In reference to the fact from the years of 2015 through 2018 mainly as to when I had volunteered at Club Sapphire, there was not any signage as to any video recording in the lobby area as to the check in area as well as not any signage as to the front office area, nor was there any signage as to any cameras in the back room area which was the private area specifically designated as per that area's signage. The irony as to the aspects of the signage of the private area as to employees only, though not any signage as to the video cameras as to the warning for such legal ramifications as to if any individual who was not an official employee which I was not ever an official employee as to such taxes standards regarding such aspects as to the illegal surveillance referencing the area of the locations within Club Sapphire.
While I have clarified and verified a multitude of situations in the references regarding the exterior locations of the area to Club Sapphire, the reality of the legal requirements as to the privacy laws when within a building structure as to when walking through a doorway as to what is considered as a private location as per the aspects in conjunction of the specifics as to the advertisements of a private social adult club as to the aspects of which the legal requirements within the state of Washington as to the mandatory informing of such factors as to the legal requirements because of the privacy laws within Washington state and especially as to the Seattle Washington area. In turn as to such aspects of the exterior areas of Washington state as to the overall viewpoints as to the security cameras as to the cellphone towers and other such references regarding the physicality's, the additional aspects which as to the differences of such laws of privacy laws as to the state of Washington being similar to the east coast areas of the northeast areas such as the state of New Jersey as well as the state of New York though especially as to New York City in conjunction as to the state of Pennsylvania as to the mandatory laws of such official notification as to the references regarding the legal notifications of such cameras as to even if within the common area of the club as well as especially as to the back room area for the if factor of the door being open when during an event and any possibility of individual(s) walking by the area during the timeframe of an event as to such privacy. In turn because of the lack of official signage to the warning aspects of Club Sapphire as to the situations to the front lobby area, the cameras in the business office area facing towards the lobby area, as well as the backroom area where the second kitchen is as to such factors which by Washington state as well as Seattle Washington laws as to the legal requirements for such situations to be officially informed in writing as to such aspects.
For example since there was not a per 24 hour form to which each individual filled out per evening per event, the legal aspects of Club Sapphire having the security cameras in the areas as to such official notifications as to the references regarding the aspects of the privacy laws within Washington state. Another hypothetical example as to the office area as to such security cameras as to the secondary situation as to where there was not any signage to officially inform individuals as to the security cameras in view as to such aspects of the check in process, which as to the signage at the minimum as to the privacy laws violations regarding Club Sapphire through such legal requirements as per the state of Washington. In a third aspect which as to the front lobby area as to the advertising of a private social adult club as to the references which in turn as to the official standards as to the contrary as to such cameras regarding the area of the front lobby as well as the front office areas as to the legal requirements to abide as to such advertisements regarding the advertisements online as well as within descriptions referencing the privacy laws, which in turn as to false advertising to each individual who ever attended Club Sapphire.
In a third hypothetical as to the backroom area as to the employee only area as to the aspects which as the majority of individuals having been volunteers and not what is considered as to an employee through the tax system standards as to what an actual employee is as to the factors of, the hypothetical references regarding the aspects of if ever opening the backroom doorway between the turn of the corner from either side though next to the Emerald Room and semi-across the hallway from the Black Pearl room as to when going towards what was known as the Amethyst Room. In turn if any individual(s) who were not employees which includes all individuals who were volunteers, automatically such violations of privacy laws as to each and every time per incident as to the individuals regarding ownership of Club Sapphire fully and would hypothetically would be subject to legal prosecution for all such violations of privacy rights as well as prosecution for the violations regarding the legal requirements of proper signage as to individuals who were not employees as to volunteers and/or attendees to events which obviously volunteers could be legally considered as attendees to such events.
In the references to the electrical room closet nearby to the co-ed bathroom in the back area as to the references of the wifi aspects, the lack of notifications to individuals as to such additional hypotheticals as to what I brought forward earlier as well as to such factors in prior official notifications through my journal blog; however in conjunction as to the same portions referencing the kitchen area behind where the bar area had been as to such aspects of the refrigerator as well as the ice freezer as to such references regarding the legal mandatory requirements as to the signage as well as official informing as to such references, as to the mandatory informing as to the Club Sapphire ownership regarding the aspects of the situations during such points in time. There was not ever any point in time I was ever officially informed of any security cameras though I had noticed them in the areas of, which those are the only areas I personally had noticed such officially as to the open area of sight. In the similarity of such hypothetical aspects as to the backroom areas as to the area in the main dancefloor area as to the area behind the bar as to such individuals who may have walked in view of the security camera as to the door being open when as to the bar area and/or the food tables area as to such references regarding the legal requirements of such official informing as to each and every individual at each and every event as to each and every timeframe thereof even within the moments as to not within the timeframes of events because of such aspects as to the hypotheticals as to other companies' employees as to such misconstruing of such aspects as to the time and date stamp referencing such location as well as the aspects of the mandatory legal requirements of such informing regarding those individuals not being employees of the Club Sapphire officially.
In turn as to if any such aspects as to my Medal of Honor Art Project as well as to such aspects as to my books as well as such aspects as to my website as to such illegal surveillance as to the references thereof to such illegal security camera footage as to the automatic factors of such impacts regarding what factors of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America, as well as any individual as to any branch and/or division of federal law enforcement as to such clarifications and verifications though also as to local and state law enforcement as to any such undue impact as to such illegal surveillance as to the areas thereof without such mandatory legal required factors to bring such details forward. If as to such hypotheticals within the legal form paperwork of which I only filled out once in the year of 2015 as per the aspects which as to the reality as to such clarifications and verifications as per such updates through my journal blog The Ornery PSA, the mandatory requirements of which such updates for such clarifications and verifications because of the irrefutable damages incurred as to the hypothetical circumstances as to any such aspects in conjunction of others as to such undue problems regarding Club Sapphire's negligence as to not officially informing individuals as to the references of such illegal surveillance as to the areas of even within what can be considered as a to a degree semi-public-ish area such as the front office and the front lobby areas, though do not include such areas officially because of the advertisements as to the references regarding the aspects of the private social club for adults.
In turn as to such references regarding the lack of signage as well as the lack of official notification per event per form paperwork that would be considered as a mandatory aspects of such references in the front office area as well as the front lobby area, the additional aspect of if in reference to the side front area whereas to the aspects of the video tour areas as well for such references regarding of the if factors as to such illegal surveillance by the legal definitions as to such hypothetical references. Similar to when Temple of Flesh as to such aspects of the front lobby as to such more lenient laws as to the differences as to the state of Texas, the state of Washington does not have such leniency as to the laws thereof and any individual as to such clearances required for such background checks as to the references of employment; if as to any such early retirement and/or reassignments and/or etcetera as to such association factors as to such hypothetical aspects, as to the legal standards which were not upheld by Club Sapphire as to the owners as to such points in time as well as to the paid employees as the only way as to such consideration of a paid employee in comparison of to the difference as to what is considered as a volunteer.
Thus as to the fact as to such background clearances as to the updates as to such merger factors as to the truthful portions thereof as to from the year of 2019 through this year of 2022 whereas to the best of my capability as to such verifications and clarifications before the formal informing as to such merger aspects as to 6 June 2022 as to the Tmobile a part of AT&T originally as well as a part of Verizon as to the cellphone factors, then as to the merger with Sprint as to the references of such clarifications and verifications as to such situations to the considerations of such references to the hypotheticals as to beyond just the formation of the US Space Force though also in reference to elected officials and/or their employees as well as staff members as to such aspects which the regards of the legal requirements of the official notifications because of the knowledge of facial recognition referencing the aspects of the hypotheticals as to the legal requirements of officially informing each and every individual as to such surveillance regarding the cameras as to such factors. While in my opinion the sign of Homeland Security refers to the office area for reporting as to the difference regarding the actual aspects of as per the office days as well as the office hours, the difference as to such aspects of the legal requirements regarding the official signage as to Club Sapphire as to such negligence as to not having the proper signage as well as the proper informing as to such aspects in the references regarding the entry point areas and/or the front side room area and/or the front office business areas and/or the behind the area of the bar and/or the backroom area and/or the electrical room area as per the legal requirements for such official informing of each and every individual as per the legalities of the Washington state privacy laws.
Hence part of the reasons as to why from the year of in the official capacity of being honest about my involvement as to such aspects despite the minimal aspects of such hypothetical assumptions as to the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle as to the aspects of clarifications and verifications in the proof thereof to such actual numbers, though as to such factors as to the comparisons as to the hypotheticals referencing the aspects as to the larger portions after the year of 2009 regarding my being honest about such aspects despite how individuals made their opinions known as to such regards. In the references regarding the factors of the legal requirements as per Washington state law statutes as to the privacy laws of official standings as to the timeframe thereof, the legal aspects which as to the requirements as per such levels of clarifications and verifications as to the timeframe of the years of 2019 through this year of 2022 as to such references regarding even within what is considered as the common area though because of the advertising as to such factors which legally the liability of Club Sapphire owners as to such references regarding the privacy laws as per the state of Washington per such statues and regulations.
Individuals as to from the timeframe as per when I volunteered in the timeframe of the end of 2015 through the year of throughout 2016 throughout the year of 2017 and part of the year of 2018 as to one attending as to in the year of 2019, officially as to any such noticing of such situations regarding any such factors within their private lives and/or their work as to such hypotheticals in the references of proverbial red flags as to such investigations as to the legal responsibilities as per the individuals as to the Club Sapphire owners as well as the official representatives of Club Sapphire as to the references of the legal references regarding such hypothetical standards as to the legal requirements as per the Washington state legal requirements as per the references regarding privacy laws. In the year of 2018 I had made a reference thought a text message in reference to an attempt to point such levels out to an individual as to such a point in time, though possibly I miswrote the text message as per the legal aspects of such statutes as to the regards of the specifics as to the advertisements as per the references regarding the situations of the required signage in the areas before entering the club front lobby area as well as the references as to the check in area as well as the reference to the side front room tour video area as to where pictures once were taken every now and then as well as the references to behind the bar area in conjunction to the backroom area and the electrical room area as to the culmination of situations of what was occurring as to such a point in time in my life as to the references regarding what I had officially brought forward more clearly as to the timeframe within the year of 2019 through 2020 into 2021 as well as this year of 2022 as to the regards of such details.
In turn as to the references which as to the lack of informing as to the signage as to before entering the front lobby area as well as the lack of signage as to the front side room area as well as the lack of signage in the area as to the business office area as well as the lack of signage outside of the entrance as to the back area behind the bar as well as the lack of signage as to the backroom area and the lack of signage as to the electrical room, hypothetically as to such references regarding the violations of such privacy laws within the state of Washington as to the individuals of the ownership of Club Sapphire as well as the complex as well as the representatives officially as to such titles regarding the aspects which as to which I had not ever been officially any aspect associated with Club Sapphire beyond just volunteering as to the comparisons as to other references regarding the legal situations as to the surveillance within the building areas as per such aspects as to the legal requirements as per the aspects of the state of Washington per a private location as to such regards of what was advertised as a private club for socializing as an adult as to such factors of the false advertising regarding such factors as to the situations of which as to the members only as to the legal requirements as to officially informing such to a further degree as to the comparison as to the references as to a private social club for adults.
In addition to those particulars as to any usage of such information without any permission of mine as to such factors as brought forward as well as the other details thereof, the compliancy as to any individual involved as to such official knowledge through being informed officially as per such discussions and/or in writing in such comparisons to myself as to such references additionally for such considerations regarding the aspects as to each and every individual as to such records as to the first group who had begun the electronic factors to the second group who had begun such aspects in or around the year of 2017 for such references to the clarifications as to the database. In turn as to how there has not ever been any permissions from myself to ever utilize such aspects of my work to eve be within the aspects of publicity regarding beyond just my business card within the front lobby area as to the other business cards in the area, the legal factors regarding such legal privacy rights in the references to the state of Washington as to the references to such statutes regarding the aspects as to such individuals who might have been impacted as to such references because of the negligence regarding such official informing as well as the undue damages as per such affiliations as to the aspects of such illegal surveillance to such references.
Individuals who have dealt with such needless problems as per as I have in the capacities thereof as per the situations which I have not ever agreed to any such illegal surveillance as to such aspects as per such official notifications as to the situations as per such updates as per the legal requirements as per what should have been officially informed of as per "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as well as the aspects of what has previously been brought forward as to such aspects which individuals as to the hypotheticals as to the state of Texas, as to such illegal aspects fully as to such unwarranted as well as illegal stalking and harassment as to such factors across state lines as well as the clarifications and verifications as per the problems needlessly as to the Stoney LaRue concert as to the Cowboys Dancehall as to March in the year of 2013 referencing such aspects in whichever context as to such connections as to the illegal aspects of unwarranted needless problems as to the aspects of such factors as to the length of time in such regards as to the factors in such individual situations as well as individual references.
As to the hypotheticals as to such accuracy regarding the proof through such legalities as well as the statutes thereof as to the proof as per such situations as to the length of such factors as to abrupt changes in employment locations and/or employment facilities, abrupt early retirement, abrupt changes as to requirements for employment aspects, additional clarifications and verifications, and such though not limited to such factors regarding such situations as to the hypotheticals thereof to such employment aspects as well as such clearances as to such background check additional factors as to the undue stresses as well as the other situations which I have brought forward throughout this timeframe as to the aspects of the years officially as to 2019 into 2020 into 2021 and this year of 2022 as to such needless problems as per my viewpoint as well as such needless situations as to what aspects as to such clarifications and verifications thereof which includes as to the needless problems regarding the aspects of my earned healthcare as to such additional factors as to the lack of such aspects in the references regarding the situations as per the proof additionally as to the raised pain levels as well as other such aspects undue without cause as well as unnecessary as to such official aspects in the regards thereof to such additional legal definitions and such terminologies thereof as why would there ever be a belief of mine as to such humanity as to the hypothetical aspects as to such lengths of time as well as such circumstances as per the proof of such hypotheticals?
Why would I ever believe in individuals I once knew in person face to face in person as to ever being an actual human being, as to such references regarding such choices?
Why would there ever be a belief in anyone as an actual friend of mine, as well as why would I ever believe in family as to such aspects as per in any actual capacity of actual family in comparison to those factors of such biological aspects as to such situations as to the lack of difference as to my childhood and my teenage years as well as my biological adult years as what would ever be of actual worth to me as to such needless individuals as to such hypothetical situations regarding the if factors of the proof to such aspects to the clarifications and verifications thereof after what I already had dealt with and took stands against such needless choices as to the behaviour of immaturity as well as lack of a spine as to such aspects of my opinion?
What would ever actually be considered as worthwhile in my actual opinion to such factors as to the hypotheticals as to such lengths of time as well as amount of work I personally had went forward as to such aspects if as to such needless problems as to the lengths of time as to such worthlessness as to my viewpoint, as what would I ever see as to actually being of value and worth as to myself as to the situations regarding such aspects thereof for myself to actually have as a silver lining as to this point in time as to such aspects?
If as to the references of a silver lining as to experiences, technicalities I have had experiences that no one else has had...and then as to such aspects of such experiences what is the actual benefits as to what I would actually believe as to such benefits?
If I actually had a genuine and real reason that would actually be worthwhile as to what I personally would consider as to such in the comparison of what other people might think, the aspects of which my mood would actually be better in the comparisons of what it simply just is as to such lack of anything that has been of such a viewpoint regarding the factors as to this point in time because it simply does not take a head injury to figure out several aspects as to the reasons why I would have such a viewpoint and opinion as to such aspects.
