With one day left of the final day before the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 in #NYC #NewYork #NewYorkstate #NY New York City along with the #Pentagon #Arlington #ArlingtonVA #VA #Virginia #Virginiastate #PentagonCity Washington #WashingtonDC #DC Pentagon and the field in #PA #Pennsylvania #Pennsylaniastate Pennsylvania before the actual day itself, the amount of time I have been able to have to reflect upon the years in the various ways thereof while additionally looking towards the current moments as well as the future of what I can see to which I am thankful for with an extremely heavy heart as to the situations deeply felt. The amount of concern and care referencing the time from my childhood and teenager years having been born and raised in #NJ #NewJersey #NewJerseystate New Jersey and able to walk around the different areas of the tristate areas in the combination thereof 11 September 2001 and thereafter to the current year of 2021, is something which the time is of the proverbial metaphor of a double edged sword as to the overall aspects combined. In ways as per seeing a different version of a reminder on #socialmedia social media as to a situation I was told about which I remember from a time after the #StoneyLaRue #SLR #Cowboys #CowboysDanceHall #CowboysDancehallSA #CowboysDancehallSanAntonio #CowboysDancehallSanAntonioTX #CowboysDancehallSATX #CowboysDancehallSATexas #CowboysDancehallMilitaryCityUSA #SATX #mysa #SanAntonio #SA #TX #SanAtonioTX #SanAntonioTexas #Texas #Texasstate #CDH #CDHSA #CDHSATX #CDHTX #CDHMCUSA Stoney LaRue Cowboys Dancehall situation though before the time in #Clackamas #ClackamasOR #ClackamasOregon #Clackamas #OR #Oregon #Oregonstate Oregon to the time when the alarms started going off in that #BestBuy Best Buy when speaking with the #GeekSquad Geek Squad employee, in the year of 2013.
Before I go into the details thereof such the point I must acknowledge as to those who knew I had done modeling and performing in the few locations I had done so between the years of 2008 through to the beginning points of the year of 2013 to which while there is the possibility as to referring to my SCUBA Diving and the situation thereof to the metaphor of driving around #Carrollton #CarroltonTX #CarrolltonTexas Carrollton Texas as to the reminders as when in high school in such ended aspects as to the proverbial metaphor of later in the year of 2011 for the same aspect whether or not to knowing of my modeling and/or performances as to a different proverbial metaphor when after #Irving #IrvingTX #IrvingTexas #DFW #DFWTX #Dallas #DallasTX #DallasTexas #FortWorth #FWTX #FtWorth #FortWorthTX #FortWorthTexas Irving in the year of 2011 regarding such driving around as to the Carrollton Texas portions as to the mention of #LoveAirfield Love Airport location in a discussions regarding March 2019, as to a proverbial metaphor to San Antonio Texas as to the modeling as well as the similarities regarding that ex-relationship to the high school needless drama as to both in reference to the interrogation I dealt with because of as to the #UHAUL UHUAL referencing my #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving gear and my storage unit as it was an automatic draft payment as well as to the aspects as to the situations regarding the Stoney LaRue concert situation; for the reference as to how I wound up in Washington state, as to how I do not blend into the background anywhere for such regards as to what I was told about have been a supposed public apology though now has house parties and etcetera aspects for such reference points to regard such childish needless drama. The reference to the aspect as to not blending into the background as to the ex-relationship in the ways additional to my modeling as to how such reviews thereof regarding how some may not have known as to such aspects having been a situation online as to the ways thereof regarding high school antics, as to those types of people who had needed to grow up and realize it is a small world and that is a large fact of life.
Thus the irony regarding as to how I physically do not blend into the background, additionally nor does my writing style as to my specific abilities to discuss in person as well as write online as to the various topics of which I have knowledge as well as understanding with whichever areas as to comprehension to additionally point to references for the ability for you as a reader to be able to go search for the information yourselves to educate through the verified information while also thinking as to what possibilities which may have been overlooked to be able to learn on your own as well in honesty; thus the additional aspects as to the aspects of such online portions via my social media accounts as per having acknowledged such, while also explaining what I had dealt with in reference to my first non-fiction book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” more specifically. In turn to such as to when registering with the Library of Congress in addition to the ways thereof, how could such portions then lead to other known factors within the state of Texas while whatever was already occurring while I had not been in the area as to having been in Washington state as to the portions to pay attention to such details in such regards as to when I had been in the Army just as when having been away at camp as to my biological sister having to face the facts of her problems which she had lied about as well as caused; what is the crossover metaphor of which can be seen in the reference aspects thereof which can be noticed especially in reference to the individuals in whichever situations thereof? What is the saying when some people do not want to realize they need to accept the ownership of the problems they caused and/or added to referencing such reference proverbial portions thereof to such a combination other than the enemy of my enemy is a friend, is it not? In turn the aspects as to the updating of such information regarding another non-fiction book of mine “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” in conjunction with another non-fiction book series of mine of which I had authored as well as all of my prior books as I authored with only one book having combined aspects of documents for assisted verification ability, though the three volume non-fiction series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing”.
In a pre-cursor when it is revealed as to the actualities thereof as to the real deep truth levels of which in such regards as to such multitudes of details and layers thereof as to the interconnection portions which can be noticed in another non-fiction though the names were in groups aspects as to a non-fiction book of mine, “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” for such additional proverbial puzzle piece aspects thereof to the larger picture in such reference aspects; possibly the aspects as to the #neurology #Neurologist neurology aspects as to the complexities as to my actual schoolwork and my test scores to the portions thereof, to the complexities of the brain portions thereof to such capabilities regarding the ways to work through various aspects while remaining as compassionate as possible while being as genuine as one can from such prior situations to combine the aspects as to the ways which to find different ways to reflect upon such situations for a more openminded aspect and approach thereof to different aspects of healthcare for the well being in genuinity for the longer terms of life into the lengths into the distances of time for the best possibilities. Hopefully, I do hope.
In the reference to the memory as to one day having been in #Scottsdale #ScottsdaleAZ #AX Arizona #Arizonastate Scottsdale Arizona at the pool with my son and the individual regarding how had gotten to winding up in Washington state, of which I cannot recall the month though I know was in the year of 2013 as it was after the Cowboys Dancehall situation. I had been doing what I could to give time to my son after what occurred referencing the San Antonio Family Court situation, as to knowing he needed time to focus and learn to focus despite the situations while creating as good of time as I could for him to be able to process such aspects while being a Mom as I am. As that individual was off to the side as my son and I swam around thew pool, he made a comment which I laughed at. Essentially the discussion and the joking went back and forth regarding swimming and strength, to which I told him he needed to understand there are differences between his swimming and my swimming. When he joked about other aspects as to other points regarding his swimming compared to my swimming, I as kindly as I could smiled and did what I could not to laugh too much as to the aspects of. When he challenged me regarding my swimming ability in a pool, I kept calm as the time went before allowing a smaller aspect of just a bit of speed.
I told him I would get out of the pool to dive in and if he stayed in the one location instead of swimming to one side or the other after I counted to three before diving in the water I would tickle his feet when I swam over to where he was, which after a bit that is what occurred. However the first time I had done so the bikini strap to the top of my bikini bathing suit strap had snapped upon my dive into the water before I had gotten to his feet, though I tickled them and we laughed before I went to the room to go change. At first it was odd because of knowing I did not normally wear bikinis unless I was modeling or in one performance I had done, though it had not made sense to me at that point yet. I changed into another bikini because of the strap, returned to the pool, and then when my son jokingly challenged me again, I got back out of the water, told him the same thing, and then on the count of three I had dove back into the water which that bikini strap had snapped and ripped after diving into the pool. It was odd though afterwards to my second bikini’s strap breaking in the water after I counted to three to go and tickle his feet when he did not move, again I had to return to the room to change out of that bikini to then go back to the pool afterwards.
It was weird to me because certain oddities were not making sense as per the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I reflect back now in the year of 2021, which upon changing out of that bikini I remembered as I looked at my tattoos as to seeing things in the area which made little sense to me. Upon realizing that I could not find any one piece swimsuits in the room, my thoughts went as they had as to the situation, and I worked on remembering through moving through my memories in the room. I changed into another bikini as I looked around realizing there was nothing I recalled which I could remember including my clothing, the area of the room, among several other factors; though remining as calm as I could, I remembered on my own as to the situations as to certain situations as to some occurrences. I changed into the third bikini as only finding such, returned to the pool remaining calm, and as I walked passed a bar area a male made a comment about seeing a fashion show. I told him it was not a fashion show, told him about the situation regarding my bikini straps having broken from diving into the water, and returned to my son telling him on the count of three I would do the same thing again. Of which when I counted to three I dove in, my bikini strap did not break though almost had ripped, I tickled his feet, and he and I laughed as I remained as calm as I could seeing the male from the Stoney LaRue concert and several aspects clicked.
I knew I had to figure things out on my own and make my way, without the assistance of anyone else as to the situation as to what I needed to do for myself and my son after what occurred regarding the San Antonio Family Court situation which no one I once knew had believed me about prior to how that point in time had been to the levels as to the aspects as to the #FWZoo #FortWorthZoo #FtWorthZooTX #FortWorthZooTexas #FortWorthZooTX #FortWorthZooTexas Fort Worth Zoo situation because of the biased individuals throughout the state of Texas as to my physical view as well as their ignorance as to the belief regarding my reasons for my tattoos in conjunction to the other aspects those people refused to believe about the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury to which the infuriation as to those people I once knew in the state of Texas including my biological mother/father/sister meant I needed to figure the situation out on my own to handle the situation on my own as per not having had any worthwhile assistance to such portions regarding the aspects thereof as per such proof through the patterns of behaviour as to my return to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 as those individuals additionally as to who may have ever seen my website and/or read my books had not acknowledged such truth and showed the exact ways in a different time as to the situations I dealt with before winding up in Washington state of such types of individuals who had preferred to play games instead of being decent human beings by acknowledging such truth to me if that had ever been a thought. In turn regarding my writings after returning to the state of Texas in the year of 2019 and the transfer process, there was the lack of the need for such assistance as that was not assistance to begin with.
Of which any wishes as to any such furthered involvement within my life they removed from themselves as per the ways of how the situations I had told people as to those people within the state of Texas choosing to play games with my memory aspects, having fully been shown by each individual in the state of Texas from the year of 2019 through to the time I finally was able to get the transfer only showing the types of people those people in the state of Texas are; simply because of the facts while they were told about election integrity #electionintegrity and #factchecking fact checking; there was not one of those people who had ever acknowledged such truths, even people I once knew in person such as Sam and Nikki Lewis as well as the individuals from #ClearSpringsSCUBAPark #Terrel #TerrelTX #TerrelTexas Clear Springs SCUBA Park and Joshua and Crystal Light, which included the situations regarding International SCUBA.
As to the aspects of both #InternationalSCUBA International SCUBA in Carrollton Texas as well as each individual at the Clear Springs SCUBA Park who had chosen to lie directly to my face as well as the occurrences thereof, please keep in mind those people if such is accurate willingly chose to use #SCUBA #SCUBADiving #SCUBADivingInstructor SCUBA Diving gear with whatever technology pieces to go into the water after lying directly to my face. They need that SCUBA Diving gear for their lives to be able to continue referencing when in the depths of the waters for the ability to breathe within such waters, and those people were willing to lie to one another while lying to me as to the situations regarding their choices. Knowingly while in their classes as well as within their SCUBA Diving groups, those people knew they were in a life altering location as per the high risk category SCUBA Diving already is classified in referencing insurance. Additionally to choosing to willingly lie to me knowing the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, those SCUBA Divers including the owners of Clear Springs SCUBA Park and the staff thereof, chose to lie directly to my face as such life specific gear was being used as to their choices when interacting. Think about such in regards to when they would work with one another outside of a life specific location such as SCUBA Diving, as well as in reference to the fact of knowing it was 10 years since my SCUBA Diving when I earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications, as well as the facts thereof to my oceanic SCUBA Diving certifications I earned on my own as to the levels of which those people were willing to go in regards of their lies as to whether or not you are willing to deal with such types of willing liars within your life.
Personally I know my life is far more valuable than to allow such behaviours and choices thereof which includes to the reference to #Letters4James my son and #Latters4Lidia my daughter’s safety and well being, though that is an individual choice regarding others to what they are willing to open themselves in their lives to as such portions thereof.
Think about the fact of their choice to willingly lie about their knowledge thereof while getting such life gear on to go into the waters I cleared, to then act in the manners they chose to do so, and would you ever be able to trust those people ever again if you were in my situation? I doubt there is one individual who could look into the aspects just to read about the normal aspects of SCUBA Diving to see the lack of any requirement for me to be able to see any worth of such individuals to be involved with ever again, and my mistake which to clarify as to the ones I had known who were in the area who chose to speak as they had; if I ever made any recommendations about their worth regarding their SCUBA Diving, as to such aspects of their choices. You can choose as to whether or not you find any value as to such types of individuals in your personal lives, if you are to find each individual as to the levels thereof regarding such portions in the life type of gear in SCUBA Diving to the aspects on land for such portions as to whether or not you find such worthy of your trust. In addition to many of those being Instructors within SCUBA Diving and/or shop owners in SCUBA Diving as to whether or not there is value for such types of people to teach you and/or your family SCUBA Diving as well as the responsibility levels thereof in conjunction to the other aspects as to what I have updated on my website of all such interconnection, as to whether or not you choose to have such a similar view as to whether or not those types of people are worthwhile beyond a lesson plan for such situations of what to fully avoid for their knowledge as to my SCUBA Diving certifications I earned in conjunction as to the knowledge as well as proof of my SCUBA Diving depth levels via my pictures as I did not ever go SCUBA Diving in any aquarium.
I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out of my lack of any need, want, or desire to have any involvement with any such connected individuals who would willingly do so which extends to non-SCUBA Divers as to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such; in conjunction as to those I once knew especially within the adult consenting lifestyle as to such realities as to the required truth when being involved in such ways to simply have a discussion without the aspects as to any actual involvement as to such portions thereof, regarding the genuine requirement as to the safety aspects thereof for such aspects thereof in the #BDSM #Swingers #LGBTQP #LGBT #LGBTQ adult consenting lifestyle. That extends to my biological mother, my biological father, my biological sister, and any such connections thereof I may have met within the state of Texas after returning to needlessly apparently though being able to have the full proof as to such portions when taking in consideration the ways of the election cycle rallies in the state of Texas as the amount of firearms around the areas thereof to take into such considerations as to what thoughts and opinions thereof regarding all such situations I wrote about on my website as well as to my books “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as well as “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” in conjunction with “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” and the three volume book series “The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” as to the occurrences thereof regarding the specifics brought forward regarding the specifics thereof in regards as to the required truth in such references. Although might be considered as small regarding certain situations as to the lack of SCUBA Diving gear, is any lie ever truly considered small when you think about it? I do not think so, in my opinion.
In turn when in the pool location regarding in Arizona as later I would learn in that week in the year of 2013, I would additionally find a way which would be able for me to recognize certain attributes about the location as to the physical portions of the plants as there were not ever any cacti within the state of Texas which I had ever seen with sunburns as the ways I had when in Arizona. Additionally as to the buildings having some similarities to the areas of Texas as well as the plant life, there were other specifics which I had noticed assisting me to be able to figure things out on my own which in turn the aspects as to what I had told people in the various areas in Texas before such a time caused a rage in a different way at such times as to those I once knew knowing such was not believed as per their saying such to my face regarding all of the various topics I had brought up in different discussions at the various times. In turn regarding when I was in the state of Texas, as to my lack of any further need to be involved with such aspects in the ways I once had due to such types of individuals being willing to make such choices without the ability to see what they willingly brought forward into their own lives when taking a larger look at such perspectives as per in such aspects as to choose to willingly work together with others to willingly lie to me as to the symbolism as to their own lying and how such would go naturally.
In turn the aspects into the writings in the year of 2021, as well as my lack of a need and lack of any desire or want to have anything further to do with such types of people ever again in the state of Texas or anywhere else for that matter. The choice for if there was any type of agreement to not acknowledge such truths after knowing about the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in reference to the people of the state of Texas meant that everything I had dealt with in the years from 2000 through to 2013 was fully accurate, and the lack of any worth to speak with such individuals again as to having fully shown such in the years of 2019 through to earlier in the year of 2021 when getting out of the state of Texas. Having the knowledge and yet choosing to play games with the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in the year of 2021, though also the concern for those who have grown older in their years as well as those who have or could survive any head injury which can happen at any time to any individual. I wonder why it would take a head injury to figure out why the 10 Commandments are important, however that is my opinion as to such aspects which seem as common sense before my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and after effects thereof. Family, like family, friend, acquaintance, and/or any other type of portions thereof; the ability for me to clearly see as to the problems regarding such types of individuals making such types of choices to willingly lie about something small in whichever ways they saw such as, is the ways as to which to take into consideration as to the larger aspects of life and what trust levels any would be willing to put into such individuals by such choices thereof regarding the aspects of the choices made at such times in such ways which includes phone callas as well as text messages as well as online portions thereof as to the connected portions as per ability to see such aspects. When adding the facts as to the portions of the officializing to the US Space Force and the aspects thereof, you can look into such details as to whether the aspects are important regarding such transmissions as to the frequencies thereof and where such potentially hypothetically can travel outwards from each individual transmission sent.
In the reference as to an individual I had met after Chili’s Restaurant regarding Lisa, John the manager, and the employees thereof being involved with Temple of Flesh events back in the year of 2001 regarding their choices as to their discussions as to their plans; later in the year of 2004 before remembering such aspects as to the reflection portions in time as to such in this year of 2021, I had met a male in the interconnected to the areas of that community including the aspects of Excalibur Faire as the connection portions thereof, as to a male named Thomas Marsden who had admitted to having tried to commit suicide several times while in #ROTC ROTC for the Air Force as per his Grandpa having retired from the Air Force as well as his aspects regarding pop culture as to having gone to UTSA for such ROTC aspects. In turn the portions which I wrote about regarding his fantasy to have arranged for a female to be repeatedly raped before going in to tell her as to having arranged all such rapes against the will, I had told that male I would destroy everything involved with such an individual for that sort of set of choices and would hope the entirety of would fully burn and dissolve away out of existence fully if such were to ever be true. When I responded as I had and he laughed saying he was only joking, I did not find any humour to any such joke as to knowing there is truth behind every joke.
I do hope so if such is true when reviewing such portions as per the facts as to the damages from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury and any such type of connection to thereof making the willing choices as to lying to me and such connected aspects as to the years of age proverbially regarding being out of the coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, in regards of having to be taught the name of colors as well as how to count because of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the front lobe of my brain which took 4.5 years to begin to show in the #CAT CAT and #MRI MRI scans as to any dissolvement. In turn as to in the year of 2009 regarding my SCUBA Diving as to such being 9 years out from my coma, as well as other such connected factor brought forward in reference to such realities; each can choose as to how such is reviewed though hopefully in truth, which includes the reference aspect to having spoken with an individual I once knew from #CrystalLake #CrystalLakeIL #CrystalLakeIllinois #IL #Illinois #Illinoisstate #CLS #CLSHS Crystal Lake South High School named Kenny Tank who had retired from the #Navy #USNavy #USANavy Navy regarding the discussions on the phone and the choices thereof in regards as to the military aspects thereof in conjunction to such portions of the employment aspects. In turn while some might think it is not a big deal as to telling one small lie here or not acknowledging the truth in other portions there, I do not think it takes a head injury to see a larger picture regarding such aspects as to such portions thereof.
In turn when in Arizona and being informed when in the room as to the firearm situation I was not told of before and remembering having dealt with the firearm situation at Fort Sam Houston Emergency Room regarding my daughter and the situation there, the firearm situation regarding Patrick Kennedy and the loaded shotgun in the apartment in Irving problem before the visitation which was different for those who would be ignorant to think I could not tell the difference myself for which of course I have had such ability with the additional proof as to the videos/images I have taken over such times for clarifications as to such ignorances to others’ opinions, as well as the overall other situations regarding the office at BAMC/SAMC regarding General Gillman and the soldiers who returned to the soil of the United States of America during the time of the Iraq and Afghanistan War situations with those 3 males with those 3 firearms in regards as to the returning the Bronze Star falsely awarded as per the explanations from the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as well as the CID interrogation as well as the interrogation from my biological mother and my biological father at their house as per described in person as well as in writing in “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” as to the realities of my lack of any need and lack of any requirement to have anything to do with such individuals as well as their lack of abilities to be responsible enough to actually be genuinely truthful when the times mattered the most in my opinion as per such additional proof thereof which extends to the political family of the Millers as my biological sister had married into as to all such lack of needs for such types of individuals regarding those aspects as to the genuine importance of truth in all situations at all times unwaveringly.
In such reference aspects as to when in Arizona I thought about my childhood and teenager years from when growing up in the tristate area, and I remembered Old Tennent Presbyterian Church thinking there would be a record of some type to be able to get such aspects to find my way. I looked online, found a First Presbyterian Church, and I went to the location to speak with the Pastor. When I began speaking with who I was told was the Pastor of the church in Phoenix or in Scottsdale as to the situations, I was only able to get to a certain point before being asked similar questions as to prior individuals who I had spoken with about the aspects thereof. In turn when there was not one answer which made sense to me regarding any response from the male who said he was the Pastor of that church, I refused to allow such portions to continue as per reviewing such regards at the times when reviewing. I was taken into the main church area to look at a stained glass image of Jesus Christ and asked if I saw any similarities, which enraged me as to the portions thereof referencing such aspects of having to figure out on my own when there were and are those who did not have to deal with such portions thereof. In turn when the male had returned to the area I was in there was a point of which the discussion of being told about a nun he knew of who had been a missionary to a savage village which had burned her and tormented her which she had to be extracted out from to be saved from such savages, to which after she recovered she returned to the area to which she had made believers of each individual as to the aspects of the truth regarding the aspects as to Christianity. Reminding me of the male in reference to the couple who had stopped by my house in San Antonio as to the male who brought forward the 2nd Corinthians quotation of the Bible in reference to what I told him then about my now dead-ex-husband had lied to him and made him think he knew anything about the religious aspects in comparison to myself, which in such regards as to the religious zealotry regarding certain individuals as to those problems referencing such.
As I told that male back then there were several people who had been diagnosed with insanity because of their mental health disorders referencing the problems thereof as to the time as to how long the churches had been telling people of which when I was a child in New Jersey growing up as to the facts in the 1980s of the saying of 2000 years ago had been when they thought Jesus Christ had walked the earth, and the second coming thereof referencing such aspects as to the clarifications to the discussion regarding those times. While that male who similarly looked as the male Pastor which in the latter years thereof to such times in the year of 2013 to the year of 2003, as to the situations referencing such times as to the 10 year portion of my SCUBA Diving in the year of 2009 to the year of 2019; as to the proverbial crossover problems regarding such types of individuals making such choices to think such was ever considered as a game which in the real portions was not ever considered as a game to others such as myself which since throughout time I only told the truth in comparison for such considerations thereof as to the larger aspects and situations thereof. In turn when having been told about the nun who was tormented and burned at the stake by several savages within the villages thereof as to the situations regarding what that male pastor as I was told had described he then told me that nun returned to the savages to convert them and successfully had done so regarding the aspects thereof.
That male asked me what my opinion of the savages were in the reference, and I kept my opinion to myself for the most part. When asked about my opinion regarding the nun on the missionary aspect as to my opinion, for the most part I kept silent referencing such aspects. When asked about the followers of Jesus Christ as to my opinion in such references regarding the story I was told, I kept my opinion to myself for the most part. The situations at that point in time as to my opinion compared to my needs, were not aligned as to that male’s references as to such situations at that point in time, however I did explain the situations in person to my son and the male regarding Stoney LaRue concert situation, as well as put in writing in my book “Finding A Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing”. Of which afterwards when going online during that week as to finding an event which I had thought would be good enough to if there was anyone who actually knew me or knew of me in person having seen me, would have called me by name in reference to such and aspect if had been in truth in such regards as to seeing specific tattoos of mine and my modeling in such references; however such did not occur, and the situations went as they had gone in such regards as to the overall portions by the choices thereof each individual. The reference aspects additionally regarding the technology aspects as to seeing both on #Facebook Facebook and #fetlife fetlife as to the claims of seeing me in person and/or having gotten phone calls to their employers at that moment in time when I was physically in front of my son and that male showing my son the Facebook portions in the live feed as well as the fetlife portions to that male while he could also see the Facebook portions of both live feeds, and the situations thereof regarding how being in front of them in Arizona as they held the technology devices themselves to see such; in my opinion additionally shows the truth referencing what had been told to people by me in person including the portions as to the #Twitter Twitter picture to show such portions as to the regards of which I am honest at all times, of which the clarification as to my posts being able to be verified as to knowing whether or not I posted in comparison hopefully as per proof of knowing the difference between such aspects thereof to show.

However as to such ironies referencing such a time regarding Arizona both in reference as to the male Pastor aspects as to the comment about the village of savages as to the portions of showing in belief as to the conversion portions I suppose though to the aspects as to the problems with technology, hypothetically since I have always told the truth the portions as to the aspects of which some people have wished they knew better about myself as well as the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the lack thereof regarding all such individuals who may have made such a claim as well as the validation as to my having always told the truth. Whether or not, some individuals wanted to accept such or not though need to accept such a reality thereof in such full portions in comparison to their hypothetical prideful ego. In turn after the combination thereof regarding the portions I have written about as well as discussed as to such portions including the #Hallowedd Halloween event in the year of 2013 in #Portland #PortlandOR #PortlandORegon Portland Oregon and the #VelvetRope Velvet Rope in Portland Oregon among the situations referencing #ClubSapphire Club Sapphire in #Seattle #SeaTac #SeattleWashington #TacomaWashington Seattle Washington as to the combinations thereof referencing the clarifications thereof, I suppose the proof as to not all individuals involved with the adult consenting lifestyle combined aspects thereof are the exact same in any such combination referencing the individuals involved as each individual makes their own choices; in turn whether the consequences are good, bad, or indifferent consequences depends upon the levels thereof as to the proof thereof, though the time as well for such to be brought together for such clarifications and purposes thereof for the consideration.
In reference to having created my website in Washington state and updating my website in Buda Texas, the transfer process as to having already proven such portions in full as to the ironies regarding the individuals within the various areas I once knew in person I suppose when reflecting upon the situations regarding the timeframe of such updates in Buda Texas before my transfer process after such updates; there is all that is required by the technology standards for the saying regarding God Bless Texas, for their own abilities to have such for themselves as to their choices of their involvements and the requirement for me to move on with my life as to what I need to do for the best for myself outside of such locations as per the facts thereof as to them being able to speak for themselves as to such regards of the aspects in the Presbyterian Church discussions in Arizona as to such portions as I had told those people in truth. I do not have the need to see such individuals regarding the choices made in such regards unless in the deserved justice aspects as per however such adds up in the references thereof as to those I once knew in person as to the term forgiveness, as why should I consider forgiveness when such aspects thereof to oneself is whatever their aspects are to themselves for such regards as to their opinions of their intentions in comparison for all such intensive purposes hypothetically.
In such references to if others who once knew me were told to lie to me and/or were of their own free will a part of a group in such crossover references as to the situations regarding Clear Springs SCUBA Park as to the SCUBA Divers at the location during such times as well as within each context thereof to any SCUBA Diver I have met for such intensive purposes, then what would be the viewpoint to such a regard as to the truthful portions regarding such SCUBA Diving gear as to the choices thereof on land as to how such openness invited within their own lives can be taken into consideration for the reviewals thereof for such aspects? How could such be seen in regards of when speaking with law enforcement officers, fire department officials, and whichever medical services thereof regarding such truth portions as to the references? #TruthfulNews Truthful news is pertinent when taking into consideration additionally, in reference to transmissions for the regards thereof additionally to other factors regarding life. How can in regards as to the various branches and divisions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, be looked as to such portions whether the individual and/or group is Active Duty/National Guard/Reservist/Blue Identification Card members of and for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as dependent(s) thereof be considered as important? What could be needed in reference to allies and aspects thereof, in reference to the United States of America and the world population thereof?
In turn while I have been made of in whichever aspects thereof as to my prudeness or my modesty, my being considered a square or my humility referencing prior experiences/accomplishments/work/involvements/etcetera, my nerdiness or my studious nature to make sure I am aware as best as I possibly can be, and so on and so forth; in my opinion as to the regards as to such aspects at the First Presbyterian Church in the Scottsdale/Phoenix Arizona area of the United States of America, that situation regarding the nun and the savages is a story parable as to what each can reflect upon as per the situations thereof, regarding villagers as to such viewpoints as per descriptions for such thoughts to regard as to such choices. In such regards as to the aspects as to Irving as well as SCUBA Diving, how could such a viewpoint be taken into soncideration as to choices thereof by such individuals in knowledge thereof to such situations? While there is the admitted knowledge, understanding, and comprehension as to the aspects of various committees certain individuals may be a part of as to, the realities of knowing what my beginning clearance level of such portions as to my age at the age of 17 years old and such background aspects as to the clarifications thereof; individuals by such aspects per their particulars have the knowledge as to how such discussions are capable, though the reference aspects to the locations thereof is the portions of which is as to the discussion portions for such clarifications as per the knowledge as to clearance levels for such types of discussions.
Thus while I have acknowledged as to having driven out to different areas for the ability for the honesty as to being transparent for the clarifications thereof for such idnividuals in which levels might be in regards for such discussions as to validity of truth in any such hypothetical, the ability for such has hopefully been clarified as to the poritons thereof. However the aspects as to the individuals who do not have the clearance as to such portions would not know as to such regards thereof and if such aspects have been in question for certain higher ranking authorities as to such portions, the ways thereof seen as per the situations regarding various aspects between such times as to the more specifically though not limited to the Stoney LaRue concert situation all the way through to the current time of the current year as to tomorrow being the 20 year memorial date of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to such reference aspects having been written about as to such clarifications through my website, can be taken into consideration.
For example as to the #EndStolenValor to ending stolen valor as to the portions of my biological sister/biological mother aspects of such hypotheticals with the #Miller Miller family in the Austin area of Texas as to such hypothetical problems as to the lying portions thereof regarding specific involvements thereof which including the aspects of comparison; to being born and raised in New Jersey and being around the areas of the tristate in the northeast regarding the times of the 1980s and the 1990s as to prior to the attacks on 11 September 2001 for on the ground in person in real life aspects, those types of people who have either politicized and/por used the situation to boost themselves wrongly in my opinion as to the making sure the integrity of such details are factually based and able to be checked in all such references as to the details of regarding the election processes as well as the elections themselves. Have any wondered what or how such individuals are chosen and pushed forward as to having been groomed as the way people get their pets groomed as comparatively to the aspects thereof can be seen as to the preference, of which aspects are true as to the differences to the authentic aspects for comparison. As there is the knowledge as to the automated technology portions as well as the differences as to the regards of artificial intelligence aspects with the combination of #EndHackers ending the hacker problem in reference to those types of situations which have been problematic referencing such grooming possibilities while using technology devices to the aspects as to the US Space Force transmission portions to review, the importance of the clarifications as to the genuinity is extremely important in all such references as in my opinion can be seen and noticed in several reasons and ways thereof in reference to life and the safety and security in reality.
In turn the aspects as to the twitter picture as to the problems regarding accounts and the social media portions thereof, as to the responsibilities referencing such aspects as to the truth in such regards of the situations thereof as to the list of names regarding specific individuals and the portions to the devices and insurance regarding Geek Squad and Best Buy for such additional aspects as to the problems which seem to be in reference additionally to the phone calls I did not receive in regards of regarding my son and/or my daughter at such hypothetical times; especially in reference to the few phone calls I had been able to receive if such problems regarding such #EndHackers ending hackers from such situations because of the situations regarding my daughter and my son as to others wishing to prove the aspects of their biases and discrimination as to wrongfully and illegally setting up for failure when in turn they only set themselves up for failure to be caught through such technology devices as to the programming portions thereof to the situations regarding Irving as to the additional aspects thereof. Those people who voted for #POTUS44 POTUS44 as to those people in Carrollton Texas to the proof I had told people about in regards of the discrimination as well as the pure hatred my biological sister and my biological mother had towards me as well as my son and my daughter because of them being my biological children, only fully proves such portions additionally in all such hypotheticals.
Why would I be chosen by my Bok Pu, my Bok Gung, my Grandpa Gavett, my babysitter’s security director father, the aspects as to my clearance at the age of 17 years old to transfer as the starting clearance as to when having my Blue Identification Cards of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America; and etcetera regarding the Irving situation as well as my SCUBA Diving certifications I earned on my own and the work I personally have done in all such regards and references thereof, to the reasons of the 10 Commandments being common sense in such references?
What would #electionintegrity election integrity as to the pictures taken with people who had been given my card and the instructions thereof to the additional facts as to my purse with my website at such rallies during the election cycle of 2020 have to do with such technological portions of all sorts, be needing consideration to review such realities in the reference aspects thereof to the #factchecking fact checking aspects of the importances to be truthful in all such ways?
How could such reference aspects as to the only female Medal of Honor regarding my Medal of Honor Art Project be seen in such references as to the situations thereof, regarding all such circumstances including the realities as to the situations regarding the transfer processes and the aspects thereof in all such combined regards as to the situations overall for the realities to be reviewed in such references?
Who could truthfully see such aspects as to the requirement for such reviewal portions in the proverbial aspects as to the saying to 20-20 vision, for the aspects of the current times as to the situations in which have been brought forward in such reference situations?
Where does the beginning portion as to bringing such forward actually take place in reference to the aspects of such portions to the in person portions of the information which has been brought forward regarding what I have written, authored, compiled, brought forward, mailed, discussed, and all such aspects in the various combinations thereof?
Can any see as to how continuing to try to ignore such realities only further proves the definition as to the definition of insanity as to the wishes of my biological mother as well as the wishes of my biological sister as to the problems those people have plagued the various good people, in such regards as to their types of individuals within the human race as to such aspects when hypothetically taking such in review?
In regards as to the 20 year memorial of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to the aspects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury during Basic Training when I was in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America after my fighting to be emancipated from to stay away and not ever have to deal with any in reference to my biological mother/sister and father if in such continued portions thereof to those two females, what can be seen regarding the grooming processes as to the fakeness felt when speaking with certain types of individuals who would wish to press forward with the fake news as to their choices as to putting only certain types of individuals in front of the camera for such types of aspects as to the physical view and/or the backgrounds thereof which can be seen in the pop culture reference as to the show #ScandalShow as to how such situations have actually been?
How can those aspects to such situations referencing transmissions be taken into consideration as to such technology as well as transmissions from such individuals, regarding such metaphors in regards as to Scandal with #OliviaPope Olivia Pope to review as the background regarding certain aspects thereof to take into consideration?
In regards as to who has been proud to stand with me in truth, did you truthfully link yourself to me in the regards of through the technological portion which would actually be considered as truthful in the acceptable portions; or would you be considered as to having violated the portions of any such aspects as to the 10 Commandments in any such portions as to the varying levels of what would be considered, in reference to my technology devices and/ore my social media accounts verified and/or my website and/or etcetera as to how haver you blasphemed my name/work? Could you see where you would be considered as any portions of vanity in reference to either acknowledging falsely as to bearing false witness and/or the vanity as to hacking problems needing to #EndStolenValor end as per the ending stolen valor portions?
What could be reviewed as to what the truth would be as to what is actually honoring a Mother and/or Father, as to what would be important about the truth in full regarding the background of a child and/or grandchildren and/or etcetera regarding such political portions throughout all states within the United States of America as to election integrity portions thereof and such political physical viewpoints as to the same identical twin type problems as to the abomination of a wedding for the ethnic viewpoint backgrounds as to wishing to look more accepting in comparison to the actual ways which the future is headed in comparison to the technological washing out of such types of political arrangements in full as to the realities thereof being fully over for such larger and longer term wishes for the political investments as to the full requirement of the length of history for the technological reviewals as to the leaks when all such portions are fully released as soon as possible for every such truth as per seen in the references as to the Civil War statues in such references to question now in the year of 2021? Can any such portions be reviewed regarding a comparison to my biological sister as to my ex-in-laws for such a review, as to any correspondences which can be seen in a retrospect sort of way as to “Finding The Silver Lining By: Susan MeeLing” for such clarifications in “The Modern Day Book By: Reverend Susan MeeLing” to the documentations thereof and all such proof being needed to be downloaded for the full knowledge as to the requirements as per can be notated in references to the technological transmission portions in addition for such actualities in reference to the US Space Force and such images as to what I have taken pictures/video of for decades at this point?
How could such problems be fixed correctly as to repairing through the releases in full of such aspects for the quotation from POTUS Ronald Reagan as to the law breaker must be blamed for their choices as society must hold such a law breaker accountable for their actions, in such comparisons to the aspects of the technological portions?
What is the problem regarding the hypotheticals in the reference of phone calls to the negligence to the problems which occurred after my SCUBA Diving certifications I earned in reference to additionally the aspects as to the correct and proper care to my daughter’s situations and my son’s situation to the McCoy Elementary School, as to what I told people about those types of people as to how they had actually treated my son and my daughter and I as per their actual intentions fully hypothetically able to be seen as an additional set of problems regarding such views as to the northern part of the Mason-Dixon Line as to the southern portions as to the viewpoints thereof regarding the Civil War as to the current times in such regards? How does my hair as well as my tattoos within my skin have any such portions to additionally show as to the ways which Vietnam War veterans as to the current situation as to the Iraq War and the Afghanistan War, have the ability to be reviewed regarding such realities additionally to the requirement to #EndStolenValor end stolen valor? What aspects as to the time regarding surviving the attacks on 11 September 2001 at this upcoming 20 year memorial have to do with such questions, for such review and why? For the current times into the future?
Why is it important to truthfully speak and write about me as well as be in the area of speaking with me, in all such ways and topic points thereof?
What is important as to the rightful credit I have earned being correctly and properly acknowledged by my name correctly known and verified through the ability of my website additionally for the clarifications thereof whichever purposes in whichever accusations hypothetically if needing clarity for such, in all such ways in truth as to any such legal aspects for the reality thereof in comparison to any hypothetical false claims against me which would mean breaking the tenant of the witness portions which would include online portions as well as in person for the clarification purposes to all such ways?
How could the aspects as to what day has been important and why for me, in which situations as to the actualities thereof per the timeframes thereof?
Why is it important to truthfully acknowledge any aspect referencing the actualities of a biological aspects of the background to the portions of family healthcare portions for a child and/or grandchild’s medical care as to their biological portions to the maternal and the paternal sides, when able to give such truthful information to what ends of how such can actually help?
What is the difference between killing and murder, and what ways can such be considered as throughout all aspects as to what is known regarding life for such charges as to the aspects depending thereof as to the portions of as to attack or defend as to the portions of; in all areas of life in reference to the ways thereof, in the current years after the times of the attacks on 11 September 2001 up to this point of review in the year of 2021 for such clarifications and rectifications regarding restitution aspects as well when having known the truth as to actually fixing and repairing as to what in reference to integrity in conjunction to legal aspects thereof regarding election portions a well in reference to legislature timing aspects?
How is adulterty defined in reference to the cheating portion and how can such review aspect as to the adult consenting lifestyle be taken into consideration for the requirement as to the truth being known and spoken at all such times, in any such regards and references thereof to take into any type of consideration?
Why is it important to give the truthful portions regarding credit as to situations as to what would eb considered as stealing valor wrongly, and why would there be the requirement to end stolen valor in all such regards? How has the problems regarding only having known of law enforcement officers to be protected by such laws as to the portions of illegally impersonating a police officer be considered as situations to the aspects, in reference to the portions of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as well as in reference to my 26 earned SCUBA Diving certifications in reference to my SCUBA Diving work and experiences thereof for such regards to think about in the knowledge thereof? Why would #MartialLaw4Texas #MartialLaw4TX Martial Law for the state of Texas be something to take into consideration, for such references as to the situations which have been brought forward for all such clarification purposes a to the aspects of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America be considered as important for the various instances thereof in the aspects for clarifications and requirements thereof regarding any such hypotheticals as to the transmission portions thereof in full truth and what reasons are the for safety in the realities thereof to the formation officializing aspects as to the United States Space Force within the Department of Defense aspects?
Why is it important to tell the truth at all times when around other people, whether a neighbor in regards of living near or when out in the general public for such aspects thereof? What is important in the references as to the technology aspects in addition, as well as what are the stand your ground portions when in reference to the aspects of the state of Texas in the timeframes thereof for the starting portions of the official contexts thereof in regards of protection rights as to the stand your ground aspects? Why is it important that I had told people about my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury after effects, to any such hypothetical possibilities thereof regarding the reflection time of the time of the attacks on 11 September 2001 as well as the before time regarding such of my being born and raised in New Jersey and walking around the tristate areas as to the having been moved to Illinois before the aspects as to the state of Texas before winding up in Washington state to return to the state of Texas in 2019 to then transfer out of the state of Texas as to the processes and situations thereof during and after as well to this point in which tomorrow is the 20 year memorial of the 11 September 2001 attacks for the considerations thereof?
Why is it important to keep your attention on what actually is yours, in comparison to what belongs to another? Why is it important for wedding vows to actually mean in regards to the importance of words, and meanings thereof in conjunction to locations and such aspects? Why would it be considered important referencing witnesses, in such additional aspects in the references as to what I have said about I was only legally in regards of my legal marriage only through the Justice of the Peace as well as several other aspects as to the reference to my now dead-ex-husband regarding the additional reviewals as to all such aspects combined?
Is it important to tell the truth at all times even if the truth hurts someone else’s feelings because the facts are the facts, and why would such facts be important to any aspects regarding myself in the references to after having woken up in the state of Texas from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in all such combined aspects in all such full ways thereof in conjunction to my Constitutional Rights and Amendments of which I personally additionally earned for myself? Why? Are there any points in time which my right to defend myself in a state which has stand your ground laws in my favor, which would need to be taken into such considerations as well as any after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury in conjunction with the time thereafter for such aspects in addition to my biological daughter and my biological son as to additional though of course to myself and my work?
Why would my biological mother and my biological sister do what they could to try to keep me away from the east coast though especially the state I was born and raised in the reference of the aspects to the realities of energetic portions as well as New Jersey, regarding myself to any and all such portions thereof to review regarding the truth of who I am as well as the truth of my background needing such clarifications and the wiping clean and clear of all such portions for myself as well as others in the truthful portions thereof for the timeframes of the 1980s to the current time in the year of 2021 for any such future wishes for themselves and those connected to them who had not made the choice to socially distance themselves from those types of situations and what is the difference and importances?
Any other individuals and/or groups, which fit into that category similarly? Why? Those people can answer for themselves as to their choices for their reasons, and be dealt with accordingly as per such portions thereof as proof as to the aspects available through in full truth as to the reasons for the clarifications as to the reasons being much higher over wishes.
#TruthMatters #IntegrityMatters Thy is it important to the 10 Commandments to SCUBA Diving, at all times? Where does that translate into the life on land, for such references to think about?
What is the difference to background as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as to my Confirmation Graduation, to the situations of what others were told not to do in reference to the aspects of the Book of Revelations as well as such portions thereof to my training and my education in my background in such comparison to others though additionally in reference to my #FreedomofReligion Freedom of Religion in such comparisons as well as what connects thereof to?