In reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips where I have acknowledged that I have had a multitude of situations as to throughout the timeframes of my trips as to my Medal of Honor Art Project among other factors as to the honesty thereof, there has not been many situations where I have ever been personally invited to anything.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that when I have not been invited to many situations as to events such as after parties that I only learned of the after party as to each event I had performed at in the years of 2010 and 2011, was more than three or four months after the event occurred; as it should not take a head injury to figure out if I was a first priority to being at an event, then I would have been invited before and would have been told about such months before such as how it should not take a head injury to figure out when planning an event and having an after party as to informing of the after party information at the same time.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that the only time I have ever been invited to anything after an event was in reference to the Trump rallies in Austin Texas in the year of 2020, as it should not take a head injury to figure out that if I was an after thought then I was not considered as a priority as the reality of if I was a priority to attend an event then I would have been invited as a priority.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if others were spoken with to tell them to let me know about an event as to the individual spoken with as to their personal biases, as to such aspects as the factors of if the facts as to where I have been considered as a priority then I would have been invited personally.
It should not take a head injury to figure out that the first time I was ever invited anywhere to a public location outside of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle, was in the year of 2018 in Washington state to a gem fair with my son as the female had two children she had brough to the exterior of Club Sapphire that she and what she said was her husband at the timneframe of.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the length of time having been involved with the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle officially as a biological adult in the year of 2004, the first time of being invited to any party or event outside of the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle in the year of 2018 is a length of 14 years as to such facts.
It should not take a head injury to figure out as to my childhood and my teenager years where that was the exact same as to my childhood and my teenager years as to the length of time for me to ever mention such factors, as the reality of what I dealt with as to the reality of if I was a priority to attend any event as to how I would have been informed before as well as asked if I personally needed anything if I was actually wanted to attend an event.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in reference to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as to such factors combined as the aspects thereof as to including the situations as to the year of 2017 as to such oddity if anyone I once knew and/or anyone that was informed of my trips as to their chocies, as to how the facts as to my responses being accurate as to such factors of the culminations of such facts as would it take a head injury to point out that when there are several decades as to such factors as to hat an invitation is if I were actually important enough to attend an event then I would be asked to such and should it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of over 35 years of such as to the common sense response from me as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips?
Does it take a head injury to figure out when I had created the lunch munch brunch groups that I had as well as the other group as to such aspects of my attempts to socialize in the aspects thereof, and thus as to such situations as to the year of 2012 as well as the year of 2013 as to the factors where common sense would be?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the difference between an open public invitation and a private personal invitation, or does it take a head injury to figure out as to such references thereof as to such protocol aspects?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if I am or was ever to consider myself as important as to such aspects thereof to such factors of events and/or parties and/or spending time with others as to the facts that I would have been and in such references be invited to such aspects with plenty of time for me to personally prepare myself as well as get what my needs are taken care of to be appropriate to such aspects; or would it take a head injury to point out such facts?
Does it take a head injury to figure out if others are upset about my responses as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips and/or anything else I have went to as to such non-disclosures as to such references thereof as why would that be of importance to the consideration as to such aspects?
Does it take a head injury to figure out others inviting themselves while I have had the etiquette when others have discussed other events they were invited to as to not having been upset as to not having known of such at the time, though as to what would be as to others' viewpoints as to such if factors as to manners as to such references?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects as to the if factors as to my Medal of Honor Art Project Artwork presentations if there were ever any as to my work as to my artwork as to my Medal of Honor Art Project, the aspects where such would not be considered as honorable if I could have and/or should have been invited to such aspects and/or made aware of such before the timeframes thereof if my work was ever considered important as to my creation of my Medal of Honor Art Project to begin with as well as the obvious as to my creation of my Medal of Honor Art Project pieces as why would I ever believe I was ever considered as wanted as to such references thereof to any such hypotheticals?
Why would I ever believe I personally was ever considered as wanted, appreciated, liked, or any such positive aspects as to such benefits as to such hypotheticals as to if as to such aspects of where the invitation could have been considered first priority as to if I actually was considered as important and if I am considered as important then would I then be invited first as well as being informed well before such a point in time of such an event and/or party and/or spending time with?
What would be a problem as to any others' opinions as to themselves as to the if factors of me being considered as wanted at an event though as to any such if factors of if there was ever such, as what would that then translate to as to the if factors as to me being invited officially before such times as why would anyone ever believe I could ever consider myself as important or liked or wanted as to in any such capacity as why would I ever personally consider myself as important if as to such references thereof to such aspects?
Why would anyone ever review such lengths of time and ever think otherwise of such if factors as to in any such capacity as what lack of maturity would there be to anyone who could have and/or should have informed me as well as given me the time to actually prepare to being at such event, as why would there ever be of any such importance to me that I would ever consider myself as?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to the if factors as to any situation as to my children's biologicals either side as to such factors, as why would such be of importance as to any such hypothetical connections ever having an event and then as to whatever they were told as to such if factors as would it take a head injury to figure that out as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that someone as myself as to the aspects thereof to such factors, why would I ever consider myself as wanted and/or needed and/or preferred and/or a priority and/or important in any such capacity?
Would it take a head injury to figure out if I was actually consider and/or am considered as important as to such factors then that would translate to me actually getting such invitation(s) before the timeframe of an event/party/timeframe of as why would anyone ever think of themselves as anything of importance to ever get such afterwards as there would not ever be such a viewpoint in any such capacity thereof officially as the reality as it should not take a head injury to figure out as there would not ever be any point where there would ever be the viewpoint of importance to such after the aspects thereof officially, as the reality of such is only before such a point in time as to the should it take a head injury to figure out that common sense?
Since the situations as to the facts as to what I have dealt with recently as to having to travel instead of what my personal preference is because of such situations yet again, that is not in any capacity of me personally having the sensation or the viewpoint of ever being considered as being wanted or appreciated or cared about or cared for in any aspect as to what I personally would ever consider as to such aspects of for my personal comfort as the aspects of should it take a head injury to point out that as to my personal comfort as to my personal choice(s) as to being capable to actually enjoy as well as be comfortable?
Why would it take a head injury to figure out others' perceptions are not as to any capacity of ever knowing what my personal needs are as to the if factors as to such needless problems as to such needless situations as to such needless drama as to such needless games as why would I ever consider as to such hypotheticals as to such aspects as to the amount of unwanted traveling as to such aspects for myself as to the factors thereof as to ever being considered as wanted as to my personal considerations of what I personally would consider as being wanted, as how would such immaturity as to such lack of common sense be as to any such if factors as to anyone who did not ever actually know me personally be of such importance as to ever actually doing anything I personally would want and/or I personally would need as to what I personally would consider as comfortable for me as why would I ever want someone else's involvement when as to any such if factors as to the lack of common sense they officially would have as to any such hypotheticals as to such aspects of not having known me personally to begin with outside of whatever event thereof as why would that be of importance to me personally?
Should it take a head injury to figure out I can choose for myself especially as to the amount of work I personally have completed as why would anyone ever think they would comprehend me personally better than I comprehend myself as to my personal needs as to my personal wants as to my personal preferences as to my personal ideals as to my personal desires, as why would my personal needs matter as why would my personal wants matter as why would my personal preferences matter as why would my personal ideals matter as why would my personal desires matter personally for me and personally to me?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to such if factors as to such others' involvement and not actually ever comprehending my personal needs as to how such violations of my ADA as to any such aspects that is not what I comprehend for my personal best interests as for my personal good mood as for my personal health and my personal wellbeing, as why would that matter if I actually was and/or am cared about as to my personal needs as to such if factors as why would I ever believe any other would ever be capable to comprehend my best interests as to the amount of situations as to the clarifications as to such verifications as why would I ever allow anyone else to ever make a decision for me when I have clearly comprehended myself and have not ever liked brats as to such factors as to how such aspects as to the unwanted aspects as to such others' brattiness as to such references as to where such brats are not wanted for a reason or would such take a head injury to figure that out as well?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the reality of my journal blogs as per the timeframe of the year of 2019 through this beginning of this year as to how much I fully despise brats and they are not ever invited to my work as to the reasons because of their immaturity when the reality of the seriousness of the work is as to such factors, or would it take a head injury to point that out?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as to the requirement to grow up instead of such aspects of immaturity as does it take a head injury to figure out that such millennials as to such brats as to such factors as to what is not needed for me ever as to such brats, as should it take a head injury to figure out as to their irresponsibility to actually at the exact point in time as to the specific situations thereof as to getting such work accomplished as to the reasons I have not ever had any patience for brats?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the lowered levels of intellectual capacities thereof as to such brats as to such references thereof, as what aspects as to the intellectual capacities have actually increased asw to the intellect during the timeframe from COVID in the year of 2020 in the month of January?
Should it take a head injury to figure out if in the total of the prior 3 years since COVID first came out as to the if factors as to the overall general public having more problems reading longer posts and/or longer amounts of information online, as to the references thereof to such lacking of intellectual capacity as well as the aspects of emotional maturity as to emotional intelligence as what would such levels as to such timeframes be capable to notice as to such factors as to manners and etiquette standards?
Are there those who can actually remember the times as to the specific months to the specific years as to such information as to the overall aspects, or would such individuals as to the amounts of social media as to whatever they read as to such online factors be capable to prove what levels of their intellectual capacities and/or the emotional capacities to being capable to take care of situations as what would be of importance for such aspects as to 6 June 2022 and why?
Thus as I have to deal unwantedly as to such aspects of packing my stuff yet again instead of what my personal needs are as to recovering and recuperating as my personal needs are for myself as to my personal health as to my personal wellbeing as to my personal needs because of the situations as to such factors since the month of September 2022 more officially though also as to February 2022 as well as August 2022, though as to such situations as to the references thereof as to such an inconvenience to every such aspect as the reality of what I do not consider as convenient for me at all as should it take a head injury to figure out my comprehension of what my personal neds are as to such aspects as to the references thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out since I handled my SCUBA Diving work myself as to such references where when speaking with others about such as to asking about such suggestions as to such discussions were not to head myself speak though as to such if factors, does it take a head injury to figure out my personal comprehension of my own needs as to being capable to have completed such work as why would it take a head injury to figure out if others needed to know as to the one and only person they should have ever asked as why would such invitation aspects be of importance if my personal work actually was and is actually important as why would I ever allow anyone who was not ever allowed nor ever capable to ever discuss my work as what would such 10 Commandments be as to such hypothetical references as to such factors thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out any such references to my personal works as to my personal writings as to my personal modeling as to such aspects thereof, why would I ever believe as to myself being considered as wanted as to what I consider such as to the if factors of where others would think of themselves more important as why would they ever consider themselves more important than myself as to my personal work as what levels of disrespect would they only be as to such aspects as why would I ever believe imitation is anything less than imitation?
Why would I ever consider imitation as flattery as what would ever be flattering to me as to such if factors as why would such others think of themselves as more than such factors of if factors, as why would they ever think of themselves as more worthy than I and why would I personally ever want or need those types as to such if factors as what would I personally consider as insulting to my personal work as to such if factors as proven as through my writings as why would I ever consider such if factors as to anything less than what they would be considered as in my personal opinion?
Why would I ever want such aspects as to the if factors, as what situations as to needless problems would be as to such references thereof?
Why would I need such if factors as to such hypotheticals as what would be important about the truth, as why would I ever consider such as flattery to me for such if factors or would they not ever have the common sense to figure such out beforehand as to such aspects of what my personal considerations of a biological female fan would not ever be to me as to such if factors as why would I personally consider such as to what I personally consider such as and how many needless problems would those types cause as to such factors as to the needless drama as to such if factors as to what I personally would be fully against?
Why would it take a head injury to figure such out to point out as to such amounts of clarifications as why would I personally find such revolting personally as to how important the 10 Commandments are to me, as why would that be of massive importance to me?
What would such ever think of themselves as to such if factors as why would they consider themselves more important than I as to such if factors, as why would that only be as to where I would not ever see anything good as to my own work as to such if factors?
Thus as to the aspects of if situations as to me personally being invited as to the aspects thereof, why would that be of importance as to such viewpoints if as to such if factors as to my journal blog in the year of 2016 regarding being considered as wanted artist as what as to my personal work would ever be considered as wanted as to such if factors as to what my personal specific considerations are as to such if factors?
Thus as to such hypotheticals, why would I ever be in a good mood in the minimum standards as to what I would consider as to being in a good mood as to any such if factors as why would those types ever think they were of importance as to such differences as why would I ever believe I would be wanted as to such if factors as why would I ever consider such as being respectful to me and/or respectful to my work?
Why would I have massive problems as to those pop culture types as to such Hollywood problems as why would I personally despise such types officially as why would there ever be the consideration as to what I would personally consider as worthwhile to my personal work, as why would such if factors only be considered as insulting as to my personal religious beliefs?
Thus why would if as to such if factors as whether as to whatever portions thereof as to such if factors as to why would I ever be capable to review anything I personally worked on as worthwhile as to such if factors, as what low level intelligence would ever think that would be a compliment to me and/or to my work as to the aspects as to what my personal viewpoints are as to such if factors?
Why would I personally ever consider as to the length of times as to the amounts of situations as to such factors thereof as to ever being considered as being wanted as to such aspects of such if factors as to the over 35 years as to such situations as to invitations, as why would that be of importance to others if someone else invited me as to such aspects as what would the low level common sense be as to such clarifications as to such if factors as to such references thereof as then what would such immaturity be as to such aspects as to the clarifications and why would that ever be considered as the factors of actual importance?
How immature would others need to be to ever think they would ever be capable to make up for such aspects as to the if factors as to not ever thinking about such aspects before, as why would it take a head injury to point that out?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to the common sense as to the decades of such as to the reality I personally have dealt with, as why would it take a head injury to figure that out to begin with if as to such aspects already having been clarified as to such references thereof?
Does it take a head injury to figure out to point out that is not within the Constitutional Amendments as to such factors thereof to such if factors when I have clarified such aspects as to the references as to the 10 Commandments, as why would it take a head injury to point such aspects out as to such factors thereof to such situations or would the aspects sas to the lower levels of such intellectual aspects be proven especially as to such hypothetical references thereof as why would I ever be capable to actually be capable to enjoy anything as to such types of if factors as why would my personal aspects of being capable to enjoy be of importance for me as well as if there are those who actually could care about me and/or care for me as why would me being in a good mood matter?