In reference to the #FOXNews FOX News video link pasted below in reference to the #KeystonePipeline Keystone Pipeline and the technology portions in reference to what #DanaPerino Dana Perino specifically said in reference to the hacking of the technology in regards of the grid for the pipeline, she is absolutely correct in regards of the major concern in reference to making sure the preventative measures to ensure the lines run smoothly and correctly as well as do not have any major back up problems because of the pipeline is important. Such can be seen in reference to the water lines in the major cities and throughout the various states in regards to the water lines in the reference to the concern many individuals in the different continental states within the #USA United States of America is concerned, including within the state of #TExas Texas. At the apartment complex I have an address for in reference to the water lines which have busted 3-5 different times between the month of January 2021 shortly after I put the request in for a transfer officially, the water lines have broken down multiple times throughout the apartment complex to which I can see the point Dana Perino had made regarding the safety situations in regards of the Keystone Pipeline running correctly because not only of the concern in regards of the technology portions though also in the correct and proper care and maintenance for the pipeline. As Michigan has had the Flint water issues because of the incorrect handling of the maintenance for the water pipelines while also taking into consideration the drilling vibrations causing the weakened structures to have leaks as well as burst in certain locations, the concern in reference to what could occur if the correct maintenances are correctly taken care of are extremely important. While it is ideal for the quickness for delivery the portions in reference to the additional vibrations which occur in reference to the waterlines regarding the aspects to the delivery of the oil, the importance to maintain the water pipelines to take care of as the older pipes and the vibrations can be seen how certain portions of the situations regarding the water portions.
Additionally in reference to the points regarding the electric car situations which between the references of the solar panels causing certain situations referencing the larger number of people who have been coming down with cancer because of the levels of the solar panels drawing in the sunlight which has proven to bring more melanoma and other types of cancers which while certain portions as to the smoking being a situation though the solar panels bringing in the UV rays to the areas within #California California among other locations, can be seen fairly easily as per various research studies in the specific locations which solar panels are made as well as solar panels being more widely used for various portions across different areas around the world. Whereas in #China China where many products have been made for a cheaper price and thus the materials are up to certain standards in regards of what is ordered and paid for, the standards which the products which have come out of China to the United States of America differ from the products which go to Australia which differ from products which go to the #UK UK and etcetera; though such can be said in reference to products made from various countries as to which products are made where, and what quality is preferred regarding such. In turn the realities of which the aspects of the vibrations regarding the larger amounts of fuel being processed through multiple locations when there are older oil drilling sites which have been abandoned around the United States of America also prove such additional portions to which many have ignored and needed to pay attention to for a long amount of time, throughout multiple states and locations. What is to be taken into consideration regarding the abandoned oil rigs throughout the United States of America near water lines as well as pipeline locations, as to the water supply when taking such into consideration?
In regards of the water lines being looked into as well as the portions of the technological aspects of the infrastructure for the different areas and taking California into consideration as to the electrical lines as well as the solar panels with the amount of electric vehicles the individuals who have lived in such locations are concerned, what is the cancer rate for those individuals regarding the amount of solar panels to the cancer rate of other locations with a larger number of solar panels? When did the beginning of solar panel technologies begin, and what years were the ozone layers being noticed to begin dwindling because of what was claimed as the hairspray problems in comparison to the amount of UV rays being directed to the earth's atmosphere? While I know Dr. Sun's brother had been diagnosed with lung cancer which Dr. Sun thought was only from smoking which in comparison to where his brother had worked as well as what chemicals he was around in conjunction to what he was breathing in before the smog portions more widely known now compared to the time of 2002-2007 when my now dead-ex-husband had done work in the lab regarding the research I had provided for the work to be completed, the real concerning problems for such portions thereof were ignored as to my comments regarding such portions as to the development of the products and the concerns about the general health of the public regarding such individuals because the work conditions in comparison to the standards of the United States of America are far different regarding hours as well as the locations thereof in conjunction to the protective gear which is allowed. However such discussions were not considered as important simply because I did not have a college degree, as I already have discussed as well as have written about despite my knowledge and understanding and comprehension. While some of Dr. Sun's guests at the Christmas Party in 2003 were listening to me in reference to my discussions, there were those who wished if only I had been a male as to the validity to my points of full truth regarding such aspects. Realistically that was not anything new to me even by that point in time, as the amount of those who had refused to take what I had warned of seriously multiple times had been so prevalent as just as quickly as people forgot about the attacks on 11 September 2001 as to my warnings wrongly from the visions I had regarding my nightmare for 12 years in certain sections of my life regarding the importance of; the situations in reference to the situations thereafter had quickly been forgotten as per the individuals acknowledging such truths, once certain situations were taken care of partially.
Though there were those still taking care of situations in regards to the after times of 11 September 2001, there were those who wrongly quickly forgot about the impacts to more areas than initially thought regarding such aspects. Possibly because of having been born and raised in #NewJersey New Jersey and going around the tristate area is one reason as to why I remembered more thereof, though it is something that occurred because of the short attention spans to which I also had warned about. I wish I could joke in reference to those who have lied about several other aspects regarding what I have warned them of, however even in the reference of #SCUBA SCUBA Diving the truth of my SCUBA Diving levels still has been ignored for such lengths of time as it truthfully would have been easier to simply provide identification to speak with me about such; despite having already made multiple attempts well before 2018/2019/2020/2021 as per the amount of emails I had sent asking about such. I know there were situations regarding my daughter and McCoy Elementary School in Carrollton Texas #CFBISD which had much of my attention and my time for both my daughter and my son, however I did make multiple attempts to ask for help back then and was ignored repeatedly. However I suppose that is what happens when you physically look as I do, have the medical background in reference to the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as I do, and not one individual actually does what was required regarding the correct aspects as to that set of particular SCUBA Diving aspects as per the situations back then and those I once knew simply doing the correct thing and contacting who would have been able to actually help to speak with me as per the wish I suppose for other such credits which they themselves did not ever earn for themselves. I had asked for help in regards of that SCUBA Diving individual I once knew who I had referenced before, though instead he preferred to go on his way and do as he had done in comparison to taking care of what was more important than his and others' egos as my my opinion for such times looking back. While I do not doubt the regards as to the portions of the actuality of being taken in for questioning regarding the SCUBA Diving, I obviously was intending to take my SCUBA Diving gear to the JBSA as per moving back to San Antonio Texas because of the situations regarding all such moves at those times for my daughter's healthcare and my son's wellbeing; however those 12 hours were of extreme importance to actually get my SCUBA Diving gear to the specific area of the United States of America's Navy/Marine Special Warfare location since there was not one SCUBA Diver I knew in person who had told me the truth as to where I could go for such aspects thereof. The same can be said and written in regards of since that time in 2009 as well, though that requires truth to be spoken as well as written by more than just myself in such ways in my opinion.
Nonetheless regarding such portions as to the 12 years since that SCUBA Diving set of situations as well as the 12 years as to the nightmare visions I warned about regarding 11 September 2001 and such portions thereof, what the regards about the electrical portions along the California/#Oregon Oregon/#Washington Washington state areas in reference to the electrical lines in the ground areas which have the monitoring for the electric cars among the power lines and etcetera additionally have not been kept up to date to the levels for the increased population using such portions of electrical outputs. The plants which you can see the change of the bark colorations within the trees and bushes is a clear detection as to the heat levels rising from the ground as well as the sunlight's UV rays regarding such other portions as to the impacts of the power usages, and while some wish to find a cheaper source of power for the ability for more to be able to use such technologies such as electric cars, the reality as to which portions of what can actually be completed safely regarding such portions is the aspects to pay attention to as well as the proper care and maintenance for such aspects in all such ways. The regards as to how the electrical aspects impact the solar chargers compared to the water lines to the Keystone Pipeline can easily be seen, while also taking into consideration as to the amount of wildfires along the California/Oregon/Washington areas from the summer months over the years.
Lies spread like wildfire is a saying to which I can hypothesize as to certain individuals choosing to lie in comparison to telling the truth, is a situation which ironically one must use a water type of source to put such fires out correctly. However such SCUBA Divers and associations thereof view such aspects, is the choices thereof regarding the amount of wildfires which have spread across the areas of my trips around the United States of America from the years of 2009 through to current times; is however such SCUBA Divers choose to honestly review such realities thereof in conjunction to the saying, lies spread like wildfire and how such gets calmed quicker and with lesser amounts of damages if such was ever thought about other than by simply just myself at such times of seeing such when I was in Washington state in 2014 when I began my Medal of Honor Art Project officially.
However the portions regarding the technology situations referencing the way in airplanes and other such portions regarding the technology control devices such as the sensor situation referencing Patrick Flannagan and other aspects which have been proven regarding the energetic frequencies for such, the flight autonomous portions regarding certain other portions thereof, and then taking into consideration the electric self-driving vehicles which are within the electric cars as to other such safety features and concerns thereof. Additionally to what Dana Perino brought up in regards of the pipeline and the technology portions of the electrical power grid in the clip from #TheFive The Five show which #JudgeJeanine Judge Jeanine has brought up on her show previously as I remember hearing about her discussing such when I was in Washington state shortly afterwards in 2016 as well as discussions I have had about concerns referencing the hydrologic engineering regarding the power plant in Washington state, which the officials have closed down the pathway to certain areas which I had brought up noticing when I had initially gone out to the Temple of Power area in the Newcastle area of Washington state. Thankfully someone listened nearby regarding such portions as to certain areas which I had been concerned about due to my concern about falling and tripping in comparison to what I felt could be a concern though could not express specifically, though there is a reason such portions for the safety thereof as to why such had a pathway closed regarding the times I had driven to the area more recently as well as in 2019 regarding such closures. The portions as to what was briefly discussed as to some aspects in addition to the situations which have occurred in other places at other such times including the questionable aspects as to the rolling blackouts in California over certain points in time, is something to take into consideration regarding the state of Texas regarding the amount of people who have moved from the state of California regarding the amount of electronic vehicles and hybridized vehicles is something to look into in addition to the safety requirements which should be included regarding the maintenance for the Keystone Pipeline as well as the water lines maintenance for the infrastructure aspects throughout the United States of America along such a pipeline.
If I recall correctly there were some explosions in #Oklahoma Oklahoma regarding some oil rigs if I remember correctly around the year of 2016 or 2017 which had also been reported, to which personally I wonder about regarding the aspects in referencing to the drilling portions in combination with the pipeline and/or the electrical portions in conjunction to take into consideration for the safety of the general public as to the aspects as to which way to move forward regarding the production of energy regarding the possible ways as to assist with such aspects to look into and figure ways for a clearer and the best possible options for the regards of the ways to process the amount of energy required for the larger amount of populations of people on the planet earth as it is not only the building and the construction of the energy sources though it is also the maintenance portions which sometimes has been overlooked and not thought of as much as some might have thought possibly. I had called if I remember correctly the #FBI FBI about such concerns I had or I had filled out the form as per a tip regarding such in reference to Oklahoma as to a concern I had about the Oklahoma area for safety, though unsure as to what their investigation was able to find for such aspects officially after a news report I had listened to regarding such though hopefully worked out for the best.
As I had noticed in a news report regarding the state of #Georgia Georgia after having gone out to the #GeorgiaGuidestones Georgia Guidestones and a breathing situation I had when I was in the area in 2020, there was shortly later a problem regarding a leak which broke through the ground areas in a town south of where I had been in Georgia when having the breathing problems from the air as I noticed though had not idea as to what the situation was until later on when seeing the news reports. I am fairly certain they were able to find the situation to properly take care of the what occurred regarding such though later in 2021 when I went to Florida briefly when on my trip in March and April 2021 upon returning to Texas from only standing on the ground and walking around feeling something odd beneath my feet, I went back upwards towards the northern areas of the east coast to later learn when either back in Texas or on my way to Texas of a waterline pipe situation. I had noticed certain water colorations when driving along the east coastal areas around the location of South Carolina as seeing a bit of red coloration in the oceanic waters nearby, which seemed as though it may have been some iron in the water or possibly the rust from the pipelines regarding the area and wrote about such in a prior journal blog about such; to which the situations regarding a different aspects as to not only the proper construction of various portions, though also the correct maintenance for the different aspects of.
Personally I do my best to not complain though only point out what I notice as sometimes it is more ideal to point out for those who have the ability to look further into such details thereof to have those who have more expertise in the specific areas as to which pathways to go, as I know there are those who have a clearer in more detail knowledge and understanding thereof to the portions of taking care of the different aspects. In reference to the knowledge and understanding that multiple states work together to be able to work across the state lines as to the different federal regulations regarding the construction and maintenance of the larger aspects which cross state lines as I guesstimate, the situations referencing the proper connection materials used for the construction portions for the proper maintenance of such is also something to take into consideration. For example the construction materials for the World Trade Center after the 1993 attack after the white van with one window blocked out which had been filled with fertilizer which exploded in the basement of the World Trade Center had the insurance company involved take a look into the required work to repair the damages to the area, though how such construction portions for the older materials compared to the updated material used for the construction repairs was a concern I had personally noticed when working on some coding portions when my biological mother worked at Prudential and had the computer desktop in the bedroom regarding the coding portions for when she was on call; though I had been working on such portions when I was told I had to work on such portions because of the work I could do at such times regarding those aspects at those times in the middle to late 1980s into the late 1990s. I admit for a long time I had not remembered the coding aspects most likely because of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury however at this point, I guesstimate there are those who do coding and/or have done coding which are able to see in regards of how I write as to the levels of coding background from the way I write and/or possibly regarding how I speak at times. Though annoying at times for some regarding the repetition of my speaking and/or typing, those who are from such an aspect know and understand the portions as to the repetition regarding coding aspects in the multitude of ways regarding such to which it possibly could make a bit more sense regarding the after effects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as at the rate of speed my typing can get to at times. The portions of which the realities of the technology portions of the power grid is of importance to take a look into for the safest and best possible outcomes for those in the United States of America as well as the world, regarding certain companies regarding the ways to which their technological portions are to look into as well as the hardware aspects as to what is more and most ideal for such.