The picture at the bottom is of my biological sister Patricia Ann Hom-Miller with her legal husband Zack Miller using my son James Michael #Letters4James and my daughter #Letters4Lidia as the rings bearer and the flower girl which the situation as to the abomination of a wedding as that had been was described in person as well as through other writngs including the Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing, which includes how the male named Zac Miller threw a temper tantrum because of my demand regarding when first meeting him to remove his sunglasses and remove his head cover when speaking with me for the first time of meeting to find out they were engaged when not having ever officially met him before as the two of them dating. While the situation as to how I was treated regarding driving my son and my daughter from Carrollton Texas to Austin Texas after I purchased their outfits worn though changed out for the picture regarding the hideousness as to the wedding situation, which you are able to see the female in the corner on the patio which had heard the yelling in the front yard regarding my biological sister throwing a temper tantrum because of not knowing I was not considered as invited to her wedding because of how embarrassing I looked regarding even showing up after driving my son and my daughter from Carrollton Texas to Austin Texas without any concern or even the slightest bit of gratitude to make the trip to begin with. As the male apparently felt slightest because of how dare I expect any respect from a male who was looking to wed my biological sister and not having been informed of such prior except through a Facebook status change, which when I called her to ask her about the situation she seemed unbothered as to the lack of information regarding the relationship to begin with. When I was told we were going to meet halfway so I could meet her then fiance while they were living in San Marcos and I was living in Carrollton Texas, I was told the halfway point was in San Marcos Texas from San Antonio Texas because apparently they were too busy to actually meet halfway in comparison as per the situations thereof.
When I arrived to the San Marcos Starbucks across the 35 highway from the Prime Outlets in San Marcos Texas, I learned then they had not driven halfway in the slightest and the lack of respect for any such aspects was beyond apparent as he rolled his eyes when I refused to speak with him because of him wearing a head cover inside of a building as well as sunglasses and refusing to take them off because of how I physically looked had disgusted him at the time; as per his words, when speaking as he took a sip of coffee. As I waited for Zac to remove his sunglasses and his head cover while crossing my arms and maintaining my composure he grumbled as to how he felt I was disrespectful for making him have to look at me as he mumbled while taking another sip of coffee as I waited for him to have the slightest bit of human decency, regarding such behavioural choices. As my biological sister had already gone on about her opinions regarding the Armed Forces of the United States of America as discussed and described, she had reminded him as to my not having graduated Basic Training for the Army branch; as I was told the two had either met in high school at McHenry High School in San Antonio Texas where I was legally her guardian and such had not been removed officially even after our biological parents had moved officially to San Antonio Texas, however they began whatever abomination of a situation in my opinion as to the ways of the overall combined aspects thereof. Nonetheless the portions as to how that meeting went was after several minutes of waiting for him to have his own ability to show his own self-respect as to take off his sunglasses as well as his head cover when meeting me despite my physical appearance which disgusted him as per his own words at such times, he finally complied as to the reality check as to I was going to continue to refuse to acknowledge his existence at the meeting until his sunglasses and head cover were fully removed and I could actually speak with him having eye contact in comparison to his hiding at such a time.
As per usual from childhood and teenager years, my biological sister was embarrassed of me and my command regarding respect shown to me in the proper and correct ways as while she had not idea who I actually had always been; nor had he the slightest inclination in a larger way as to who he was sitting in front of at such times at the Starbucks, as per his and his family's ability to be allowed to survive the situations regarding why I fought to be emancipated to be able to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces as to various aspects I have already explained in prior writings after multiple descriptions as to such situations to a larger number of people; both before as well as after the wedding as per the back of the picture saying April 2010, which was just a short amount of time before what occurred to my daughter at the Fort Worth Zoo during the Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District McCoy Elementary School. Due to my biological sister's bridezilla attitude regarding acknowledging my existence as an additional slight to having already lied to me about the halfway distance from San Antonio and Carrollton Texas as per what she was told by whomever as to that being the halfway point to the additional drive from Carrollton Texas to Austin Texas for that abomination of a wedding to slight because of the aspects to my dead-ex-husband having been her favorite individual and her first love, even though she saw what I dealt with regarding various conversations because of other aspects when she was dropped off at my house in San Antonio Texas. Ironically Zac had gone into the local law enforcement aspects of the area and when I had written a check for the $4,000.00 my biological sister had said he needed for the bullet proof vest as well as other gear regarding the police aspects, that Christmas despite what was going on with my daughter and the best I could do for my daughter and my son regarding such times as being a legal widow only as well as a single Mom though I was engaged for the second time to Shawn McCall in front of him at the time in Tyler Texas at Holly Lake Resort; her disgust as to my willingness to assist with such was very much noticed, just as my biological mother's complaints regarding the $10,000.00 check I wrote for the HVAC system which needed to be replaced for my biological father's diabetes to be more manageable from the heat as well as my son and my daughter going to visit at such times as best as I could get such to be due to the aspects as to what occurred because of the McCoy Elementary School staff and adult volunteers as well as CFBISD school district and their treatments against my son and my daughter and I due to their perceived as well as stated and actions proving such portions thereof during such years between 2008-2010 and onward hypothetically.
I guesstimate that would be up until realizing certain portions regarding who I actually am and who I had always been the whole time yet the wrongful lack of respect at such times was as it was, all because of such prior stated biases from her childhood problems regarding my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu having refused her into the aspects of the family because of our biological mother refusing to name her correctly with the names chosen as she thought my biological sister being born on the same date as my Bok Gung's birthday was considered as good enough for the Asian aspects. The female in the corner of the patio in the picture would be able to verify regards to the respect portions or lack thereof when Bok Pu had been the one who had chosen the name portions in comparison to my Bok Gung, my Bok gung and my Bok Pu informed my biological mother my biological sister was only allowed to call them her Great-Grandparents and not ever being at any time ever being allowed to call them her Bok Gung or her Bok Pu as she was disowned and disregarded from all such family aspects to which our biological father tried to calm the situation though my Bok Pu refused to ever accept my biological sister into the family because of our biological mother's choice to disrespect my Bok Pu. It was assumed by our biological mother as to the male aspects regarding my Bok Gung's choice on his birthday though she refused to acknowledge that my Bok Pu had chosen the middle name which had nothing to do with my Bok Gung officially beyond the allowance to live, as my Bok Pu had threatened to take my biological sister to China to exterminate the problem as per our biological mother's choice to knowingly do so. She tried to reason with my Bokg Gung telling him to try to control my Bok Pu's rage at the slighted insult to her because she had my biological sister on his birthday, thus she thought he would calm down my Bok Pu's rage from her disrespect as to ignore the realities as to my Bok Pu having chosen the name to begin with. Whatever my biological mother's assumptions as to the way things were in their life was obviously misconstrued regarding such aspects to which she continued to lie to my biological sister saying she was the chosen one when in all actuality she was our biological mother's chosen one, whereas I was my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu's chosen one at the start in comparison. My biological mother hypothetically tried to murder me repeatedly as per the view points regarding such aspects, to which a few times I simply was willing to go anywhere to get away from her at the times constant inability to accept the facts; that I was the one and only chosen one as per my Bok Pu and my Bok Gung with my Grandpa Gavett, which she had problems accepting the fact that Grandpa Gavett knew about her the entire time and how she was which she complained about Poco the chihuahua dog my Grandpa Gavett had which constantly informed him of whenever someone was breaking curfew. If anyone has been told about the tail wagging which Poco did regarding informing Grandpa Gavett as to such situations, then you have additional proof as to the problems which my biological mother needlessly caused because of her wish that my biological sister would be accepted as anything beyond what she had always been only because of the skin tone with the Filipino looking physical aspects in comparison to the ways my physical aspects regarding my face actually shows mainly in the upper eyelids among several other specific attributes to the Chinese ethnic background of myself and mixtures thereof.
However for picture portions only the false lies regarding the adoption process at such times which in turn the known infertility because of my biological sister's genes regarding her failure to comply with simple rules regarding informing others of her contracting HPV and not properly taking care of the situations, to which while I in 2020 was informed of some concerns; I also know how to clear such in different ways as per other such aspects to which my Bok Pu had taught other such energetic portions, which the bloodwork paperwork of mine I previously posted pictures of proves such portions with additional aspects of such proof regarding multiple other portions thereof that I had always told the truth the entire time despite the lies which my biological mother/father/sister had needlessly perpetuated in wishes to fool the entire population of the state of Texas to ever believing she would have been accepted when she was not ever accepted in the family regarding such portions as per the commands from my Bok Pu and my Bok Gung with my Grandpa Gavett. I would not be surprised if my biological father went along with my biological mother in wishing that telling lies to others as to the wished for similarities as to such when there was nothing remotely alike let alone similar, as per the upbringing and the ways as to which a Cantonese is raised compared to an American-Mandarin.
By all technicalities I am the one and only Cantonese-American, Cantonese raised, born in the United States of America, female, born and raised in the state of New Jersey and having been able to go walk in multiple areas within the tristate area as per earning my ability to do so long before anyone ever knew officially who my biological father was/is. In turn the aspects as to my personal upbringing in a massively huge difference in comparison to the ways my biological sister was raised, is a major difference regarding certain specifics known to only a few in the lands of China and nearby in comparison because of the humility regarding certain portions thereof. While my biological mother wished she would be able to control such aspects the realities thereof had always been my biological mother was Caucasian mixed in comparison and had not ever learned anything of the Cantonese ways, which she thought both Mandarin and Cantonese were the exact same to which further added insult to the situations regarding my Bok Pu and my Bok Gung beyond other associatuions with my Grandpa Gavett and his organizations and agencies aspects thereof. While the same could be said regarding my biological mother wishing that the portions as to Zac graduating from law enforcement academy would be considered as the same as if the times when I was in Basic Training at Fort Sill Oklahoma would be good enough to be able to try to climb up ladders which she had no idea how such worked, though such can be seen in reference to how instead of taking me to the hospital when I needed to in order to deliver my son their preference to watch another Police Academy movie from some marathon while I was in labor about to deliver my son.
Nonetheless the ironic timing regarding how my biological parents wished my biological sister would be the good child in comparison for the ability to present the picture of the mixed aspects compared to what had already easily been seen by some people who were only accustomed to certain views to be able to tell certain hidden features within plain sight regarding my actual ethnic background comparatively, which I suppose the ironic portions as to me having always been the choice and the chosen one. In such aspects as to what I had warned others I knew at the times I had when in person about such situations regarding my biological mother/father/sister, if you have officially met those people since; I suppose you have the realistic portions as to the treatments I informed you I had dealt with since I was a child and a teenager, though had warned such had gone into my biological adult years especially after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury. My biological mother wished for sympathy regarding having others view her as some wishful saint regarding situations to which you can review when I was in 5th grade for such aspects regarding how she had been at Old Tennent Presbyterian Church as well as Prudential at such times, for those who knew her in person; though I suppose there are those in the current time which have seen certain types of people such as I had been wrongly accused of to try to get sympathy while claiming I was faking the situations regarding all such aspects because of the wish regarding my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects to the portions which others were told depending who you spoke with and/or read and/or saw, as to such portions. My SCUBA Diving gear was stopped in the Austin Texas area and the situations thereof regarding such aspects as it was my SCUBA Diving work and my background the entire time in comparison to wishing to take credit and steal valor for what I had accomplished on my own, however could that be a surprise when taking into considerations of my biological sister's first love being her spiritual husband of my dead-ex-husband? How many heard her defend his choices and defend him to which levels, in comparison to me always telling the truth the whole time despite what treatment I dealt with during as well as afterwards of telling the truth?
Yes, I know from what I have been informed of to which my biological sister is more exotic looking and considered as beautiful in comparison to me. I had heard that since childhood and into teenager years, though believe when I write of how much I heard such additionally regarding such other portions regarding as a biological adult. The preferences as I was informed of regarding the physical aspects as well as the education portions was considered as the ways it had been considered, even though I earned 26 individual SCUBA Diving certifications on my own and achieved as I achieved by myself regarding such. Though such an inconvenient truth regarding myself to such individuals as hypothetically seen and known by now, however if there were actually any people who stood up against such in defense of me I truly do appreciate such portions despite not officially knowing as to such aspects. I would not doubt as to the amount of situations which the drama was stirred regarding such portions in time especially after a male from the Austin BDSM community had asked me about having a biological sister in college and later dealing with her phone call regarding her being mad at me for having the nerve to acknowledge we were biologically related, though such discussions at various events thereafter as per the male contacting me again to inform me as to how she had reacted having been asked if being related to me and how her reaction had continued onward. The irony of defending certain portions in the adult consenting community in certain specific areas and topic points thereof to wrongly be accused of exactly what some have chosen to knowingly do as per such, as well as the wrongful situations which occurred thereafter as per her wish to have a different last name than McCall if I had gotten married regarding such aspects as per someone she knew known as Phillip Omstead which had introduced Patrick Kennedy to me and who she had liked a lot more than who I was engaged to twice willingly at such times. He had given me a leather vest in front of my biological mother/father/sister as well as my son and my daughter, and wondered why I was infuriated and enraged as to such as can be seen below the picture from that situation combined of that wedding.

USAA the pictures on the wall are mine and all such who had been around such pictures of mine as well as that cherry wood dining table with cream colored padding when in the apartment in Irving Texas, those were the realistic portions with the truth as to what has already been as per thereof written and/or discussed; whereas the pictures below are from San Antonio Texas.
Ironically in my house in San Antonio I had painted an older version of the painting above my biological sister's head, though instead there was a table with two bistro chairs from Sony/Sonya's and Joe/Jose's house in Marlboro New Jersey who lived next to my Big Blood Brother's family.
My Big Blood Brother absolutely hated and despised my biological sister and biological mother the most, which some may have learned as to why he hated them more as per certain additional situations regarding my biological mother and my biological sister more specifically because of others who know how they were in New Jersey during the late 1980s and into the 1990s whether in New Jersey or Illinois though I did what I could to warn those within the state of Texas just as I had done the best I could to warn others in New Jersey as well as warn in Illinois before warning the Army branch with later warning the Marine Corps and the Navy branches of the United States of America's Armed Forces as to such aspects when I was in Medical Hold Unit which was moved and renamed to the Warrior Transition Unit.

You can see my biological sister and the way she was speaking to my daughter at the time regarding her body language, when I took the picture. Though the vest was given to me at the apartment in Irving, Patrick did not hesitate to tell them and show them as he packed the leather vest as he had regarding the hood in reference to the event earlier for reference; though those who know such situations regarding him having been a submissive as well as telling my biological mother and my biological father with my biological sister in front of my son and my daughter, many reasons as to why I remained as calm as I could though the rage regarding such aspects for those who know and understand and comprehend Old Guard Leather aspects while I was in the Dominant Mentor Program and had not yet graduated if I remember the timing correctly. His claim at the time was he went through my laptop thinking that a leather vest I had put into a folder meant I wanted such in comparison to what I was actually looking at and what I was actually thinking about, as per my annoyances through assumptions from those who have not simply asked honestly. Then again admitting to having gone through my laptop without my permission before then at the time of, was another situation to which had been a major problem. You can see the dining table in the back as at that time her legal husband apparently was too busy to spend Christmas in the same area, though you are also able to see the wooden chair I described regarding the interrogation I dealt with as you can see my biological father sitting in the chair as my son looks up towards him with my biological sister in the bench area near her piano in comparison to the flute I was allowed, with my biological mother's behind in the picture near my camera bag and my purse on the table as my daughter was out from the hospital at the time briefly. However there are the aspects of the portions regarding as to how the ease was for the room to be cleared for the interrogation I dealt with regarding after the answering machine tape message was left outing me yet again to my biological parents who already knew of such as per multiple times having already been outed in various ways to them as well as my now dead-ex-husband when he was alive as he too had done so to me, knowing what I would deal with and not caring instead as should have been if it was ever actually a worthwhile aspect of time regarding that legal marriage. For those who had met my biological father or not just from the picture, how do you think that interrogation I dealt with in 2012 had gone regarding shortly after having to disarm my daughter at JBSA regarding that situation? Was that not enough for me to deal with in any such combinations, though think of how I explained in brief when in person compared to some detailed writings as to my childhood and conversations in the car as some know how such goes regarding those situations. Remember, he was only a third degree black belt and hade been a Merchant Marine which again then think about how when I was fighting to be emancipated went for me to be able to join the Army branch of the United States of America's Armed Forces after already having gone through the majority of the process to go to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment.

The Stoney LaRue concert pictures I posted after taking shortly before the situation outside in the smoking section as to the group of people who would not leave me alone during the event to simply just be and not have to think much for a little bit of time, after the fuller aspects started moving forward regarding the realities I was dealing with in March 2013.

The eerieness of the picture from the abomination of the wedding is able to be seen quite clearly regarding a multitude of aspects in reference to my biological sister wishing she would or could ever be accepted when it was always predestined as to her failures regarding such portions as per the situations regarding the naming situation as per my Bok Pu, as per her chosen words for those such curses against my biological sister. In ways I could almost joke as to a different version as to the female regarding the patio area as per the reality of many having heard my biological sister rant on about the fact I chose to stay for my son and my daughter, in comparison to what the wishes were wrongly at such times to which she was warned at that portions of that situation as to what would befall her if she continued onward regarding such choices she had already continued to make incorrectly as she would face the facts as to the truth without any sprinkles per-se. I cannot think of a better way to show white privilege in such regards as to the ways as to how such had been wished for regarding my biological mother/father/sister wrongly to which, she did not ever work a day in her life in any such real employment regarding how she had critiqued anyone who ever signed the dotted line regarding the Armed Forces of the United States of America except for if there was someone who would actually have graduated Basic Training with AIT who could actually impress them because of the manly aspects regarding such portions as per the view points thereof in comparison to actually caring about the individuals underneath the uniform and who such actually is within such capacities thereof regarding the real portions as to such aspects of such employment and deployment portions. I suppose the ironic portions as to if the actualities were known in full before as to what I personally accomplished in comparison to the views thereof, the ways which those individuals regarding the biological portions only reference to such would think about a male who had accomplished however such regarding training and the aspects thereof during certain portions; the ironic similarities in other such ways though because of me being a female as well as how I physically look, the realities as to that situation of such as already described and have gone through while needlessly dealing with civilians who wished to take credit for what could not ever be accomplished by such portions with the additional requirements of such training I received in my childhood and my teenager years. However until in Vancouver Washington and as to how my minor son and I wound up there after the Cowboys Dancehall situation during the Stoney LaRue concert which the picture below will show my Apple cellphone having taken the pictures as well as social media posts from my original facebook account, was when the official aspects as to self-publishing after situations regarding the title aspects in reference to Tye Publishing because of the additional situations which were already much to handle and there was much more to deal with from such times shortly thereafter the initial weeks and months of emailed discussions. Apparently Irving situation was more important at such times than the other aspects for such moments in time, to which is something only I can go over such aspects thereof.