In the definitions of what are considered as problematic as to the aspects of what to consider as to the explanations of different problems:
bullying noun
bul·ly·ing | \ ˈbu̇-lē-iŋ , ˈbə- \
Definition of bullying (Entry 1 of 2)
: abuse and mistreatment of someone vulnerable by someone stronger, more powerful, etc. : the actions and behavior of a bully
Her own childhood had been made miserable by bullying …
— Michael Holroyd
… underestimates the plain meanness behind the pleasure people take in bullying.
— George F. Will
bullying adjective
Definition of bullying (Entry 2 of 2)
: prone to or characterized by overbearing mistreatment and domination of others
… dominated the program but did so in a bullying manner that made him appear crabbier and more churlish than ever.
— Tom Shales
At his worst, he was just another loud, boorish, bullying … drunk …
— Bartholomew Gill
The bullying husband is … living out a way of being that he learned at home as a child.
— Robert Karen
Examples of bullying in a Sentence
Recent Examples on the Web: Noun
Devinney said Wednesday that his client was the subject of bullying and was defending herself.
— Drake Bentley, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 18 Mar. 2022
Over the last couple of years, since the prevalence of bullying has been brought to the surface, several new initiatives and support platforms have been established.
— Alex Ritman, The Hollywood Reporter, 15 Mar. 2022
Ty Pennington is hammering the message home: internet bullying is not cool.
— Natasha Dado,, 23 Feb. 2022
Thus as to the situations of which I have personally dealt with as to various situations I will utilize the references as to the situations through the Merrium-Webster explanations of which in the reference as to the obvious as to the mistreatments as to what I have brought forward as to the various situations as to the medical portions in conjunction as to the usage wrongly of the after effects from my Psalm Sunday 2000 head injury, in conjunction as to the factors of which individuals who have had finances that should not have been utilized in the aspects of what my works as to my books as well as my videos and my images as to the situations of by my choice as to the consensual portions in the comparisons as to what is legally considered as nonconsensual to the facts as to the needless problems which I have brought forward repeatedly as to the facts of which the needlessly caused problems because of such types of individuals as to their failures as to the aspects of accepting the reality of the various situations which should not have ever been the needless problems as to what they have been. For the examples as to the memory deficits and cognitive disorder situations of which should have and should be treated correctly in such comparisons as to the aspects of what I have dealt with as well as the other factors of which to such situations of which to the lack of common sense in the references thereof which as to actually taking responsibility for the choices as to such aspects as to the references of such situations, such as to the occurrences within the state of Washington as well as to how my son and I wound up in the state of Washington. While some people might think that as to what I dealt with as to making my memory aspects stronger in the comparison of what would legally be considered as abuse to such situations as to the aspects thereof to the considerations of why the reality of the Center for the Intrepid was formed, in such comparisons as to the references of what has been capable to be found as to the clarifications and verifications of such aspects I have brought forward as to the reality I personally have dealt with as to whatever I have seen and/or heard and/or dealt with as to such factors.
There is not the capability in reference to the aspects of such situations as to the aspects of Crystal Lake South High School as to the cheerleader Leah who had thrown a temper tantrum because of what other people had chosen to say as to the aspects of when I defended my friend Kenny as to the aspects of where she tried to claim because of the choices for my defense as to how she felt bullied because of what I did, which the reality of such was that she dealt with being called out for how she was rejected from one date to one dance and instead of the aspects as to how she should have just moved on from the situation as to the comparison of what she chose to do in such references as to the reality of how people only made fun of her for being rejected from one date in the comparison of what she had made a cry baby scene about as to the aspects of the cafeteria table in such comparisons. If she had actually spoken the truth as to the situations to her parents who adopted her as to the aspects of what she was actually made fun of by each of whomever made fun of her, she was only made fun of because of the fact Kenny had told her no to the dance. She was not ever made fun of because of the aspects of the cafeteria table in the reference of the cafeteria table having been thrown across the cafeteria, though hypothetically she stirred up such needless drama because of the fact she had not accepted the reality which Kenny had not wanted to go to the Sadie Hawkins Day Dance with her and had chosen to go with Lisa instead of the aspects as to such points in time. The aspects of how she wrongly blamed me because of my defense of Kenny as to that point in time as well as whatever other aspects as to the high school needless drama that spilled over into what is supposed to be considered as adulthood as to maturity as to such factors in such comparisons as to the hypothetical as to such references of which the definition of bullying has had to be defined in different capacities thereof. Thus in the reference of the cafeteria table, I did not speak about the situation until after having been called into the Principals Office because of Leah's parents having thrown whatever temer tantrum as to what Leah had learned from as to those types of those people in such references as to those aspects in comparison as to what is actually considered as maturity. Thus in such references as to how her parents which are not her biological parents as to such clarifications as to the aspects of which in such references, as to how those types are as to the adoption process as to how those types could have actually adopted a child from within the United States of America in the comparisons as to going overseas as to the situations of which if they actually had adopted a child or children from within the United States of America as to the difference of the legal systems as to relationship factors as to whatever types of proof as to those particular aspects in such references.
In turn as to those particular aspects as to how the common sense factors as to the age situations as to the overseas aspects as well as to the needless problems as to who would such ever actually complain to as to those particular factors in such comparisons, as to the reality of which as to the situations regarding the state of Illinois outside of the area of Chicago as to how many individuals should have adopted from within the United States of America as to the comparisons thereof as to going overseas. In my opinion both then in the year of 1998 as well as now as to the individuals who have went overseas to adopt or purchase children in such comparisons of adopting within the United States of America, as to wondering how many of such children actually became involved in a relationship with the adoptive parents as to the comparison as to actually having a chance as to an actual childhood in the comparisons thereof as to such factors. If as to such types as to those references as to the aspects of which in my opinion as to the wishful attempts to subvert the process of the welfare system within the United States of America as to turning such needless problems into other areas of the world as to the aspects of such processes, because of the factors as to the exotic look in such references as to the ways thereof in comparison as to the aspects of accepting the reality of what is actually considered as legal immigration as to such hypotheticals as well as what would be considered as sexual abuse in my opinion as to individuals who would be a part of such aspects as to the situations of the if factor as to individuals from overseas as children brought into the United States of America as to whatever percentage have become romantically involved with their adoptive family as to my personal opinion.
Thus as to one example of a definition of bullying, to such a consideration.
However in such a reference additionally as to that type of individual as to the parents that adopted Leah as to the factors of the situations as to the aspects of the hypothetical as to the knowledge as to the demographics outside of the Chicago area of Illinois as to the situations of which in those particular references as to the verbal aspects as to such situations well before the aspects as to the school portions thereof, as to those particular references in conjunction as to the factors as to the reverse portions as to the usage of such as to the ways that particular Principal's Office visit had been as to when the mother as to Leah's adopted mother had tried to claim as to racism against Asians as to saying such directly to my biological father's face as to her actual racism as to Asians in such a statement as to her thought as to however all Asians are supposed to look physically in such comparisons as to whatever the viewpoint was. As I detailed such in my first book "Finding A Silver Lining (Written/compiled By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" and possibly "Finding The Silver Lining (Written By: ) (Reverend) Susan MeeLing" as to the aspects of which writing about such is nothing different as to the same in such references as to my official YouTube Channel as to the aspects thereof as to how I personally did not bully Leah, as to the facts of which the actualities thereof to the individuals as to the references to such choices as to the comparisons as to the cafeteria table.
It should not take a head injury to figure that out, as the reality of such differences as to the distinguishing factors as to the references thereof.
Thus as to the common sense factors of which individuals who were already doing such actions as to the comparisons as to actually taking such into genuine consideration as to the reality, what reverse portions would be considered as to the hypotheticals as to the situations of what my son and my daughter and I have needlessly dealt with into such lengths of time which includes as to the factors of each and every capacity thereof to such references?
For example as to my having brought forward the reality as to the technological issues, what would be considered as bullying as to what I have needlessly dealt with as to such lengths of time?
In reference as to actually being capable to earn my own finances from my personal work as to such comparisons, what would be the reference to such aspects?
In reference to the aspects of my work and the actual correct recognition for my work in the correct capacities thereof, what would be considered as to such a definition?
In reference as to my images/videos/books as to such references, what would be within such regards as to the defintions?
In reference as to the situations as to the needless problems during my Medal of Honor Art Project trips, what would be considerable within that particular reference?
In reference as to what is considered as consensual on my part as what would be the definition as to the hypothetical comparisons, as to the definition?
In reference as to the aspects as to my work as to the combined overall in the correct capacities in the comparisons as to what I have needlessly dealt with as what definitions would be capable to be noticed, as to such needless problems as to the hypotheticals as to the clarifications as well as the proof thereof as to such factors?
In the reference as to the length of time, what would the reference of such definitions be capable to be noticed in such references?
In reference to the comments as to from Michael as well as George, what would the references be capable to be found as to the aspects of the clarifications and verifications as to the length of time as well as the situations capable to be found in the capacities thereof as to what I have wrongly dealt with as what would be capable to be recognized as to the definition as to such factors?
As to the second entry of the Merrium Webster definition, where would such factors of what I have dealt with needlessly as to the length of time as to the situations thereof be capable to be found as to such references as to after waking up from my coma after my head injury on Psalm Sunday in the year of 2000 as to the Basic Training situation as well as during the timeframe and thereafter as to my subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of my brain, the aspects of my headaches/migraines, as well as the situations as to my memory deficits and cognitive disorders as to such references in the conjunction as to what previously as to the year of 2000 and what since the year of 2000 to take into consideration as to what I have dealt with as to what would be capable to find within such definitions as to the factors thereof as to the comparisons as to my right to express myself as to the truth of such situations as to what I have dealt with as well as my right to my opinion as well as my right to put forward my opinions as to such aspects of my right to bring forward what I dealt with as to such factors as to the proof thereof as to the truth as well as capable to be found in all such references thereof.
In reference as to the aspects of the commentary by Tom, where would such regards be capable to be found in each and every capacity thereof as to such situations as to what I have dealt with needlessly and wrongly?
In reference to the commentary by Drake, what would be capable to be noticed in such aspects for each and every individual to take into personal consideration as to such factors as to what I have dealt with needlessly and wrongly?
In reference to Alex's comment, where would such references be capable to notice as to the reality of such situations?
In reference as to Natasha as to such regards, what as to the aspects of the combined factors would be capable to be noticed as to the truthful situations of what I have needlessly dealt with?
How hypocritical would such be as to individuals as to such claims similar as to Leah as to such factors as to the situations of what I have dealt with, as to the hypothetical hypocrisy as to such references as to the comparisons as to such references?
Where would there ever actually be as to my situation as to my ever actually being considered wrongly as for simply clarifying situations as to the comparisons as to what I have dealt with, as what would officially be as to such comparisons as to the definitions as to such factors as to the references thereof as what proof would be capable to be found in such regards as to the overall situations as to what aspects have been clarified and verified and thus as to such references as to my work as to bringing such forward what would the definition thereof bring forward as to the proof of such situations as to the needless problems as to getting my work in the correct aspects as to the correct recognition as what is the reasons to ending all types and ending all forms of stolen valor in each and every type and capacity thereof as what difference would that actually make?
What would be considered as hypocritical by each and every individual who has ever dealt with a bullying situation to ever cause any such needless problems to me in any such capacity thereof as to such factors, as what would the reverse viewpoint be as to such references in the capacities thereof to such hypotheticals?
If in reference to my saying as to how it should not take a head injury to figure something out, well what would be the truth behind such a saying as to the references thereof as to such hypotheticals as why would anyone as to such references ever think otherwise as obviously I did not need a head injury to figure such aspects out before as obviously then as to such references to the truth behind such aspects as to how it should not take a head injury to figure such aspects out as to then the additional aspect of the truth as to such references as to the comparisons as to such hypotheticals thereof for such references to actually genuinely consider as to such factors.
Thus as to such references in each capacity thereof, why would there ever be any needless delays as to such factors as to my correct recognition in the correct capacities thereof as to such references as to each aspect of my work as to the situations thereof as where as to each factor should such be fully fixed and repaired in the correct ways as to such references as to each factor I have brought forward as to such situations as to my correct recognition?
Or does it take a head injury to figure out that bringing forward what I personally have accomplished is not the same as to the aspects as to the viewpoints of what correct recognition is as to such references, as should it take a head injury to figure out as to all such other references as to how such aspects have been as to how many participation trophy factors as to such amounts of ceremonies as to the reasons to end all types of stolen valor as to the comparisons as to what the differences would be considered as to the in person face to face in person as to the actual correct individual as to such amount of celebratory aspects?
Should it take a head injury to figure out children having grown up seeing individuals act in such a manner as to those particulars as to my earned 26 SCUBA Diving certifications as well as my books as to what I personally authored and compiled as to the ways of such needless and wrongful mistreatments as to the comparisons, as why would any ever actually make any genuine attempts as to the common sense factors as to the situations of which why would it take a head injury to figure out as to the half a**ing factors as to such references as to what they have been capable to see as to such references to the comparisons thereof as to the amount of work as to the aspects of what actually earning in such references to the correct recognition as why would it take a head injury to point out such factors as to the failures of societal aspects as to the situations as to the ways of such choices as per the findings thereof as to the actualities?
Does it take a head injury to figure out that there would be a lack of any actual tries and actual attempts as to the laziness factors as to the viewpoint of such amounts of needless repetition as to the amount of work I personally have achieved as to the aspects as to why would anyone ever actually bother working as to such references, as why would it take a head injury to figure that out as to the aspects as to the amounts of video games in the comparisons as to such aspects of actual work as why would it take a head injury to figure that out as to such references of actual work ethics in such regards as to the situations thereof?
It should not take a head injury to figure that out as the facts thereof, as to how I did not need a head injury to figure that out in the first place to begin with. That is the actual reasons why as to my statement as to such pathetic aspects as to those types who personally have not actually dealt with a head injury as well as the aspects as to those types not having dealt with the after effects of the subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of the brain, just as to the facts as to such after effects as to the headaches/migraines as well as the aspects of the memory deficits and cognitive disorders as to such references as to why there is no one as to such references of ever being allowed to be offended as to such references as to the unless portions of which the proof as to such aspects as to the amounts of work as to the lack of correct recognition as to the teaching of such factors as to the complaining as to the ways of attention in the comparisons as to the differences of good behaviour aspects as to such references to the comparisons as to how many individuals have wrongly awarded bad behaviour as to such aspects as to the references of clout as for one example as to the comparisons as that should not take a head injury to figure those factors out.
It should not take a head injury to figure out the difference between the computer generated collage aspects as to the aspects of how it should not take a head injury to distinguish the difference between my SCUBA Diving, just as it should not take a head injury to figure out the difference as to how protective I have been as a Mom about my son and my daughter's safety as well as best interests as to the comparisons as to those types as to their viewpoints as to keeping their thoughts in the correct capacities as to such differences as to the minor aged aspects of the biological factors in reference to the difference as to such aspects to what is actually considered as the supposed to be consenting adult lifestyle. It should not take a head injury to figure out the facts of what actual consent as to such differences as well as it should not take a head injury to figure out the common sense situations as to the aspects of the difference between my biological mother/father/sister in the comparisons as to myself as my own individual. It should not take a head injury to figure out as to those particular factors as to such references as well in regards of the facts of such as to the colorations as it should not take a head injury to figure out I would not ever allow my son or my daughter to be a part of such aspects as to unless by their actual choice after their biological age as to above the age as to a minimum of 18 years old biologically as to the if factors as to other situations such as a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the frontal lobe of the brain, which would then extend such as to the above the age of 21 years old biologically as to the common sense aspects. It should not take a head injury to figure out as to the aspects of just because some people get involved by their choice as to the comparisons as to others in such references, as it should not taker a head injury to distinguish the difference. It also should not take a head injury to figure out if there is even the slightest bit of confusion. to simply just ask the one and only person to ask as to such references which in turn to such hypotheticals it should not take a head injury to simply have asked me as to such references thereof as to the comparisons as to assuming as it should not take a head injury to figure that out either.