As per realizing the possibility for clarification needed regarding my #CavernSCUBA #CavernSCUBADiving Cavern SCUBA Diving certification class in reference to going out to the Peacock Springs area in #Florida Florida to SCUBA Dive the #PeacockSpring Peacock Springs I and Peacock Springs II after having taken my SCUBA Diving regulator arrangement into International SCUBA school in #Carrollton Carrollton #Texas Texas to Anthony Griffith to have the regulator arrangement changed from the regular Open SCUBA Diver regulator arrangement to the Cavern SCUBA Diving arrangement, I had already discussed having landed at the bottom of the ocean in the #BermudaTriangle Bermuda Triangle area in the #Atlantic Atlantic Oceanic waters with those of International SCUBA in Carrollton Texas as well as at Clear Springs SCUBA Park in Terrell Texas with several SCUBA Divers as well as several SCUBA Diving Instructors before the time of taking my regulator in to be serviced and arranged for my upcoming trip in 2009 at the time. My personal aspects as to the clarification though I cannot remember her name correctly I admit, the female who flew to the area if I remember correctly either she met us at the DFW airport to then fly with us to Florida to land in Orlando Florida, or her flight was arranged to where we met her at the Orlando Florida airport at the time in September 2009. I was informed she had flown up to the United States of America to be my Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor as if I recall correctly, she had been who is on my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification card Richard Thomas' Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor as well as tour guide when he went to the #Sonotes Sonotes in the #Mexico Mexico region for the Cavern SCUBA Diving courses as well as to go out to the area for the Cavern SCUBA Diving.
I have three different female SCUBA Diving Instructors on different SCUBA Diving certifications of mine which all of my SCUBA Diving Instructors for all of my certification cards as I was informed of had been from International SCUBA school for each of the certifications, however the only one who I was told was not an International SCUBA school thought associated as a SCUBA Diving Instructor who was to be my Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor was the female who had flown into the United States of America to teach the class for the certification for all of the individuals who were in the same class for Cavern SCUBA Diving. Though it might be either I remember the child television show series Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego or maybe she is from a location where the name Carmen is in the name or possibly a relative is named Carmen to the female Cavern SCUBA Diving Instructor, however it was informed to me by the owner at the time in 2009 of International SCUBA school that Carmen was flying in to be able to teach the class as I was informed the name who is on my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification was supposed to be the Assistant SCUBA Diving Instructor. I specifically remember that portion as because of none of my other SCUBA Diving certification classes of ever being informed of an Assistant SCUBA Diving Instructor at any of the times for my prior 25 SCUBA Diving certifications, to such a time. I remember I asked why I or anyone would need an Assistant SCUBA Diving Instructor to the Cavern SCUBA Diving certification course which before Patti Stewart could respond I stopped her telling her I realized I answered my own question, as I knew Cavern SCUBA Diving was far different than the other prior SCUBA Diving certification classes I had taken. The only other SCUBA Diving certification course I remember where there were two SCUBA Diving Instructors had been for my National Geographic Open Water SCUBA Diving certification course, though I thought such was because of the larger class size for that class in comparison to the majority of all of my other SCUBA Diving certification classes. While there were some certifications for my SCUBA Diving which had more than one SCUBA Diving Instructor there was not a point which I had ever been informed as to the requirement or need for more than the one SCUBA Diving Instructor at such of each class for my certifications, for any such certifications.
It particularly stood out mainly because of the fact of being a higher risk type of SCUBA Diving certification comparatively in several ways, though also because of instead of one of the SCUBA Diving Instructors who I already had known or known of being around; I was specifically informed Carmen was specifically flying into the United States of America from Mexico to be able to teach the course for my and the others' Cavern SCUBA Diving certification class, to which even with the few pictures which were taken you are able to see who is doing the teaching for that certification course aside from the fact my SCUBA Diving camera was used by one of the other SCUBA Divers at the time named Joe if I remember correctly.

While I do not know what the male in the white polo shirt is looking at as per possibly rolling his eyes because of how long it was taking me to be able to figure out the line portion with the cookies as Carmen was teaching me, you are able to see Richard Thomas in the blue shirt going through his thoughts as per the fact of the time at the Cavern Excursions store which once was open during the time. We had to stop by the Cavern Excursions location because of not having my regulator arrangement for the trip despite having packed my regulator bag with all of my other SCUBA Diving gear and my luggage the night before, however when on the airplane is when I remembered I had not grabbed my SCUBA Diving regulator bag to be able to go as per keeping it separate from my SCUBA Diving bag for the check in process as per the safety of such. While I already had such serviced and prepared to go, I had already ended the relationship officially with the male SCUBA Diver from SCUBA Toys name Sean Leonard at the time as per him not following instructions as to getting in touch with me during the time I was in #Georgia Georgia and #Florida Florida after the #Cancun Cancun/#Cozumel Cozumel SCUBA Diving trip when he caught a Puffer Fish and was allowed to survive such a time.
I have already gone over the facts as to having told him no repeatedly as per the same regarding the shower aspect to which he had admitted when he was on the phone call with me regarding when I was in The Lodge at Madrona Apartment Complex in 2019 in #Tacoma Tacoma #Washington Washington state, as well as at the #Bremerton Bremerton Naval/Marine shipyard when looking at the USS/USNS Nimitz in April 2019 when he confessed to being told of such immediately after my return to Texas from the trip during the dinner I made which I wrote about after discussing; which specifically mentioning my daughter having gotten out of bed to see what was going on in the dining room, because I tucked my son and my daughter into bed differently that night when we were back from the one and only family vacation we were ever able to have as just us with their cousin for the entire time of such due to the type of situation I had previously been in which did not have the availability for such aspects in those particular ways. However that male NAUI SCUBA Diving Instructor as I was informed of only during at the time of the 2nd evening of the Cancun/Cozumel trip as to him being a SCUBA Diving Instructor compared to ever being informed of such prior to the trip, had also admitted to having caught the Puffer Fish during one of the phone calls after acknowledging when I had brought up a thought of having seen him in Tacoma Washington around 2014 or 2015 at a place called Duke's Bar and Grill is when he said he knew I knew he did not eat seafood. I had not ever specifically mentioned the word Seafood regarding the Duke's Bar and Grille which in turn meant I was accurate having seen him in the black and orange motorcycle jacket at the patio area near the water when at Duke's Bar and Seafood Grille in the state of Washington when discussing in 2019 on the phone calls over the time, however I thought I had seen him there and was unsure of such portions. Ironically as he had worn a yellow SCUBA Diving wetsuit in the Gulf of Mexico waters of the ocean, I suppose I can joke about a Christmas stocking which my biological sister and I had switched year after year regarding between #BugsBunny Bugs Bunny and #TweetyBird #Tweety Tweety bird more specifically regarding the aspects of what or who I thought I saw and the color of the Tweety bird character.

Myself on the left and the male named Joe on the right in the picture after the first 24 hours of being in Florida for the Peacock Springs Cavern SCUBA Diving course, who had been the individual who had used my camera to take the picture because of being bored because of the amount of time such had taken to be able to get into the water despite the requirement of safety regarding after flying in an airplane and the altitude changes thereof for the safety of the physical body regarding such physical changes regarding such portions. While some may not have known such informational aspects, I had taken and graduated my #AltitudeSCUBA #AltitudeSCUBADiving Altitude SCUBA Diving certification course which actually goes over the health aspects as well as the safety precautions regarding flying in airplanes and such altitude changes regarding such portions as to allowing the physical body time to decompress in a different way prior to SCUBA Diving in any water because of such situations regarding the compression differences.

While some might wish my SCUBA Diving measurements to be inaccurate regarding the Atmospheric Measurements I provided regarding such depth levels, those who know about the portions thereof regarding the changes and shifts in the geology with building construction as well as the amount of sinkholes which have developed over the years in the state of Florida; you can see the color red barely able to be seen in the clear fresh water compared to the whiteness added when in the salt water of the ocean; which in turn repeats such depth levels regarding such color change differences regarding the ways as to Underwater Photography certifications I have earned which includes the digital as well as the film versions of both types of SCUBA Diving certifications as well as the #UnderwaterPhotography #UnderwaterVideography #UnderwaterPhotographySCUBA #UnderwaterVideographySCUBA #UnderwaterPhotographySCUBADiving #UnderwaterVideographySCUBADiving Underwater Videography SCUBA Diving certification I earned. Though I am fairly certain the individual with the purple neoprene headcover is Carmen in the picture I took, I am uncertain as to the specific aspects thereof. However I do know there is a difference between salt water SCUBA Diving as well as fresh water SCUBA Diving, and the impacts thereof regarding the salt water regulator bubbles if not having cleaned the SCUBA Diving gear prior to SCUBA Diving in fresh water as per the known scientific portions as to the impacts to the marine life regarding salt water to fresh water and visa versa regarding such equipment requirements for the safety of the SCUBA Diving gear as well as the safety to the SCUBA Diver themselves. I had asked why there was not the requirement for SCUBA Diving gear for each type of water for the regulators, though I was laughed at by several SCUBA Diving Instructors as to why I would ever think that would be important before taking my SCUBA Diving certification class for Fish Identification as well as my SCUBA Diving Equipment Specialist course as I thought the impact to the lungs might be a situation in reference to the breathing aspects thereof as to the health and wellbeing of each SCUBA Diver whether a Professional SCUBA Diver such as associated with the Armed Forces of the United States of America or a recreational SCUBA Diver.

While one might think the floating object is a twig which broke off of what we had tied the lines to for the practice portion before going into the Cavern for the Cavern SCUBA Diving certification course, the answer is no it is not a twig. However as the SCUBA Diving tank wrap was red in comparison to orange, I repeat the portions regarding the depth levels I had specifically said and written about before being measured in Atmospheric Measurements as per my SCUBA Diving equipment having been a #UK #British UK Military SCUBA Diver three in one arrangement; which I had programmed the depth gauge I had received in Atmospheric Measurements as per knowing how to override the system regarding that particular depth gauge measurement from my #SUUNTOSCUBA #SUUNTOSCUBADiving SUUNTO SCUBA Diving certification course as well as having looked at several different manuals online.
As per the #UHAUL UHAUL situation regarding my SCUBA Diving equipment and such aspects regarding such portions as to taking my SCUBA Diving gear to the #JBSA JBSA area for the #USA United States of America's #ArmedForces Armed Forces #USANavy Navy and #USMC Marine #SpecialWarefare Special Warfare location, it does not matter to me if there were those who wished to verify for themselves as to my SCUBA Diving regarding the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg SCUBA Dive who were recreational SCUBA Divers as per the knowledge as to my connection to the Armed Forces of the United States of America. It also does not matter to me as to any type of individual who would be reckless and ignorant as to only collect such portions for oneself while being selfish and not caring the slightest as to the safety of anyone else regarding such in reference to my SCUBA Diving gear, as such problems which needlessly occurred over the past 12 years because of such envy and pride as to selfishly take such away from those who needed that gear more than anyone else in the civilian sector as per the knowledge as to the importance of such aspects regarding the various branches and divisions of the Untied States of America's Armed Forces who would need that SCUBA Diving gear more than any civilian counterpart as per only being my ability to go into such details thereof to which such portions of which I fully hope such aspects as to justice regarding whoever would have caused such problems regarding the less than 12 hours it would have taken to get my SCUBA Diving gear to the correct individuals as proven I know more than some have assumed regarding myself as well as my thoughts as well as my preparations thereof. Those who think they know only have an idea as to which they think, in comparison to what I know as well as what I understand as well as what I comprehend.
Such needless problems due to such little childish behaviour regarding biological adults and/or trust-fund teenagers who care little about the realities of what a high risk category SCUBA Diving is especially for military associated SCUBA Diving despite any other such connections thereof, is mediocre regarding such aspects to explain the portions of which are and were though still have been required regarding such portions thereof in my opinion.
However in reference to the SCUBA Diving Instructor who should have had her name on my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification card should have been her, though if she had contacted people within the United States of America because of what occurred regarding the International SCUBA diving school in Carrollton and Garland Texas; I guesstimate such would cause an international problem for all such SCUBA Divers as there is no excuse nor any cause nor any reason as to ever mess with or take another SCUBA Divers' gear, as per however such goes regarding such in other such references as to touching someone else's SCUBA Diving gear without any permission. It should not take a head injury to figure out to keep your hands to yourselves, as well as it should not take a head injury to figure out even though there are those who recreationally SCUBA Dive there are those who have not and do not and will not ever recreationally SCUBA Dive. I do recognize nonetheless as to the fact that Carmen though I know I am misremembering her name correctly, is the only SCUBA Diving Instructor's name who was supposed to be on my SCUBA Diving certification car for my Cavern SCUBA Diving certification. To which if William Talent who was in the Marine Corps as I was told though also worked for a semi-truck company for his father named Stevens Transport had any involvement with any such problems regarding the UHAUL aspects and/or anything else additionally after the situation which his friend regarding Joe and the Corona situation was the reason as to why I had to end the engagement I was in to begin with because of having to defend myself against his friend at his other friend name Rick's house in such a time he was mad at me for winning the first place prize for the Chili Cookoff he had encouraged me to try to cook for the competition as well as him being embarassed not realizing I actually am an amazing cook, him getting mad at me for ending the engagement I had been in when my then fiance was in Basic Training which he was mad at me for because of his own problems not having gotten over when he was in Basic Training would not have occurred if he had paid attention to the fact he had to leave early after drinking only one Corona beer as well as the other what was left from the Corona beer he watched his friend Joe push into my hands when I asked for coffee instead; however so too was also after the information San Antonio Express News Article about my dead-ex-husband which the journalist did not include the truthful facts he was told about how that forced relationship had been at the time regarding the situation with Jeffrey Kuykendall Jr AKA Cactus Jack.
However how many biased individuals regarding such aspects to the Armed Forces of the United States of America in reference to females, while not having paid attention to the facts that male journalist Scott Huddleson had been informed of regarding the additional aspects as to the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury; wishing the violence against spouses wrongly had been prevalent for multiple years well before, and he had complained about my American Flag with my New Jersey Flag and my Texas Flag on my house in San Antonio which was that mentioned to the San Antonio Express News employees either? What about the photographer's comments as to the biases thereof said when approaching my house, out of curiosity?

I suppose in a different way regarding the zombie aspects as to other such portions referencing Fail-Safe: The Kennedy curse fused with Science Fiction Fantasy By: Susan MeeLing, might be a different dark humor joke as per the reference regarding the male doctor at the BAMC/SAMC JBSA hospital after I had to push my son #Letters4James to safety while jumping on top of my daughter #Letters4Lidia to disarm her on the military installation after she had taken the MP's firearm from his holster at the time and the male doctor who had told me when I had said I thought if anything occurred to me I was in the correct place if such medical attention was required which that male doctor claimed he had been stationed with Marines before who did not have as dark humour as I at that point in time in 2012. Maybe the above meme, might actually be considered as dark humour at this point in time now. However I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out sometimes dark humour is the only way to work through such situations in the wellbeing of the mental health as per the times thereof at the JBSA hospital and maybe if there were those who had paid more attention to the warnings I had given previously to various aspects, there would not be such a dark humour from a female such as myself. However I suppose I can also lighten up such dark humour regarding when I was involved as a performer in a Temple of Flesh event which the show was called Pervs in Toyland, written and directed by a male named Steven which said he wanted to do a kinky version of the Toy Story movie with a twisted take regarding how to properly treat one's toys or else what can occur. I also admit he was told about my involvement with the BDSM lifestyle and his friend Joe in regards of the Corona had been at the FVD2 that year, and I can only remember him speaking with the male dressed in the diaper as #Cupid Cupid while I sat on the swing set thinking to myself about several aspects wondering if my then fiance was doing well in Basic Training as well as trying to figure a way regarding my SCUBA Diving gear being so far away from JBSA at the time. I suppose I can joke about how I would joke in person about shiny things in different ways which that male had made the joke about how squirrels are in chasing after certain aspects, to which he made a joke about my red hair color and my specific hairstyle with my tattoos and the known reasons thereof. Maybe, that might still be a little dark humour though at minimum I can smile. I have enjoyed working on my Medal of Honor Art Project, and I truthfully do enjoy the artwork portions as to my Medal of Honor Art Project and such other types of paintings I create; though admittedly not in such a way as to such images regarding the meme of the bed in such aspects as to the sheets, though ironic in its own twisted way.
The above pictures were at an event in Dallas Texas which would be the event which I refused to eat any of the food, which later I was informed as to the tequitos being made of squirrel roadkill which would make sense as to why I simply refused to eat anything at the location. The arrangement for the event from what I recall had to do with a warehouse style theme as per the ways which some of the other events which I can only remember something about Blue Waffle regarding such aspects to the event, which I had learned about through Pita from Pita and Paul as she was friends with Craig from Naked Lens in the DFW area of Texas. Who knew of such before the event, is unknown to me.
