With the knowledge of the merger between #Tmobile #ATT #Verizon #Sprint Tmobile which was made by AT&T with the additional connection to Verizon Wireless as to the situations regarding Sprint from the timeframe officially to have begun on 6 June 2022 though as to the hypothetical last minute updates from 1 June 2022 as to the ways which the technological factors thereof, I am guesstimating the final phases of the updating processes will be around 15 June 2022 as to when the point in time when the situations of whatever additional updates and checks to the #keystone #keystonePipeline Keystone Pipeline for the verifications of the work as to the lines which I guesstimate had to additionally be laid within the grounds as to the possibilities as to preventing negative impacts to the areas where the Keystone Pipeline has been put into the locations of as well as the additional pipelines as to the processes of the ways which such portions can be depending upon what individuals have knowledge of as to how gas stations are regarding the pumping measures referencing the vibrational impacts additionally as to the refueling processes to various vehicles as to the review of such points in time from the year of 2020 around March as to the situations of the amount of vehicles along the various interstate systems as to the plausible factors about the ways which such amounts of weighted areas as to the cargo factors as to the sizes of in conjunction to the attention to details in my opinion.
In the references as to the possibilities of which then as to when the final portions around the 15th of June 2022 as to the timeframe of 21 June 2022 would be around the beginning of when seeing the prices of gasoline begin to have lower prices slowly, because of the aspects which the gradual weighting aspects as to the compounded pressures as to the laying of such lines to the various cellphone aspects in conjunction to the additional aspects in reference to other electronically aligned equipment as to the situations beyond what electrical outputs as to the factors of as to how many electronic vehicles have a larger amount of weight as to the battery areas as to the conjunction of the electrical impulses as to the factors as to such impacts of the weighted cargos from semi trucks across the #USA United States of America as to such possibilities especially as seen in reference to the state of Texas as to the weather aspects of the snowfall as to the ways which the water as well can impact as to the ground movement aspects. Since my return to the state of Texas in the summer months of 2019 through the timeframe of the year of 2021 as to what I made attempts to bring forward as to what differences to the landscape as to the layout of such areas in the areas which I recognized as well as other situations while in the processes of, the situations of which in the ironic twist as to the term update aspects as to the combined portions of both in reference to the unknown portions of the areas officially to the Keystone Pipeline with the electronic portions as to the cellphone aspects which the fact that Tesla has opened a plant within the state of #Texas Texas as to such lines to the aspects of the electrical areas as to such locations across the state of Texas as to however such aspects were as to the state of #California California as to such areas where #Tesla Tesla's have been as to the roadways as to such factors to the conjunction of the situations to the Tmobile and Sprint factors as the guesstimation which cellphones are attached to the Tesla vehicles as to the programming as to my personal guesstimation regarding the ways of such facets regarding the landlines across the United States of America as to the factors of the ways which the Keystone Pipeline has been in place as to such references to the possibilities of additional pressure points as to any areas which the crossing over of such landlines to the factors in reference to the culminations of the overall aspects in the multitude of factors.
With the knowledge of #Google #GoogleEarth Google Earth as well as satellite imagery in reference to on the ground in person face to face in person from the vehicle standpoints as to the conjunction of the satellite imagery as to any additional factors of viewpoints regarding possible crack formations as to the aspects of specific known areas to such lines, I suppose an ironic portion as to the lines crossed as to the mixed signals as to the hypothetical references as well as to such references. However individuals within the fields of those companies would be far more capable to go into the details as to the environmental impacts regarding the possibilities thereof, as if my memory is accurate as to a few #NativeAmerican Native American areas as to the concerns about the water supplies as to the pipelines locations in the references as to the ways which to ensure safety as to the prevention as to the possibilities of fractures to the Keystone Pipeline as to the references regarding the electrical lines as to the conjunction of the weighted areas as to such pressurized zones regarding the aspects as to the if factors as to #undergroundcaverns underground cavern locations as well as mining areas.
In my own way as to the aspects of the timing as to #DDay D-Day as to the moment of silence as to the religious remembrance as to such factors in regards as to the aspects thereof to such freedoms in the United States of America as to the knowledge as well as to the Pearl Harbor situations in the month of November, the aspects of which the larger amount of individuals impacted as to the specifics of D-Day as to the timeframe of the landing of the shoreline as to such factors which as to in other factors as to a different capacity of bringing other situations forward as to the viewpoint capable to be seen as to the number of my Official YouTube videos on my Official YouTube Channel as to the remembering of which I am an Ordained Reverend and it is not something I personally bring forward for showmanship aspects as to the situations which as to the respect regarding the amount of individuals as to such points in time as to the key factor which the turning point of the history within the United States of America as well as the world regarding the aspect of the combined situations as to the launches into space as well during such points in time as to the decades of #WWII #WorldWarII #KoreanWar #Vietnam #VietnamWar #DesertShield #DesertStorm #IraqWar #Iraq #Afghanistan #AfghanistanWar World War II as to the Korean War as to the Vietnam War before the timeframe as to the situations regarding the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as per the knowledge of the space pushes as to the references of specific companies as to their work as well as the #NASA NASA portions as to such knowledge in regards of individuals in the references thereof. In the knowledge as to the downward thrust as to the aspects of the larger number of shuttle launches as well as the rising of the oceanic levels of the waters in conjunction to my prior journal blog as to the pressures in reference to the land formations in different areas of the United States of America though as to the areas of the state of Texas, the situations of the area of such a size compared to the majority of the states within the United States of America as well as the shape of the state in the comparison as to the shape of California as to such regards of the ways which the overall viewpoints as to such factors to the considerations regarding the details as to the environment as well ass the botany aspects referencing the land formations as well. In turn as to the factors in references as to the situations as to the combinations of the cellphone companies as to what connected portions of the situations as to the television as to the internet as well as the cellphone aspects, the combined factors as to the weight of the oil through the Keystone Pipeline for the processing aspects in my guesstimation as to depending upon the ways which such vibrations occur as to the areas of such flow with the weight as to the semi trucks as well as personal vehicles as to across the United States of America.
While the aspects of such updates as to the pun intended as to the factors as to which my viewpoint as to the updates to the combined factors as to such, the situations which as to the aspects as to the silence similar as to the prior year as to the twenty year memorial as to the timeframe as to individuals I had been around when growing up in the area of the tristate location of the northeast as to the United States of America. In turn as to the aspects as to a larger number of Medal of Honor recipients as to such aspects during such a point in time as to the energetic factors as to the knowledge of such situations as to what is considered as the greatest generation in the regards as to the combined efforts as to such situations, the factors as to the sensations regarding the aspects of the energetic portions as to what my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArtProject #USAMedalofHonor Medal of Honor Art Project work as to such circumstances as to the respect to such references and regards thereof. While it could be considered as a bit of a leap, the reality as to such connected portions literally and figuratively as to such overall portions regarding the situations to the combined areas as to the knowledge from such traveling across the United States of America; for which such individuals especially as to the combined factors of D Day as well as the areas of the east coast in the references as to #NewYorkCity #NYC #Pennsylvania #PennState #NewJersey #DC #Washington #WashingtonDC #VA #Virginia #Pentagon New York City and the field in Pennsylvania as to the larger number of people from the state of New Jersey which commuted to both areas as well as to the facts obviously associated to the Pentagon in the references regarding the combined factors, the situations which the silence as to the references to such situations to such considerations.
In the reference to the aspects which the shipping through the naval areas of the oceanic waters as to what prior news reports have brought forward as to the factors as to the knowledge as to semi truck companies to delivery such cargo as well, in my guesstimation as to the combined factors as to the situations in conjunction of the technological portions as to the cellphone companies as to the COVID portions because of the formation officially of the #USSpaceForce #USCG #USACG #USASF US Space Force as to such references as to the recent graduation as well as the factors of the first female Commander as to the United States of America's US Coast Guard regarding the beginning phases as to the viewpoints in a different capacity of the overall population in reference to the ways which females as to the biological gender though in addition to the feminine energy as to various males biologically whether as to within the LGBTQP communities and/or as to such factors as to personality traits as to the descriptions as to the prior viewpoints as to such gender roles to the review process.
For example as to the references as to the feminine energetic portions, how many males biologically run apartment complexes and/or design housing communities though may or may not be a part of the #LGBT #LGBTQ #LGBTQP #LGBTQPride LGBTQP aspects; yet what is the viewpoint as to such gender factors, as to the feminine portions as to the gender role assignments as to such work?
In turn as to the factors in reference to the situations as to how in my opinion the gradual aspects of the lowered gas prices will begin to start to show in some areas around the 21 June 2022 timeframe, though in my opinion will be a slower process than as to such aspects as to the ways which were seen after the timeframe of the beginning of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars as to the gas prices at such points in time as to the reserve of such oils as to the amount of product as to the areas of for the viewpoint of the references from those years to this year of 2022. Thus as to while will have the sensation of slower because of the aspects as to the length of time as to the beginning of the COVID quarantines, the ways of which such verification processes with the formation officially of the United States of America's Space Force as to such backgrounds as to the combined factors as to the hypothetical references as to the biological factors to take into consideration in the small reference as to my biological mother and my biological father as well as my biological sister as to such extended aspects as to my children's biological father's side of the family as to such portions to review as to the references regarding the combined connected factors in a proverbial heavier way as to such situations as to my journal blog updates as to the review portions thereof to such clarifications and verifications as to then the aspects as to the formation of the US Space Force as to such troops regarding the progressions thereof to such timeframes between the year of 2020 through the year of 2022 as to such factors as to the educational backgrounds as well in the portions thereof as to the future portions as to the references regarding such efforts as well as what is more paid attention to as well as what efforts as to putting forth such aspects as to the educational situations as well as growth in the United States of America as well as around the world because of the reality regarding the space situations in my opinion.
Thus as to the combined review of such details while I would be surprised if a more than $2.50 decline in gas prices as to anytime soon in a quick manner as to such reality because of the factors of to the viewpoint of consumption usages, I would at the same time not be surprised if before the timeframe of October or November of 2022 as to such a price range across the country as to the overall average being between $4.59 through $7.09 depending upon which state as to such possibilities. Though once the Keystone Pipeline is fully operational as to such factors as to the situations, is when I would guesstimate as to the national average around the $2.19 average per gallon before a slow possible decrease further in some areas depending upon the locations after the summer timeframe due to the knowledge of the amount of traveling as to the summer season as to the combined factors as to the cellphone company lines in conjunction as to the weight proportion in reference to the Keystone Pipeline as well as the electrical lines as to such vehicles as to the reference of Tesla though other references as to vehicles across the market to the possibilities as to and in my opinion.
However these are simply guesstimations of mine, which others would be capable to educate themselves upon such details as to the factors of to the review.
