such legal copyrights in my name registered fully as such and transfers with me automatically as per any legal last name and/or possibility of any such name change(s) means, the fullest accountability for such to always be in my personal ownership fully and always permanently; and I hope for all such legal prosecutions against such who would try such for a full explanation in front of a jury trial, for such aspects thereof as I have the legal right to face any such accuser as to wish to try to circumvent such a legal process already arranged well before I had legally published my own rights and all such legal prosecutions would be mandatory as per such statutes already put into place which starting with the First President of the United States of America George Washington with such original colonies and aspects thereof and had gone forward through time to the current moment as well as permanently for the future for eternity in my favor for such legalities; and thus all such legal rights should if any such try has been done in a copyright such type of filing must immediately forwards for such, as well as all such rights be returned and remain as mine permanently in my control as per such rights owned only by myself.
I admit where my biases are and have been, however that is my own admittance to my own personal biases; and yet such any individual and/or group and/or business entity would ever try such, would legally open themselves for all such prosecutions regarding such if that had ever been thought of to do and/or gone through would automatically mean such legal prosecution rights for such crimes against all such individuals and groups in all such ways. Hence why I personally made the suggestions for the betterment of the different sectors, however all such rights have always and always remain as mine in comparison and all such legal rights should immediately be restored to their rightful one and only true owner; myself without hesitation.

#FBI #CIA #Pentagon #HomelandSecurity #DepartmentofDefense #HouseofCongress #LibraryofCongress #HouseofSenate #WhiteHouse #USMarshalls #IRS #LegalZoom #Amazon #NSA #USNSA #NASA #Facebook #Fetlife #USA #USArmy #USAF #USAirForce #USCG #USMC #USNavy #USN #GenevaCovnention #WHO #UnitedNations #UNCounsil #USSupremeCourt #FOXNews #MSNBC #CNN #NBC #InfoWars #Google #Twitter #allsocialmedia #ConstitutionalRights #ADA #handicapable #FOXBusiness #AmericaNewsNetwork #YouTube #Instagram #Gmail #Ymail #BBB #BetterBusinessBuerau #HumanRights #NOAA #PADI #SCUBA #NAUI #SSI #USNavySEALs #LawEnforcement #FireDepartment #EMS #USA