Needless problems are the equivalent to negative worth because of the facts of the reality which needless problems cause needless situations which are of only the worth of lessons to learn from as to what not to do if actually valuing life as to such levels of reality, which in turn such aspects as to a prior journal blog and/or prior journal blogs of mine in my journal blog The Ornery PSA as to such factors especially as explained after the timeframe during the initial lockdown quarantine aspects as to such factors of the situations during the initial portions of my official YouTube channel as to such factors and is why I have repeatedly brought forward the aspects of fixing and repairing as to the betterment aspects because of the fact that only positive aspects are of the positive value as it literally is in the words for the name factors. Thus as to the references of each needless problem equating to negative value as to such situations compared to betterment which equals positive choices and positive worth in the references thereof, the factors as to such situations which the clarifications as to the timeframes as well as to the specific years of which to pay attention to as to the factors of such references. The situations to the point in time of the references as to the aspects which I have clarified as to the aspects of prior situations as to the clarifications which have been brought forward as to the reasons because of learning officially of the merger factors, which in turn of such situations as to the various recommendations of which for the actual benefits and actual assistance as to the betterment of life as to fixing and repairing as to the situations.
The truth of every aspect is the only way to correctly fix and repair situations is to be truthful and honest about such factors, which in turn the only way to correctly fix and repair situations is to the truthful aspects which all fall within the scope of the #10Commandments 10 Commandments. Thus in such references of which the situations as to the betterment aspects or the positive portions as to the value and worth as to situations thereof, is to the aspects which the ways of such truths being of importance. In turn when actually following the 10 Commandments of such situations as to each interaction as to whether in person face to face in person and/or as to what is chosen by the individual to post online as to such aspects, is what of the value portions to each individual.
For example if as to the currency aspects of the value and worth thereof the needless problems or needless drama as to such factors as to the knowledge basis of such factors, as to the lesser values as per what is shown as well as what lesser worth as to the currency factors. In the opposite aspects of which the positive aspects of the work towards betterment in truth as to as best as possible, as to the value and the increase of such worth as to the currency portions as to the references thereof. In reference to the technology portions as to the integrity matters as to such factors, the reality of such situations as to the value as to the currency in such references as to individual choices as well as the background aspects of personal experiences as to the work which has been to such a point in time as to the aspects where the reality of the currency to such worth in the aspects of as to the explanations previously which I have written about as well as spoke about in reference to my official YouTube channel as to the reality in conjunction as to the aspects of the in person face to face in person factors of which as to the genuinity of such as to the in truth aspects in regards of as to the reality of the worth and value as to the attention to details while paying attention to the larger whole aspects.
While the fact of which the #COVID COVID timeframe has been where individuals have had the fullest amount of free will in the aspects as to the time allotted as to how many locations have been as to such factors, individuals who have made every attempt as to betterment of life in the genuine ways as to the 10 Commandment aspects in such references as to the ways which such factors of proof as to the timeframe of such work as to the value thereof as to the timeframe. Thus if in a reference to the example which to those who have had the time because of working out from their home locations as to such factors as to whatever life circumstances as to the references thereof, as to the value as to such in reference to the choices as to how they chose to manage their own time schedules as to the free will as to the choices of taking responsibility for such aspects. In turn as to the aspects since the timeframe of officially in March 2020 through now in the year of 2022, what accomplishments as to the genuine work put forward as to each individual as to actual betterment as per what has been capable?
If as to the aspects depending upon the medical situations as well as other factors of the timeframe as to the situations of what could be accomplished, as to the betterment as to the positive choices as to the ways to review such factors in truth as to the fact known about the merger situations as to #ATT #TMobile #Verizon #Sprint #TmobileSprintMerger AT&T/TMobile as the companies were once aligned together as well as the fact AT&T has worked with Verizon as to such factors imply by looking as to which cellphone companies have been capable to have the iPhone as to their inventory as to the merger portions as to the Spring cellphone company. Thus in the reference as to the situations referencing the merger portions during the timeframe of the quarantine and the mask situations regarding such factors, as to the ways which in turn as to what has been produced in which capacities thereof as to what assistances towards the betterment possibilities as to the choices of free will as to the amount of time in the areas of as to the work brought forward as to such factors is something to take into consideration.
What has such choices been in the consideration thereof as to the value as to such references as which choices would be considered within the negative or the needless problems aspects in the comparisons as to the positive choices as to the beneficial aspects as to the amount of per assistance to such aspects regarding the work, as what connected levels are to such aspects regarding the timeframe thereof as to review regarding the merger capacities thereof?
In turn as to the timeframe from March in the official capacities of the year of 2020 despite the other situations of earlier reporting factors of December 2019 through February 2020 as to the timeframe officially to now in the month of April 2022, that is a total of 25 months. 25 months at the average of four weeks per month as to the other equations of 365 days multiplied by two with the additional days within March and April as to the timeframe from the actualities of when quarantine began on 13/14 March 2020, the additional time to add of the 3 weeks-ish as to the official beginning point as to the considerations. Thus the 751 days since the official announcement of such, what has been done per person in the timeframe since such a point as to what progressions as to the betterment referencing life as to each individual person on earth at this point in time outside of the individuals who are and/or have been under the age of the biological age of 18 years old to take into consideration as the average of 24 hours per day within the timeframe of having had 18,024 hours as to what timeframe of accomplishments to which has been considered as and what is the accomplishment aspects as to such considerations as what is considered as important as to the timeframes as to which individuals who I once knew in person face to face in person as they claimed that they thought I had too much free time as to the comparisons as to the actualities of the patterns of behaviour as to the actualities of the work which has been brought forward as to such a point in time to such references?
Thus in the timeframe of what possible portions as to positive beneficial work I have brought forward as best as possible as to the capacities thereof, that deciding factor would be in reference as to the proven portions as to such references as to the beneficial portions as to what possibilities thereof as to what could be considered as positive and beneficial as I hope in the aspects thereof to the genuinity as well as the betterment of such hopeful aspects regarding the clarifications as to the capabilities for each to bring forward such factors on their own as to the clarifications as to such free will as to the freedom of expression to the aspects of which to clarify as to such situations during the points in time during such references as to from the point when I began the updating portions of such references. While personally as to the fact of not having went through my emotional or opinions as to the review as to such prior points in time previously in such references to the facts capable to be found in the regards of before the timeframe of when I began updating in the year of 2019 as to the ways I have chosen to be as to sticking to the facts during the years prior to the year of 2019, however as to such references in those regards as to how if to any individual who might have expressed their own feelings/emotions/opinions over the prior times in the comparisons as to what reality as to such years as to the situations regarding the aspects of what I personally was dealing with as to how I had not ever allowed myself to dive deeper into such emotional or biases or opinions as to such factors during any point in time in any sort of public way before the year of 2019 in the aspects of my emotional or biases or opinions to the depth levels in the ways outside of and yet including such facts as to the prior points in time to the year of 2019.
What others had chosen as to their personal aspects during such prior points in time to the year of 2019 as to whomever they had in their lives as to who they could speak with about their emotional feelings as to the situations whether through emails and/or text messages and/or phone calls and/or in person face to face in person as to the descriptions of the words as to how they felt/feel/feelings as to such if there was a clarification to such aspects, as to the patterns of behaviour as to how such alignment factors to take into consideration as to the facts known during such points in time of those years prior to the year of when I began my updates which included as best as possible to acknowledge the specific times as well as the situations of the specific time as to the knowledge the posting of each journal blog and/or official YouTube video being in the specific year as to from the year of 2019 onward as to this point in time of the year of 2022 in April on the 5th regarding the aspects which in turn of such factors as to the proof as to the reality regarding the facts which I rarely discussed my emotions if ever and/or feelings if ever prior to such a point in time other than if in reference to needless drama as not having the need or not feeling as though it was important to discuss such needless problems in the comparisons as to the larger situations of importance during such years before 2019 as to such factors.
Thus while if in reference to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to such factors more-so in the years of before 2018 on whatever consistent basis of the in person face to face in person aspects, the situations as to how such factors regarding the patterns of behaviour regarding such hypothetical situations as to the clarifications since such a point in time. In turn as to such references regarding the aspects which as to the online portions depending upon such factors as to the patterns of behaviour as to the intentions as to such factors as well, in such references in my opinion. Thus as to the situations regarding since the year of 2019 as to the updates as to the intentions as to each individual as to the first point in time which I ever allowed myself to delve into the emotional factors because of the realities of my life which has been capable in whichever capacities of what has been found in the references thereof to such factors, which in turn as to the situations which despite my words/saying as to such situations as to what aspects as to bringing forward such capacities thereof to the clarifications as to the merger.
Realistically the facts are, I did not have to do so in reference to the clarifications as to anyone else as to the fact of whatever has been capable to be found in such references as to my initial first two books “Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” and “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (Reverend) Susan MeeLing” as to the truth, however what levels of responsibility as to my son and my daughter would it be as well as to how much about life I am as to know as to such factors upon learning of the merger between TMobile and Sprint would it be if I simply sat back and did nothing when I have had the capacity to give such warnings as best as possible as what would that assist either one of my two children and/or anyone who I once knew and/or do not know in person face to face in person if they themselves can take into such considerations for themselves as well as those they know and those they care about in such references as to the knowledge and understanding and what comprehension levels thereof I have as to the situations as what would that prove as to whether I actually care about life as to what capacities to bring such forward as best as possible. In comparison as to how the facts are regarding certain areas of employment factors as to the situations as to what levels are and/or are not allowed to discuss as to the specific details as to the merger portions in truth because of whatever clearances as to such factors as to the employment companies specifically, and yet as to the factors in reference to the reality for such clarifications as to the situations which I have been as to what clarifications thereof as to the minimum from my perspective as to such aspects as to the facts with the acknowledgement of my biases/emotions/opinions since the review/update began as to the year of 2019 as to such reality aspects.
In turn with the timeframe of the merger as well as the factors in reference to the formation of the #USSpaceForce #USDoD #USDepartmentofDefense US Space Force in conjunction as to such capacities, the reality of such factors to take into consideration as to my knowledge of the timeframes thereof in such references as while whether some wanted to accept such factors of the truth I brought forward before such updates/clarifications to the additional facts as to acknowledging biases/emotions/opinions as to the aspects of what has been required to be accepted as to the facts of the if factors, as to the additional if factors as to since the COVID portions of such situations to take into consideration of the differences as to the situations between the needless problems or the negative aspects as to the differences as to the positives as to beneficial as to such viewpoints regarding the merger as to the currency portions as to what calculations hypothetically as to the aspects of the merger in such references as to however many times I brought up the 10 Commandments within the various journal blog entries of mine as well as other such clarification aspects. Thus in turn if as to such portions of which the interpretations of others was as to the negative portions or the aspects of the needless problems as to the currency despite the aspects of such situations of the intentions as well as patterns of behaviour which has been brought forward as to such, the interpretations as to if in such capacity to take into consideration of the fact there is from today 5 April 2022 the following equation as to the timeframe to fix and repair as best and as swiftly and as correctly as possible as to such a point in time of the projected merger completion on 6 June 2022 as to the Tmobile and Sprint merger.
There is a literally 2 months though because of the aspects of the difference of 31 days and 30 days as to such factors and yet the time difference in between such aspects, the total number of days is 60 days as to such factors to work on such aspects towards actual genuine betterment as best as possible as to the timeframe of working on such patterns of behaviour as to individuals who are the types which have been into the final countdown as to such factors as to homework in school timeframes for such references. Thus as to whatever amounts as to such factors regarding the aspects of making up such situations to the timeframe of such as to 6 June 2022 from this date of publishing my journal blog entry on 5 April 2022, there are 1,440 hours to such a point in time which translates to 86,400 seconds in a round about way as to the merger factors. However if such merger aspects have begun as to showing the situations as to the proof as to the technological portions of phone call/phone call records and/or emails and/or text messages and/or social media messages and/or pictures as to such aspects of those factors as to then take into consideration as to such hypothetical possibilities in the references thereof to the discussion between #YouTube #JoeRogan #ElonMusk Joe Rogan and Elon Musk as I call E=MC2 as to other prior journal blog entries in conjunction, for the factors as to take into consideration of such hypothetical proven facts as to such possibilities of those situations being brought forward more often as well as in fuller contexts as to as the time gets closer to the full merger between Tmobile which began as a connection directly to AT&T as to the aspects of Verizon as to the Apple iPhone allowances as to the situations as to Sprint in reference to the major cellphone companies as to such situations which is a reverse as to the #MaBell MaBell and Western Union as to the reviewals as to the hypothetical reuniting as to in a different capacity though a union nonetheless as to the landline versions as to the cellphone companies as to MaBell and Western Union. #WesternUnion
While the aspects of how Western Union is also a financial aspect to take into consideration with the conjunction as to the other records which I brought forward, the banking institutions for such considerations as to the ironic portions as to the currency aspects of such references to the proverbial aspects thereof. In other references as to the ironies as to such aspects of the 10 Commandments as to the supposed to be adult consenting lifestyle aspects as to the actualities of names though others having known such factors of others within the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle portions of the if factor of not ever actually having known anyone’s name in the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, then there is truthfully not one person who could ever be upset with me ever as to such clarifications and verifications as to the reality of such multiple aspects for then themselves to take into consideration regarding the aspects of such 10 Commandments as well as the #USA #USAConstitutionalRights #USConstitutionalRights #USAConstitution #USConsitution United States of America’s Constitutional Rights and Amendments as well as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to the mandatory portions as to the #ADAcompliance ADA compliance of which each and every individual would be on their own as to such factors as to such acceptances as to the realities thereof as to the other people within such areas and communities throughout the locations thereof as to take into consideration as to the facts in such regards as to the aspects of such mergers as to the phone lines as well as other such capacities thereof. In the references as to the minimum portions regarding SCUBA Diving as to my certifications per the Instructors I have had over the timeframe of when earning my 26 SCUBA Diving certifications of the if accurate as to their actual names during such points in time, as to the aspects of which then as to such references as to the situations which in turn their clarifications as to the aspects of the situations as to those types as to the factors of what is supposed to be a consenting adult lifestyle community as well as the other situations thereof as to the usage of technology to breath when #SCUBA #SCUBADiving SCUBA Diving underwater as to such situations for such clarifications in a larger way. However as to such a reference to the fact it was always MaBell decades before the aspects of ever having such situations as to the Western Union aspects as to such a needless situation to begin with, as realistically MaBell was doing completely fine on the companies' own as to the way it was intended as to such point in time as to the fact of such work having only been completed initially all by MaBell's self as to such factors from the starting point of such situations.
Similarly as to my SCUBA Diving always having only been my work as to my SCUBA Diving as to my work as to my creation of the Underwater Travel System as to the situations of which if I had to choose whether as to SCUBA Diving or to space, I would choose Space as I already conquered such aspects of the oceanic water areas on my own as to the facts of which only because of the needless problems as to such factors as to how such aspects went during such points in time throughout such years and decades. However those portions as to the realities of such factors of my work throughout my childhood as well as my teenager years into my adult years, as there truly has not been any human being that was ever by my side during any point in time of my work as to such aspects as to the requirements as to the in person face to face in person factors as to how SCUBA Diving and/or swimming in the oceanic waters to take care of such situations as to such points in time throughout such decades. However as to how such factors of which I will believe there is a reason in the genuinely correct ways as to such factors, when the reason is there as to such factors and capacities thereof as to how such has been intended as to the in person face to face in person etiquette standards of such factors.
Since the pop culture references have shaped others' opinions as well as the way such situations have been as to such influences as to how the patterns of behaviour as to such proof, what aspects as to the differences as to such situations have been capable to be found in the correct capacity?
I have been for the aspects of voter identification proof as to such factors as to the voting rights in such references, as that has been of importance as to the factors thereof to end all stolen valor as well as to fully end all identity theft needless problems as to the lessons of the reasons why such situations are of importance for the 10 Commandments in other factors additionally beyond just one or two areas of life.
That is I suppose, if there are those who actually appreciate life.
Maybe such monikers as to “Finding The Silver Lining (Written) By: (reverend) Susan MeeLing” were a better accuracy as to such factors despite the situations as I could guess that some individuals as to such capacities thereof might be capable to say in truth, that would be the kinder versions as to such name aspects compared to the if factors of such having been found out as to before this point in the year of 2022 in April on the 5th. Hopefully as to such clarifications then as to such factors if accurate as to then all such portions as to the fullest truths having been brought forward as to including my personal opinions as well as my personal biases as well as my person viewpoints as to my emotional aspects, as to such updates as I have been working on are and have been and remain more important than I ever realized possibly as to knowing I cannot be the only one who has ever dealt with such situations throughout such lengths of time.
However as to such hypotheticals as to the formation of the US Space Force, a recommendation/suggestion as to the aspects of the satellites that have been put into the orbit to consider. If the cameras have only been facing towards the earth in comparison as to the fact of the earth being only one planet within the entire Milky Way Galaxy on the only orbit that has been studied as to the #solarsystem Solar System within the #MilkyWayGalaxy Milky Way Galaxy compared to the #Universe universe, possibly adding cameras as to the ways which a combination of how cellphones are now in the year of 2022 as to the front and rear facing cameras as well as the ways which vehicles have developed as to the sensors of other vehicles when driving to take into consideration as to the development of space satellites that orbit the earth as to such factors of actually being capable to monitor in a circular way as to the viewpoints from and around the areas of the earth as to such capacities as to the hypotheticals as to such proven reports during such points in time beyond only the Irving 2011 as well as the Indiana 1999 portions as to such hypotheticals to take into consideration as to safety on earth as to the fact of which the only orbiting planets which have been noticed are within the flat area as to the ways of such rotations as to the comparisons as to the above as well as below areas as to the aspects of the location of the earth within what currently is known as the Solar System as to the specific axis of the plane levels of which are reviewed as to such areas within the Milky Way Galaxy.
The reality of the circular shape in such references as to the earth as well as capable to see as to the shape of lenses in reference to cameras, might be something to additionally take into consideration referencing such factors as to the satellite monitoring in comparison of the factors in reference to the ways which the observation areas as to specific states and cities within as to the outer viewpoints of such as to expand the limits of the viewpoints regarding the plausibilities of such factors as to the considerations regarding such aspects within the Milky Way Galaxy compared to the universe.
Since as to the transmissions as well as other such factors as to the length of time to additionally take into consideration, what is the choice now as to such a length of time as to 6 June 2022 as why would anyone choose anything except actually fixing and repairing correctly as to the capacities thereof in truth as to the fact of which it is an unknown number as to how many pieces of technology were sent outward from the earth's atmosphere as to such factors to take into consideration regarding such merging factors of which the truth as to the 10 Commandments as to such requirements to truly think about as to the facts thereof in full. If individuals thought a nightmare was as to certain movies they watched and/or television shows and/or streaming aspects, what is a nightmare as to such aspects when taking into consideration as to the amounts of technology pieces throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and possibly hypothetically the universe as to consider as to such merging portions as to consider as to the conjunction of the facts as to reported sightings as to such factors?
What is actually for the best as what have I been capable to bring forward as to such proof, I suppose would be in the reference as to the aspects of what factors would be found in the truthful capacities thereof as to the intentions as well as to the length of time as to the patterns of behaviour. While I was simply only being creative as to my fiction book series while making attempts to author in a different capacity than as I have done before as to Fail-Safe, well I suppose as to such factors to take into consideration as to how the book series for that particular book series goes towards in the comparisons of other book series as to the genres. I have been capable to distinguish the differences as to the books I have authored as to the genre portions, as per the ways which bringing such forward in the capacities thereof per genre in the comparisons of the reasons why to end all stolen valor as to each aspect which includes work as well as the ending of all identity theft as to the same factors as to such regarding such situations. Since the ways of which the merger is only 60 days away from this point in time, what would be the biggest way as to such factors as to fixing and repairing as to the possibilities as to depending as to the circumstances as well as the situations to the capacities thereof to consider per individual as for the actual best as per what proven aspects as to the clarifications in each and every capacity thereof?