If as to my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America which was taken out of my wallet and purse and/or the wording of stolen on Lackland Air Force Base in the year of 2001 when my ex-sister-in-law was at my apartment as to after having been informed officially as to how the timeframe as to when I was in Medical Hold Unit as to such factors as well as the Justice of the Peace and the aspects of my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America was scanned in the area that those people were from as to in the state of Georgia as to such factors, it should not take a head injury to figure out my invitation to the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment automatically with my clearance as to the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America before the timeframe of my son's birth on 2 September 2001; it should not take a head injury to figure out the trigger that would have been pulled for each time those people who would not have had the legal right nor the legal authority to have done so, and thus it should not take a head injury to figure out those people would officially be capable to be considered as to the charges of treason as to having made any such choices to have scanned my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the red flags that would have went off as to the location factors.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if such aspects as to any medical portions as to when I weas in labor with my son and/or my daughter as to the length of time for the delivery as well as the medical mistreatments as to how those two ex-sisters-in-law of mine though not as to the legal aspects though as to the situations of the second and final separation from my now dead-ex-husband as to such others having hypothetically been informed as to each of their own labor and deliveries as to their children on a military installation, as to how such factors of any medical orders from the area of the state of Georgia to the state of Texas referencing the aspects of the reality as to how such individuals complained about their labor and delivery and were upset because of my age as to my medical retirement; as it should not take a head injury to figure out if David Osteen was additionally a part of such aspects as to his graduation from Lackland Air Force Base as to such aspects thereof, as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out the shame fully to the Air Force of the United States of America as to the renaming to the Space Force of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
It should not take a head injury to figure out those people involving anyone including the aspects of such children in the references to my ex-in-laws as well as any individual as to my medical factors as to in any such ways during the first 4.5 years of when having woken up from my coma after my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to such aspects through such hypothetical factors as to my ex-in-laws as to the aspects as to in whatever capacities as to the findings thereof to such aspects to the civilian and/or military sectors and/or any such situations to my son and/or my daughter as to how such would be legally cable to charge my ex-in-laws with treason as well as such aspects of their cohorts as to such knowledge officially as well as what levels of willing participation as per such informed aspects in the capacities of discussions on the phone and/or text messages and/or emails and/or other such forms as to any and all legal documentation which I personally had not ever agreed to nor would ever agree to in any such factor as to the aspects of what is considered as consent.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if such hypotheticals as to such aspects as to after the point in time of the year of 2005 through the timeframe of 2008, as to such aspects of the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to having informed my ex-in-laws as to how such factors were not ever for them to involve themselves into the aspects thereof; as well as it should not take a head injury to figure out that as to my ex-in-laws in such references as to the aspects of such factors as to the first fact as to Medical Hold Unit as well as such additional aspects as to the situations as to the Justice of the Peace with all such consequences thereof thereafter as to such legal definitions on the soil of the United States of America; which in addition as to such aspects of all such hypotheticals as to the aspects of after my SCUBA Diving where I landed and surfaced alive safely as to both the depths as to the Gulf of Mexico as well as to the depths of the Atlantic area of the oceanic waters as to the situations out from Boca as well as to the USS/USNS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg #Vandenberg aspects, as to any such needless drama as to such needless problems across all sectors as to the truth that should have been spoken with me as to the comparison of such hypotheticals of individuals who had no legal authority to involve themselves with my personal life as to such additional aspects as to my minor aged son as well as my minor aged daughter as to such facts.
It should not take a head injury to figure out such legal definitions additionally as to my ex-in-laws and/or such connections and/or my biological mother and/or father and/or sister as to such official knowledge; just as it should not take a head injury to figure out that such married into family as to my biological sister as to such lack of any rights to involve themselves in my work as well as my life as well as my son's life as well as my daughter's life ever, as per myself being the one and only Sponsor who ever was and is and ever shall be.
It should not take a head injury to figure out such legal terminology regarding such aspects as to what I prophesized as to the situations as per such prior discussions as well as the aspects as to in writing thereafter as it should not take a head injury to figure out when the male as to how my son and I wound up in Washington state after the Stoney LaRue concert at Cowboys Dancehall in San Antonio Texas now known as Military City USA Texas, as to such legal definitions especially as to the comment; '[I] should have picked the Navy guy because of what was thought before going to the club for the show', as it should not take a head injury to point out as to such stalking and harassment problems in the references additionally as to such unwanted aspects as to the references thereof to the uninvited portions to my life ass to the despite the aspects of my social media accounts as to the lack of my personal invitation to my life in my private residence(s) at any point in time as to such factors as to the aspects of any and all individuals who knowingly physically arranged such devices as to the hypotheticals as to such living arrangements as to the references thereof.
It should not take a head injury to figure out each and every civilian recreational SCUBA Diver as to such hypothetical involvement as to such needless aspects as to such uninvited aspects in all such factors as to the unwanted advances without as to such needless problems as well as needless drama as to what I did not need nor want nor desire nor prefer nor had any idealistic portions of such aspects to any and all aspects as to such illegal monitoring; especially as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out the if factors of any individual who was not a part of my actual SCUBA Diving certifications officially, though such is not limited to such factors as to the reality of the aspects of which there still was not ever any invitation to such aspects and I personally had not consented to such nor would I ever as all anyone had to do was actually speak with me in genuine truth and honesty in comparison of such illegal measures as to such espionage on the soil of the United States of America as to any such wonderings as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to how such was not ever anyone else's business as to in any capacity thereof as to the formal informing me of such connections as to those individuals in truth for such aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the same aspects as to my modeling as to such portions thereof as to how I had not ever allowed such in my private living areas in any aspect of what I personally paid for in conjunction as to the state of Texas privacy law requirements of which a minimum of one person within the area must be officially informed, otherwise it should not take a head injury to figure out as to such privacy law violations which since I was not ever officially informed and since there have been plenty of times when I was in my living arrangements alone as to how such legal violations in such references regarding the state of Texas officially to such individuals as to all such factors as well as those who had no rights as to such illegal involvement as to my personal life as to such monitoring without any due cause as to the facts I informed my medical professionals about my backyard in the year of 2004 as well as 2005 before such Wilford Hall needless problems as to my biological mother having been ignorant and whining as to such crying as to the aspects of when I had written about as well as after having discussed with others as to such a situation shortly before Hurricane Katrina as to such factors regarding the situations as to the timeframe as to when that occurred; as it should not take a head injury to figure out my biological father as well as my biological mother were not allowed in the room with me as with the medical professionals as to my doctor appointments, which in turn it should not take a head injury to figure out any such hypotheticals thereof as to such official violations of them as to such espionage in the references of both on federal property as well as on the soil of the United States of America to the conjunction of my ex-in-laws ad/or including my dead-ex-husband as to such aspects regarding as to how he was a dependent and had not been capable to ever inform me as well as had not been capable to ever use the aspects of my minor aged son and/or my minor aged daughter as to such factors because of the references regarding the aspects of my being the one and only Sponsor as to the aspects of my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America which it should not take a head injury to figure out that neither was he to have been informed of such discussions with Wilford Hall as well as with Brook Army Medical Center as per such appointments in the follow up TRDL aspects of such testings.
It should not take a head injury to figure out if as to individuals as to Fort Sam Houston #JBSA in Medical Hold Unit before it became Warrior transition Unit as to such individuals' involvement with my life outside of the timeframe as to the aspects thereof for my medical retirement as to how it should not take a head injury to figure out as to how a seventeen year old female is looked at as to such points in time as to the MOSes I sought as to the timeframe in the year of 2000 after such points in time of the year of 1996 as to my invitation as well as the testings and interviews as to Marine Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, as it should not take a head injury to figure out as to how such an invitation would be for my background despite what some people have had issues accepting as to the reality which they have needed to accept the truth.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of which to my meeting with Governor Christine Todd Whitman as to my poster as to the oceanic waters as to such invitation aspects in the conjunction as to the ways which as to West Point as to Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment, as to the scholarship aspects I had earned; which additionally it should not take a head injury to figure out when my biological mother and my biological father had signed the official emancipation or whatever legal definitions thereof for such wording as to upon the testing as well as the essays as well as the interviews as to any such averting to such work within the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to how such hypotheticals as to the federal violations referencing all such avoidances regarding their choices as to how I was taken from the state of New Jersey after the year of 1998 as to the aspects of how many times the uniformed individuals had been to the house in New Jersey as to such timeframes after the few days/weeks in Marlboro High School before Saint John Vianney High School before Crystal Lake South High School as per such explanations for the references thereof to such clarifications and verifications.
It should not take a head injury to figure out in my opinion as to the scanning of my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America in the hypothetical aspects of the state of Georgia as to the aspects of David Osteen as to my ex-in-laws and/or as to the Fort Worth Texas area as to my ex-in-laws and/or as to the Fort Sill Oklahoma area as to my other ex-in-laws as to any such involvement as to my medical aspects in such timeframes at any aspects thereof as to such aspects of before the attacks on 11 September 2001; I would personally officially view such individuals as guilty to my ex-in-laws to be tried as to such proof for treason as to the murder of the people within the area I was born and raised as to New Jersey #NewJersey #NJ #NewJerseystrong as to the amount of commuters as well as to the aspects of the boroughs I went to as a child and a teenager, in conjunction as to such aspects of the Pentagon in the Army branch of the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the Army side of the area as I do not think it takes a head injury to figure out why such would be a nightmare as to when I was in second grade as to such aspects.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of the fact of my invitation as well as the culminations of the Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment as to such aspects regarding the situations as to the ways which my clearance as to when I was seventeen years old as to the additional combinations as to the aspects of my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury with all such prior aspects as to the DYFUS #DYFUS #ChildProtectiveServices #CPS and other calls to the Child Protective Services from my Grandpa Gavett and my Grandma Gavett as to within New York state, my Bok Gung and my Bok Pu as to New York City complaints, as well as my babysitter Sony/Sonja and her husband Joe/Jose Castro as to the complaints against my biological mother and against my biological father for the situations which their wrongful jokes as to the nickname they gave me as to such aspects because of the situations as to the ways which others had treated me in the comparison as to the ways they viewed such annoyances of my biological little sister as to such bratty behaviour; as it should not take a head injury to see such especially as to when I was in fifth grade as well, as to such aspects in the references to Prudential employees as to the office location of Holmdel New Jersey as to such factors knowing of such regards as to DYFUS.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the situations regarding the reports regarding the aspects of which to how while in reference to the timeframe of my San Antonio now known as Military City USA Texas house as to the aspects of the backyard area in 2004 which I was honest about as to the lack of common sense as to the SCUBA Divers as to the civilian recreational sector as to the year of 2009 as to the amount of times I had made attempts repeatedly for such aspects of finally coming up with the terminology of SCUBA Diving Police also known as SCUBA Diving Law Enforcement as to such references about within the water areas as to how many complained about how serious I was taking SCUBA Diving as to the comparison as to how individuals as to what is supposed to be considered as the consenting adult lifestyle as to the amount of similar complaints as to how serious I took the supposed to be considered consenting adult lifestyle as to both BDSM as well as Swingers as to such factors, as it should not take a head injury to figure out to point out the multitude of reasons why; which it should not take a head injury to figure out as to the year of 2011 as to why it was not important to me as to reporting such aspects as to Irving Texas 2011 after such amounts of failures to such individuals as to the multitude of situations I made attempts to speak with as to getting actual assistance correctly, though it should not take a head injury to figure out why such needless games as to such needless problems as to such needless drama as to those types as to the references where they had watched more pop culture than ever paid attention to the news reports as well as how it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects regarding the seriousness as to such complaints wrongfully as to such aspects as to the reality of reasons to my updates as to the aspects of my journal blog in the years of 2019 through 2020 through 2021 into this year of 2022 as it should not take a head injury to figure out the aspects of actually getting the correct assistance as to such references to the writings about or does it take a head injury to figure out after such amounts of in person face to face in person discussions as well as writing as to seeking actual assistance in the correct capacity as to the requirement of actually speaking with me as to actual communication in person face to face in person as to such aspects and/ or at such points in time of actually communicating through messages as to the requests for such aspects.
Or does it take a head injury to figure out when putting such forward online as to the areas thereof as to the aspects of are there that many individuals who actually need to be asked to do so in comparison as to the wording, as should it take a head injury to figure out such aspects of my multiple attempts to reach out for assistance in the comparison of what occurrences as to the failures repeatedly as to such factors as per what amounts of proof as why would it take a head injury to point out to actually speak with and/or write to me as to such aspects in comparison of assuming as to knowing best in comparison to actually discussing with me as why would it take a head injury to point such out as is it that individuals are at those years of 2009 through 2012 having been so dense as to the millennial aspects as per the technological factors that they could not think for themselves as to formulate a question to me as to actually asking me for scheduling time and/or discussions in comparison to the arguments I dealt with needlessly?
Is the reasons which are not acceptable reasons as to my opinion of such needless drama as to such needless problems as to such needless games as to the aspects of the equivalent of a computer malfunctioning as to actually having to think to be respectful as to actually having to think about the words as to how to ask a question without putting in writing as to the in person face to face in person discussions, as if so as to before the year of 2012 as to what aspects would such translate to now in the year of 2022 as to such aspects as to the review as to such lengths of time as to the hypotheticals thereof; as should it take a head injury to figure out as to how many attempts I made in person face to face in person as well as the amounts of attempts I made through emails as well as the amounts of attempts as I made as to such phone calls as well as such amounts of attempts I made as to posting online as to the situations of which would require the review as to such intellectual levels as to the reality of what factors as to actually doing so without prompting as per such aspects of the technological factors or would such take a head injury to point such out to have asked me with respect and etiquette as well as dignity regarding such aspects in the comparisons as why would I ever view such aspects as to the needless amounts of writings and/or discussions as to without such assistance in the correct capacities as why would it take such aspects to figure out as to actually asking me as to what would actually be necessary in the comparison as to asking individuals who had not known such details as to the situations in full before 2012 or possibly even as to 2019 which then as to the year of 2019 what does that translate to in such hypothetical references of the situations?
Why would I ever believe in humanity or actual realistic intelligence in such aspects as to humanity in such references, as why would it actually take to such levels as to the aspects of pointing such out as to this length of time?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the same aspects as to my Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America as to the references of each individual I had given to such to scan as to the aspects thereof as to any such aspects of needless problems as to needless drama as to such hypotheticals as to such additional factors, as why would it take a head injury to figure such aspects out as to the references thereof to such prior journal blogs as to such individuals with so-called intelligence as to whatever aspects as to the claims as to having understood in such comparisons as to actually understanding the correct choices regarding humanity?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the references regarding such aspects as to what required factors of truthful informed consent requirements as to such hypothetical aspects as to the aspects thereof in the comparison as to how there has not been the point in time ever as to when I have ever consented as to such aspects, which since I have not ever consented to such aspects as to the hypothetical aspects regarding dentistry as to the aspects of in Washington state as to those particular privacy laws in such references regarding those factors of those laws or does it take a head injury to figure out the mandatory requirements as to the aspects of officially being informed of such hypotheticals as to before proceeding with such as to the requirements as to what would be as to the need for my consent which I have not given such and as to such hypotheticals what would such translate to as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips from the years of 2014 through 2022 as to such references as to the starting point of in Washington state as to the legal requirements as to privacy laws?; which officially in the references of my full innocence as to each and every aspect thereof as to from the point in time of the year of 1996 because of Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy attachment paperwork as to the processing thereof, does it take a head injury to figure out my full 100% innocence of all such accusations in each and every capacity thereof as to such lengths of time as per such legalities in such comparisons as to such hypotheticals as to such differences between those individuals compared to myself per federal laws in each and every instance to such references for my innocence as well as the aspects as to when I had my son and my daughter as to those timeframes?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to the references regarding in regards as to such situations as to "The Modern Day Book (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as well as "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/Compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" and "Finding The Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" in conjunction of my three volume book series of "The Adventures of Susan MeeLing, SCUBA Diver Extraordinaire (Written By: ) Reverend Susan MeeLing" as to such culminations thereof to such innocence for me as to such comparisons as to the hypotheticals as per such proof as reference to the found aspects as to the conjunction of my journal blog The Ornery PSA #TheOrneryPSA #SusanMeeLing #susanmeeling #ReverendSusanMeeLing #reverendsusanmeeling #LadyDoriBelle #ladydoribelle or would that take a head injury to point out to all such individuals in the references thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out in reference to the aspects of being above the Mason-Dixon Line as to the references before the timeframe of the year of 2013 as to the breaking of such lines as to the references regarding the aspects of such factors as to the only reason as to only in the year as to 2013 as to Florida as to such aspects of which as to the timeframe, or would it take a head injury to figure out the importance as to my most dreamed of SCUBA Dive as to my most wanted and preferred SCUBA Diving location as to such timeframe of discussions in person face to face in person in the year of 2009?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to each individual who had complained about my hair style and/or my hair color if you had actually paid attention as to the facts I have dealt with headache pain levels as well as migraines sporadically since waking up from my coma from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as well as the additional pain levels per word I have had to speak when explaining such factors as to how no one has ever had any rights to complain about my hairstyle and/or my hair color, as should it take a head injury to figure out anyone who deals with headaches in truth as well as migraines as to the ways such occurs and such factors of having to speak as to the ways of finding how to deal with such levels as to the weight of the hair as well as the aspects of when out as to the coloration as to the assistance to being capable to catch myself before the pain gets too off track as to the coloration to assist me; as should it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of what works best for me does not always work for everyone else and unlike some people as to what is best for me is what is best for me, as what assists my mood for my multitude of reasons on top of such common sense factors?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as many people who I once knew in person face to face in person who should have better human beings as to humanity and human decency as to such factors of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury as to my memory deficits because of such hypotheticals as to the amount of people who lied and bore false witness as well as broke such amounts of the 10 Commandments #10Commandments as to such factors, as to the permanent marring as to such damages caused by such individuals as to being capable to actually remember or does it take a head injury to figure out if such individuals had actually spoken the truth about me as well as my past as well as other such aspects as to maintaining and sustaining such aspects of the actual factual truth as to such prior experiences; as should it take a head injury to figure out the amount of times a needles pushes such ink into the skin as to the scarring as to such aspects because of such failures of the amounts of individuals as to how I have needed to be capable to know and understand and comprehend the reasons for each and every individual tattoo as well as the aspects of the reasons for each and every connection as to which placement as to the timing more than just as to the specific timing as to such aspects as despite what occurrences as to the timeframes thereof, as should it take a head injury to figure out some people can actually think about more than one topic at a time or am I the one and only who has the capacity to do so in a swift amount of time?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the reality as to how many problems as to my notebooks as well as my technology pieces including the chips as to such factors as to those needless problems as to such individuals who failed to ever think as to the reality of such aspects of which if they had not involved themselves as to such needless problems as to how I could have and would have actually accomplished what I was working on as to the information and details in the timely manner unlike such aspects as to the individuals who had seemed to think so highly of themselves as to the comparison as to such circumstances as to the references thereof to such situations, which if as to having had the uninterrupted timeframes as to actually having completed such work as to the official report in the year of if such individuals had not been so immature as to such involvements as to what I was working on at those times as to the official aspects instead of how some thought of themselves as to the levels thereof to my writeups which were not for others until I actually completed such?
Should it take a head injury to figure out when I moved to what was my home as to being capable to handle taking care of such a report in reference to the aspects of September though if such individuals had not been so arrogant as to such hypotheticals, as to how such would have been completed by the timeframe of 2011?
Would it take a head injury to figure out the civilian recreational lazy SCUBA Divers if they had paid attention correctly in comparison as to the amounts of complaints as to my tattoos as well as my hair as to how if such individuals had taken my work seriously as well as actually listened to me when I spoke at the timeframes thereof in comparison to having had to explain and reexplain as to such factors as to my Marine and Science Technology School with the Navy #MAST #Marine #Science #technology #School #Navy attachment aspects as well as the situations as to being medically retired from the Army, if they had actually listened to the details in comparison of complaining about SCUBA diving Police/Law Enforcement as well as the aspects of which to have paid attention to the in the water aspects instead of such superficial aspects as well as such surface aspects as to what they could have been informed of if they too actually were truthful with me in person face to face in person as to the comparisons as to what I dealt with needlessly?
Should it take a head injury to figure out such aspects in regards of those types of situations from the years after of the timeframe as to San Antonio also known as Military City USA Texas #MilitaryCityUSA as to how such situations as to when I moved after what I informed of as to General Gillman's office situation after the Chief Warrant Officer 3 as to the DFW area, as to the aspects yet again as to what should have actually been correctly handled as to being capable to actually take care of what I had needed to in a timely manner in such comparisons as to what I have dealt with as to such?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to McCoy Elementary School as to Carrollton Texas as to Carrollton Farmers Branch Independent School District if those individuals as to the area as well as such hypotheticals as to my ex-in-laws and/or my biological mother/father/sister involvement as to such aspects of such connections as well as the aspects of such needless nosiness as to such situations, as to how I would not have needed to get as many tattoos if such bigoted individuals had not been as the ways which they had been as well as the aspects of such situations to have been capable to complete such work without the needless involvements as to the aspects thereof to such levels as to the length of time in such references?
Does it take a head injury to figure out as to how I had created what was my home as to the aspects of what as per my SCUBA Diving work as to the amount of counter space as to being capable to host as well as places for the food I would have cooked if such aspects as to the needless problems as to my SCUBA Diving as to what would have been as to the year of 2009 as to such factors of my SCUBA Diving as well as the aspects of such an announcement as to my official work as to my books authoring, in comparison of such needless problems as to the situations in reference as to the location where I was born and raised as to my people as to such factors in such comparisons as to what I dealt with as to such comparisons?
Would it take a head injury to figure out if such civilian recreational SCUBA Divers #SCUBA #SCUBADiver #SCUBADiving #SCUBANews as to the comparisons as to such factors as to my personal lack of a need to model as well as my personal lack of the need to performances as to what my work as to such comparisons thereof as to the situations at the time, which I would have been completed to all such work before the end of December 2011 as to such writeups as would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of all of the pictures I took as to my photo albums as to what was actually of importance as well as assistive as to such wording capacities in the comparisons as to why should such take a head injury to point such out now as to the upcoming 21 year memorial as to such factors as to the attacks on 11 September 2001?
Should it take a head injury as to such technological messages as well as the aspects as to my original Blue Identification Card of/for the Armed Forces of the United States of America #ArmedForces #USArmedForces #USAArmedForces #UnitedStatesofAmerica #USA as to if such individuals had not been as nosey as they were as to such self-righteousness as self-indignation as to such timeframes, as to how much swifter I would have accomplished such writeups for the individuals as to the previous years as to the additional factors as to such aspects of those individuals who had chosen to involve themselves needlessly as to such aspects of my ex-in-laws as well as their connections and the factors as to my biological mother/father/sister as to such connections as well as to the comparison of what was perfectly taken care of as to the fact of working with Wilford Halla s well as Brooke Army Medical Center as well as Camp Bullis; as should it take a head injury for my biological mother/father/sister to think about as to the actual reasons why they were not allowed in my appointments as what additional needless problems did such individuals involve such aspects as to the close by neighbors as to which locations as to such needless involvements as to what I had not needed as to such aspects of what I was clearly working on if such individuals had not thought so highly of themselves; as should it take a head injury to figure out the reality of such aspects as to what actually would have been best would have been to actually ask me, in comparison of assuming as to such aspects thereof regarding the factors of such aspects as to the proof of such situations literally and figuratively and metaphorically?
Would it take a head injury to figure out there is no one ever allowed to complain about how I physically look as to such aspects as to individuals I once knew in person face to face in person and/or such connections thereof because of the reality which I would not have needed to get the amounts of to the levels of, if I actually had the aspects to which I could have taken care of such aspects at such prior points in time; though should it take a head injury to figure out the individuals as to such needless drama as to such needless problems as to where in comparison they actually could have assisted if such were actually paid attention to correctly instead of such assumptions in the prior years of 2019 as to how such was not ever a news report or would it take a head injury to figure such out?
Thus as to such individuals who have obviously made their comments to their opinions aware to me as to the various in person face to face in person situations as to the comparisons thereof as to the years of 2005 to and through 2013 before the aspects of the years of 2014 through 2018 as then to the years of 2019 through this year of 2022, as the reality of such individuals as to the bigotry as to how I physically look as to the aspects of what is for my best interests in comparisons as to such individuals who had needlessly caused the aspects of such needless problems to begin with for the if factors of which if actually had been as to what I actually need as to the comparisons as to such factors yet again; as should it take a head injury to figure out that I have actually known what has been best for myself, in the comparison of individuals who have not had the common sense nor the common decency to actually ask me respectfully; or would it take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of such proof regarding the situations as to such occurrences, as to the reality which each individual who could have simply asked me as to what was needed as to having actual in person face to face in person support truthfully in comparison as what would ever go incorrectly of individuals who would think spying on and listening as well as needlessly stalking as to such harassment factors as to the lack of knowledge as to the aspects thereof in such comparisons as to actually having real discussions as to such actual communication?
Or would such aspects of my original updating as to the aspects of my journal blog in the year of 2019 into the year of 2020 into the year of 2021 and this year of 2022 be capable to prove such aspects as to the fallible aspects regarding such hypothetical assumptions as to what I have actually known for myself as to such aspects and since such reasons which in the hypotheticals thereof as to such needless amounts of focus on what has not been nearly as important as to the aspects of what should have been capable to take care of instead as to such aspects of those types as to the laziness as to such lack of actual communication in the aspects which would actually be best for myself, as to the reality of such aspects of the ADA #ADA violations as to such references regarding such factors as well as to such aspects of the additional work as to the reality of the situations as to how much additional work as to what aspects of the situations which have only been additional stresses which should it take a head injury to figure out as to such needless extra stresses on top of what I already was dealing with as to such aspects of the raised pain levels as to such common sense; or would such take a head injury to point such factors out in the comparisons thereof?
Should it take a head injury to figure out my hair color as to my choice as to what is actually best for myself has absolutely nothing to do with my Grandmawmaw and my Grandpawpaw as to such factors, as the main colors as to such aspects are usually blue or purple or green in the 1980s and the 1990s in comparison to the timeframe as to the year of 2005 bright red aspects of which as to the cover of the book as to DJ Conway #DJConway as to the ideal aspects for my personal viewpoint of myself as well as my personal aspects of my liberties to choose for my body as to my choice for such aspects; or would such take a head injury to figure out such aspects as to the Fey as well as Dragon and etcetera, as should it take a head injury to figure out my religious freedoms as well as such factors as to my #ConstitutionalLiberty Constitutional Liberties as well as should it take a head injury to figure out each and every individual as to whatever connection has already done enough damage to the situation as why would it be capable to be proven as to how I already worked on such for what is best for myself in such comparisons as would it take a head injury to figure out if I wanted someone else's opinion as to how I would actually ask for such?
Does it take a head injury to figure out the lack of my personal need regarding certain aspects since as to the amounts of work as to what is an actual pay off to me as to such references as to what should be as to the comparisons as to how such factors regarding such lengths of time, as what has ever actually been of comfort to me as since the timeframe of what was once my home as to the aspects regarding those types of those people as to those situations and what needless problems as to such individuals as to the proven aspects thereof?
What has ever actually been of what would be for my actual comfort as to the comparisons as to what individuals have assumed as to such factors, as where has such ever been as to the reality of such for me to actually be capable to relax as to any such length of time as to the comparisons as to other such individuals having had such luxuries as to the comparisons as to myself despite the aspects of what false accusations as to the length of time; as what proof would there be as to such factors, and how many of those individuals have done that annoying poking aspect as to Facebook when that was an app as to such factors as to the initial aspects of as to the factors regarding such similarities as to such poking as to the references of such annoyances as to the real life aspects of the bratty viewpoint in such hypotheticals as to what those types as to such factors regarding their viewpoint in the comparison of the long term viewpoint as to such hypotheticals as to the aspects of such situations?
Should it take a head injury to figure out the aspects which as to the communication signals that actually has been as to the comparisons as to what some might have thought of as cute as to others having found such as annoying to deal with such notifications as what similarities to such individuals as to the factors in reference to the comments as to such forums as to the aspects of Leatheratti article aspects, as to the findings of such individuals as to what I dealt with as to the timeframe of before as well as afterwards as to such situations; as should it take a head injury to figure out the aspects as to such references regarding the additional needless problems as to my Medal of Honor Art Project trips as what would such be as to the hypotheticals as to such truthful portions of such noticings as to the claims of actually caring about me and my best interests, in comparison as to the actual proof thereof to such truth in actual truth as to such factors of what actual facts as to the proof thereof would be capable to actually see?
Would it take a head injury to figure out as to why I actually have hated arguing as to such stress levels as to such references as to the additional thought processes as to such factors as would it take a head injury to figure out individuals who would push and poke such factors as to the comparisons as to the amount of proof as to the needless problems of those types as to such regards as to how the reality is the reality, as should it take a head injury to the aspects of such factors regarding such raised stress levels as to the comparisons as to the aspects of ever relaxing in such comparisons; or would it take a head injury to point such out to individuals such as brats as well as those types of individuals which have not paid attention to what my actual needs are as to my best interests as to actual accommodations in the correct capacities thereof, or does that take a head injury to point such aspects out as well as to the aspects of the electrical aspects in conjunction as to the energetic portions as to the above the Mason Dixon Line?
Would it take a head injury to figure out such individuals as to the Montana Vortex as to the situations regarding those individuals as to such intrusions as to such factors as to the additional aspects as to the Solar Eclipse and such aspects thereof in the same year as to the year of 2017 as to such factors of what would be as to the needless problems in comparison of actual assistance to me before the year of 2018 and 2019, as what would it prove as to such comparisons as to what I actually needed in such comparisons instead; as why would it take a head injury to figure out the one and only person to speak with about such details would be myself as to the actual needs as well as what actual respect would be, as to such hypotheticals as to the reality of why should it take a head injury to figure that out?
What is humanity, human decency, and genuine care for me and what my actual best interests as per my actual needs as to such factors in such comparisons; as what would be the references regarding the proper medical care as to such lengths of time, in such circumstances as to the hypotheticals thereof to such proof regarding the aspects of individuals who were not invited to my #MedalofHonor #MedalofHonorArtProject #MedalofHonorArtwork Medal of Honor Art Project trips and what situations as to needless problems as to what I dealt with as to the year of 2018 into the year of 2019 into the year of 2020 into the year of 2021 into this year of 2022 as to such comparisons of what actually would be best instead of what individuals who were not authorized to involve themselves with what I personally had arranged at the timeframes thereof before such aspects as to the informing officially as to the aspects of the #LibraryofCongress #LOC Library of Congress as why would it take a head injury to figure out that I already had the permissions as to the doctors I was working with as to such points in time before such needless situations regarding the aspects of such hypotheticals as to my biological mother/father/sister and/or my ex-in-laws and/or such others who were not authorized as through such aspects thereof to the proof as to such aspects as to the year beginning as to the year of 2001?
What would be considered as problematic for individuals to involve themselves as to their opinions and/or their beliefs when they were not invited to be a part of such as to my being the one and only Sponsor as well as to the aspects in the references regarding the aspects of what I had not needed as to such individuals as to my personal work, as if as to such aspects as to actually speaking with me in person face to face in person as to the situations in comparisons of assumptions as to those types as to their failure to pay attention to the correct details as to the approval as to the neurologists and neuropsychologists as well as the cognitive specialists as to the aspects thereof to prior situations; as why would it take a head injury to figure out the aspects of such aspects, in the comparisons as to the reality of the proof as to such regards as to the reality of when I was calmer, as to the comparisons of others hypothetical aspects as to how such was not necessary as well as when as to such aspects of necessary where as to such instant aspects in the comparisons as to the needless problems as to such needless hesitations as to the comparisons of what the correct aspects to what anticipatory would be as to what would be as to such factors in the aspects of in the actual correct ways if as to such hypotheticals as to such aspects to the proof thereof?
Unlike some people I have not needed additional stress to get such work accomplished as the additional aspects of what I have taken care of as to such comparisons as to what I have needed to take care of has only been due to such levels of needless problems as to the stress levels in the comparisons as to such factors of which when actually relaxed as to what I actually could have taken care of sooner, as to what has been of more importance to me personally as why would that take a head injury to figure such out?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that when I was a child as well as when I was a teenager I completed all of my homework well before the due date as to such aspects as to ensure I could actually go take care of other aspects in comparison as to the needless additional stress, as to why would it take a head injury to figure out that I have not been like or similar to most individuals who work better under pressure whereas I work best as to when I have been capable to get some actual relaxation in the comparisons?
Should it take a head injury to figure out as many individuals into the pop culture aspects as to comic books #popculture #comic #comics #comicbooks as to what I learned as to what is actually considered as heroic in such references as to the aspects of what actual heroism is, as to the comparisons as to what I have had to take care of as to such comparisons?
Why would I believe as to my actual best interests as to actual care for me as to the genuine aspects of what I have believed as to actual genuine aspects, or would such individuals actually be ignorant enough to believe that technology would be more important than as to actual aspects of humanity as why would it take a head injury to figure out what words would be as to the sub word as to the root word as to such aspects thereof to such a breakdown; or would it take a head injury to figure out human - it - y? #humanitymatters #truthmatters
