In this journal blog for ALL of my fucking journal blogs as to each and every individual in the United States of America and the world as a just in case anyone thinks of themselves in any other capacity for 100% clarity, as to the aspects of my website. I was being kind as per all of my words before and now after all such situations as to today because of the 9-1-1 phone call and the medical emergency that occurred as to such differences of medical care, this journal blog will be as it will be. If individuals thought I was mean before, let me be 100% clear as to how this will be the only warning given as to the words. I suppose if others needed to prove how much of their pop culture aspects as to who such factors of such pop culture views of New Jersey-ians, as to the proof of the differences as to who caused the needless problems to the difference of who remained as calm as long as possible. The length of time from when I first began online as to such aspects as to the difference of now, I guesstimate as to each and every individual being capable to comprehend they themselves are just as empty as the pop culture references as to such aspects of where they only poured from a proverbial empty cup as to the differences of being the person I am as to such aspects of a born and raised New Jersey-ian who grew up in the northeast tristate areas.
Thus this journal blog from the timeframe of the year of my first email in the year around 1998 through to now as to my social media accounts as to the conjunction of my website from that year, this officially from 1998 through to 2022 is the first time of ever writing as to such aspects in the wording factors thereof to such swear words for the shitheads that have been apparently needing clarifications as to such self-control differences as to such clarifications.
For those who might have the artificial intelligence that hashtags and/or writing a name and/or having a name in the areas thereof to my journal blog posts and/or my pictures posted and/or postings on my social media accounts because of whatever their opinions might be and/or what they might try to claim as being to me when they must remember the truth and always tell the actual truth at all times just as everyone must:
If I do not specifically write a letter directly to whether it is a handwritten note that I sign that I personally take to be mailed to be mailed to and/or a hand type letter that I print out myself and personally sign and/or email personally myself, there is not any invitation for anyone as to it is not a modern day timeframe for such aspects to specifically involve themselves with my work as the amount of stress that they have added to what I already have dealt with instead of ever actually relieving stress at all as to the capacity to be capable to see if there are those who have noticed such. If they have noticed such and thought that whatever capacities they thought would ever alleviate stress for me, the reality is that I have only had more stress because of such aspects of whatever factors as to the overall situations as to such circumstances as proven. Each individual who has haughtily thought of themselves as more important to whatever capacity thereof instead of taking into consideration the truth of what my actual needs are because of my personal requirements of what it actually takes to lower my stress levels as to what it actually takes to lower my pain levels and how such situations as to the obvious clarifications and verifications that have been proven as to instead of actually taking into truthful consideration of my personal needs, as to the aspects of where in my opinion they have only proven of themselves as to their own vanity as to such situations as to whatever capacities thereof as to instead of being the mother tarded dumbass pieces of shit that I have been dealing with as to the whatever capacities thereof to such shitty worthlessness as to such fucking dumbassery.
If as to any connection directly to what is supposed to be considered as the adult consenting lifestyle the reality of where the requirement of informed consent requires me to be informed as to my capability to actually consent without coercion(s) and/or without force and/or without situations as to such needlessness as to how just because I am born and raised New Jersey-ian as to how your pop culture is not the reality of New Jersey-ians as usually the aspects are where those pop culture references are overtly pushed to the overdramatic aspects, because of the facts of what drama is for such television and movies as per the common sense as to such aspects of the theater and/or theatrics instead of the actual reality. I guesstimate those types as to the same as to that company commander who only as to physical looks and not as to who he was as to what it actually takes as to an actual real relationship as to then in the year of 2000 who had said he graduated with a theater degree when I was in Medical Hold Unit that became Warrior Transition Unit as well as Charlie Company that Captain John (fucktard worthless shithead as to what I consider as) Morning was in charge of both Charlie Company, as well as Medical Hold Unit.
In my opinion it seems a bit befitting as to the terminology as to Charlie Company that then in the year of 2000 Captain John Morning was in charge of, as to such hypothetical aspects as to when before he replaced my preference of Captain Beer as to the aspects of the time when he was a General's Aide as an O2 before a few weeks when he was upgraded without training as to an O3 as well as Charlie Company as to such aspects thereof, similar as to the aspects of the E7 to the E8 situation in the year of 2008 for such references to understand. While he was a Tanker MOS enlisted before going to college to get his theater (not military theater, theater as in broadway type of degree) to be an Officer rank as to the situations I told people about as to how the General was a titty baby temper tantrum throwing baby in my opinion all because I was excited to meet the first living General at the time. I suppose it was such an abomination for that type of an individual as to the age of 17 that I was at the time to be excited to meet the first living General, in that difference of General George Washington's spirit as well as others as to such differences as to my childhood. It must have been such an abomination to see a 17 year old female exited to salute a living General for the first time while being excited to wear my uniform that I earned as to signing the dotted line to be in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America after everything I had dealt with just to be in the Army branch and the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to where I was born and raised as to the reality of New Jersey as well as the tristate area of the northeast as it must have been such an abomination before his sight to ever see a female that was genuinely happy for once as to the entirety of the existence that I had to that point in time.
Just as it must have been an abomination to actually meet someone as to him meeting me as to who assisted to take care of the security a to the World Trade Center and the World Trade Center Plaza as to my babysitter's husband and what security runs as to the checks to prevent situations as to the problems as per, as well as it must have been such an abomination for that General and others to meet me as to the assistance I gave when the attacks in February 1993 as to New York City as to while dealing with Mono/Epstein Bar/Lymes Disease/Bronchitis/Flu all at the same time when I was in fifth grade as to such similar though different aspects as to 11 September 2001 as to after having given birth and that labor and delivery as to my son in a time when I did not want or need to be in such a situation as per my preferences for my life. Such shithead behaviour as to instead of any worthwhile common sense as to humanity, as to such aspects as to having been induced into labor a full week and a half before being admitted to the hospital for finally being capable to dilate only 13 days later as to such aspects as to what so-called worthwhileness as to such uselessness as to those types of ignorant as fuck pieces of crap and shit as to the so-called intelligence within the Air Force at Wilford Hall as to such trifflin worthless individuals as to such claims as to any actual real intelligence as to the instead of such artificial intelligence as to real medical care for when any capacity thereof as to not just my medical aspects as to my pregnancy though also my neurology as well as other medical factors as their failed proven aspects as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain aspects regarding their shitheadery.
That 1 or 2 star General must have been so disgraceful in such sight of me as to such similar aspects as to that Texas National Guard situation as to the year of 2007 as to that graduation where I saluted the American Flag during the National Anthem of the Star Spangled Banner, where since the timeframe after 2021 I personally have not any need to sing the Star Spangled Banner at all as to the ways I once had at all whatsoever as to what was normal for me as to internally as well as externally as obviously there was not a reason for me to ever sing that song at all if I am accurate as that is only a song for those who are proud not prideful of the United States of America as to the aspects of the history. Thus as to such factors where as my journal blog has progressed as to the obvious aspects as to any such types as to those individuals who obviously have not had the ethics or the morals as to what actual ethics and morals are to such requirements and standards of the actual traditions of the branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as per even situations as to explanations from General George Washington from my childhood and my teenager years as to such aspects with my black suit guys from those specifics years in different situations as to obviously since the situations as to the years of 2020 through 2022 as to such aspects of hypotheticals of those types as to such shithead fucking idiots and wannabes.
I suppose that whatever level of general as to such aspects thereof to that time in the year of 2000 as to that general's aid captain john Morning as to such aspects of their own lack thereof as to such common sense as to the reasons for such work in the 1990s to the 2000s as to the areas, as obviously if they actually knew what there work was based for as to the northeast and eastcoast as to how I guesstimate such disrespectful factors would have been different as to when they met me. Then again I was invited to Marine Science and Technology School with the Navy attachment and that Army and Navy situation as well as finding the Marine Corps dress blues to always be far better than any other uniform, as per the care required for that type of fabric combination and color combination as to the obviously better view as to the striking look as to the difference of just the colors as to the Dress Greens or the Dress Whites as to my personal opinion. Though how dare anyone in the world have an opinion I suppose as to such hypotheticals as obviously then such individuals would not be allowed to have an opinion themselves, I suppose as they would only be allowed as to whatever aspects of the viewpoints they were told to have instead of being capable to actually think for themselves as what common sense and/or capability to actually think would there be needed for anything as to those types as to such hypotheticals.
Then again why would such POG types as to the aspects thereof specifically to MOSes would there be as to such aspects of clearance if such a 1 or 2 star general was not allowed access to my file when I was 17 years old, did not graduate Basic Training, and honest about such to find that he as a 1 or 2 star general not being allowed to my file as what temper tantrum fits would that be as to such individuals throughout the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as any individual as to the veterans as to such aspects as to refusing to call myself a name because of the facts as to my capacity to see as to that time in the year of 2000 instead as to such aspects as to the length of time towards the future as why would San Antonio Texas with 5 military bases be renamed as to Military City USA after my first two books "Finding A Silver Lining" and "Finding The Silver Lining" be of any importance as to that proof such as Graham Central Station as to the aspects as to the situations as how many individuals were caught as to the reasons to end stolen valor?
How much stolen valor would be as to individuals who did not graduate Basic Training to call themselves as to those who did graduate Basic Training and AIT be as to such situations, as why would the aspects of Marines be of any importance as to common sense at this point in the year of 2022 as what individuals have had issues as to such aspects?
I suppose such similar aspects as to an individual in the neighborhood that I once had my first house in as to how much of an abomination that must have been as to such situations of little people as per his words regarding my being capable to purchase a house through my work as to the aspects of such situations, as why would that be a needless problem as to such types of irony as to the timeframe thereof to such aspects as to the work thereof instead of the respect as to what actual respect is as why would anyone ever think stirring up needless problems would ever be considered as respect to me?
Hoe idiotic would you have to be to ever think that I would ever find needless drama and/or needless problems and/or needless situations and/or needless stress while dealing with everything that I already had dealt with and was dealing with at the timeframe of the year of 2002 be, as obviously the same as to such aspects as to any point in time since then as to what moron would ever think that would ever be considered as to such aspects of anything worthwhile to me?
Obviously unless such pop culture factors as to such assumptions as to the aspects thereof would be a failure to ever think correctly in any such capacity as to the situations as why would someone who stands for ending stolen valor as to the levels I have be of any importance as why would not calling myself that name out of respect for individuals who did earn that title be important to the general mental health of the overall public be of importance, or would it take a head injury to figure that out as obviously I did not need a head injury to figure that out nor explain it back in the year of 2000 or since then as to common sense. Having the knowledge and the understanding as to such aspects of being genuinely appreciative of my Constitutional Freedoms and Liberties as a biological female obviously was lost on those individuals as to those males, as why would they ever think of such aspects on their own?
After having stood up to the Army branch as to at Fort Sam Houston as to throughout the entire base in the year of 2008 regarding the problems as to the Dress Blues JC Penny pictures as to what I personally was not aware of as to the amount of stolen valor that was pinned onto the uniform that I did not put together as to the facts of the year of 2006 as to the garage in the year as to such situations as to the second and final separation as to that individual, as I informed him there was not ever going to be any point in time I would ever need to be in a relationship with him as to such aspects ever again as to how I told him I did not ever want to be with him to begin with because I did not ever know there was a date to begin with because of the truth as to such aspects. That had nothing to do with his physical appearance or his ethnic background, it only had to do with him himself as to how he had been as to such aspects thereof as those factors as to such situations of what I dealt with as to the aspects thereof as to the reality I was not allowed to date until after I turned 16 years old legally and since I was not in New Jersey as to the aspects of what it took to get to know me as to that state of annoyance as to Illinois. While those individuals were as those individuals were as to such facts of difference as to those types as per such aspects, just because I might not find someone physically attractive enough to want to be involved with as to such types as to the reality of energetic aspects as to what is more important to me as to such factors instead of what hypothetically others as to their own personal bigotry of themselves as to their own bigotry they project as to such aspects of differences.
If as to my modeling as to the common sense as to how the photographers would be who would have to review as to such arrangements, instead of the aspects of myself as to common sense if there ever were to be any as to such aspects as I have taken many pictures with my cousin Jade before as well as her family as to such pictures in the 1980s and the 1990s as obviously since my modeling was from 2010 through 2013 mostly as to the common sense that such aspects were arranged by those photographers instead of whatever assumptions as to the aspects thereof as how racist and bigoted are each one of those individuals to only vote for POTUS44 just because of the aspects of his skin tone instead of ever bringing up the aspects as to tis ethnic background as how important in the long run has my accuracy been as to the situations where the healthcare factors are only as to larger cities as I warned people as to such aspects as to that situation in the year of 2011 more specifically as where was I proven accurate?
I suppose for others as to their own proof as to such aspects of their own lives as to the timeframe including to how because of such aspects as to the current time as to how many needless situations as to what I have dealt with, to just get my work taken care of without any needless stress and without any needless problems and without any needless drama as without any needless situations as to the years of 2018 through 2022 as to the updates to my journal blog since what individuals as to their needless drama and their needless problems and their needless stresses they have caused as to such situations instead of what my focus has needed to be?
While obviously those individuals throughout such lengths of time since well before the 1993 and obviously well before 2001 as to such situations as to when someone has real work to do as to the situations where those types as to being overdramatic to get attention as the ways a biological adult acting as a toddler would be as to such descriptions as to such factors regarding the hypotheticals as to such aspects, as the legalities of any location thinking they have the right to be in any location that is paid for is incorrect officially as to the reality of privacy as only if there is an emergency are they actually allowed inside though they officially are not allowed to touch anything belonging to the individual whatsoever officially as to any misconceptions as to such types of hypotheticals whether as to any hotel and/or apartment complex as to the aspects of legal protections for as that obviously does not show any respect in any capacity to such individual and/or their work. The common sense as to when in reference to ever causing any needless problems to ever think as to such aspects thereof to such factors as just because my website is in the internet, that does not translate to my personal need for myself to be as to such aspects as to my liberties as to knowing the common sense as to privacy for the individual and just because of such aspects as to where the reality of my liberties as to refusing others as to the facts as to overall aspects officially as to my liberties to choose for myself.
Though how would such shitheads ever consider what I consider as being wanted as how stupidly fucking dumbasses would they have to be to ever think they would ever get me the sensation of what I consider as the sensation of being wanted, as how shitheaded uselessly stupid would all such oxygen thieving sphincter sucking morons have to be as when I have clarified it is best when I am in a good mood as to what I consider as a good mood as how moronic as to the amount of time as to what I have dealt with to ever think that pushing in such aspects instead of what my actual needs are would ever be what I would consider as being wanted as to what I consider as being wanted?
As where the reality of the only check for my books only as my other aspects are for the situations before I ever authored books and are only for such aspects thereof officially as to my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects in the culminations thereof and paychecks for my books are supposed to be different officially instead of the aspects of any hypotheticals as what dumbass would ever think there would ever be anything acceptable of ever getting involved when I officially did not ever need nor want such individuals involved hypothetically to begin with?
Those types as to who I did not need nor want nor desire nor prefer to any such involvement within my life in any such capacity ever as to in any capacity at all unless as to what I considered as to worthwhile instead of the fucktardery as to pop culture references of New Jersey as to how they would only disrespect each and every New Jersey-ian as to such aspects as well as the overall factors as to the considerations instead of the aspects thereof, as the tristate northeast overall as to such references regarding my intentions as to such aspects. Though those types as to such useless individuals as to their pop culture references as to how such aspects as to where the full proof as to what the difference as to being wanted in a positive way as to what I consider as, because that is the only aspect that actually matters officially. Thus time as to the day and the month and the year always matters as that always has mattered and will always matter, officially and permanently.
I ever received as to the total number was not for the reference as to me myself ever just the same as to my bibliography as to such aspects where that was not a list of books that were for anything other than purchasing the books, and nothing more as to those types of ignorant individuals throughout all of the United States of America and the world, as to if there ever was common sense to anyone in the world as to how such disrespect to my work and disrespect to me as to what the common sense factors officially would be as to such truth. As to my journal blog updates as there is nothing that would ever be for what in any capacity that I would ever believe as to anything worthwhile of anything throughout all of my works officially as of such types being so disgraceful and such abominations to ever aspect of life anywhere, in my opinion.
Why would anyone unless they were an attention seeker ever think that would ever be considered as being wanted in any capacity, as common sense as to what actual aspects of a real human being would have common sense if they were actually intelligent and not an attention seeker as to those types as to such groups instead as to such aspects of the individual. Those types who are accustomed to being in groups as to those aspects instead of how individuals are as to such and how serious the reality of my work, obviously they have sought the attention of others instead of what I would ever consider as good attention as to the common sense as to how they must think so lowly of themselves to only prefer such aspects of such raised levels of my anger to rage instead of ever needing or wanting those genuine compliments as to what I consider as instead of what those individuals I once knew told me they considered as compliments to themselves as to such hypotheticals of individuals as to what I did not and would not ever consent to as to the aspects of if I would have been informed ever as to how I have clarified a multitude of times. Anyone who would try to claim they knew me as to knowing what my actual needs as to such aspects of being considered as wanted would only fail as much as I have clarified and more as I guesstimate in every capacity thereof as to the common sense aspects as to what my considerations of as to the specifics as to the points in time thereof, as to such failures to ever learn how to communicate as to such aspects of those hypotheticals.
Remember it has taken from the time of my first email in the year of 1998 through the 2000s through the 2010s into the 2020s as to including my books as well as to ever to this point of profanity, as to what those pop culture types assume as to writing as well as in discussions as to whatever type I suppose. I suppose hypothetically as to the level of class and real genuine culture, of the differences to certain individuals as to their opinions of themselves as to such college degree types I suppose hypothetically.
Those people who once had me as to whatever capacity of a relationship whether as to whatever level thereof must only have preferred to only push me away from them fully each and every time instead of ever having any wants as to ever being a good part of my life as to such common sense aspects as to how many times I explained what it would be to actually have where I would have the want and/or the need to be involved with them, as to such common sense aspects as to such factors of where proven. Any type of any needless drama automatically is a 100% no-go to such types, just as any needless situations as to what instead as to what I comprehend is best for me as to those types as to such a 100% no-go to them. It is common sense as to how many times I discussed as to the northeast as to the tristate area as to where I needed to be, instead of those types who would not prove they wanted me to be happy ever as to only individuals who would have that as a want and/or a need would have gotten the fuck out of my way and stayed the fuck out of everything that was not assistive to me in any capacity of what actual assistance would have been. Those times cannot be changed as to such aspects thereof obviously, as none of their choices are capable to ever be changed as to the specific points in time as there is not the capacity to go backwards as to time as only reflections are capable as to individuals who have some common sense.
No one is allowed to consider themselves a true fan of my modeling and/or my performances to ever cause me any needless situations ever as the common sense as to the aspects of when not modeling as to the only saving factors of where I could smile in truth genuinely were when I was being a Mom to my minor aged children, and since that time is now over as to such aspects of the reality as to where my needs for myself as to such aspects thereof as to the reality. There are many other times and situations where I was smiling genuinely when my minor aged children were not around as to such facts, though as to what my considerations of such factors to the difference obviously of any such hypotheticals.
When I have clarified 30 days I need for myself to do as I need that has always translated 30 consecutive days as to what common sense is as to what my actual needs are instead of what other individuals have failed to ever actually attempt to know because while the needless drama, the needless situations, the needless problems, the needless stress, and thus additional needless pain levels as to how many individuals have needed to accept the facts are the facts instead of their interpretations. Their needless interpretations instead of what I actually have needed and/or wanted and/or preferred for myself as to how many needless situations have been because of their selfishness and because of their uselessness as to getting me to be calm because of them.
Literally it is because of them themselves that I have not been capable to do my work as I actually need, and because of them as to why I have only seen as to such aspects of needless stress instead of what would actually be of comfort to me. Causing needless problems to then try to claim there is actual care3 is only abuse and it does not matter what anyone tries to claim otherwise, it is abusive as to such aspects where those types of needless individuals as to their needless shithead drama as to such aspects when a female whether as to a New Jersey-ian especially as to not needing those types of needless retarded situations officially as to such aspects of those Princetonite biological females that try to get in with a New Jersey-ian because it makes them think they are needed and when the problems caused are because of the Princetonite types then the need is for the Princetonite female biologically to accept the facts they are the needless problems to begin with, as to how many people in their own lives they already have caused needless problems for because of their failures to accept the facts as the truth. It is not anything that ever impresses a born and raised New Jersey-ian ever as to any such type of approval ever as to anything other than the aspects of where they approve to give their full opinion as to such aspects after whatever level of annoyances and needless problems those types caused needlessly to begin with, as that is the only think a female born and raised New Jersey-ian will do from the starting point when they finally have had way too much and their are overloaded with all such aspects that should not have been from the beginning as to from the first place.
My website is not up for interpretations at all whatsoever and any changes without my permission only shows me over and over again as to the full disrespect to my work as well as the lack of knowledge to anything as to my work as to the amount of needless stress, needless drama, needless situations, needless problems that are caused each and every time as to such hypotheticals as to any such connections thereof to.
If my work were to be of actual need for assistance then the one and only person to review such details in person face to face in person in real life with such hypotheticals of others as to the law enforcement of real law enforcement and not nosey individuals and/or immature individuals who obviously do not comprehend anything about my work in full and only cause a bunch of needless situations as to my pain levels and my stress levels.
When I am in the middle of my work and such hypotheticals as to such individuals that think hypothetically just because they have some aspect that is not and was not and will not be an actual invitation from me unless I actually do so as to the aspects thereof as it is not a free for all as to such types of people that are not assisting me as to what my actual needs for real assistance are. I do not care of others think that they know nor do I care if others are connected to others as to what they think they know as to the reality of if factors as to thinking they are welcome to my work when they are not officially as when the reality of how many days and weeks and months and years as to the decades regarding my work, as to the repetition of those situations I once dealt with again instead of what I actually need and as what I actually consider as what they do as help as per POTUS Ronald Regan's words instead of what I actually would ever consider as assistance.
The fact that I obviously have not calmed down at all as to such hypotheticals as to such situations as to the aspects thereof as the reality is I would officially reach out in the professional way as to what is considered as professional, instead of what in such hypotheticals as to the aspects of immaturity as to those individuals as to such hypotheticals.
Some people such as myself did not specifically get involved with their work as they have for other people to just be hippies as to such aspects as to in the modern time as to such aspects thereof and thus if I actually needed to have the aspects thereof to such assistance in person face to face in person, as to a direct PRIVATE message and not a public announcement as to just some information as what common sense would be. Causing needless problems as to such types involving themselves without actually being asked as to how I would officially do so instead of what hypotheticals as to anyone I ever once worked with and/or volunteer aspects in any capacity as to such needless situations as to those who do not understand as they do not know what anything is as to my actual needs in such hypotheticals as to my handwritten notebooks and/or papers where I am as I will contact directly as I unlike some people do not find such aspects as to those types as anything other than what others being as to nosey people as to what I do not need, as those types have only reprove such ostracizing as to how they obviously feel more important about themselves to my work when the reality is as to how such does not assist me nor does such as to in what capacities as I consider as being included.
I have clarified I have not allowed others to speak or write on my behalf ever, just as I have not ever allowed my images to be used for anything I personally have not agreed to.
Those modern day hippies or Democrats as to the older Democrats from the Civil Rights movement as to the KKK those types of people as to what they were as to such aspects similar to annoying Illinoisans as well as various individuals who had issues accepting my babysitter and her husband as well as their family and others I personally knew far more of in the 5 boroughs throughout the different sections as to such hypotheticals as to ever thinking that would ever be what I would intend is not up for interpretations whatsoever as to those who are actually intelligent, as to such aspects of my work on my website and/or in any capacity thereof overall and any individual who did not know of such aspects as to any such hypothetical, if as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as while I make attempts to recover from those aspects as to the current time as to the obvious aspects as to how not one individual has ever cared about respecting my work as to ever having the capacity to be mature enough to ask me in the correct way as I have clarified repeatedly on my journal blog and in "The Modern Day Book".
When the facts as to such situations as to how my rage has only increased because of such needless and unwanted involvement from others as to their interpretations as I do not care what name as to such other people in any capacity thereof officially, because of the facts that all such situations as to each have only been trifflin as to such aspects as to the ways they have been in my opinion. Each individual who might work and/or volunteer for another only causes more delays to my work instead of ever making such go faster as to what my needs for my work are, and as to those individuals and/or groups and/or companies and/or etcetera as to the exact same thing.
Obviously such hypotheticals think of themselves so much more highly of themselves as to such aspects instead of me and my work as to such common sense aspects as to requesting me to schedule in my time as to the common sense aspects as to who they would rather be speaking with in person face to face in person in real life, or the aspects of actually having to request my time as to such factors as to such immature aspects as to thinking of themselves more highly and more important than my work and/or the comprehension they are not wanted in my life at all as to such individuals as to the prior years and decades as to what I officially clarified as to in any capacity thereof officially and permanently. I did not start any needless situations ever as I have the requirements as can be noticed as per how I have ensured that my words are clear, thus as to the clear aspects only as to my personal writings only for such aspects of my works as to such aspects of official aspects only permanently.
I would have been capable to recover from situations if those types of individuals did not think so highly of themselves as into thinking they themselves are as to whatever their thoughts and/or others have told them instead of what obviously when I have only been in more pain instead of less pain, having had more stress than less stress despite the aspects thereof as it does not take a head injury to figure out that when the aspects thereof to the situations of someone with the after effects of a head injury and a subarachnoid hemorrhage as to such immaturity in all such ways as to those types of individuals who would think of themselves and/or have others tell them lies as to such aspects as to how I can only tell the truth. I have my work in the capacities thereof for myself as to my work and if others ever actually thought of such as important, then there is only one person to discuss such if it is ready to be discussed instead of what needless interruptions as to such individuals as to their failures to ever think I could actually do anything correctly as to the obvious amount of failures from each aspect thereof to such individuals who did not and do not officially have the clearance to be around my notebooks unless I personally give such aspects directly to of my own free will myself.
I do not believe anyone has self control as to such aspects because obviously if they had self control as to themselves as to my work, they would not be such annoyances in the capacities thereof as to what I consider as annoyances. The year of 1998 to now in the year of 2022 in the month of December as to the 4th, as to the 24 years of such writings before this journal blog for those who have not seen all of my works as to such aspects thereof as well as my thousands of pages combined books for the capacities of for clear understanding or at the minimum of knowledge thereof to such amounts of situations I have dealt with before getting to this point. What my considerations of for such profanity to the differences as to such others' interpretations as to the clear factors as to such, where cono can be taken into additional consideration for those who would comprehend as to such factors as to my babysitter and her friends.
My journal blog is not news as it is just what I might be working on or noticing at the specific time and if it was of importance to speak about with as to such aspects of my work, then as to the reality of such aspects thereof instead of those types thinking otherwise in whatever capacities thereof as to whomever they might have spoken with as to such aspects instead of ever actually taking into consideration as to what my reality is as to how they are not assisting me in any capacity and they are not assisting others when thru full aspects as per the proof as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage as to such individuals as to how they had failed then and now they fail even more because of such aspects as to what they do not have the foundation of as to what is as the time as to the specific time is what is required as to the subarachnoid hemorrhage.
Thus the amount of writings combined throughout each and every word as to each and every sentence to each and every paragraph to each and every page of each and every post/book(s) as to the amount of individuals as to such needless problems that fully prove as to how much such types of those individuals have been as to such needless drama, needless situations, needless stress, and needless problems as to what they themselves just simply are as to such aspects of hypotheticals fully in reference to how much they have not ever had the courtesy to be decent human beings in my opinion as to such common sense factors. Obviously such individuals who would be as attention seekers as to such aspects as to the reality of such attention seeking trifflin wanna be important aspects instead of accepting as they should as to the reality of such trifflin stereotypes as to the aspects thereof officially, and depending upon the amount of time and/or tries as to such aspects as to how those types are nothing except trifflin.
If individuals try to claim that there is only one or two or three types of ethnicities as to who I knew in the overall tristate northeast areas, I did not know it took a head injury to figure out my babysitter and her husband as to being from the Dominican Republic and Cuba would ever be as to such common sense aspects as well as the boroughs of New York City as well as Pittsburg and Philadelphia as to how few individuals are actual Caucasian only instead as how bigoted would those individuals be as to such aspects and/or racist as to those individuals as to such needs to clarify instead of just being accepting of the overall common sense of the areas or would such individuals fail to ever actually think CORRECTLY instead of what aspects they have proven thus far in such hypotheticals?
Thus as to such lacking common sense to those individuals and/or groups as to such aspects as unlike what some people might be capable to see freely as to the difference of the areas where the charges are for such views, because of the facts that my work is not always for free. Thus there is not the need for me to repost pictures unless I personally have the personal need to refer to such without coercion, though shows the hypotheticals as to the Democrats as to the ways as to such aspects where they have some needless problems as to how their boxes as to such checks specifically as to their ways that they in thew social aspects as to such factors.
Since today after all of my journal blog updates as to the amounts thereof as instead of what I would need/want/prefer as to such aspects as to the proof thereof officially as to then the aspects where the proof as to such situations regarding the reality thereof to my books as to the check that I posted on my Instagram account as to such, as below is the Instagram picture in one of the total pictures as to such aspects of full differences as to such hypotheticals. For clarifications once again as to how for only 1.5 months in total as to dating one male in SCUBA Diving total as to the rest of my SCUBA Diving work only being from my work, and thus if any individuals as to SCUBA Diver Instructors as to before then as to June/July through August of 2009 as to if there were such aspects of tips as to not having been informed of until September of 2009 as in all clear discussions as to my military background and that includes as to my invitation to MAST or Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment. All other companies I uploaded my books to as the exact same as to this, though there was not ever any paychecks from any of those other companies such as Barnes and Nobles to me for my finances for me to use as to my personal knowledge as per no one ever having spoken with me in truth as to such factors.

Thus no matter what my biological mother and/or my biological father and/or my biological sister and/or my son and/or my daughter and/or their connections have financially as to the massive differences as to such factors as to the reality of what I have explained before as to finances as to what they were supposed to earn of their own work in the aspects of the 10 Commandments way as to such aspects, as to the differences as to myself as though I have worked to earn my way within the 10 Commandment aspects as to such situations as to such discrimination aspects as per the proof as to any such hypotheticals as to the length of time as to such factors as to who thought of themselves more highly as to who they spent time with and such aspects of differences as to who was actually more important to whom to spend time with as to such factors of proof in a different capacity. If my work whether as to my modeling and/or my performances and/or my website and/or my writings and/or my books as to the full aspects of were to prove how unwanted as to the reality of what I consider as to the aspects in the full situations as to such aspects of hypotheticals of those types ever thinking I would ever want or need them to hold onto my finances instead of the reality of where I did not want nor need such aspects ever, possibly the factors thereof as to such proof as to how such pop culture references instead of the pop culutre seen as to the reality of such differences as to how those types as to Hollywood are instead of actually ever truly appreciating the work as to such lengths of time in what would be considered as correct instead of their interpretations officially and fully as to the aspects of the proof of such situations.
The facts as to whatever assumptions instead of actually finding out in truth as to such common sense as to how many times before today as well as today as to how such situations are for others to be mad at whoever as to those individual(s) as to their failures, though reasons to end all types of stolen valor as the same as to identity as to common sense as to the definition especially as to individuals who actually did the work as I have instead of those types as to such trying to claim anything as to such hypotheticals. Since I had to call 9-1-1 for myself because of such aspects as to how there has not ever been in person face to face in person as to my needs as to such aspects thereof whether as to friends especially though obviously as to how few small times of relationship aspects if you call such that as to the years and the full specifics thereof to such aspects to accept the reality, the situations are as to such proof fully. Since now on top of every other aspect where I needed to recover from as to having accidentally cut my hand because of the rage as to how everything has collided as to such combined factors when going to stir a cup of hot chocolate to make attempts to just take care of what I need for myself and recover as to such aspects, as why would as to what I consider as being wanted ever be as to such uselessness from each aspects of all of those others who could have just been actual decent human beings instead of what heathens they have been as to such hypotheticals found?
There is nothing that shows me as to what I consider as being wanted in a positive way as to what I consider as being wanted in a positive way as to the common sense as to the amounts of typing instead of what other work I have needed to get to instead of such aspects fully, and those types as to such aspects thereof are not what I need or want or desire or prefer whatsoever officially as that is why I describe as to the needless drama and/or needless stress and/or needless situations and/or needless etceteras.
A mature individual does not need such amounts of constant babysitting as to such aspects thereof, and I am not interested in being anyone's babysitter. Those types that think that just because I was a Mom and gave the care that I have as to being a Mom as to having given birth as to only such sexist and machismo feminazis as to such fucking uselessness officially as to what I have clarified officially, as to such aspects thereof as some biological females actually have more important aspects they see in life than certain types as to their interpretations.
Maybe one day I will meet a real man instead of an overdramatic individual as to such aspects similarly as to meeting real women instead of as to what I have apparently repeatedly had to clarify as to such aspects of the difference as to the aspects as to what some should comprehend what an actual invitation looks as online, as to such aspects thereof. Though since such individuals have literal pictures as to such aspects with the words on the pictures as to the common sense of paper invitations as to the online factors, when I have backed away to take care of myself as well as what I need for myself as to such aspects of human decency instead of such needless poke types as to such aspects as to that needless problem from Facebook as to such aspects thereof as to how much I absolutely hated the aspects of such fucking uselessness as to that type of individual who constantly did that stupid fucking poking button aspect that was just annoying and why I did not ever have the need to poke back because of such situations as to the reality of what I comprehended as to such brattiness as the reality of the facts as when being a Mom of minor aged children as to not needing to deal with immaturity as to online or in person face to face in person or anywhere as to such aspects overall.
Thus no I did not go to the hospital as to such aspects as there is not the need for me personally as I was informed by the EMS individuals who showed up, as they said I only needed a Tentis shot at most from what they viewed as the reality of what my needs are as instead of what others' assumptions are as there is not ever any invitation to my room or my work as to any capacities thereof unless actually speaking with me as to the aspects of what I specify as to my choice.
For so many of those types who have fought for the aspects of their body their choice, the same in reference to myself as well as my work as to the factors thereof officially as my body and my choice.
Thus unless those EMS individuals lied about the amount of damage as to the initial aspects thereof and/or such needless problems as to where legally caution tape would be as to my location as to my work, the aspects of accepting the reality as to what officially is mine. As I clarified to those EMS individuals as to the lack thereof as to other people in my life that I would ever need or want as to such aspects officially as to such clarifications as to the aspects thereof as to such situations as per the needless problems and needless drama as to the needless situations, as only people who would actually want me would actually need where I would actually have everything I need as to what my needs actually are and would officially need me to always be in a good mood only as modeling is not real life.
Thus as to SCUBA Divers who did not know I was not ever dating anyone in SCUBA Diving from January 2009 through June or July of 2009 until one SCUBA Diver for less than 2 months, for such clarifications as to any individuals who needed to fully comprehend such aspects officially. Those types of assumptions I suppose as to those expected aspects instead of what I consider as to what would be earned as there are none who earned a tip from me or anything from me beyond the assistances I had given during the timeframes thereof as to any such factors of so-called trying to ever claim they ever deserved anything at all beyond such aspects, as the reality of the finances as to payments to individuals who have actually worked as to such paychecks for the work as per the actualities of the work. Thus as to how none have ever proven to me of actual worth of themselves beyond the payments that the school arranged and not the aspects as to what I would ever have been informed of as I was not ever informed of ever as to tips until the month of September 2009 when the owner at the time of the school told me about tips, instead of ever anyone else before including the individual as to the short time of such aspects officially.
Common sense, it should not take a head injury to figure that shit out.
Apparently none of my work has ever been of importance because if my work was actually of importance, as to what the reality of my considerations as to such importance to others would be instead of the situations as to how such has been as to the aspects of what others' interpretations of how to show such to the differences as to my considerations are as to the facts proven as per such similar aspects as to the pop culture references as to New Jersey-ians born and raised as to the aspects thereof to the actual overalls because of the ground work as well as the upward movement. Only individuals who only have lived in towers would ever consider themselves in such capacities trying to ever think they were as to such aspects, as walking on the ground from a doorway to a taxi or a limousine does not count as actual ground work officially as those are only the types as to the white privilege aspects instead of the real work as to such factors thereof as managing of construction workers by just looking without paperwork as to how some aspects were in New York City are not the same as real managers as to the real work officially regarding tower types as to the individuals who had the suites in such areas as to the facts regarding such situations.
Then there are the facts about writing as well as coding and such aspects as to the reality, as the facts are the facts as to such proof as to whether such factors of my work ever actually being considered as worthwhile as to what I consider as worthwhile.
I have not ever had what I consider as a break as to vacation ever as to an actual vacations because of my work, and due to such as to how the reality of proof as to such aspects as to the reality of what some consider as worthwhile is far different than what others think as to such aspects as to their interpretations. I have my viewpoints of what I consider as to what a break from work is as to the aspects thereof instead of there ever being any need from others' interpretations of what I consider as to such aspects thereof officially, as obviously that would not be within such aspects of what I consider as a break as to such individuals ever being involved as to such interpretations officially.
30 days consecutively to be capable to recover is not the same as 30 days of relaxation for the clarifications as to such consecutive aspects of time, as it should not take a dumbass shithead to figure that out.